A.J. Weberman Posted January 30, 2010 Share Posted January 30, 2010 HOW THE JEWISH DEFENSE ORGANIZATION SMASHED NIDAL HASAN’S AL-QAEDA EMIR, YOUSEF AL-KATTAB ISLAM AS THE WORSHIP OF DEATH Islamism is a romantic religion full of heroes and extraordinary and mysterious events, set in a distant time and place. Islamist’s heroes’ ultimate heroic act is dying in battle while making jihad. It is the worship of death and a pathological human condition. It is a desire to return to the past because the modern world is discomforting for many. It is a desire for everyone to conform born from a fear of life. It is the most intolerant of all contemporary religions. If America allows Islam free reign under the guise of “Freedom of Religion” it won’t be long until America’s “Freedom of Religion” disappears. Islamism is far more dangerous to America than godless Communism was before the fall of the Soviet Union. Unlike Communism, Islam has an innumerable number of people who are convinced that if they die while performing jihad they will live on forever in another dimension. Ergo: a never ending pool of suicide bombers and the potential use of nuclear weapons despite a more massive retaliation in kind. There is no use reasoning with an Islamist. Nothing will change the mind of a shaheed (martyr) other than a bullet entering their brains because it is harder to separate someone from their religion than it is to separate them from their politics. Dr. Nidal Malik Hasan, an Army psychiatrist, was supposed to deal with pathology however, under the influence of Islam, he himself became a psychopath. What allowed Hasan to fester like an open sore was the fear that not being politically correct could result in a lawsuit combined with complacency about the internal danger posed by Islam. The fact that Dr. Hasan was a Muslim should have been factored into the equation when the intelligence community evaluated his threat level and should not have been discounted by rationalizing that ‘he is just doing research on extremist religious belief and his actions fall under the Freedom of Religion entitlement of the Bill of Rights just as they would if he was a Christian was studying the radical pro-life Movement.’ The intelligence community must understand that there is a difference between Islam and Christianity. Islam is not just a religion; it is an all pervasive way of life that embraces politics, law, economics and even which hand you wipe your ass with. The Qu’ran itself is not great literature like the Bible. It is just threat after threat to disbelievers. It might as well have been written by John Gotti. Dr. Nidal M. Hasan was born August 31, 1960 in Arlington County, Virginia the son of immigrant parents from the West Bank town of Ramallah, a hotbed of Palestinian terrorism. The possibility exists that he was named after Abu Nidal, a notorious terrorist. Hasan attended Arlington's Wakefield High School for a year in 1986 then graduated from William Fleming High School in Roanoke in 1988. There, instead of dating, Hasan was videotaped telling a profanity-laced tale in Arabic to his Arabic classmates about a young man who commits incest in the process of selling a chicken to earn money for marriage. In 1987, his family bought the Capitol Restaurant, a blue-collar beer hall where alcohol was sold to Muslims, despite Qu’ranic prohibition to do so. In a 1995 interview with The Roanoke Times, Malik Hasan, Nidal's father, acknowledged that it was a sleazy dump. In order to transcend this and live the American dream Hasan joined the Army circa 1988. He studied at Barstow Community College in California satellite campus at Fort Irwin from the spring semester of 1989 to the spring semester of 1990. College records also show that Hasan was an enlisted soldier at an E-3 rank (private first class) or below while attending Barstow Community College. Hasan’s residential address zip code indicated that he was living on post. He went on to Virginia Western Community College in Roanoke, where he earned an associate degree in science in 1992. Hasan first enrolled at Virginia Tech for Summer Session II in 1992. He completed coursework in Spring Semester 1995 and received a Bachelor of Science degree with honors in biochemistry with a minor in biology and chemistry from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. IMMERSION IN THE VIOLENT CULTURE OF ISLAM Even at this early stage the milieu Hasan existed within was clearly that of Imam jihadi terrorist support groups. While not performing jihad themselves, these Imam’s preach a brand of Islam that gives terrorist violence a religious imprimatur as the “neglected duty.” The seeds were planted in Hasan’s feeble brain by radical clerics who all played down Hasan’s fanatical beliefs after the event. Imam Sheik Shaker El-Sayed of the Dar al-Hijrah Mosque in Falls Church, Virginia, where Hasan prayed claimed that Hasan’s greatest interest seemed to be in finding a wife, not in Islamism. Like most worshipers, he said Hasan “joined prayers, finished prayers, then left. I didn’t see him hanging out with people, joining discussion groups or classes. But there has been a lot of blogging about our mosque, a rightwing conspiracy, trying to make a mountain out of cardboard.” The phone number for the Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center, controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood was found in the Hamburg, Germany, apartment of one of the planners of the 9/11 attacks, Ramzi Binalshibh. Imam Sheik Shaker El-Sayed was an associate of Mohammad Al-Hanooti an unindicted co-conspirator of the Blind Shaykh, Omar Abdel Rahman. It was no fluke that El-Sayed told reporters the terrorism case against Abu Ali was based on a confession to Saudi authorities he termed "laughable." "They didn't have the evidence. They don't have the evidence. The fishing expedition continues," he said. In February 2005 Abu Ali was transferred to United States custody from Saudi Arabia pursuant to a criminal indictment, returned by a grand jury in the Eastern District of Virginia on February 3, 2005. The indictment charged Abu Ali with two counts of providing material support to terrorists, two counts of providing material support to a terrorist organization (Al Qaeda), one count of contributing goods and services to Al Qaeda, and one count of receiving services from Al Qaeda. The indictment was later amended to add charges of conspiracy to assassinate the president, conspiracy to hijack aircraft, and conspiracy to destroy aircraft. The indictment alleged that Abu Ali had joined a terrorist cell in Medina, and that among the plots they were developing were a plan to assassinate the President of the United States, and a plan to mount 9/11-style attacks using planes transiting through the United States. El Sayed was a leader at a radical Salafi mosque with ties to convicted terrorists supported by the Muslim Brotherhood. El Sayed has been identified as Secretary-General of the Muslim American Society. Dr. Asif Qadri, head of the medical clinic at the Muslim Community Center in Silver Spring, Maryland said Hasan frequently attended prayer services there. He spoke with pride about being a Muslim serving in the Army, Qadri said, and was known as a “jovial” and “well balanced” person who never talked about politics. Dr. Qadri is from the disputed part of Kashmir, the home of many an Islamist group. Hasan’s Imam at the Silver Spring Maryland Islamic Center, Faizul Khan also said that Hasan was more interested in finding a wife than in politics. Faizul Khan is a leading member of the Shura (Advisory) Council for the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). The Islamic Society of North America is a terrorist support group masquerading as respectable, responsible patriotic Muslims. Imam Sirraj Wahhaj is the Vice president of the ISNA. In 1991 Wahhaj recited an invocation in front of the United States House of Representatives. He was the first Muslim to do so. Wahhaj presides at the Al-Taqwah Mosque in Brooklyn whose members provided security for the Islamist sympathizers of Said Nosair during his trial for the Meyer Kahane assassination. These men, all members of a Gama Al-Islamaya cell, would later take part in the bombing of the WTC in 1994. Respectable Imam Wahhaj had met often with Mayors Dinkins and Bloomberg of New York City, however, he has called for replacing them with a caliphate where Shar’ia law would prevail. Imam Wahhaj served as a character witness for Sheik Abdel Rahman and his crew member Hampton-El at their trial during which they were accused of plotting to blow up the Bridges and Tunnels leading to New York City. He also testified for the defense at the African Embassy bombing trial. Islamic Society of North America president Ingrid Mattson stated, "I don't understand why the Muslim-American community has to take responsibility for Major Hasan. The Army has had at least as much time and opportunity to form and shape this person as the Muslim community." ISNA was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation’s terrorist support trial. ISNA is linked to Leesburg’s Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences that trains Muslim clerics, including those who will serve in the U.S. military. At least nine of the 14 chaplains in the U.S. military received their religious training from this institution. What version of Islam does this institution teach? The Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences was founded by Taha Jabir Al-Awani and he is its president. Taha Jabir Al-Awani is also president of the Fiqh Council of North America. Taha Jabir Al-Awani was an unindicted co-conspirator of Prof. Sami Amin Al-Arian a Palestinian terrorist operating out of Florida. In Protecting the Force, Lessons from Fort Hood the DOD stated, “Finding DoD standards for denying requests for recognition as an ecclesiastical endorser of chaplains may be inadequate. Each religious organization that provides military chaplains provides an endorsing agent to serve as its representative to the Department of Defense. These endorsing agents issue and withdraw professional credentials in accordance with the practice of their religious organizations. Current policy requires removal of any individual or religious organization from participation in the DoD Chaplain program only if they threaten national or economic security, are indicted or convicted of an offense related to terrorism, or if they appear on the annual State Department list of Foreign Terror Organizations. This limited authority to deny requests for designation as ecclesiastical endorsers could allow undue improper influence by individuals with a propensity toward violence. Recommendation: Review the limitations on denying requests for recognition as ecclesiastical endorsers of chaplains.” The Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences issued this fatwa regarding Muslim service in the American military in conjunction with the Fiqh Council of North America: “We abide by every law of this country except those laws that are contradictory to Islamic law...” This means that it is haram (forbidden) to kill another Muslim. Osman Danquah, the co-founder of the Islamic Community of Greater Killeen, Texas, said Hasan asked him for advice on what he should tell soldiers who had concerns about going to fight Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan. Taha Jabir Al-Awani deserves only partial credit for this fatwa: It was co-authored by Mohammad Al-Hanooti, one of Sheik Omar Abdul Rahman’s unindicted co-conspirators in the Bridge and Tunnel Trial, and a member of the Fiqh Council of North America. In July 2002 the FBI leaked a document to the press that called Al-Hanooti a supporter of Hamas who raised more than $6 million for the group. The document reported Al-Hanooti took part in a three-day meeting in 1993 designed to devise ways to defeat the so-called Oslo Accords. The FBI bugged the meeting but didn’t act. “It was mentioned that the United States provided them with a secure, legal base from which to operate,” the FBI report stated. Al-Hanooti is now the Imam of the Islamic Center of the Capital District near Albany. During Operation Green Quest Federal Agents raided both the Fiqh Council of North America and the Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences searching for evidence of money laundering and tax evasion as well as possible ties to a worldwide private financial empire that Western governments have long suspected of funding Islamist activities. THE FURTHER RADICALIZATION OF HASAN Hasan’s brother claimed that as reaction to his mother’s death in 2001 Hasan began attending a mosque five times a day and prior to that he was not observant. It is more likely that what further radicalized Hassan was when came into contact with two of the 9/11 crew and their cleric handler. As stated Hasan prayed at the Dar al-Hijrah Mosque, a hotbed of Islamist activity, where two of the 9/11 Shaheeds Khalid al-Midhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi prayed and their facilitator Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki preached along with his “moderate” associate, Johari Abdul Malik who advised American Muslims after 9/11: “You can blow up bridges, but you cannot kill people who are innocent on their way to work.” Hasan’s mother’s funeral was held there. THE 9/11 FACILITATORS WHO GOT AWAY Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki of the Masjid Ar-Ribat Al-Islami, San Diego, California, who was the subject of an FBI counterterrorism inquiry for part of the time that the future 9/11 Shaheeds Khalid al-Midhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi were in San Diego, claimed to have served as their “spiritual advisor” there. In reality Al-Awlaki knew they were jihadi and that they were here to commit a terrorist act. Al-Awlaki is a U.S. citizen who was born April 22, 1971, in Las Cruces, N.M. but raised in Yemen. Al-Awlaki obtained B.S. in Civil Engineering from Colorado State University, M.A. in Education Leadership from San Diego State University and studied for a PhD in Human Resource Development at George Washington University, where he served as the Muslim Chaplin. The FBI opened a counterterrorism inquiry into Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki's activities in June 1999. During the inquiry the FBI discovered that the Imam was in contact with a number of other persons of investigative interest. It is learned he had been visited by Ziyad Khaleel. Khaleel had many Al-Qaeda connections. One of them was Yemeni native and geochemist Ashraf Al-Jailani who worked at the Jewish-owned Gojo hand soap company in Akron, Ohio and had indirect access to the chemical labs where flammable ingredients were stored. These chemicals could have been the fuel for a massive attack. The FBI picked up Al-Jailani in October 2002. In 1996 Al-Jailani had paid a 30-day visit to Yemen after which his wife's diary stated he was completely changed. The diary said Al-Jailani had become an evil man, obsessed with a harsh, violent version of Islam and he began to talk about suicide bombers going to heaven. An FBI memo stated that in 1999 a business card belonging to Al-Jailani was found in the possession of a suspected jihadi in New York City named Abdel Ghani Meskini, who had been arrested on December 31, 1999 in Brooklyn and charged with concealing his material support of Ahmed Ressam's efforts to smuggle explosives into the Seattle area. The complaint against Meskini alleged that FBI agents learned from a confidential source that between December 11, 1999 and December 16, 1999 Meskini traveled to and stayed in Seattle where he was to join Ressam. The source said that Meskini had explained that Ahmed Ressam was a member of a well-organized group that had assigned him to deliver his rental car, loaded with explosives, to a parking lot in Seattle where another group member would retrieve it. Meskini’s arrest was a result of FBI agents having found a piece of paper with his name and Brooklyn phone number in Ressam’s possession. After Ressam's arrest, Meskini returned to his apartment and tried to destroy evidence of his trip to Seattle to rendezvous with Ressam, including an airline ticket and withdrawal slips from ATM machines in Seattle. The withdrawals were from a Brooklyn bank account. An FBI agent called Al-Jailani about this business card and Al-Jailani invited the agent to his apartment and answered all questions in a one-hour session. Al-Jailani said he distributed hundreds of business cards when he first came to the United States in an attempt to get a job. At a bail hearing for Al-Jailani Akron FBI agent Roger Charnesky testified that after the September 11th Raids Al-Jailani said that he knew a brother of one Shaheeds and approved of the action. Federal Immigration Judge Walt Durling forced the hearing to make the FBI justify why they needed to continue keeping Al-Jailani in a Berks County, Pennsylvania prison after more than a year. Agent Charnesky said that when the FBI searched Al-Jailani’s apartment on October 23, 2002 Al-Jailani's Wisconsin ID card had the same address as a “Suspect B” whose address (Briarwood Apartments 1826 Fordem Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin) was found in April 1999, along with Al-Jailani's business card, in the Chicago home of Ziyad Khaleel. Ziyad Khaleel and Tarik Hamdi delivered a satellite telephone and battery pack to Usama bin Laden in Afghanistan in May 1998. Khaleel purchased the phone itself and Hamdi delivered it. Ziyad was a Committee for the Defense of Legitimate Rights associate, an Al-Qaeda front group operating out of England. The credit card used to purchase the phone belonged to Said al-Fagih, also tied with the Committee for the Defense of Legitimate Rights. This phone was used to co-ordinate the attacks on the American Embassies in East Africa. An employee of O'Gara Satellite Networks testified about the sale of an Inmarsat phone to Ziyad Khaleel, who was a resident of Columbia, Missouri at the time. Khaleel purchased additional phone accessories and asked that the equipment be mailed to Tarik Hamdi, 933 Park Avenue, Herndon, Virginia. From 1989 to 1992 Tarik Hamdi, reared in Turkey and Iraq, lived in Tampa, Florida where he worked as office manager for Muslim Brotherhood member Sami Al-Arian’s Islamic Committee for Palestine. In January 2000 Tarik Hamdi joined the defense team of Mohamed Rashed Daoud Al-'Owhali. Tarik Hamdi was familiar with bin Laden's senior military commander Mohammed Atef, and a letter to Atef contained a line referring to previous communication through “Tarik Hamdi in Washington.” Tarik Hamdi sent a fax from Pakistan to bin Laden aide Khalid al-Fawwaz. The fax read: “Brother Khalid: Peace be upon you. We arrived safely and now we are in the Marriott Hotel.” In July 2005 Ahmed Ressam was sentenced to 22 years in prison when he is arrested in December 1999 he reportedly tells the FBI crucial details about al-Qaeda operations in the US. In early 2000, a subject of a Los Angeles investigation closely associated with Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, visited the Imam (probably Firas Jandali, part of the Sami Al-Arian Defense Committee). The FBI closed its inquiry into the activities of the Imam in March 2000, approximately two months after Khalid al-Midhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi arrived in San Diego. In the case-closing memorandum, the agent asserted that the Imam had been “fully identified and does not meet the criterion for [further] investigation.” The investigation was closed despite the Imam’s contacts with other subjects of counterterrorism investigations and reports concerning the Imam’s connection to suspect organizations. One of these men was Mohammad El-Mezain who was convicted of conspiring to provide material support to Hamas by a Dallas federal jury and is now behind bars. El-Mezain is related to Marzook. Anwar Al-Awlaki served as vice president of the Charitable Society for Social Welfare, the US branch of a Yemeni charity founded by Sheikh Abdul Majeed al-Zindani, a Yemeni imam who the US would officially designate a terrorist in 2004. The Charitable Society for Social Welfare also has ties to the Islamic Cultural Institute in Milan, Italy, considered one of the centers of al-Qaeda activity in Europe. The FBI bgan investigating the Charitable Society for Social Welfare in 1999 after a Yemeni politician visits the US to solicit donations for the charity, and then visits Mahmoud Es Sayed, a known al-Qaeda figure at the Islamic Cultural Institute in Milan, on the same trip. On November 29, 2001 Italian investigators shut down the Milan-based Islamic Cultural Center that follows the teachings of Omar Abdul Rahman and was al-Qaeda's logistical center for European operations. The Milan’s Islamic Cultural Center's key financial supporter, Ahmed Idris Nasreddin, is a wealthy businessman and Kuwait's former honorary consul in Milan, who was a Director of Al Taqwa Trust. The United States Treasury Department knew for many years that Al Taqwa has long acted as a financial adviser to Usama bin Laden. But only after the September 11th Victory of Allah, did Bush the Younger publicly say: “Al Taqwa is an association of offshore banks and financial management firms that have helped al-Qaeda shift money around the world.” In 2004, federal prosecutors in New York described the Charitable Society for Social Welfare as a “front organization” that was “used to support Al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden,” but the charity was never officially charged with a crime. When Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki moved to one of the largest Muslim communities in the country at the Dar Al-Hijrah Mosque in Falls Church, Virginia Nawaf al-Hazmi and Hani Hanjour followed and began attending that mosque. This was no co-incidence. For instance, on February 4, 2000 one month before the FBI investigation is closed, Al Awlaki talked on the telephone four times with hijacker associate Omar al-Bayoumi. The 9/11 Commission will later speculate that these calls are related to Khalid al-Midhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi, since al-Bayoumi is helping them that day, and that Khalid al-Midhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi may even have been using al-Bayoum’s phone at the time. Al-Bayoumi had also been the subject of an FBI counterterrorism investigation in 1999 His preachings are on YouTube! These are bold incitements to terror! After the September 11th Raids Anwar Al-Awlaki tried to portray himself as a moderate and said: “First of all, we stated our position clearly, and I even feel that it's unfortunate that we have to state this position because no religion would condone this, so it should be common knowledge. But we were in a position where we had to say that Islam does not approve of this. There is no way that the people who did this could be Muslim, and if they claim to be Muslim, then they have perverted their religion. We encourage people to participate in blood drives, we encourage them to donate, and then we encourage the community to reach out…So actually, fighting is only a part of the jihad, and it's considered to be a defensive force in order to protect the religion. If somebody defends their life, their property or their family, this is considered to be a jihad. I'll tell you the way that [the perpetrators] justify them. That does not mean that scholars of the Muslim world approve, but this is where they are coming from. They say that Muslim land is now invaded by the U.S., there are U.S. soldiers stationed in Saudi Arabia and in the Gulf. And then, the state of Israel is an occupying force which is supported by the U.S. Fighting an invading force, they justify attacking the U.S. because the U.S. population are the taxpayers, and are the ones who are financing the war against them. Now the reason why this is not accepted at all by Muslim scholars, is, first of all, that civilian people most of the time have nothing to do with what their governments are doing. Second, many of the scholars don't really see America as a direct enemy, but only as supporting enemies in the area. So why carry the struggle further than it needs to go? For a lot of people in the Muslim world, the first enemy is their governments. It's not really Israel or the United States, it's their own governments, and they see the U.S. as the strengthening power of these governments. Without the U.S., these repressive governments would topple. My worry is that because of this conflict, the views of Osama Bin Laden will become appealing to some of the population of the Muslim world. Never in the past were there any demonstrations raising the picture of Osama Bin Laden it has just happened now. So Osama Bin Laden, who was considered to be an extremist, radical in his views, could end up becoming main stream. Now, to what extent Osama Bin Laden has any coordination or relationship with the Taliban is not known. But I think that the reason the Taliban is defending him is that not only do they think that he didn't do this, but also in their tribal customs—remember that the Taliban are predominantly Pashtun—it is a shame to hand over somebody who sought your protection. So this is how this alliance came about, but it's something that is fairly recent. Plus, I think they're grateful to him for his assistance in the war against the Russians. The Taliban themselves, as a movement, they have come out very strongly in their condemnation of what happened in the U.S. They do not approve of this terrorism. There's a difference of opinion. They're not really in alliance. That's a very frightening thing, so the U.S. needs to be very careful and not have itself perceived as an enemy of Islam. Based Al-Awlaki self-serving statements and on information supplied to it by the intelligence community the September 11th Commission wrongly concluded that Al-Awlaki had provided aid to the terrorists but was aware of their intentions when in reality he was part of the September 11th Islamist Conspiracy. The intelligence community believed Khalid Shaikh Mohammed who told the CIA that there were no facilitators in the US to help the two jihadi, “I asked a great deal of al-Hamzi and al-Midhar, whom I had only middling confidence, because of their lack of English and exposure to the West. The only reason they were involved in the 9/11 plot was because they had visas and because bin Laden told me he wanted the two to go on the operation. Because of their deficiencies, I permitted al-Hazmi and al-Midhar, unlike the other 9/11 Shaheeds to go to the local mosque to request assistance and advice on functioning in American society, and I allowed the two, unlike the others, to contact me on urgent matters. It was my idea that Khalid al-Midhar and al-Hazmi should reside in San Diego, California, after arriving in Los Angeles on January 2000. There was no al-Qaeda operative or facilitator in the United States to help al-Midhar and al-Hazmi settle in the United States. Al-Midhar and al-Hazmi were not engaged in casing activity while in San Diego, given that they barely knew how to function in U.S. society.” This statement was contradicted not only by looking at Al-Awlaki’s profile in retrospect but by the fact that many of the Arab-Americans Al-Midhar and al-Hazmi came into contact with had been looked at by the counter-terrorist community and were al-Qaeda facilitators: Mohadar Mohamed Abdoulah who worshipped at the Masjid Ar-Ribat Al-Islam or Base of Support for Jihadi Operations provided help with air reservations and finding a flight training school for al-Hazmi and Hani Hanjour. He was indicted for providing material aid to Al-Qaeda. In 2002 Colorado prosecutors withdrew a warrant for Anwar Al-Awlaki arrest on passport fraud charges In July 2002 U.S. Attorney Dave Gaouette in Colorado received information from Ray Fournier, a federal diplomatic security agent in San Diego who was investigating Al-Awlaki. Fournier's information was that Al-Awlaki listed Yemen as his place of birth on an application for a U.S. Social Security card. Social Security officials issued a number to Al-Awlaki, and he used that number when he applied for a passport in Colorado in 1993, while he was a Colorado State University student. Fournier's allegation was that Al-Awlaki used false information to obtain the Social Security number and then used that number to obtain a passport, Gaouette said. A federal diplomatic special agent in Colorado began investigating in preparation to take the case to a grand jury in October 2002 and learned that Al-Awlaki corrected the place of birth on his Social Security application to New Mexico. And as a U.S. citizen, Al-Awlaki was entitled to a Social Security number so no charges were filed. "We asked the court to dismiss the complaint and withdraw the warrant in the interest of justice," Gaouette said. "There is no sense putting a person through an indictment when the government knows all along that we don't have evidence or that we can prove the violation beyond a reasonable doubt." In 2002, federal authorities intercepted Awlaki at JFK airport during his layover from Riyadh to Washington, D.C. He was later released because a warrant for his arrest had been rescinded the day before although he was on a terror watch list. The decision to cancel Al-Awlaki's arrest warrant outraged members of a Joint Terrorism Task Force in San Diego. Gaouette who at the time was in charge of terrorism cases in the district - said the case file indicates there was no objection to rescinding the warrant during the meeting attended by Fournier. Also Gaouette said his office never received information about the cleric's ties to terrorists "Even if there was information to us at the time that he associated or communicated with other people, that would not be a basis to get a criminal charge unless those communications were violations of criminal law," Gaouette said. "That has never been done, and that will never be done, and prosecutors make their decisions on the facts at the time.” Gaouette was just an Assistant United States Attorney trying to please his boss, Troy Eid, an Egyptian Muslim. Eid had given lectures on the treatment of Muslims in the United States at the Muslim American Society in Denver. He started by telling the audience about his own Arab ancestry, pointing out that his father emigrated from Egypt in 1957. He discussed his background, his job, and immigration issues. He focused on concerns that Muslims are being unfairly targeted for investigation and deportation in the name of homeland security. It was Eid who was ultimately responsible for rescinding the warrant that had been signed by a federal judge. Immediately following his release, Al-Awlaki was escorted to a flight to Washington, D.C. by a representative of Saudi Arabia. The Saudi embassy booked him to lecture at its Islamic institute in Washington and sponsored him to take American Muslims on pilgrimages to Saudi's two great mosques. Al-Awlaki remained briefly in Northern Virginia. In Virginia, Al-Awlaki met with radical cleric Ali al-Timimi about recruiting Muslims for jihad. Al-Timimi is a U.S. citizen who frequently gave anti-Semitic, anti-Israel and anti-Western lectures at the Dar al-Arqam mosque in Falls Church, Virginia, and inspired a group of men dubbed the “Virginia Jihad Network” to attend Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist training camps in Pakistan. Al-Timimi is now serving a life sentence for soliciting others to wage war against the U.S. and other related offenses in the Virginia Paintball Jihad Network case. Al-Awlaki reportedly moved to London in 2002 after FBI inquiries about his connection to September 11th shaheeds, and then moved to Yemen in 2004. Al-Awlaki worked at Iman University in Sanaa, Yemen. The founder and leader of the school, Shaykh Abd-al-Majid al-Zindani, was designated by the U.S. Treasury Department in 2004 as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist because of his support to Al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden. In January 2003 Al-Awlaki visited England and exhorted the faithful at the Masjid al-Tawhid mosque in London to become shaheeds, and die in the sake of Allah [subhanahu wa ta’ala]. In May 2007 three New Jersey Muslims plotted to attack the Fort Dix Army base. They were inspired by one of Al-Awlaki’s Internet sermons, as were some of the young Somali-American men who left Minneapolis to join al-Qaida's widening jihad in West Africa. Court testimony revealed the Fort Dix terrorists watched his "Constants of Jihad" lecture the day before they finalized their plot, convinced that the cleric had given a fatwah, or blessing, to strike military targets on American soil. Al-Awlaki claimed that on August 31, 2006, ostensibly due to a Yemeni Secret Police investigation over Yemeni Tribal issues he was detained for questioning by the Yemeni authorities. According to Al-Awlaki, during the course of his interrogation he was asked specific questions about his Islamic activities, which led him to believe that he was being held and questioned at the behest of the United States government. Actually Al-Awlaki was arrested in 2006 with a group of five Yemenis accused of kidnapping a Shiite teenager for ransom. Al-Awlaki was the group’s spiritual leader and had issued a fatwa, or religious decree, permitting them to kidnap foreigners and rich Yemenis. The group also plotted to kidnap the U.S. military attaché in Yemen and rented a villa near the attaché’s house using a fake ID, the officials said. Tribal leaders intervened and pushed for the group’s release. The group was freed in December 2007 after they signed documents promising to remain in Yemen and to avoid any contacts with militants. But several months after his release Al-Awlaki stopped checking in regularly with security officials as required under his release agreement. Also, months later, another member of the group arrested with Al-Awlaki left Yemen and was arrested in Syria on terrorism charges. In response, Al-Awlaki was put on a wanted list on suspicion of possible al-Qaida links. US intelligence labeled him al-Qaeda in 2008. On December 12, 2007, Al-Awlaki was released by the Yemeni authorities and was reunited with his family. Anwar Al-Awlaki currently is either dead or hiding in Yemen where there is a contract out on him by the CIA. Al-Awlaki, whose father was a former Minister of Agriculture had informants within the Yemenite Intelligence Service and he knew in advance that the Government of Yemen egged on by the United States was going to attempt to kill him and might very well succeed. He had nothing to lose. The maggot made the transition from facilitator and Imam to operations planner. Al-Awlaki had his mureed Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab attempt to bomb Northwest Airlines Flight 253. Abdulmutallab told investigators that Anwar Al-Awlaki who he contacted through the Internet put him in touch with an Al-Qaeda leader in Yemen. It was there that son of a wealthy Nigerian banker and President of the local chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood at his college was trained and equipped with the IED he was to use in his attempt to destroy the airliner and the 200 passengers aboard. Abdulmutallab’s mode of attack -- detonating a few grams of the powerful military explosive PETN, or pentaerythritol, hidden on his body was similar to tactics used by another failed suicide bomber with known links to al-Qaeda's Yemeni branch. In August 2009, Abdullah Hassah Tali Assiri tried to assassinate a member of Saudi Arabia's royal family using PETN explosives hidden in his underwear, according to a published account by terrorism expert Peter Bergen, citing a Saudi official. Assiri had crossed into Saudi Arabia from Yemen and passed through two security checks before blowing himself up less than a yard from Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, the head of the kingdom's counterterrorism operations, who escaped with minor injuries. Al-Awlaki was right about their being a contract out on his life; Al-Awlaki’s house was thought to be hit by the Yemenite Air Force on December 24, 2009, Christmas day. America and Saudi Arabia supplied Yemen with intelligence info but it was Yemen that carried out the airstrike. Al-Qaeda terrorists had gathered there to plan and carry out several terror attacks against vital Yemeni and foreign interests and economic facilities, in addition to planning to target military and security leaders as a retaliation for the successful pre-emptive operations launched against the al-Qaeda organization in the Arhab district in the capital Sana'a and Abyan province of which led to killing of 34 al-Qaeda terrorists and the arrest of 29 others. A close family relative told the Yemen Observer that the strike hit the area of Rafadh district, and Anwar al-Awlaki's house is in Suaeed district. "Anwar al-Awlaki was not in the meeting that took place in Shabwah and was not in the area. He has some ideologies yes, but he is not with al-Qaeda and has never been involved with them in any way. He is alive and safe." The Washington Post reported Rashad Mohammed al-Alimi, Yemen's deputy prime minister for defense and security affairs, also said Al-Awlaki is alive and that he met with Detroit Christmas Day would-be shaheed Umar Abdulmutallab at a house in Shabwa in Southern Yemen. He also said that the school he attended in August 2009 and September 2009 was a cover. Abdulmutallab is believed to have traveled in October 2009 to Shabwa, a province in southeastern Yemen and a known al-Qaeda stronghold, said Alimi, adding that the investigation is now focusing on the province. Investigators, he said, believe that this was where Abdulmutallab was trained and equipped with explosive chemicals sewn into his underwear. In Shabwa, the 23-year-old engineering graduate met with al-Qaeda operatives in a house built by Al-Awlaki to hold theological sessions, said Alimi. Al-Qaeda leaders were believed to be meeting with Al-Awlaki in the house at the time of the December 24, 2009 airstrike. As of January 15, 2010 we have still not heard from Al-Awlaki. Al-Awlaki not only blessed Abdulmatallab's Detroit attempt but put the insect up to it however some FBI officials are not convinced Abdulmatallab, who said he had been in contact with Al-Awlaki, was telling the truth: "He's saying all this but we haven't determined all of it is true; whether [Awlaki] blessed it or gave the green light or was the impetus behind it," the FBI official said. "It's very possible and it's being investigated. But it's also possible he's saying it to give himself credibility" among militants who look up to Al-Awlaki. The FBI has a vested interest in playing down Al-Awlaki’s importance as he slipped through their fingers on numerous occasions. Al-Awlaki was in indirect communication with Osama Bin Laden who approved Abdulmatallab’s operation: “In the name of G-d the most passionate and the most merciful: From Osama to Obama. May peace be on those who follow the light of guidance [islam]. If our messages to you could be carried by words we wouldn’t have done that by planes. The message I want to convey to you through the plane of the hero Umar Al Farouk reaffirms a previous message that the heroes of 9/11 conveyed to you and it was repeated frequently. The message is that America will never dream of living in peace unless we live it in Palestine. It is unfair that you live a safe life while our brothers in Gaza suffer greater therefore with the will of Allah our attacks on you will continue as long as you support Israel. Peace be upon those who follow the light of guidance [islam].” Al-Awlaki was not the only terrorist facilitators the FBI let slip through their fingers after 9/11. There were at least three more: ABDUSSATTAR SHAIKH: TRIPLE AGENT AND JIHADI FACILITATOR The FBI thought it had a high-level informer in San Diego, California in its employ before the September 11th Raids named Abdussattar Shaikh of Lemon Grove, California, but Shaikh knew how to play the Bureau. Shaikh served for eight years on the Citizens Review Board on Police Practices and also served as an Honorary Deputy Sheriff from 1971-1995. Active in the National Conference of Christians and Jews he has also been trained as a chaplain in the Red Cross. Shaikh, a key FBI asset, was the landlord of Khalid al-Midhar from May 2000 to June 2000 and Nawaf al-Hazmi from May 2000 to December 2000! FBI Special Agent Steven Butler had recruited Abdussattar Shaikh. On May 14, 1994 Agent Butler had first visited the Islamic Center of San Diego, a large Clairemont mosque, to investigate eight threatening calls that were received within hours of the Oklahoma City bombing. One caller said the center would be blown up if it were proved that Arabs were responsible. Abdussattar was the co-founder of this Mosque and a prominent member of the Muslim Community. When Butler realized that Muslims were not responsible for the Murrah attack he began to sympathize with them. Butler remained the asset's handling agent or "control agent" - until he retired in February 2002. Abdussattar Shaikh was as an informational source, providing the FBI with information acquired in his normal daily routine. The FBI normally questioned him, although he occasionally volunteered information that he thought might be relevant. After September 11th even the FBI’s Office of the Inspector General was unable to interview Shaikh. The Joint Intelligence Committee Inquiry had attempted to interview him also without success. The Committee then submitted interrogatories that Shaikh declined to answer, asserting his Fifth Amendment privilege. Shaikh indicated through his attorney that if subpoenaed by the Committee, he would not testify without a grant of immunity. The FBI was unwilling to allow this informer to testify even before a closed session of Congress, claiming it would damage efforts to recruit sources from Arab-American communities. Was this the real reason or was the FBI informant’s true allegiance to Allah? After 9/11, Abdussattar Shaikh told the FBI the two Brothers were good, religious Muslims. They did not work, yet they always seemed to have money. Although they did not fit the profile of rich Saudis, Abdussattar Shaikh never questioned them about finances. They did not act in a peculiar manner and did nothing to arouse his suspicions although they often would go outside when using their cellular telephones. Shaikh said he identified the two only by their first names to the FBI. Later he said that he had not mentioned them at all. These Brothers living in Abdussattar Shaikh's home were in a position to put Shaikh and the information he supplied to the FBI in jeopardy. Therefore, prudence and operational security would suggest that information about persons living with the asset should have been sought by the FBI, at least to the extent of learning and documenting their names, and perhaps running a records check on them. This was not done. During one of their last contacts, Nawaf al-Hazmi advised Abdussattar Shaikh that he was moving to Arizona to attend flight training, but Shaikh did not advise the FBI of this information until after the September 11th attacks. Abdussattar Shaikh claimed Nawaf al-Hazmi never mentioned flight training he received while living in San Diego yet he told San Diego Magazine “They said they were old friends from Saudi Arabia who were here to study and become pilots. But they didn’t have any anger, or temper. Believe me, if I had known they were on some sort of terrorist list, I would have immediately informed authorities. I’ve lived in this country 42 years. What happened last year was horrible, and I hope and pray nothing like that ever happens again.” Which side was Shaikh on, Allah’s or the FBI? Religious law over-rides civil law as civil law is the word of man not the word of G-d. The Joint Committee on Intelligence wondered about this and other strange events: “First, while there are several indications suggesting that future hijacker Hani Hanjour had contact with Shaikh in December 2000, Shaikh has repeatedly advised the FBI that he does not recognize photos of Hanjour. Second, Shaikh told the FBI that the hijackers did nothing to arouse his suspicion, but Shaikh also acknowledged that Nawaf al-Hazmi had contacts with at least four individuals Shaikh knew were of interest to the FBI and about whom Shaikh had previously reported to the FBI. Third, Shaikh has made numerous inconsistent statements to the FBI during the course of interviews after September 11, 2001. Fourth, Shaikh ’s responses during an FBI polygraph examination to very specific questions about his advance knowledge of the September 11th plot were judged by the FBI to be inconclusive, although the FBI asserts that this type of result is not unusual for such individuals in such circumstances.” Shaikh asked for immunity from prosecution if he was called to testify under oath and commented, “I don’t know why I have been accused. I think I’m going to ask them [the FBI].” Shaikh denied he was an FBI informant and said he was shocked by the suggestion. Initially Shaikh was not paid. In July 2003, Shaikh was given a $100,000 payment and closed as an asset. This was not the first time the FBI and CIA were bamboozled by a triple agent. The classic case was that of Sergeant Ali Mohamed which was covered by Peter Lance to a far greater extent than me. Another triple agent case surfaced recently in New York City, where jihadist insects planned to detonate a series of bombs hidden in knapsacks on the New York City Subway system. EDWAR SALAMAH 9/11 FACILITATOR There were other Al-Qaeda facilitators in the San Diego area. Edwar Salamah, a Palestinian-born U.S. citizen and manager of Sam's Star Mart gas station in La Mesa, who was at the time being investigated by the FBI, hired Nawaf al-Hazmi to work for him briefly, after receiving a call from a mutual friend at the Ar-Ribat al-Islami Mosque in La Mesa. In January 2000, before Nawaf al-Hazmi’s employment at Sam's Star Mart gas station, the FBI Los Angeles field office initiated an investigation of Salamah after a person whom the FBI was surveilling entered Salamah’s car in a mosque parking lot. That person was the brother of a bin Laden operative. Salamah was under FBI investigation when he hired Nawaf al-Hazmi. OSAMA "SAM" MUSTAFA 9/11 FACILITATOR The owner of Sam’s Star Mart, Osama “Sam” Mustafa cheered upon learning of the September 11th Raids and had been investigated by the FBI numerous times. The first investigation was opened in August 1991 upon receipt of reports from the San Diego Police Department that, during a traffic stop, Mustafa had stated that the United States needed another Pan Am 103 attack and that he could be the one to carry it out. Pan Am Flight 103, en route to New York from London, exploded in the air over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing all 259 passengers, among them 189 Americans, and 11 people on the ground. Libya has taken responsibility for this action. Mustafa also said that all Americans should be killed for what they did to Iraqis. During the investigation, the FBI developed information that Mustafa was associated with members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in San Diego and Chicago. In 1994, San Diego police also received an anonymous call stating that Mustafa was a Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine member. The FBI received information in 1994 that Mustafa had threatened to kill a former Israeli intelligence officer who resided in San Diego. Mustafa informed the Israeli that he was a member of the PLO and that the orders to kill him had come from the PLO. The FBI closed its investigation of Mustafa, but reopened it in 1997 when it received information tying him to a possible plot based in North Carolina. In 1996 the FBI began Operation Smokescreen, after a number of Muslims were seen buying large quantities of cigarettes from wholesalers in North Carolina. In 1997 Bassam Youssef Hamood, of Charlotte, North Carolina, was arrested for cigarette smuggling. It was believed that his profits were being donated to the Hizb’allah. Hizb’allah earned an estimated profit of $1.5 million between 1996 and 2000 by purchasing cigarettes in a low tax state for a lower price and selling them in a high tax state at a higher price. In July 2000 Bassam Youssef Hamood, of Charlotte, North Carolina was charged with the same offense. Although the media reported that the profits from this enterprise were again funneled to the Hizb’allah he was not charged with giving the Hizb’allah material support until after the September 11th Raids. Hamood was convicted by a jury verdict on June 21, 2002, for providing material support to a designated terrorist organization, Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, cigarette smuggling, money laundering, and immigration fraud. On February 28, 2003, he was sentenced to 155 years in prison. It is not clear if this is the plot Mustafa was tied to. In February 2001, a stockbroker called the FBI to say that Mustafa had closed his account, explaining that he was sending the money to freedom fighters in Afghanistan. Mustafa now resides in Riverside, California. Nidal Hasan went on to Graduate School at the Uniformed Services University of The Health Sciences F. Edward Herbert School Of Medicine Bethesda MD and got his MD Degree in 2003. Dr. Val Finnell, a classmate of Hasan’s last year at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Maryland, called Hasan “a vociferous opponent to U.S. policy in Iraq” and said he frequently spoke about his faith, sometimes in inappropriate venues “We had an environmental health class assignment; most of us gave presentations on things like molds in homes and allergens,” Finnell said. “Hasan’s topic was, ‘The U.S. war in Iraq: A war against Islam.’ I have no idea why the faculty even allowed him to make such a presentation.” Hasan did his residency in Psychiatry at Walter Reed Medical Center Washington, DC USA and completed his Residency in 2007 some 19 years after leaving Virginia Tech High School. Hasan had served six years at Walter Reed before his Texas assignment. As a clinical psychiatrist, he worked with both wounded troops returning from war and their families. Hassan went on to study Disaster and Preventive Psychiatry at the Uniformed Services University of The Health Sciences at Walter Reed in Bethesda and completed his Fellowship in 2009. THE SIXTH PILLAR OF ISLAM Prior to June 2007 Major Hasan began to log on to Islamist Jihadist Web sites that celebrated suicide bombing and encouraged American Muslims to take action against the Infidels. In a June 2007 PowerPoint presentation he wrote, “My U.S. Muslim clerics are vague and ambiguous, under duress? Non US Scholars [such as Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki] issued fatwa clearly stating it’s getting harder and harder for Muslims in the service to morally justify being in a military that seems constantly engaged against fellow Muslims.” The PowerPoint presentation was clearly that of an Islamist. Hasan ridiculed Muslims who claimed, “I love the Koran and being a Muslim, but I don’t want to live under Islamic rule [shar’ia Law].” This sentence appears in quotations as if it is someone else’s thoughts. His definition of a moderate Muslim was, “Muslims may be seen as moderate (compromising) but G-D is not.” MAJOR HASAN WAS A JEW HATER Hasan evidenced hatred of Jews by quoting these passages from the Holy Qu’ran, “And certainly you have known those among you who exceeded the limits of the Sabbath, so we said unto them: Be apes, despised and hated. Say, Shall I inform you of (him who is) worse than this in retribution from Allah? Worse is he whom Allah has cursed and brought His wrath upon, and of whom he made apes and swine. Therefore when they revoltingly persisted in what they had been forbidden We said to them Be apes despised and hated. Surely, those who disbelieved in Our Ayat we shall burn them in fire. As often as their skins are roasted through, We shall change them for other skins that they may taste punishment.” What do apes and pigs have to do with soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan who are suffering mental disorders? Hasan was telling his colleagues that the Jews, the descendants of pigs and apes, should roast again in the crematoriums. The Army psychiatrists just sat around and listened. No one reported this Jew hater to his superiors. Hasan quoted Qaseem Uqdah as having counted 15,000 Muslims in the American Armed Forces. Qaseem was an official of the American Muslim Council, an organization widely viewed as a front for the Muslim Brotherhood. Hasan concluded, “Muslims soldiers should not serve in any capacity that renders them at risk to hurting to hurting killing believers unjustly – will vary! Department of Defense should allow Muslims Soldiers the option of being released as “Conscientious objectors” to increase troop morale and decrease adverse events.” “Adverse events” was a euphemistic way of describing the murder of American soldiers by other American soldiers. If Muslim groups can convince Muslims that they are fighting for G-d against injustices of the “infidels” ie: enemies of Islam, then Muslims can become a potent adversary ie suicide bombing etc. Osama Bin Laden, Taliban, Suicide bombers, Iran. We love death more than you love life!” These were the thoughts of an Islamist yet no investigation was initiated. Additionally Hasan's military superiors repeatedly ignored or rebuffed his efforts to open criminal prosecutions of soldiers he claimed had confessed to "war crimes" during psychiatric counseling. As late as November 2, 2009 he tried to convince at least two of his superior officers, Captain Naomi Surman and Colonel Anthony Febbo, about the need legally to prosecute the soldiers. Hasan was willing to violate doctor-patient privilege in order to prosecute another American soldier. If had done this no soldier would have trusted an Army psychiatrist with this thoughts and actions again. Suicide rates, already high, would increase. Hasan was out to imprison or kill American soldiers and demoralize Muslims within the US Armed Forces by encouraging Muslim soldiers to feel guilty about fighting other Muslims, “It must be hard for you to balance Islamic beliefs that might be conflicting with the current war; feelings of guilt; Is it what you expected” yet he advised his fellow psychiatrists “Don’t doubt their loyalty to U.S. God vs Country.” He would quote this Qu’ranic passage, “And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his punishment is hell. He shall abide in it and Allah will send his wrath upon him and curse him and prepare for him a painful chastisement. Do not kill anyone whose killing Allah has forbidden, except for a just cause.” Hasan did dawa (Islamic proselytizing) work among his colleagues and openly expressed his opposition to America fighting Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq. This was certain suspicious activity but the DoD reported, “Suspicious Activity Reporting or Force Protection Threat Information, as it is known to Department of Defense, is now an FBI nationwide initiative. The Department of Defense was using the Threat and Location Observation Notice Program as its Suspicious Activity Reporting capability, but the program was terminated in September 2007. This left the Department of Defense without a Suspicious Activity Reporting system of its own. THE PSYCHIATRISTS AT WALTER REED WERE INTIMIDATED BY THE TERRORIST LOBBY On May 17, 2007 Scott Moran, MAJ, MC Program Director NCC Psychiatry Residency Training generated this memo: “The Faculty has serious concerns about CPT Hasan’s professionalism and work ethic. Clinically he is competent to deliver safe patient care. But he demonstrates a pattern of poor judgment and a lack of professionalism. In his PGY-2 year, he was counseled for inappropriately discussing religious topics with his assigned patients. He also required a period of in-program remediation when he was discovered to have not documented appropriately an ER encounter with a homicidal patient who subsequently eloped from the ER. He did successfully remediate this problem. At the end of his PGY-2 year, he was placed on administrative probation by the NCC GMEC for failure to take and pass USMLE Step 3 and to obtain an unrestricted state medical license by the end of his PGY-2 year; as a result he was not promoted to PGY-3 on time. He did eventually complete step 3 and get a license and was promoted to PGY-3. He was counseled for having a poor record of attendance at didactics and lower than expected PRITE scores. One year he failed to show for his PRITE examination at all. During his PGY-3 year, he was counseled for being consistently late to NNMC morning report. During his PGY-4 year, he was discovered to have only seen 30 outpatients in 38 week of outpatient continuity clinic. He was required to make this missed clinic time up using his elective. He failed his HGT/WGT screening and was found to be out of standards with body fat % and was counseled on that. Lastly, he missed a night of call for MGMC ER and then did not respond to numerous pages by my office the next day. Take together; these issues demonstrate a lack of professionalism and work ethics. He is able to self-correct with supervision. However, at this point he should not need so much supervision. In spite of all of this, I am not able to say he is not competent to graduate nor do I think a period of academic probation now at the end of his training will be beneficial. He would be able to contain his behavior enough to complete any period of probation successfully. My purpose in writing this letter is to give the credentials committee the benefit of full disclosure and the opportunity to modify CPT Hasan’s plan of supervision following initial privileging. I did discuss this memo with CPT Hasan and informed him I would be adding it to his initial credentialing paperwork.” In the spring of 2008 when a group of key officials gathered for their monthly meeting in a Bethesda, Md., office, they did not know what to do about Hasan who had been trouble for six years. Both fellow students and faculty were disturbed by Hasan's behavior — which they variously called disconnected, aloof, paranoid, belligerent, and schizoid. The officials say he antagonized some students and faculty by espousing what they perceived to be extremist Islamic views. His supervisors at Walter Reed had even reprimanded him for telling at least one patient that "Islam can save your soul." One official involved in the conversations had reportedly told colleagues that he worried that if Hasan deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan, he might leak secret military information to Islamic extremists. Another official reportedly wondered aloud to colleagues whether Hasan might be capable of committing fratricide, like the Muslim U.S. Army sergeant who, in 2003, killed two fellow soldiers and injured 14 others by setting off grenades at a base in Kuwait. NPR reported, “So why didn't officials act on their concerns and seek to remove Hasan from his duties, or at least order him to receive a mental health evaluation? Interviews with these officials suggest that a chain of unrelated events and factors deterred them. For one thing, Walter Reed and most medical institutions have a cumbersome and lengthy process for expelling doctors, involving hearings and potential legal battles. As a result, sources say, key decision-makers decided it would be too difficult, if not unfeasible, to put Hasan on probation and possibly expel him from the program. Second, some of Hasan's supervisors and instructors had told colleagues that they repeatedly bent over backward to support and encourage him, because they didn't have clear evidence that he was unstable, and they worried they might be "discriminating" against Hasan because of his seemingly extremist Islamic beliefs.” In Protecting the Force, Lessons from Fort Hood, the Defense Department tacitly admitted that there was no criterion established to determine when religious belief can turn into violence, “DoD policy regarding religious accommodation lacks the clarity necessary to help commanders distinguish appropriate religious practices from those that might indicate a potential for violence or self-radicalization. DoD Instruction 1300.17, Accommodation of Religious Practices within the Military Services, states that requests for religious accommodation should be granted when the practice will not have an adverse impact on mission accomplishment, military readiness, unit cohesion, standards, or discipline. It does not, however, provide standards or recording procedures necessary to establish a baseline of traditional religious practice within faith groups. The Department of Defense has not issued clear guidance on the degree to which the Religious Freedom Restoration Act applies to the military. Therefore, commanders, supervisors, and chaplains lack a common source to distinguish mainstream religious practices from extreme practices for faith groups. Service policies and procedures, therefore, vary in stating and reporting standards of religious accommodation. If requests for religious accommodation that compete with mission requirements were recorded and shared among commanders, supervisors, and chaplains, it would help establish a baseline from which to identify deviations within the Services and the Department of Defense. At present, there is confusion about what is acceptable. This lack of clarity creates the potential for denying information to commanders and supervisors that may signal indicators of self-radicalization or extremist behavior. Commanders and supervisors may not recognize unusual religious practices outside traditional norms within faith groups. Current procedures do not provide consistent mechanisms for initiating appropriate action to prevent an escalation toward violence. Clear standards would enhance commanders' and supervisors' ability to promote the climate necessary to maintain good order and discipline, and would reduce both the instances and perception of discrimination among those whose religious expressions are less familiar to the command. Recommendation: Promptly establish standards and reporting procedures that clarify guidelines for religious accommodation. EMAILS TO AL-QAEDA & DONATIONS TO AL-QAEDA CHARITIES Al-Awlaki said that Hasan first reached out to him in an e-mail dated December 17, 2008. He described Hasan introducing himself and writing: "Do you remember me? I used to pray with you at the Virginia mosque." Initially, Al-Awlaki said he did not recall Hasan and did not reply to the e-mail. But after Hasan sent two or three more e-mails, Al-Awlaki said he "started to remember who he was," Al-Awlaki said it was clear from his e-mails that Nidal trusted me. Nidal told me: 'I speak with you about issues that I never speak with anyone else'" Hasan informed him that he had become a devout Muslim around the time Al-Awlaki was preaching at Dar al-Hijrah, in 2001 and 2002. "Maybe Nidal was affected by one of my lectures?" Al-Awlaki said Hasan's alleged shooting spree was allowed under Islam because it was a form of jihad. "There are some people in the United States who said this shooting has nothing to do with Islam, that it was not permissible under Islam but I would say it is permissible…those people have let me down…America was the one who first brought the battle to Muslim countries." Beginning late December 2008 the NSA and FBI reported Major Hasan exchanged 20 e-mail messages with Al-Qaeda spiritual leader Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki. The in early reports the FBI stated that the emails were sent in the form of questions about the American Military and Islam, seemingly for a project Hasan was working on regarding Muslims in the US military. The FBI saw communications asking when is jihad appropriate, and whether it is permissible if there are innocents killed in a suicide attack. Hasan told Al-Awlaki he couldn't wait to join him in the discussions they would having over wine in the afterlife. Going to Al-Awlaki who was a well know Al-Qaeda spiritual leader meant that Hasan wanted his questions about his upcoming mission answered affirmatively. Imam Al-Awlaki had replaced “His Eminence” Shayk Omar Abdel Rahman as the chief Qu’ranic authority of Al-Qaeda. Rahman preached that jihad is the sixth pillar of Islam therefore it is the duty of every Muslim to kill the kuffar infidels – every member of another religion with a focus on Christians, Jews and Hindus. Al-Awlaki’s sermon titled Constants on the Path of Jihad, was made into a book: “How can you dare say that you love the religion of Allah and you know well that the enemy has desecrated the book of Allah and you do nothing? When you know that they have flushed the Qur’an down a toilet and you don’t pick up your weapon and fight for the sake of Allah? When you know that they have insulted Rasoolullah (sallallahu ‘alayhe wassallam) through pathetic images of him? When you know that they are torturing Muslim POWs both physically and mentally? When you know that they have embarrassed and humiliated the Ummah by stripping naked the Muslim POWs and capturing filthy images? When you know that they are promoting a very twisted version of Islam over the true Islam? When you know that they are killing innocent Muslim civilians in ‘Iraq, Palestine, and Afghanistan? When you know that they are fighting the Mujahideen in many parts of the world? When you know that they have invaded Muslim lands? When you know that they used the pages of Qur’an as toilet paper? When you know that their Army General has made clear and unmistakable statements against Allah and His Messenger (sallallahu ‘alayhe wassallam)? How can you claim your love for Islam when you know they are doing this and you do nothing about it? Do you need a bomb to drop on your house to give you a reason to get up and fight? It will be too late by then. This has nothing to do with being ‘emotionally disordered.’ This has everything to do with believing in what you claim to believe in: Allah and His Messenger (sallallahu ‘alayhe wassallam). The Sahaba have done assassinations, under the command of the Prophet (sallallahu ‘alayhe wassallam), against those who spoke ill of Muhammad (sallallahu ‘alayhe wassallam) 52. Can you say that the Prophet (sallallahu ‘alayhe wassallam) was ‘emotionally disturbed’ and didn’t use hikma? No sane and practicing Muslim would dare say such a thing. What to speak of today, when a kafir insults Allah and our Prophet (sallallahu ‘alayhe wassallam), we say that we should have a peaceful talk with that individual. How much have we strayed from the guidance of Islam and replaced that guidance with our useless logic? Some Muslims argue that we need Khilafah to make such assassination attempts. This idea is completely baseless and shows our cowardice.” In a February 2009 sermon titled 44 Ways to Support Jihad, Al-Awlaki explains that “Jihad is the greatest deed after believing in Allah and is the most needed….23. Arms training Preparing for Jihad is obligatory since Jihad today is obligatory and the sharia rule states that: “Whatever is needed for an obligatory act becomes obligatory” Arms training is an essential part of preparation for Jihad. Allah says: “And prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you don’t know but Allah knows” (8:60) The Messenger of Allah (saaws) said regarding this verse: “Power is marksmanship, power is marksmanship (Related by Muslim).” Hasan wrote, “Concept of Jihad Islam a Muslim holy war or spiritual struggle against infidels.” On December 23, 2008, days after he said Hasan first e-mailed him Al-Awlaki posted these words online "The bullets of the fighters of Afghanistan and Iraq are a reflection of the feelings of the Muslims towards America." In the e-mails Hasan questioned U.S. involvement in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and often used "evidence from sharia law that what America was doing should be confronted." Al-Awlaki "They say American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan should be killed, so how can they say the American soldier should not be killed at the moment they are going to Iraq and Afghanistan?" By contacting Imam Al-Awlaki Hasan demonstrated a proclivity for violence just as he would have if he contacted Osama Bin Laden. None of this, however, was taken seriously enough to follow him, interview him, tap his phone, bug his conversations, and open an investigation into his good buddy Duane Reasoner. Any intelligence analyst could see something was amiss here especially since Al-Awlaki had been jailed by the Government of Yemen. This should have set of alarm bells throughout the intelligence community. The first batch of Hasan's e-mails was sent by agents in San Diego, to the bureau's Washington field office, where a terrorism task force began to assess them in December 2008. But months later, additional messages emerged. Those e-mails were reviewed only in San Diego, where authorities determined they did not pose a national security risk. The FBI said without going into details about the process, that "all of the e-mails were known." The FBI dropped an inquiry into the matter after deciding that the messages warranted no further action because they gave no indication that he was likely to engage in violence and were protected by the right to free speech. The FBI also claimed it was under the impression that this contact was part of some academic research Hasan was doing; but no research paper ever surfaced and the content of the emails belied this. There are several possibilities to explain this incompetence; the FBI Agent in charge of the investigation was a mole (unlikely), the FBI in San Diego did not want to admit that they had been unable to snag Al-Awlaki in relation to 9/11 even though it was investigating him during the time he was working with two 9/11 shaheeds so it downplayed his importance, or the FBI was trying to be politically correct and what happened to the intelligence community was that it was progressively weakened by stealth Islamist organizations such as CAIR and the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee. America has a tradition of at least trying to treat all religious groups equally and these two subversive organizations along with their Leftist America hating allies in the ACLU, the Center for Constitutional Rights and the National Lawyers Guild play on this constitutional tradition with the ultimate intent of destroying freedom of religion in America and imposing Shar’ia Law, a system that would exterminate the ACLU, Center for Constitutional Rights etc. The long term pathological strategy of the terrorist support lobby in America had worked. Because of “political correctness” foisted on America by Islamists disguised as Civil Rights advocates nothing was done about Hasan. Everyone was afraid to be accused of profiling and discrimination, after all Hasan had a right to his beliefs, so he was passed around like a hot falafel ball. Additionally the FBI discovered Hasan transferred funds to Pakistan which went toward the furthering of jihad. In the months before the shootings, Al-Awlaki and Hasan discussed how Hasan could make several transactions of less than $10,000, a threshold for reporting to U.S. authorities. Of course Hasan did not explicitly vow to fund terrorist activities or evade tax and reporting laws for contributions, as he did not just fall off a turnip truck. A source told the Washington Post, "I believe they were interested in the money for operational-type aspects, and knowing that he had funds and wouldn't be around to use them, they were very eager to get those funds." Hassan wrote this on Scrib’d in May 2009, “There was a grenade thrown amongst a group of American soldiers. One of the soldiers, feeling that it was too late for everyone to flee jumped on the grave with the intention of saving his comrades. Indeed he saved them. He intentionally took his life (suicide) for a noble cause i.e. saving the lives of his soldier. To say that this soldier committed suicide is inappropriate. It’s more appropriate to say he is a brave hero that sacrificed his life for a more noble cause. Scholars have paralleled this to suicide bombers whose intention, by sacrificing their lives, is to help save Muslims by killing enemy soldiers. If one suicide bomber can kill 100 enemy soldiers because they were caught off guard that would be considered a strategic victory. Their intention is not to die because of some despair. The same can be said for the Kamikazes in Japan. They died (via crashing their planes into ships) to kill the enemies for the homeland. You can call them crazy I you want but their act was not one of suicide that is despised by Islam. So the scholar’s main point is that "IT SEEMS AS THOUGH YOUR INTENTION IS THE MAIN ISSUE" and Allah (SWT) knows best.” "subhanu wa ta'alah" which translates as "Glorified and Exalted". HASAN WAS IN TOUCH WITH REVOLUTION MUSLIM THROUGH HIS CO-CONSPIRATOR DUANE REASONER In July 2009 Hasan was transferred to Fort Hood for deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan. His supervisor, Captain Naomi Surman recalled his telling her that as an infidel she who would be "ripped to shreds" and "burn in hell." Another person reports his declaring that infidels should be beheaded and have boiling oil poured down their throats. At Fort Hood Hasan made contact with 18-year-old Duane Scott Reasoner. Reasoner is an African-American Army brat and Muslim convert from Copperas Cove, Texas. Prior to moving to Texas Duane’s father was stationed at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. Aberdeen Proving Ground is the Army's oldest active proving ground, one of the world's foremost research development, testing, and training facilities for military weapons and equipment. After evening prayers Hasan would often buy a fish dinner for Reasoner at the Golden Corral, a chain buffet restaurant. Besides mentioning that he prayed for a wife, the conversation almost never strayed from religion, Reasoner said, describing Hasan as warm and caring. “He felt he was supposed to quit, in the Koran, it says you are not supposed to have alliances with Jews or Christians, and if you are killed in the military fighting against Muslims, you will go to hell.” Manager Vera Brooks said Hasan, dressed in typical civilian clothes, was a regular there, eating by himself almost every weekend. The night before the shootings, Hasan and Reasoner went as usual to the Golden Corral. Reasoner said Hasan acted as he always did. No red flags. "Nothing was out of the ordinary," he said. This was a lie. Contrast his with what he told the BBC after the event, “I’m not going to condemn Nidal for what he did. I don’t know why he did it. I will not, absolutely not, condemn him for what he had done though. If he had done it for selfish reasons I still will not condemn him. He’s my brother in the end. I will never condemn him. Well, that’s the way it is. I don’t speak for the community here but me personally I will not condemn him. They (the victims) were troops who were going to Afghanistan and Iraq to kill Muslims. I honestly have no pity for them. It’s just like the majority of the people that will hear this, after five or six minutes they’ll be shocked, after that they’ll forget about them and go on their day.” Reasoner acted as an internet intermediary between Hasan and domestic Islamist terrorists. Brian Ross of ABC News reported that in March of 2007, Duane created a YouTube account under the name "ooklepookle." He has used the handle on other accounts as well, but they can always be traced back to Duane Reasoner Jr. On his YouTube account, Reasoner chose as favorites 14 different videos by Anwar Al-Awlaki along with videos featuring Osama Bin Laden, the Taliban, Shayk Omar Abdul Rahman and Adam Gadahn; a once-Jewish member of Al Qaeda. In December 2008, Reasoner created a profile on Stickam.com. Under personal tags, he wrote "extremist, fundamentalist, mujahedeen, Muslim." He posted a picture of the U.S. Capitol in ruins, as well as a picture of a Muslim warrior on horseback and a rendering of the "Sword of Tawheed." In February 2008 Hasan was granted a SECRET security clearance based on a National Agency Check with Local Agency and Credit Check of background investigation. “Although accomplished in accordance with current guidelines, this background investigation did not include a subject interview or interviews with co-workers, supervisors, or expanded character references.' We believe that if a more thorough investigation had been accomplished, his security clearance may have been revoked and his continued service and pending deployment would have been subject to increased scrutiny.” On his MySpace account, created in March 2008, Reasoner called himself "Salah ad-Din," after the famous Muslim Sultan who won back Jerusalem from the Crusaders. Reasoner also referred to himself as "Salah ad-Din" on Facebook. On an unknown date, Reasoner created a photobucket.com account. Among the photos on that account is a composite shot of Osama Bin Laden's head rearing above the White House, which is surrounded by flames and armed men in Arab dress. The picture is captioned "Osama caliphate." Another picture shows the White House with an Islamic flag above it and the caption "Nation under Islamic Law." On an unknown date Reasoner became a subscriber to the YouTube channel of a YouTube user named Sahab929 who posted videos of al-Qaeda leaders Osama Bin Laden and Ayman Al-Zawahiri. "Sahab" is the name of the media company that produces al-Qaeda's videos. Ooklepookle also visited anti-Israel websites and used proxy servers. REASONER CONTACTED AL-KHATTAB ON THE SAME DAY HASAN BOUGHT THE GUN On August 1, 2009, in response to a video that was posted on YouTube by user IslamicRevolution TV, "ooklepookle" posted the comment, "Ya Abdullah do you have any vids on martyrdom operations or the ruling on them." The user answered, "No I don't but look around online on the Jihadi blogs." Hasan purchased the murder weapon on August 1, 2009. IslamicRevolution TV is the media arm of RevolutionMuslim. On August 23, 2009 Al-Awlaki was banned from speaking via teleconference at a London event to raise money for Muslims held in Guantanamo Bay. Because the Hasan investigation was closed the FBI did not know of the association between Hasan and Reasoner. Had it investigated further and discovered this relationship it might have become clear that Hasan was in indirect communication with RevolutionMuslim, which is run by foulest moral degenerate in America, Yousef al-Khattab, a convert to Islam formerly known as Joseph Leonard Kaplan. Kaplan spent a good deal of his youth in a New Jersey mental hospital then joined Neturei Karta, a group of Jews who believe that the destruction of the State of Israel will bring about the coming of the Messiah. He was the chauffeur for Neturei Karta “Rabbi” Joseph Freiman when they all lived together in Washington Heights. While Frieman was in the car he would propagandize this weak minded fool about how Hamas were "heroes for blowing Jews up in Israel" sic and other pro-Hamas, pro-Arab terror statements that sunk into Kaplan’s easy to fill empty mind. Kaplan left Washington Heights for Satmar Williamsburg, Brooklyn. It was no great leap from this traitor with a yarmulke to out and out defection to Islam. Soon after he flew to Israel converted and officially joined the Arab Nazis of Al Qaeda, all as part of his goal to try and murder Jews! Yousef al-Khattab promotes violence and he has advocated attacks on synagogues, throwing drain cleaner at Jews, attacking Jewish social institutions and more. The way he gets away with it is that he phrases everything as a prayer, “Ya Allah (Oh God) I beseech You to carry out your wrath on the Jewish occupiers of Palestine & their supporters. Ya Allah (Oh God) please throw liquid drain cleaner in their faces. Ya Allah (Oh God) burn their flammable sukkos while they sleep. Ya Allah (Oh God),make rocks crash through their car windows as they drive in Your land Bayit al Maqdes Ya Allah (Oh God), make their fingers and brains stick on cafe walls from impact. Ya Allah (Oh God) answer my duaa (prayer)” and his makes it fall under Freedom of Religion. As a result of these threats he has received widespread media coverage. Aside from Al-Awlaki the Revolution Muslim group relied on the teachings of Sheik Abdullah el-Faisal, a Jamaican born convert to Islam who did a four year bid in an English prison for inciting Muslims to kill Jews, Christians and Hindus. In his sermons, El-Faisal encouraged Muslims to wage jihad against non-Muslims using violent terrorist tactics. He has supported the use of nuclear and chemical weapons to "exterminate non-believers", and encouraged his congregations to train in operating planes, tanks, Kalashnikov rifles and missile launchers. He regularly called for the killing of non-Muslims, particularly Jews and Hindus. In one lecture, he remarked, "How do you fight a Jew? You kill a Jew. In the case of Hindus, by bombing their businesses." In another talk, he suggested that Hindus should be slaughtered and their bodies used to fuel nuclear power plants. El-Faisal has preached to hundreds of Muslims in the United Kingdom, including several known al-Qaeda operatives. James Ujaama, an American citizen currently imprisoned for conspiring to aid the Taliban, Richard Reid, who attempted to detonate a shoe-bomb on a transatlantic flight, and Zacarias Moussaoui, a co-conspirator in the September 11 attacks, have all reportedly attended his lectures in the past. In addition, intelligence agencies have credited El-Faisal with radicalizing other Islamic terrorists including Abdullah Shaheed Jamal, a suicide bomber who took part in the July 2005 London subway bombings. El-Faisal went to Africa, where after being sent back by Nigeria, he was arrested by Kenyan authorities. Because of this rioting broke out in Nairobi, and at least five people were confirmed dead and scores in critical condition. He is back in Jamaica now. HASAN VISITED REVOLUTION MUSLIM.COM Reasoner was on line when the post titled Subhan Allah brother, may Allah reward” was posted but it was not credited to Reasoner. Could Hasan have posted this? He said he was a “revert,” not a convert so this ruled out Reasoner. The fixation re; data mining indicates that this person believed his emails and posts were being watched. Chances are this was the scumbucket Hasan. If he was willing to take a chance by emailing al-Awlaki, he had testicular fortitude enough to visit jihadist websites. Authorities poring over Hasan's computer, Internet records and multiple e-mail accounts have found evidence that he visited radical Islamist websites with some frequency. The phenomenon of Al-Qaeda's recruiting and handling terrorists from across the globe through the Internet was extensively covered in a report published by the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs on May 8, 2008. Titled “Violent Islamist Extremism, The Internet, and the Homegrown Terrorist Threat”, the report discussed the extensive use made of the Internet by Al-Qaeda, global jihad elements, and groups associated with radical Islam, and voices concerns over the exposure of American citizens to the websites of Al-Qaeda. Those terrorists go through a process of losing their own identity and embracing the jihadist ideology of Al-Qaeda and radical Islam, distributed through the Internet and in other media. The DoD reported, “The Department of Defense does not have a comprehensive and coordinated policy for counterintelligence activities in cyberspace. There are numerous DoD and interagency organizations and offices involved in defense cyber activities. The evolving security threat increasingly involves information exchanges using the Internet. The Services have developed cyber counterintelligence programs to identify potential threats to DoD personnel, information, and facilities. Non-DoD agencies are also involved in cyber counterintelligence activities. The Department of Defense does not have an overarching policy coordinated across the interagency and with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence that provides clear guidance to the Services and Defense agencies on the execution of counterintelligence cyber activities. The Department of Defense is reviewing comments from the Services and appropriate defense agencies on Draft DoD Instruction 5240.mm, Counterintelligence Activities in Cyberspace. Recommendation: Publish policy to ensure timely counterintelligence collection, investigations, and operations in cyberspace for identifying potential threats to DoD personnel, information, and facilities.” Note the use of Servant of Allah and Subhan Allah. Hasan designed green and white personal business cards that included his name, then Behavior Heatlh [sic] Mental Health and Life Skills, a Maryland mobile phone number, an AOL e-mail address, and "SoA (SWT)." SoA is the jihadi abbreviation for Servant of Allah and SWT stands for Subhanahu wa-Ta'ala, or Glory to Him, the Exalted. The guest poster used both these words. This information was supplied by Rusty Shackleford of http://mypetjawa.mu.nu. A jawa is a fictional character from Star Wars that bears many similar characteristics to Islamists. AL-KHATTAB’S TERRORIST ASSOCIATES Neil Bryant Vinas, a young New Yorker who has pleaded guilty to plotting to attack trains on the Long Island Rail Road, met with al-Khattab. Al-Khattab said Vinas and “some brothers” traveled to Atlantic City, New Jersey, and had dinner with him. Al-Khattab said they considered him something of a hero because he left Israel and converted to Islam. Al-Khattab also influenced Tarek Mehanna, now under indictment in Boston, Massachusetts, on charges of conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists. What follows is a time line of Mr. Mehanna's and his group's alleged actions from before the 9/11 attacks in 2001 up to 2008, according to the FBI's complaint and an affidavit supporting a search warrant: 2000-2001 – Tarek Mehanna, who has known as CW2 (a conspirator who in late 2006 agreed to cooperate with the FBI) for 15 to 20 years, introduced him to Ahmad Abousamra, and the three men become close friends. Common interests include talking about religion and Muslims' role in the United States and justification for certain jihadist acts. Pre-Sept. 11, 2001 Mehanna, Abousamra, and CW2 talk about going to terrorist training camps in Pakistan, searching the Internet for logistical information for locations and travel, but no solid plans materialize. After Sept. 11, 2001 Mehanna, Abousamra, and CW2 express support for the attacks. April 4, 2002 – Abousamra traveled to Pakistan in search of terrorist training, but apparently doesn't find it, returning home. Fall 2002, Mehanna meets Daniel Maldonado through Abousamra. At Mehanna's home, they watch jihadi videos showing pillaging of the Muslim world in Bosnia and the Palestinian territories. Later, the video shows mujahideen victories and footage of people being killed. Afterward, Mehanna, Abousamra, and Maldonado talk about the glory of dying for Allah. Nov. 17, 2002, Abousamra travels again to Pakistan, where he connects with a man who helps him find a Taliban camp and another run by a Lashkar e Tayyiba group. But, as he later tells CW2, he was rejected by the former for being too inexperienced and by the latter for not being Pakistani. 2003, Mehanna, Abousamra, and CW2 determine Pakistan is not a feasible place to get terrorist training. Frustrated, they begin exploring other options, including committing domestic terrorist acts. One topic of discussion: the feasibility of shooting a member of the executive branch of government. In another discussion, killing a second member of the executive branch is debated. Second half of 2003, inspired by the 2002 sniper attacks in Washington, D.C., Mehanna, Abousamra, and CW2 discuss a plan to get automatic weapons, go to a shopping mall, and randomly shoot people. Abousamra says civilians aren't innocent because they pay taxes to the government and because they are Kufar (nonbelievers). October 2003, Abousamra flies to California to meet with Individual A, who tells him whom to see and where to go to find terrorist training camps in Yemen. Late 2003, discussion of the mall attack plan continues, including types of weapons needed, number of attackers involved, and coordinating the attack across different entrances. Attacking emergency responders is debated. CW2 travels to New Hampshire to meet with Maldonado, a former gang member, who is believed to have access to automatic weapons. But Maldonado says all he can get is handguns. Lacking firepower, the plan is abandoned. Late 2003 Mehanna, Abousamra, and CW2 begin planning a trip to Yemen to attend a jihadist training camp or training in southern Jordan. Traveling to Iraq is discussed and of particular interest because of the opportunity to fight US forces and because it is more accessible than other jihad conflicts around the world. February 2004 CW2 hides video of his actions that he expects to tell family about later by e-mail. Mehanna, Abousamra, and CW2 debate the permissibility of suicide bombings. Abousamra agrees. CW2 does not; he and Mehanna want to be soldiers for jihad, not suicide bombers. Daniel Maldonado pleaded guilty before a federal judge in Texas to receiving military training from Islamic militants in Somalia. Al-Khattab received this letter from Mehanna: “26th of Dhu al-Qa'dah, 1430 / 14th of November, 2009. In the Name of Allah, I praise Allah and invoke peace and blessings on the Messenger of Allah. First of all, I would like to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your immense support. Each and every person who is praying for my family and I, who has written a letter, and who attended a hearing or raised general awareness of what is going is known to Allah, and I ask that they each be rewarded with the good of this life and the next, and that Allah relieves each of you of trials and calamities just as you have helped to relieve my own...I cannot speak in detail about the charges and accusations against me, but suffice to say that nobody who truly knows me would for a second believe the utter lies and sensationalist garbage that has been peddled around in the media since my arrest.” Duane Reasoner lost his job as a substitute teacher and has gone into hiding. Without Hasan’s testimony he will probably go free but will have to be on the lookout for extra-judicial justice as this traitor should have his ass kicked. Hasan was transferred to the Darnall Army Medical Center Fort Hood, Texas for deployment in July 2009 and on August 1, 2009 he purchased the Belgian made FN Herstal 5.7 pistol he used to perpetrate his act of mass murder. The FBI was made aware of his purchase but the information could not be passed on to the Joint Terrorist Taskforce as the investigation of Hasan had been closed. The second gun was an older model Smith & Wesson .357-caliber revolver. It was not fired. The revolver was so old investigators doubted it could be traced to a specific purchase. It is alleged Hasan had hired an attorney to prevent his deployment but none has come forward. In October 2009, the FBI Behavioral Science Unit established a Military Violence Unit to assist the Department of Defense with coming to grips with this problem. On November 5, 2009 he perpetrated the Fort Hood Massacre. Since Hasan was making jihad he was exempt from Sharia Law. Women employed at a strip club Starz in Killeen, Texas, told ABC News they remembered Hasan and that he visited the all-nude club at least three times, bringing his own six pack of beer. According to the British Telegraph, Mohamed Atta, the pilot of the first hijacked aircraft that crashed into the World Trade Centre, and his fellow shaheeds spent some of their time in Las Vegas at the Olympic Bar, a downtown strip club. Hasan was videotaped dressed in white prior to the event the color traditionally worn by the shaheed. He left his decrepit apartment complex to attend 6 a.m. prayers at a mosque near Fort Hood, which was subsequently a garbology target of the FBI. He said goodbye to fellow Muslims there and asked forgiveness from one man for any past offenses. He went to a shooting range and emptied out his safe deposit box. When he committed the act he bowed his head for several seconds in prayer to Allah, stood up and drew a high-powered pistol. "Allah Akbar," he said -- "G-D is great." Hasan believed, “Allah created life and death the He might put you to the test and find out which of you acquitted himself best.” After Hasan’s attack in Fort Hood Al-Awlaki stated, “Nidal Hassan is a hero. He is a man of conscience who could not bear living the contradiction of being a Muslim and serving in an army that is fighting against his own people. This is a contradiction that many Muslims brush aside and just pretend that it doesn’t exist. Any decent Muslim cannot live, understanding properly his duties towards his Creator and his fellow Muslims, and yet serve as a US soldier. The US is leading the war against terrorism which in reality is a war against Islam. Its army is directly invading two Muslim countries and indirectly occupying the rest through its stooges. Nidal opened fire on soldiers who were on their way to be deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. How can there be any dispute about the virtue of what he has done? In fact the only way a Muslim could Islamically justify serving as a soldier in the US army is if his intention is to follow the footsteps of men like Nidal. The heroic act of brother Nidal also shows the dilemma of the Muslim American community. Increasingly they are being cornered into taking stances that would either make them betray Islam or betray their nation. Many amongst them are choosing the former. The Muslim organizations in America came out in a pitiful chorus condemning Nidal’s operation. “The fact that fighting against the US army is an Islamic duty today cannot be disputed. No scholar with a grain of Islamic knowledge can defy the clear cut proofs that Muslims today have the right -rather the duty- to fight against American tyranny. Nidal has killed soldiers who were about to be deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan in order to kill Muslims. The American Muslims who condemned his actions have committed treason against the Muslim Ummah and have fallen into hypocrisy. Allah (swt) says: Give tidings to the hypocrites that there is for them a painful punishment – Those who take disbelievers as allies instead of the believers. Do they seek with them honor [through power]? But indeed, honor belongs to Allah entirely. (al-Nisa 136-137) The inconsistency of being a Muslim today and living in America and the West in general reveals the wisdom behind the opinions that call for migration from the West. It is becoming more and more difficult to hold on to Islam in an environment that is becoming more hostile towards Muslims. May Allah grant our brother Nidal patience, perseverance and steadfastness and we ask Allah to accept from him his great heroic act. Ameen.” Yemeni journalist Abdulelah Hider Shaea interviewed Al-Awlaki in November 2009, after Al-Awlaki’s website was taken off the internet. Al-Awlaki acknowledged his correspondence with Hasan, and said he "neither ordered nor pressured Maj. Nidal M. Hasan to harm Americans.” This went against everything Al-Awlaki stood for, violence, mass murder in the name of Allah. Print, video and audio files of Al-Awlaki’s words have been found on the private hard drives of terrorism suspects in Canada in 2006 and in the United States in 2007 and 2008. He also wrote congratulations to al-Shabaab, an Islamic extremist group leading an insurgency in Somalia, after it apparently used the first U.S.-citizen suicide bomber last fall. Al-Awlaki said Hasan arrived at his own conclusions regarding the acceptability of violence in Islam, and said he was not the one to initiate this. What else could he have said? Al-Awlaki was under investigation by the Government of Yemen for his ties to Al-Qaeda. Shaea summarized their relationship by stating, "Nidal was providing evidence to Anwar, not vice versa." Asked whether Hasan mentioned Fort Hood as a target in his e-mails, Shaea declined to comment. Why would the interviewer sent by the Washington Post to Yemen decline to comment if the emails had not mentioned Fort Hood? Referring to a post on his blog praising the shootings after they occurred, al-Alwaki said he "blessed the act because it was against a military target. And the soldiers who were killed were not normal soldiers, but those who were trained and prepared to go to Iraq and Afghanistan." In December 2009 al-Alwaki granted an interview to the Arabic news service Al-Jazeera and turned over copies of the emails that were exchanged between himself and his mureed (student of jihad) Hasan. The following was taken from a machine translation of this interview: Al-J: Sheikh Anwar, when did your relationship with this jihadist begin? Al-Alwaki: Brother Nidal asked G-D to protect him when he was praying in Mosques during the time I was an Imam who had just moved to Virginia. Al-J: When was the first meeting between you and him? Al-Alwaki: Some nine years ago when I preached at the Dar al-Hijrah Mosque in Washington, D.C., one of the largest Islamic Centers in America. Al-J: There are reports that there was a closer relationship than that. Al-Alwaki: Brother Nidal was also communicating with me via email in the past year to mid year 2009. Al-J: When did your contact with him about the Islamist struggle begin? Al-Alwaki: The first message I received from this jihadi was on December 17, 2008. Al-J: Who began this correspondence, you or him? Al-Alwaki: He began it my contacting me. Al-J: What did he want? Al-Alwaki: He was asking if the killing of American soldiers and officers was legitimate or not? Al-J: He was asking this for nearly a year? Al-Alwaki: Yes, I am surprised they were not intercepted by U.S. Security agencies who claim they can read the license plate numbers from any vehicle in the world from space. Al-J: What did he want to know about jihad in these communications? Al-Alwaki: Of course, as I’ve mentioned the first message was about fatwas regarding the morality of killing another Muslim soldier while serving in the United States military. And group of other emails explained his view that making jihad while killing Israeli civilians had religious legitimacy and he was in favor of this, those letters mentioned the legal and factual justification for the targeting of Jews with rockets. Then there were some of the letters requesting a way to transfer some funds to us to contribute to the work of the “charity.” Al-J: Were there other signs the indicated jihad? Did you bless the work of jihad that he carried out three days later? Al-Alwaki: I associate myself with the process that was done by the brother that is the work of heroic jihad and I tried to articulate my opinion on what happened because many of the Islamic organizations and preachers in the West condemned the operation, and I had to be a voice to be linked to Muslims in America and in the West who were independent of them. At the same time it showed the truth in what Brother Nidal by his act of jihad did, an act that the media especially tried to link to me since the beginning. Al-J: Why do you bless the works of the jihadi and shaheeds? Al-Alwaki: Because the objective targeted by Nidal was a military target within the United States and this only makes his jihad more legitimate, not only that these are not ordinary soldiers but they were equipped and preparing to start to fight and kill vulnerable Muslims by committing war crimes in Afghanistan. How can I or other Imams remain silent after hearing the testimony of jihadis who performed forensic analysis incriminating Americans in war crimes? There is a dispute about operations involving non combatants but his objective was purely a military target. Al-J: How can you support the fact that he committed treason against the United States? Al-Alwaki: It is more important not to betray the Islamic faith. To work in the U.S. military to fight Muslims is a betrayal of Islam. America today is the Pharaoh of yesterday. It is the enemy of Islam. It is not permissible for a Muslim to be employed by the United States Army unless he intends to follow in the footsteps of our brother Nidal. Allegiance in Islam is to Allah, His Messenger and to the other believers and not to a handful of dust which these traitors call home. A Muslim Americans loyalty is to the Muslim Nation and not to America and the brother’s jihad proved that through the blessed struggle, and G-d will reward him richly for that. Al-J: Are you directly related to the incident, did you have a hand in it? Al-Alwaki: I did not cause him to perform blessed jihad, but what inspired him was the United States and its crimes, the injustice it perpetuates and this is what the United States is trying to hide and does not want to be recognized. America does not want to recognize what he had done and that the struggle by thousands of Muslims fighting against America exists because of the unfair policy of America when it comes to the Islamic world. Nidal Hasan before being an American is a Muslim from Palestine as well and he sees what the United States is doing perpetuating the injustices of the Jews under the cover of American support. Yes, I might have had a role in the intellectual guidance of the jihad, but it is not beyond that. I am not trying to shirk from the link by disassociating myself from jihad and with him but I am admitting I had a bigger role than ever before! Al-J: From what I can see from the emails you gave me Nidal trusts you and respects you, and you still say that you did not have a hand in the event? Al-Alwaki: Talking to you about this, and I explained to you and I gave you for publication the emails because the United States Administration prevented their publication. So why do they not want them to exist? What is the reason? Do they want coverage on the failure of security? Or do they not want to admit that the jihadist struggle is the principle behind the event and that he did what he did in the service of Islam? They wish to show it was a sudden act of an individual not related to the war crimes of the American military. Al-J: Do you think he was get the death penalty? Al-Alwaki: This is likely in any case. We call upon him to prove Allah is the right G-d and helps those who do good. I ask Allah to accept him as a shaheed and when Allah sees his death certificate congratulate him. JEWISH DEFENSE ORGANIZATION BREAKS UP AL-QAEDA CELL IN WOODSIDE QUEENS As for Yousef Al-Khattab, the Jewish Defense Organization was able to obtain his address. Al-Khattab had recently praised Hasan calling him “an officer and a gentleman” so once his address was revealed to his neighbors they and others began a campaign, with the help of the JDO, to get him evicted from his office. Al-Khattab, believed that he was in danger of getting what he deserved from some local patriotic Americans or from members of the JDO, so this dirty dog fled the United States with his tail between his legs and joined his family in Morocco. By doing so he immediately put himself and his family in danger of arrest because he had made statements calling for the overthrow of the monarchy on his RevolutionMuslim blog. Al-Khattab also resigned from RevolutionMuslim: “It’s not surprising the Jewish Defense Organization want to drive me out of Queens, they are rabbinical Jews with the emphasis on rabbinical and this is the way the do things historically let’s start from 1948 where they drove the indigenous population of Palestine into refugee status for over 61 years now even though they have no links to Palestine…as they are trying to drive me out…I am not too worried about any violence from them, and when they do things they do things sneaky like planting bombs in the Russian Embassy which their people did before…There is no reason to confront them, there is nothing to talk about they are hokum, their verdict has been sealed and it’s just a matter of time until that verdict is handed out so there is nothing we can discuss with them. It’s not like we are talking to anybody else. They have their opinions, they are disgusting they are fascists and they don’t have the greater good of all the people in their mind, they have the greater good for their own gene pool that is passed down through their mothers which is Orthodox Judaism whereas Shar’ia law, whenever it takes over it cares about all of its citizens and rather than raping their resources and seizing power from them it gives them the same rights basically…so there is no one to confront. He left behind bicycle messenger Abdullah as-Sayf Jones as the new Amir. From Jones' blog: "The author of this blog is named Abdullah as-Sayf Jones, however was born as David Scott Jones into an average American family of Italian-Irish background. He grew up like every other kid living in lower-class Brevard, Florida. While most kids in his area were getting involved in gangs and crime or trying to become famous rappers and athletes; Abdullah (David) was interested in other things like history, religion, revolution, etc. Abdullah began reading the books of Sayyid Qutb and listening to the lectures of Shaykh Abdullah al-Faisal and Shaykh Anwar al-Awlaki. Through this he came to be the person he is today, Abdullah as-Sayf Jones a Muslim revolutionary in pursuit of Allah’s pleasure and Jannah insha’Allah ta’alaa.” On Sunday December 20, 2009 the Jewish Defense Organization staged a demonstration in front of the headquarters of the Al-Qaeda recruitment cell in Woodside, Queens. Al-Khattab told The Queens Tribune that Jones no longer resided in the apartment and claims the apartment has been vacant for at least two weeks. He said the landlords are not involved in any of his writings and have nothing to do with either him or Jones, except as a landlord. He also harshly criticized the JDO for releasing the landlord's phone number to the public. He criticized the JDO for labeling them as al-Qaeda operatives. He said if that were true, he wouldn't have his freedom. "Do they think they know something the police don't?" al-Khattab said, noting that neither the NYPD nor federal law enforcement have arrested him on any terrorism charges. He said if the JDO's claims were true, he'd "be in prison already. We never said 'kill Jews'," al-Khattab said, "We're not blanket racists, we're not the KKK, we're not al-Qaeda. We merely critique American politics." This was a lie. Note A Prayer to My God by Yousef al-Khattab “Ya Allah (Oh God) I beseech You to carry out your wrath on the Jewish occupiers of Palestine & their supporters. Ya Allah (Oh God) please throw liquid drain cleaner in their faces. Ya Allah (Oh God) burn their flammable sukkos while they sleep. Ya Allah (Oh God),make rocks crash through their car windows as they drive in Your land Bayit al Maqdes Ya Allah (Oh God), make their fingers and brains stick on cafe walls from impact. Ya Allah (Oh God) answer my duaa (prayer).” PART TWO: THE TERRORIST’S SUPPORT NETWORK THE ENEMY WITHIN: ISLAMIST MOLES POPULATE THE ADC: ARAB AMERICAN ANTI-DISCRIMINATION COMMITTEE. In 1980, James Zogby joined with former Senator James Abourezk to form the ADC. The ADC has 18,000 members and is the largest grass roots Arab-American organization and claims that its mission is defending the political rights and promoting the cultural heritage of the more than three million Americans of Arab descent. Senator James Abourezk is definitely a terrorist sympathizer – he was willing to testify for Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman but was prevented from doing so. The Senator served one term – 1973 to 1979 – in the Senate and one in the House of Representatives from 1971 to 1973. The ADC is part of our “Terror Lobby” and uses civil liberties issues to make it easier for Islamists to operate by lobbying against “anti-terror” legislation on the highest levels of government. In order to do so they recruit the best Islamist subversive minds in America. Sara Najjar-Wilson is the ADC’s National Executive Director. Sara is an experienced attorney with more than 30 years of service in the Federal government, having served as a Trial Attorney with the U.S. Department of Justice’s Civil Division and as a Senior Attorney in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Office of the General Counsel. Among other leadership positions, she has served as Chairperson of the Federal Litigation Section of the Federal Bar Association (FBA) and as the Program Chairperson of the Washington Foreign Law Society. Ms. Najjar-Wilson represented NASA in several “high profile” activities, including the interests of the families of the late Challenger astronauts. Among many honors and awards, Sara received the NASA Exceptional Service Medal. Former ADC National Executive Director, Kareem Shora, worked for ADC for ten years, and is now a Senior Policy Advisor to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties. In June 2004 the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee keynote speakers were Asa Hutchinson Undersecretary of the Department of Homeland Security and Teresa Heinz Kerry wife of Presidential Candidate John Kerry. To please the ADC Hutchinson promised that the Department of Homeland Security would eliminate the special registration for people who fit the profile of Arab terrorists program completely in the near future and pledged to deal with all travelers equally and without discrimination. That would make it easier for jihadis to board flights. The ADC announced that the Office of Inspector General (OIG) at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will be conducting an audit reviewing the National Security Entry-Exit Registration System (NSEERS) in early January 2010. This will make it easier for terrorist to enter the United States. The ADC wants to eviscerate or destroy the Patriot Act. The Islamists will recruit fair minded liberals to participate in their own self destruction. Heinz Kerry, "John will be committed to a strong America, where our nation's laws are enforced without resorting to discrimination. He has always supported strong hate crime laws, and he believes that the practice of racial profiling should be prohibited." She had 57 Varieties of stupidity. She had not the slightest idea that this politically correct thinking was paving the way for Nidal Hasan to escape an FBI investigation. If anyone messed with Nidal Hasan, a Major in the United States Army, the ADC she and Hutchinson cozened up to would have attempted to destroy them via its connections of through the justice system as it has aside from its leadership it has numerous lawyers, including a few self-hating Jews, at its disposal. A DANGEROUS ISLAMIST GROUP THAT WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAJOR NIDAL HASAN’S FORT MASSACRE “It’s frightening to think that an organization with clear-cut ties to terrorism could have a hand in influencing policy, especially national security policy, within our government. The investigations that we’re asking for are simple, and I’m hopeful that they will bring to light any and all information regarding the goals of CAIR.” – a statement by Rep. Sue Myrick Congresswoman from North Carolina. Al-Awlaki supporters include the civil rights coordinator for CAIR's Los Angeles chapter, Affad Shaikh, who has listened to Al-Awlaki’s lectures and posted links to his Web site on his blog Muslamics. Shaikh, who in 2008 was questioned by Homeland Security agents near San Diego, wrote: "In death there is something to celebrate," on his blog in a post titled "Celebrating Death." The essay mirrors one Al-Awlaki previously posted titled "Why Muslims Love Death." "Our culture of martyrdom needs to be revived," the imam fumes, "because the enemy of Allah fears nothing more than our love of death. We will implement the rule of Allah on earth by the tip of the sword whether the masses like it or not.” Ali al-Timimi, 41, a Ph.D. in computational biology and a self-professed Islamic scholar was convicted on all ten terrorism counts against him, including soliciting others to levy war against the United States and inducing others to use firearms in violation of federal law. The firearms convictions require mandatory life imprisonment without parole. Al-Timimi's storefront mosque was located in the same Falls Church office building as a Muslim-run travel agency that booked trips to Saudi Arabia for the haj. Copies of its travel itinerary show Al-Awlaki acted as a tour guide for the trips. Listed directly under him was a trip advisor named Mohammad el-Mezain, who is the CAIR fundraiser recently convicted of providing material support to terrorists in the Holy Land Foundation trial. El-Mezain co¬founded the Hamas charitable front with CAIR director Elashi. El-Mezain and Al-Awlaki knew each other from San Diego. Before his arrest, el-Mezain headed Holy Land's San Diego office and, like Al-Awlaki, served as a leader in local mosques there.They pair once lived in the same small Colorado apartment complex together. According to federal investigators, el-Mezain likely met Al-Awlaki in Fort Collins, Colorado, around 1990, when the two were neighbors and attended the same local mosque. CAIR, The Council on American-Islamic Relations is the stealth arm of the Hamas section of the Muslim Brotherhood, is a guilty as Hasan for the Fort Hood Massacre. This terrorist group had been allowed to poison and intimidate the FBI for decades. The FBI did not act because Hasan was Muslim and it was afraid of being accused of being sued for racial profiling and religious discrimination by CAIR. CAIR would have sued the FBI, FBI officials and individual agents. CAIR has a long history of litigiousness. For example CAIR represented a veteran of the American military and a doctor in trying to force the USG to grant them citizenship. CAIR was behind an effort in 2008 by six imams who were taken off a U.S. Airways flight for acting suspiciously to sue the passengers who reported the imams to airline personnel. If their attempt had succeeded, Americans would be afraid to report suspicious behavior in airplanes for fear of being sued. This became known as the Flying Imam’s case! The lawsuit’s real purpose was to facilitate another 9/11. Like the ADC, CAIR is determined to security strip America as part of a hidden Islamist agenda. This document reveals CAIR’s strength. The FBI had to factor this into the equation when deciding whether or not to investigate Hasan. Before CAIR was linked to Hamas and cut off these Islamist terrorists passing themselves off a mainstream Muslim-Americans had plenty of contact with the FBI. WHY WAS A TERRORIST GROUP WORKING WITH THE FBI? CAIR conducted religious sensitivity training sessions for the FBI. In 2006 CAIR stated that it “works closely with local, state and federal law enforcement agencies to foster a positive partnership with the Muslim community that ensures the protection of all people’s civil rights. After the 9/11 attacks, CAIR’s executive director met with Robert Mueller, the director of the FBI. In 2004, senior CAIR officials met with Cassie Chandler, then Assistant Director for Public Affairs, and Gary Bald, then Assistant Director for Counterterrorism, in the FBI’s Washington, DC headquarters to discuss ways to improve the working relationship between CAIR and the FBI. In 2006, senior CAIR officials attended a meeting with FBI Deputy Director John Pistole in the FBI’s National Headquarters in Washington, DC. Currently, CAIR officials are providing on-going diversity training about Islam and Muslims to participants at the Counterterrorism Division of Federal Law Enforcement Training and Education Center (FLETC) in Glynco, GA. FLETC serves as an interagency law enforcement training organization for more than 80 Federal agencies. Recently CAIR officials gave seminars and lectures at The United States Army Central Command in Tampa and at USMA in West Point.” During this time one FBI official gave CAIR a clean bill of health, “In a March 14, 2007 New York Times article, MichaeI RoIince, a retired F.B.I. officiaI who directed counterterrorism in the Washington field office from 2002 to 2005, said, ‘Of aII the groups, there is probabIy more suspicion about CAIR, but when you ask peopIe for coId hard facts, you get bIank stares.’” Rolince also gave Zacharias Moussaoui a clean bill of health: Moussaoui’s Defense attorney Edward B. MacMahon Jr. asked Michael E. Rolince then the retired head of the FBI's International Terrorism Operations Section, whether he knew that agent Harry Harry Samit had warned in an August 18, 2001 memo to his office that Moussaoui was a potential terrorist. "No," he answered at Moussaoui's death penalty trial. Rolince claimed to have never seen Samit’s report and anyway believed the report to be “suppositions, hunches and suspicions.” Steven Pomerantz and Oliver “Buck” Revell, both former FBI Agents, disagree with Rolince and believe CAIR is a terrorist support group. THE FBI CUTS OFF CAIR 16 MONTHS TOO LATE In May 2007 CAIR was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism case. Sixteen months later the FBI cut off CAIR. This is from the CAIR website “The FBI severed relations with CAIR in October 2008. Shortly before the end of the Bush administration, FBI offices contacted many CAIR chapters stating that they were suspending some ties between the Washington-based civil rights and advocacy group and FBI field offices. The letters also stated that the FBI will continue to work with CAIR on civil rights issues impacting American Muslims. A number of anti-Muslim Internet sites have promoted the story as a means to smear CAIR. However, these same sites have been forced to admit that the Bush administration’s policy has not been fully accepted by local FBI officials. According to WorldNetDaily.com, a site many argue adopts a significant anti-Muslim tone: "F.B.I. sources, however, say the new policy has not been uniformly followed since it was put into effect late last summer. They say there is still political resistance to the rule, which has generated complaints from some in the Muslim community." (1/30/2009) CAIR is a civil rights and advocacy group that often challenged Bush administration policies. It is not surprising that we would be targeted in a purely political move by those in the previous administration who sought to prevent us from defending the civil rights of American Muslims. This campaign of smears and misinformation is an unfortunate legacy of the Bush administration's misguided and counterproductive efforts to marginalize mainstream American Muslim organizations. The true losers under this unfortunate policy are those FBI officials who will have their access to the mainstream American Muslim community restricted by the Bush administration’s directive that prevents them from taking part in the many public activities such as town hall meetings and diversity workshops sponsored by CAIR chapters. We hope the FBI will not be perceived as turning back the clock on the civil rights movement to a time when those who defended civil liberties were targeted, as was the case with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. It should be noted that even if the Bush administration’s politically-motivated policy remains in place, CAIR chapters nationwide will continue to work with local law enforcement agencies and the FBI on issues related to our core mission of defending the civil rights of all Americans. Going forward, we will do our utmost to work with the new administration to ensure that public officials and representatives of law enforcement agencies hear the voices of American Muslims. We look forward to returning to normal relations with law enforcement now that there is a new administration.” The FBI explained, "CAIR was named as an unindicted co-conspirator of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development in the United States v. Holy Land Foundation et al. (Cr. No. 3:04-240-P (N.D.TX.). During that trial, evidence was introduced that demonstrated a relationship among CAIR, individual CAIR founders (including its current President Emeritus and its Executive Director) and the Palestinian Committee. Evidence was also introduced that demonstrated a relationship between the Palestinian Committee and HAMAS, which was designated a terrorist organization in 1995. In light of that evidence, the FBI suspended all formal contacts between CAIR and the FBI. The FBI's decision to suspend formal contacts was not intended to reflect a wholesale judgment of the organization and its entire membership. Nevertheless, until we can resolve whether there continues to be a connection between CAIR or its executives and HAMAS, the FBI does not view CAIR as an appropriate liaison partner." President Obama did not rescind that directive and so he is taking the fact that CAIR was named as an unindicted co-conspirator seriously, as well he should. UNINDICTED TERRORIST CO-CONSPIRATORS Don’t dismiss the importance of unindicted co-conspirators, as the intelligence community did in the trial of Shaykh Omar Abdel Rahman. Usama bin Laden was on the Rahman Unindicted Co-Conspirator List under his nom de guerre “Abu Abdullah.” When Heni Lased (left) was arrested in Germany a major part of the evidence came from wiretaps made by Italian police in Milan during which Heni Lased and his associates discussed “a suffocating liquid that kills people efficiently.” Heni Lased wanted to “die a Shaheed”, while using poison gas to suffocate worshippers in the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris. The gas was to have been released with the help of a rudimentary bomb made from a converted pressure cooker. In another conversation, months before the September 11th Islamist Victory Heni Lased hinted that the “Sheik Abu Abdullah” was planning a major attack: “He is planning something because he has wished for a goal and he wants to carry it out. It is not a small thing.” Waleed Abouel Nour was on the Rahman Unindicted Co-Conspirator List. Waleed Nour and Egyptian Mohamed el-Atriss were incorporators, registered agents and directors of Sphinx Trading Company located at 2828 Kennedy Boulevard in Jersey City that was founded in 1987. Sphinx Trading provided check cashing, mailbox services and international wiring services for the Gama’a al-Islamiyya’s Brooklyn / Jersey City cell. The Islamist assassin of Rabbi Meir Kahane, Said Nosair, had a mailbox there. Siddig Ali Siddig’s (one of the 1993 World Center crew) translation service was located at Box 161 2823 Kennedy Boulevard. El-Atriss claimed he met Nour while both were cab drivers in Newark, New Jersey and not through an Islamist network. Sphinx Trading was next door to the Afghan Refugee Services Center, a front group for Gama’a al-Islamiyya’s Brooklyn / Jersey City cell and the Al-Salaam Mosque, where Sheik Rahman preached. These outposts of Islamism were both located at 2824 Kennedy Boulevard. This author and Peter Lance visited Sphinx and confronted its employees. Mohamed el-Atriss also ran a fake-document mill called All Services Plus on Paterson, New Jersey's Market Street that sold false identification papers to illegal immigrants and false international drivers licenses. El-Atriss provided September 11th Shaheeds Abdulaziz Alomari and Khalid al-Midhar with some bogus identification. The FBI believed he did so unwittingly. Maybe he did but the Brothers went to Paterson for a specific reason, namely because they were aware of el-Atriss’ connection to what was left of the Gama’a al-Islamiyya’s Brooklyn / Jersey City. When New Jersey authorities raided Mohamed al-Atriss’ operation in July 2001 he fled to Egypt but returned to the United States August 20, 2001 and was released on bail and went back in business. When the Paterson Police learned that documents from All Services Plus, El-Atriss' company, were uncovered at an apartment where some of the September 11th Shaheeds lived, the local police obtained search warrants for his al-Atriss’ home and business. He initially denied selling to the hijackers, but when further confronted apparently agreed after a download of the names of the September 11th Shaheeds was found in his office with the names he sold the ID to underlined. Detective Ernst was a major witness against al-Atriss: “We initially started to investigate Sphinx Trading Company as a potential money laundering operation. We identified ties to Middle Eastern countries, specifically Egypt and Saudi Arabia. We were asked to not pursue the investigation any further by a specific federal agency, who indicated to us that they had interest in that as well. We began to investigate -- we did a check through the Federal HIDTA System, which is a drug enforcement agency, intelligence system. They work with an intelligence gathering system called the EPIC System, which is the El Paso Information Center that provides intelligence to federal authorities. Through the EPIC System they classify, they being the FBI and U.S. Customs in a joint task force, have classified Waleed Abouel Nour, as a terrorist. When I specifically asked the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force to confirm that, they indicated to me that they would have to get back to me on that. And it's been several months and I haven't heard. But the initial indication from the EPIC System was that the FBI classified his partner in this incorporation as a terrorist. Mr. El-Atriss is listed on the bank records as the principal of the company. Also of interest, the location Sphinx Trading Company, 2828 Kennedy Boulevard is also red flagged by the FBI as a known location that was involved in the first bombing of the World Trade Center with the Blind Sheik Rahman. He had received mail at that location. And it was also indicated to me by the FBI that several of the hijackers involved in the September 11th Events also had mailboxes at that location.” CAIR’S LINKS TO THE MOMBAI ISLAMIST MASSACRE Randall Todd Royer, a leading member of CAIR now locked up in a cage 23 hours a day was a member of Lashkar-e-Taiba the group that sent its Islamist suicidal mass murderers to Mombai Chabad House to kill its Rabbi and his wife. Royer, who served as a communications specialist and a civil rights coordinator at CAIR was indicted and arrested for his association with Lashkar-e-Taiba. He traveled to Pakistan, did propaganda work for it, and “fired at Indian positions in Kashmir” with a machine gun and Rocket Propelled Grenade. In addition, his indictment states that Royer “possessed in his automobile an AK-47-style rifle and 219 rounds of ammunition” in September 2001. It was charged that on or about May 8, 2003, in Gaithersburg, Maryland, codefendant Masoud Ahmad Khan possessed a photograph downloaded from the Internet of the FBI Headquarters building in Washington, D.C. In November Judge Leonie Brinkema sentenced three of Royer’s co-defendants to 11½, 11¼ and 3 years and 10 months in prison. Royer received a twenty-year prison sentence. CAIR has consistently defended jihadi leaders and as stated in May 2007 was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism case. CAIR termed the conviction of the operatives of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing as “a travesty of justice.” The conviction of Sheik Rahman was called a “hate crime.” CAIR chairman, Omar Ahmed, said in 1998: “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Qu’ran... should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth.” CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper (left) made this clear: “I wouldn’t want to create the impression that I wouldn’t want the Government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future.” The FBI’s former chief of counter-terrorism, Steven Pomerantz, bestowed this compliment on CAIR: “CAIR, its leaders and its activities effectively give aid to international terrorist groups.” CAIR-New York’s Executive Director Ghazi Khankan solicited contributions for the families of September 11th detainees and said that American Taliban John Walker Lindh was a “misguided young American Muslim” who should not have gone overseas to “get involved in local politics.” Ghazi Khankan was an Islamic Center of Long Island officer until 2004, director of both interfaith affairs and communications. Shortly after 9/11, he told The New York Times that the U.S. government hadn't proven Osama Bin Laden's role in the attacks: “We need to have proof. We need to have facts. If there is something wrong, let’s get together through the United Nations, not act as a lynch mob.” His speech at a fund-raiser in Virginia that October 2001 was recorded: “Why is it assumed that Muslims were behind the attack? We know at least three people assumed to be hijackers who are still alive in the Middle East. The question is, who is impersonating these Muslim names? Who benefits from assuming Muslims are behind this tragedy and who benefits from this tragedy?” That same month, Khankan gave Newsday his view on who had really perpetrated the atrocities: “What about the world Zionist network? Why are you in the media not looking at them?” In 1999 CAIR received $250,000 loan from the Saudi-run Wahhabist Islamic Development Bank to buy land in Washington, D.C., construct a headquarters facility. On September 9, 2001, at a rally to support Jamil Al-Amin , Sheik Hamza Yusuf Hanson, a convert to Islam and a member of CAIR who is known as a moderate Muslim stated that “America faced a terrible fate” and that Sheik Rahman was unjustly tried and condemned against any standards of justice in any legal system. The FBI went to interview Yusuf to determine whether this statement meant that he had prior knowledge of the September 11thEvent, which of course he said he did not. When agents came to his San Francisco home on September 20, 2001, they learned he was meeting with President Bush. Later the website of Yusuf’s organization vowed to send part of any money it collected to the Benevolence International Foundation, a front for jihadi. CAIR received $500,000 from Saudi prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, one of the world's richest men. If not for this litigious group with unlimited resources there would have been action taken against Major Hasan. They succeeded in tying the hands of intelligence agencies via the justice system and their goal of killing Americans was achieved. CAIR was forced to put out a page dispelling all the rumors about it. CAIR is the subject of an excellent book entitled The Muslim Mafia and several members of Congress have called for an investigation of this terrorist support group. This book revealed that CAIR's founder Omar M. Ahmad praised suicide bombers who "kill themselves for Islam." He also hosted blind Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman at his home not long before he was arrested and convicted of terrorism, according to Ahmad's apartment manager at the time, who turned photographs and other evidence over to the FBI's San Jose, California, field office. While the Blind Sheik was plotting terrorism in New York, he paid Ahmad a visit at his Villa Monroe apartment in Santa Clara, California, says then-apartment manager Andy Hyslop. A few years later, a Santa Clara mosque, which Ahmad helped found, hosted and raised thousands of dollars for bin Laden deputy Ayman Al-Zawahiri. PART THREE: DR. AYMAN AL-ZAWAHIRI: Al-QAEDA LOUDMOUTH Doctor Ayman Al-Zawahiri was born June 19, 1951 descendent from a deep-rooted wealthy Egyptian family. His grandfather was one the Imams at the Al-Azhar mosque, and his other grandfather from his mother’s side, Doctor Abdul Wahab Azzam was president of Cairo University then was the ambassador of Egypt to Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Yemen. His father was doctor Mohammad Rabi’ Al-Zawahiri, a professor at the medical school Ain Shams University, one of the most famous doctors before he died in 1995. Ayman was a member and leader of the banned Muslim Brotherhood starting at age fourteen, thanks to his great uncle Mahfuz Azzam, who brought Ayman and his brother Muhammad in the terrorist fold. Al-Zawahiri recalled, “The purpose of this cell was to establish an Islamic government …Jihad means removing the current government through and changing the current regime to establish an Islamic Government instead. This was to be done through a military coup. We were convinced that civilians and the military should cooperate to achieve this end.” Al-Zawahiri graduated from medical school in 1974, then spent three years as a surgeon in the Egyptian Army. In his book, Al-Hisad Al-Murr (The Bitter Harvest) Egyptian Islamic Jihad founder Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri summed up the feeling of many jihadi in the mid 1970’s when he stated that the Muslim Brotherhood was more interested in the ballot than the bullet and that this was in his opinion a violation of Shari’ah, Islamic Law, as he understood that democracy was a new religion that must be destroyed by war. He accused the Muslim Brotherhood of having sacrificed Allah's ultimate authority by accepting the notion that the people are the ultimate source of authority. He condemned the Muslim Brotherhood for renouncing Jihad as a means to establish the Islamic State. Al-Zawahiri characterized the Muslim Brotherhood as kuffar. Their adherence to democracy to achieve their political goals meant giving the legislature rights that belonged to Allah. Thus, he who supported democracy was, by definition, an infidel. "For he who legislates anything for human beings, would establish himself as their god" wrote Al-Zawahiri. He criticized the Muslim Brotherhood for extending bridges of understanding to the authorities that rule them. These bridges became part of a package or a quid pro quo: the rulers allowed the Brotherhood a degree of freedom to spread their beliefs and the Brotherhood acknowledged the legitimacy of the regime. For him, those who endorsed this philosophy could not be trusted even if they split from the Brotherhood. Their minds were forever polluted and set in stone. Al-Zawahiri drew attention to the enormous financial wealth of the Muslim Brotherhood. This "material prosperity," he argued, is the result of the Brotherhood's leaders who escaped Gamal Abdul Nasser's oppression and took over regional and international banks and businesses. In 1981 Dr. Al-Zawahiri was thrown in jail as an accessory in the Sadat assassination due to his connection to Gama’a al-Islamiyya. He was sentenced to three years for carrying a weapon without a license. There he witnessed his jailers’ torture to death the founder of the Afghan refugee clinic where he had previously worked. The Egyptian authorities claimed that the man had committed suicide. The legend goes that this was what totally radicalized Al-Zawahiri, however, if Al-Zawahiri weren’t already a radical, he would not have participated in the Sadat execution in the first place. Brother Issam (Essam or Isam) Al-Qamari was another of aI-Zawahiri’s fellow prisoners, who was at one time an active officer in the Egyptian army waiting for a chance to affect an Islamist military coup, however he left the Army in 1981 after his jihadi tendencies were discovered. Later Dr. Al-Zawahiri would publicly write, “The Islamic movement's infiltration of the Army will always be countered by purging operations. It is difficult for the Islamic movement to recruit a large number of officers in the Army without getting discovered, in view of the tight security measures within the ranks of the Armed Forces.” Al-Qamari was a charismatic figure who organized and led Islamist cells within Egypt's Tura Prison and it was during their incarceration and interrogation in 1981-1982, that the idea occurred to them of splitting from the Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyyah and forming Egyptian Al-Jihad. Basically Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyyah would shoot infidels; Egyptian Islamic Jihad would blow them up. UNDER TORTURE AL-ZAWAHIRI GIVES UP HIS CLOSEST FRIEND AL-QAMARI During his trial Al-Zawahiri pulled off his shoes and raised his robes to expose the marks of torture while denouncing the torture that took place in the "dirty Egyptian jails, where we suffered the severest inhuman treatment. There they kicked us, they beat us, they whipped us with electric cables they shocked us with electricity! They shocked us with electricity! And they used the wild dogs! And they used the wild dogs! And they hung us over the edges of the doors"— he bent over to demonstrate—"with our hands tied at the back! They arrested the wives, the mothers, the fathers, the sisters, and the sons!" The other defendants chanted, "The army of Muhammad will return, and we will defeat the Jews!" Unable to endure this AI-Zawahiri gave depositions and served as a witness implicating Al-Qamari: “He occasionally visited me in my clinic. I also found a flat for him and gave him money and the seized pistol, along with other weapons including five pistols, two machine guns and a number of bullets, I do not remember how many.” After he was arrested on October 15, 1981, Al-Zawahiri informed the authorities of Al-Qamari's whereabouts. He had taken refuge in a small mosque where he used to pray and meet Al-Zawahiri and other members of the group. “The police asked me to go this mosque to meet him so that they could arrest him because they were worried that there would be loss of lives. I went with them to the mosque and sat there under their eyes until he arrived and while he was performing the mosque greeting prayers he was arrested.” Al-Zawahiri’s relative, Mahfouz (Mahfuz) Azzam, had a different version of events: “On October 21, 1981, after the Menassa (the place of assassinating late President Sadat) event, he was in a car driven by his brother, on his way to the air port, after visiting his aunt he found State Security surrounded him and was arrested. He was able to travel before October 21 if he committed a crime, but he had a relation with Essam al-Qamari and the State Security had a problem with capturing him, so when they wanted to captured him waited until Essam speaks in telephone. They broke into Ayman's house and destroyed walls in order to find any clues, and when he said to them in the telephone: "tell Ayman we will meet after Salat al Maghreb (sunset prayer) in the mosque near Ket-Kat” - they knew him as Essam al-Qamri. If it were not for that call, all security forces will not catch him because Essam was a professional fighter, and he traveled to Russia.” Al-Zawahiri has a third version of events: “After intensive pursuits, I was arrested. An attack was conducted on the hideout of Essam al-Qamari, at the Cairo neighborhood of Al Jammaliyah, where an interesting battle took place. This battle occupied an important place in the history of the movement because of the serious facts that it demonstrated about the confrontation between the Islamists and government troops. It also proved the validity of Essam's theory and his farsightedness. This battle took place in the Manshiyat Nasir area in the Al-jammaliyah neighborhood. It is a poor area where poor homes are stacked next to each other, divided by narrow alleys and paths. Essam was hiding in a turner's workshop built by Muhammad Abdal Rahman al-Sharqawi , along with Ibrahim Salamah Iskandarani and Nabil Na'im (detained since 1991), to serve as one of our bases. This workshop was in a modest house consisting of a roofless hallway, with two fastened a few centimeters away from the iron door. They had two old short machine guns, two revolvers, and a number of hand grenades in their possession. When the break-in troops tried to storm their way into the gate they were jolted, and they immediately retreated in shock. Essam seized the opportunity and hurled a hand grenade over the door. It landed in the middle of the break-in team, killing or wounding the team members. The battalion officers and soldiers panicked when they heard the screams of the break-in team. There was complete silence in the air. Essam and his companions climbed to the roof of the workshop and started hailing the neighboring rooftops with bullets from their two machine guns, which soon stopped working. But Essam and his companions did not stop. They rained the force with 10 hand grenades, nine of which exploded. The resistance by the force stopped, and here Essam realized that it had been weakened. The brothers emerged from the workshop. They found a soldier in front of them pointing his weapon at them. However, he turned his back on them. Brother Nabil Na'im shot him in the head. “Essam asked them to sit still and wait for him to throw a hand grenade then start running in the direction of the grenade. The brothers started running through the cordons of the siege. It was as if they were running amidst dead people and ghosts. They continued to run until they reached the neighboring hills of Al-Muqattam. From a distance, they sat down to watch the badly hurt troops as they gathered their wounded men and moved back to their vehicles. Ibrahim Salamah suggested that this was the best opportunity to attack the battalion with what was left with the brothers in terms of ammunition, but Essam decided it was enough. The brothers continued to walk on the hills of Al-Muqattam. Ibrahim Salamah had a hand grenade in his hand. He had removed the pin from it then returned it again. However, it seemed that the pin shifted out of place when he was running. The brothers stopped for a while near one of the caves. “Ibrahim Salamah wanted to urinate. He turned around and faced the entrance of the cave. Essam and Nabil sat a few meters away from him with their backs to Ibrahim. The grenade dropped on the floor, causing the pin to shift a little. The brothers heard the capsule exploding. Ibrahim immediately threw himself on the bomb to protect his brothers. The explosion of the bomb, which ripped Ibrahim apart, broke the silence of the night. He took the full power of the explosion. It was an act of destiny that was beyond any expectation. After escaping safely from over a 100-man force from the Central Security Forces, Ibrahim met his fate. Isam and Nabil were astonished by the gravity of the surprise. Isam was arrested and put on trial in the Al-Jihad case. The prosecutors, colluding with the intelligence department, did not take him to attend the first session of the trial. They brought him along with Rifa'i Taha (a military official of the Islamic Group) on the second session from their place of detention in Al-Qal'ah Prison.” THE HYPOCRITE AL-ZAWAHIRI ORDERS THE EXECUTION OF ANOTHER JIHADI WHO CRACKED UNDER TORTURE A-Zawahiri as leader of Al-Jihad should have faced martyrdom to protect the organization instead of being a sissy, as he expected others to do as in the case of an Arab-Afghan fighter and Egyptian Islamic Jihad member named Mohamed Abdel Aleem, better known as “Abu Khadija”, who was one of the most loyal members of Islamic Jihad. He worked in an orphanage in Peshawar in Pakistan. Although he was only 25 at the time, he was very active. Before joining and working with Zawahiri in Afghanistan, he was a good friend of Abu Ubaidah al-Banshiri ('Ali al-Rasheedi) martyred by drowning in Lake Victoria. In Afghanistan, Abu Khadija joined Islamic Jihad and worked directly with Zawahiri himself but he had to leave behind a wife and children. He expressed to Zawahiri his wish to go back to Egypt to see them and try to bring them to Afghanistan. Zawahiri tried to talk him out of traveling for fear that he would be arrested by the Egyptian authorities, but his resolve was firm. The Security Committee made a plan to return him to Egypt on a forged passport with an itinerary that passed through a number of countries before arriving in Egypt, in order to make it difficult for the Egyptian authorities to track him. Despite these measures, as soon as he arrived at the airport, he was arrested by the Egyptian authorities who tortured him terribly until they extracted information about the activities of the group. Abu Khadija told the authorities about the hiding place of Esam Abdel Gayyid, who had infiltrated into Egypt to achieve certain aims. Soon thereafter, Abdel Gayyid was arrested. He is still in prison today. The Egyptian authorities eventually released Abu Khadija, and after lengthy judicial procedure, he received his passport. Abu Khadija insisted on joining his family in Saudi Arabia, where he bumped into Zawahiri in the Holy Mosque. He explained to Zawahiri that what was revealed was done under the pain of torture, and that he did not mean to cause the arrest of Abdel Gayyid. Zawahiri treated him coldly but was forgiven and was assured that since he was under torture he could not be held responsible. Abu Khadija returned to Afghanistan to work for the same orphanage. A few weeks after Abu Khadija’s arrival, aI-Zawahiri’s returned to Afghanistan. Abu Khadija then traveled to Islamabad en route to Jeddah to bring his family to Afghanistan. Abu Khadija was hosted by Pakistan's Islamist group Harakat ul-Ansar (aka HUM or Harkat-ul-Mujahideen). He then disappeared in Pakistan. Islamic Jihad spread rumors that he died in a car accident, that he had a car that he used for his travels between Islamabad and Peshawar. There was no accident. Members of the Security Committee in Islamic Jihad pretended they wanted to have him meet someone away from where he was hosted by Harakat ul-Ansar. He disappeared soon after this executed on the orders of Doctor aI-Zawahiri. ZAWAHIRI SNITCHES OUT HIS OWN BROTHER Dr. Al-Zawahiri identified his brother Muhammad Al-Zawahiri as a member of the same militant cell, according to the transcript of his 1981 Higher State Security Court confession, as reproduced by the jihadi house counsel Egyptian Montassar al-Zayyat (also spelled Zayat) in his The Road to Al-Qaeda: The Story of bin Laden’s Right-Hand Man. AI-Zawahiri’s cooperation with the authorities along with the CIA’s desire to destroy Communism perhaps led to his quick exit from Egypt to Saudi Arabia. Al-Qamari met a heroic death at the hands of the Egyptian security forces while lobbing grenades at them and holding them off until fatally wounded during a jailbreak. Montassar al-Zayyat visited AI-Zawahiri in the Ibn al-Nefees hospital, where he was working in Jeddah. He looked very sorrowful. The scars left on his body from the indescribable torture he suffered caused him no more pain, but his heart and soul still ached from it. The torture he suffered was not proportionate to his comparatively minor role in the assassination of Sadat and under the pain of torture he gave testimony to the Higher Military Court against other jihadi members from the army. Under these conditions, he admitted that they formed a movement inside the army to topple the regime and institute an Islamic government. From Saudi Arabia it was on to Afghanistan in 1986 where he joined Usama bin Laden in his struggle against the Soviets. In 1987 Ayman Al-Zawahiri founded the Peshawar bureau of Egyptian Islamic Jihad and started a monthly magazine called The Conquest. He also started Tanzeem al-Jihad (Jihad Organization) and in 1988 merged it with Islamic Jihad. Ayman Al-Zawahiri led the Egyptian Islamic Jihad throughout the 1990s and planned numerous attacks against Egyptian officials. THE INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC FRONT FOR THE JIHAD AGAINST JEWS AND CRUSADERS Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri rejoined bin Laden in Afghanistan in 1997 and signed a May 1998 declaration calling on Muslims to kill Americans and Jews all over the world, to wage Jihad against the US and its interests. Bin Laden formed The International Islamic Front for the Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders - a coalition of Islamist groups which included Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya and Al-Jihad as major players. In bin Laden's May religious pronouncement he told American news correspondent John Miller that, "we don't differentiate between those dressed in military uniforms and civilians. They are all targets of this fatwa…We also hold them (American government) responsible for its attacks on Islamic symbols, Sheikh Abdel Rahman, who is considered one of the most prominent Islamic scholars who Allah gave the courage to speak the truth. We hear that he is in a bad health condition and he is a man beyond 60 years of age and is blind and America treats him badly. The imprisonment of Sheikh Omar is an attack on the Muslim religion and countries. We hold it completely responsible for the imprisonment of Sheikh Omar and the imprisonment of other Muslims in America." AL-ZAWAHIRI VILIFIED SHAYKH OMAR ABDEL RAHMAN While Al-Zawahiri was in prison for the murder of Anwar Sadat, he came face to face with Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, who had also been charged as a conspirator in the assassination of Sadat. During this time a struggle took place between the members of the Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyyah and the many splinter jihadi elements in the Tora Prison over whether Sheikh Rahman was capable of leadership of the group despite his blindness. Al-Qamari’s voice was the loudest, wholeheartedly opposing Abdel Rahman's leadership on account of his poor eyesight. Al-Zawahiri wanted the Sheikh to resign for the sake of unity. This issue led eventually to the demise of the coalition between the various jihadi groups under the leadership of Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyyah. Al-Qamari was a courageous man who did not fear anyone in his struggle to follow the path of God, even to the extent of rashness. It was the rashness that caused him a lot of problems with his brethren from the Islamist movements in prison, especially regarding the debate over Abdel Rahman's leadership of the newly unified Islamic group. In 1991 Al-Zawahiri published a book in which he said that a blind person should not be Ameer. In the book he said that in books of Shari'ah there are a number of conditions that have to be met by any great Imam, including having sound senses. Throughout this book he said that Sheikh Rahman, as the Imam of Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya was in violation of Islamic Law. Archetypal double agent Sergeant Ali-Mohamed brought Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri into the United States in 1993 without leaving any traces of his entry. Later in 1993 Ali-Mohamed was not as successful and told agents of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police that he “had provided intelligence and counter-intelligence training in Afghanistan to a particular identified individual [Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri]. Ali-Mohamed indicated that he met [Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri] in 1988 and last saw him in Afghanistan in 1991. Ali-Mohamed admitted that he had traveled to Vancouver, Canada, in the spring of 1993 to facilitate the entry of [Dr. Ayman Zawahiri] into the United States. [Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri] had been stopped by Canadian customs officials and was found to be in possession of a false passport and the driver’s license of Ali-Mohamed. Ali-Mohamed further admitted that he and [Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri] had transported Usama bin Laden from Afghanistan to the Sudan in 1991, at which point Ali-Mohamed had left his driver’s license with [Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri]. Ali-Mohamed told the RCMP that he was in the process of applying for a job as an FBI interpreter and did not want this incident to jeopardize the application. (In fact, Ali-Mohamed then had such an application pending though he was never hired as a translator.)” Some Western analysts believe the man with Ali-Mohamed’s ID was Ahmed Salama Mabruk Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri’s right-hand man, however, Mabruk had Canadian citizenship. Ahmed Salama Mabruk, head of military operations for Egyptian Islamic Jihad was jailed for life in April 1999 after trying to buy chemical and biological weapons in the former Soviet republic of Azerbaijan along with Mohamed Saeed al-Ashri (aka Abu Khaled) and Ahmed Salama Mabruk. His laptop computer contained plans to produce anthrax along with many names and addresses of the members of Egyptian Islamic Jihad including those living overseas who were unknown to the Egyptian authorities including jihadi Mohamed Atef. The hard drive listed over 100 targets in the United States, Israel and also in India. This led to the arrest of nearly one hundred members, who were tried in one case entitled, “The Returnees From Albania.” The San Francisco Chronicle reported, “A Silicon Valley physician and civic leader told The Chronicle that in 1989 or 1990 he had been introduced to Al-Zawahiri and accompanied him to local mosques. The civic leader, Dr. Ali Zaki, said he had been duped into assisting Al-Zawahiri and had not been told his real name or the true purpose of his fund raising.” On August 3, 2005 Dr. Al-Zawahiri maintained that an offer was extended to the nations “allied with the Crusaders” to become Muslims, and reiterated Usama bin Laden’s truce of ceasing aggression against Muslims, promising: “For all who collaborated with the Americans in Afghanistan and Iraq I will collect the price of the betrayers very soon.” In November 2005 Al-Zawahiri stated that its battlefield of Jihad is the most difficult and its mujahideen and people are to be supported. He urged support for Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the Emir of al-Qaeda in Iraq, stating: “The Nation of Islam, I ask you to support your brothers, the mujahideen in Iraq, and our brother, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, whom I didn't see anything about but good things the whole period I knew him.” DR. AL-ZAWAHIRI: JIHADIST BAIT INTERNET PHASE Terrorist pig Dr. Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal Al-Balawi started out as so many maggots do; on the internet. Al-Balawi was a well known jihadist blogger famous in the jihadi blogosphere who was known as Abu Dujana al-Khurasani. He had quickly risen to prominence - and eventually an administrator position - on the al-Hisban forum in 2007, and was widely regarded for a series of popular essays he wrote on the forums, especially on the course of the jihad in Iraq and in praise of al-Qaeda in Iraq. Al-Hisbah http://www.hisbah.net is one of the oldest, most important websites associated with Al-Qaeda and global jihad. It is not an online community open to all web surfers but rather a members-only Internet group. Those who want to join the website must undergo a screening process. The website features technical information about the Internet (including information published by hackers working for Al-Qaeda), a wealth of information about radical Islamic literature and ideology, news, updates, as well as audio and video clips inciting to terrorism and violence. In addition, Al-Qaeda and global jihad use the website to recruit new members and handle terrorist squads. Because of his postings and his position he had sparked the interest of the GID (Jordanian Intelligence). When Al-Balawi returned to Jordan after studying medicine in Turkey he ran a clinic in a Palestinian refugee camp near the town of Zarqa. Authorities in Jordan arrested Al-Balawi in March 2009 after he signed up for a “humanitarian” mission to the Gaza Strip with a Jordanian field hospital in the wake of Israel's offensive there, according to a Jordanian counterterrorism official. The GID took note of a progression in the Al-Balawi’s Islamism. He went from the Internet to a refugee camp and finally he was planning to go to a battle area (Gaza). Al-Balawi was jailed for three days. Nisreen el-Shamayleh, Al Jazeera's correspondent in Amman added: "In the past Al-Balawi had been imprisoned and tortured in Jordanian prisons for participating in al-Qaeda meetings. That was way back in the past. After being released from prison, he was summoned several times by Jordanian intelligence and it is believed that during that period, and because of al-Balawi's valuable knowledge of al-Qaeda, he may have then have been recruited by Jordanian intelligence." There is reason to believe this is true. We are dealing with intelligence community professionals here and Al-Balawi was subjected to the Preliminary Credibility Assessment Screening System, fluttered (polygraphed), then given computer voice stress analysis. Al-Balawi was not an experienced double agent and in all probability he would have failed this test had he not sincerely agreed to work for the Jordanians and the CIA in return for millions of dollars and a new identity should he collar the big falafel ball Zawahiri. A CIA source told the London Sunday Times, “Agents used polygraphs or lie-detectors to check al-Balawi’s sincerity.” His assignment was to travel to Pakistan and join Al-Qaeda, posing as an Arab volunteer. Once infiltrated he would help CIA agents in Afghanistan to track down Al-Qaeda’s core leaders, including Zawahiri. Jordanian intelligence had provided the information that led to the assassination in 2006 of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq so it was considered reliable. Al-Balawi linked up with members of the Haqqani network run by Jalaluddin Haqqani, the Afghan warlord, and his son Siraj. Based in North Waziristan, one of the tribal areas on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, the Haqqanis are close to Al-Qaeda and were one of the main targets of the CIA agents based just over the border at Chapman. A Jordanian intelligence official told CNN “After (a) few months, he got in touch with us through the Internet and sent us several e-mails that included very important and rather dangerous information that might affect the security and stability of the country. We kept in touch with him through e-mails in order to get more information and also trying to bring him over to be able to get more information. We shared and exchanged the information he gave us with some other friendly countries that are involved in countering terrorism.” The CIA claimed he provided critical information on several Al-Qaeda targets, which were attacked by US forces, and was “extremely well paid.” A “former American intelligence official” claimed, “Once in Afghanistan, Al-Balawi provided valuable intelligence information that helped foil Al Qaeda terror plots on Jordan.” The former official said that information led to drone-launched missile strikes that led the CIA to kill a number of Al Qaeda leaders. That last remark strains credibility. The records of who died in these attacks and who provided the intell that led to them will never be made public. Did Al-Balawi collaborate with other jihadists who were willing to sacrifice their lives to bolster Al-Balawi’s credibility? The Ana Muslim (I am a Muslim) jihadist website reported, “Every time that the reports which he gave proved accurate, their confidence in Al-Balawi rose.” It is more likely that Al-Balawi gave the CIA the locations of Al-Qaeda safehouses that was accurate however the structures were either empty of the jihadists had a bomb shelter in the basement that they hid out in when the drones attacked. Al-Balawi had to be aware of when the attack was to take place so that he himself would not be killed! The jihadists could have staged fake funerals for the Brothers allegedly killed in the raid, and these men could have kept a low profile until after Al-Balawi attacked. Were there other CIA snitches who confirmed these deaths? Unlikely as Al-Balawi would have had to have known who they were so they wouldn’t become causality statistics. No matter how you look at it, the CIA was spoon fed disinformation (good info combined with lies) and has egg all over their shirts and blouses. In September 2009 it was announced on the forums that Abu Dujana had joined the mujahidin in “Khurasan” (Afghanistan and western Pakistan), and the al-Qaeda magazine Vanguards of Khorasan ran an interview with Abu Dujanah about his jihadi career that same month. Q. Abu Dujanah is a figure known for his articles and discussions which are published on the jihadi web forums. We would like to better familiarize our kind readers with him, so who is he? A. Praise be to Allah, and prayers and peace upon the Mustafa [Mohammed]. In the beginning, I wish to thank my brothers at Vanguards of Khorasan for the chance to communicate with my beloved ones here and on the Internet, thus may Allah reward them all with success on behalf of us and the Muslims. Your young brother comes from the northern Arabian Peninsula, may Allah release it from its state of imprisonment, and I am a little over 30 years old. I'm married and I have two young daughters, praise be to Allah. Allow me to give this much information. Q. The good omens are true, as Abu Dujanah al-Khurasani is actually now inside Khorasan, and the decision to travel to the lands of jihad is a divine blessing and a magnificent grace. So, what affected you and pushed you to take up your weapon in this land? A. Praise be to Allah for his blessing, and this is the blessing that I love the most next to the blessing of Islam. Regarding your question dear brother, the answer is comprised of two sections or two dimensions. The first one is personal that is connected to my love of jihad and martyrdom, and the second is general and relates to the present state of the Islamic nation. First, I was raised to love jihad and martyrdom since my youth, and I used to listen to the Holy Quran in piety and in hopes of receiving the honor of jihad and martyrdom when I grew older and became stronger. I used to wonder whether I would still love jihad and seek martyrdom when I became a man, or whether I was going to become like everyone else around me who considers jihad a delusional thought and a sort of lunacy, may Allah protect us. This love [of jihad and martyrdom] grew in me, although it faced some downturns at various times of my life. He who does not know this kind of love will ruin the life of who does not carry it and will corrupt his pleasures, and only those who love it will understand my words. When you ponder the verses and hadiths that speak about jihad and its graciousness, and then you let your imagination run wild to fly with what Allah has prepared for martyrs, your life becomes cheap when spent in his cause, and the extravagant houses and expensive cars and all the material wealth of life becomes very distasteful in your eyes... If the love of jihad enters the heart of man, it will not leave him even if he wished it to. The more he tries to forget about it, or attempt to disregard it, the symptoms will multiply and the situation will become impossible to bear—he will find himself surrounded with everything that reminds him of it [jihad]. He will be reminded by every brief news segment that speaks about a new message from Shaykh Usama, and he will even be reminded of the places reserved for the martyrs in the highest ranks of paradise when he sees extravagant palaces. If he looks upon his wife, then he will only begin imagining the beauties who have been waiting for their martyr husbands on silk furnishings... Every incomplete pleasure in life will remind him with its perfect counterpart in the afterlife of what Allah has prepared for his martyred servants. A person once said, 'there is love that kills.' I only see the truth of this in my love for jihad, as this love will either kill you with regret if you should choose to stay away from jihad, or else you will die as a martyr for the cause of Allah if you choose to go to jihad—and it is up to every human to choose between these two fates. Regarding the general dimension in responding to the question, this is related to the suffering of the Islamic Nation from defeats and catastrophes which make even the sternest eyes tear up and cause even hearts of stone to bleed. These images and stories which reach our eyes and ears cannot be borne by a stone, so imagine a human being—imagine a Muslim whose parents believe him to be a man? [What about] the images of naked Zionists with binoculars watching the city of Gaza burning with everyone inside of it like watching a comic film or a natural phenomenon!! The images of the corpses of children lined up there in the hallways of hospitals, and upon their faces pure innocence is drawn, not disfigured by the ugliness of the crime, until we ceased being able to recognize if they were sleeping or dead! And before that, there was what happened at the Red Mosque, and how the female students of Shaykh Abdelrashid Ghazi, may Allah have mercy on him, were killed when they chose determination. They have not left any excuse for any Muslim with a hint of honor to remain hesitant and accept the shame of staying away from the honor of participating in jihad. After all that, people want us to hold flower bouquets and wear holiday clothes! No, by Allah we will not carry anything but the weapon, and we will not wear anything but military uniforms and explosive belts... Q. A person's situation changes when he dusts off the dirt accumulated from staying away from Jihad and joins the lions on the battlefields. What changed in you after you arrived in the land of jihad and training? A. You should really ask what hasn't changed about me! Here, I was newly born and I began counting my age when I saw the first man carrying a weapon. Despite the hardships we live as mujahideen, I nonetheless feel very happy like an innocent child playing with his friend, and I feel weightless from dropping away all my worries like a butterfly traveling between flowers in the garden... My grudge towards those who have turned away [from jihad] turned into pity, and praying for their dismissal turned into prayers for them to be rightly guided, as Allah has excluded them from a great grace. By Allah, if they would come here, they would cry for their sins, and praise is due to Allah who kept us safe from what others have come to bear. We have experienced Allah's reward in our path to the mujahideen... nothing keeps our mind busy except two matters: steadfastness and loyalty, and we ask assistance from Allah. Q. There are many hadiths that encourage jihad by word, and which state that this act has a big impact in supporting Islam. So why wasn't Abu Dujanah satisfied with this kind of jihad when he had an influential role in this field? A. How can I encourage people to join the jihad while I'm staying away from it? How can I sell them on the virtues of the beautiful musk while my smell is gross? How do I become a burning wick for others follow the light of? Can any sane person accept that? Not me. Jihad by word is needed, and jihad by wealth is needed, but neither of them can replace jihad by self, and they aren't considered a replacement for participation in jihad... Jihad in the cause of Allah is simply a good thing. Even if were merely permissible, I would still do anything to seek it because of the rewards—so imagine my situation when it is an obligation upon us? Furthermore, for a Muslim, traveling to jihad in the cause of Allah does not prevent one from also carrying out jihad by word, but rather, it strengthens it. Nothing is more effective than achieving public credibility through action, and if the Muslim pursues this logic, and his words become action, and if he is slain in the cause of Allah, his words will become immortal so that they can remain signs on the road leading to jihad, Allah-willing. Q. Then, after this, what advice do you have to the writers in the forums and what do you say to them? A. I advise them to go to jihad in the cause of Allah and not to allow Satan to deter them from doing so with delusional excuses. They must realize that the tyrants have oppressed our countries and increased corruption within them. While you are fighting them with the words you write and speak, they are killing your religion with something that is stronger than words—and that is corruption and collusion which they spread on the roads, in the universities, through various media perhaps it will take too long for us to become aware of this, and we seek guidance from Allah. By Allah, even if there wasn't a benefit gained from going to Jihad in the cause of Allah other than by living in a land without sins and heresy, then it would be enough for Him... so ponder that! Q. Since we already spoke in our previous question about the subject of forums, we would like to ask: how did Abu Dujanah begin his journey and what has motivated him on the path? A. By Allah, you just reopened my wounds and awakened my emotions, because I left behind on the forums some brothers who are dearer to me than members of my own family, and we ask Allah to gather us with them in paradise. Regarding my journey: my original base was the proud al-Hesbah [forum]. One day I wrote an essay about the failure of plans for Baghdad in comparison to battle for Fallujah, and I added facts and evidence, so one of the administrators there confirmed my contribution and that motivated me to continue participation. The truth is, and should be stated here: the administrators there put huge efforts in following the discussions and they selected the most useful as if they were selecting from the most juicy of fruits. This is exactly what qualified the al-Hesbah Forum to be a school that graduated experienced writers like Abdulrahman al-Faqir, Yaman Mukhdeb, Tariq Abu Ziyad, and others whose names cannot even be counted. I remained an ordinary member there until the brothers suggested that I join the convoy of administrators on al-Hesbah. Praise be to Allah, I accepted their invitation, and it allowed me to familiarize myself with a group of such brothers like I have never seen before in the forums; barely anyone knows them and barely anyone thanks them, but they wait for their rewards from Allah. O' how much I used to belittle and pity myself next to them. I used to wonder how could they sacrifice themselves and enjoy the morals and traits of the mujahideen without being on the fighting frontlines? When I meet any mujahid here who knows about the forums, I rush to ask him whom he knows from al-Hesbah, as he may be one that we loved in Allah, from amongst the administrators or members, and I would hug him as one brother longing for another brother. Q. Who were you influenced by from amongst the forum writers? A. Louis Attiyatullah, lover of Allah's messenger, and many more. Q. Now that you are amongst the mujahideen, how do you find your brothers in faith and jihad? A. O' how wonderful they are, and Allah will reward them. I used to write about them constantly and when I arrived here, the pen went silent. Every day that passes, I speak less than the day before, as I have learned from them that silence is clearer than speech. This is a group, half of whom are in paradise and the other half is still on earth waiting. I wonder about them... why do they not cry in front of me when they mention their martyred brothers, and there is no law against crying? If I should mention the name of a martyr before them; of those known to them, you would find the tears frozen in their eyes like a drizzle on a flower. You would see tears in their wondering eyes stronger than any outcry. Sometimes I'm forced to be silent in sympathy of their situation, despite my curiosity to listen to the biographies of these heroes. If I see one of them slowing down in pace and seemingly the fires of longing are increasing, I leave him and walk away, because if I don't, then who will, and that is why you find most of their stories incomplete. There was a man here named 'Abdullah Azzam al-Azdi' who was killed months ago—we ask Allah to accept him—but he is in every one of them, and he left in each of them a piece of himself. I used to hear about his morals and jihad and modesty, and I wish I came to jihad before he died to meet him. When you listen to a brother who has experience in jihad and who tells stories about jihad, he would say, 'with me there was this person—may Allah have mercy on him—and this other person, may Allah gather us with them, is in paradise.' You would think that he was telling a story that occurred perhaps a few years ago, or as if he was reading about the battle of Badr or al-Qadisiyya, and that is why you find that every moment and second he spends on earth away from his brothers is in loyal service to Allah. I ask Allah to reward them with success. Regarding the morals of the brothers, there is much to say. One of the mujahideen brothers would stop me from washing the dishes out of the excuse that I'm not a good cook, and then he would be busy cleaning and preparing without being seen by anyone. One of the brothers was our commander, and when we would gather around a dish of food, you would see him breaking the meat for us and putting it in front of each of us, and only bones and fat remain for him. I decided not to sit with them around one dish so I wouldn't eat his food. I met a foreign brother who is new to the battlefield and I did not find a more truthful voice than his. He speaks little Arabic but he puts effort in reading religious books in Arabic. I was once walking with him while he was reading one of the books, and he called me from a far distance. When I got there, he told me, as his face shone with happiness and joy, 'Brother, read this hadith about the grace of jihad.' So I did, and he looked upon me with a smile, and then he asked Allah for martyrdom. A short while passed, and then he called to me again, 'come here, brother!' His face looked like a full moon, and he had read another hadith that inspired him regarding the grace of jihad... Then he asked Allah for martyrdom. Every time I looked at his illuminated face, I wondered to myself: where are those of you who you call yourselves Salafi jurists? Where are you, clergy of the nation, who speak Arabic far better than this man who only learned a small bit, but came here, a believer in the words of the Lord and his Messengers, seeking death in the cause of Allah. Shame on you, O' those who remain behind in your houses amongst the apologists and defeatists? There is no power but in Allah. Q. Is there anything that you would like to say to the patient lions in the trench of jihadi media? A. I say to my brothers in the jihadi media trench to rise up and support your mujahideen brothers with your pens, wealth, and time. Dust off the dirt of laziness, as the situation is not a happy one, and he Jewish Haganah dogs have attacked us, closed the forums, and have manipulated the download links of jihadi media productions—so is it that they are more patient and determined than you are? If you are familiar with your reputation amongst the mujahideen, then you would not sleep or enjoy living before you can reassure them with the return of the al-Hesbah, al-Ekhlaas, and al-Boraq forums, so will you do this now that you are aware? In late December 2009 al-Balawi, made this video a transcription of which follows: “Praise be to God, Lord of all creation. Peace and prayers be upon our Leader Muhammad. I am Doctor Abu Dujanah al-Kurasaani, Jordanian. I left my family, and I left my clinic, I left my car to join the Mujahideen in the land of Kurasaan. The Jordanian and the American intelligence services offered me billions of dollars, to work with them and spy on Mujahideen here. But Alhamdulillah I came to the Mujahideen and I told them everything and we arranged together this attack to let the Americans understand that the belief of Allah, the Emaan which we hold, the Taqwa that we strive for cannot be exchanged for all the wealth in the world. This Ishtishaadi attack will be the first of the ‘Revenge Operations’ against the Americans and their drone-teams, outside the Pakistani borders. After they killed the Amir of Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan, Baitullah Mehsud, may Allah have mercy on him. This is a message to all Kaffireen, that we as Muslims, as Mujahideen, as Muhajireen and Ansaar, we never forget our martyrs, we never forget our prisoners, and we will never forget Aafia Siddiqui and Sajeer Risawee. And our jihad, Insha’Allah will continue ‘til we free our prisoners, and until the Word of Allah prevails.” Al-Balawi had been rolled over! Not a big surprise on this unstable individual. Thanks to Al-Balawi a few days later the chumped off agents at the CIA Station Forward Base Chapman, located near the Pakistani Afghani border not far from Khost thought it was about to take out Al-Zawahiri. Al-Balawi had driven across the border from Pakistan where he had spent a mere 9 months allegedly becoming close to Al-Zawahiri. There was no way he would be trusted with this information so quickly but December 2009 Balawi had requested an urgent meeting with the CIA and Captain Sharif Ali bin Zeid, his Jordanian handler. He had dangled a prearranged code in front of his handler nose which meant he had located Zawahiri. On Wednesday December 30, 2009 Al-Balawi was picked up at the Ghulam Khan border crossing by an Afghan army commander called Arghawan, who was in charge of security at the Chapman CIA base. The pair drove to the village of Mermandi, near Khost in southeastern Afghanistan, where at about 12:30 pm they were met by Arghawan’s driver. The driver told The London Sunday Times that he had been instructed by his boss a week earlier to paint his white Toyota Corolla red, to put in tinted glass, and to keep his mobile phone on him at all times. “Arghawan was waiting for me in a white Corolla with Al-Balawi in the back seat,” he said. The driver had never seen Al-Balawi before but said “he was obviously trusted by my commander, Arghawan. The two men clearly knew each other.” The two men got into the red car. Arghawan got into the driver’s seat and Al-Balawi sat in the back wearing sunglasses, a pattu (a very large men’s shawl), that covered his head and upper body, and a yellow turban. The driver was left behind in Mermandi. It was a 40-minute drive to Chapman base. Its main focus was gathering intelligence to direct the unmanned drones onto Taliban and Al-Qaeda targets across the border in Pakistan’s tribal areas. The base is surrounded by a high mud wall patrolled by plain-clothed Afghan security men carrying AK-47s. There are concrete fortified towers on each corner. Then there is an inner layer of security and a second mud wall topped with concertina wire. The third gate is manned by American soldiers and also ringed with barbed wire. Al-Balawi was not once searched before entering. One of the base’s security guards said: “I was warned before not to search or stop the car when it arrived.” According to the guard before Al-Balawi reached the first gate, the Afghan security guards in charge of the perimeter security were instructed by US soldiers to go into their rooms. “They did not want any Afghans to see al-Balawi,” he said. A US army vehicle then led the car through the next two gates, reaching the inside of the base before stopping outside a block of buildings used by the CIA and military intelligence to debrief their sources. As Al-Balawi stepped out of the car, seven CIA officers and a handful of soldiers gathered around. According to the guard, it was then that Al-Balawi detonated his bomb, killing eight and injuring six. Arghawan, still sitting in the driver’s seat, survived the initial blast but a US soldier shot him in the head with his pistol, assuming that he was part of the bomb plot. “There were lots of body parts,” said the guard. “The suicide bomber’s legs were all that was left of him. He had hidden the bomb beneath his pattu.” KHOST TOASTIES According to to the Ana Muslim website Al-Balawi was taken to the CIA base in Khost because he claimed to have urgent information about Doctor Ayman Zawahiri, the website said. He was not searched as he went in because a CIA agent boasted, “He is our man, so there is no need,” the website claimed. The bomber then pretended to detail plans for a mooted operation on a piece of paper and asked the intelligence agents to gather round to look before blowing himself up, the website said. The very fundamentals of tradecraft was lacking when the CIA had its informant report to its base of operations rather than meeting him at a neutral location safe house or using a dead drop to transmit information. What if Al-Balawi had not been rolled over and was followed by a jihadist? What if the jihadis had the base under surveillance? He would have been dead halal meat. Additionally hooking up with him in a neutral location would have minimized the number of personnel exposed to him. DCIA Leon Panetta, aka Leon Pinheada, who had less experience with the Agency than this author, claimed there was no CIA safe houses in that neck of woods. None-the-less a meet might have been arranged in some Allah-forsaken area in the open! Dr. Al-Balawi’s family background should have been closely examined so see how much he valued material wealth over his religion. This would have also revealed the degree of social isolation Al-Balawi would suffer and experience should his CIA informant status have come to light after he collected his reward and new identity. His wife, Defne Bayrak, was an Islamist bitch and stated “I am proud of my husband. He carried out a great operation in this war. I hope Allah will accept his martyrdom, if he has become a martyr. I am not ashamed. He did this against the American occupation. I am proud of him; my husband has carried out a great operation in such a war. May God accept his martyrdom!” His younger brother told reporters Al-Balawi had been “changed” by the Gaza war and Israel’s blockade. His wife added that Al-Balawi prayed to become a martyr against Israelis two days after Israel’s Gaza offensives began. “Anyone who sees such painful picture and does not rush to fight should consider his manhood and masculinity dead," he wrote on December 29, 2008, one day after the war began. "I have never wished to be in Gaza, but now I wish to be a bomb fired by the monotheists or a car bomb that takes the lives of the biggest number of Jews to hell.” The intelligence community should have known prima fascia that his bitch was hardcore and that if her husband either confessed to being, or was exposed as a snitch, she would take a powder along with their two Qu’ranic brainwashed daughters! Defne was an al-Qaeda sympathizer who had translated a book that praised Osama Bin Laden into Turkish titled Osama Bin Laden Che Guevara of the East. The problem here is that when the Islamists take over they execute the G-dless communists! But the Left has decided that it is worth getting executed if America and Israel are destroyed in the process, which is how pathological the Left has become. CIA PERSONNEL WERE DIFFERENT THAN AMERICA’S COLD WARRIORS During the Cold War the CIA was composed of the best and the brightest. Soviet Communism was a direct threat to the American Ruling Class so it was willing to send its sons into battle. The power elite does not perceive Islamism in the same way, as the communists made no bones about their desire to line the capitalists up against the wall and shoot them and their families. Islam favors capitalism, but capitalism without interest. Another factor is that the Left has bad rapped the CIA to the point where it is difficult for the Agency to recruit on Ivy League campuses. Judging from what was revealed about current day agency operation from the attack on Forward Operating Base Chapman the nature of CIA personnel and their knowledge of how to conduct operations has changed drastically since the days of patrician Princeton educated DCIA Allen Dulles, Yale educated DD/P Richard Bissell and CI Chief James Jesus Angleton or Operative E. Howard Hunt who attended Brown. Additionally those assigned to guard these CIA agents are no longer members of the American Armed Forces but trigger happy mercenaries willing to take chances with their and others lives. MOHAMMAD AL-SHEUER ISLAMIST MOLE The CIA Station Chief was a mother of three children who had worked under Michael Sheuer at the Bin Laden Desk. It must be said that if an order was issued NOT to search Dr. Al-Balawi’s it originated with her. Why? The CIA had bought Al-Balawi’s cock and bull story hook, line and sinker for more than one year and the Station Chief and others were pissing in their panties and pants with excitement because CIA would be the Agency to nail the loudmouth Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri. They couldn’t wait to see the info he had come up with and so the Station Chief waived the search to speed things up then the crew gathered around Al-Balawi before he even entered the building used for debriefing agents and assets. They were like fans surrounding a Beatle for the first time. Other than that there is nothing to be said about the Station Chief. Returning to Sheuer this traitor attended Canisius College. U.S. News and World Report ranked Canisius as 22nd among regional schools in its "North Region." Sheuer or Mohammed Al-Sheuer, as I prefer to call him, was an Islamist ideological mole within the CIA and a truly dangerous enemy of the United States. He is guilty of high treason. Sheuer pretended to go after Osama Bin Laden but was in reality was protecting him. In order to hide this Sheuer blamed the Clinton Administration for CIA’s failure to kill Bin Laden, claiming that he had the chance to do it numerous times but was prevented from doing so by his superiors. He offers no evidence to back up these claims other than his self serving statements based on his apparent bona fides while in the CIA: Sheuer was in charge of the rendition program and was responsible for numerous kidnappings, imprisonment and torture of 30 lower level Islamists. He carried out these operations successfully in order to maintain his credibility so he could protect the big enchilada, Osama Bin Laden, who he knew that if he remained on the loose would soon carry out an operation against the United States that would make the other jihadis shenanigans look like greasy kids stuff. Sheuer never made clandestine contact with Al-Qaeda so the CIA CI or Office of Security had no reason to suspect that his sympathies were with the enemy. In retrospect if Sheuer held the same views while he headed the Bin Laden Desk that he expressed after he left it, then there is no other explanation other than that he was an enemy mole. In his book Imperial Hubris Sheuer called Bin Laden a “great man” and Bin Laden spoke highly of al-Sheuer in a video Al Qaeda released. Additionally Al-Sheuer claimed that repressive governments like Algeria, Egypt and especially Saudi Arabia are responsible for the resurgence of Islamic jihadist fundamentalism in the Moslem world and he wants to see these governments overthrown. Al-Sheuer never states that if these governments are overthrown they will be replaced with theocracies and Shar’ia Law. Even if there was no Israel these theocrats would still be intent on making the entire world Islamic, starting with the Jews, who Mohammed failed to convert. But Sheuer argues that it is not religious or cultural differences that have made Islam regard America as the enemy. It is solely the result of America’s support for the State of Israel. Sheuer wants the Islamic world to focus its hatred on Israel rather than the United States yet he says in the same breath that Israel has a right to exist and possess nuclear weapons. Sheuer wants Israel and neighboring states like Egypt and Saudi Arabia destroyed in a nuclear war in the Middle East. This guy had a hidden agenda at CIA. Other CIA and FBI agents may have screwed up when it came to 9/11 but their failure was unintentional while Scheuer’s was deliberate! As part of his cover Al-Sheuer lashed out at the panel that investigated the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. He called the panel and the CIA “bureaucratic cowards” for not holding an agency or individuals accountable for the tragedy. His invective was particularly critical of former CIA director George Tenet, saying he “starved and is starving the [Osama] bin Laden unit of officers while finding plenty of officers to staff his personal public relations office, as well as the staffs that handled diversity, multiculturalism, and employee newsletters.” Elizabeth Hanson was a 2001 graduate of Colby College ranked #22. Hanson majored in economics and wrote her thesis titled Faithless Heathens: Scriptural Economics of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. She was not an outstanding student in college nonetheless she became an Al Qaeda specialist for the CIA. It is unclear when she joined the CIA. I do not know what Hanson’s track record with the CIA was so I could be dead wrong about her but I believe she was in over her head. Scott Roberson was hired straight out of Florida State University, ranked #102, where he graduated with a degree in criminology. After he left college he began police work. He worked his way up the ranks and soon Roberson was a vice squad cop working sex and drugs in Atlanta. In the late '90s he briefly left the force to work as a United Nations security officer in Kosovo. When he returned he was back on patrol duty. Soon after the war in Iraq started, Roberson secured work as a contractor, hoping to one day land with the CIA which he did in August 2009. His job entailed protecting high risk officials. Roberson’s wife was a hair stylist. PRIVATIZATION OF THE ARMED FORCES There were two Blackwater employees killed at Chapman. Blackwater is an entity that turns career military men, many former Navy Seals, into soldiers of fortune. Blackwater has a long time relationship with the CIA but is a money-making business, rather than a CIA proprietary. Blackwater’s mercenaries can get away with killing civilians more easily than a combatant in the American Armed Forces can and if they are caught the CIA or the Army will not get the blame. Rather than operate in this fashion it would be better to loosen the rules of engagement for the Special Forces, the Green Berets, instead of hiding behind a transparent scam. Despite the fact CIA is not supposed to be dealing with Blackwater two of these men were killed at Chapman; Jeremy Jason Wise, 35, was a former Navy SEAL, with eight years of service, who was serving with XE Security Company (Blackwater) in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. He graduated from Westside Christian School in El Dorado, Ark., and received a degree from Hendrix University in Conway, Ark. He was a member of the Trinity Church in Virginia Beach. During his service, the former petty officer was awarded three Navy / Marine Corp achievement medals and a Joint Service Achievement medal. He also was awarded an Iraq Campaign medal, two Sea Service Deployment ribbons, a Rifle Marksmanship medal and a Pistol Marksmanship medal. Jeremy left the Navy in September 2009. Master Sergeant Dane Clark Paresi US Army (Retired) of Fort Lewis Washington served 27 years on active duty, and was a veteran of both the 1st and 3rd Group Special Operations serving in over 6 overseas tours. These include Mauritania, Philippines, Iraq, Bosnia, Rwanda, Southeast Asia, Kenya and Afghanistan to name a few and was awarded and earned the Bronze Star, Meritorious Service Medal, NATO Medal, Combat / Expert Infantryman's Badge, Special Forces Tab, Parachutist Badge, Driver Mechanic Badge. Captain Sharif Ali bin Zeid was a distant cousin to the Jordanian Royal Family. He was at Amman, Jordan, July 8, 1975 (s/o Ferihan), educated at American Community School, Amman, Emerson College, Boston, Massachusetts (BS 1998). He worked for Senator John Kerry 1997-1998, United Nations Compensation Commission, Geneva, Switzerland 1998, commissioned. 2nd-Lieutenant Jordan Arab Army 2004, promoted to Captain 2007. Rcvd: the Order of Independence 4th class (2007). m. 2008, Fida, née Dawani, a senior project mngr. at OFFTEC. This was how his death was reported in Jordan “His Majesty King Abdullah II, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah and His Royal Highness Crown Prince Hussein bin Abdullah were at the Queen Alia International Airport on Saturday to receive the body of Captain Sharif Ali bin Zeid Al Aun who was killed in Afghanistan on Wednesday. Sharif Ali fell as he performed his humanitarian duty with the Jordanian contingent of the U. N peacekeeping forces in Afghanistan. His body was flown home today on board a Royal Air Force plane.” (footnotes remove during cut and paste) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cigdem Göle Posted February 1, 2010 Share Posted February 1, 2010 ISLAM AS THE WORSHIP OF DEATH Hysterical, absurd and paranoid drivel. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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