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Zapruder frame 317 Bullet Strike To JFK's Skull Entrance Indentation

Guest Duncan MacRae

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I've always taken that as an explosive cavitation, prob along skull suture lines shattered bone torn scalp, blowout. An intriguing observation. We appear to at last again have a very qualified shooter as member. I'd like to learn on this one.

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That seems to me to be quite reasonable.The bullet passage and the resultant series of destructive forces are measured in milliseconds. The bullet can do really odd things like going* into sideways to straight on in the time it takes to pass through the skull, leaving behind a predictable pulsing of massive forces as the bullets momentum is absorbed, and being essentially a close system ( though the rise of the jugular by the ear and the capillary distribution in decrease in size and volume per mass of brain matter seems to be often overlooked ) it behaves as such, with pressure released through the nearest weakest point. Blood immediately starts coagulating when separated from the body into air. This coagulation is rapid in onset but longer in completion. Where blood is deposited, in a mist, it has as in total a large surface area which starts to show itself even quicker because of the wind continually replacing oxygen which blows through the hair. One of its earliest manifestation is the knitting process that certain plasma elements are there for.

EDIT : *from head on ( this is all relvant too to fragmentation force vectors )

Edited by John Dolva
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Dunacan you made a mistake in the thread title, you put entrance instead of exit

Im sure its just a typo

No, I didn't make a mistake Dean. I meant entrance indentation, as in a shot fired from behind :lol:

So you no longer believe in a shot from the front?

Or do you believe in the double head hit?

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what anyone *believes* is irrelevant... Concerning concluding and detereiming what is/isn't case evidence, I and others want to know: how anyone can assume any conclusion based on a non-authenticated/unverified alleged original film. Preposterous!

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What do you believe, Dean, and why?

I believe JFK was hit twice in the head, once from behind and once from the front, and pretty close together within a second, but not as close as the fake Z-film shows, I have already explained why you can still see traces of the doyuble head hit in the Z-film, but not the whole double head hit, 95% of it was taken out

I believe Tink was correct in SSID with his research on the double head hit, that is when I first started to put the double head hit into my overall theory (back in 1988)

Then reading Rich Dellarosa's details of the "other" film (not just in TGZFH but many times on his forum) cemented the theory for me after I became a believer in alteration back in 1997

So I have always believed in the double head hit theory, but after I read Bloody Treason and researched alteration for 10 years I still had the double head hit in my overall theory, but Richs description of the double head hit really drove it into my theory on the assassination for good

Edited by Dean Hagerman
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And yet another poster here quotes Craig Lamson as some sort of higher authority.

Duncan- what is there about 317 that qualfies as the sort of "proof" or "evidence" that Craig and other LNers approve of? Do you really expect us to accept that your interpretation of this frame is not "believing," but solid proof?

Your interpretation of this single frame, in your view, now trumps the backwards head snap (seen in the frames immediately prior to this), the medical testimony of everyone in Dallas about the massive wound in the back of JFK's head, the initial medical description of the throat wound as one of entrance, and all the witnesses (the majority of those at the scene) who testified to hearing shots from the knoll area and ran there afterwards? Yet now you are stating that it is "highly unlikely" that there were shots from the front? I'm sure the "disinterested" Craig Lamson will support your position.

Let me ask you- do you now think that Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated President Kennedy?

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And yet another poster here quotes Craig Lamson as some sort of higher authority.

Are you some kind of XXXXXX? Nothing was quoted, I merely reiterated Craig's stated fact, that belief is not proof.

In the first sentence of your reply, you resort to nasty name calling. I didn't call you any names. You cited Craig Lamson's unoriginal credo and I asked why.

Duncan- what is there about 317 that qualfies as the sort of "proof" or "evidence" that Craig and other LNers approve of?

Show me where I said that 317 qualifies as proof, or that Craig, or any LN that you mention above, approved of my post.

Do you really expect us to accept that your interpretation of this frame is not "believing," but solid proof?

I expect nothing from "us" whoever "us" are. Show me where i said it was proof?

Your interpretation of this single frame, in your view, now trumps the backwards head snap (seen in the frames immediately prior to this), the medical testimony of everyone in Dallas about the massive wound in the back of JFK's head, the initial medical description of the throat wound as one of entrance, and all the witnesses (the majority of those at the scene) who testified to hearing shots from the knoll area and ran there afterwards?

Fictitiously inventing what my view is on any of the above is insane.

Now I'm insane for questioning you.

Yet now you are stating that it is "highly unlikely" that there were shots from the front?

Wow, you actually understood something I said. I'll upgrade you to a D grade.

I'm sure the "disinterested" Craig Lamson will support your position.

Well, with you being a talented mind reader, then who am I to argue with you.

Let me ask you- do you now think that Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated President Kennedy?

You're the mind reader, you tell me.

Why are you reluctant to answer this? Aren't you confident of your beliefs?

Quote edited by moderator.

Edited by Antti Hynonen
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