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The Dorman film is altered

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For the last year or so I have been researching Hugh Betzners pictures and more importantly his movements in the Z-film and the Dorman film

While watching the Dorman film over and over 100s of times I began to notice some jumps in the film that looked like missing frames

That alone is a big deal, but where the missing frames are on the film is a HUGE deal, right when the limo is about to make the turn onto Elm the frames are missing and the film jumps

Just watch the film in the link from youtube (taken from Grodens Assassination Films) between the 11 and 12 second mark the film jumps right when the limo is starting the turn from Houston to Elm

Watch the two motercycle officers, right before the jump they are on the left hand side of the film, then the film jumps to the motercycle officers to the right hand side of the film right when the limo is starting its turn

Gary Mack has told me that Dorman kept turning her camera on and off while filming

Well I dont believe that Zappy turned his camera off, and I also dont think Dorman did either, both of these films have the limo turn onto Elm taken out

Along with the damage to the Towner film and the Hughes film whwne the limo turn was happening

I agree with Fetzer, White and others that the Limo turn was taken out because Greer swung wide and had to pretty much stop the limo to correct his mistake and get back into the middle lane, those who altered the film had to take away any SS mistakes or that would show that the SS was involved in any way

I would like some feedback on this discovery I have made through my research

I know that Z-film is altered thanks to Fetzer, White and the rest of TGZFH guys along with Noel Twyman, I am looking at the other films very closly and have concluded that the Dorman film is altered and frames were taken away from the film

Nix said when he got his film back from the government it had frames missing

Muchmore said that she does not remember filming the Elm St assassination part that shows up on her film

Altgens can not remember taking two of his pictures

This is a very exciting time for me as an alterationist, with Doug Hornes book validating Fetzer and TGZFH gang along with Liftons body alteration theory


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Put that champagne back on ice Dean

You're getting the motorcycle cops mixed up. It's the panning action of Dorman's camera that moves, not the motorcyclists.

The motorcycle cops you see on the right side of the screen are the same motorcycle cops who were always at the right of the screen.

What are you talking about Duncan?

Did you read my post or watch the Dorman film?

I never said the motercyclists move

I know that they are the same cops that we see on the left side of the screen that in less then the blink of an eye are back at the right side of the screen

Where in my post did you see me say that they are two different cops?

Read slowly, watch the film again and then report back to me when you can tell me im right

The film has missing frames, thus the film has been altered

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Put that champagne back on ice Dean

You're getting the motorcycle cops mixed up. It's the panning action of Dorman's camera that moves, not the motorcyclists.

The motorcycle cops you see on the right side of the screen are the same motorcycle cops who were always at the right of the screen.

What are you talking about Duncan?

Did you read my post or watch the Dorman film?

I never said the motercyclists move

I know that they are the same cops that we see on the left side of the screen that in less then the blink of an eye are back at the right side of the screen

Where in my post did you see me say that they are two different cops?

Read slowly, watch the film again and then report back to me when you can tell me im right

The film has missing frames, thus the film has been altered

Fair enough Dean, you're allowed to change your mind.

You posted this on the other forum.

Quote from: Dean Hagerman on Today at 06:06:40 PM

Watch real close and you will see the jump (what to watch for is how the motercycle officers go from the left hand side of the film to the righthand side when the film jumps, so frames were removed) End of qoute

The Dorman film isn't altered Dean. The missing frames were never there in the first place. Gary Mack is spot on. It stops and starts all over the place. Why?..because she was an amateur, just like all of the other assassination sequence film takers on that day.

Duncan why would you post that im changing my mind? The post you quoted never says two different sets of cops, it says just what I have said in this thread

Please dont imply that I am not being honest, you can read what I posted on both forums and you know I posted the same thing

So why would you say that? Are you trying to make me look stupid? Are you trying to make me mad? I had a great deal of respect for you at first, but it seems just because we dont agree you post BS about me "changing my mind" I dont know why you would do that

Back to the point of the thread

While I look to Gary for help on some things I have to disagree with him on this

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