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Ed Haslam to be on coasttocoastam tonight

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For general discussion: Has Ed ever done any photo investigation, or other research in Tulane University's records, to try and ID or get info on the couple who impersonated Judyth Vary Baker and her "husband" when he met them there in the early 1970s?

I have wondered the same thing. If Haslam did so, I don't believe he discussed it in Dr Mary's Monkey.

I asked this of Jim Fetzer in another thread. I expect Jim will answer this in the relatively near future.

This encounter is one of the biggest blockbusters in
Dr Mary's Monkey
. Haslam allows that "the 1972 incident

caused confusion and distrust among the 60M team. Their only evidence was my word and my memory."

I find it strange that Haslam makes no mention of trying to find his girlfriend at the time, or any of the people

that were at that party (including Baker's husband) to verify his story. Sixty Minutes certainly had the investigative

wherewithal to do that, it would seem. If such a witness would have be found, you might not be having to argue Judyth's case today.

I shake my head that Haslam doesn't even mention any attempts to find these witnesses.

Hopefully, Mr. Haslam will touch on this and other aspects of the Judyth Baker story tonight on Coast to Coast AM.

Edited by Michael Hogan
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For general discussion: Has Ed ever done any photo investigation, or other research in Tulane University's records, to try and ID or get info on the couple who impersonated Judyth Vary Baker and her "husband" when he met them there in the early 1970s?

The following is a report on Ed Haslam's interview last night that appears on the coasttocoastam.com website today:

Appearing for the full four hours, former advertising executive Ed Haslam discussed how his investigation of the 1964 murder of a cancer researcher led him to a story which connects a massive contamination of the polio vaccine to our current cancer epidemic and even the JFK assassination. "When you look at the story, each piece fits in with each other piece, very cleanly and very logically," Haslam observed, "it's only when you stand back and look at it, that it looks as strange as it does."

While researching the mysterious death of Dr. Mary Sherman, Haslam discovered that polio vaccines created in the 1950's had been tainted with a cancer-causing virus. This contamination, he said, was detected after half of the doses, a staggering 100 million vaccines, had been administered to an unwitting public. Allegedly, the creators of the vaccine were afraid to admit the error and subsequently distributed the remaining half of the "medicine" as well. Having studied data on cancer diagnoses, Haslam noted that a "massive epidemic" of soft tissue cancers "erupts in the years following the polio vaccines." Making matters worse, he said, the cancer-causing virus could be transmitted sexually and has even appeared in grandchildren of people who received the compromised vaccine.

Realizing their grave mistake, Haslam said, those "in the know" about the widespread inoculation tried to develop a vaccine against it by mutating the virus using a particle accelerator. According to his research, it was during this process that they discovered that the radiation caused the virus to become even more aggressive. It was at that point, Haslam said, the project shifted over to weaponizing the cancer-causing virus. Eventually, the weaponized virus was so powerful that it would kill a human in 28 days. He claimed that this number was derived from a clandestine test of the virus on inmates from a Louisiana prison. The end result was a potent weapon that was virtually untraceable.

Making the story even more bizarre, many of the players in the cancer-causing virus story have connections to the JFK assassination. For instance, one of the researchers in the weaponization project had Lee Harvey Oswald as her bodyguard and handler. Additionally, one of the bases of operation for these studies was the home of longtime Kennedy assassination suspect David Ferrie. And, bringing the tale back to where it all started, on the very day that the Warren Commission began their investigation of the JFK assassination, Dr. Mary Sherman was murdered.


• doctormarysmonkey.com

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For general discussion: Has Ed ever done any photo investigation, or other research in Tulane University's records, to try and ID or get info on the couple who impersonated Judyth Vary Baker and her "husband" when he met them there in the early 1970s?

I have wondered the same thing. If Haslam did so, I don't believe he discussed it in Dr Mary's Monkey.

I asked this of Jim Fetzer in another thread. I expect Jim will answer this in the relatively near future.

This encounter is one of the biggest blockbusters in
Dr Mary's Monkey
. Haslam allows that "the 1972 incident

caused confusion and distrust among the 60M team. Their only evidence was my word and my memory."

I find it strange that Haslam makes no mention of trying to find his girlfriend at the time, or any of the people

that were at that party (including Baker's husband) to verify his story. Sixty Minutes certainly had the investigative

wherewithal to do that, it would seem. If such a witness would have be found, you might not be having to argue Judyth's case today.

I shake my head that Haslam doesn't even mention any attempts to find these witnesses.

Hopefully, Mr. Haslam will touch on this and other aspects of the Judyth Baker story tonight on Coast to Coast AM.


What happened to the OTHER JVB, and which one is the imposter?

Can we get them both on What's My Line?


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My earliest knowledge of Judyth came with Haslam's book. Is he aware of the Vary contretemps here, and does he have any comment?

Loaded question. I am, though, glad that Haslam's book alerted readers to the Ochsner connection to Dallas, surely highly questionable due to Ochsner's involvement in the "Portrait in Red" LP of Oswald's sheep-dipped broadcasts - a smoking gun if ever there was an event worthy of the metaphor.

Re: Bill Kelly. In another thread I waggishly suggested a new book, Judy and Judyth. But it is odd to have these two secret sharers of an identity dropped into a milieu rife with Maurice Bishops, Nagell/Hidells, Harveys & Lees, and dueling Marguerites. Odd? Or at par for the course?

Edited by David Andrews
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For general discussion: Has Ed ever done any photo investigation, or other research in Tulane University's records, to try and ID or get info on the couple who impersonated Judyth Vary Baker and her "husband" when he met them there in the early 1970s?

The following is a report on Ed Haslam's interview last night that appears on the coasttocoastam.com website today:

Appearing for the full four hours, former advertising executive Ed Haslam discussed how his investigation of the 1964 murder of a cancer researcher led him to a story which connects a massive contamination of the polio vaccine to our current cancer epidemic and even the JFK assassination. "When you look at the story, each piece fits in with each other piece, very cleanly and very logically," Haslam observed, "it's only when you stand back and look at it, that it looks as strange as it does."

While researching the mysterious death of Dr. Mary Sherman, Haslam discovered that polio vaccines created in the 1950's had been tainted with a cancer-causing virus. This contamination, he said, was detected after half of the doses, a staggering 100 million vaccines, had been administered to an unwitting public. Allegedly, the creators of the vaccine were afraid to admit the error and subsequently distributed the remaining half of the "medicine" as well. Having studied data on cancer diagnoses, Haslam noted that a "massive epidemic" of soft tissue cancers "erupts in the years following the polio vaccines." Making matters worse, he said, the cancer-causing virus could be transmitted sexually and has even appeared in grandchildren of people who received the compromised vaccine.

Realizing their grave mistake, Haslam said, those "in the know" about the widespread inoculation tried to develop a vaccine against it by mutating the virus using a particle accelerator. According to his research, it was during this process that they discovered that the radiation caused the virus to become even more aggressive. It was at that point, Haslam said, the project shifted over to weaponizing the cancer-causing virus. Eventually, the weaponized virus was so powerful that it would kill a human in 28 days. He claimed that this number was derived from a clandestine test of the virus on inmates from a Louisiana prison. The end result was a potent weapon that was virtually untraceable.

Making the story even more bizarre, many of the players in the cancer-causing virus story have connections to the JFK assassination. For instance, one of the researchers in the weaponization project had Lee Harvey Oswald as her bodyguard and handler. Additionally, one of the bases of operation for these studies was the home of longtime Kennedy assassination suspect David Ferrie. And, bringing the tale back to where it all started, on the very day that the Warren Commission began their investigation of the JFK assassination, Dr. Mary Sherman was murdered.


• doctormarysmonkey.com

People throw terms around without fully knowing what they mean.

A linear particle accelerator is better known as an atom smasher. They are over a mile long

and cost millions of dollars. The suggestion that Dr. Mary Sherman had one in her house is more

absurd than Ferrie, Oswald and Baker raising mice for getting viruses to test with the atom smasher.

Excuse me for injecting facts into this discussion.


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People throw terms around without fully knowing what they mean.

A linear particle accelerator is better known as an atom smasher. They are over a mile long

and cost millions of dollars. The suggestion that Dr. Mary Sherman had one in her house is more

absurd than Ferrie, Oswald and Baker raising mice for getting viruses to test with the atom smasher.

Excuse me for injecting facts into this discussion.

From Doctor Mary's Monkey, page 259:

....The accelerator had been located in the Infectious Disease Laboratory of the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital.

The dimensions of my investigation had suddenly changed. This was not a rag-tag operation run out of David Ferrie's

apartment; it was a full-blown U.S. Government Laboratory financed with millions of dollars from the public treasury.

A state secret supported by the most powerful political forces in the land. A medical Manhattan Project set up in hopes

of protecting the public from an epidemic of cancer which the government itself was largely responsible for. A 5,000,000

volt linear particle accelerator had quietly been placed on the grounds of the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital so that

cancer-causing monkey viruses could be roasted with radiation in secret.

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For general discussion: Has Ed ever done any photo investigation, or other research in Tulane University's records, to try and ID or get info on the couple who impersonated Judyth Vary Baker and her "husband" when he met them there in the early 1970s?

The following is a report on Ed Haslam's interview last night that appears on the coasttocoastam.com website today:

Appearing for the full four hours, former advertising executive Ed Haslam discussed how his investigation of the 1964 murder of a cancer researcher led him to a story which connects a massive contamination of the polio vaccine to our current cancer epidemic and even the JFK assassination. "When you look at the story, each piece fits in with each other piece, very cleanly and very logically," Haslam observed, "it's only when you stand back and look at it, that it looks as strange as it does."

While researching the mysterious death of Dr. Mary Sherman, Haslam discovered that polio vaccines created in the 1950's had been tainted with a cancer-causing virus. This contamination, he said, was detected after half of the doses, a staggering 100 million vaccines, had been administered to an unwitting public. Allegedly, the creators of the vaccine were afraid to admit the error and subsequently distributed the remaining half of the "medicine" as well. Having studied data on cancer diagnoses, Haslam noted that a "massive epidemic" of soft tissue cancers "erupts in the years following the polio vaccines." Making matters worse, he said, the cancer-causing virus could be transmitted sexually and has even appeared in grandchildren of people who received the compromised vaccine.

Realizing their grave mistake, Haslam said, those "in the know" about the widespread inoculation tried to develop a vaccine against it by mutating the virus using a particle accelerator. According to his research, it was during this process that they discovered that the radiation caused the virus to become even more aggressive. It was at that point, Haslam said, the project shifted over to weaponizing the cancer-causing virus. Eventually, the weaponized virus was so powerful that it would kill a human in 28 days. He claimed that this number was derived from a clandestine test of the virus on inmates from a Louisiana prison. The end result was a potent weapon that was virtually untraceable.

Making the story even more bizarre, many of the players in the cancer-causing virus story have connections to the JFK assassination. For instance, one of the researchers in the weaponization project had Lee Harvey Oswald as her bodyguard and handler. Additionally, one of the bases of operation for these studies was the home of longtime Kennedy assassination suspect David Ferrie. And, bringing the tale back to where it all started, on the very day that the Warren Commission began their investigation of the JFK assassination, Dr. Mary Sherman was murdered.


• doctormarysmonkey.com

People throw terms around without fully knowing what they mean.

A linear particle accelerator is better known as an atom smasher. They are over a mile long

and cost millions of dollars. The suggestion that Dr. Mary Sherman had one in her house is more

absurd than Ferrie, Oswald and Baker raising mice for getting viruses to test with the atom smasher.

Excuse me for injecting facts into this discussion.


I lived in New Orleans from 1954-56, which was when I was graduated from Alcee Fortier High School there. My parents' residence on Webster Street just off St. Charles Avenue was in close proximity to where the subsequent events described in Ed Haslam's book occurred. New Orleans has limited land space because it is surrounded by water on three sides -- the Mississippi River and a large lake. I am wondering where a 5 million volt electrical facility could have been built that would have supplied the electricity to the accelerator. It certainly would have physically been impressive.

If my memory serves me correctly, Ed Haslam in his interview stated that President Nixon declared his War On Cancer one week after being elected in 1968 because he then had knowledge of the events later described in Doctor Mary's Monkey. But his declaration actually was issued in 1971. I may have misheard, however.

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Haslam goes on to develop more con­nec­tions between bio­log­i­cal war­fare research, the NIH, New Orleans and the milieu of the Kennedy assas­si­na­tion. “There were other con­nec­tions between NIH and New Orleans. Of par­tic­u­lar inter­est was Jose Rivera, M.D. Ph.D., who sat on the NIH Board of Direc­tors in the 1960’s. We will note that the Dr. Rivera was really Col. Jose A. Rivera, one of the U.S. Army’s top experts in bio­log­i­cal war­fare, and that in the sum­mer of 1963 he was in New Orleans hand­ing out research grants from NIH (Insti­tute for Neu­ro­log­i­cal Dis­eases and Blind­ness) to Tulane Med­ical School, LSU Med­ical School, and the Ochsner Clinic. It is not my objec­tive to pin Ferrie’s pos­ses­sion of the trea­tise on any one per­son, but I am try­ing to show that there were numer­ous con­nec­tions between NCI and New Orleans, any one of which might explain how Mary Sher­man and/or David Fer­rie wound up with an inter­nal doc­u­ment from NIH or NCI.” (Ibid.; p. 106.)24. In the sec­ond edi­tion of his book, Mr. Haslam high­lights another intrigu­ing detail about the con­nec­tion between the JFK assas­si­na­tion and the inves­ti­ga­tion into the SV40/cancer con­nec­tion. ” ‘The War­ren Com­mis­sion Vol­umes. The FBI went to the U.S. Pub­lic Health Ser­vice Hos­pi­tal on 11/25/63 look­ing for evi­dence of either Lee Har­vey Oswald or A.J. Hidell. They went back a sec­ond time on 11/26.’ The FBI was look­ing for Oswald at the U.S. Pub­lic Health Ser­vice Hos­pi­tal! I could hardly believe my ears. ‘Why?’ ‘Accord­ing to the Dal­las Police, Oswald had a vac­ci­na­tion card issued to him by the U.S. Pub­lic Health Ser­vice on 6/8/63, when he lived at 4907 Mag­a­zine Street in New Orleans. It was issued to Lee Har­vey Oswald, signed by Dr. A.J. Hidell. The FBI reports are in Vol­ume 19. I’ll send you the cita­tions.’ Had Lee Har­vey Oswald been on the grounds of the U.S. Pub­lic Health Ser­vice Hos­pi­tal at the time the lin­ear par­ti­cle accel­er­a­tor was there? Take a look at this map. [Dr. Ochsner’s house, Oswald’s apart­ment, Children’s Hos­pi­tal, the Infec­tious Dis­ease Lab­o­ra­tory Build­ing and the U.S. Pub­lic Health Ser­vice Hos­pi­tal are within a 1-mile radius of one another.]” (Ibid.; p.127.)

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Haslam goes on to develop more con­nec­tions between bio­log­i­cal war­fare research, the NIH, New Orleans and the milieu of the Kennedy assas­si­na­tion. “There were other con­nec­tions between NIH and New Orleans. Of par­tic­u­lar inter­est was Jose Rivera, M.D. Ph.D., who sat on the NIH Board of Direc­tors in the 1960’s. We will note that the Dr. Rivera was really Col. Jose A. Rivera, one of the U.S. Army’s top experts in bio­log­i­cal war­fare, and that in the sum­mer of 1963 he was in New Orleans hand­ing out research grants from NIH (Insti­tute for Neu­ro­log­i­cal Dis­eases and Blind­ness) to Tulane Med­ical School, LSU Med­ical School, and the Ochsner Clinic. It is not my objec­tive to pin Ferrie’s pos­ses­sion of the trea­tise on any one per­son, but I am try­ing to show that there were numer­ous con­nec­tions between NCI and New Orleans, any one of which might explain how Mary Sher­man and/or David Fer­rie wound up with an inter­nal doc­u­ment from NIH or NCI.” (Ibid.; p. 106.)24. In the sec­ond edi­tion of his book, Mr. Haslam high­lights another intrigu­ing detail about the con­nec­tion between the JFK assas­si­na­tion and the inves­ti­ga­tion into the SV40/cancer con­nec­tion. ” ‘The War­ren Com­mis­sion Vol­umes. The FBI went to the U.S. Pub­lic Health Ser­vice Hos­pi­tal on 11/25/63 look­ing for evi­dence of either Lee Har­vey Oswald or A.J. Hidell. They went back a sec­ond time on 11/26.’ The FBI was look­ing for Oswald at the U.S. Pub­lic Health Ser­vice Hos­pi­tal! I could hardly believe my ears. ‘Why?’ ‘Accord­ing to the Dal­las Police, Oswald had a vac­ci­na­tion card issued to him by the U.S. Pub­lic Health Ser­vice on 6/8/63, when he lived at 4907 Mag­a­zine Street in New Orleans. It was issued to Lee Har­vey Oswald, signed by Dr. A.J. Hidell. The FBI reports are in Vol­ume 19. I’ll send you the cita­tions.’ Had Lee Har­vey Oswald been on the grounds of the U.S. Pub­lic Health Ser­vice Hos­pi­tal at the time the lin­ear par­ti­cle accel­er­a­tor was there? Take a look at this map. [Dr. Ochsner’s house, Oswald’s apart­ment, Children’s Hos­pi­tal, the Infec­tious Dis­ease Lab­o­ra­tory Build­ing and the U.S. Pub­lic Health Ser­vice Hos­pi­tal are within a 1-mile radius of one another.]” (Ibid.; p.127.)

This makes more sense than some of the posts on the JVB thread.

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Sorry Michael, I didn't check it after I posted it and didn't realize that it didn't cross post properly. I think this is it.

What I was looking for is the Vaccination card that Oswald had with him when arrested that listed Dr. A.J. Hidell and the U.S Public Service Hospital mentioned.

What's with this bogus vaccination card?

Why forge something like that?

What could he use it for?

Thanks for anyone who knows the answers and responds,


23. Mr. Haslam goes on to develop more connections between biological wafare research, the NIH, New Orleans and the milieu of the Kennedy assassination. "There were other connnections between NIH and New Orleans. Of particular interest was Jose Rivera, M.D. Ph.D., who sat on the NIH Board of Directors in the 1960's. We will note that the Dr. Rivera was really Col. Jose A. Rivera, one of the U.S. Army's top experts in biological warfare, and that in the summer of 1963 he was in New Orleans handing out research grants from NIH (Institute for Neurological Diseases and Blindness) to Tulane Medical School, LSU Medical School, and the Ochsner Clinic. It is not my objective to pin Ferrie's posion of the treatise on any one person, but I am trying to show that there were numerous connecttions between NCI and New Orleans, any one of which might explain how Mary Sherman and/or David Ferrie wound up with an internal document from NIH or NCI." (Ibid.; p. 106.)

24. In the second edition of his book, Mr. Haslam highlights another intriguing detail about the connection between the JFK assassination and the investogation of the SV40/cancer connection. " 'The Warren Commisssion Volumes. The FBI went to the U.S. Pullic Health Service Hospital on 11/25/63 looking for eviedence of either Lee Harvey Oswald or A.J. Hidell. They went back a second time on 11/26.' The FBI was looking for Oswald at the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital! I could hardly believe my ears. 'Why?' 'According to the Dallas Police, Oswald had a vacconation card issued to him by the U.S. Public Health Service on 6/8/63, when he lived at

4907 Magazine Street in New Orleans. It was issued to Lee Harvey Oswald, signed by Dr. A.J. Hidell. The FBI reports are in Volume 19. I'll send you the citations.' Had Lee Harvey Oswald been on the grounds of the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital at the time the linear particle accelerator was there? Take a look at this map. [Dr. Ochsner's house, Oswald's apartment, Children's Hospital, the Infetious Disease Laboratory Building and the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital are within a 1-mile radius of one another.]" (Ibid.; p.127.)


Edited by William Kelly
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What about the assertion that Dr. Sherman used a LINEAR PARTICLE ACCELERATOR?

I find that statement hard to swallow.


For general discussion: Has Ed ever done any photo investigation, or other research in Tulane University's records, to try and ID or get info on the couple who impersonated Judyth Vary Baker and her "husband" when he met them there in the early 1970s?

The following is a report on Ed Haslam's interview last night that appears on the coasttocoastam.com website today:

Appearing for the full four hours, former advertising executive Ed Haslam discussed how his investigation of the 1964 murder of a cancer researcher led him to a story which connects a massive contamination of the polio vaccine to our current cancer epidemic and even the JFK assassination. "When you look at the story, each piece fits in with each other piece, very cleanly and very logically," Haslam observed, "it's only when you stand back and look at it, that it looks as strange as it does."

While researching the mysterious death of Dr. Mary Sherman, Haslam discovered that polio vaccines created in the 1950's had been tainted with a cancer-causing virus. This contamination, he said, was detected after half of the doses, a staggering 100 million vaccines, had been administered to an unwitting public. Allegedly, the creators of the vaccine were afraid to admit the error and subsequently distributed the remaining half of the "medicine" as well. Having studied data on cancer diagnoses, Haslam noted that a "massive epidemic" of soft tissue cancers "erupts in the years following the polio vaccines." Making matters worse, he said, the cancer-causing virus could be transmitted sexually and has even appeared in grandchildren of people who received the compromised vaccine.

Realizing their grave mistake, Haslam said, those "in the know" about the widespread inoculation tried to develop a vaccine against it by mutating the virus using a particle accelerator. According to his research, it was during this process that they discovered that the radiation caused the virus to become even more aggressive. It was at that point, Haslam said, the project shifted over to weaponizing the cancer-causing virus. Eventually, the weaponized virus was so powerful that it would kill a human in 28 days. He claimed that this number was derived from a clandestine test of the virus on inmates from a Louisiana prison. The end result was a potent weapon that was virtually untraceable.

Making the story even more bizarre, many of the players in the cancer-causing virus story have connections to the JFK assassination. For instance, one of the researchers in the weaponization project had Lee Harvey Oswald as her bodyguard and handler. Additionally, one of the bases of operation for these studies was the home of longtime Kennedy assassination suspect David Ferrie. And, bringing the tale back to where it all started, on the very day that the Warren Commission began their investigation of the JFK assassination, Dr. Mary Sherman was murdered.


• doctormarysmonkey.com

People throw terms around without fully knowing what they mean.

A linear particle accelerator is better known as an atom smasher. They are over a mile long

and cost millions of dollars. The suggestion that Dr. Mary Sherman had one in her house is more

absurd than Ferrie, Oswald and Baker raising mice for getting viruses to test with the atom smasher.

Excuse me for injecting facts into this discussion.


I lived in New Orleans from 1954-56, which was when I was graduated from Alcee Fortier High School there. My parents' residence on Webster Street just off St. Charles Avenue was in close proximity to where the subsequent events described in Ed Haslam's book occurred. New Orleans has limited land space because it is surrounded by water on three sides -- the Mississippi River and a large lake. I am wondering where a 5 million volt electrical facility could have been built that would have supplied the electricity to the accelerator. It certainly would have physically been impressive.

If my memory serves me correctly, Ed Haslam in his interview stated that President Nixon declared his War On Cancer one week after being elected in 1968 because he then had knowledge of the events later described in Doctor Mary's Monkey. But his declaration actually was issued in 1971. I may have misheard, however.

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What about the assertion that Dr. Sherman used a LINEAR PARTICLE ACCELERATOR?

I find that statement hard to swallow.

What about the assertion that someone suggested she had one in her house?

And refers to it as a fact.

Now THAT'S hard to swallow.

Edited by Michael Hogan
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What about the assertion that Dr. Sherman used a LINEAR PARTICLE ACCELERATOR?

I find that statement hard to swallow.

What about the assertion that someone suggested she had one in her house?

And refers to it as a fact.

Now THAT'S hard to swallow.

If I was in error, I apologize. It has been many years since I read MF&TMV, and I thought

I remembered Haslam suggesting it had a part in her death. Am I wrong? I remembered

that as one of the strange events in the book.


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