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Great Article Illustrates What Is The Most Important Issue

Don Jeffries

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Recently, the great writer G. William Domhoff (author of the classic Who Rules America) wrote an online article, addressing the unequal distribution of wealth in America. Here's the link:


Just one important (and frightening) fact from this article; while the top 1% of all Americans possess nearly 35% of all real wealth in the country, and the top 20% possess 85% of the wealth, the bottom 40% have less than 1% of real wealth. Think about that; nearly half of all Americans have virtually no wealth, while the top 20% has 85%. Wow.

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Recently, the great writer G. William Domhoff (author of the classic Who Rules America) wrote an online article, addressing the unequal distribution of wealth in America. Here's the link:


Just one important (and frightening) fact from this article; while the top 1% of all Americans possess nearly 35% of all real wealth in the country, and the top 20% possess 85% of the wealth, the bottom 40% have less than 1% of real wealth. Think about that; nearly half of all Americans have virtually no wealth, while the top 20% has 85%. Wow.

We have the same situation in the UK. The main problem is that it is getting worse. One of the reasons for this is that governments allow these rich individuals to pay very little tax. The donations they make to the political parties is money well spent.

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I'm surprised this hasn't received more attention here. This IS the most important issue we face- in America and around the world. Here's a link to a new article, which details the appalling concentration of wealth in the hands of a few in the United States:


To highlight- the richest 400 people in the U.S. now have more aggregate wealth than the bottom 50% of Americans combined. That's right- 400 people have more money than half of the entire population- 150 million- do.

We really, really need to share the wealth.

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I think the unequal distribution of wealth among different nations comes a close second to the issue of wealthy individuals. International and regional organisations that might help even things out are growing, but very slowly. It is unfortunte that nationalistic History is taught in most schools round the world: its replacement by the teaching of human History would be one small step in the right direction.

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