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The Best Thing JFK Ever Did For Israel

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From jewishpress.com

The Best Thing JFK Ever Did For Israel

Jason Maoz, Senior Editor

November 3, 2010

"In the end, the best thing John Kennedy ever did for Israel - inadvertently, of course, and holding his nose all the way - was choosing Lyndon Johnson as his running mate."


The Dimona drama has always been interesting to me. I have never been able to figure this out - it could be disinformation and or it could be nothing. Interesting though.

"Another point of dispute between the U.S. and Israel involved the development of nuclear weapons. In the waning days of the Eisenhower presidency, the Americans had learned that a facility on the outskirts of the Negev town of Dimona was not, as the Israelis were claiming, a textile plant, but rather, in the words of CIA director Allen Dulles, "a nuclear complex [which] probably included a reactor capable of producing weapons-grade plutonium."

Aware that the secret was out and that further prevarication would alienate the U.S., Ben Gurion publicly announced, on December 21, 1960, that Israel had indeed received a nuclear reactor from France, and vowed that it would not be used for military ends.

But the true scope of Israel's nuclear program was far greater than Ben-Gurion was prepared to divulge, and the Israeli government had its hands full as it tried to allay the Kennedy administration's growing unease. When, after much wrangling and delay, the White House finally agreed to sell Hawk anti-aircraft missiles to Israel - the first arms deal between the two countries - one of the conditions the U.S. insisted on was that it be allowed to inspect the Dimona facility. Ben-Gurion agreed, but an inspection of the actual plant was the last thing he had in mind.

As Dan Raviv and Yossi Melman wrote in Friends in Deed: Inside the U.S.-Israel Alliance, "Abba Eban recall[ed] that when a team of American inspectors arrived at Dimona, 'it cost us...a lot of money to arrange it so their inspectors wouldn't find out what was going on.' False walls were erected, doorways and elevators hidden, and dummy installations were built to show the Americans, who found no evidence of the weapons program secreted underground.""

Edited by Peter McGuire
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Guest Robert Morrow

There is only one reason Lyndon Johnson would be so hyper pro-Israel ... because it was in his political interest to do so. That means powerful Zionists were giving Lyndon Johnson very strong political support and/or money.

This, of coure, does NOT mean that Israel or Zionists in general were behind the JFK assassination. Not at all. But it does mean that, in my opinion, one of the Zionists' best friends Lyndon Johnson was behind the JFK assassination.

I currently think the Rockefellers were ALSO behind the JFK assassination through their East Coast intelligence nexus. Here is an interesting link claiming the Rockefellers were Sephardic Jews. I do not know about that, but I would presume the Rockefellers adn their close aide Henry Kissinger were extremely pro-Israel: http://www.israelect.com/reference/WillieMartin/NEWS-11.htm

I do not think Zionism was behind the JFK assassination. But I do think the people that murdered John Kennedy, i.e. Lyndon Johnson and the CIA nexus, were very pro Zionist.

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It was reported in yesterday's Guardian that Binyamin Netanyahu defied Obama with his policies in Israel to boost the chances of his Republican allies in Congress.

The first move?

Anway , it does seem that Kennedy got in the way of Israel's ambitions for nuclear weapons.

That was not insignificant thing to do.

Edited by Peter McGuire
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