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Intelligence "operations" , propaganda, scape goating

Guest Tom Scully

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Guest Tom Scully

Right vs. Left in American Politics... Those on the right use money, subterfuge, and propaganda to compensate for their lack of votes to attempt to prevent the laboring classes from voting into being, a French/Danish, level of universal economic security.

In the early 1920's, the Rockefeller Institute commissioned a "cultural" study for the ulterior motive of controlling laborers via religion.:


"..John D. Rockefeller, Jr., son of the legendary founder of Standard Oil,

endowed a foundation that promoted religion as a cure for labor-capital conflict

.....The rough egalitarianism of the farmland had been replaced by a two-class system

in the city. The Lynds found a business class, which worked with people

and symbols, and a working class, which worked with things. And the

Lynds found that these two groups were as different as two different

tribes. They had different values, different expectations and did not

mingle. Among the differences between the two groups was financial

security: the working class was subject to frequent layoffs with no

notice, while the business class was almost never laid off.



* FEBRUARY 13, 2010

From Deal Journal, MarketBeat and Wealth Report

Unemployment? Not for the Rich

Top Decile Earners' Rate Is 3%, New Study Says; Bottom 10th Is at 31%

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Tom, what's the name of the foundation and when was it set up?

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Guest Tom Scully
Tom, what's the name of the foundation and when was it set up?


Ironically, Robert S. Lynd began his relationship with the Rockefellers by working in their Colorado minefields and publicly confronting management on the exploitation of his fellow mine workers. The "Middletown" study seemed to be a component of a project to substitute the "opiate of religion" in place of the more costly solution of fairly compensating the miners (and all laborers) for their work.


John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and the Interchurch World Movement of 1919-1920: A Different Angle on the Ecumenical Movement


There is a certain irony in the title of Eldon G. Ernst Moment of Truth

for Protestant America, the standard interpretation of the Interchurch World

Movement (IWM) of 1919-1920, because this broad and generally percep-

tive study of the IWM is based primarily upon an elaborate falsification of

the historical record. That falsification was perpetrated in a document

entitled "History of the Interchurch World Movement" prepared under the

direction of Raymond B. Fosdick. Fosdick, who was the lawyer and

long-term adviser of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., had the document compiled

precisely to conceal the real role Rockefeller played in the organization. 1

Research in Rockefeller's papers reveals the truth about his role and thereby

illumines a significant aspect of the ecumenical movement and its relationship

to wider historical trends. This overlooked aspect from the background of the

liberal side of the fundamentalist controversy is particularly pertinent today

as tensions mount between those who identify themselves as "liberals" and

those who claim to lead a "moral majority" of resurgent conservatism.

Perhaps Washington Gladden, the old social gospel advocate, was not

entirely wrong when he referred to a Rockefeller contribution as "tainted

money," however idealistic Rockefeller's motives may have been.

Briefly stated, the truth is that Rockefeller's enthusiasm for the IWM not

only led him to ask his father to endow it with 50 to 100 million dollars, but

earlier had led him to guarantee its bank borrowing a million dollars beyond

the underwritings of the participating denominations. This

The author gratefully acknowledges grants from the American Philosophical Society in 1975

and 1976 for research. He also wishes to express appreciation for the kindness of Joseph W.

Ernst and the staff of the Private Archives of the Messrs. Rockefeller.

Mr. Harvey is professor of history in California State University-Chico,

Chico, California.


1 Eldon G. Ernst, Moment of Truth for Protestant America: Interchurch Campaigns

Following World War One (Missoula, Mont., 1972 ). This book is based on Ernst's Yale

dissertation under Sydney Ahlstrom, who cites the study in his A Religious History of the

American People (New Haven, Conn., 1972 ), p. 897. Ernst did not use the Rockefeller

papers. "History of the Interchurch World Movement", 2 vols. (hereafter cited as "History

IWM"), Record Group 2, Box 42, Private Archives of the Messrs. Rockefeller, Rockefeller

Center, New York, N.Y. (hereafter cited as PAMR).


guarantee forced him to take the organization into virtual receivership when

its financial campaign fell short. To avoid embarrassment in this situation, he

transformed his own commitment and extensive potential liability into a

voluntary gift, shifting full responsibility for IWM debts to the denomina­

tions. Yet Rockefeller retained the principal assets of the IWM -- its field

surveys -- as the basis for a new organization he hoped to endow that could

replace the IWM for the purpose of unifying the churches. Altered circum­

stances -- including postwar disillusionment with crusading social reformism,

a corresponding decline in religious adherence, and the schism between

fundamentalists and modernists within the churches -- prevented the new

agency from fulfilling this original hope. However, as the Institute of Social

and Religious Research, it financed Robert and Helen Lynd's pathbreaking

community study, Middletown, among many other notable projects intended

to promote a unified Protestantism devoted to social service and class

harmony. After a decade Rockefeller redirected the Institute to serve his last

major personal effort to unify the churches and their world mission: the

Laymen Foreign Mission Inquiry of 1930-1932.

Eldon Ernst and other scholars have duly noted that the younger Rocke­

feller, who at the time gradually was assuming control of the world's greatest

industrial fortune, was the leading lay person associated with the IWM. The

movement itself had been conceived by officers of the foreign mission boards

of the major Protestant denominations as a cooperative fund-raising cam­

paign to meet the providential opportunities of the postwar era. It reflected

the complex impulses of the Progressive period and the synthesis of evangeli­

cal and social gospel enthusiasm that was such a vital element of Progressiv­

ism. It climaxed a series of forward movements for expanded church

involvement in the emergent industrial-urban society.

The IWM was initiated immediately after the Armistice. It began in the

very week that John R. Mott, missionary leader and head of the Young

Men's Christian Association (YMCA), led the United War Work Cam­

paign, which he ...

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Interesting, Tom. This was the time of the rise of the FBI and State Police working for the employer and the vast inflluence of the Wobblies IWW which in the following years led to murders of prominent activists, showtrials and numerous denials of rights that governmental bodies happily turned a blind eye to.

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