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Hows this for a conspiracy.

Guest Stephen Turner

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Guest Stephen Turner

Capitalism, at its finest.

Just over a year ago, British bank RBS (Royal Bank of Scotland) announced, that due to engaging in finacial spivery, of a degree, and type that defy rational belife, it had gone bust, and further, quite contrary to the supposed iron laws of the free market, that failure should go to the wall, it expected to be bailed out, to the tune of several billion pounds, by the much maligned State (Thats me and you). there could, of course, be no other outcome, and the B****** knew it, they were, in their own egotistical words, "TO BIG TO BE ALLOWED TO FAIL"

Fast foward to this January, and Krafts (American) hostile take over of Cadbury (British), But, there is a problem, Kraft don't have the money, oh dear, what ever can be done, well fear not gentle soul, a white Knight is about to ride to the blushing maidens rescue, step foward, Ta-Da, RBS. Yes, thats the same Nationalised RBS, repleate with Tax payers wonga, The same RBS that had been advisors to Cadbury's for decades, but somehow forgot to tell them, until the last minute that it was part funding Krafts bid, the same RBS that encouraged hedge funds to buy into Cadbury, in the sure knowledge that Shares would rise dramatically when the sale was announced, thats the same RBS, that later this month plans to pay out several billion pounds in bonuses to its "Top Bankers" the same "Top Bankers" that got us into this state in the first place.

Result? RBS, using tax payers money, has funded the take over of a Bitish Company by an American company, The almost immediate result of which will be the loss of several thousand British jobs, the workers of these jobs are taxpayers, whose tax was used to bail out RBS from its perilous state. the only winners from this farce are the hedge funds (what a surprise) and a few hundred City types, who will be handed millions of pounds (rumour has it 250 million) for their role as "Advisors" nd finally, The great British tax payer will now have to pay dole money to the sacked workers. An object lesson in the miracle of the free market.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Stephen Turner

The first Cadbury job losses have been announced, 400 at the Cadbury plant in Summerdale, expect thousands more to follow. Its only Capitalism doing its thang Baby.

BTW, what is it about real, and provable conspiracies that nobody on this board seems to like. Even Andy would agree with this one.

Edited by Stephen Turner
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BTW, what is it about real, and provable conspiracies that nobody on this board seems to like. Even Andy would agree with this one.

They are clearly not as exciting - more rewarding perhaps to sit in self imposed schizoid isolation fantasying about 'dark forces' in government faking moon landings and murdering thousands of fellow citizens than it is to offer any real analysis of social reality. Thank you for the post Stephen which serves as a reminder as to utterly anti social nature of capitalism - not sure I'd call it a conspiracy however - far too real for that :lol:

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Guest Stephen Turner
BTW, what is it about real, and provable conspiracies that nobody on this board seems to like. Even Andy would agree with this one.

They are clearly not as exciting - more rewarding perhaps to sit in self imposed schizoid isolation fantasying about 'dark forces' in government faking moon landings and murdering thousands of fellow citizens than it is to offer any real analysis of social reality. Thank you for the post Stephen which serves as a reminder as to utterly anti social nature of capitalism - not sure I'd call it a conspiracy however - far too real for that :lol:

I'm thinking of working the Moon landing hoax into a Psychological evaluation test.

Psychiatrist, " Tell me, do you believe the Americans faked the Moon landings?"

Patient, " Yes I do"

Psychiatrist, " Nurse, Are you ready with the injection?"

It would save a lot of time.

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BTW, what is it about real, and provable conspiracies that nobody on this board seems to like. Even Andy would agree with this one.

They are clearly not as exciting - more rewarding perhaps to sit in self imposed schizoid isolation fantasying about 'dark forces' in government faking moon landings and murdering thousands of fellow citizens than it is to offer any real analysis of social reality. Thank you for the post Stephen which serves as a reminder as to utterly anti social nature of capitalism - not sure I'd call it a conspiracy however - far too real for that :lol:

I'm thinking of working the Moon landing hoax into a Psychological evaluation test.

Psychiatrist, " Tell me, do you believe the Americans faked the Moon landings?"

Patient, " Yes I do"

Psychiatrist, " Nurse, Are you ready with the injection?"

It would save a lot of time.

Do you know of any similar virtual treatment?

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Guest Stephen Turner
BTW, what is it about real, and provable conspiracies that nobody on this board seems to like. Even Andy would agree with this one.

They are clearly not as exciting - more rewarding perhaps to sit in self imposed schizoid isolation fantasying about 'dark forces' in government faking moon landings and murdering thousands of fellow citizens than it is to offer any real analysis of social reality. Thank you for the post Stephen which serves as a reminder as to utterly anti social nature of capitalism - not sure I'd call it a conspiracy however - far too real for that :lol:

I'm thinking of working the Moon landing hoax into a Psychological evaluation test.

Psychiatrist, " Tell me, do you believe the Americans faked the Moon landings?"

Patient, " Yes I do"

Psychiatrist, " Nurse, Are you ready with the injection?"

It would save a lot of time.

Do you know of any similar virtual treatment?

Virtigo, see if you can guess how that works :lol:

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BTW, what is it about real, and provable conspiracies that nobody on this board seems to like. Even Andy would agree with this one.

They are clearly not as exciting - more rewarding perhaps to sit in self imposed schizoid isolation fantasying about 'dark forces' in government faking moon landings and murdering thousands of fellow citizens than it is to offer any real analysis of social reality. Thank you for the post Stephen which serves as a reminder as to utterly anti social nature of capitalism - not sure I'd call it a conspiracy however - far too real for that :lol:

I'm thinking of working the Moon landing hoax into a Psychological evaluation test.

Psychiatrist, " Tell me, do you believe the Americans faked the Moon landings?"

Patient, " Yes I do"

Psychiatrist, " Nurse, Are you ready with the injection?"

It would save a lot of time.

Do you know of any similar virtual treatment?

Virtigo, see if you can guess how that works :lol:

I have a friend who is a psycho-therapist. His recommendation for paranoia was 'beat them up' everytime they displayed paranoid behaviour. Aversion therapy with attitude!

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Guest Stephen Turner
BTW, what is it about real, and provable conspiracies that nobody on this board seems to like. Even Andy would agree with this one.

They are clearly not as exciting - more rewarding perhaps to sit in self imposed schizoid isolation fantasying about 'dark forces' in government faking moon landings and murdering thousands of fellow citizens than it is to offer any real analysis of social reality. Thank you for the post Stephen which serves as a reminder as to utterly anti social nature of capitalism - not sure I'd call it a conspiracy however - far too real for that :lol:

I'm thinking of working the Moon landing hoax into a Psychological evaluation test.

Psychiatrist, " Tell me, do you believe the Americans faked the Moon landings?"

Patient, " Yes I do"

Psychiatrist, " Nurse, Are you ready with the injection?"

It would save a lot of time.

Do you know of any similar virtual treatment?

Virtigo, see if you can guess how that works :lol:

I have a friend who is a psycho-therapist. His recommendation for paranoia was 'beat them up' everytime they displayed paranoid behaviour. Aversion therapy with attitude!

Many Moons ago I worked with a Psychiatric Charge Nurse who kept a Criket bat with the words, Therapy club written on it, under his desk. He doesn't work in the caring Profession any longer.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Stephen Turner

A further 150 jobs to go at Cadbury head office in West London. I predict the Bourneville factory will be shut by next year, after being loaded down with Krafts original debt.

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You think you've been hard done by Kraft just because a few hundred have lost their jobs and little Johnny will have to make do with a Nintendo DS instead of a Sony Playstation XXIII???

Hedge fund operators have families, personal trainers and "girl fridays" to support, too, you know!

And what about those poor Aussies, I hear you say? Glad you asked.

A few years back Kraft bought the Vegemite brand. Now they fund Australian promotions across the US southern states where a kangaroo boxes with a clown.


I'd almost approve of this if the clown was Ronald McDonald...

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I take it we are to assume that Kraft is an American company? That's rubbish. It's owned by Phillip Morris since 1988?


And more recent news.

In 2000, Philip Morris (renamed Altria in 2003) acquired Nabisco Holdings for $18.9 billion and merged the company with Kraft Foods the same year.[8] In 2001, Philip Morris sold 280 million Kraft shares via the third-largest IPO of all time, retaining an 88.1% stake in the company.

And as far as these hedge funds, 85% to 90% of these hedge funds are incorporated outside the USA in the Cayman Islands.

You should talk to the Queen Stephen maybe she'll enact some FDR type regulations against these nasty Cayman Island based hedge funds :lol:

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BTW, what is it about real, and provable conspiracies that nobody on this board seems to like. Even Andy would agree with this one.

Sadly, the moon landing deniers among us would claim that Apollo was a real and provable conspiracy, and that anyone who disagrees is a blind, lying fool. :lol:

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BTW, what is it about real, and provable conspiracies that nobody on this board seems to like. Even Andy would agree with this one.

Sadly, the moon landing deniers among us would claim that Apollo was a real and provable conspiracy, and that anyone who disagrees is a blind, lying fool. B)

Of course it was a conspiracy. President Kennedy conspired with other members of his administration to set as official policy of the Kennedy administration, landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to earth. Then they brought congress into the conspiracy by requesting and receiving several billion dollars to fund the project. Kennedy then conspired with media to trumpet the benefits of such a large scientific undertaking.

Lastly Kennedy conspired with the American public selling them on the idea that space travel was a critical part of advancing science and technology for the good of the human race. Kennedy uplifted every single American citizen with this space exploration conspiracy. He made them look to the stars and plan for a better future for all.

Kennedy was also planning to colonize mars using the moon as the launch point. It was a giant conspiracy launched by John F. Kennedy and his supporters/advisors.

Kennedy's enemies then conspired to kill him and shut down his NASA moon landing project.

Everything is a conspiracy. That's how human beings get things done.

Only an idiot would deny the existence of conspiracy.

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BTW, what is it about real, and provable conspiracies that nobody on this board seems to like. Even Andy would agree with this one.

Sadly, the moon landing deniers among us would claim that Apollo was a real and provable conspiracy, and that anyone who disagrees is a blind, lying fool. :(

Of course it was a conspiracy. President Kennedy conspired with other members of his administration to set as official policy of the Kennedy administration, landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to earth. Then they brought congress into the conspiracy by requesting and receiving several billion dollars to fund the project. Kennedy then conspired with media to trumpet the benefits of such a large scientific undertaking.

Lastly Kennedy conspired with the American public selling them on the idea that space travel was a critical part of advancing science and technology for the good of the human race. Kennedy uplifted every single American citizen with this space exploration conspiracy. He made them look to the stars and plan for a better future for all.

Kennedy was also planning to colonize mars using the moon as the launch point. It was a giant conspiracy launched by John F. Kennedy and his supporters/advisors.

Kennedy's enemies then conspired to kill him and shut down his NASA moon landing project.

Everything is a conspiracy. That's how human beings get things done.

An interesting slant!

I think you're over-egging the pudding suggesting that everything is a conspiracy, unless you have some loose definition of conspiracy I'm not aware of. My understanding that it is a group of people who join together to plot to commit an illegal act. Going to the moon isn't illegal AFAIK so I don't see how selling a future of space exploration to the US public (for whatever motives) could be considered a conspiracy, unless there was some deliberate fraud enacted in the way it was financed.

Or were you being ironic? :)

Only an idiot would deny the existence of conspiracy.


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