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Head Shot: The Science Behind the JFK Assassination

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Head Shot: The Science Behind the JFK Assassination


October 15, 2010


Head Shot: The Science Behind the JFK Assassination

By G. Paul Chambers, PhD

Prometheus Books

“Head Shot presents a unique and fascinating correlation of history and science with the government's investigation of the assassination of President Kennedy. Warren Commission critics may disagree with the specifics of Paul Chambers's reconstruction of this tragic event, but everyone who rejects the ‘sole assassin – single bullet theory’ will better understand why JFK's murder was a conspiracy involving multiple shooters after reading this intellectually stimulating and highly erudite book.”

~ Cyril H. Wecht, MD, JD, past president, American Academy of Forensic Sciences and past president, American College of Legal Medicine

“In Head Shot, G. Paul Chambers offers an original and scientifically credible account of the JFK assassination. He presents new material proving the existence of more than one assassin. It is an important contribution to the continuing controversy over this important event in American history.”

~ Michael L. Kurtz, professor of history (ret.), Southeastern Louisiana University

“Neither Russell nor Johnson believed a single bullet could account for all seven of the nonfatal wounds of President Kennedy and Governor Connally – the crucial conclusion at the heart of the Commission’s report:

‘Well, I don’t believe it,’ said Russell.

‘I don’t either,’ Johnson replied.”

~ David R. Wrone, The Zapruder Film, citing tape transcripts from the Lyndon B. Johnson Library in Austin, Texas, of a conversation between President Johnson and Senator Richard Russell Jr., a member of the Warren Commission

After more than four decades and scores of books, documentaries, and films on the subject, what more can be said about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy? A great deal, according to physicist and ballistics expert Dr. G. Paul Chambers.

In this provocative, rigorously researched book, Chambers presents evidence and compelling arguments that will make you rethink the entire sequence of terrible events on that traumatic day in Dallas.

Drawing on his fifteen years experience as an experimental physicist for the US Navy, Chambers demonstrates that the commonly accepted view of the assassination is fundamentally flawed from a scientific perspective. The physics behind lone-gunmen theories is not only wrong, says Chambers, but frankly impossible.

Chambers devotes separate chapters to the Warren Commission, challenges to the single-bullet theory, the witnesses, how science arrives at the truth, the medical and acoustic evidence, the Zapruder film, and convincing evidence for at least a second rifleman in Dealey Plaza.

Headshot is the first book to:

• identify the second murder weapon;

• prove the locations of the assassins;

• demonstrate multiple shooters with scientific certainty.

Chambers concludes with a persuasive chapter on why this horrible event, now almost half a century old, should still matter to us today.

For anyone seeking a fresh understanding of the JFK assassination, Headshot is an indispensable book.


G. Paul Chambers, PhD (La Plata, MD), is a contractor with the NASA Goddard Optics Branch and with Bellatrix, Inc. Formerly, he worked as the supervisory research physicist for the Energetic Materials and Detonation Science Department of the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Maryland and as a research physicist with the Condensed Matter and Radiation Sciences Division of the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, DC.

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Head Shot: The Science Behind the JFK Assassination


October 15, 2010


Head Shot: The Science Behind the JFK Assassination

By G. Paul Chambers, PhD

Prometheus Books

“Head Shot presents a unique and fascinating correlation of history and science with the government's investigation of the assassination of President Kennedy. Warren Commission critics may disagree with the specifics of Paul Chambers's reconstruction of this tragic event, but everyone who rejects the ‘sole assassin – single bullet theory’ will better understand why JFK's murder was a conspiracy involving multiple shooters after reading this intellectually stimulating and highly erudite book.”

~ Cyril H. Wecht, MD, JD, past president, American Academy of Forensic Sciences and past president, American College of Legal Medicine

“In Head Shot, G. Paul Chambers offers an original and scientifically credible account of the JFK assassination. He presents new material proving the existence of more than one assassin. It is an important contribution to the continuing controversy over this important event in American history.”

~ Michael L. Kurtz, professor of history (ret.), Southeastern Louisiana University

“Neither Russell nor Johnson believed a single bullet could account for all seven of the nonfatal wounds of President Kennedy and Governor Connally – the crucial conclusion at the heart of the Commission’s report:

‘Well, I don’t believe it,’ said Russell.

‘I don’t either,’ Johnson replied.”

~ David R. Wrone, The Zapruder Film, citing tape transcripts from the Lyndon B. Johnson Library in Austin, Texas, of a conversation between President Johnson and Senator Richard Russell Jr., a member of the Warren Commission

After more than four decades and scores of books, documentaries, and films on the subject, what more can be said about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy? A great deal, according to physicist and ballistics expert Dr. G. Paul Chambers.

In this provocative, rigorously researched book, Chambers presents evidence and compelling arguments that will make you rethink the entire sequence of terrible events on that traumatic day in Dallas.

Drawing on his fifteen years experience as an experimental physicist for the US Navy, Chambers demonstrates that the commonly accepted view of the assassination is fundamentally flawed from a scientific perspective. The physics behind lone-gunmen theories is not only wrong, says Chambers, but frankly impossible.

Chambers devotes separate chapters to the Warren Commission, challenges to the single-bullet theory, the witnesses, how science arrives at the truth, the medical and acoustic evidence, the Zapruder film, and convincing evidence for at least a second rifleman in Dealey Plaza.

Headshot is the first book to:

• identify the second murder weapon;

• prove the locations of the assassins;

• demonstrate multiple shooters with scientific certainty.

Chambers concludes with a persuasive chapter on why this horrible event, now almost half a century old, should still matter to us today.

For anyone seeking a fresh understanding of the JFK assassination, Headshot is an indispensable book.


G. Paul Chambers, PhD (La Plata, MD), is a contractor with the NASA Goddard Optics Branch and with Bellatrix, Inc. Formerly, he worked as the supervisory research physicist for the Energetic Materials and Detonation Science Department of the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Maryland and as a research physicist with the Condensed Matter and Radiation Sciences Division of the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, DC.


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From lewrockwell.com

Head Shot: A Physicist Examines the Kennedy Assassination

by Ralph Cinque

October 23, 2010


Head Shot
by G. Paul Chambers is aptly titled because the author hones in on the fatal head shot and proves, through painstaking application

of the laws of physics, that the bullet must have come from the right-front of Kennedy, specifically the Grassy Knoll. And Chambers is aptly

qualified to make such an assessment, having a Ph.D. in Physics and Engineering and a career as an experimental physicist with the US Navy.

However, I wish he had done a similar analysis of the other shots, which he doesn't, and that was a letdown. However, overall, Head Shot is an

excellent treatise by an intellectual heavyweight. Warren Commission apologists will be quite rattled by his book, and I expect they will ignore it.

I doubt any of them will want to go mano-o-mano against G. Paul Chambers.

Even though the narrow focus of the book was a little disappointing, I still think it has many merits. He gives an excellent analysis of the

Warren Commission as to their methods and motives. He explains the mindset and political group-think that guided and propelled them. And it

was based on the idea that unless they found Oswald guilty as the lone assassin, the Soviets would be implicated, and World War 3 would result.

Then, 45 million Americans would die in a nuclear holocaust. That is exactly what LBJ told Earl Warren. So, in order to save the 45 million,

they had to incriminate Oswald. And the decision to incriminate Oswald was definitely made before they began their investigation. From the start,

they assigned a team of investigators to identify Oswald's motive for killing Kennedy. They hadn't even determined that he had done it yet!

Chambers points out that everyone appointed to the Warren Commission was a lifelong political hack. There were no physicists, no other scientists,

no weapons or ballistics experts, no forensic medicine experts or other technical experts: just lawyers and politicians. And consider: Gerald Ford

arbitrarily changed the location of the back wound from the back to the neck. He did it openly. And he justified doing it on the grounds that he

wasn't lying but rather "clarifying." Amazing! He blatantly altered evidence! But, the fact that he could do it – and apparently with the utter conviction

that he was acting properly – proves the extent to which American politics warps the mind and corrupts the soul.

Chambers reviews the attempts to duplicate Oswald's alleged marksmanship. It has never been done. Most shooters could not get off 3 shots in 5.6

seconds – at all – never mind hit any targets. Finally, the WC produced a marksman who got the three shots off in 5 seconds, but he missed all his

targets and some by a wide margin. Also, he was given unlimited time to set up the very first shot (a luxury Oswald did not have); he was given

stationary not moving targets (again, a luxury Oswald did not have) and he was allowed to use metal shims to compensate for the inaccuracies in the

telescopic sight (again, a luxury Oswald lacked). It was a grotesque fabrication – the sham of all shams.

Full review: http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig11/cinque4.1.1.html

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