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Former Secret Service Chief U.E. Baughman

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But it appears that the United States Secret Service on November 22, 1963 was not “in the know." (Or the Knoll area)

Gross (Criminal negligence) incompetence or outright involvement. That is the question that needs to be answered once and for all.

Joachim Joesten, How Kennedy Was Killed (1968)

"The Secret Service couldn't spare a man either for checking the grassy knoll, a textbook location for a guerilla-type ambush. This breathtaking deficiency came to light when there were reports that a man who identified himself as a member of the Secret Service was encountered near the knoll just after the assassination. These reports drew a firm denial from the Secret Service which stated explicitly that it had no man posted there. It would have been better for the Secret Service to have said that the knoll had been swarming with agents who didn't notice a damn thing than thus to admit another such glaring dereliction of duty."

Former Secret Service Chief U.E. Baughman

Gary Mack tells of the "Secret Service Agent" on the knoll and the Warren Commission's failure to pursue it.


Edited by Peter McGuire
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But it appears that the United States Secret Service on November 22, 1963 was not "in the know." (Or the Knoll area)

Gross (Criminal negligence) incompetence or outright involvement. That is the question that needs to be answered once and for all.

Joachim Joesten, How Kennedy Was Killed (1968)

"The Secret Service couldn't spare a man either for checking the grassy knoll, a textbook location for a guerilla-type ambush. This breathtaking deficiency came to light when there were reports that a man who identified himself as a member of the Secret Service was encountered near the knoll just after the assassination. These reports drew a firm denial from the Secret Service which stated explicitly that it had no man posted there. It would have been better for the Secret Service to have said that the knoll had been swarming with agents who didn't notice a damn thing than thus to admit another such glaring dereliction of duty."

Former Secret Service Chief U.E. Baughman

Gary Mack tells of the "Secret Service Agent" on the knoll and the Warren Commission's failure to pursue it.


I've recently added a number of new photos and articles to my JFKcountercoup blog, including a picture of the Man on the Grassy Knoll as described by Malcolm Summers to Houston PD sketch artist Lois Gibson.


There's also photos of Beverly Oliver and her friend Larry Ronco, who worked at the Kodak exhibit at the Texas State Fair and gave Beverly a camera that she used to film the assassination that has since disapeared.

Other interesting items include a rare photo of JFK and Mary Meyer, a sketch of Oswald's execution by Chauncey Holt and photos of Mae Brussell, the late Phil Melanson, John Newman, Dan Alcorn, and John Judge, suspects Charles Nicolletti and Jim Braden's mug shot, Ruth Paine's garage and the sculptured bust of JFK on the Atlantic City boardwalk.


(Sorry if I am flooding the forum. I'm snowed in)


Edited by William Kelly
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