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Anthony DeFiore

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My name is Anthony DeFiore, a 1987 graduate of the University of Pittsburgh and the New York Univesity graduate school of public service (City planning) 1990. I have worked in the City of Philadelphia City Council for three city councilmen as an administrative aide from 1990 to 1996. I hve been a professor of social science at numerous colleges and community colleges, most notably Bucks County Community College in Newtown, PA and Lehigh Carbon Community College. I have published the book Gen. Ex. with Xlibris publishing, and I am in the process of completing a paper on the front shot to JFK's throat called Z225.

Edited by Anthony DeFiore
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My name is Anthony DeFiore, a 1987 graduate of the University of Pittsburgh and the New York Univesity graduate school of public service (City planning) 1990. I have worked in the City of Philadelphia City Council for three city councilmen as an administrative aide from 1990 to 1996. I hve been a professor of social science at numerous colleges and community colleges, most notably Bucks County Community College in Newtown, PA. I am currently a licensed registered representative with Signator Investors, Inc. and Keystone Financial management in eastern Pennsylvania. I have published the book Gen. Ex. with Xlibris publishing.

Welcome to the forum Anthony.

Having spent time in both Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, have you had any interaction with Dr. Wecht in Pittsburgh, or Vince Salandria, Tink Thompson or Richard Sprague in Philly?

Bill Kelly (from across the river in South Jersey).

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