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"Aspen is full of walking corpses....,"

Guest Tom Scully

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Guest Tom Scully

"Aspen is full of walking corpses....," Hunter S. Thompson's 1969 complaint letter to a CBS executive...

(Although one has to assume Dr. Thompson's letter is satirical, the relevance to this topic are reflected in the "corpses'" names.)

In his 1969 letter, Hunter S. Thompson is complaining that Aspen Institute director, William E. Stevenson, et al,

have the clout to convince CBS not to broadcast a news program on Aspen by CBS correspondent, Hughes Rudd.

Mentioned in Paul Nitze's 2004 obituary, linked below this Hunter S. Thompson quote.:

"...his creature Merrill Ford at the Institute ..."


I suspect a major objective of the Aspen Institute is to project the reputation of Henry Crown in a very positive way. Crown's grandson, James, is quoted in Paul Nitze's obituary, linked above.

The coincidences related to the relationships of the founding partners of the Debevoise & Plimpton are many.


The founding partners were Willaim E. Stevenson, mentioned above, and Eli Whitney Debevoise. Their law partnership was soon expanded to include Francis Plimpton and Robert G. Page.

My curiousity about this lawfirm was escalated when I read the following obituary. In 1946, Nancy Bush married Alexander Ellis, Jr. Their best man was William B. Macomber, Jr. Their ushers were John Chafee, Nancy's brother, George HW Bush, James Buckley, and twin brothers, David and John Lindsay. The following year, their brother, George, joined Debevoise & Plimpton, and later became presiding partner.


George N. Lindsay, 75, Lawyer Active in Human Rights Groups


Published: August 10, 1995

George N. Lindsay, a New York lawyer who was active in politics and human rights in the United States and abroad, died on Tuesday. He was 75.

Mr. Lindsay, a brother of former Mayor John V. Lindsay of New York, lived in Syosset, L.I., and in Manhattan. He died of a heart attack while playing tennis on Long Island, according to representatives of Debevoise & Plimpton, the law firm in which he was a former presiding partner. ...

... In 1968, Mr. Lindsay was a leader in the unsuccessful effort to draft Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller to run for President. In 1980, Mr. Lindsay was a member of a citizens' committee that endorsed the independent candidacy of Representative John B. Anderson of Ohio for President.

Born in New York City, Mr. Lindsay graduated from Yale College and Yale Law School. He served in the Navy in World War II as a communications officer on a destroyer in the Atlantic and as executive officer and commander of a destroyer escort in the Pacific.

Mr. Lindsay joined Debevoise & Plimpton in 1947 and became a partner in 1955, specializing in corporate, financial and international law. He was presiding partner from 1981 to 1987, during which time the firm grew from 150 to 270 lawyers and opened an office in Washington.

Mr. Lindsay was active in the legal community and served as chairman of the executive committee of the New York City Bar Association. He retired from Debevoise & Plimpton in 1991....

Out of the relatively small group of people covered in this post, the influence of John McCloy or the CIA is deep.

William E. Stevenson was appointed JFK's ambassador to the Philippines.

William B. Macomber, Jr. was appointed JFK's ambassador to Jordan.

Eli Whitney Debevoise was assistant HICOG in 1950-1951, while John J. McCloy was HICOG.

Francis Plimpton's brother, Dr. Calvin H. Plimpton was appointed on 1 February, 1960, president of Amherst College by

Amherst's chairman of the Board of Trustees, John J. McCloy.

Robert G. Page, in 1947, was named president of Phelps Dodge Company by chairman, Louis S. Gates.



- New York Times - Dec 10, 1947

Louis Shattuck Gates has been elected a director of the Del Monte Properties Company. He is chairman of the board of the Phelps Dodge Corporation of New ...

Francis Plimpton's son, George, was a CIA asset and along with CIA agent Peter Matthiessen, published the Paris Review with CIA financing, under the business management in Paris, of John P.C. Train.

Of the 1946 Nancy Bush and Alexander Ellis, Jr. wedding party,

William Butts Macomber, Jr. was a USMC captain in WWII and an OSS agent serving in France and in Burma and later officially was in the CIA for two years. In 1973, he was the best man in the wedding of George HW Bush friend and John P.C. Train partner, Thomas Devine of the CIA.

James Buckley's brother, William, a Yale schoolmate of Peter Matthiessen, was also in the CIA.

John Chafee, described as a Yale roommate of Alexander Ellis, Jr., was close friends with William Macomber, Jr., and later was appointed by Nixon as Secretary of the Navy.


Chafee: Folksy ways but fierce competitor Astutely balances GOP...

- Providence Journal - ProQuest Archiver - Oct 26, 1988

...But the story of how he became Navy secretary goes back to one of the friendships he he made at Yale, Class of '47, on the wrestling team and as a member of a member of a campus society known as Skull & Bones. "That's one of those great quirks of fate," said Chafee.

Bill Macomber, a "great friend of mine from college," had been working his way through the ranks at the State Department while Chafee was working his way up up Rhode Island's political ladder. In late 1968, when Chafee was on his way out of the State House, Nixon's designee as defense secretary, Melvin Laird, was looking for a Navy secretary....Charles Whitehouse, one of Chafee's roomates at Yale who is now an assistant secretary of defense, has another memory of Chafee's collegiate career,...

Charles Whitehouse was also a CIA agent.

You may remember, in the spring of 1963, George DeMohrenschildt brought Clemard Joseph Charles to Washington. They

met with DeMohrenschildt's old friend,

Recently, I linked the Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co. V.P., James R. Greene, whose name surfaced in the questioning of WC witness,

George DeMohrenschildt, with the reference of meeting arranged for Clemard Joseph Charles with a "Mr. Green. Subsequently, I found

that the name of the author of the CIA report in which this May 7, 1963, scheduled meeting is described, has been misspelled since the

CIA report he authored has been in the public domain. So, I wondered, who was Anthony F. Czajkowski, aka Czaikowski?...


Nodule 15, page 88


1. On (Illegible) April 1963 Dorothe Matlack, Domestic Exploitation (Illegible) Army telephoned to the effect that (deleted) had left Haiti six days earlier and had just arrived (deleted). A friend of Charles, named Joseph Dryer, West Palm Beach, Florida, had written to General Delmar, former (Illegible) Antilles Command recommending Charles as a man of great interest to the U.S. Government in view of the (Illegible) in Haiti. ......

8. Both Charles and DeMohrenschildt were anxious to arrange meetings with government officials in Washington. I mentioned to Charles that a meeting had been arranged for him at 2:15 p.m. and that a Mr. Green would meet him in the lobby. At 1410 Mrs. Matlack, Mr. and Mrs. DeMohrenschildt and I departed and Charles remained in the lobby waiting for contact.

...12. On May 8, 1963, Mrs. Matlack telephoned to advise that the Operational Branch of ASCI was discussing the Charles case with DD/P to determine future course of action. ....Mrs. Matlack mentioned that a dispatch had been received to the effect that a cousin of Clemard Joseph Charles was prominently mentioned as a successor to "Papa Doc" Duvalier, should the latter be overthrown. She was of the opinion that the U.S. Government should continue to 'play ball' with Clemard Joseph Charles as a future asset in Haitian affairs. A.F. Czaikowski." [NARA 1993.08.05.14:10:03:090007]

This is where these coincidences get even more interesting, if for no other reason than because the following is an indication that John J. McCloy withheld his own familiarity with or knowledge of the activities of James R. Greene in the WC record, and the WC investigative counsel (Albert Jenner), or for that matter, the HSCA, erred by not compelling the testimony of Anthony Czaikowski, Thomas Devine, and James Greene.

Considering that James R. Greene later worked closely in a Caribbean Basin U.S. policy initiative with Brent Scowcroft and was in CFR along with Macomber, his brother, John, and so many others close to the coincidences I've presented here, I was intrigued to find this in my notes from my earlier James R. Greene research. The names of Debevoise & Plimpton partner, Francis Plimpton and his law partner Robert G. Page's immediate subordinate at Phelps Dodge, are associated with James R. Greene and his work in Latin America. The original Spanish text is followed by the English text output of the Google translation service.:


Una revolución itinerante? - Page 199

Arturo Valdés Palacio - Peru - 1989 - 403 pages

do amigo José María Quimper que, con Oscar Faura y Jaime Cáce

e- ran funcionarios de las Naciones Unidas y Directores del Club "Perú" de

Nueva York.

José María nos llevó a almorzar a un acogedor hotel italiano, donde estuvimos

tranquilos conversando hasta que salimos corriendo a las 4 y media de la tarde

para recojer a un intérprete, que ya nos esperaba en el Hotel,

pues teníamos una recepción nada menos que en honor de Ruiz Eldredge y mía,

que nos daba la Asociación de Abogados de la ciudad de Nueva York.

Creímos que era una reunión únicamente de abogados. No era así.

Estaba por supuesto el Dr. John N. lrwing, abogado de Nueva York y

el Dr. Francis TP Plimpton, Presidente de la Asociación, que equivale a

a Decano de nuestro Colegio de Abogados de Lima,

y un buen grupo de representantes de diversos estudios jurídicos, incluyendo un Juez en los criminal y otro de la Suprema Corte, así como un catedrático universitario, pero además se encontraban presentes Franck W. Archibald, Vicepresidente de la American Smelting & Refining Co., quien a los dos días de la revolución se contactó con el General Montagne, interesándose en Cuajone, lo que ya conté; JonhH.Andren, Vice-Presidente Ejecutivo y James R. Grene,

Vice-Presidente también, ambos del Manufactures Hannover Trust Compañy; Charles Goldman,

de la lnternational Telephone and Telegraph Corp,la popular lTT,

contra quien tanto tuvo que pelear el general Aníbal Meza Cuadra; Jerry W.

Johnston, Vice-Presidente del Chase Manhattan Banck, en aquel entonces dueños del Banco Continental que pasó depués a ser Banco Asociado; Jhon C. Duncan, Vice-Presidente Ejecutivo de WR Grace & Co., cuya hacienda Cartavio fué expropiada por la Reforma Agraria, un mes y medio después de esta reunión, lo mismo que Paramonga y el saldo de

sus empresas las adquirimos dentro de lo que se llamó el Convenio Greene. George B. Munroe,

Presidente de Phelpes Dodge Corporation y Robert P., Koening, Presidente de la Cerro Corporation, que también adqurimos por el Convenio Greene. Como se puede apreciar era gente que tenía intereses

directos en el Perú y por tanto especial necesidad de conocer que pasaba en el país en el que tenían ubicado alguna parte de su capital.

do amigo José María Quimper which, with Oscar Faura and Jaime Caceres

e-ran United Nations officials and Directors of the Club "Peru"

New York.

Jose Maria took us to lunch at a cozy Italian hotel where we were

quiet talking until we ran out at 4 ½ o'clock to pick up an interpreter,

already waiting for us at the hotel, for we had nothing less than a reception in honor of Ruiz Eldredge and myself,

which gave us the Law Society of New York City. We thought it was a unique gathering of lawyers. Not so.

He was of course the Dr. John N. lrwing, New York lawyer and

Dr. Francis TP Plimpton, President of the Association, which equals

to Dean of our College of Lawyers of Lima,

and a good group of representatives from various law firms, including a judge in criminal and other Supreme Court and a university professor, but also were present Franck W. Archibald, vice president of the American Smelting & Refining Co., who after two days of the revolution he contacted the General Montagne, interested in Cuajone, which already counted; JonhH.Andren, Executive Vice President and James R. Grene,

Vice-President also, both of Manufactures Hanover Trust Company, Charles Goldman,

the Intemational Telephone and Telegraph Corp., the popular LTT,

against whom both had to fight General Anibal Meza Cuadra, Jerry W.

Johnston, Vice-President of Chase Manhattan Banck, then-owners of the Continental Bank happened to be depues Associated Bank, John C. Duncan, Executive Vice President of WR Grace & Co., whose property was expropriated by Cartavio Agrarian Reform, a month and a half after this meeting, as did Paramonga and the balance of

their businesses we acquired in what was called the Convention Greene. George B. Munroe,

Phelp Dodge Corporation President and Robert P., Koenig, President of the Cerro Corporation, which also Greene adqurimos by the Convention. As you can see were people who had interests

direct in Peru and therefore in particular need to know that happened in the country where they were located somewhere in their capital....


Major Companies Reassign Their Chief Executives; National Dairy ...

- New York Times - Oct 7, 1966

The Phelps Dodge Corporation, a large domestic copper producer, ... Mr. Munroe succeeds Robert G. Page, 65, who was named to the new post of chairman. ..


Role of Lawyers Will Be Broadened

June 2, 1968, Sunday


An expanded role for lawyers in poverty and civil rights areas was envisaged last week by Francis T. P. Plimpton, the newly elected president of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York.

I wrote more about the Aspen Institute recently.:


Related topics and posts.:


...William is best man in GHW Bush's sister's 1946 wedding. He is best man in Thomas J. Devine's 1973 wedding. In 1960, he inquires about defectors and learns of Oswald's name. He requests Otepka explore this small list of individuals with the FBI.

In 1972, he is sent to Haiti in haste to secure the release there of the kidnapped US ambassador. He witnesses's JFK's oath taking as a freshman senator, as a guest of Prescott Bush. He marries John Foster Dulles's personal secretary, Phylis Bernau.

1973- John D. Macomber, William's brother, and McKinsey and company partner, mentors new hire, Harvard MBA Michael L Ainslie. Both soon leave McKinsey, and John becomes president of Celanese Corp. He hires Thomas J. Devine as V.P. and Devine is quickly promoted to V.P. and controller at Celanese....


John Train Thomas J. Devine's Wall St. Partner


Asking All Members for Collaborative Research In A Race Against Time Six Old Men, All in Their 80's, Can We Influence Even One, to Speak


The Farfield Foundation: ATM of CIA Left-Gatekeeping? re: The Nation Magazine, IRC; vanden Heuvel's hovel et. al.

Edited by Tom Scully
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