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Jack Peuterbaugh

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The assassination of JFK has special meaning to columnist


Friday, 03 December 2010

Jack Puterbaugh

Contributing Writer

Isanti County News

Isanti County MN

Recently it was the 47th Anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Since I was an advance man on that Presidential visit Nov. 22, it has a special meaning to me.

For that assignment we left on Nov. 12 on a Military Air Transport Service plane, and dropped off a crew of three at each of the places the President was to visit.

The Dallas crew, which included Secret Service Agent Win Lawson, Chief Warrant Officer Arthur Bailles of the Army Signal Corps and myself, were the last to land. The Dallas Presidential event was sponsored by the Dallas Citizens Council, whose members were the city's "shakers and movers."

Before we left we were informed that two possible locations were under consideration for the luncheona building on the State Fair Grounds and the Trade Martand that there would be a motorcade. There were some security concerns expressed about the Trade Mart building, but those concerns would be reviewed by the Secret Service.

After looking at the proposed sites and reviewing the motorcade route, and following a determination by the Secret Service that the Trade Mart building could be secured, a decision was made to select the Trade Mart and the subsequent route for the motorcade. The rest of the time was spent on who would be invited to the luncheon. There would be 2,500 at the luncheon, and there was competition regarding who would be the fortunate diners.

By the morning of Nov. 22, all of the details had been worked out, and when Air Force One put down at Love Field the expectation was the Dallas visit was going to be a big day for the President and Mrs. Kennedy.

When the motorcade pulled out I was in what is known as the "pilot car," a vehicle that is some five or six blocks ahead of the main motorcade. As we traveled the motorcade route, the crowds were huge and friendly as they awaited the arrival of the President.

The pilot car was a Dallas Police vehicle, and shortly after entering the Stemmons Freeway, there was a radio message that instructed all available police officers to report to the triple underpass area, and to alert the emergency facilities at Parkland Hospital.

Our car pulled over to the shoulder of the road and stopped. When the President's car and the Secret Service follow car sped by, we pulled behind and followed them to Parkland Hospital. For our country it was a very sad day, and unfortunately something was lost that has never been replaced. Thus, Nov. 22 will always have a special meaning to me.

Also see:


Edited by William Kelly
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  • 3 months later...

I thought it interesting that Puterbaugh had some doubts about the validity of the Warren Commission's findings "since the ballistics stuff doesn't add up."

Vince Palamara cited Haapanen's interview in Survivor's Guilt.

And Puterbaugh worked for the Department of Agriculture on the Billy Sol Estes case and that experience gave him doubts about the FBI's ability to satifactorily investigate the assassination.

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  • 2 years later...

Speak of the Devil, just as I mention Jack Puterbaugh in another tread - he pops up on line.

On the scene of the JFK assassination: "It was chaos"



For the 50th anniversary of Kennedy's assassination, Puterbaugh, 87, took time to share his connection with the events of Nov. 22, 1963..

Also posted at:


Edited by William Kelly
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I had just read about this guy on a few websites and his connection to JFKs trip to Dallas. Also it is mentioned that Elisabeth Forsling Harris, who was Gloria Steinem's first Publisher, planned the Dallas trip along with Peuterbaugh. Would have to read up more on this however. Interesting indeed if true.

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I had just read about this guy on a few websites and his connection to JFKs trip to Dallas. Also it is mentioned that Elisabeth Forsling Harris, who was Gloria Steinem's first Publisher, planned the Dallas trip along with Peuterbaugh. Would have to read up more on this however. Interesting indeed if true.

Elisabeth Forsling Harris worked with the PR firm that handled the motorcade, Sam Bloom - a big PR firm in Dallas at the time. Peuterbaugh officially worked for the Agricultural Department, but took his orders from the Democratic National Committee, and got in to the DC crowd through Orville Freeman, the Sec of Interior who accompanied JFK on the Conservation tour in late September '63.

I think EFH's $ came from CIA, and they bankrolled some literary ops like MS and the Paris Review, another CIA financed publication.

Sam Bloom - the Dallas PR firm that she worked with, was a big one, and ironically they hired the Jagger/Chiles/Stoval graphics arts firm as subcontractors for photos and printing, and the day the guns Oswald ordered arrived at the Dallas post office, Oswald noted on his timed work sheet that he was working on a project for the Sam Bloom PR firm. He is also listed as working all day that day, until 5pm, so he couldn't have picked up the weapons after the post office had closed, and its still a mystery of when he did that, and even if he did it, since no one at the post office recalls handing him the rifle and pistol over the counter.

In any case, both EFH and Jack Peuterbaugh were in the thick of the motorcade business, and Peuterbaugh is still alive to answer questions.


Edited by William Kelly
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