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"Stalking" V. "Pre-Stalking"

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Yeah, I'd like to read it. I seldom follow links. Why not post it here?

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For those who are not obsessed with chasing mythological multiple assassins, they may wish to read the new posting on the McAdams (alt.assassination.jfk) site in regards to LHO's Mexico City trip.

Some few concerned citizens are beginning to complain in regards to "cross-posting" between different forums.

Would not want to get into any trouble by upsetting the mass, considering how "politically correct" I have always attempted to be.

Who knows, may want to run for some kind of "office" some day!


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I wouldn't worry about it too much, Tom

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For those who are not obsessed with chasing mythological multiple assassins, they may wish to read the new posting on the McAdams (alt.assassination.jfk) site in regards to LHO's Mexico City trip.

Some few concerned citizens are beginning to complain in regards to "cross-posting" between different forums.

Would not want to get into any trouble by upsetting the mass, considering how "politically correct" I have always attempted to be.

Who knows, may want to run for some kind of "office" some day!


I wouldn't want to go into combat with someone afraid of being politically incorrect because they might want to run for office someday.

And Tom, would you know anything about Texas gun laws in 1963?

Could you buy a weapon in a store in Texas without an identification?



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no, posting the recommended reading is what I mean.

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For those who are not obsessed with chasing mythological multiple assassins, they may wish to read the new posting on the McAdams (alt.assassination.jfk) site in regards to LHO's Mexico City trip.

Some few concerned citizens are beginning to complain in regards to "cross-posting" between different forums.

Would not want to get into any trouble by upsetting the mass, considering how "politically correct" I have always attempted to be.

Who knows, may want to run for some kind of "office" some day!


I wouldn't want to go into combat with someone afraid of being politically incorrect because they might want to run for office someday.

And Tom, would you know anything about Texas gun laws in 1963?

Could you buy a weapon in a store in Texas without an identification?



And Tom,

What is the title of the McAdams' Oswald in Mexico City thread, as I couldn't find it.


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Guest Robert Morrow

If it is useful for LEARNING, then cross post away! The Education Forum is so useful that I cross post using links to it all the time. - Robert

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For those who are not obsessed with chasing mythological multiple assassins, they may wish to read the new posting on the McAdams (alt.assassination.jfk) site in regards to LHO's Mexico City trip.

Some few concerned citizens are beginning to complain in regards to "cross-posting" between different forums.

Would not want to get into any trouble by upsetting the mass, considering how "politically correct" I have always attempted to be.

Who knows, may want to run for some kind of "office" some day!


I wouldn't want to go into combat with someone afraid of being politically incorrect because they might want to run for office someday.

And Tom, would you know anything about Texas gun laws in 1963?

Could you buy a weapon in a store in Texas without an identification?



And Tom,

What is the title of the McAdams' Oswald in Mexico City thread, as I couldn't find it.



And, Texas, not unlike many other parts of the country, exercised slightly different laws within different localities of the state.

For the most part, one could purchase a "long" gun/aka rifle; hunting rifle; shotgun; without any form of identification even having to be provided.

Some cities had ordnances in regards to requiring presentation of a "valid" ID for the purchase of handguns, whereas some areas/cities did not.

Of course, what constituted a "valid" ID was certainly open for interpretation by those who were selling the firearm.

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For those who are not obsessed with chasing mythological multiple assassins, they may wish to read the new posting on the McAdams (alt.assassination.jfk) site in regards to LHO's Mexico City trip.

Some few concerned citizens are beginning to complain in regards to "cross-posting" between different forums.

Would not want to get into any trouble by upsetting the mass, considering how "politically correct" I have always attempted to be.

Who knows, may want to run for some kind of "office" some day!


I wouldn't want to go into combat with someone afraid of being politically incorrect because they might want to run for office someday.

And Tom, would you know anything about Texas gun laws in 1963?

Could you buy a weapon in a store in Texas without an identification?



And Tom,

What is the title of the McAdams' Oswald in Mexico City thread, as I couldn't find it.



And, Texas, not unlike many other parts of the country, exercised slightly different laws within different localities of the state.

For the most part, one could purchase a "long" gun/aka rifle; hunting rifle; shotgun; without any form of identification even having to be provided.

Some cities had ordnances in regards to requiring presentation of a "valid" ID for the purchase of handguns, whereas some areas/cities did not.

Of course, what constituted a "valid" ID was certainly open for interpretation by those who were selling the firearm.

Thanks Tom,

So then, why would Oswald, a seasoned rabbit hunter and long gun shooter (See: Lee by Robert Oswald), order the pistol and rifle through the mails with a money order, alias, and sent to a Post Office box when he could have more easily and cheaper ($10) purchased the rifle right there in downtown Dallas with cash on the barrell and over the counter with no written records of the transactions (other than a sales recipet)?

And why buy the scope, that he didn't need and most certainly didn't use?

And thanks for the Mexico City thread link.


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In event that one will compare those cities in Texas which were

visited by Lee Harvey Oswald on his sojurn to Mexico City, (& back)

V. those cities which JFK was scheduled to attend during his November

visit to Texas, they just may learn a thing or two.

In fact, they may actually come to understand the "red herring" of the

Mexico City trip.

P.S. For those who are unaware, LHO most assuredly visited San

Antonio also.

No "Lone-Nut", but there was a pretty damned good shooter.

Which of course LHO was!

Edited by William Kelly
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Considering the volume as well as extent to many of my old postings, you no doubt must have missed the one in which I indicated "Incoming, run for Cover".

There exists,from multiple/reliable sources, that Klein's Sporting Goods was in fact at "CIA Front" for providing arms to various "revolutionary" groups.

So, if one wants to send those, such as the CIA, RUNNING FOR COVER, then one would no doubt want to order a weapon from a "front" company, and then utilize some of the quality (WCC) ammo which the CIA no doubt had produced at one time for some of these weapons.

Having not dug too deeply into the order of the pistol, it too appears to have come from a relatively "shady" front company.

Along the same line, in event that I did not want to inciminate anyone in New Orleans, LA in the "Crime of the Century", then I would most probably move (whether directed to or not) to some other "Radical" city.

But, not wanting to end up on someone's "watch list", and/or incriminate those within that city, it would be best to order the weapons from some firm who specializes in such activities and who required only a signed slip of paper in which I basically promised that I was in fact the name on the order form.

Note: For those who are unaware, the FBI/JEH was pushing hard for legislation to end such interstate sale of weapons with absolutely no proof as to who was actually ordering and receiving the weapon.

And, Klein's was one of those firms that was on the FBI "watch list" as a result of their complete lack of verification of who was ordering and paying for the weapons.

Hope that you were not of the opinion that the FBI/JEH was so competent that they could just immediately find who LHO ordered the weapon from, as well as believing all of that BS about how the Postal Inspector had nothing better to do than go out and find American Rifleman Magazine in order to aide.

You can bet your ole "sweet bippy" that the Dallas Postal Inspector knew full well that LHO had received a rifle, which was shipped from Kleins, and in all probability, the package was opened and the serial number of the received weapon actually recorded.

All of which, when fully understood, explains much about the false address which LHO shipped another "paper bag" too.

In that regards, the Postal Inspector has persons looking for LHO at an address which does not exist, while LHO "hides" under an alias name in a rooming house which even his wife and/or Ruth Paine do not know where he is actually residing.

Kind of looks like a "plan" of some kind, does it not?

P.S. In event that one takes one-half (either the stock or the operational part of the weapon) to work one day in a

paper bag, exactly how long does the paper bag have to be?

Then, what functional purpose could the paper bag serve?

And, exactly how long would a second paper bag have to be in order to transport the other half of the weapon to the


Think on that one John Dolva.

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They can both be carried in the bag as described separated. it would have to be carried in one way only.

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For those who are not obsessed with chasing mythological multiple assassins, they may wish to read the new posting on the McAdams (alt.assassination.jfk) site in regards to LHO's Mexico City trip.

Some few concerned citizens are beginning to complain in regards to "cross-posting" between different forums.

Would not want to get into any trouble by upsetting the mass, considering how "politically correct" I have always attempted to be.

Who knows, may want to run for some kind of "office" some day!


I wouldn't want to go into combat with someone afraid of being politically incorrect because they might want to run for office someday.

And Tom, would you know anything about Texas gun laws in 1963?

Could you buy a weapon in a store in Texas without an identification?



And Tom,

What is the title of the McAdams' Oswald in Mexico City thread, as I couldn't find it.



And, Texas, not unlike many other parts of the country, exercised slightly different laws within different localities of the state.

For the most part, one could purchase a "long" gun/aka rifle; hunting rifle; shotgun; without any form of identification even having to be provided.

Some cities had ordnances in regards to requiring presentation of a "valid" ID for the purchase of handguns, whereas some areas/cities did not.

Of course, what constituted a "valid" ID was certainly open for interpretation by those who were selling the firearm.

Thanks Tom,

So then, why would Oswald, a seasoned rabbit hunter and long gun shooter (See: Lee by Robert Oswald), order the pistol and rifle through the mails with a money order, alias, and sent to a Post Office box when he could have more easily and cheaper ($10) purchased the rifle right there in downtown Dallas with cash on the barrell and over the counter with no written records of the transactions (other than a sales recipet)?

And why buy the scope, that he didn't need and most certainly didn't use?

And thanks for the Mexico City thread link.


And why buy the scope, that he didn't need and most certainly didn't use?

Since I was not present, I have no way of verification as to whether or not the shooter actually utiilzed the scope

on the weapon.

However, it most certainly would appear that he did so for at least the first shot, and considering that there was

almost six seconds of elapsed time from the first to the second shot/aka Z313, then he most assuredly had more than

sufficient time to acquire his target with the scope for the second shot.

Now, since it took FBI Agent Robert Frazier approximately 2.3 to 2.4 seconds to relatively accurately fire the weapon

utilizing the scope, then is is most unlikely that the shooter utilized the scope for the third/last/final shot which

occurred approximately 1.9 to 2.0 seconds after the impact at Z313.

So, I have no doubts that the third shot fired (the one which also struck JFK in the head down directly in front of

the location where James Altgens was standing/30-feet farther down Elm St. from the Z313 impact), was in fact a "snap shot" in which the scope was not utilized.

But, the "shooter" most likely almost missed his first shot for the exact same reason that he missed General Walker.

Which is directly attributable to an inexperienced "scope shooter" who is shooting at close ranges and does not know

know to compensate for the difference between (scope) line-of-sight and bullet line-of-flight at close range

shooting with a scope.

Since we frequently have another true "shooter" who visits this forum, perhaps his input on the subject matter would

be worthwhile considering my firm stance on there being ONLY a single/lone assassin who was shooting.

Nope! Not you there ole wannabee "Scout Sniper" from the mythological "Marathon Station" Sniper School.

I was referencing the only one who has posted here who truly has the "sniper" credentials and no doubt also carried

the USMC Skill Identifier for such qualification.

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