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"Deep Throat Dave", the Pitzer affair, and Sundown Entertainment

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What this is: Email I have just sent to JFK researcher Allan Eaglesham responding to his article, just published on the Internet, “Deep Throat Dave”.

The link: http://www.manuscriptservice.com/DeepThroat/

* * *

Dear Allan,

Today someone sent me a link to "Deep-Throat Dave" and I gave it a quick read.

As you know, I thoroughly disagree with the notion that Bruce Pitzer's death was a murder; and I certainly do not believe that there was any motion picture films taken of the JFK autopsy.

But, in a way, that is besides the point, and certainly not the central point of this email. Because, as we all know, its a free country, and people are entitled to their opinions, and certainly there is a diversity of opinion when it comes to the Kennedy assassination. Sometimes it depends on one’s interpretation of physical evidence; and sometimes it all comes down to the credibility of a story someone tells.

In this particular instance, it would appear—and based on what you have reported—that something most unfortunate is going on. And I am referring here to the recent goings-on with regard to the person you have dubbed “Deep Throat Dave,” and the meetings he recently had in Chicago with Dennis David, Robert Groden, and one Christopher Andersen, the sales agent of Sundown Entertainment, and one of the writers of the video documentary “Frame 313: The JFK Assassination Theories.”

But let me back up a bit—and I write some of what follows for the benefit of others, who might be reading copies of this communication.

SOME HISTORY—Doug Horne and “Deep-Throat Dave”

To begin with, there is the manner in which an attempt was apparently made to discredit Doug Horne, prior to the publication of his magnum opus INSIDE THE ARRB. Specifically, someone (you call him “Deep Throat Dave,” and so I will too) presented himself to Doug Horne as ex-Naval Intelligence, as someone with special insider knowledge, and who Doug investigated, and proved--to his satisfaction--was a complete fraud. Now, that same person has somehow (a) connected himself with Robert Groden and (b ) is now approaching a witness who appeared in BEST EVIDENCE (See Chapter 25), and offering important “corroboration” for a most unlikely story that Dennis David now tells (and apparently quite sincerely believes)—that he (Dennis David) has seen a motion picture film of the autopsy, taken by Pitzer, who committed suicide some three years later. (To make this clear: Dennis David, who knew Pitzer, does not believe Pitzer committed suicide, and has made a variety of claims about having seen autopsy photographs –and/or films—of the autopsy,because of his friendship with Pitzer. I should also add that Dennis David told me none of this when I interviewed him in July, 1979, via phone, and in Ocotber, 1980, on camera; nor in 1989, again, on camera).

But let’s put Dennis David aside, and return to “Deep Throat Dave,” and his claims.

In that regard, “Deep Throat Dave” is offering “corroboration” for the Pitzer story and further, because of the presence of Christopher Anderson (of Sundown Entertainment) at these meetings, “Deep Throat Dave” is apparently willing to promote “his” story in a documentary film product that may well be marketed as the country approaches the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination.

Now let’s shift the focus to Sundown Entertainment, and Christopher Andersen, and his partner, Daniel Parrilli, who was producer of FRAME 313. Let’s focus on the implications of these two becoming involved in promoting dubious theories and hypotheses concerning the assassination—and especially the possibility of their now becoming affiliated with “Deep Throat Dave,” the same person who was unsuccessful in his apparent attempt to con and bamboozle Doug Horne, in 2009—an effort which, had it been successful, could have seriously damaged Horne’s credibility.

Specifically, let’s focus on what public records reveal about the past of these two gentlemen.

Parrilli and Andersen—a look at the past

I am well aware that they are the producer and writer of the video “Frame 313,” which you characterize as being “well produced,” but there are other facts about these gentlemen that are not particularly savory. These facts bear on their credibility, are apparently are not particularly well known, and should be disseminated so that anyone in the research community who is approached should understand the nature of the persons they are dealing with and be in a position to make a more informed decision as to whether or not to get involved with them in any documentary film project.

To begin with, both are convicted felons –convicted fraudsters--who previously served time in Federal prison in Wisconsin, where they reportedly met.

Here is some background of which you may not be aware—background available from papers filed by the Securities Department of the State of Illinois—and still additional information which lay behind their arrest for criminal fraud by the FBI just this past January 10, 2010 (yes, just in the months following Doug Horne’s experience with “Deep Throat Dave” and just months before the appearance of “Deep Throat Dave” with Robert Groden, and Dennis David, in Chicago, with Christopher Anderson present.)

You speculate that Sundown Entertainment (which means Parrilli and Anderson) are very likely planning a documentary in which “Deep Throat Dave” now appears—his face obscured, and his voice altered—in support of various JFK hypotheses, and in particular, with regard to the Pitzer matter. I believe you may well be correct.

So here is information this producer-writer team which I think is relevant to the assessment of their credibility, when it comes to matters pertaining to bringing out the truth about the Kennedy assassination.

Let’s move back on the time line a bit, and start with the year 2001 and 2002—and the following information comes from documents on file with the Illinois Secretary of State’s office—with the Internet “link” provided on January 25, 2010, blog titled “Fraud Talk,” a blog devoted to exposing financial fraud schemes. (For the link to Fraud Talk, see the end of this post).

FLASHBACK TO 2001 and 2002

1) In December, 2001, Anderson pleased guilt to one criminal count of Mail Fraud, and he was sentenced to thirty-six months in Federal prison; and he, too served his sentence at the Federal Correctional Institution in Oxford, Wisconsin.

2) In May, 2002, Parrilli pleaded guilty to credit card fraud, mail fraud, and bank fraud. As a result, he was sentenced to twenty-five months in the Federal Prison—a term he served at the Federal Correctional Institution in Oxford, Wisconsin.

Apparently—according to Fraud Talk that’s how these two met.

And now, before getting to the Spring of 2010, and the meeting that “Deep Throat Dave” had with Anderson and Groden, let’s first “flash forward” to the fall of 2009.

3) In November 2009, the State of Illinois (Security Department) filed a public notice concerning these two gentlemen and their company, Sundown Entertainment. A hearing was schedule to determine whether an Order should be entered to prevent them from “selling or offering for sale securities in the State of Illinois”. The grounds were:

•“Count 1” –“Fraud in the offer and sale of securities,” with the complaint alleging that “Sundown was a Front for an Illegal Ponzi Scheme”

•”Count 2” –“Offer and Sale of Unregistered Securities”

• “Count 3” – “Fraud in the Offer and Sale of Securities”

Specifically: “Failure to Disclose Prior Fraud Convictions to Investors.”

Specifically, in selling “securities” –in the form of promissory notes—to investors, Anderson “never disclosed to investors that . . . Parrilli” (previously convicted of fraud) “was the President of Sundown.”

In addition, both Parrilli and Andersen “failed to disclose” their own “criminal convictions” to investors.

The complaint notes that “The information regarding Respondent Parrilli’s role in Sundown, as well as Respondents Parrilli and Anderson’s criminal history involving fraud is material to an investor’s decision to invest money in Sundown.”

And I would add, purely as a personal aside—and if nothing else where known (but just wait because there is more): I would think the above facts are material to whether any researcher on the Kennedy assassination (much less any witness) would wish to become involved with either of these two gentlemen, or their company, in view of this background.

Is this what research and the creation of “product” on the Kennedy assassination is coming down to? That witnesses with highly controversial (and, in my opinion, dubious and implausible) stories become affiliated with a folks like this?

I do not know (just yet) what happened at the scheduled hearing but the public record is very clear on what happened in January, 2010.

On January 22, 2010, both Andersen and Parrilli were arrested by FBI agents, and this story was reported in detail by both the Chicago Tribune and Chicago’s Fox News. (See URL links at the end of this write-up, after my typed signature)(.

The headline at the Chicago Fox News website (on 1/25/2010) was: “Great Comic Investment Actually a $4M Ponzi Scheme”

The headline at the Chicago Tribune /WGN “BreakingNews” website was: “Two ex-cons charged in $4M Ponzi scheme”

So now, we are dealing with still another scheme.

Let’s take a closer look.


“Investors in a comic book and movie retail operation were actually victims of a $4 million Ponzi scheme run by two west suburban men, according to the FBI. . . They allegedly operated a Ponzi scheme which defrauded more than 100 investors out of more than $4 million, according to a release from the FBI. Both are charged in a criminal complaint filed last week in U.S. District Court in Chicago with one count of wire fraud.”

The lead on the Chicago Tribune Story reads:

"Two DuPage Country men who met while serving time in federal prison for separate fraud convictions together ran a Ponzi scheme that bilked about 100 investors out of $4 million, according to federal charges unsealed today."

The Fox story then goes on to name the company—and again (you guessed it!) its Sundown Entertainment:

“According to the complaint, the pair operated Sundown Entertainment Inc., a Westmont-based business which purported to be involved in the buying, selling and producing of films, comics and other intellectual property, the [FBI] release said.

The Chicago Tribune story put it this way:

"Daniel Parrilli, 50, of Carol Stream (Ill) and Christopher Anderson, 59, of Westmont, were charged with wire fraud in a scheme to sell promissory notes."

"Beginning in 2006, the two allegedly ran a company called Sundown Entertainment and promised investors a return of 25 to 100 percent in as little (as) seven days, according to an affidavit filed in the case."

"The pair allegedly told investors they made money through the sale of films and comic books, according to court records."

Echoing the “too good to be true” theme prominent with so many financial fraudsters, the FBI complaint—according to the Fox News report—said that the two were “sold promissory notes to investors based on the revenues the intellectual property was expected to generate. . . The notes carried a return of 25 percent to 100 percent over periods as short as seven days.”


Let’s do the math. Following the “KISS” principle, 25% in seven days, would amount to an annual return in excess of 1250% per year. (And 100% in 7 days would be over 5,000% a year.)

Consider the gall of anyone selling such an “investment”—and again, returning to the JFK case—does any researcher or witness want to be associated with anyone peddling such nonsensical “investment” schemes?

The news report then modestly states the obvious—that the FBI complaint “also alleges Anderson and Parrilli made false statements to potential investors, including the expected return on the investment”. . etc.

“Expected return”?! Even Madoff was only “offering” 12%.

According to the Chircago Tribune report:

"One victim gave the pair $75,000, including $30,000 from a credit card, after she was promised a 35 percent return in 19 days. Andersen allegedly gave the woman a bogus document showing films that Andersen claimed he had purchased."

"After the woman confronted Andersen when he failed to pay up, he gave her three checks, but each bounced, authorities said."

"Another investor turned over $192,000, and Andersen delayed repayment by telling him “his funds were tied up in Canada by the Terrorist Act,” the charges alleged."

The Chicago Tribune reports the following history of the two men:

"Andersen pleaded guilty in 2001 to a similar crime and was sentenced to 36 months in prison, records show. He served time at the federal prison in Oxford, Wis., where he met Parrilli, who had pleaded guilty in his own fraud case in 2001."

The Fox report ends:

“If convicted, the men face up to 20 years in prison and $250,000 in fines each.”

So now let’s return to “the reality of where we are.”

“DEEP THROAT DAVE” and his Spring 2010 Activities

According to your information, Allan (referring here to Allan Eaglesham, and his co-author, James Rinnovatore), Dennis David—who’s a “believer” in the Pitzer story—was approached by “Deep Throat Dave” (who had already been exposed as a fraud by Doug Horne, who spent time and money investigating him and his claims) sometime in January, 2010. Its not clear how the “first contact” was made, but Deep Throat Dave approached Dennis David on a matter that was most important to him. He apparently gave Dennis David the whole “I was with ONI” pitch, told him he knew that Pitzer was murdered; and, perhaps most important, told Dennis David he has seen the motion picture film that Dennis David believes Pitzer took of the autopsy.

Somehow, Robert Groden got involved in all this. (Presumably, Deep Throat Dave also approached Groden, but again, exactly how that happened is not clear). However, one apparent nexus is that Groden knew Christopher Andersen because Andersen (and Parrilli) were the writer and producer of “Frame 313,” the video documentary (released in June, 2008) and which commented on various JFK assassination theories.

Anyway, Dennis David was approached in January, 2010, and was invited to Chicago, and was there in a meeting in Chicago, between Dennis David, Robert Groden, and Christopher Anderson, someone who –you can be sure—did not tell those present: “Here, take a look at my rap sheet! And oh yes, the Illinois Authorities have just filed a four count sheet of charges against me; and, by the way, I was just arrested in January by the FBI and, if convicted, could be spending up to 20 years in prison!”

Not at all.

So what we have here—in embryonic form—is the creation of a product that is going to hawk some very non-credible ideas on the 50th anniversary of President Kennedy’s death. A “sequel” of sorts to “Frame 313.”

And I fully agree with you, Allan, as to how these dots should be connected. Here’s what you said:


"We [Eaglesham and Rinnovatore] speculate that, as part of the commercial enterprise—a new documentary movie produced under the aegis of Christopher Andersen’s company, Sundown Entertainment—some way will be found to circumvent Horne’s destruction of Deep Throat’s credentials; an “important” new witness will be featured prominently, in deep shadow, his voice distorted so as to be unrecognizable, giving the “inside scoop” on the murder of William Pitzer. . . " UNQUOTE

Of course, your speculation does not stop there, because you added the following, and I think what you say next is also entirely possible:

". . .on the murder of William Pitzer and on the claims of Jimmy Files, Judy Baker, Eddie Haslam, and Uncle Tom Cobley and all, interspersed with wise commentary from the usual luminaries."

And, of course, let’s not forget what could be the “cherry on the sundae”--there is the “film” of the JFK autopsy. Will there be some hoked up “film footage” of that (as in “alien autopsy”??)

As I said at the outset—It’s a free country, and anyone can believe anything they wish. But, when it comes to distribution and film making, if I were a JFK researcher—and certainly if I were a witness—I wouldn’t go near these people with a 10 foot pole.


5/7/10; 4:20 A.M. PDT

Los Angeles, California

For those wishing to explore this matter further, here are the key links:

•The Fraud Talk Website—the January 25, 2010 entry

“Two Illinois Ex-Cons Charged in $4 Million Ponzi Scheme”


•Fox News—Chicago—Website (“MyFoxChicago.com”) –January 25, 2010, reporting the arrest of Andersen and Parrilli; “Great Comic Investment Actually a $4M Ponzi Scheme”


•Chicago BreakingNews Center (Chicago Tribune/WGN website) –January 25, 2010; “Two ex-cons charged in $4M Ponzi scheme”


•State of Illinois Complaint against Anderson, Pirrilli, and Sundown Entertainment: (See “Fraudtalk.blogspot”, as listed above. The link for that is at the very end of the Fraudtalk article).

•Eaglesham-Rinnovatore article on “Deep-Throat Dave”, dated 5/6/10


Edited by David Lifton
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What this is: Email I have just sent to JFK researcher Allan Eaglesham responding to his article, just published on the Internet, “Deep Throat Dave”.

The link: http://www.manuscriptservice.com/DeepThroat/

* * *

Dear Allan,

Today someone sent me a link to "Deep-Throat Dave" and I gave it a quick read.

As you know, I thoroughly disagree with the notion that Bruce Pitzer's death was a murder; and I certainly do not believe that there was any motion picture films taken of the JFK autopsy.

But, in a way, that is besides the point, and certainly not the central point of this email. Because, as we all know, its a free country, and people are entitled to their opinions, and certainly there is a diversity of opinion when it comes to the Kennedy assassination. Sometimes it depends on one’s interpretation of physical evidence; and sometimes it all comes down to the credibility of a story someone tells.

In this particular instance, it would appear—and based on what you have reported—that something most unfortunate is going on. And I am referring here to the recent goings-on with regard to the person you have dubbed “Deep Throat Dave,” and the meetings he recently had in Chicago with Dennis David, Robert Groden, and one Christopher Andersen, the sales agent of Sundown Entertainment, and one of the writers of the video documentary “Frame 313: The JFK Assassination Theories.”

But let me back up a bit—and I write some of what follows for the benefit of others, who might be reading copies of this communication.

SOME HISTORY—Doug Horne and “Deep-Throat Dave”

To begin with, there is the manner in which an attempt was apparently made to discredit Doug Horne, prior to the publication of his magnum opus INSIDE THE ARRB. Specifically, someone (you call him “Deep Throat Dave,” and so I will too) presented himself to Doug Horne as ex-Naval Intelligence, as someone with special insider knowledge, and who Doug investigated, and proved--to his satisfaction--was a complete fraud. Now, that same person has somehow (a) connected himself with Robert Groden and (b ) is now approaching a witness who appeared in BEST EVIDENCE (See Chapter 25), and offering important “corroboration” for a most unlikely story that Dennis David now tells (and apparently quite sincerely believes)—that he (Dennis David) has seen a motion picture film of the autopsy, taken by Pitzer, who committed suicide some three years later. (To make this clear: Dennis David, who knew Pitzer, does not believe Pitzer committed suicide, and has made a variety of claims about having seen autopsy photographs –and/or films—of the autopsy,because of his friendship with Pitzer. I should also add that Dennis David told me none of this when I interviewed him in July, 1979, via phone, and in Ocotber, 1980, on camera; nor in 1989, again, on camera).

But let’s put Dennis David aside, and return to “Deep Throat Dave,” and his claims.

In that regard, “Deep Throat Dave” is offering “corroboration” for the Pitzer story and further, because of the presence of Christopher Anderson (of Sundown Entertainment) at these meetings, “Deep Throat Dave” is apparently willing to promote “his” story in a documentary film product that may well be marketed as the country approaches the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination.

Now let’s shift the focus to Sundown Entertainment, and Christopher Andersen, and his partner, Daniel Parrilli, who was producer of FRAME 313. Let’s focus on the implications of these two becoming involved in promoting dubious theories and hypotheses concerning the assassination—and especially the possibility of their now becoming affiliated with “Deep Throat Dave,” the same person who was unsuccessful in his apparent attempt to con and bamboozle Doug Horne, in 2009—an effort which, had it been successful, could have seriously damaged Horne’s credibility.

Specifically, let’s focus on what public records reveal about the past of these two gentlemen.

Parrilli and Andersen—a look at the past

I am well aware that they are the producer and writer of the video “Frame 313,” which you characterize as being “well produced,” but there are other facts about these gentlemen that are not particularly savory. These facts bear on their credibility, are apparently are not particularly well known, and should be disseminated so that anyone in the research community who is approached should understand the nature of the persons they are dealing with and be in a position to make a more informed decision as to whether or not to get involved with them in any documentary film project.

To begin with, both are convicted felons –convicted fraudsters--who previously served time in Federal prison in Wisconsin, where they reportedly met.

Here is some background of which you may not be aware—background available from papers filed by the Securities Department of the State of Illinois—and still additional information which lay behind their arrest for criminal fraud by the FBI just this past January 10, 2010 (yes, just in the months following Doug Horne’s experience with “Deep Throat Dave” and just months before the appearance of “Deep Throat Dave” with Robert Groden, and Dennis David, in Chicago, with Christopher Anderson present.)

You speculate that Sundown Entertainment (which means Parrilli and Anderson) are very likely planning a documentary in which “Deep Throat Dave” now appears—his face obscured, and his voice altered—in support of various JFK hypotheses, and in particular, with regard to the Pitzer matter. I believe you may well be correct.

So here is information this producer-writer team which I think is relevant to the assessment of their credibility, when it comes to matters pertaining to bringing out the truth about the Kennedy assassination.

Let’s move back on the time line a bit, and start with the year 2001 and 2002—and the following information comes from documents on file with the Illinois Secretary of State’s office—with the Internet “link” provided on January 25, 2010, blog titled “Fraud Talk,” a blog devoted to exposing financial fraud schemes. (For the link to Fraud Talk, see the end of this post).

FLASHBACK TO 2001 and 2002

1) In December, 2001, Anderson pleased guilt to one criminal count of Mail Fraud, and he was sentenced to thirty-six months in Federal prison; and he, too served his sentence at the Federal Correctional Institution in Oxford, Wisconsin.

2) In May, 2002, Parrilli pleaded guilty to credit card fraud, mail fraud, and bank fraud. As a result, he was sentenced to twenty-five months in the Federal Prison—a term he served at the Federal Correctional Institution in Oxford, Wisconsin.

Apparently—according to Fraud Talk that’s how these two met.

And now, before getting to the Spring of 2010, and the meeting that “Deep Throat Dave” had with Anderson and Groden, let’s first “flash forward” to the fall of 2009.

3) In November 2009, the State of Illinois (Security Department) filed a public notice concerning these two gentlemen and their company, Sundown Entertainment. A hearing was schedule to determine whether an Order should be entered to prevent them from “selling or offering for sale securities in the State of Illinois”. The grounds were:

•“Count 1” –“Fraud in the offer and sale of securities,” with the complaint alleging that “Sundown was a Front for an Illegal Ponzi Scheme”

•”Count 2” –“Offer and Sale of Unregistered Securities”

• “Count 3” – “Fraud in the Offer and Sale of Securities”

Specifically: “Failure to Disclose Prior Fraud Convictions to Investors.”

Specifically, in selling “securities” –in the form of promissory notes—to investors, Anderson “never disclosed to investors that . . . Parrilli” (previously convicted of fraud) “was the President of Sundown.”

In addition, both Parrilli and Andersen “failed to disclose” their own “criminal convictions” to investors.

The complaint notes that “The information regarding Respondent Parrilli’s role in Sundown, as well as Respondents Parrilli and Anderson’s criminal history involving fraud is material to an investor’s decision to invest money in Sundown.”

And I would add, purely as a personal aside—and if nothing else where known (but just wait because there is more): I would think the above facts are material to whether any researcher on the Kennedy assassination (much less any witness) would wish to become involved with either of these two gentlemen, or their company, in view of this background.

Is this what research and the creation of “product” on the Kennedy assassination is coming down to? That witnesses with highly controversial (and, in my opinion, dubious and implausible) stories become affiliated with a folks like this?

I do not know (just yet) what happened at the scheduled hearing but the public record is very clear on what happened in January, 2010.

On January 22, 2010, both Andersen and Parrilli were arrested by FBI agents, and this story was reported in detail by both the Chicago Tribune and Chicago’s Fox News. (See URL links at the end of this write-up, after my typed signature)(.

The headline at the Chicago Fox News website (on 1/25/2010) was: “Great Comic Investment Actually a $4M Ponzi Scheme”

The headline at the Chicago Tribune /WGN “BreakingNews” website was: “Two ex-cons charged in $4M Ponzi scheme”

So now, we are dealing with still another scheme.

Let’s take a closer look.


“Investors in a comic book and movie retail operation were actually victims of a $4 million Ponzi scheme run by two west suburban men, according to the FBI. . . They allegedly operated a Ponzi scheme which defrauded more than 100 investors out of more than $4 million, according to a release from the FBI. Both are charged in a criminal complaint filed last week in U.S. District Court in Chicago with one count of wire fraud.”

The lead on the Chicago Tribune Story reads:

"Two DuPage Country men who met while serving time in federal prison for separate fraud convictions together ran a Ponzi scheme that bilked about 100 investors out of $4 million, according to federal charges unsealed today."

The Fox story then goes on to name the company—and again (you guessed it!) its Sundown Entertainment:

“According to the complaint, the pair operated Sundown Entertainment Inc., a Westmont-based business which purported to be involved in the buying, selling and producing of films, comics and other intellectual property, the [FBI] release said.

The Chicago Tribune story put it this way:

"Daniel Parrilli, 50, of Carol Stream (Ill) and Christopher Anderson, 59, of Westmont, were charged with wire fraud in a scheme to sell promissory notes."

"Beginning in 2006, the two allegedly ran a company called Sundown Entertainment and promised investors a return of 25 to 100 percent in as little (as) seven days, according to an affidavit filed in the case."

"The pair allegedly told investors they made money through the sale of films and comic books, according to court records."

Echoing the “too good to be true” theme prominent with so many financial fraudsters, the FBI complaint—according to the Fox News report—said that the two were “sold promissory notes to investors based on the revenues the intellectual property was expected to generate. . . The notes carried a return of 25 percent to 100 percent over periods as short as seven days.”


Let’s do the math. Following the “KISS” principle, 25% in seven days, would amount to an annual return in excess of 1250% per year. (And 100% in 7 days would be over 5,000% a year.)

Consider the gall of anyone selling such an “investment”—and again, returning to the JFK case—does any researcher or witness want to be associated with anyone peddling such nonsensical “investment” schemes?

The news report then modestly states the obvious—that the FBI complaint “also alleges Anderson and Parrilli made false statements to potential investors, including the expected return on the investment”. . etc.

“Expected return”?! Even Madoff was only “offering” 12%.

According to the Chircago Tribune report:

"One victim gave the pair $75,000, including $30,000 from a credit card, after she was promised a 35 percent return in 19 days. Andersen allegedly gave the woman a bogus document showing films that Andersen claimed he had purchased."

"After the woman confronted Andersen when he failed to pay up, he gave her three checks, but each bounced, authorities said."

"Another investor turned over $192,000, and Andersen delayed repayment by telling him “his funds were tied up in Canada by the Terrorist Act,” the charges alleged."

The Chicago Tribune reports the following history of the two men:

"Andersen pleaded guilty in 2001 to a similar crime and was sentenced to 36 months in prison, records show. He served time at the federal prison in Oxford, Wis., where he met Parrilli, who had pleaded guilty in his own fraud case in 2001."

The Fox report ends:

“If convicted, the men face up to 20 years in prison and $250,000 in fines each.”

So now let’s return to “the reality of where we are.”

“DEEP THROAT DAVE” and his Spring 2010 Activities

According to your information, Allan (referring here to Allan Eaglesham, and his co-author, James Rinnovatore), Dennis David—who’s a “believer” in the Pitzer story—was approached by “Deep Throat Dave” (who had already been exposed as a fraud by Doug Horne, who spent time and money investigating him and his claims) sometime in January, 2010. Its not clear how the “first contact” was made, but Deep Throat Dave approached Dennis David on a matter that was most important to him. He apparently gave Dennis David the whole “I was with ONI” pitch, told him he knew that Pitzer was murdered; and, perhaps most important, told Dennis David he has seen the motion picture film that Dennis David believes Pitzer took of the autopsy.

Somehow, Robert Groden got involved in all this. (Presumably, Deep Throat Dave also approached Groden, but again, exactly how that happened is not clear). However, one apparent nexus is that Groden knew Christopher Andersen because Andersen (and Parrilli) were the writer and producer of “Frame 313,” the video documentary (released in June, 2008) and which commented on various JFK assassination theories.

Anyway, Dennis David was approached in January, 2010, and was invited to Chicago, and was there in a meeting in Chicago, between Dennis David, Robert Groden, and Christopher Anderson, someone who –you can be sure—did not tell those present: “Here, take a look at my rap sheet! And oh yes, the Illinois Authorities have just filed a four count sheet of charges against me; and, by the way, I was just arrested in January by the FBI and, if convicted, could be spending up to 20 years in prison!”

Not at all.

So what we have here—in embryonic form—is the creation of a product that is going to hawk some very non-credible ideas on the 50th anniversary of President Kennedy’s death. A “sequel” of sorts to “Frame 313.”

And I fully agree with you, Allan, as to how these dots should be connected. Here’s what you said:


"We [Eaglesham and Rinnovatore] speculate that, as part of the commercial enterprise—a new documentary movie produced under the aegis of Christopher Andersen’s company, Sundown Entertainment—some way will be found to circumvent Horne’s destruction of Deep Throat’s credentials; an “important” new witness will be featured prominently, in deep shadow, his voice distorted so as to be unrecognizable, giving the “inside scoop” on the murder of William Pitzer. . . " UNQUOTE

Of course, your speculation does not stop there, because you added the following, and I think what you say next is also entirely possible:

". . .on the murder of William Pitzer and on the claims of Jimmy Files, Judy Baker, Eddie Haslam, and Uncle Tom Cobley and all, interspersed with wise commentary from the usual luminaries."

And, of course, let’s not forget what could be the “cherry on the sundae”--there is the “film” of the JFK autopsy. Will there be some hoked up “film footage” of that (as in “alien autopsy”??)

As I said at the outset—It’s a free country, and anyone can believe anything they wish. But, when it comes to distribution and film making, if I were a JFK researcher—and certainly if I were a witness—I wouldn’t go near these people with a 10 foot pole.


5/7/10; 4:20 A.M. PDT

Los Angeles, California

For those wishing to explore this matter further, here are the key links:

•The Fraud Talk Website—the January 25, 2010 entry

“Two Illinois Ex-Cons Charged in $4 Million Ponzi Scheme”


•Fox News—Chicago—Website (“MyFoxChicago.com”) –January 25, 2010, reporting the arrest of Andersen and Parrilli; “Great Comic Investment Actually a $4M Ponzi Scheme”


•Chicago BreakingNews Center (Chicago Tribune/WGN website) –January 25, 2010; “Two ex-cons charged in $4M Ponzi scheme”


•State of Illinois Complaint against Anderson, Pirrilli, and Sundown Entertainment: (See “Fraudtalk.blogspot”, as listed above. The link for that is at the very end of the Fraudtalk article).

•Eaglesham-Rinnovatore article on “Deep-Throat Dave”, dated 5/6/10


Thanks, David, for giving us all the heads up on this.

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What this is: Email I have just sent to JFK researcher Allan Eaglesham responding to his article, just published on the Internet, “Deep Throat Dave”.

The link: http://www.manuscriptservice.com/DeepThroat/

Fascinating David. Thanks a bunch for the heads-up. It looks like the 50th Anniversary is going to be a festival for outrageous additions that can only serve to mess up the field of evidence with "evidence." Sort of like what is happening with the JudythFetzer phenomenon.

Josiah Thompson

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