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Morgan Reynolds interviews Jack White...

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Mister Jack White,

I have read the interview

Did I understand well ?

Just to be sure :

-1. Do you actually claim, precisely, that the moon landings were faked ? Didn't Man go to the moon ?

-2. Do you actually claim, precisely, that you can prove that no airliners crashed into the Towers (on 9/11) ?

-3. Do you actually claim, precisely, that no airliner crashed into the Pentagon ?

Am I mistaken ? If I understood you wrongly, I apololgize. But I would be happy if you could answer my questions so as to help me know exactly what you think, and not misquote you in the future.

Thanks in advance.

/François Carlier/

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Mister Jack White,

I have read the interview

Did I understand well ?

Just to be sure :

-1. Do you actually claim, precisely, that the moon landings were faked ? Didn't Man go to the moon ?

-2. Do you actually claim, precisely, that you can prove that no airliners crashed into the Towers (on 9/11) ?

-3. Do you actually claim, precisely, that no airliner crashed into the Pentagon ?

Am I mistaken ? If I understood you wrongly, I apololgize. But I would be happy if you could answer my questions so as to help me know exactly what you think, and not misquote you in the future.

Thanks in advance.

/François Carlier/

1. No, I do not claim that Man did not go to the moon (though it is unlikely). MY CLAIM IS: All the photos "taken on the moon" are faked.

2. Yes. It is clear that no hijacked airliners crashed into the Twin Towers. The videos are faked; the stories are false. The "airliners" are a cover story.

3. Yes. It is clear that no hijacked airliner crashed into the Pentagon. There are multiple proofs of this.

I am happy to clarify my position if the interview did not make it clear.


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Thank you for a quick and precise answer, Mister White.

Well, if you do not claim that Man did not go to the moon, then why the need to fake photographs ?

And as to the 9/11 attacks, it's not only a question of pictures or films. There is no denying that dozens or hundreds of people heard and saw the planes. Therefore, trying to deny that there were planes by looking at pictures seems to me to be a mistake.

But anyway, that's not the proper place to talk about these subjects. This is a Kennedy assassination forum. So I'll focus on the Kennedy assassination.

(I shall have to learn how to use the many features this web forum provides).

Thanks again, Mister White, for your franchise.

/François Carlier/

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