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Lifton attacks Fetzer over 9/11 and Israeli complicity

Guest James H. Fetzer

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I am sure I can locate the original memo I wrote--and distributed privately (and which Fetzer, who loves publicity, then posted)--and which laid out my concerns about Fetzer attributing 9/11 to Israel and certain specific American Jews.

The fact is that a much more powerful case can be made now, because AFTER I distributed that post, I then discovered the "Rediscover911" website. I focused on that, and then---guess what: Fetzer resigned from that site.

Anyway, it takes valuable time to dig up all this stuff, but maybe I should repost my original memo.


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Though (IIRC) it had been moved to the 9/11 thread Fetzer’s post where he quoted your memo in full is once again the 1st post of this thread.



At 1st look it is just another 9/11 site except that it seems fixated on Israel and without too much effort you can find blatant anti-Semitism. Two of the worst examples are:

How World Jewry Pushed America Into WWII


Jews Posing as Muslims



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Well, yes it can be done... but that means dragging 9-11 and Apollo posts back into the JFK section, and I am loathe to do that.

John - I'll see what I can do.

Evan Burton wasn't loathe enough to recently start a topic on Apollo (since moved) here in the JFK section of the Forum.

I guess he felt it necessary in order to get the attention of Jack White and Jim Fetzer.

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Well, yes it can be done... but that means dragging 9-11 and Apollo posts back into the JFK section, and I am loathe to do that.

John - I'll see what I can do.

Evan Burton wasn't loathe enough to recently start a topic on Apollo (since moved) here in the JFK section of the Forum.

I guess he felt it necessary in order to get the attention of Jack White and Jim Fetzer.

Fetzer challenged Evan to refute his claim the Apollo landings were faked on the JFK forum. He did so largely based on Jack's "studies"

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Well, yes it can be done... but that means dragging 9-11 and Apollo posts back into the JFK section, and I am loathe to do that.

John - I'll see what I can do.

Evan Burton wasn't loathe enough to recently start a topic on Apollo (since moved) here in the JFK section of the Forum.

I guess he felt it necessary in order to get the attention of Jack White and Jim Fetzer.

Fetzer challenged Evan to refute his claim the Apollo landings were faked on the JFK forum. He did so largely based on Jack's "studies"

Oh. Well that certainly makes it okay for Evan to begin a new Apollo thread here (instead of simply replying to Fetzer), despite his stated dislike for doing such things.

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"I suggest that Colby, Burton, and Lamson be hung by their thumbs

from the top of the new WTC Building 7 and forced to view ground zero

all day..."

Jack White 2009

...with thanks to Len Brasil for repeating it. Great message! Good work,


It's probably due to posts like the above that until that feature was disabled you had one of the lowest [if not THE lowest] "reputation" of any member of the forum.

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Well, yes it can be done... but that means dragging 9-11 and Apollo posts back into the JFK section, and I am loathe to do that.

John - I'll see what I can do.

Evan Burton wasn't loathe enough to recently start a topic on Apollo (since moved) here in the JFK section of the Forum.

I guess he felt it necessary in order to get the attention of Jack White and Jim Fetzer.

Fetzer challenged Evan to refute his claim the Apollo landings were faked on the JFK forum. He did so largely based on Jack's "studies"

Oh. Well that certainly makes it okay for Evan to begin a new Apollo thread here (instead of simply replying to Fetzer), despite his stated dislike for doing such things.

Well I'm glad that we are now in complete agreement, I guess you finally figured out what the word "back" means.

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Well, yes it can be done... but that means dragging 9-11 and Apollo posts back into the JFK section, and I am loathe to do that.

John - I'll see what I can do.

Evan Burton wasn't loathe enough to recently start a topic on Apollo (since moved) here in the JFK section of the Forum.

I guess he felt it necessary in order to get the attention of Jack White and Jim Fetzer.

Fetzer challenged Evan to refute his claim the Apollo landings were faked on the JFK forum. He did so largely based on Jack's "studies"

Oh. Well that certainly makes it okay for Evan to begin a new Apollo thread here (instead of simply replying to Fetzer), despite his stated dislike for doing such things.

Well I'm glad that we are now in complete agreement, I guess you finally figured out what the word "back" means.

Like I've always said, you're the most brilliant guy here.

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Hi. I've been away from the Forum for awhile, so forgive me if it was brought up in this huge thread. One of the things on 9/11 that was puzzling was the report that there were no Arabic names on the manifest. I wonder if Jewish names were.

Then, America's own cognitive dissonance: Believing 2 planes flew into the WTC and a missile into the Pentagon and a plane shot down in Pennsylvania. I believe the first "plane" was actually a missile. The second plane was a cargo plane with no windows. A missile flew into the Pentagon and I don't know what happened in PA as there was only a puff of smoke and a sort of V shape in the ground. It looked like household garbage was thrown in the hole.

What really happened to the people on the real planes? One theory was that these passengers were put on another plane in the midwest and flown over the Atlantic and this plane dove into the ocean. But who was flying the plane? I believe America has the power to remotely fly planes. Do you agree Prof. Fetzer?

Kathy C

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"I suggest that Colby, Burton, and Lamson be hung by their thumbs

from the top of the new WTC Building 7 and forced to view ground zero

all day..."

Jack White 2009

...with thanks to Len Brasil for repeating it. Great message! Good work,


It's probably due to posts like the above that until that feature was disabled you had one of the lowest [if not THE lowest] "reputation" of any member of the forum.

It is Colby who repeats this with his every posting.

Like Ted Bundy, more than ever, he is convinced of his innocence.


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Next questions:

You are praising a book called "Stranger than fiction" from an unknown author.

You've read chapters from that book to an audience which was recorded.

A User called reamonnk has uploaded a video with the audio of your voice embeded with clear anti semitic and

pro nazi symbols. I believe you are aware of that videos since weeks.




You are not the one who uploaded this video but are you aware that you can report to Youtube to get it down?

If i were you, i would instantly try to remove it cause it associates you with fascist symbols.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest James H. Fetzer

In addition to STRANGER THAN FICTION (2003), I have now discovered GUILT BY ASSOCIATION (2008) by Jeff Gates. It is quite a brilliant book that ties together a lot of loose ends--not to say "loose change"! It offers additional evidence of the role of Zionism in 9/11, including the shrewd tactic of labeling those who oppose Zionism as "anti-Semitic", a distinction that appears to be too elusive for Lifton! Incidentally, David's keen interest in these matters as a smoke-screen to avoid paying his debts did not affect my decision to withdraw from the development group for http://rediscover911.com. Though a series of exchanges on a 9/11 thread, I became convinced that the head of that group, Ed Kendrick, is neither intellectually nor emotionally qualified to lead that effort, which requires considerably more intelligence and perceptivity than the man possesses. I also believe this site goes a bridge too far by implying that Israel was primarily or even exclusively responsible for 9/11, which clearly involved complicity between elements of the Bush/Cheneny administration, especially those behind the Project for the New American Century, and their Mossad associates. Articles of mine discussing this include my

"9/11 and the Neo-Con Agenda"


Is 9/11 research 'anti-Semitic'?"


which, by the way, is also archived at http://rediscover911.com/2010/04/is-911-research-anti-semitic/ These are all issues that most scholars will not touch out of fear of being branded "anti-Semitic", as in the case of those who sought to expose the role of AIPAC (American Israeli Public Affairs Committee), John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, http://www.lrb.co.uk/v28/n06/john-mearsheimer/the-israel-lobby, in their book, THE ISRAEL LOBBY AND US FOREIGN POLICY (2007), which is arguably the most important contribution to understanding the seemingly unbounded support for Israel by a succession of US administrations over the past forty years. Those who are here to attack me, of course, have no interest in the truth of the matter, where Albert Pastore, John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, and Jeff Gates appear to have it right. I have interviewed Pastore and Gates on "The Real Deal", incidentally, where the Gates interview took place on Wednesday, 18 August 2010, and is now archived at http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com. Schumcks like Lifton, however, could care less, because they are preoccupied with themselves and are only concerned to benefit themselves and their miserable lives, no matter what the cost to others, which is contemptible.

The author, Jeff Gates, is quite a formidable fellow of considerable accomplishment <http://www.planetwork.net/2003conf/textpages/presenters/JeffGates.html>:

Author, educator, attorney, former investment banker and, for two decades, an adviser to policy-makers worldwide.

Counsel to the U.S. Senate Finance Committee (1980-87)—working with Senator Russell Long of Louisiana, son of governor and Senator Huey P. Long. Crafted federal law on employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) and pension plans.

ESOPs are in place in 11,500 firms nationwide covering 10% of U.S. workforce and holding $650 billion. Pension assets account for 48% of the $17,000 billion in the hands of institutional investors in the U.S. Counsel to Kelso & Company, a New York investment banking firm completed $4 billion in transactions in 24-months, including the $3 billion leveraged buyout of American Standard, Inc., with employees and managers gaining a 33% stake.

Author, Democracy at Risk—Rescuing Main Street from Wall Street—A Populist Vision for the 21st Century (April 2000). Written as a sequel to The Ownership Solution (1998).

Ralph Nader relied on those two books when "rebranding" the U.S. Green Party as the party of "the new populism" (see http://www.votenader.com ) Founder and president of the Shared Capitalism Institute in California and Cambridge, Mass. See http://www.sharedcapitalism.org for compilation of statistics and trends concerning ownership and income in the U.S. and abroad. Founder and President of the Gates Group.

Advisory work in more than 30 countries, including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, China, Guyana, Haiti, Hungary, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Latvia, Lithuania, Mexico, Morocco, Pakistan, Peru, Poland, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Thailand, Trinidad, Tunisia, Zambia, Zimbabwe and the U.K. South Korean President Kim Dae-Jung announced August 2000 that the Korean edition of The Ownership Solution (released June 2000) was one of three books chosen for his vacation reading.

Instructor in MBA program at Emory University. Contributor to various trade, professional and popular publications worldwide, including National Journal, Financial Times, Japan Times, Financial Executive, M&A Today, Boston Review, LatinFinance, East/West Business Report, Human Resource Management, Los Angeles Times, World Times, The Humanist, Peace Review, Business Ethics, Inside Edge, Whole Earth, Tikkun, etc.

University of Virginia (B.A. w/ honors in Honors Economics), J.D. from Hastings College of Law (San Francisco). Former partner in Washington office of Powell, Goldstein, Frazer & Murphy. Vietnam veteran. Native of Athens, Georgia. Green Party candidate for U.S. Senate, November 2000. Shared Capitalism Institute

570 Cress Street, Laguna Beach, CA 92651 Tel: 949.494.4437 e-mail: jeffgates@mindspring.com http://www.sharedcapitalism.org

From the book's back cover:



The corruption that plagues American politics is traced to an alliance with elites and extremists loyal to the Land of Israel. Unable to rid politics of campaign finance corruption, the U.S. finds its security imperiled by those skilled at deceiving America into waging wars for the Zionist state.

Tracing this corruption to criminal syndicates from the 1920's, Guilt by Association reveals how those skilled at displacing facts with beliefs wield clout from the shadows. Both deception and self-deceit play critical roles in enabling this criminality to expand its reach on a global scale.

Guilt by Association documents how — by operating in the realms of politics, media, academia, think tanks and popular culture — corruption came to dominate politics, as shown by presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama.

Chronicling systemic corruption that predates these candidates by decades, the book explains how organized crime expanded worldwide while the U.S. discredited itself in the eyes of a global public astounded that Americans would tolerate such corruption to their own detriment.

Featuring sophisticated alalysis presented in layman's language, Guilt by Association will transform political debate in the U.S. and beyond.

Author, educator, attorney and adviser on financial policy to thirty-five countries, Jeff Gates served seven years as counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance (1980-87). His earlier books include The Ownership Solution and Democracy at Risk.

Here's a short article confronting the extent to which the Israeli lobby controls foreign policy in the United States:


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Jeff Gates does the Zionist math

"The political math was enabled by Senator John McCain whose support for all things Israeli ensured him the GOP nomination to succeed Christian-Zionist G.W. Bush. McCain’s style of campaign finance reform proved a perfect fit for the Diaspora-based fundraising on which the lobby relies. Co-sponsored by Senator Russ Feingold of Wisconsin, this change in federal election law typifies how Israeli influence became systemic.

‘McCain-Feingold’ raised the amount (from $1,000 to $2,300) that candidates can receive from individuals in primary and general elections. A couple can now contribute a combined $9,200 to federal candidates: $4,600 in each of the primary and general elections. Primary elections, usually low-budget, are particularly easy to sway.

Importantly for the Diaspora, this change also doubled the funds candidates can receive without regard to where those contributors reside. A candidate in Iowa, say, may have only a few pro-Israeli constituents. When campaign support is provided by a nationwide network of pro-Israelis, that candidate can more easily be persuaded to support policies sought by Tel Aviv.

Diaspora-based fundraising has long been used by the lobby with force-multiplying success to shape US foreign policy. Under the guise of reform, John McCain doubled the financial resources that the lobby can deploy to elect and retain its supporters.

The influence-peddling process works like this. Candidates are summoned for in-depth AIPAC interviews. Those found sufficiently committed to Israel’s agenda are provided a list of donors likely to “max out” their campaign contributions. Or the process can be made even easier when AIPAC-approved candidates are given the name of a “bundler.”

Bundlers raise funds from the Diaspora and bundle those contributions to present them to the candidate. No quid pro quo need be mentioned. After McCain-Feingold became law in 2003, AIPAC-identified bundlers could raise $1 million-plus for AIPAC-approved candidates simply by contacting ten like-minded supporters. Here’s the math:

The bundler and spouse “max out” for $9,200 and call ten others, say in Manhattan, Miami, and Beverly Hills. Each of them max out ($10 x $9,200) and call ten others for a total of 11. [111 x $9,200 = $1,021,200.]

Imagine the incentive to do well in the AIPAC interview. One call from the lobby and a candidate can collect enough cash to mount a credible campaign in most Congressional districts. From Tel Aviv’s perspective, that political leverage is leveraged yet again because fewer than ten percent of the 435 House races are competitive in any election cycle (typically 35 to 50).

Additional force-multipliers come from: ( a ) sustaining this financial focus over multiple cycles, ( b ) using funds to gain and retain seniority for those serving on Congressional committees key to promoting Israeli goals, and ( c ) opposing any candidates who question those goals.

Jewish Achievement reports that 42% of the largest political donors to the 2000 election cycle were Jewish, including four of the top five. That compares to less than 2% of Americans who are Jewish. Of the Forbes 400 richest Americans, 25% are Jewish according to Michael Steinhardt, a key funder of the Democratic Leadership Council. The DLC was led by Jewish Zionist Senator Joe Lieberman when he resigned in 2000 to run as vice president with pro-Israeli presidential candidate Al Gore.

Money was never a constraint. Pro-Israeli donors were limited only by how much they could lawfully contribute to AIPAC-screened candidates. McCain-Feingold raised a key limit. The full impact of this foreign influence has yet to be tallied."

and the story of Harry Truman (long before campaign finance 'reform'):

"Harry Truman, a Christian Zionist, remains one of the more notable recipients of funds. In 1948, he was trailing badly in the polls and in fundraising. His prospects brightened dramatically in May after he recognized as a legitimate state an enclave of Jewish extremists who originally planned to settle in Argentina before putting their sights on Palestine.

"That recognition was opposed by Secretary of State George C. Marshall, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the bulk of the diplomatic corps, the fledgling Central Intelligence Agency and numerous distinguished Americans, including moderate and secular Jews concerned at the troubles that were certain to follow. Not until 1984 was it revealed that a network of Jewish Zionists had funded Truman’s campaign by financially refueling his whistle-stop campaign train with $400,000 in cash ($3 million in 2009 dollars)."

What's most amazing is that it is still fashionable in American liberal circles to deny outright that this sort of foreign control of American politics is going on. The fact that American politicians always favor the Jewish politics of hatred and land theft over real American national interests shouldn't be a surprise; given the insane way American politics is funded, non-treasonous activity by American politicians simply doesn't pay.

at 7/19/2009 02:18:00 PM

I am sure I can locate the original memo I wrote--and distributed privately (and which Fetzer, who loves publicity, then posted)--and which laid out my concerns about Fetzer attributing 9/11 to Israel and certain specific American Jews.

The fact is that a much more powerful case can be made now, because AFTER I distributed that post, I then discovered the "Rediscover911" website. I focused on that, and then---guess what: Fetzer resigned from that site.

Anyway, it takes valuable time to dig up all this stuff, but maybe I should repost my original memo.


Edited by James H. Fetzer
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Guest James H. Fetzer

Here's a nice article that explains what's really going on in the world of the "war on terror", which

is a fabricated offensive intended to justify looting and pillaging Iraq and Afghanistan and, if the

Neo-Cons and their Israeli associates have their way, the destruction of Iran as well, which seems

to have been thwarted by Iran's possession of sophisticated anti-missile and anti-aircraft systems

they have acquired from the Russians. Not that any of this matters to Lifton and his associates in

character assassination. (I interviewed Gordon Duff on "The Real Deal" on 6 August, by the way.)



August 7, 2010 posted by Gordon Duff · 56 Comments

Costumes and makeup by Bin Laden Studios, Tel Aviv


By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor

Adnan Shukrijumah, 35 formerly of Brooklyn, New York and Miami Beach is more likely to carry the real name Levine or Goldstein. The “legend,” intelligence jargon for a false background constructed for an imaginary person, created for Shukrijumah is paper thin. An FBI Agent named Brian LeBlanc in an “exclusive interview” with the Associated Press warned the world of this new “bin Laden” clone.

Another term is “branding.” This is what was done with Osama bin Laden, a former CIA operative and minor player in Afghanistan during the 1980s. He was branded as a terrorist mastermind, blamed for 9/11 though there isn’t a single shred of proof of his involvement and has been chased around the world for the last nine years though he has been dead that long. Bin Laden died December 14, 2001. Adnan Shukrijumah, or whoever he really is, may well be the next “patsy” blamed for a “much too convenient” terror attack meant to send the United States to war with Iran, another war fought for Israeli business.

Now we are told that Adnan Shukrijumah of Miami Beach, probably enraged at the closing of Wolfie’s “Rascal House,” a really excellent deli, is the greatest threat America faces. An FBI agent has crowned him “king of Al Qaeda.”

One other problem is that Al Qaeda doesn’t exist, never has.

We simply made it up. There has never been such an organization, there has never been an organized world terrorist conspiracy of any kind. There have never been terrorist training camps in Afghanistan. Has anyone ever seen a photo of one? Of course not. In our nearly ten years scouring every square foot of Afghanistan, we have never found any of those “monkey bar” things we seeing the the films put on the internet. Journalists joke about these films along with the phony bin Laden videos. We call the Israeli group that puts them out “Bin Laden Studios.”

Arabs with box cutters had nothing to do with 9/11. This is a cover story. It was all made up. There is no proof of their involvement and, quite to the contrary, six of the supposed dead terrorists are alive and well and screaming for press interviews. 9/11 had nothing to do with terrorism, nothing to do with Arabs and everything to do with money. Follow the money.

Why is this game being played, attacks in London and Madrid, New York and Detroit now, why the games? The answer is simple. The Caspian basin has trillions of dollars in gas and oil, controlled by new and highly corrupt countries whose governments turned to Israel years ago for technical support. With Russia, the Gulf States and Nigeria controlling most of the world’s oil supply and money supplies almost exhausted, every loose cent that can be stolen already stashed away, looted by the banksters with the help of the Rothschilds and the Federal Reserve, this is the last great prize.

Chasing trillions of dollars of hydrocarbons, the last great source of collateral in the world, has brought about more than just the creation of phony terrorist organizations, false flag terror attacks and two phony wars.

Yes, we mean up to twelve trillion dollars in gas and oil is sitting there to be stolen from weak and corrupt governments. For this kind of money, we can easily expect another 9/11 or perhaps something worse, something “nuclear.” The people making these decisions care nothing for human life, nothing for America and certainly, one thing I can assure you, not a single one of them is a Muslim.

The process of funding the corruption of these governments has taken billions of dollars. That money has come from the narcotics trade re-instituted by the Bush administration after the invasion of Afghanistan. What was no opium production at all is now, not just opium but heroin, with refining now done in Afghanistan and new poppy fields being planted every day with American guarding, not only the harvest but helping with the export as well. This is why America has used “contractors” to such an extent.

It isn’t only Afghanistan, we are planting poppies in Iraq as well. In case, ok, let’s face it, when America loses the war in Afghanistan, it is likely the Taliban will destroy opium production again. The only thing keeping Afghanistan afloat is drug money, American payoffs to the Taliban to let our supplies into the country, estimated at nearly $800,000,000 a year paid to the enemy by America’s military, keeps them awash in cash. Taliban leaders have to travel to Pakistan. It is the only way they can fly to Dubai to bank their American cash. They share hotels there with the druglords tied to our “friends,” all involved in the same sick game.

In the end, gas and oil will be piped through Afghanistan from the narco-republics of the Caspian. These negotiations have been going on since the 1990s. Our invasion of Afghanistan was only part of it, part of the negotiations. The Taliban was looking for too big a cut of the profits. We thought we could brush them aside and take over. 9/11 and the carefully planned and staged disinformation campaign attempting to tie it to Afghanistan was nothing personal, it was business. People die in business every day. Ask any banker.

This is the reason an FBI agent’s uncontrolled blithering to an AP reporter is now in hundreds of newspapers as the branding of a new leader of a non-existent terrorist organization. It is also the reason we are likely to see a new terrorist attack in the United States after Labor Day. Attacks are time for news cycles. Check on that. We can expect one in September and another one around Christmas with one more on the run up to Easter.

What could we find out about Shukrijumah? Air Force pilots who have flown him and his family, yes, you have it right, United States Air Force, claim the photos and likenesses are totally phony. These pictures are someone else entirely. This isn’t the first time this has happened as the strange transformations of Osama bin Laden showed us. My how much bin Laden changed after his death.

It took minutes to get multiple confirmations on this. Everything about our “terrorist” and his family is being misrepresented. These aren’t even the same people. This is too easy.

If a several questions didn’t just come to mind after reading this, you aren’t getting enough sleep.

There are no people hiding in Afghanistan planning these attacks. There are no terrorist leaders. No, Mullah Omar, the imaginary leader of the Taliban is not planning a major offensive against American troops or attacks on anyone. Even if he does have one of those encrypted Israeli satellite phones that the rest of the insurgents are using to defeat American signals intelligence operations, he is unlikely to be doing anything other than waiting.

America, along with the “Karzai Incorpated” drug cartel has created a monstrous situation in Afghanistan. General Petraeus inherited a nightmare, 9 years of wrong direction, wrong country, wrong everything. Yes, there is corruption, evil. Yes, America is being victimized by violent men, planning the downfall of the United States.

We call them “congress.”

When something blows up, be it a dirty bomb in Cleveland, not too close to Shaker Heights, or a school in Little Rock, a “branded” terrorist leader, one with a storybook background, Saudi born, evil extremist Muslim dad, will be dragged out. As with most of our phony terrorists, he will be a ghost, a Mossad agent like the dozens, maybe hundreds of violent Muslim terrorists they dress up and parade out when needed.

Simply put, there is no Islamic terrorist movement of any kind other than the groups promoting a just and peaceful settlement in Gaza, groups that strike back against Israeli violence, really Israeli terrorism. They have no reason to attack the United States. Millions in the United States support them.

The cover for 9/11, the idea that Americans were “defiling” the religious shrines of Saudi Arabia is equally insane. Nobody in their right mind believes that. Extremists exist. They ran the United States. If you want to ask someone about 9/11, someone who could tell you why, tell you how, go to Dallas. Ask George “W” Bush about 9/11. He knows.

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