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Bizarre chemtrails during Japan earthquake

Jack White

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They're not chemtrails Jack - they are called clouds. Don't you have any compassion for what these people have gone through? Instead, you try and link your crazy chemtrail notions to a natural disaster, trying to make miles out of it. You have no shame, do you? I put you in the same category as those religious zealots who claim it is some type of 'retribution from God' to punish the Japanese. You really are as bad as each other.

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Jack seems to be intent on discrediting himself as much as possible on this thread. the notion that high altitude spraying could change the environment and/or dose people on the ground is absurd enough the idea it could trigger an earthquake or tsunami is insane.

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There's a new conspiracy theory claiming that HAARP caused the recent devastating earthquakes in Haiti, China, South America, New Zealand and Japan.. Here's the evidence of HAARP being fired up right before these earthquakes hit and also evidence of strange aurora-like lights, apparently connected to HAARP, in the skies above the various earthquake locations.


The picture that Jack posted, showing the sky over Japan, is evidence of the type of cloud grids that are associated with HAARP, not chemtrails.

Edited by Duane Daman
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What a load of crap! Nowhere is it explained how clouds of even a magnet could trigger an earthquake an tsunami let alone the backing of anyone with relevant expertise. The only evidence provided are a some illegible charts of unknown provenience.

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These are being called "earthquake clouds" and are apparently associated with the use of HAARP, which many people consider to be a weapon of mass destruction, capable of creating earthquakes, among other "natural" weather disasters.

Pictures of "earhquake clouds"


HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction.

Radio Waves strong enough to cause earthquakes are controlled by the U.S. military.


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The reason I called them chemtrails is that about a month ago I saw about a half dozen similar parallel

chemtrail long clouds in the west about sunset...but they were not nearly as numerous as in the Jap video,

and did not have the crossing grid.

Even if the strange formation was caused by HAARP, the clouds had to come from somewhere. Clouds

do not suddenly appear in a blue sky without cause.


Edited by Jack White
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The reason I called them chemtrails is that about a month ago I saw about a half dozen similar parallel

chemtrail long clouds in the west about sunset...but there were not nearly as numerous as in the Jap video,

and did not have the crossing grid.

Even if the strange formation was caused by HAARP, the clouds had to come from somewhere. Clouds

do not suddenly appear in a blue sky without cause.


After doing some more research I discovered that chemtrails are a part of the HAARP program.

"The HAARP-Atmosphere Plasma weapons system

There are reportedly up to 14 HAARP-like facilities around the planet, including Alaska, Area 51, Peru, Brazil, Puerto Rico, Long Island, U.K., Norway, Russia, Japan, China, India, Australia (Pine Gap) [Please see global HAARP locations in figure A above].

One independent scientist notes: “I identified the HAARP sites two years ago. They left some key ones out: Chile (HAARP earthquake as President was sworn in), Cyprus (Black Sea Storm), Dushanbe Tajikistan (Tien Shan gold belt), and ANTARCTICA - the most important one. Plus, they forgot all the Russian installations - more than any other country.”

Covert aerosol spraying (chemtrails) have transformed the Earth’s atmosphere into a plasma that is used for HAARP directed energy scalar weapons, mind control, weather warfare, and tectonic (earthquake) warfare weapons applications.

There is prima facie evidence that chemtrails and HAARP has in fact been used in each of these applications as directed energy scalar weapons, mind control, weather warfare, and tectonic (earthquake) warfare weapons.

HAARP is an exotic weapons system that is part of the weaponization of space, using "scalar wave interferometry" - a technology first discovered by scientist Nicola Tesla in the early 1900's. Two or more longitudinal, ultra-low frequency waves are “aimed” at an intersecting point, at which time they interact in a very unique way, “tapping” into the limitless plenum of energy surrounding the planet, and weaponizing this scalar energy."


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lol. Pumping energy into the ionosphere to study aurorae causes earthquakes thousands of miles underground...on the other side of the world...

Someone's been reading David Brin's Earth ... and then mangling half the story to fir their own misconceptions.

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lol. Pumping energy into the ionosphere to study aurorae causes earthquakes thousands of miles underground...on the other side of the world...

Someone's been reading David Brin's Earth ... and then mangling half the story to fir their own misconceptions.

My favorite part is how they hide this earthquake making machine by making it a public program that gives tours! (HAARP not the book)

Edited by Matthew Lewis
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Clouds do not suddenly appear in a blue sky without cause.

And it is called weather, Jack. Since you seem to know little about it, here is a primer:


How do clouds form?

Clouds are possibly the most interesting -- and beautiful -- of all weather phenomena. While there are a wide variety of cloud shapes and sizes, they are all made of the same thing: condensed water or ice. Clouds form when rising air, through expansion, cools to the point where some of the water vapor molecules "clump together" faster than they are torn apart by their thermal energy. Some of that (invisible) water vapor condenses to form (visible) cloud droplets or ice crystals.

The cloud example pictured above is considered "convective", because it is produced from warm air pockets rising directly ("convecting") from the underlying surface. Convective clouds are typically smaller, a hundred yards to several miles across.

"Stratiform" clouds, in contrast, typically cover much larger areas and are caused by much broader layers of more slowly rising air (see below), often associated with extratropical cyclone activity. Stratiform clouds have a more uniform, featureless appearance, and often cover the whole sky.


Some different types of clouds can be seen here.

After cloud droplets (or ice crystals) form, then what happens to them? One of two things. Either they collide with each other and grow by joining together to such a large size that they fall to the ground as rain or snow, or they evaporate and change back into water vapor. It is estimated that, on average, about one-half of all cloud material in precipitation systems eventually falls to the Earth as precipitation, while the other half re-evaporates back into water vapor.


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