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Geithner/Obama The Ex-Brats

Terry Mauro

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Jan. 31 (LPAC)--President Obama and his Treasury Secretary both

grew up in Asia, the sons of the imperial "hit-men" such as John

Perkins described in his 2004 book, {Confessions of an Economic


Tim Geithner's father oversaw the Ford Foundation's

microfinance program that paid for Barack Obama's mother to do

her fascist PhD thesis promoting primitive slave industries for

Indonesian villagers instead of industrialization.

Timothy Geithner was born in New York in 1961, but grew up

almost entirely overseas, including in Rhodesia (present-day

Zimbabwe), Zambia, India, and Thailand, where he finished high

school. Geithner graduated from Dartmouth College in 1983, but he

had been at Peking University in 1981 and at Beijing Normal

University in 1982.

His father, Peter F. Geithner, in the early 1980s, ran the

Ford Foundation's microfinance programs in Indonesia being

developed by Ann Dunham, President Barack Obama's mother, and

they met in person at least once. Peter Geithner later ran the

Ford Foundation's entire Asia program.

Tim Geithner's career has been entirely in the international

hit-men division of the empire. He worked for Kissinger

Associates in Washington for three years. He went into the

International Affairs Division of the U.S. Treasury Department in

1988. He was an attachÈ at the Embassy in Tokyo. Then he came

into the international economics side of the U.S.Treasury as a

protege of Larry Summers in the late 1990s. He was director of

the Policy Development and Review Department (2001-2003) at the

International Monetary Fund, before coming in to chair the New

York Fed. [ahc]

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