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my review of 350 pages from goldwater's fbi file

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PAGES 1 -100

Sen Philip Hart - letter postmarked Jul 9 1963 from Danville Illinois and written on Veterens Administration stationary.

"Senator Hart, why don't you crack pots wake up. There is no law in the land that we have to serve Negroes? We the white people in St Joe and Benton Harbor Mich. want] no part of civil rights? We dagos know all your addresses? So wake up. Underworld gang."

Sen Winston Prouty received a similar letter postmarked Jul 16,1963 from Danville. This one contained a threat to use bombs, and was signed "Ed. Omally"

A second letter to Prouty was dated Jul 19, 1963.

"We know all your home addresses. No more bull xxxx from you crack pots in Washington. We want no part of civil rights and no part of the Negroes! We mean business. We are telling you crack pots, put them Negroes in there place. We are ready to take up arms and march on to Washington! What will you Negro lovers do when you see us coming. This march will bring us white people Victory. [name redacted] American Legion Post 443 Chicago Ill."

Next letter was dated Feb 7, 1964, and was to a judge whose name has been redacted. The same stationery was used and again had been sent from Danville, but this was signed "[name redacted] White Citizens Council Montgomery, Ala." The body of the letter read: "[name redacted] You are a n lover? They are going to bomb your home and office. The White People don't care about the law any more. So be careful."

An FBI memo headed Administrative Data, (which is undated) stated: "The Mobile Division advised...there was no organization known as the 'White Citizens Council' in Mongomery, Alabama, at the present time. There has been in existence... an organization publicly known as 'Montgomery Citizens Council' aka 'Montomery County Citizens Council', however the membership of this organization is not known to this office, DUE TO BUREAU REGULATIONS PROHIBITING ACTIVE INVESTIGATION OF CITIZENS COUNCILS [emphasis mine]."

A second letter was received in Alabama, but all information regarding name of addressee, and name used to sign it have been redacted. This was dated Feb 10 1964, and again, VA stationery had been used.

Meanwhile, the Chicago office investigation was continuing apace. By now, they had managed to narrow the suspects down to the mere 1700 patients of the VA hospital. Also, handwriting analysis had shown the letters to Hart and to un-named person/s in Alabama were written by the same hand, and that a different person had written the ones to Prouty.

Next letter was postmarked 30jun64 at Danville, and was to the parents of a student. All identifying information has been redacted. The body of the letter reads: "All you n lovers homes will be bombed any night? We from the North are going to help the Southerns. We from the North are going after the Jews and n lovers." The last para of the document reads: "[redacted] presently has a mailing address [redacted] Jackson Mississippi. [redacted] Oxford Ohio Training Center for Mississippi Summer Project approximately two weeks ago, and has been in Jackson, Mississippi since then.

A female from Worthington, Ill also received a letter postmarked Jun 30, 1964 from Danville. However, her husband did not allow her to report it immediately. She had previously attended the Freedom Training Sessions at the Western College for Women, Oxford, Ohio.

A third letter to a person involved in the Mississpippi Summer Project was posted same time and place as previous two. This time destination was Glencoe, Ill. It simply stated: "We from the North are members of the White Citizens Council. All you n lovers homes will be bombed any night."

PAGES 101 -200

The next letter in the series was again addressed to Senator Hart and was posted on 8jul64. This time however, the place of origin was Kingsburg, California, and was a reproduction.

The letter was headed: OPEN LETTER TO COMMUNISTS & THEIR SYMPATHIZERS. It read: "It has come to our attention that threats have been made against Sen. Goldwater's life, and that your Soviet Communist UN delegate, Fedorenko called for Goldwater to be 'put into a strait-jacket'. The patience of American patriots is not unlimited. If any violence is directed against Senator Goldwater, Communists in the USA hereby stand advised that there corpses will then fill the morgues. There is also a growing sentiment among patriots to require a Communist life for every American boy killed in Asia or elsewhere. COMRADES: You and your fellow vermin have enslaved a billion human beings by means of terror, murder, rape, and torture. FREE MEN are calling a halt to Communism - NOW!"

A document dated Jul 13, 1964 has a new recipient added to the list: Father Frank M Johnson.

A document dated Jul 24 1964 indicates the New Orleans office is now involved in the investigation.


The next document is a letter dated Jul 9, 1964 sent to the Chief Postal Inpector in Washington. The senders details have been redacted. The body of the letter is advising of receipt at the office of the writer of a letter containing murder threats and libelous statements. The writer finshes by requesting an investigation of the matter. The letter in question had been enclosed.

The Postal Inspecter replied on Jul 16, 1964 stating that as the letter carried IMPLIED threats of harm, he was forwarding the complaint to the FBI.

A memo dated Jul 21, 1964 clarifies the above to some extent. This indicates the letter received was another copy of THE OPEN LETTER TO COMMUNISTS mailed from Kingsburg, California. The last paragraph gives some clues as to who the recipient was: "For information of Chicago Office [redacted] is an [redacted] who maintains an ofice at [redacted] Washington DC, and in the past has represented individuals identified as Communist Party (CP) functionaries and members at various trials and hearings in New York City and Washington DC. As an attorney he has represented the CPUSA before the US Supreme Court. [last two or three lines redacted]."

Why they bothered to black out the fact he was an attorney in the first sentence is anyone's guess...

Next document is a recommendation to obtain advice from the US Attorney as to whether the content of the enclosed letter (which one is not indicated - but it is clearlythe one received by the attorney) is in violation of Federal Extortion Statutes. It goes on to outline what should be done after the advice is obtained: "Following presentation to the US Attorney and providing he declines prosecution, Chicago should address a letter to the victim making reference to letter received from the Chief Postal Inspector and thereafter furnish victim with the prosecution opinion. He should be advised that no further investigation is to be conducted by the bureau. If the US Attorney feels the communication is in violation of the Statutes, Washington Field Office should be promptly advised and instructed to immediately interview Forer for any information he may have concerning the identity of the unknown subject. Handle promptly and advise." At the bottom of the document is: "NOTE: See memo A Rosen to Mr Belmont dated July 20, 1964 same caption, JAC:adv"

I believe the above document may well be important. Forer was involved with John Abt in the communist trials. He also represented a number of people called before the HUAC and the SISS.

The next document has Forer's name redacted throughout - except in the very last sentence. The only further information here of value is that Forer was listed on the

Security Index.

Next is a document dated Jul 24, 1964. This one refers to another recipient of the Kingsburg open letter to communists. The name if the recipient is redacted, but it indicates he was a member of the Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights.

Following on from that is a memo outling the advice of AUSA Gailbraith to the effect that the letter posted to various individuals from Kingsburg carrired threats which were too conditional and indirect to contravene the Federal Extortion Statutes, and therefore declined prosecution. It further states that FBI will cease

investigating on that basis.

More letters came to light through the Chief Postal Inspector. These were another copy of the Kingsburg missive, and another originating in Chicago. The recipient this time was a person whose name has been redacted, and who was from Jewish Currents in New York. This document is a letter from the PO Inspector direct to Hoover, advising the FBI of these letters. The Postal Inspector had apparently been asked to investigate by John M Bailey, Chairman of the National Democratic Committee. The FBI quickly adviced Bailey that the FBI would not be investigating due to the advice received previously from Gailbraith.

The next document indicates why New Orleans Office had become involved: they had received "advice" regarding the investigation.

Document 180 is a letter to the Chief Postal Inspector dated Aug 7, 1964 from Congressman Jeffery Cohelan on behalf of a constituant in Oakland, California who had received a threat through the mail. Once again, the complaint was forwarded to the FBI. Hoover promptly wrote to Cohelan advising that te FBI could not investigate due to Gailbraith's advice. This copy of Hoover's response contains an addendum for the edification of the recipients of all copies. This gave background details on Cohelan, including that the constituant was on the Security Index, as was one of Cohelan's former campaign aides. It goes on to say that Cohelan was an advocate of abolishing the HUAC.

The very next memo dated Aug 18, 1964 is from Rosen to Belmont and indicates that the threats emanating from Kingsburg and Chicago are now widespread throughout the country... it goes on to say that one of the recipients (name redacted) had written directly to Goldwater advising him of the threats made in his name, and asking Goldwater to publicly renounce extremists and Birchers. Failure to do do so would result in the placing of ads in major newspapers saying that he (Goldwater) has not replied to the request to renounce those responsible for the terror campaign. The memo goes on to say in part: "Concerning [redacted] Bureau files indicate he resides in Chicago and is [redacted]. A source reported that a Communist Party functionary described [redacted] as being anti-Communist but willing to work with Communists if he felt they have genuine desire to promote human welfare. [redacted] is currently carried on the Reserve Index, based on his affiliation with numerous Communist fronts.

I would love to know who is being referred to here as anti-communist but willing to work with them. A similar statement had been made about VT Lee...

Following this is another document entirely redacted except for part of the heading. The next one is nearly as bad: all that remains is part of the heading and the last sentence.

Following these in yet another heavily redacted document. This one does however, have most of the last two paragraphs left. These mention The National Committee Against Nazi Criminals and Nazism in America, and the Chicago Anti-Adolph Heisinger Committee.

Next three documents give background details on the Chicago Anti-Adolph Heusinger Committee and the CCTDBOR and the NCANCNIA respectively. It indicates that the author of the complaint to Goldwater was a member of this anti-Heisinger Committee. This committee had formed in '61. The CCTDBOR has a more complex background, and had sprung up in 1960. For full details on this group, go here: www.apbnews.com/media/gfiles/goldwater/docs.html

Five heavily redacted documents concludes this batch.

PAGES 201 - 300

This batch kicks off with another letter dated Aug 17, 1964 to the Chief Postal Inspector from a politician on behalf of constituents re the Open Letter to Communists... The politician this time is Paul H Douglas. The usual round of buck-passing ensues... finishing with the (again) usual FBI letter claiming the threat is only "implied" etc and therefore not an offence. In this instance however, neither the constituents nor Douglas were prepared to let the matter rest.

Next is an FBI memo referring to a further request to investigate the matter. It also mentions that one of Douglas' constituents has offered two possible sources for the letters. This memo is dated Oct 3, 1964.

Next memo is dated Oct 26, 1964 from RL Shroder to Rosen. It shows that Jack Miller, Assistant Attorney General disagreed with the previous advice given that the letters constituted no prosecutable offence. The FBI wasn't going to take this twist lying down, though. They contacted Miller and argued that at best, the letters were a technical violation. In the end, a compromise was reached, and the FBI agreed to make some further, "preliminary" inquiries.

Next memo also dated Oct 26, 1964 mentions that 8 of the 14 known "Open Letter to Communists" letters were received by people on the Security Index. Following this is a memo outling background to the case thus far. It includes a discussion on criticism directed toward the FBI for it's apparent double-standards in its investigations: "On Aug 27, 1964 we learned that individuals in Chicago, Illinois area associated with communist activities had discussed the United States Attorney's opinion concerning this matter and felt that the FBI applies a "double-standard" for it does not hesitate to investigate and otherwise harrass various individuals under the McCarran Act, even though there is no possible basis for prosecution. The McCarran Act is aimed primarily at the Communist Party and communist action groups within this country." The memo ends with this: "In view of the fact that some of the victims have been investigated in connection with security matters, the field is being instructed to have two agents present at all interviews conducted with victims and to avoid any comments which would allow these individuals to criticize us. This matter is being coordinated with the Domestic Intelligent Division."


Next is a four page memo which rehashes a lot of what has gone before - except for the last page. This states that one of the victims wrote to the FBI suggesting that a bookstore located at 3710 North Broadway, Chicago be looked into, as well as 9150 Wilshire Ave, Beverley Hills, California. Though a lot of redactions make it hard to follow... it appears to go on to say that a member of a group called "Fighting American Nationalists" operates the Chicago book shop. This group is described as a Nazi Party front.

Following this is another four page memo, dated Nov 3. 1964 concerning an interview with two victims in NYC. The second page reads in part: "For Chicago's information, [redacted] was one of the Original Security Index subjects in the NYO. Note his low NY and Bureau file numbers. He formerly was a Key Figure in the NYO but recently was dropped from this designation. As long ago as 1935 [several words redacted] Communist Party (CP) of New York. He has long been interested in CP Educational and Jewish Matters. [redacted] mentioned above, currently is a Security Index Subject and Key Figure in the NYO. [redacted] is on the board of "Jewish Currents". He is not being interviewd by the NYO. If he sends in his Original Anonymous Letter and Envelope, they will be forwarded to the Lab for examination and Chicago will be advised."

Page 280 contains the information on an interview with one of the ever-growing number of victims. This person is identified as being active in local Chicago politics and the Suburban Urban League which was formed to promote better educational facilities for grade school children. In addition to a letter, he also received the following phone threat: "Are you the n lover playing in CORE's back yard? We're going to drop a little package on that house of yours and don't you forget it." It was not assumed there was any connection between the letter and the phone call.

A document dated Nov 10, 1964 is the result of an interview with the victim from the National Committee Against Nazi Criminals and Nazism in America. Information supplied by this person indicates that another member of the group had visited the previously mentioned bookstore located 3710 North Broadway and had noticed "a display of medals issued by foreign countries, including some issued by Nazi Germany, plus foreign language texts, including some in German. The member asked [redacted] if anyone purchased items concerning Nazi Germany and [redacted] remarked that many people bought such items as souvenirs. [redacted] pointed to three boxes on the floor and stated they contained such items and were being shipped to a customer in California. The member, unnoticed by [redacted] copied the address on the packages as 9150 Wilshire Boulevarde, Beverly Hills, California."

PAGES 301 - 350

Document #307 is from Hoover to the SAC, Chicago, and finally indicates a viable suspect in the case has been identified. This document is dated Jan 11, 1965: "From review of information available to the Bureau, it appears that [redacted] is an excellent suspect in this case. You should follow any action taken by the state's attorney against [redacted] in regard to this matter. In view of the fact the Department has advised that the printed matter being distributed in this case may be prosecutable violations of the Extortion and [illegible] Statutes, this investigation should be pursued in effort to identify the subject or subjects and to obtain the information desired by the Department. All logical investigation should be promptly completed following which consideration should be given to interviewing [redacted]. The Bureau notes your recommendation that [redacted] not be interviewed as it is felt such interview would be unproductive and may prove to be a source of

embarrassment; however, upon completion of all other logical investigation, it would appear that such interview would be necessary to fully resolve this matter."

An interview which may prove embarrassing??? Another hmmm.

Page two of this airtel states in part: "It is noted that the printed material being distributed by [redacted] in captioned case bears some similarity in style and content to the anonymous cards mailed to various individuals in the [redacted] case. It is further noted that anonymous cards mailed in the [redacted] case were sent to many people of Jewish derivation, therefore the cards may have been prepared by some individual harboring anti-Semitic feelings. In this connection, it is noted that [redacted] is known to be bitterly anti-Semitic. Any interview conducted with [redacted] following completion of all other... investigation should be handled by two experienced agents... in the event [redacted] makes any admission ...attempt should be made to obtain a signed statement... Chicago should promptly submit to the

FBI laboratory for examination, all available printed hate material distributed by [redacted] under The Sam Adams Committee name...Any additional investigation necessary to identify or eliminate [redacted] as the subject of one or both of the above cases should be promptly conducted. In the event [redacted] is positively identified, report should be promptly submitted containing full background information concerning [redacted] for information of the Department. Keep Bureau advised of developments. Chicago should make certain that all pertinent information concerning [redacted] has been furnished to the Secret Service." Underneath this is the capitalised and underlined statement: "[REDACTED] CONSIDERED PSYCHOTIC, THEREFORE CONSIDERED ARMED AND DANGEROUS."

The third page is an additional note: "By letter dated 12-18-64, the Criminal Division of the Department furnished a copy of a vicious racial document titled "Build a White America". This document was sent to the Acting Attorney General from Chicago and bore the return address "The Sam Adams Committee of Public Safety", [redacted]

Deapartment requested investigation to identify the senders and determine of this pamphlet may be a violation of the Extortion and [illegible] Statutes. Chicago has reviewed this material and is of the opinion this material emanates from [redacted] who is considered psychotic and is known to be bitterly anti-integration and anti-Semitic. [redacted] has previously written letters containing vicious and derogatory statements against the Director, former President Kennedy and former Attorney General Kennedy. [several words redacted] National States Rights Party, an anti-Negro, anti-Jewish organization with headquarters in Birmingham, Alabama. He is anti-Semitic to the point of being psychotic. Chicago recommends that he not be interviewed in view of his known mental state and the fact that he may try to embarrass the Bureau...Sac Chicago has previously unsuccessfully tried to have [redacted] committed to a mental institution."

One has to wonder if this suspect would have been labeled "psychotic" if he had only written vicious letters re the Kennedys and not also Hoover. And just what was it he could embarrass the Bureau about?

Next document of interest is #318 dated Jan 28, 1965 which concerns a "lead" in the case... "AT CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Will locate and interview [redacted] as a possible suspect to determine if he has any knowledge of the threatening communications mailed to victims in California, Illinois and New York. It is noted [redacted] Argonaut Bookstore at 3710 North Broradway, which address is now occupied by a grocery store."

Next document worth attention is dated 14apr65. It states in part: "...Suspect [redacted] born Racine, Wisconsin, business address Argonaut Imports, 737 North Michigan Ave, Chicago, Illinois, denied knowledge of source of cards or personal involvement..."

So, was Argonaut Imports and the Argonaut Bookstore the same thing? It seems more likely than not. The harder question is, was it just books and Nazi memorabilia being imported? The Nth Michagan address is currently where the French, Japanese and Swiss consulates are located. Switzerland was the source of some the mail order hunting rifles flooding the country. It would be good to know if these consulates were at this same location in the early and mid-sixties.

The next document is in regard to an interview conducted at Argonaut Imports: "[redacted] was interviewed [redacted] Argonaut Imports...He was advised that before answering any questions or making any statement that he had the right to consult with an attorney of his choice or anyone else. He was advised that he was not required to make a statement and that any statement he made could be used against him in court. [redacted] advised he was willing to answer any questions asked of him..." The rest of the document is no more than a series of denials of any participation, or knowledge of, the threatening mail. As was the case with the attorney Forer whose name was repeatedly blacked out... except once... this person's identity is later revealed accidently...

Document #345 is a partial list of victims... some whose names have been redacted. Those left are: "Nicholas Katzenbach; Editor, Armed Forces Management Center, Chicago; Editor, Student Newspaper, University of Illinois; Editor, Student Newspaper, University of Minneapolis." The Armed Forces Managment Center Magazine being on the list of recipients is a real puzzler... but there are more surprises ahead.

The next two documents provides some more victims: "The Mayor of Deersfield, Ill; the Mayor of Elmhurst, Ill; Editor, Armed Forces Magazine IE Wacker, Chicago, Ill [same as above, but with further info]; [redacted] Bell Telephone Laboratories Murray, NY; [redacted] General Dynamics Corp Ft Worth, Texas; Morton Salt Company, Chicago, Ill" The last three items on the list are not recipients of the letters. These entries read: "Copy of application for Post Office Box dated 10/16/54, applicant [redacted]; copy of change of address order for [redacted] dated 10/27/59; letter from Institute for Biopolitics, [redacted] Chicago 90 Illinois, dated 3/25/63 to [redacted] signed 'Happy Days' [redacted]."

So we can now add Bell Telephone Laboratories, the Morton Salt Company, and General Dynamic Corp as seemingly anomalous targets. But there is something they had in common: involvement in the space defense industries and alternative energy. GDC is, and was, a large government contractor covering the space defence industry, and had heavy involvement in the Apollo spacecraft program, as well as in research of alternative fuel sources. Morton Salt has been diversifying through acquisitions of other companies since at least the '40's. It has thus expanded into the chemical and polymer industries, dyes, pyrotechnics, pharmaceuticals, adhesives, laminates and electronics. What may be most telling however, was its joint venture with the Thiokol Corporation into research and manufacture of solid propellant fuel for the areospace industry.And I'm sure most are familiar with the links between Bell Labs and all of these areas (and other related ones). It would seem then, that the links to space industries was a possible reason for them being targeted. But if so, why? The only reason I can think of is that these same people who were anti-integration, anti-Semitic and anti-Communist were not just of the Right, but of the Christian Right...and were vehemently againt the Space Program on the basis that that there is only one way Man is meant to fly into the Heavens. The last page of this document in fact, would seem to confirm it by adding one more recipient of the mail threat: "Chicago files indicate copies of the pamphlet similar to item 2, were mailed at Chicago, Illinois, and sent to National Areonautics and Space Administration Space Flight Centers at Huntsville, Alabama, and Cocoa Beach, Florida. Also to [redacted], the Peoples Gas, Light and Coke Company, Chicago, Illinois and to [redacted] Queen of the Rosary Catholic Church, 750 East Elk Grove Boulevarde, Elk Grove Village, Illinois..."

So I guess we can also add anti-Catholic to their bow.

I have not been able to find out anything about the Chicago Institute of Biopolitics mentioned earlier.

However, there is plenty on the subject of Biopolitics on the web. This snippet, as an example, is from the Stanford University website: "Haraway - 'The Biopolitics of Postmodern Bodies: Constitutions of Self in Immune System Discourse' Haraway's 'Biopolitics' looks at the [multiple and often ambiguous] effects of biomedical language for constructions of the body, sickness and death in terms of the production of immune system discourse. Her agenda is (1) to historicize immune system discourse and (2) to sketch out alternative [postmodernist] reading strategies to humanist conceptions of "self" and "other" as they are manifested in biomedical and popular conceptions of the immune system."

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