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Oswald's Russian Radio

Jim Root

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Just like to ask forum members if any have collected any information on Oswald's radio that they would be willing to share here?

Not sure where I am going with this but perhaps some of you have looked into the radio which Oswald owned and brought back to the USA from Russia.

Pricilla Johnson McMillian recently related that Oswald had said that he could receive Radio Liberty (Radio Free Europe) messages while in Russia on his radio. Since she visited the Radio Liberty office in Paris (I believe) just before she departed for Russia and her surprise interview with Oswald this may be of interest.

CE316 relates that in a letter to his brother Oswald also related that he could receive Radio Free Europe broadcasts on his radio. We know that US intelligence was reading mail that originated in the Soviet Union and can reasonable suppose that this information was known to US Intelligence from this source.

NSA seems to have studied his radio for cryto reasons. Whitney Shepardson who co-founded SI (along with John "Frenchy" Grombach) also founded, along with Demitri De Mohrenschildt (brother of George), Radio Liberty. Grombach first came into intelligence via his proposal for using domestic radio traffic to transmit intelligence information in the early 1930's.

Please if you have more info please post it because it seems to me that Oswald may have wanted people to know that he could hear Radio Liberty messages while in Russia.

Why, we can speculate upon.

Jim Root

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Guest Tom Scully

Jim, some of the details in your post match this obit, and the one, lonely post (No subject related to pictures or film study, no interest, I guess...) in my recent thread linked below, like a glove for the opposite hand.


...During World War II, Mr. Debevoise was chairman of the Alien Enemy Hearing Board in New York, which ruled on the eligibility of resident aliens to remain in the United States. From 1951 to 1953, besides serving as Deputy High Commissioner for Germany, he was general counsel to the Commission.

Upon his return to the United States, Mr. Debevoise rejoined his firm and served in a variety of public and human rights posts. He was a member of the New York State Special Legislative Committee on Integrity and Ethical Standards in Government, chairman of the executive committee of Radio Free Europe, chairman of Governor Rockefeller's Committee to Review New York Laws and Procedures on Human Rights, vice president and chairman of the International Commission of Jurists and a member of the New York Citizens Committee on Reaportionment. ...

"Aspen is full of walking corpses....," Hunter S. Thompson's 1969 complaint letter to a CBS executive...


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Guest Tom Scully

I suggest that this was to let his sponsors he was receiving their (coded?) messages via RFE.


If you're correct, Jack, and if the relationships I have posted of are relevant, McCloy is as close to this operation

as anyone Jim mentioned. It is amazing if the Warren commissioners were chosen because of their complicity, hiding in plain sight. You've got operations guys, Dulles and McCloy, front man and FBI snitch, Ford, three members of the legislature linked to Carlos Marcello, and the "don", close to two of the names revealed in the Drew Pearson Diaries, Earl Warren. Backing them up is Ziffren and Arvey crony, Bazelon as chief judge on the DC court of appeals, Tom Clark on the Supreme Court, and Hoover himself.

As Jim touched on with his mention of Shepardson, this has CFR written all over it, too. You've got both De Mohrenschildt brothers, and John Train and Tom Devine through George Plimpton and his father Francis and his uncle, a protege of McCloy, Lindseys, Bush, and even Clemard Charles's banker and CFR member, James R. Greene.

Two of the front men were later given the office of the US presidency. Who else was more deserving, and all in the name of being tough on the commies?

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Jack and Tom

Thank you for your responses. As you can see it is easy to speculate on this subject.

For Jack...."I suggest that this was to let his sponsors (know)he was receiving their (coded?) messages via RFE" For myself two questions are generated based upon this "speculation" that we seem to share.

Who were Lee Harvey Oswald's "sponsors" and who did Lee Harvey Oswald believe his "sponsors" to be?

This combination of questions is important because I believe Oswald, in his "patsy" comment, made his "patsy" statement while referrencing his trip to the Soviet Union. If whom Oswald believed he was working for was not whom he was actually working for then he was the "patsy" that he said that he was irregardless of the events that had occured in the hours leading up to his "patsy" quote. But this would provide motive for Oswald to commit the crime perhaps or if you perfer an understanding of why Oswald was selected to be at the scene of the crime and made a "patsy" for perhaps a second time.

Tom. You quickly connect Whitney Shepardson to the CFR and others which is of course important. The main name that you leave off in connection to Mr. Shepardson and my research is Richard Helms who was meeting with Shepardson in June of 1959 just prior to Oswald's "defection." While the puzzle that I have assembled in my research of the assassination seems very complicated and contains many pieces, the actual picture that has emerged is one that shows a very small number of participants (perhaps as few as 3) with a few others (2-3) who may have been able to be implicated if a conspiracy had been uncovered.

But what of the radio itself????? Seems the NSA and the Warren Commission were more interested in investigating and examining this radio than they were in tracking down who had access to Hosty's third note which identified where Oswald was working prior to the motorcade route being decided.

Jim Root

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jim been keeping my eyes open but all i have found was on a site, not much which you more than likely have already found..but ..for now take care...b

The Commission staff and/or the FBI, which during 1964 had custody of Oswald's possessions on the list in Exhibit 2003, sent Oswald's portable receiver to the National Security Agency at Fort Meade for examination. On June 19, 1964, the agency solemnly reported in a letter signed by a general:

The Russian "Tourist" portable radio was examined for cryptologic evidence. The radio appears to be a normal receiver and there is no evidence of its use for any other purpose.


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Guest Tom Scully

Jim, on the slim chance you've missed this or more likely, you've already discounted it, or it has slipped your mind, AJ Weberman believed Angleton ran Oswald in an "off the books" Op...


...ANGLETON did this on his own, with no approval from DCI Allen Dulles. In the midst of a series of military and civilian defections (The New York Times reported four defections prior to October 1959) evidence suggested ANGLETON instructed OSWALD to travel to the USSR via Helsinki and then to request Soviet citizenship. OSWALD was instructed that he was not to tell anyone, even his mother and brother, about this mission, since their reaction would be part of OSWALD'S cover.


OSWALD'S hardship discharge was granted in early September 1959, and he returned to Fort Worth to help his allegedly disabled mother. Marguerite Oswald reported that he gave her $100 and told her he was about to board a boat since he was working for an import/export company. OSWALD remained in Fort Worth two days, then left for New Orleans. On September 20, 1959, OSWALD boarded a Lykes Line cargo ship in New Orleans due to arrive in Le Havre, France, on October 8, 1959. Before sailing, he wrote to his mother that he had booked passage for Europe, adding: "Just remember above everything else that my values are very different from Robert or yours. I did not tell you about my plans because you could hardly be expected to understand." From Le Havre he took a ferry to Southampton. He arrived there on October 9, 1959. According to official British travel records he claimed he had no fixed address but planned to remain in the UK one week for vacation, before going on to "some school in Swisse." The Warren Report stated that on that same day, October 9, 1960, OSWALD traveled to London where he took an undetermined flight to Helsinki, Finland. [WR p690] Another section of the Warren Report had him arriving on Saturday, October 10, 1959. [WR p258]


On Saturday, October 10, 1959, OSWALD flew to Helsinki, Finland. ANGLETON controlled the CIA Station there. OSWALD registered at the Hotel Torni around midnight. The Warren Commission determined that the only direct flight from London to Helsinki on Saturday October 10, 1959, was on Finn Air 852 and it arrived at 11:33 p.m. - too late for OSWALD to have time to pass through Customs and other airport travel formalities and register in the hotel by midnight. [CIA 758-325, 768-337, 748-321] Could OSWALD have gotten through Customs, then hired a cab to take him to the hotel, in 20 minutes? In July 1964 the CIA discovered a flight which left London at 7:05 p.m. arriving at Stockholm at 1:30 a.m. then changing planes to SK 734 leaving Stockholm 3:15 a.m. arriving Helsinki 5:35 p.m. This investigation was conducted by Raymond Rocca and ANGLETON Deputy William Hood, Chief/Soviet Research/CI. [CIA 995-928; NARA 1993.06.19.11:19:56:370000] OSWALD did not arrive in Helsinki at 11:33 p.m. He arrived on an earlier flight at 5:35 p.m. This did not explain why OSWALD waited until midnight before registering at the hotel. The reason was because OSWALD was briefed on his mission at a safe location as soon after he arrived in Helsinki. The HSCA: "The Committee was unable to determine the circumstances surrounding OSWALD'S trip from London to Helsinki." [HSCA R p211]


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Jim, on the slim chance you've missed this or more likely, you've already discounted it, or it has slipped your mind, AJ Weberman believed Angleton ran Oswald in an "off the books" Op...


...ANGLETON did this on his own, with no approval from DCI Allen Dulles. In the midst of a series of military and civilian defections (The New York Times reported four defections prior to October 1959) evidence suggested ANGLETON instructed OSWALD to travel to the USSR via Helsinki and then to request Soviet citizenship. OSWALD was instructed that he was not to tell anyone, even his mother and brother, about this mission, since their reaction would be part of OSWALD'S cover.


OSWALD'S hardship discharge was granted in early September 1959, and he returned to Fort Worth to help his allegedly disabled mother. Marguerite Oswald reported that he gave her $100 and told her he was about to board a boat since he was working for an import/export company. OSWALD remained in Fort Worth two days, then left for New Orleans. On September 20, 1959, OSWALD boarded a Lykes Line cargo ship in New Orleans due to arrive in Le Havre, France, on October 8, 1959. Before sailing, he wrote to his mother that he had booked passage for Europe, adding: "Just remember above everything else that my values are very different from Robert or yours. I did not tell you about my plans because you could hardly be expected to understand." From Le Havre he took a ferry to Southampton. He arrived there on October 9, 1959. According to official British travel records he claimed he had no fixed address but planned to remain in the UK one week for vacation, before going on to "some school in Swisse." The Warren Report stated that on that same day, October 9, 1960, OSWALD traveled to London where he took an undetermined flight to Helsinki, Finland. [WR p690] Another section of the Warren Report had him arriving on Saturday, October 10, 1959. [WR p258]


On Saturday, October 10, 1959, OSWALD flew to Helsinki, Finland. ANGLETON controlled the CIA Station there. OSWALD registered at the Hotel Torni around midnight. The Warren Commission determined that the only direct flight from London to Helsinki on Saturday October 10, 1959, was on Finn Air 852 and it arrived at 11:33 p.m. - too late for OSWALD to have time to pass through Customs and other airport travel formalities and register in the hotel by midnight. [CIA 758-325, 768-337, 748-321] Could OSWALD have gotten through Customs, then hired a cab to take him to the hotel, in 20 minutes? In July 1964 the CIA discovered a flight which left London at 7:05 p.m. arriving at Stockholm at 1:30 a.m. then changing planes to SK 734 leaving Stockholm 3:15 a.m. arriving Helsinki 5:35 p.m. This investigation was conducted by Raymond Rocca and ANGLETON Deputy William Hood, Chief/Soviet Research/CI. [CIA 995-928; NARA 1993.06.19.11:19:56:370000] OSWALD did not arrive in Helsinki at 11:33 p.m. He arrived on an earlier flight at 5:35 p.m. This did not explain why OSWALD waited until midnight before registering at the hotel. The reason was because OSWALD was briefed on his mission at a safe location as soon after he arrived in Helsinki. The HSCA: "The Committee was unable to determine the circumstances surrounding OSWALD'S trip from London to Helsinki." [HSCA R p211]


Before reading the response remember this first paragraph, you may see it again.

Early in 1942, a "Materiel Section" for air technical intelligence analysis purposes was established at Melbourne, Australia. Captain Frank T. McCoy and Tech Sgt Francis Williams (the latter now with FTD) were responsible for its organization.


The document Bernice referenced is CD 1120 a two page letter of June 18, 1964 from Lt General Gordon A. Blake to Lee Rankin, just as she mentioned there is just the single reference to the radio. The bulk of the document concerns Oswald cutting out certain letters from the Russian Novel GLAZA KOTORYE SPRASHIVAYUT "Questioning Eyes."

It is also very important to remember that Cuba is also a factor in all of this, when the Paine's baby sitter was interviewed she mentioned that they had a shortwave radio on top of their television set. Monitoring broadcasts of the Voice Of America and Radio Free Europe would seem a logical conclusion.

Going a step further, I might add the name of a person whom the Paines's and Lee may have been listening to, at one time.


June Cobb, Former Radio and Television Commentator In Havana


If that were the case, it certainly places her even closer to the epicenter of historical events than even previously thought.

In Carol Hewett's, analysis of the Minox Camera charade, see below, mention is made of a document that was never found. I have uncovered a clue, that this document

which is still missing, as far as I know, apparently contained the designation LOCFAB- ESP-R.

See Footnote #11 from Carol Hewett's The Paine's Participation In The Minox Camera Charade.

The author's copy of this document was furnished to her by John Armstrong without the benefit of a RIF cover sheet from the NARA. It appears to be part of report prepared by Dallas FBI agent, Robert Gemberling. Note that the Minox film analysis was filed away in a New York City FBI field office file #65–22483 of the Espionage–Russia division. According to John Armstrong, a FOIA request failed to turn up this file.


Then See


Edited by Robert Howard
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Jack and Tom

Thank you for your responses. As you can see it is easy to speculate on this subject.

For Jack...."I suggest that this was to let his sponsors (know)he was receiving their (coded?) messages via RFE" For myself two questions are generated based upon this "speculation" that we seem to share.

Who were Lee Harvey Oswald's "sponsors" and who did Lee Harvey Oswald believe his "sponsors" to be?

This combination of questions is important because I believe Oswald, in his "patsy" comment, made his "patsy" statement while referrencing his trip to the Soviet Union. If whom Oswald believed he was working for was not whom he was actually working for then he was the "patsy" that he said that he was irregardless of the events that had occured in the hours leading up to his "patsy" quote. But this would provide motive for Oswald to commit the crime perhaps or if you perfer an understanding of why Oswald was selected to be at the scene of the crime and made a "patsy" for perhaps a second time.

Tom. You quickly connect Whitney Shepardson to the CFR and others which is of course important. The main name that you leave off in connection to Mr. Shepardson and my research is Richard Helms who was meeting with Shepardson in June of 1959 just prior to Oswald's "defection." While the puzzle that I have assembled in my research of the assassination seems very complicated and contains many pieces, the actual picture that has emerged is one that shows a very small number of participants (perhaps as few as 3) with a few others (2-3) who may have been able to be implicated if a conspiracy had been uncovered.

But what of the radio itself????? Seems the NSA and the Warren Commission were more interested in investigating and examining this radio than they were in tracking down who had access to Hosty's third note which identified where Oswald was working prior to the motorcade route being decided.

Jim Root

I have not researched "Oswald's sponsor" in depth, but I have always felt that David Phillips was "running LHO" moreso than Angleton.

We may never know until/unless we find who ran the false defector program and whether they "handed off" LHO to other handlers

when his USSR assignment was finished. If Angleton ran LHO in the false defector program, he may have later transferred him to

Phillips or others working on the JFK setup. Many fail to realize that the Russian assignment was a COMPLETELY SEPARATE scenario

which was completely UNRELATED to the assassination.


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Jack and Tom

Thank you for your responses. As you can see it is easy to speculate on this subject.

For Jack...."I suggest that this was to let his sponsors (know)he was receiving their (coded?) messages via RFE" For myself two questions are generated based upon this "speculation" that we seem to share.

Who were Lee Harvey Oswald's "sponsors" and who did Lee Harvey Oswald believe his "sponsors" to be?

This combination of questions is important because I believe Oswald, in his "patsy" comment, made his "patsy" statement while referrencing his trip to the Soviet Union. If whom Oswald believed he was working for was not whom he was actually working for then he was the "patsy" that he said that he was irregardless of the events that had occured in the hours leading up to his "patsy" quote. But this would provide motive for Oswald to commit the crime perhaps or if you perfer an understanding of why Oswald was selected to be at the scene of the crime and made a "patsy" for perhaps a second time.

Tom. You quickly connect Whitney Shepardson to the CFR and others which is of course important. The main name that you leave off in connection to Mr. Shepardson and my research is Richard Helms who was meeting with Shepardson in June of 1959 just prior to Oswald's "defection." While the puzzle that I have assembled in my research of the assassination seems very complicated and contains many pieces, the actual picture that has emerged is one that shows a very small number of participants (perhaps as few as 3) with a few others (2-3) who may have been able to be implicated if a conspiracy had been uncovered.

But what of the radio itself????? Seems the NSA and the Warren Commission were more interested in investigating and examining this radio than they were in tracking down who had access to Hosty's third note which identified where Oswald was working prior to the motorcade route being decided.

Jim Root

I have not researched "Oswald's sponsor" in depth, but I have always felt that David Phillips was "running LHO" moreso than Angleton.

We may never know until/unless we find who ran the false defector program and whether they "handed off" LHO to other handlers

when his USSR assignment was finished. If Angleton ran LHO in the false defector program, he may have later transferred him to

Phillips or others working on the JFK setup. Many fail to realize that the Russian assignment was a COMPLETELY SEPARATE scenario

which was completely UNRELATED to the assassination.


In the summer of 63' when DAP was the CIA officer officially responsible for monitoring the activities of the Cuban embassy in Mexico City and the FPCC "in the Western Hemisphere," which I would assume includes the USA, Oswald was involved in his FPCC Shennigans in Dallas and New Orleans and is said to have visited the Cuban embassy in Mexico City.

This is also the time when Antonio Veciana says he saw his case officer - "Maurice Bishop," meeting with Oswald in the lobby of the Southland building in Dallas, and it has been pretty well established that "Maurice Bishop" was DAP.

To me it appears that DAP was used to help set up Oswald as the leftist, commie Patsy, as he tried to use his other assets to support the discredited illusion that Oswald was part of the Cuban Commie Conspiracy.


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Guest Tom Scully

....I have not researched "Oswald's sponsor" in depth, but I have always felt that David Phillips was "running LHO" moreso than Angleton.

We may never know until/unless we find who ran the false defector program and whether they "handed off" LHO to other handlers

when his USSR assignment was finished. If Angleton ran LHO in the false defector program, he may have later transferred him to

Phillips or others working on the JFK setup. Many fail to realize that the Russian assignment was a COMPLETELY SEPARATE scenario

which was completely UNRELATED to the assassination.


Jack, the opinion advanced by AJ Weberman is tight in that it explains away almost all of the CIA's "clueless" public reaction and official testimony and document production. Yours and Bill Kelly's do not do this, but that does not disqualify them.

If Jim Di Eugenio is consistent with his response here, he will be critical of Weberman in this instance on the grounds that the result is a diversion of attention away from almost all CIA elements.

Robert, very interesting details in your post. Could you forgive me for not being the brightest bulb and explain it more?

Jim Root, Albert H. Newman wrote this,


The assassination of John F. Kennedy: the reasons why

Albert H. Newman - 1970 - 622 pages - Snippet view

Hence his assignment, when the Russian authorities relented and allowed him to remain, to the Byelorussian Radio and ... that the "Tourist" radio had a shortwave capability that I did not bother until mid-1966 to try and confirm it.

...and he is quoted, saying this.:


Jfk 'shot Because Of Anti Castroism .

Eugene Register-Guard - Google News Archive - May 27, 1970

The author Albert Newman was formerly managing editor of Reporter magazine ... was a Russian-made portable radio. New man says he checked it in the national archives and holds that it could pick up short-wave Havana broadcasts...



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Well Tom, if you read either the pertinent sections in Harvey and Lee pages 908-912, or Hewett's article, you discover the FBI was "busted," re the Minox Camera deception, about there not being a Minox Camera, and that it was just the lightmeter." Due to the fact the Dallas Police would not go along with the subterfuge. For one thing, the Paine's admitted they had a Minox Camera. One other FBI document contradicts the FBI's charade about there not being a Minox camera. See


Point being, according to the wording of the document, one cannot "recover Minox film from a possession of Oswald, if the possession is a lightmeter. The possession would have had to be a camera, and the FBI in the above document, does not provide another explanation as to what possession they are referring to, a moot point, anyway.

A key part to understanding the issue, is footnote No 10 after the following sentence in the article

"We know that the Minox film recovered from the Paine household was in possession of the FBI as of November 25th because on that date the FBI requested a comparison of the Minox film as recovered from the possessions of Oswald with Minox film designated as Specimen Q5. The laboratory results were that Minox film Q5 was not taken with the same camera as the other Minox film." Footnote 11

Then footnote 11 states

11 The author’s copy of this document was furnished to her by John Armstrong without the benefit of a RIF cover sheet from the NARA. It appears to be part of report prepared by Dallas FBI agent, Robert Gemberling. Note that the Minox film analysis was filed away in a New York City FBI field office file #65–22483 of the Espionage–Russia division. According to John Armstrong, a FOIA request failed to turn up this file.

The document post I previously made, with a document from the same #65-22483 file [see below]


...contained the designation LOCFAB -ESP-R, which I hoped might help discover the actual missing document that has ostensibly never been found......


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Just like to ask forum members if any have collected any information on Oswald's radio that they would be willing to share here?

Not sure where I am going with this but perhaps some of you have looked into the radio which Oswald owned and brought back to the USA from Russia.

This is going to sound far-fetched. On the day of the Assassination, a woman got on an Oxnard operator's line. When the operator tried to talk to her, she said, "I'm just using the phone." Another operator heard her recite numbers and make statements that Kennedy was going to be killed at 10:10 am and there were going to be fires in the buildings of Washington D.C. The operators and their supervisor looked at the clock: It was 10:07 am PT [from memory]. Kennedy was shot at 10:30 am PT. The motorcade was late due to crowds at Love Field.

Researcher Greg Parker delved into this and decided that the woman was using a psychic method of bringing things about, called radionics. Apparently, she was doing a Rosicrucian rite. She wasn't upset. She was doing incantations.

I also recall that Mr. Parker said Sirhan Sirhan was a Rosicrucian. He was probably brain-washed.

Regarding Oswald's radio, Mr. Parker mentioned interest in it. The Rosicrucians' headquarters was in California.

Kathy C

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Just like to ask forum members if any have collected any information on Oswald's radio that they would be willing to share here?

Not sure where I am going with this but perhaps some of you have looked into the radio which Oswald owned and brought back to the USA from Russia.

This is going to sound far-fetched. On the day of the Assassination, a woman got on an Oxnard operator's line. When the operator tried to talk to her, she said, "I'm just using the phone." Another operator heard her recite numbers and make statements that Kennedy was going to be killed at 10:10 am and there were going to be fires in the buildings of Washington D.C. The operators and their supervisor looked at the clock: It was 10:07 am PT [from memory]. Kennedy was shot at 10:30 am PT. The motorcade was late due to crowds at Love Field. (my bold)

Researcher Greg Parker delved into this and decided that the woman was using a psychic method of bringing things about, called radionics. Apparently, she was doing a Rosicrucian rite. She wasn't upset. She was doing incantations.

I also recall that Mr. Parker said Sirhan Sirhan was a Rosicrucian. He was probably brain-washed.

Regarding Oswald's radio, Mr. Parker mentioned interest in it. The Rosicrucians' headquarters was in California.

Kathy C

Kath, I find the bolded part interesting. If this actually did happen, then it may indicate what one might call section 2 of plan whatever. This was thrown off balance and because Kennedy was assassinated later, I wonder if there is any indication of rise in security at the buildings in Washington. If so that second part would have to be abandoned. Now this makes sense to me from the perspective of Oswald writing about the Minutemen as having an outlook that most gelled with his, but he went, what he thought was, a step further, which was to advocate the creation of a situation that could allow for a drastic social change according to his notions. I suspect only or speculate that this, he thought, if he brought it to the table of those in favour of a change then he would become a significant person in this. However, I suggest a certain naiivety on his part and all he accomplished was a setup with himself as the fall guy. Of course he had to then be silenced which is what happened. The conspiracy was then in maintenance and coverup mode aided and abbetted by numerous groupings whose primary interest was to have their USA survive.

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