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What Is Keeping Torture Suspect George W Bush From Foreign Travel?

Guest Tom Scully

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Guest Tom Scully

Breaking News! Center for Constitutional Rights To File Torture Case Against George W. Bush!

Well think again. And this is not just on theoretically either. I'll have a lot more detail on this on Monday, but here is what I got from a friend of mine at the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) President Bush was supposed to be in Geneva on... Full Article at SquareState.net


George Bush ne viendra pas à Genève

Polémique | L’organisation caritative juive Keren Hayessod renonce à faire venir l’ancien président américain

Alain Jourdan | 04.02.2011 | 20:00

George Bush ne viendra pas à Genève. Le Keren Hayessod qui avait invité l’ancien président des Etats-Unis à présider son dîner de gala annuel organisé dans les salons de l’hôtel Président Wilson, le 12 février prochain, a préféré faire marche arrière. La décision a été prise jeudi soir. C'est le spectre d’incidents comparables à ceux qui avaient émaillé la tenue du G8 à Evian qui a poussé les organisateurs à annuler la venue de l’ancien président américain. Le porte-parole du Keren Hayessod, Robert Equey explique cette décision dans la Tribune de Genève de ce samedi.



Swiss groups plan protest, legal action during Bush visit to Geneva

The Canadian PressBy The Associated Press | The Canadian Press – Sat, 22 Jan 6:07 AM EST

GENEVA - Left-wing groups in Switzerland plan to stage a protest when former U.S. President George W. Bush visits Geneva next month.

Organizers hope to mobilize several thousand people who will each bring a shoe to recall the moment an Iraqi journalist threw his footwear at Bush during a news conference in 2008.

Geneva police spokesman Patrick Pulh said Saturday that appropriate security measures would be taken.

Bush is taking part in a Feb. 12 dinner hosted by the United Israel Appeal.

The group's spokesman in Switzerland, Nati Metuki, the U.S. embassy and Swiss authorities all said the visit was a private trip and declined to provide details.

Protest co-ordinator Paolo Gilardi said several groups will seek Bush's arrest on war crimes charges during the visit.

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