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Dr. Athan G. Theoharis

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Hi, BK.

This is going to need some co-ordinating.

I have to scan (and rescan to get the settings right) 87 pages for March. The earlier and later issues need looking at.

This is a hell of a lot of reading, all of it involving endlessly repetitive stuff. I need an online repository. I'm not going to look for/organise one.

I'll do the raw stuff. What youi'll end up with is, (however many pages), in full size,, these have to then be made fully easily readable. That's up to someone else, ditto interpreting and guiding for more scans crossing over into other parts of the underfround collection. It likely spreads from the break-in on through the underground distribution network.

Many names will become known. You'll have to vet them and of course in the end there may or not be useful stuff.

I actually find it hard to read through this collection as just about every page of every publication has something of interest to me, so, I'll need comprehensive guidance. That's how I see it happening. The other option is for me to dribble bit by bit as I see fit.

Organise an exchange site and I'll start sending stuff as I scan it but I'll do no cropping nor enhancing.

Remember we're talking over a hundred + MB's.


I think Rex Bradford at Mary Ferrell would know what to do.

Maybe he'd be interested in posting them there?


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Hi, BK.

This is going to need some co-ordinating.

I have to scan (and rescan to get the settings right) 87 pages for March. The earlier and later issues need looking at.

This is a hell of a lot of reading, all of it involving endlessly repetitive stuff. I need an online repository. I'm not going to look for/organise one.

I'll do the raw stuff. What youi'll end up with is, (however many pages), in full size,, these have to then be made fully easily readable. That's up to someone else, ditto interpreting and guiding for more scans crossing over into other parts of the underfround collection. It likely spreads from the break-in on through the underground distribution network.

Many names will become known. You'll have to vet them and of course in the end there may or not be useful stuff.

I actually find it hard to read through this collection as just about every page of every publication has something of interest to me, so, I'll need comprehensive guidance. That's how I see it happening. The other option is for me to dribble bit by bit as I see fit.

Organise an exchange site and I'll start sending stuff as I scan it but I'll do no cropping nor enhancing.

Remember we're talking over a hundred + MB's.



If you haven't found someone already, I'd be happy to host the collection at my site.

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That's very kind of you, Greg. I accept. PM/email me (get edress from BK or John (in this instance)) and I'll just upload the raw TIFFs in not too big chunks (let me know how big) People can then do all the smoothing gamma or just maybe print will do to maximise readability. Thank you, if it works out it could be good all around. Give us your thoughts, here or pm/email.

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At the moment, I really appreciate no-one has pursued this.

I do myself a disservice by wasting furtjer time on it, nevertheless, thanks for the interest.

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At the moment, I really appreciate no-one has pursued this.

I do myself a disservice by wasting furtjer time on it, nevertheless, thanks for the interest.

Well John,

I've read what you sent me and look forward to reading more.

What more do you have?

Greg has offered to post what you have at his site.

Have you worked something out with him?

I don't understand why these COINTELPRO docs are not posted on line somewhere already.


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At the moment, I really appreciate no-one has pursued this.

I do myself a disservice by wasting furtjer time on it, nevertheless, thanks for the interest.

Well John,

I've read what you sent me and look forward to reading more.

What more do you have?

Greg has offered to post what you have at his site.

Have you worked something out with him?

I don't understand why these COINTELPRO docs are not posted on line somewhere already.


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Thats cool BK. I'll email you the rest of the scanned pages once I've compressed them.

No, as I said fortunately for me there have been no further developments. This takes time and money better spent otherwise. The opportunity to do something further on may arise in the future.

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Thats cool BK. I'll email you the rest of the scanned pages once I've compressed them.

No, as I said fortunately for me there have been no further developments. This takes time and money better spent otherwise. The opportunity to do something further on may arise in the future.

Thanks John,

You can't possibly be more frustrated me.


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Thats cool BK. I'll email you the rest of the scanned pages once I've compressed them.

No, as I said fortunately for me there have been no further developments. This takes time and money better spent otherwise. The opportunity to do something further on may arise in the future.


I apologise for not getting in touch, but I need someone to send me your email address. I haven't lost interest, but 'sokay if you have -- understand the time issue!


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  • 8 months later...

NEW YORK, Jan. 26 /PRNewswire/ [/url]

-- Although he believes that J. Edgar Hoover did not deserve to have the FBI headquarters building named after him, Dr. Athan Theoharis, one of the leading authorities on Hoover's FBI, does not think that Hoover's name should now be removed as some Americans have requested.

"I believe that J. Edgar Hoover was a tyrant with a talent for organization, administration and promotion," Dr. Theoharis, a professor of modern U.S. history at Marquette University in Milwaukee, told a reporter for this week's issue of Parade magazine.

"He built the bureau, to which he was married from 1924 to 1972,…"

Isn't saying J. E. Hover "was a tyrant with a talent for organization, administration and promotion" a bit like saying Hitler was responsible for the death and murders of tens of millions of people, but while he was in power the trains ran on time?

I've always been suspicious of the specially selected journalists and academics who are granted special access to closed and secret records, like the NBC reporter who the Soviets let see the JFK files, for fifteen minutes, and then pulled the plug on him, and Norman Mailer and this guy, Dr. Theoaris, who had previlidged access to government records. And then when he writes the difinitive histories of COINTELPRO and the FBI's Counter-Soviet Espionage, he neglects to even mention that, oh yea, and President Kennedy was assassinated in the meantime.

And no one has yet answered the question of whether Dr. Theoharis is a professor at the same Catholic Marquette Univeristy as our good friend John McAdams, and whether or not they are on campus associates?

Thanks to anyone who can,


BK asks: "Isn't saying J. E. Hover [sic] was a tyrant with a talent for organization, administration and promotion' a bit like saying Hitler was responsible for the death and murders of tens of millions of people, but while he was in power the trains ran on time?"

If that one comment was the sum total of everything Dr. Theoharis has written about the FBI and Hoover -- then maybe Bill would have a point.

But anyone familiar with the extraordinary scholarship of Dr. Theoharis knows that he is recognized as our nation's foremost expert on FBI history. Much of the derogatory factual data which has been discovered about Hoover and FBI activities over the decades has been the result of research by Theoharis.

Instead of selecting ONE small portion of ONE quotation and then pretending it is significant -- why not review the entire body of work which Theoharis has produced? If your only objecrtive is to slime a person and misrepresent what they believe, then this art of selective quotation is certainly the best way to accomplish your objectives.

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NEW YORK, Jan. 26 /PRNewswire/ http://www.highbeam....G1-3108877.html

-- Although he believes that J. Edgar Hoover did not deserve to have the FBI headquarters building named after him, Dr. Athan Theoharis, one of the leading authorities on Hoover's FBI, does not think that Hoover's name should now be removed as some Americans have requested.

"I believe that J. Edgar Hoover was a tyrant with a talent for organization, administration and promotion," Dr. Theoharis, a professor of modern U.S. history at Marquette University in Milwaukee, told a reporter for this week's issue of Parade magazine.

"He built the bureau, to which he was married from 1924 to 1972,…"

Isn't saying J. E. Hover "was a tyrant with a talent for organization, administration and promotion" a bit like saying Hitler was responsible for the death and murders of tens of millions of people, but while he was in power the trains ran on time?

I've always been suspicious of the specially selected journalists and academics who are granted special access to closed and secret records, like the NBC reporter who the Soviets let see the JFK files, for fifteen minutes, and then pulled the plug on him, and Norman Mailer and this guy, Dr. Theoaris, who had previlidged access to government records. And then when he writes the difinitive histories of COINTELPRO and the FBI's Counter-Soviet Espionage, he neglects to even mention that, oh yea, and President Kennedy was assassinated in the meantime.

And no one has yet answered the question of whether Dr. Theoharis is a professor at the same Catholic Marquette Univeristy as our good friend John McAdams, and whether or not they are on campus associates?

Thanks to anyone who can,


BK asks: "Isn't saying J. E. Hover [sic] was a tyrant with a talent for organization, administration and promotion' a bit like saying Hitler was responsible for the death and murders of tens of millions of people, but while he was in power the trains ran on time?"

If that one comment was the sum total of everything Dr. Theoharis has written about the FBI and Hoover -- then maybe Bill would have a point.

But anyone familiar with the extraordinary scholarship of Dr. Theoharis knows that he is recognized as our nation's foremost expert on FBI history. Much of the derogatory factual data which has been discovered about Hoover and FBI activities over the decades has been the result of research by Theoharis.

Instead of selecting ONE small portion of ONE quotation and then pretending it is significant -- why not review the entire body of work which Theoharis has produced? If your only objecrtive is to slime a person and misrepresent what they believe, then this art of selective quotation is certainly the best way to accomplish your objectives.

Hey Ernie,

Welcome Back! I thought we had lost you there, and I was wondering if I had to antagonize you a little to get you to come back.

Yea, I know it's Hooooover, but I routinely spell names wrong to antagonize some people who I think need needling, and I certainly wouldn't spell the name of Dr. Theoharis wrong.

I followed some of his career, and recognized that he did in fact, release many of the records that sort of tarnish JEH's image, even among those who used to admire him, or their false image of him, but then the FBI started letting Theoharis in to see records that nobody else had access to. I found that this was a traditional pattern. Like the when the Ruskies finally said they would open their Oswald file and let one NBC newsman in to read them and did one report on what they had and then they took it all away and the reporter said he only had a chance to read a few of the docs and never saw them again.

Because the HSCA said organized crime was involved in the assassination, the ARRB was requested to include the Kefhaver (I know that's spelled wrong too) committee records as part of the JFK Act, but they didn't do that, so after 50 years was up I requested via FOIA to see them, and was told that they still had to be cleared of personal data and cleansed by the redactors. Then, low and behold, our good friend Gus Russo writes his book about the Chicago Mob and in it, he thanks Sen. McLain for getting him access to the restricted Kefhaver committee documents, the same ones they denied to me.

So Theoharis beats up on Hoover and they allow him access to documents that are restricted to everyone else because they know they can trust him. Same goes for that guy who wrote the expose on FBI and CIA, but was courted by them (Keller?), and the reporter who wrote about how god-awful the FBI were during 9/11 and then is hired by the FBI to be their media spokesperson.

That, evidently, is how the game is played.

What I can't understand is how FBI specialist Professor Theoharis and JFK assassination specialist Professor McAdams, can both be teaching at the same school and not know each other - at least that is what McAdams says.

I would think that these two guys in the same boat, with similar interests, and sponsored by the same government interests, would be drinking buddies, or at least go out to lunch once in awhile to see who is paid the most to be such an historical prude.

Bill Kelly

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