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Dr. Fred C. Schwarz and The Christian Anti-Communism Crusade (Killing Commies for Christ the King)

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Christian Anti-Communist Crusade's NEWSLETTER by Dr. Fred C. Schwarz

November 1963















There is considerable agreement that the nature of Communism should be taught in the schools, but debate rages concerning how it should be taught. The two dominant schools of thought may be summarized:

1) Communism should be taught as an unmitigated evil.

2) Communism should be taught objectively with attention being paid to its good features as well as to its evil ones.

The partisans of the second schools of thought adorn themselves with the garments of academic righteousness and attack those who would teach Communism as a completely evil system as advocates of indoctrination, not education. They emphasize the necessity for strict objectivity and the absence of any element of emotionalism in the treatment of Communism. They are supremely confident that they are in the stream of American educational traditions, and have chosen the better course.

This assumption is false and represents academic infantilism rather than maturity. It is pedagogic nonsense. If applied generally to the educational processes, it would reduce it to a shambles. Education without basic indoctrination is impossible.

No system of education can be divorced from the society which educates. This society has accumulated experience and established philosophic and moral values. These values must be communicated to the student and not left to his personal discretion. It has been well said, "A fool learns by his own experience, a wise man by the experience of others."

There are many things in which a child is rightfully indoctrinated. A few examples taken at random are:

1) 2 + 2 = 4.

2) Cleanliness is desirable.

3) Cruelty is undesirable.

4) Human life should be preserved.

5) Laws should be obeyed.

It is true that philosophic arguments have raged concerning the validity of each of these assumptions but the resultant chaos in the community if such doctrines were not basically accepted can well be imagined.

Philosophy of Education

"All but the most superficial realize that education like any other complex organized unit must operate in a frame of reference. There must be a basic philosophy of education. Education is not merely the sum of the facts submitted. These facts have perspective as well as quantity and construct an essential unity. It was said of Socrates, "He saw things steadily and saw them whole."


Those who emphasize the necessity for objective teaching of Communism emphasizing its good features as well as its evil ones tend to ignore the important question of perspective. If any complex system is subdivided into its component parts, it is usually a mixture of good and evil. Let us assume that the toxin in snake venom constitutes 13 per cent of the whole. The remaining 87 per cent may be considered nutritional. Would it be advisable to educate children that being bitten by a snake would be 13 per cent bad and 87 per cent good? The fatal consequences of the 13 per cent might seem to dwarf the nutritional benefits of the 87 per cent to the pardonably biased victim.

The Nature of Communism

Communism is a unity with philosophic, organizational, political elements. Its philosophy denies God and bestializes man; its organization projects a small elite and ultimately one man into a position of enormous power; its political system imposes dictatorship which is exercised through monopoly and reduces the entire population to an aggregation of slaves. It we accept the basic premise that God created man to be free, Communism is a unity of evil. The features which could be classed beneficial if considered in isolation merely compound this evil.

I debated Ben Dobbs, Executive Director of the Communist Party in California, on a television program. Ben Dobbs said, "But what’s wrong with Communism? We Communist believe in full employment. What’s wrong with that? We believe in the end of war for all time. What’s wrong with that? We believe in universal peace and human brotherhood. What’s wrong with that?" Turning to me he asked, "Don’t you believe in these things, Dr. Schwarz?"

I replied, "That reminds me of the mackeral swimming by and observing an enticing piece of fish. It says to itself, ‘High protein content, what’s wrong with that? Delicious aroma, what’s wrong with that? Highly nutritious, it will build splendid fish tissue. What’s wrong with that? Just the right size. I can take it in one swift mouthful. What’s wrong with that?’ What’s wrong with it is the hook in it! And what’s wrong with what you just said, Mr. Dobbs, is the hook of Communist dictatorship through monopoly and its imposition of universal tyranny."

The bait attached to the hook may be beneficial in every way, but a hook adorned with such bait is to the fish a much more sinister unit of evil than the naked hook.

The alleged economic and moral benefits of Communism are simply the bait adorning the monstrous Communist dictatorial hook. Every proud boast of Communist achievement can be matched by conditions in a well-kept penitentiary. Most people would be unconvinced by the argument that imprisonment is desirable because the following statements are true:

1) Alcoholics become sober.

2) Economic security is universal.

3) Shelter is adequate for protection against tornadoes and hurricanes.

4) Medical and dental care are freely available.

5) Educational opportunities exist.

6) An environment of law and order prevails.

The universal passion for liberty would spurn these benefits and prefer the insecure environment where the individual can choose. Without freedom to choose, there is no freedom and no morality.

Communism is a monstrous hoax. It is a unity of bestiality and slavery. This central fact concerning Communist should be clearly taught, and education that ignores this is unworthy of its name.


The publication and translation of the book "Communism–Diagnosis and Treatment" was undertaken by a missionary couple, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Schiebe. Our sole contact was through correspondence until we recently had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Schiebe personally in the United States. They write:

"A Baptist Pastor Friend was given your book. He read it over and preached about it on his big radio broadcast. He has a program every other morning in Sao Paulo. Many, many people wrote in asking to receive the book and he is thrilled with the response. I am thankful that so many people are waking up before it is too late."


When our educational program against Communism is judged objectively, we usually receive high commendation. The pictorial booklet "If Communism Comes to Mexico" has been widely distributed in that country. It does not, of course, mention the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade. A copy of it reached the hands of the editor of the Tucson Daily Citizen and they published the following.

"Page 14, Tuesday Evening, Aug. 27, 1963

"The Hammer is Heavy and The Sickle Drips Blood

"It’s a little booklet printed in bright colors on pulp paper–the sort of thing called a "comic" book here in the United States.

"But its contents are not comic.

"On the cover, superimposed upon a map of Mexico, are the crossed hammer and sickle, emblem of communism. The hammer is heavy and black. The sickle drips red blood.

"‘Si El Communismo Llega a Mexico,’ reads the title.

"‘If Communism Comes to Mexico.’

"It’s a frightening little book, of just 12 pages, which depends as much on pictures as on its very brief Spanish text to tell the story of what a Communist takeover would mean to the people of Mexico.

"And that’s a grim story–a story of forced labor under the lash, of families separated by the state, of closed churches, of wholesale political executions–a story, in short, of the terror and tyranny without which Communist dictators cannot maintain themselves in power.

"It’s a down-to-earth booklet, aimed at the widest possible audience. Even those who cannot read would get from the pictures the concept that communism is evil.

"We don’t know who published the booklet (and an almost identical one which is aimed at all Latin America instead of just Mexico) or how many have been printed and distributed. Whoever it is deserves praise for the effort, and we hope he will spread them by the millions.

"We do not know of any organized right-of-center political movement in Mexico. Despite a good constitution, which is honored more in the breach than the observance, Mexico operates for all practical purposes under what amounts to a one-party system. The government, although not Communist, is certainly left-of-center. Many Communist groups and agitators are active in the country.

"Because of these circumstances–and because subversion is being exported from Red Cuba to all of Latin America–there is always some danger that Mexico could succumb to a Communist coup. That would be a true tragedy–not only for the Mexican people but also for the United States, which shares some 1500 miles of border with its neighbor to the south.

"Communist propagandists are active in Mexico. We hope that wide distribution of ‘Si El Comunismo Llega a Mexico’ will more than offset the harm they are doing."


While the political and economic situation in Brazil continues to deteriorate and the nation trembles at the brink of the Communist abyss, the program to educate the Brazilian people concerning Communism continues unabated. We now have the two books circulating in Portuguese:

1) You Can Trust the Communists (to be Communists)

2) Communism – Diagnosis and Treatment

Many thousands of these books are now in circulation and some idea of the results can be secured from the following letters:

This letter was written by Roland L. Day on August 3, 1962. It sparked the project to publish and distribute the Portuguese Edition of "You Can Trust the Communists (to be Communists)."

"I am an American, 27 years old, married to a Brazilian girl who attended college where I studied in Alabama, my home state. I have one sone and my occupation is construction, that of building houses and apartment buildings. I make my home in this town and an very satisfied to be a resident of Brazil.

"I’m writing to you for help. In this city of nearly 200,000 there does not exist any force, civil or otherwise, combating Communism. I need materials, instructional guidance and the backing of your organization to launch a down to earth drive that will be effective in educating local citizens as to what Communism is.

"To briefly explain the necessity, I should like to inform that this city has three universities, a law school, and engineering school and a dental school, all without exception are taught by leftist professors who really have no knowledge of Communism. The students of course are constantly striking and creating mobs as you can imagine. High living citizens also think Communism is out to bring about a new way of life for everybody. Now is the time for the candidates to make speeches in their efforts to get elected next October and, I regrettably report, it appears that the majority are leftists."

The changing situation is revealed by the following letter dated October 15, 1963.

"It was indeed stimulating to learn about the Portuguese translation of your "Communism – Diagnosis and Treatment" being presently available in Brazil. Your initiative serves as further proof that we are continuing to be supported by the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade. This fact is often reassuring since it is easy to despair in the midst of this world of ignorance in which we live down here.

"The Communist activities in Brazil are growing in number day to day. And it is needless to say that their growing power is attained by the simple application of tactics which have been utilized in every other Communist dominated nation. Translations of this type are imperatives for us. The effective distribution of these materials is a much more powerful weapon than tons of free food, speeches or any other method of combat. An example of the effectiveness of literature inthis area is the repercussion your ‘Voce Pede Confair Nos Communistas’ has brought about. I took measures to select persons who are known leftists. For example, students, school and university teachers, businessmen and many common laymen. I even sent one copy to David Masser, the famous Brazilian reporter, who is a tremendous Anti-Communist. I’m hopeful to stir-up a lot of propaganda with his assistance. Also Governor Carlos Laserda, the greatest Brazilian alive today, received a copy and many federal congressmen who are ‘useful innocents’. All in all I report from here excellent developments from this project.

"I request 1000 copies of the Portuguese translation ‘Communism – Diagnosis and Treatment’. Should its effects match those of ‘You Can Trust the Communists (to be Communists)’ then the Crusade will be well compensated for its efforts. So will I.

"Thank you again for your help and many blessings."

Here is another typical letter from a missionary priest:

"What good news to hear your book is in Portuguese. In fact, I just sent for 100 copies to use in our Junior College and High School, plus gift copies to our political ‘bosses’, etc.

"In fact, another Priest, Fr. Louis Gansale and I were talking about you the other day and agreed that yours is one of the best books on Communism. So again, keep up the good fight.

"Here in the interior of the country the Communists are beginning to reveal themselves. And it’s a very difficult job to alert or warn the people because they are almost completely indifferent. So any literature you care to send this way, I’d be glad to read and study it."

Good News

Periodically we receive news that gladdens the heart. In this category was the information that "Diario de Noticias" one of the outstanding newspapers of Rio de Janeiro and Brazil, wishes to serialize "You Can Trust the Communists (to be Communists)" in its Sunday edition.


During the past 18 months a ferocious campaign has been waged relentlessly to discredit and destroy the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade. There has been no limit to the dishonesty practices by the participants in this slanderous attack. It has been very difficult to discern the motives of some of those who have taken part. It is easy to understand the hostility of the Communists, but many of those who have joined in the attack on the Crusade have records of hostility to Communism rather than sympathy towards it. Their attitude has been puzzling in the extreme. Light has not been shed on this perplexing problem through the publication of a memorandum prepared by Walter and Victor Reuther of the United Auto Workers Union and submitted to the Justice Department on December 19, 1961.

This memorandum was first revealed in the book "The Far Right" by Donald Janson and Bernard Eismann. They write, "In the fall of 1961, Walter Reuther, President of the United Auto Workers’ Union, and a Vice President of the AFL-CIO, discussed the matter with Attorney General Robert Kennedy and promised to write a memorandum for him." Thus, the Reuther Memorandum was born. Judging from the events of the last eighteen months, it appears that this memorandum was instrumental in forming the official policy of the Administration towards the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade.

Lack of Definition of the Radical Right

No attempt is made to define the radical right. The Christian Anti-Communism Crusade is simply classified as an extremist radical right organization without a breath of evidence to support the assumption. The authors reveal great ignorance of the history, philosophy, and general activity of the Crusade. There is no hint given in the document that they are even aware of our world-wide, anti-Communist educational work. The memorandum states, "All of these radical right organizations have the same general line. The danger to American is domestic Communism. While their particular traitor will vary from Harry Hopkins to George Marshall; from President Truman to President Eisenhower; from Senator Fulbright to some labor leader; there is no question that anybody even slightly to the left of Senator Goldwater is suspect. They traffic in fear. Treason in high places is their slogan and slander is their weapon."

By classing the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade in this category, the Reuthers proved that they themselves are skilled in the techniques of slander. The Christian Anti-Communism Crusade has an intelligent, effective anti-Communist program in 21 countries extending from Japan to Mexico. Long before this memorandum was written, the Crusade had enabled an American-educated Indian, a Christian freedom-loving patriot, George Thomas, to establish a daily newspaper in Kerala, India, and to cooperate with other groups in the overthrow of a Communist state government. It had been active in the sugar and rice plantations of British Guiana teaching the workers there what they might expect from a Communist take over. These activities have led to consistent attacks on the Crusade in the Communist press of the entire world. On all this the Reuther brothers were silent, and I suspect their silence was due to their ignorance.

The memorandum ends with some practical suggestions. One of these is, "The flow of big money to the Radical Right should be dammed to the extent possible." The memorandum suggest that tax exemptions be carefully checked, that lists of major donors to the Far Right be made public and that the Federal Communication Commission investigate radio and television stations carrying "Far Right" propaganda.

If we assume that this recommendation became the policy of the Administration, we can easily account for many puzzling things. These include:

1) The attempt to destroy the financial support of the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade.

2) The slanders of Attorney General Mosk.

3) The slanders of Senator Stephen M. Young.

4) The difficulties experienced in purchasing television time in New York City.

5) The changed attitude of the United States Information Service towards the book "You Can Trust the Communists (to be Communists)"

The Attempt to Destroy the Financial Support of the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade

The Christian Anti-Communism Crusade secured tax-exempt status as an educational and a religious organization on September 18, 1956. This was granted after thorough examination of the work of the Crusade. The books have always been open and audited, and the audit was published. In the summer of 1962, auditors representing the Federal Government and the State of California investigated the books very thoroughly. We welcomed this investigation as we are proud of what we have been able to do in the battle against Communism all around the world with very limited funds. The auditors were able to check both the source of the funds and their expenditure. A cursory examination soon revealed that the assumption that the Crusade was financed by big business was quite incorrect. The chief source of finance comes from small gifts from scores of thousands of devoted individuals scattered across the country. Since much of our income is invested in freedom-loving national workers, the donations have proved a most fruitful investment for the cause of freedom. We welcomed both the State and Federal audits which revealed the high quality of this work.

A second attack has now commenced. If it can be shown that the Crusade is primarily political, tax deductible status can be withdrawn. This charge has been made by a number of sources but it is demonstrably false. Education concerning the philosophy, morality, organizational structure and techniques of Communism constitutes the dominant activity of the Crusade and no honest investigation can fail to substantiate this. Prejudice and hatred are strangers to honesty so we must expect that this charge will continue to be made.

The Slanders of the Attorney General Most of California

On February 5, 1963, Attorney General Stanley Mosk of California climaxed an attack on the Northern California School of Anti-Communism and the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade with a television speech filled with objective falsehood. This speech attached the label "Patriots for Profit" to Crusade workers and this has been repeated thousands of times around the world. Why would a man in a position of such trust and honor so degrade his office and besmirch his State of California? It appears part of the pattern.

The Slanderous Attack of Senator Stephen M. Young of Ohio

On August 7, 1962, Senator Stephen M. Young of Ohio delivered one of the most scurrilous speeches in the history of the United States Senate. It was an attack upon Dr. Fred Schwarz and the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade.

When I first read the speech of Senator Young, I could scarcely believe my eyes. It was a compilation of all the lowest and vilest lies gathered from polluted sources and released under the immunity of the United States Senate. I had never met Senator Young and found his vicious unprovoked attack extremely puzzling. When we see his speech as part of the coordinated campaign to destroy the Crusade, it begins to make sense.

Television in New York

When we were in New York City for the Greater New York School of Anti-Communism, we were shocked to discover that it was exceedingly difficult to buy television time. They were apologetic but appeared fearful. If we assume that the Federal Communication Commission had been directed to follow the recommendation of the Reuther memorandum and, "Check radio and television stations carrying ‘Far Right propaganda’", and when we consider the life and death power exercised by the F.C.C. the reluctance of friendly television stations can be understood. The mere hint of official displeasure can be devastating.

The Changed Attitude of the United States Information Service Towards the Book "You Can Trust the Communists (to be Communists)"

On August 26, 1962, I was the guest on the nationally televised program "Meet the Press". One of the panelists, James Wechsler of the New York Post, challenged me to produce any areas of cooperation between the Crusade and the Administration. I stated that the United States Information Service had arranged for the translation of the book "You Can Trust the Communists (to be Communists)" into Korean and suggested that the Crusade subsidize the publisher. At the conclusion of the program the news media contacted the United States Information Agency to check the accuracy of my claim. The USIS confirmed it and stated, "The book by Dr. Schwarz . . . is regarded by the USIS as ‘an extremely clear exposition of the Communist threat’." This was the report of Director Herb McGushin, published in the New York Post, August 27, 1962. The New York Post responded with an editorial attacking the USIS for subsidizing the Far Right. During this interchange the U.S. Information Agency revealed that it had also arranged for the translation and publication of the book in Burmese.


An American citizen stationed in Brazil was alarmed at the presence of Communist propaganda and the absence of Anti-Communist literature. He contact both the Crusade and the United States Information Agency in Brazil with the suggestion that the book "You Can Trust the Communists (to be Communists)" be made available in Portuguese. Negotiations followed in which the United States Information Agency office in Brazil acted as the middle man. They put the Crusade in touch with the publisher and negotiated arrangements for a Crusade subsidy that would enable the book to be published cheaply.

The project to distribute the book to every university student in Brazil was conceived. A fund-raising banquet to secure funds for this purpose was planned for the Hollywood Palladium in Los Angeles for the evening of June 10. In the publicity promoting this banquet it was stated that the United States Information Service had cooperated in the project of publishing the book. Certain newsmen contact the United States Information Agency and reported that they denied such cooperation. In the light of the active role they had played, this denial was incomprehensible. On the day of the banquet the above letter was received.

Letter From the Information Agency

"June 7, 1963

Dear Dr. Schwarz,

This Agency has recently received copies of a brochure announcing your fund raising banquet to be held this Monday, June 10. The brochure is headed "Anti-Communist Literature for Latin America Banquet."

While it is true that this Agency did facilitate your publication efforts in a few countries, it is not at all true as stated in your brochure that your project has the active cooperation and support of this Agency.

We therefore strongly object to the use of the name of this Agency in furthering your fund rasing efforts.

There are other anti-communist volumes this Agency is in fact actively supporting in Latin America through our book translations and publication program. These include:

J. Edgar Hoover: A STUDY OF COMMUNISM (Spanish)

Harry and Bonaro Overstreet: WHAT WE MUST KNOW ABOUT COMMUNISM (Spanish)

Igor Gouzenko: FALL OF A TITAN (Portuguese)

Leland Stowe: CONQUEST BY TERROR (Spanish and Portuguese)

In addition this Agency has recently received Congressional support for a substantially stepped up book program in Latin America. As part of that program we are currently arranging the translation and publication in Spanish and Portuguese of the following volumes:



Kaznacheev: INSIDE A SOVIET EMBASSY (1962)

Kulski: PEACEFUL CO-EXISTENCE: An analysis of Soviet Foreign Policy (1959)

Monahan and Gilmore: THE GREAT DECEPTION: The Inside Story of How the Kremlin Took over Cuba (1963)

In light of the above facts, we would greatly appreciate your refraining from the use of the name of this Agency or its officers in any manner indicating endorsement or support of your book or organization and its fund raising activities.

Very truly yours,

Stanley Plesent

General Cousel"

To this letter I made the following reply:

Dear Mr. Plesent:

I read your letter of June 7, with elation, confusion, and consternation.

My elation is due to the information that the United States Information Agency is translating and publishing in Spanish and Portuguese the excellent books your letter named.

My confusion is because I cannot see the relevance of this delightful information to the point at issue. I stated that the United States Information Agency cooperated actively in the project to publish the book, YOU CAN TRUST THE COMMUNISTS (to be Communists), in Portuguese, in Brazil. I contend that any unbiased person would agree that contacting a publisher and initiating negotiations constitutes active cooperation.

My consternation is due to the bizarre possibility that the United States Information Agency may be opposed to the distribution to the university students of Brazil of a book which they classified as "an extremely clear explanation of the Communist threat."

The cooperation of the United States information Agency was reported to disperse the prevalent delusion that the educational programs on Communism conducted by the Crusade are contrary to the policies and activities of the United States Government.

I cannot speak for the present and future policies of the United States Information Service. However, their past actions and statements are a matter of record, and I know of no reason why I should conceal the truth. If there is a reason of which I am unaware, I would be glad to be informed of it so that I may adjust my future conduct. I will be visiting Washington, D.C. in the near future and hope I may meet with representatives of the United States Information Service.

Yours very sincerely,

Fred Schwarz


Anti-Communist Literature for Latin America Project


An interesting postscript is that two weeks later we received a copy of the Burmese translation of "You Can Trust the Communists (to be Communists)" from the USIA. They had made all arrangements for translation and publication and had financed the entire project.

Until I read the Reuther memorandum, the change in attitude was difficult to understand.

The Attorney General

In retrospect it is ammusing to contemplate the sincere efforts we made to secure the Attorney General as a speaker at the Madison Square Garden Anti-Communism Rally in New York City.

While this attempt is being made to destroy the Anti-Communism Crusade, Communism continues to make great gains throughout the world. The situation has never been more dangerous than it is at present. It is ludicrous to spend enormous sums of money fighting Communism all around the world and to ignore the dedicated representatives of this scourge within the United States. The agents of a totalitarian tyranny, that has conquered and enslaved one billion people and is working overtime to conquer the rest of the world, must be regarded seriously whatever opinion the Reuther brothers may have.

The Crusade will publish the Reuther Memorandum and will supply copies on request.


During the present phase of the Communist Plan of conquest, Communism is assuming garments of moderation and peace. The nature of the system must never be forgotten and we publish this statement by the Supreme Executive Council of the Association for the Liberation of Ukraine.

The Dastardly Crime of the Russian Colonialists in Ukraine

Thirty years ago the Russian Communist horde, with the aid of its lackeys in Ukraine, slaughtered not less than seven million men, women and children by arranging the greatest man-made famine the world has ever known.

This monstrous famine was arranged as a reprisal against the people of Ukraine, aspecially the peasants, for their stubborn resistance to the colonial policies of Moscow, particularly the collectivization of agriculture. Moscow gave orders to strip the entire territory of Ukraine of all visible grain, other foodstuffs and livestock. In order to complete such mass robbery, Moscow mobilized all available Communist riff-raff in Ukraine and Russia proper and set it upon the defenseless villages of Ukraine in order to do the job within the shortest time possible. The entire territory of Ukraine was quarantined from the rest of the empire and no one was allowed to enter the Russia proper, where there was an abundance of food. The Ukrainians were faced with slow, agonizing death from starvation and millions of Ukrainians perished as a result. This hideous crime of the Russian colonialists surpassed all other crimes committed by them against the Ukrainian people.

The winter and spring of 1933 found Ukraine covered with a mass of emaciated corpses. They were loaded on the hatracks and hauled away to be dumped into large pits. Entries of deaths were made in the registries attributing them to "natural causes". The Russians took every precaution to prevent the news of the famine from reaching the outside world with the result that no help whatsoever came from the international Red Cross, and there was no public outcry against this heinous crime of the Russian colonialists, not even a fraction of the outcry that took place against the Russian use of a dog in the spacecraft experiment.


The present "liberal" premier of the Russian colonial empire, Khan Khrushchov, was then the boss of the colonial government in Ukraine, in charge of executing this monstrous famine. The blood of those who perished is on his hands.

The Ukrainians, living outside of the Iron Curtain, are commemorating the 30th anniversary of this man-made calamity by offering prayers and requiem masses for the millions of the deceased brethren and pladging to do everything in their power to bring about the disintegration of this last and the most abominable of the colonial powers. They are being assisted by the good neighbours of the free world who are beginning to understand that the Russian Communism is a dangerous social evil and are willing to join forces to help in smashing of this empire and thus give the Ukrainians and other enslaved peoples to become free and independent nations.




Association for the Liberation of Ukraine Supreme Executive Council


British Guiana continues to be the No. 1 target of Communism in this hemisphere. Press discussion of the current crisis in British Guiana is now quite common. Many of the articles present clearly the danger to Guiana itself, but I am astonished that the strategic location of British Guiana and its common borders with Venezuala and Brazil are receiving so little attention. We seem to understand the strategic significance of South Vietnam as the doorway to Southeast Asia and the consequent necessity for sacrifice to prevent its falling into Communist hands but the comparable relationship of British Guiana to South America is largely ignored. This is indeed strange.

An excellent article on British Guiana has been published by Rowland Evans and Robert Novak. Portions of this are reprinted:

Communist Pattern–Jagan is changing Guiana

"Georgetown, British Guiana – Without waiting for Britain to bestow full independence, Marxist Prime Minister Cheddi Jagan is trying to transform British Guiana into the first Communist salient on the South American continent.

"The pattern is familiar. Jagan concentrates on the strategic nerve centers – police, schools, mass communications, labor unions, commerce. Now that an anti-Jagan general strike has been broken, activists fresh from training in Havana and Moscow are infiltrating every aspect of Guianese life.

"What makes this rather remarkable is that Guiana, after all, is still a British colony. It ought to be reassuring to see the ubiquitous protraits of Queen Elizabeth II and the remnants of Kiplingesque Englishmen who strike a nostalgic note in their pith helmets.

"The British Tommies form an elite regiment resplendent in green jackets. Besides, the newspapers openly attack Jagan. ‘Jagan resign now’ slogans are painted on sidewalks. How could this be called a potential Communist strong hold?

"The answer: Jagan is biding his time. Overt strongarm tactics could provoke a repetition of 1953, when Jagan frightened London so badly that it dispatched an army to resume temporary colonial rule.

"Ten years later, an older and wiser Jagan is moving discreetly until independence day. For the present, a major objective of the PPP (People’s Progressive Party) is destruction of the free trade union movement so there cannot be another general strike. New Jagan-controlled union, in fact, are having some success in capturing sugar workers and civil servants from old-line, anti-Communist unions. Their success, however, is due far less to silver-tongued organizers than to Jagan’s goon squads roaming the British-owned sugar estates.

"There have been cases of beatings, home-burnings, and destruction of worker-owned rice plantings. Jagan is helped no end by his domination of the country’s two British-owned radio stations. No opposition politician can buy a minute’s worth of radio time – but the airways are Jagan’s for the asking. Some air time has been sold to anti-Jagan labor unions, but the programs are heavily censored.

"Or consider infiltration of the schools. An anti-Communist educator no longer has a future here. Congeniality with Communism has replaced academic qualifications as the criterion for teaching faculties, particularly the faculty of the new University of Guiana, where four American leftwingers have been imported to teach.

"Although it’s only a trickle now, Communist-bloc farm machinery and consumer goods brought in by the PPP’s own trading organization are worrying even British businessmen generally complacent about Communism.

"Just last week, for example, a trading contract was signed with East Germany.

"More ominous is the insidious infiltration of the police. Although still headed by a British commissioner, the newest recruits are Jaganists, including some bully-boys straight from the PPP youth corps. All this, plus the apparent British disinclination to do anything about it, is driving away the very Guianese who spearhead the resistance to Jagan – the intellectuals, senior civil servants and small businessmen.

"In keeping with the dynamic of Communist takeovers, there is no Communist mass movement worthy of the name in this tortured land. Jagan is blindly supported by Guiana’s dominant East Indian population – as a fellow Indian, not as a Communist. He has capitalized on racial rivalry, East Indian vs. Negro, to give Communism a foothold. In truth, all that restrains Jagan is the vestigial British sovereignty.

"Until the British lion exists, Jagan cannot have his own army to crush the opposition. And yet Britain is determined to clear out of this impoverished little country with its mixed population of 600,000. This frantic desire to give up the white mans’ burden requires fuller discussion in another column."

If we are unable to prevent a Communist takeover of British Guiana, we are unlikely to be able to expel the Communists once they are fully in power. In a very real sense our ability to understand this crisis and to meet it successfully may determine whether Communism will prevail in this hemisphere.


For some undisclosed reason, the national magazine "Newsweek" continues its campaign of libel against the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade. In their edition of October 7, 1963, referring to the overthrow of Juan D. Bosch in the Dominican Republic, Newsweek reports, "Even before his election, he was denounced as a ‘Marxist-Leninist,’ and afterward rightist agitators, including members of the California-based Christian Anti-Communist Crusade, tried to stir up more trouble. Their charges were picked up by some U.S. newsmen."

This statement is completely false: The Crusade has supported no workers in the Dominican Republic. We have distributed no literature there, and we have had no speakers on the subject of the Dominican Republic. I sent the following letter to the editor of Newsweek magazine and received the familiar experience of having it ignored. The big question is "Why?"

"The Editor


Newsweek Building

New York 22, New York


Your edition of October 7, adds another false statement to the many your magazine has already published concerning the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade. No rightist agitators are spokesmen for the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade, and this organization has never tried to stir up trouble for President Juan D. Bosch of the Dominican Republic, nor have we denounced him as a Marxist-Leninist.

Yours very sincerely,

Fred Schwarz"


San Francisco: On November 19, in the Fairmont Hotel, a KEEP LATIN AMERICA FREE $50-per-plate, fund-raising banquet will be held at 7:00 p.m. This will provide many business and professional friends with an opportunity to contribute. Please inform us of the names of any who may be interested in attending or contributing.

Los Angeles: On December 3, in the Shrine Auditorium, a SAVE SOUTH AMERICA FROM COMMUNISM mass rally will be held. We have invited a Senator from British Guiana to address this rally as we seek to awaken the conscience of a slumbering America to the enormous danger to the south.

Washington, D.C. Anti-Communism School: This is now planned for the winter of 1964. We are endeavoring to recruit:

1) Sponsoring Committee

2) Faculty

3) Student Body

4) Financial supporters

With adequate preparation this can be an event unique in American history.

Indianapolis School of Anti-Communism: We anticipate that the Central Indianapolis School of Anti-Communism to be held in Indianapolis from October 28, to November 1, will be the best held in a long time. We believe we will penetrate the wall of prejudice, slander, and fear that has been erected in the effort to contain us. We are truly grateful for superb sponsorship and magnificent workers for the school.


The university doors remain open everywhere and during the past few weeks I have spoken to the following colleges and universities: Boston College, Tufts University, Indiana Central College, Butler University, Stanford University, California State College, University of Wisconsin, University of Southern California and the University of Toronto.

The student population is characterized by intelligence and idealism and they must be recruited for freedom. The Communist enemy concentrates on recruiting students for their cause.


The work in India continues to grow and it requires constant support.


The film "The Taste of Victory" is now available. It shows the part played by the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade in the support of the Indian Christian leader and publisher, George Thomas, Ph.D. and the means by which the Communist Government of Kerala was overthrown. The film is in color, splendidly produced, and is narrated by our Director of Missions, James Colbert.

The methods used to combat Communism in Kerala are described in this film, and these can be used successfully to meet the Communist threat all over the world. This film may be secured by writing to our office.


The Crusade is controversial in the minds of many. This is a matter for pride, not shame. Our Lord was most controversial during His lifetime and His human life ended when He was crucified between thieves. His disciples were renowned as those who turned the world upside down. If we follow Christ, we must expect the storm of controversy to swirl. If we are effective in exposing the true nature of Communism, it is axiomatic that we will be slandered and attacked. True Christians understand this and always seek to discover the truth and spurn insinuation and libel. The number of the supporters of the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade grows constantly. The days ahead will be full of attack, misrepresentation, and calumny, but we rejoice in the peace of mind that comes with the knowledge that we speak the truth in love and the serenity that accompanies the consciousness of the presence and the power of God.

With Christian Love,

Fred Schwarz

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Christian Anti-Communist Crusade's NEWSLETTER by Dr. Fred C. Schwarz

November 1963




The film "The Taste of Victory" is now available. It shows the part played by the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade in the support of the Indian Christian leader and publisher, George Thomas, Ph.D. and the means by which the Communist Government of Kerala was overthrown. The film is in color, splendidly produced, and is narrated by our Director of Missions, James Colbert.

The methods used to combat Communism in Kerala are described in this film, and these can be used successfully to meet the Communist threat all over the world. This film may be secured by writing to our office.


The Crusade is controversial in the minds of many. This is a matter for pride, not shame. Our Lord was most controversial during His lifetime and His human life ended when He was crucified between thieves. His disciples were renowned as those who turned the world upside down. If we follow Christ, we must expect the storm of controversy to swirl. If we are effective in exposing the true nature of Communism, it is axiomatic that we will be slandered and attacked. True Christians understand this and always seek to discover the truth and spurn insinuation and libel. The number of the supporters of the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade grows constantly. The days ahead will be full of attack, misrepresentation, and calumny, but we rejoice in the peace of mind that comes with the knowledge that we speak the truth in love and the serenity that accompanies the consciousness of the presence and the power of God.

With Christian Love,

Fred Schwarz

This is exactly the same crap I heard in a Jesuit College. These people are really scary. It was legendary. "You people have a mission in this world. And that mission is to kill commies for Christ!"

Kathy C

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During the past 18 months a ferocious campaign has been waged relentlessly to discredit and destroy the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade. There has been no limit to the dishonesty practices by the participants in this slanderous attack. It has been very difficult to discern the motives of some of those who have taken part. It is easy to understand the hostility of the Communists, but many of those who have joined in the attack on the Crusade have records of hostility to Communism rather than sympathy towards it. Their attitude has been puzzling in the extreme. Light has not been shed on this perplexing problem through the publication of a memorandum prepared by Walter and Victor Reuther of the United Auto Workers Union and submitted to the Justice Department on December 19, 1961.

This memorandum was first revealed in the book "The Far Right" by Donald Janson and Bernard Eismann. They write, "In the fall of 1961, Walter Reuther, President of the United Auto Workers’ Union, and a Vice President of the AFL-CIO, discussed the matter with Attorney General Robert Kennedy and promised to write a memorandum for him." Thus, the Reuther Memorandum was born. Judging from the events of the last eighteen months, it appears that this memorandum was instrumental in forming the official policy of the Administration towards the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade.

Lack of Definition of the Radical Right

No attempt is made to define the radical right. The Christian Anti-Communism Crusade is simply classified as an extremist radical right organization without a breath of evidence to support the assumption. The authors reveal great ignorance of the history, philosophy, and general activity of the Crusade. There is no hint given in the document that they are even aware of our world-wide, anti-Communist educational work. The memorandum states, "All of these radical right organizations have the same general line. The danger to American is domestic Communism. While their particular traitor will vary from Harry Hopkins to George Marshall; from President Truman to President Eisenhower; from Senator Fulbright to some labor leader; there is no question that anybody even slightly to the left of Senator Goldwater is suspect. They traffic in fear. Treason in high places is their slogan and slander is their weapon."

By classing the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade in this category, the Reuthers proved that they themselves are skilled in the techniques of slander. The Christian Anti-Communism Crusade has an intelligent, effective anti-Communist program in 21 countries extending from Japan to Mexico. Long before this memorandum was written, the Crusade had enabled an American-educated Indian, a Christian freedom-loving patriot, George Thomas, to establish a daily newspaper in Kerala, India, and to cooperate with other groups in the overthrow of a Communist state government. It had been active in the sugar and rice plantations of British Guiana teaching the workers there what they might expect from a Communist take over. These activities have led to consistent attacks on the Crusade in the Communist press of the entire world. On all this the Reuther brothers were silent, and I suspect their silence was due to their ignorance.

The memorandum ends with some practical suggestions. One of these is, "The flow of big money to the Radical Right should be dammed to the extent possible." The memorandum suggest that tax exemptions be carefully checked, that lists of major donors to the Far Right be made public and that the Federal Communication Commission investigate radio and television stations carrying "Far Right" propaganda.

If we assume that this recommendation became the policy of the Administration, we can easily account for many puzzling things. These include:

1) The attempt to destroy the financial support of the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade.

2) The slanders of Attorney General Mosk.

3) The slanders of Senator Stephen M. Young.

4) The difficulties experienced in purchasing television time in New York City.

5) The changed attitude of the United States Information Service towards the book "You Can Trust the Communists (to be Communists)"

The Attempt to Destroy the Financial Support of the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade

The Christian Anti-Communism Crusade secured tax-exempt status as an educational and a religious organization on September 18, 1956. This was granted after thorough examination of the work of the Crusade. The books have always been open and audited, and the audit was published. In the summer of 1962, auditors representing the Federal Government and the State of California investigated the books very thoroughly. We welcomed this investigation as we are proud of what we have been able to do in the battle against Communism all around the world with very limited funds. The auditors were able to check both the source of the funds and their expenditure. A cursory examination soon revealed that the assumption that the Crusade was financed by big business was quite incorrect. The chief source of finance comes from small gifts from scores of thousands of devoted individuals scattered across the country. Since much of our income is invested in freedom-loving national workers, the donations have proved a most fruitful investment for the cause of freedom. We welcomed both the State and Federal audits which revealed the high quality of this work.

A second attack has now commenced. If it can be shown that the Crusade is primarily political, tax deductible status can be withdrawn. This charge has been made by a number of sources but it is demonstrably false. Education concerning the philosophy, morality, organizational structure and techniques of Communism constitutes the dominant activity of the Crusade and no honest investigation can fail to substantiate this. Prejudice and hatred are strangers to honesty so we must expect that this charge will continue to be made.

The Slanders of the Attorney General Most of California

On February 5, 1963, Attorney General Stanley Mosk of California climaxed an attack on the Northern California School of Anti-Communism and the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade with a television speech filled with objective falsehood. This speech attached the label "Patriots for Profit" to Crusade workers and this has been repeated thousands of times around the world. Why would a man in a position of such trust and honor so degrade his office and besmirch his State of California? It appears part of the pattern.

The Slanderous Attack of Senator Stephen M. Young of Ohio

On August 7, 1962, Senator Stephen M. Young of Ohio delivered one of the most scurrilous speeches in the history of the United States Senate. It was an attack upon Dr. Fred Schwarz and the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade.

When I first read the speech of Senator Young, I could scarcely believe my eyes. It was a compilation of all the lowest and vilest lies gathered from polluted sources and released under the immunity of the United States Senate. I had never met Senator Young and found his vicious unprovoked attack extremely puzzling. When we see his speech as part of the coordinated campaign to destroy the Crusade, it begins to make sense.

Television in New York

When we were in New York City for the Greater New York School of Anti-Communism, we were shocked to discover that it was exceedingly difficult to buy television time. They were apologetic but appeared fearful. If we assume that the Federal Communication Commission had been directed to follow the recommendation of the Reuther memorandum and, "Check radio and television stations carrying ‘Far Right propaganda’", and when we consider the life and death power exercised by the F.C.C. the reluctance of friendly television stations can be understood. The mere hint of official displeasure can be devastating.

The Changed Attitude of the United States Information Service Towards the Book "You Can Trust the Communists (to be Communists)"

On August 26, 1962, I was the guest on the nationally televised program "Meet the Press". One of the panelists, James Wechsler of the New York Post, challenged me to produce any areas of cooperation between the Crusade and the Administration. I stated that the United States Information Service had arranged for the translation of the book "You Can Trust the Communists (to be Communists)" into Korean and suggested that the Crusade subsidize the publisher. At the conclusion of the program the news media contacted the United States Information Agency to check the accuracy of my claim. The USIS confirmed it and stated, "The book by Dr. Schwarz . . . is regarded by the USIS as ‘an extremely clear exposition of the Communist threat’." This was the report of Director Herb McGushin, published in the New York Post, August 27, 1962. The New York Post responded with an editorial attacking the USIS for subsidizing the Far Right. During this interchange the U.S. Information Agency revealed that it had also arranged for the translation and publication of the book in Burmese.

I discovered this Newsletter dated November, 1963 but only distributed in December, 1963 as far as I can determine. I was really

searching for the full text of the (Victor and Walter) Reuther Memorandum, sometimes referred to by the radical right as:

"The Ruthless Memorandum"

It is almost as if Dr. Fred Schwarz, a typical "anti-Communist pseudo-Patriot for profit" and an Australian rabble rouser knew that

JFK was going to be killed during November, 1963. Schwarz's close associate Eric D. Butler from the World Anti-Communist

League and the Australian League of Rights, among other organizations, actually visited the U.S. starting in mid-January of 1964 and toured southern Canada with Rev. Gerald L K Smith for a period approaching 2-3 months. Both Butler and Smith were positively

identified as being present on this Canadian tour without specific mention of The Winnipeg Airport Incident also known as The Richard Giesbrecht Incident by none other than Dr. Revilo P. Oliver in a speech recorded on his website. http://www.revilo-oliver.com I think

is the site. Oliver was cited by Richard Condon in the Manchurian Candidate indirectly only using an anagram unfortunately. Since

Oliver was a civilian cryptographer during World War II, Condon chose this encrypted anagram and cryptographic method to identify those persons whom he believed were behind the 1958 plot to kill Senator Kennedy which was written about in The Third Decade by Dr. Jerry Rose from Fredonia State

I think that Schwarz was essentially dancing his little victory dance over both JFK, RFK and the Reuther brothers who were both Jewish and staunch Union leaders for UAW and the AFL-CIO. He was really telling the world that the "Ruthless Brothers" were now

powerless without JFK and RFK to help carry out their memorandum and their plan of action against both the Far Right and specifically against the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade run by Schwarz and Company. Until this week I was unaware that the

reason Schwarz and Eric Butler were so anti-Kennedy was not only because of his pro-Union stances and what they determined was a "soft stance" against the Commies, but specifically because Senator Young, the Reuthers and even the FCC had launched a campaign to silence them forever and bankrupt them in the process. It took the Far Right almost 18 months from the date of the "Ruthless Memorandum" to finalize their plans, but it eventually happened.

There was another memorandum, done by a Democratic Senator from Montana or the Dakotas, (I will have to research his name)

which essentially proposed the same type of counter-attack against The John Birch Society, the Liberty Lobby, the Congress of Freedom and the rest of the Radical Right which JFK had heartily endorsed as well as I recall. This memo came out in the late 1962 or early 1963 timeframe.

People who worked for the Reuthers, like Wilbur Baldinger and his associates, Wes McCuen from Group Research, in Washington, DC, had been attempting to penetrate or investigate the far right for several years. Baldinger's archives show that he had been tracking the right since about 1950 in fact. Now we discover from James Richards, that Baldinger was hot on the trail of none other than Alex Rorke and those in the Anti-Communist Liaison, Committee of Correspondence, who had a Research Report on their activities published in the early 1960's as well which I had in my hands

at one time. This included Billy James ("BJ") Hargis, Charles Willoughby, Alex Rorke and Edward Hunter the author of "Brainwashing" as well and a few others like Sarah McClendon the former White House Reporter from Texas, who successfully counter-penetrated C.O.P.A. in the early 1990's in order to find out how close we were getting to the solution of the entire JFK mystery. She and an

associate of hers, a friend of Steve Hagen or Steve Hager from HighTimes Magazine directed her to me as the author of several previous articles on Charles Willoughby. She tried to grill me over lunch at a JFK Conference in Washington, DC to find out more about my knowledge of Willoughby, but since I did not really know who she was at the time, I only cited what had been published already by both Dick Russell, Mae Brussel, Bill Turner, David Emory and myself.

Sarah was VERY INTERESTED and VERY CONCERNED about this line of research to say the least. And now I know why. There is no doubt in my mind, NONE WHATSOEVER, that Major General Charles A. Willoughby and his former senior officer General of the Armies, Douglas Arthur MacArthur were 2 of the lynchpins in the entire JFK murder plot.

There were 3-4 major factions which came together to eliminate JFK and to reduce his powerful friends to useless puppets without

a puppet master.

Here I have at least partially delineated the reasons why both the Religious Right and the Military Right wanted JFK eliminated.

The Manufacturing and Industrial Right, opposed every aspect of JFK's favoritism for labor unions and especially for currying favor from the Jewish Reuther brothers and other labor leaders like Jimmy Hoffa in exchange for promising block votes for his Presidential campaigns. They all feared further loss of properties and businesses to communist insurgents both here and abroad.

The Publishing and Broadcasting Right used their power in the press, on TV and Radio in as pamphleteers to mount opposition

against JFK, and they succeeded very well in that campaign.

The so-called "Banana Dictatorship" Farming and Agricultural Right from the likes of United Fruit, The Boston Fruit Company

and even Dole among others hated JFK for not doing enough to recover lost properties in Latin America, Central America and the Caribbean Islands. (most recently the Sugar Cane, Banana and Pineapple properties of United Fruit in Cuba taken by Castro)

The Oil and Petroleum Right feared the same things as well but that has already been well documented.

The Intelligence Right was also opposed to JFK and his willingness to follow a Dean Rusk and Dean Acheson approach to

communist containment: Berlin Walls, Iron Curtains, No-fly Zones, 48th Parallels with barbed wire fences, and the Straits

of Cuba. The Democrats wanted to draw Lines in the Sand and the Republican Far Right wanted Blood in the Sand. And

the Republican Right won out. They got their blood, they killed their Commies but only after JFK was dead and gone.

I lived these events personally and knew people who took both sides of each and every part of these conflicts. And I was

subjected to anti-communist pamphleteers, and lectures from Irish missionaries, right in my Catholic elementary school courtesy of the good Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. They had been scared to death about what the Communists had actually

or allegedly done to priests, nuns, Bishops, Cardinals, Catholic Churches and Catholic Schools around the world and they asked

us to join them in the fight against Communism. While they did not ask us to take up guns and kill them, the message was clear.

Godless Communists had no souls, they were not Catholic and had no right to heaven, so by implication a dead Commie would go straight to Hell. The message was pretty clear. We had anti-Communist pamphlets with the ugly mug of J. Edgar Hoover on them left on our desks to be discussed when we came back from recess. We literally had the pants scared off our little butts. We had

not only fire drills but air raid drills once a month. First we were told to practice huddling under our little desks as if that would save

our butts. Then we were told to move all the desks over to the blackboard away from the windows as if that would somehow help.

And finally after several months of pussy footing around we would all be marched down into the deep and dark recesses of the

basement of our building every single month just to practice. And if you think that was not scary for a bunch of 8 or 9 year olds you are very wrong. Very wrong.

And that's the way it was. Tuesday, October 27th, at 3:00 pm. ....and You Are There. As Walter Cronkite used to say.

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Who was that Senator from the Northwest who also filed a memorandum in the 1962-1963 era recommending to go after

the Far Right and bring them to a crashing halt? Why it was Senator Gale McGhee from Wyoming now that I did my research.

Turns out that he was the Senator who urged his fellow delegates to put JFK over the top during the 1960 Democratic

Convention joining Walter Reuther as unabashedly outspoken proponents of all things Kennedy for the next several years.

Senator Gale McGhee almost got the job that my uncle Charles Yost received, that of US Ambassador to the United Nations.

And he was US Representative to the Organization of American States as well. Just a good old fashioned liberal negotiation

specialist who believed in everything JFK stood for and for nothing represented by the Radical Reich Wing of Republican Politics.

1960 Democratic Convention

From Harper's Magazine[8]:

"With Kennedy only eleven votes short of the nomination, Ted Kennedy approached the Wyoming delegation, where Kennedy was known to have eight and a half solid votes, Johnson had six, and one-half vote remained loyal to Adlai Stevenson. Suddenly one of Wyoming's leaders broke away from a frantic huddle with Ted Kennedy, hopped on a chair, and held up four fingers to the delegates. "Give me four votes!" he begged. "We can put him over the top! Please give me four votes!" Hastily the Wyoming delegates decided to write themselves a footnote to history. Chairman Roncalio proudly spoke of the honor that was his as Wyoming cast all fifteen of its votes for John F. Kennedy."

"In the roar greeting the announcement, I kept my eyes on the man who had begged for four votes. He was jumping up and down, slapping a beaming Ted Kennedy on the back, apparently beside himself with joy. I recognized him as our old friend Senator Gale McGee."

[edit] Second Senate term

In 1964 McGee was re-elected to the Senate. In his second term he was appointed to the Foreign Relations Committee and became chairman of the Post Office and Civil Service Committee. During this period Gale McGee supported President Lyndon B. Johnson's views on the conflict in Vietnam. Johnson strongly considered appointing Senator McGee to be Ambassador to the UN after the resignation of Arthur Goldberg.[9]

He believed in the policy of containing communism, and his pro-military views were accented by his firm support for foreign aid. McGee often took a liberal position on domestic issues and an internationalist stand on foreign affairs.

[edit] Third Senate term

In 1970 he was elected to a third term in the Senate and continued to be a leading member of the committees on which he served. McGee was a voice of moderation in the affairs of the Watergate scandal and the impeachment proceedings of President Richard Nixon. Against the wishes of his constituents, McGee fought hard for gas rationing and the 55-mile per hour speed limit in the era of the first Arab oil embargoes.

In his 1976 bid for a fourth term, McGee was easily defeated by Republican challenger Malcolm Wallop. The margin of defeat was almost ten percentage points.

[edit] Accomplishments

Among the major laws he has authored include an amendment that prevented a Nationwide rail strike in 1963, the act that created the National Commission on Food Marketing, and the Postal Reorganization Act of 1970. As chair of the Post Office and Civil Service Committee, McGee’s efforts led to greater equity in pay and benefits for those federal workers. McGee also specialized in problems of appropriations and foreign relations while serving on subcommittees and lobbied for legislation to allow voter registration by mail.

McGee was also the author of The Responsibilities of World Power, published in 1968. The work warned against isolationism and urged the United States to accept its power and position imposed upon it in the aftermath of World War II. McGee further argued that the U.S. had a responsibility to be a Pacific power, to act as a counterweight to China, and to support free nations in their efforts to remain nonaligned or western allies but not to fall into the communist fold. The work was nominated for a Woodrow Wilson Foundation award.

A long-time supporter of the United Nations, McGee was appointed by President Richard Nixon to a four-member congressional delegation to represent the United States at the United Nation’s 27th General Assembly in 1972.

So Gale McGhee filed this 100+ page document recommended a full broadside against the Radical Reich about the same

time that the Reuther brothers were doing the same thing in Washington, DC. And in fact they both ended up sealing JFK's

fate, as the Radical Reich gained momentum and steam while they hatched their plans to remove JFK from the face of the


So what did JFK's killers have in common? (Cover your ears and close your eyes if you are the least bit squeamish.)

#1 They were first and foremost anti-Semites a/k/a "Jew Haters" So the Reuther Brothers were high on their hit list too

#2 They were against any Civil Rights advances a/k/a "Nigra Haters" and they were first and foremost "Eugenicists" to the core

#3 They were against anything Communistic or collectivist like Unions a/k/a "Commie-Haters" and "Strike-Busters"

#4 They were for the most part also very opposed to anything involved with "Catholicism", "Papism" or the "Mackeral Snappers" which is what they called Catholics who ate fish on fridays.

#5 They were for the most part "pure blooded Mayflower Descendants" who hated any immigrants who joined unions and took away their profits plus they hated the "mud-races" who could not trace back their heritage through 10 generations back to England.

#6 Many of them were tea-toataling non-drinkers who looked down on anyone who chased after loose women, gambled or

otherwise had low morals. And JFK's father was a rum runner by trade.

And in fact they saw JFK as a "Jew-Lover" who favored Civil Rights "Nigra-Lover", a Democrat who was pro-Union and a "Com-Symp" or a Communist Sympathizer and not only was he a "Mackeral Snapper" and a "Papist" but he was an uppity Irish low class recent immigrant to boot. Plus he chased women, drank like a fish and was an the son of a rum runner. And that did not even make him a good Catholic, let alone a good Christian. Five strikes and you are OUT!

As Rev. Gerald L K Smith said it best perhaps:

"The Kennedy brothers are nothing but whisky-swigging, whore mongering, fake Catholics who want to take this country away

from the God-loving, White Christian Patriots and hand it over on a silver platter to the Nigras, the Kikes, the Wops and the Spics."


And when you add up those 5 listed characteristics, what kind of a person do you get? A bunch of Nazis, Nazi-symps and neo-Nazis like Rev GLK Smith, Ron Gostick, Pat Walsh, Eric Butler, Fred Schwarz, Charles Willoughby, Bonner Fellers, Wesley A. Swift, Albert C. Wedemeyer, Willis Carto, Wickliffe Draper, Sen. James Eastland, Barry Goldwater, John Tower, Leander Perez, Mitch Werbell, Edwin A. Walker, Robert Morris, Anastase Vonsiatsky, William F. Buckley, Yaroslaw Stetsko, and many others who all agreed that JFK had to go.

Who else is xenophobic and hates everyone including Jews, blacks, union organizers, immigrants, Communists and Communism, the mud races, homosexuals, epileptics, the mentally retarded and everyone and everything except those damn Nazis? Who? Tell me! Who represents the epitome of hatred, xenophobia and aggression against their enemies? Who? The Fascists, the Nazis and the neo-Nazis. End of story. Good night. Sleep tight.

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"You people have a mission in this world. And that mission is to kill commies for Christ!"


I attended a Jesuit College, and the requirements were probably similar to yours: 12 hrs Theology and at least that in Philosophy. All of my theology classes were taught by Jesuits(except one, taught by a Rabbi), and the majority of the Philosophy classes had Jesuit professors. Just to be fair, I have to say this:

I never heard anything like this at any time from anyone.

The Other Kathy

Kathy, this statement was legendary. In the late '60's not only did the Jesuits try frantically to keep women out of the college, but there was a demonstration against the Viet Nam war and the ones who were against it got beaten up by the "Hawk" students. I'm told the Jesuits just looked the other way as these kids went at it.

It was time for class and this one priest was absolutely irate about the protest. He wrote something on the blackboard and said to the students, "You people have a mission in this world." Pounding the blackboard he said, "And that mission is to kill commies for Christ!"

3 different people who went to the school at the time told me the same story. During my time, a priest said to my class, "The Jesuits should be running this school and the clergy, the country." [What happened to separation of Church and State?] "If the Jesuits were running this school certain people wouldn't be in this school [women]. I don't think we should have a lay person teaching Philosophy in a Jesuit school." And on and on. They were militant.

Kathy C

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"You people have a mission in this world. And that mission is to kill commies for Christ!"


I attended a Jesuit College, and the requirements were probably similar to yours: 12 hrs Theology and at least that in Philosophy. All of my theology classes were taught by Jesuits(except one, taught by a Rabbi), and the majority of the Philosophy classes had Jesuit professors. Just to be fair, I have to say this:

I never heard anything like this at any time from anyone.

The Other Kathy

Kathy, this statement was legendary. In the late '60's not only did the Jesuits try frantically to keep women out of the college, but there was a demonstration against the Viet Nam war and the ones who were against it got beaten up by the "Hawk" students. I'm told the Jesuits just looked the other way as these kids went at it.

It was time for class and this one priest was absolutely irate about the protest. He wrote something on the blackboard and said to the students, "You people have a mission in this world." Pounding the blackboard he said, "And that mission is to kill commies for Christ!"

3 different people who went to the school at the time told me the same story. During my time, a priest said to my class, "The Jesuits should be running this school and the clergy, the country." [What happened to separation of Church and State?] "If the Jesuits were running this school certain people wouldn't be in this school [women]. I don't think we should have a lay person teaching Philosophy in a Jesuit school." And on and on. They were militant.

Kathy C

I don't think the Jesuits are in such lock step missions together.

While I had 16 years of Catholic education at St. Joe's, Camden Catholic and Dayton, the only Jesuit teacher I had at CCHS started the first political science class in a New Jersey high school (circa 1967) and I was one of his students.

It was a very difficult class, with much reading of the classics, with the entire grade dependent on each student writing a constitution for an imaginary country.

He smoked and drank and swore and made each of his students a better person, and taught me more about politics than anyone since.

And before branding all catholics fascists, I'd take a look at those priests and bishops who have been assassinated in South and Central America.

And what was the difference between the Jesuits and the order of seminarians that Oswald addressed in a speech about his experiences in the USSR, a talk that gave everyone the impression that he was a college graduate?


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"You people have a mission in this world. And that mission is to kill commies for Christ!"


I attended a Jesuit College, and the requirements were probably similar to yours: 12 hrs Theology and at least that in Philosophy. All of my theology classes were taught by Jesuits(except one, taught by a Rabbi), and the majority of the Philosophy classes had Jesuit professors. Just to be fair, I have to say this:

I never heard anything like this at any time from anyone.

The Other Kathy

Kathy, this statement was legendary. In the late '60's not only did the Jesuits try frantically to keep women out of the college, but there was a demonstration against the Viet Nam war and the ones who were against it got beaten up by the "Hawk" students. I'm told the Jesuits just looked the other way as these kids went at it.

It was time for class and this one priest was absolutely irate about the protest. He wrote something on the blackboard and said to the students, "You people have a mission in this world." Pounding the blackboard he said, "And that mission is to kill commies for Christ!"

3 different people who went to the school at the time told me the same story. During my time, a priest said to my class, "The Jesuits should be running this school and the clergy, the country." [What happened to separation of Church and State?] "If the Jesuits were running this school certain people wouldn't be in this school [women]. I don't think we should have a lay person teaching Philosophy in a Jesuit school." And on and on. They were militant.

Kathy C

I don't think the Jesuits are in such lock step missions together.

While I had 16 years of Catholic education at St. Joe's, Camden Catholic and Dayton, the only Jesuit teacher I had at CCHS started the first political science class in a New Jersey high school (circa 1967) and I was one of his students.

It was a very difficult class, with much reading of the classics, with the entire grade dependent on each student writing a constitution for an imaginary country.

He smoked and drank and swore and made each of his students a better person, and taught me more about politics than anyone since.

And before branding all catholics fascists, I'd take a look at those priests and bishops who have been assassinated in South and Central America.

And what was the difference between the Jesuits and the order of seminarians that Oswald addressed in a speech about his experiences in the USSR, a talk that gave everyone the impression that he was a college graduate?


So you're an apologist for the Catholic Church. What did you think when you heard of all the molestations of little boys by so many priests? Are people forgetting this like they're forgetting 9/11 or the OJ Simpson acquittal? None of the Popes did anything about it; including sending money to defend these priests. And the Bishops moved these priests around and said not a word about it. My personal opinion is all religions are fake and man-made. The Scientologists are also evil.

I wonder if now that the Pope has invited the Episcopalians and Anglican Churches to operate under the Roman Catholic aegis, are we getting closer to the New World Order?

Kathy C

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"You people have a mission in this world. And that mission is to kill commies for Christ!"


I attended a Jesuit College, and the requirements were probably similar to yours: 12 hrs Theology and at least that in Philosophy. All of my theology classes were taught by Jesuits(except one, taught by a Rabbi), and the majority of the Philosophy classes had Jesuit professors. Just to be fair, I have to say this:

I never heard anything like this at any time from anyone.

The Other Kathy

Kathy, this statement was legendary. In the late '60's not only did the Jesuits try frantically to keep women out of the college, but there was a demonstration against the Viet Nam war and the ones who were against it got beaten up by the "Hawk" students. I'm told the Jesuits just looked the other way as these kids went at it.

It was time for class and this one priest was absolutely irate about the protest. He wrote something on the blackboard and said to the students, "You people have a mission in this world." Pounding the blackboard he said, "And that mission is to kill commies for Christ!"

3 different people who went to the school at the time told me the same story. During my time, a priest said to my class, "The Jesuits should be running this school and the clergy, the country." [What happened to separation of Church and State?] "If the Jesuits were running this school certain people wouldn't be in this school [women]. I don't think we should have a lay person teaching Philosophy in a Jesuit school." And on and on. They were militant.

Kathy C

I don't think the Jesuits are in such lock step missions together.

While I had 16 years of Catholic education at St. Joe's, Camden Catholic and Dayton, the only Jesuit teacher I had at CCHS started the first political science class in a New Jersey high school (circa 1967) and I was one of his students.

It was a very difficult class, with much reading of the classics, with the entire grade dependent on each student writing a constitution for an imaginary country.

He smoked and drank and swore and made each of his students a better person, and taught me more about politics than anyone since.

And before branding all catholics fascists, I'd take a look at those priests and bishops who have been assassinated in South and Central America.

And what was the difference between the Jesuits and the order of seminarians that Oswald addressed in a speech about his experiences in the USSR, a talk that gave everyone the impression that he was a college graduate?


So you're an apologist for the Catholic Church.

BK: Hey, don't be so quick to judge.

What did you think when you heard of all the molestations of little boys by so many priests?

BK: I knew some of the priests. They got what they deserved, kicked out of the church, jail and whatever else the criminal justice system gave them.

Are people forgetting this like they're forgetting 9/11 or the OJ Simpson acquittal? None of the Popes did anything about it; including sending money to defend these priests. And the Bishops moved these priests around and said not a word about it. My personal opinion is all religions are fake and man-made. The Scientologists are also evil.

BK: So then we can discuss the associations of the Catholic Church and the JFK Assassionation without calling all Catholics pedophilic Nazis?

I wonder if now that the Pope has invited the Episcopalians and Anglican Churches to operate under the Roman Catholic aegis, are we getting closer to the New World Order?

BK: I wonder why it was his seminarian cousin asked Oswald to give his talk about life in USSR, how his other cousin got hooked up with Harold Issacs while on her world tour, what the Catholic Aid Relief did with the money the CIA gave it, and what Syliva Odio told Father McChann about Oswald's visit before the assassination, and what was McChann's relationship to John Martino, and why SS agent Kelly and McChann concocked a scheme to get her to tell them who the others with Oswald really were, and why did Father McChann suddenly leave Dallas after the assassination and hold up in a seminary in New Orleans, and what was the Catholic Church's association with the MDC, and did the CIA use the Catholic Church in Cuba as an intelligence network after Castro took power?

But then nobody will ever try to answer these questions when they can just blame right-wing extremists, Jesuits and the Pedophelic Nazi Church for everything.

Kathy C

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Guest John Gillespie

BK: I wonder why it was his seminarian cousin asked Oswald to give his talk about life in USSR, how his other cousin got hooked up with Harold Issacs while on her world tour, what the Catholic Aid Relief did with the money the CIA gave it, and what Syliva Odio told Father McChann about Oswald's visit before the assassination, and what was McChann's relationship to John Martino, and why SS agent Kelly and McChann concocked a scheme to get her to tell them who the others with Oswald really were, and why did Father McChann suddenly leave Dallas after the assassination and hold up in a seminary in New Orleans, and what was the Catholic Church's association with the MDC, and did the CIA use the Catholic Church in Cuba as an intelligence network after Castro took power?

But then nobody will ever try to answer these questions when they can just blame right-wing extremists, Jesuits and the Pedophelic Nazi Church for everything.

Right on, BK. Hey, Kathy C., congratulations on becoming the thing you hate. You're merely the other side of the same coin.


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Who was that Senator from the Northwest who also filed a memorandum in the 1962-1963 era recommending to go after

the Far Right and bring them to a crashing halt? Why it was Senator Gale McGhee from Wyoming now that I did my research.

Turns out that he was the Senator who urged his fellow delegates to put JFK over the top during the 1960 Democratic

Convention joining Walter Reuther as unabashedly outspoken proponents of all things Kennedy for the next several years.

Senator Gale McGhee almost got the job that my uncle Charles Yost received, that of US Ambassador to the United Nations.

And he was US Representative to the Organization of American States as well. Just a good old fashioned liberal negotiation

specialist who believed in everything JFK stood for and for nothing represented by the Radical Reich Wing of Republican Politics.

1960 Democratic Convention

From Harper's Magazine[8]:

"With Kennedy only eleven votes short of the nomination, Ted Kennedy approached the Wyoming delegation, where Kennedy was known to have eight and a half solid votes, Johnson had six, and one-half vote remained loyal to Adlai Stevenson. Suddenly one of Wyoming's leaders broke away from a frantic huddle with Ted Kennedy, hopped on a chair, and held up four fingers to the delegates. "Give me four votes!" he begged. "We can put him over the top! Please give me four votes!" Hastily the Wyoming delegates decided to write themselves a footnote to history. Chairman Roncalio proudly spoke of the honor that was his as Wyoming cast all fifteen of its votes for John F. Kennedy."

"In the roar greeting the announcement, I kept my eyes on the man who had begged for four votes. He was jumping up and down, slapping a beaming Ted Kennedy on the back, apparently beside himself with joy. I recognized him as our old friend Senator Gale McGee."

[edit] Second Senate term

In 1964 McGee was re-elected to the Senate. In his second term he was appointed to the Foreign Relations Committee and became chairman of the Post Office and Civil Service Committee. During this period Gale McGee supported President Lyndon B. Johnson's views on the conflict in Vietnam. Johnson strongly considered appointing Senator McGee to be Ambassador to the UN after the resignation of Arthur Goldberg.[9]

He believed in the policy of containing communism, and his pro-military views were accented by his firm support for foreign aid. McGee often took a liberal position on domestic issues and an internationalist stand on foreign affairs.

[edit] Third Senate term

In 1970 he was elected to a third term in the Senate and continued to be a leading member of the committees on which he served. McGee was a voice of moderation in the affairs of the Watergate scandal and the impeachment proceedings of President Richard Nixon. Against the wishes of his constituents, McGee fought hard for gas rationing and the 55-mile per hour speed limit in the era of the first Arab oil embargoes.

In his 1976 bid for a fourth term, McGee was easily defeated by Republican challenger Malcolm Wallop. The margin of defeat was almost ten percentage points.

[edit] Accomplishments

Among the major laws he has authored include an amendment that prevented a Nationwide rail strike in 1963, the act that created the National Commission on Food Marketing, and the Postal Reorganization Act of 1970. As chair of the Post Office and Civil Service Committee, McGee’s efforts led to greater equity in pay and benefits for those federal workers. McGee also specialized in problems of appropriations and foreign relations while serving on subcommittees and lobbied for legislation to allow voter registration by mail.

McGee was also the author of The Responsibilities of World Power, published in 1968. The work warned against isolationism and urged the United States to accept its power and position imposed upon it in the aftermath of World War II. McGee further argued that the U.S. had a responsibility to be a Pacific power, to act as a counterweight to China, and to support free nations in their efforts to remain nonaligned or western allies but not to fall into the communist fold. The work was nominated for a Woodrow Wilson Foundation award.

A long-time supporter of the United Nations, McGee was appointed by President Richard Nixon to a four-member congressional delegation to represent the United States at the United Nation’s 27th General Assembly in 1972.

So Gale McGhee filed this 100+ page document recommended a full broadside against the Radical Reich about the same

time that the Reuther brothers were doing the same thing in Washington, DC. And in fact they both ended up sealing JFK's

fate, as the Radical Reich gained momentum and steam while they hatched their plans to remove JFK from the face of the


So what did JFK's killers have in common? (Cover your ears and close your eyes if you are the least bit squeamish.)

#1 They were first and foremost anti-Semites a/k/a "Jew Haters" So the Reuther Brothers were high on their hit list too

#2 They were against any Civil Rights advances a/k/a "Nigra Haters" and they were first and foremost "Eugenicists" to the core

#3 They were against anything Communistic or collectivist like Unions a/k/a "Commie-Haters" and "Strike-Busters"

#4 They were for the most part also very opposed to anything involved with "Catholicism", "Papism" or the "Mackeral Snappers" which is what they called Catholics who ate fish on fridays.

#5 They were for the most part "pure blooded Mayflower Descendants" who hated any immigrants who joined unions and took away their profits plus they hated the "mud-races" who could not trace back their heritage through 10 generations back to England.

#6 Many of them were tea-toataling non-drinkers who looked down on anyone who chased after loose women, gambled or

otherwise had low morals. And JFK's father was a rum runner by trade.

And in fact they saw JFK as a "Jew-Lover" who favored Civil Rights "Nigra-Lover", a Democrat who was pro-Union and a "Com-Symp" or a Communist Sympathizer and not only was he a "Mackeral Snapper" and a "Papist" but he was an uppity Irish low class recent immigrant to boot. Plus he chased women, drank like a fish and was an the son of a rum runner. And that did not even make him a good Catholic, let alone a good Christian. Five strikes and you are OUT!

As Rev. Gerald L K Smith said it best perhaps:

"The Kennedy brothers are nothing but whisky-swigging, whore mongering, fake Catholics who want to take this country away

from the God-loving, White Christian Patriots and hand it over on a silver platter to the Nigras, the Kikes, the Wops and the Spics."


And when you add up those 5 listed characteristics, what kind of a person do you get? A bunch of Nazis, Nazi-symps and neo-Nazis like Rev GLK Smith, Ron Gostick, Pat Walsh, Eric Butler, Fred Schwarz, Charles Willoughby, Bonner Fellers, Wesley A. Swift, Albert C. Wedemeyer, Willis Carto, Wickliffe Draper, Sen. James Eastland, Barry Goldwater, John Tower, Leander Perez, Mitch Werbell, Edwin A. Walker, Robert Morris, Anastase Vonsiatsky, William F. Buckley, Yaroslaw Stetsko, and many others who all agreed that JFK had to go.

Who else is xenophobic and hates everyone including Jews, blacks, union organizers, immigrants, Communists and Communism, the mud races, homosexuals, epileptics, the mentally retarded and everyone and everything except those damn Nazis? Who? Tell me! Who represents the epitome of hatred, xenophobia and aggression against their enemies? Who? The Fascists, the Nazis and the neo-Nazis. End of story. Good night. Sleep tight.

Wow. This is very enlightening. You really explained that time well. But one thing surprised me. OK, the father was a rum runner, but I didn't know President Kennedy drank! I never heard this before. Especially that he drank like a fish. I know about the medications he took. He was on sterioids and amphetamines, I read. I don't think you mix alcohol with these drugs. Supposedly Mary Pinchot Meyer smoked dope with him and gave him an LSD trip. I find that hard to believe too. Are you sure about the drinking?

Kathy C

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BK: I wonder why it was his seminarian cousin asked Oswald to give his talk about life in USSR, how his other cousin got hooked up with Harold Issacs while on her world tour, what the Catholic Aid Relief did with the money the CIA gave it, and what Syliva Odio told Father McChann about Oswald's visit before the assassination, and what was McChann's relationship to John Martino, and why SS agent Kelly and McChann concocked a scheme to get her to tell them who the others with Oswald really were, and why did Father McChann suddenly leave Dallas after the assassination and hold up in a seminary in New Orleans, and what was the Catholic Church's association with the MDC, and did the CIA use the Catholic Church in Cuba as an intelligence network after Castro took power?

But then nobody will ever try to answer these questions when they can just blame right-wing extremists, Jesuits and the Pedophelic Nazi Church for everything.

Right on, BK. Hey, Kathy C., congratulations on becoming the thing you hate. You're merely the other side of the same coin.


I don't know you. You don't know me. I despise religions because of their brainwashing. So tell the molested men that they're on the other side of the coin because they sued the Catholic Church and every piece of garbage that came falling out as a result -- all the molestations -- or rapes -- why not use the word rape? Women hating, war mongers... How Cardinal Spellman loved the Assassination of Kennedy and years later Cardinal Cook died from AIDS. These people I'm supposed to respect? I don't.

Kathy C

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Who was that Senator from the Northwest who also filed a memorandum in the 1962-1963 era recommending to go after

the Far Right and bring them to a crashing halt? Why it was Senator Gale McGhee from Wyoming now that I did my research.

Turns out that he was the Senator who urged his fellow delegates to put JFK over the top during the 1960 Democratic

Convention joining Walter Reuther as unabashedly outspoken proponents of all things Kennedy for the next several years.

Senator Gale McGhee almost got the job that my uncle Charles Yost received, that of US Ambassador to the United Nations.

And he was US Representative to the Organization of American States as well. Just a good old fashioned liberal negotiation

specialist who believed in everything JFK stood for and for nothing represented by the Radical Reich Wing of Republican Politics.

1960 Democratic Convention

From Harper's Magazine[8]:

"With Kennedy only eleven votes short of the nomination, Ted Kennedy approached the Wyoming delegation, where Kennedy was known to have eight and a half solid votes, Johnson had six, and one-half vote remained loyal to Adlai Stevenson. Suddenly one of Wyoming's leaders broke away from a frantic huddle with Ted Kennedy, hopped on a chair, and held up four fingers to the delegates. "Give me four votes!" he begged. "We can put him over the top! Please give me four votes!" Hastily the Wyoming delegates decided to write themselves a footnote to history. Chairman Roncalio proudly spoke of the honor that was his as Wyoming cast all fifteen of its votes for John F. Kennedy."

"In the roar greeting the announcement, I kept my eyes on the man who had begged for four votes. He was jumping up and down, slapping a beaming Ted Kennedy on the back, apparently beside himself with joy. I recognized him as our old friend Senator Gale McGee."

[edit] Second Senate term

In 1964 McGee was re-elected to the Senate. In his second term he was appointed to the Foreign Relations Committee and became chairman of the Post Office and Civil Service Committee. During this period Gale McGee supported President Lyndon B. Johnson's views on the conflict in Vietnam. Johnson strongly considered appointing Senator McGee to be Ambassador to the UN after the resignation of Arthur Goldberg.[9]

He believed in the policy of containing communism, and his pro-military views were accented by his firm support for foreign aid. McGee often took a liberal position on domestic issues and an internationalist stand on foreign affairs.

[edit] Third Senate term

In 1970 he was elected to a third term in the Senate and continued to be a leading member of the committees on which he served. McGee was a voice of moderation in the affairs of the Watergate scandal and the impeachment proceedings of President Richard Nixon. Against the wishes of his constituents, McGee fought hard for gas rationing and the 55-mile per hour speed limit in the era of the first Arab oil embargoes.

In his 1976 bid for a fourth term, McGee was easily defeated by Republican challenger Malcolm Wallop. The margin of defeat was almost ten percentage points.

[edit] Accomplishments

Among the major laws he has authored include an amendment that prevented a Nationwide rail strike in 1963, the act that created the National Commission on Food Marketing, and the Postal Reorganization Act of 1970. As chair of the Post Office and Civil Service Committee, McGee’s efforts led to greater equity in pay and benefits for those federal workers. McGee also specialized in problems of appropriations and foreign relations while serving on subcommittees and lobbied for legislation to allow voter registration by mail.

McGee was also the author of The Responsibilities of World Power, published in 1968. The work warned against isolationism and urged the United States to accept its power and position imposed upon it in the aftermath of World War II. McGee further argued that the U.S. had a responsibility to be a Pacific power, to act as a counterweight to China, and to support free nations in their efforts to remain nonaligned or western allies but not to fall into the communist fold. The work was nominated for a Woodrow Wilson Foundation award.

A long-time supporter of the United Nations, McGee was appointed by President Richard Nixon to a four-member congressional delegation to represent the United States at the United Nation’s 27th General Assembly in 1972.

So Gale McGhee filed this 100+ page document recommended a full broadside against the Radical Reich about the same

time that the Reuther brothers were doing the same thing in Washington, DC. And in fact they both ended up sealing JFK's

fate, as the Radical Reich gained momentum and steam while they hatched their plans to remove JFK from the face of the


So what did JFK's killers have in common? (Cover your ears and close your eyes if you are the least bit squeamish.)

#1 They were first and foremost anti-Semites a/k/a "Jew Haters" So the Reuther Brothers were high on their hit list too

#2 They were against any Civil Rights advances a/k/a "Nigra Haters" and they were first and foremost "Eugenicists" to the core

#3 They were against anything Communistic or collectivist like Unions a/k/a "Commie-Haters" and "Strike-Busters"

#4 They were for the most part also very opposed to anything involved with "Catholicism", "Papism" or the "Mackeral Snappers" which is what they called Catholics who ate fish on fridays.

#5 They were for the most part "pure blooded Mayflower Descendants" who hated any immigrants who joined unions and took away their profits plus they hated the "mud-races" who could not trace back their heritage through 10 generations back to England.

#6 Many of them were tea-toataling non-drinkers who looked down on anyone who chased after loose women, gambled or

otherwise had low morals. And JFK's father was a rum runner by trade.

And in fact they saw JFK as a "Jew-Lover" who favored Civil Rights "Nigra-Lover", a Democrat who was pro-Union and a "Com-Symp" or a Communist Sympathizer and not only was he a "Mackeral Snapper" and a "Papist" but he was an uppity Irish low class recent immigrant to boot. Plus he chased women, drank like a fish and was an the son of a rum runner. And that did not even make him a good Catholic, let alone a good Christian. Five strikes and you are OUT!

As Rev. Gerald L K Smith said it best perhaps:

"The Kennedy brothers are nothing but whisky-swigging, whore mongering, fake Catholics who want to take this country away

from the God-loving, White Christian Patriots and hand it over on a silver platter to the Nigras, the Kikes, the Wops and the Spics."


And when you add up those 5 listed characteristics, what kind of a person do you get? A bunch of Nazis, Nazi-symps and neo-Nazis like Rev GLK Smith, Ron Gostick, Pat Walsh, Eric Butler, Fred Schwarz, Charles Willoughby, Bonner Fellers, Wesley A. Swift, Albert C. Wedemeyer, Willis Carto, Wickliffe Draper, Sen. James Eastland, Barry Goldwater, John Tower, Leander Perez, Mitch Werbell, Edwin A. Walker, Robert Morris, Anastase Vonsiatsky, William F. Buckley, Yaroslaw Stetsko, and many others who all agreed that JFK had to go.

Who else is xenophobic and hates everyone including Jews, blacks, union organizers, immigrants, Communists and Communism, the mud races, homosexuals, epileptics, the mentally retarded and everyone and everything except those damn Nazis? Who? Tell me! Who represents the epitome of hatred, xenophobia and aggression against their enemies? Who? The Fascists, the Nazis and the neo-Nazis. End of story. Good night. Sleep tight.

Wow. This is very enlightening. You really explained that time well. But one thing surprised me. OK, the father was a rum runner, but I didn't know President Kennedy drank! I never heard this before. Especially that he drank like a fish. I know about the medications he took. He was on sterioids and amphetamines, I read. I don't think you mix alcohol with these drugs. Supposedly Mary Pinchot Meyer smoked dope with him and gave him an LSD trip. I find that hard to believe too. Are you sure about the drinking?

Kathy C

My source on this is none other than GLK Smith who insists that the Kennedy brothers were not only "whore-mongering" but "whiskey-swigging" fake Catholics.

Who am I to question him?

I have seen photos of JFK on both Newport harbor and Hyannisport boat trips with a short, well iced, Scotch and soda in his had as well. Not that this is going to change

much of anything but he was at a bare minimum, a heavy social drinker. But to good old GLK, that qualified him as a "whiskey swigger". Did you know who

originated that nasty rumor about JFK's previous marriage with someone named Blausvelt, I think it was? Why mah old buddy GLK Smith, hisself.

And do you know that 2 of my suspects: GLK Smith and Wickliffe Draper came into unexpectedly large sums of money after they participated in the JFK hit?

1) GLK Smith built "Christ of the Ozarks" starting in the Summer of 1964 which cost him well over $1,000,000 when he had only $5,000 to his name as of 12/31/1963

according to his biographer, Jeanne Glennsonne.

2) Wickliffe Draper who sold The Draper Company to Rockwell Standard for almost $100,000,000

Funny how no one else who has come up with a suspects list can cite ONE EXAMPLE of a gigantic financial largesse being dumped into the laps of any of their "suspects".

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Talking about denial... how can anyone ignore the common threads involved with these 4 well documented cases of overheard conversations? Your

assignment, class, is to tie together all 4 incidents described herein with the events you know from the JFK Assassination into one cohesive entity consisting of

all the perps behind the murder of JFK. Should not be that hard.

Eavesdropping - A Means of Evaluating the Empirical Evidence about the JFK Case

There were at least a half-dozen well documented cases of accidently overheard conversations which shed some light on the identitities of the perpetrators of the JFK murder.

Here are some of them:

1) Joseph A. Milteer a member of Senator J. Strom Thurmond's National States Rights Party (NSRP) and the Ku Klux Klan plus the several other Dixiecrat right wing organizations was tape recorded by Willie Somersett an undercover agent for the Miami Police Department's Intelligence Division describing in intimate detail not only how JFK was going to be killed but gloating after the fact about how accurate he was in his prognostications. This conversation occurred while both attended a conference held by The Congress of Freedom where the assassination of hundreds of left wing activists was being openly discussed. The Congress of Freedom was started by Robert LeFevre and Willis A. Carto who both worked with Edwin A. Walker later at Noontide Press. Also attending the conference was Dr. Revilo P. Oliver who later accidently confirmed the names of the persons on the speaking tour in southern Canada

where Richard Giesbrecht overheard the conversation in 1964 about the JFK assassination: including Ron A. Gostick, Patrick J. Walsh (who was Carto's Canadian correspondent for The Liberty Lobby), Eric D. Butler who was the constant traveling companion of Rev. Gerald L. K. Smith from mid-January until late March of 1964. Gostick, Walsh and Butler were well known neo-Nazis worldwide and GLK Smith was a member of the pro-Nazi Silver Shirts during World War II, run by William Dudley Pelley who was convicted for violations of the Espionage Act of 1917 in 1943 just like Anastase Vonsiatsky had been in 1942 at The Great Hartford Trial. Walker had many contacts with the Deutsch National Zeitung Newspaper which interviewed him after the JFK assassination including Nazis like Gerhard Frey and Theodor Oberlander who also attended meetings of The World Anti-Communist League during its most Nazi dominated periods.

2) Emilio Nunez Portuondo - Editor for The Foreign Intelligence Digest of Maj. Gen. Charles A. Willoughby was accidently overheard by a long-distance operator discussing the JFK assassination. Portuondo attended meetings of The World Anti-Communist League as a member of Alpha 66 which often sent delegates to WACL conferences. Edwin A. Walker and Yaroslaw Stetsko were both frequent contributors to The Foreign Intelligence Digest and were also involved with other incidents implicating them in the JFK Assassination. Jack Ruby mentioned Edwin A. Walker by name in Warren Commission Testimony as a leader in the Dallas John Birch Society as a person who was involved with the JFK assassination and Stetsko worked closely with Anastase Vonsiatsky who was himself overheard discussing the JFK assassination in Canada. Also a member of the Dallas John Birch Society were Maj. Gen. Charles A. Willoughby and Robert J. Morris. Born in Germany as Adolph Tscheppe Weidenbach, Charles Willoughby was called: "My Little Fascist" by his commanding officer General of the Armies, Douglas Arthur MacArthur. Willoughby was identifed by one of Dick Russell's anonymous informants as heading up the entire plot to murder John F. Kennedy with the full approval of Douglas A. MacArthur.

3) A group of anti-Castro Cuban exiles were overheard discussing a pending motorcade to Dallas from Miami (in Spanish) on November 18, 1963 Subjects discussed included Rubio (which is Spanish for Ruby), and persons named Alex (Alek's), (LHO was also known as Alek), Pedro (Peter), Laurence as in Laurence Eugene Hall perhaps, The Havana Bar, Marita, as in Marita Lorenz who also described a similar motorcade to Dallas in her book on the JFK Assassination. This house was leased to a leader of The 30th of November Movement by Bernard Barker's Keyes Realty. At one time or another Frank Sturgis, E. Howard Hunt and Jack Ruby were all seen in the front yard of that house during the

early 1960's. E. Howard Hunt later admitted during a deathbed confession that he had participated in the planning and execution of the JFK assassination in a backup role. And Frank Sturgis implicated himself in the JFK plot by attempting to intimidate 2 witnesses who had personal knowledge about his role in the entire JFK plot.

4) Rev. Gerald L K Smith, Anastase Vonsiatsky, Ronald Gostick and Eric D. Butler were overheard in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada discussing the JFK assassination on February 13, 1964 by a Canadian businessman named Richard E. Giesbrecht. Both Gostick and Butler were members of the World Anti-Communist League through either NARWACL, the North American Regional World Anti-Commuist League or the Australian League of Rights which was run by Eric D. Butler from Australia. Vonsiatsky worked with Yaroslaw Stetsko, a Ukrainian Nazi who participated in pogroms against Ukrainian Jews, while wearing a Nazi uniform, in Lvov, Ukraine in 1942 and actually started the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations on 11/22/1943. JFK was killed on the 20th anniversay of the founding of ABN. Also appearing

at several ABN conferences was admitted Bulgarian Fascist and pro-Nazi Prof. Spas T. Raikin who conveniently managed to meet the Oswalds in Hoboken, NJ when they disembarked from the S.S. Maasdam on their way back from Europe via Rotterdam, Holland after a side trip to West Berlin by LHO. Vonsiatsky used to dress in full Nazi regalia in the late 1930's while attending football games at Brown University after driving from his home in Putnam, CT down Route 44 called the Providence-Hartford Turnpike. Vonsiatsky's classmates at Brown included both E. Howard Hunt and George Lincoln Rockwell, who later started The American Nazi Party, both became fascinated with Nazism and Vonsiatsky during that timeframe at Brown.

The other thing that many of these people have in common? They were included in the historical novel, The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon and they have confidential files which were collected by either Wes McCuen or Wilbur Baldinger for Group Research, Inc. in Washington, DC, between 1950 and perhaps 1970. Group Research, Inc. was a private intelligence gathering organization and dossier collection agency funded by the Ruther brothers through UAW.

Group Research began by just following anti-Union activists and Collective Bargaining foes but later widened its focus to include the other common threads shared by their anti-Labor opposition which included anti-Immigrationism, anti-Semitism, anti-Communism, opposition to Civil Rights advances and

Civil Rights legislation and most of all, The pseudo-science of Eugenics, in particular the brand

practiced by Wickliffe Preston Draper of Hopedale, Massachusetts and his Pioneer Fund.

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Here is a discussion of the so-called Senator Gale McGee (D-Wyoming) Memorandum (1962 or 1963) mostly about the John Birch Society:


This memorandum along with the Reuther Memorandum will one day be recognized as an ill-fated venture for JFK and the Democrats.

Realistically speaking it only confirmed what the Birchers and the members of Buckley's YAF feared the most: Big Brother and the One World Order

conspiring against them to ruin them financially, politically and in the eyes of their faithful followers.

Within a year of the publication of this McGee memorandum, JFK was dead.

"Hey, hey, JFK how many Birchers shot you down today?"

Was this a line from a Bob Dylan song or from whose song was it if not his?

The counter-offensive launched by The Birchers and YAF'ers right after the Reuther Memorandum was described by Dr. Fred Schwarz and others in previous postings.

When Senator McGee published his memo, JFK's fate was sealed.

And that's the way it was...

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Here is a discussion of the so-called Senator Gale McGee (D-Wyoming) Memorandum (1962 or 1963) mostly about the John Birch Society:


This memorandum along with the Reuther Memorandum will one day be recognized as an ill-fated venture for JFK and the Democrats.

Realistically speaking it only confirmed what the Birchers and the members of Buckley's YAF feared the most: Big Brother and the One World Order

conspiring against them to ruin them financially, politically and in the eyes of their faithful followers.

Within a year of the publication of this McGee memorandum, JFK was dead.

"Hey, hey, JFK how many Birchers shot you down today?"

Was this a line from a Bob Dylan song or from whose song was it if not his?[\quote]

John, first of all the lyric was probably written by Abbie Hoffman or Jerry Rubin (both dead). I just want to say that you are knowledgeable in areas where I'm a little foggy. So I have to reread your posts here to understand better how this country worked in 1963. One thing I didn't understand -- William F. Buckley and YAF were afraid of Big Brother and the One World Order? I thought they were Big Brother aspiring to a One World Order!

Kathy C

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