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Jim Garrison was accused of Child Molesting!

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In 1967, shortly following his indictment of Clay Shaw, Garrison discussed the various conspiratorial forces out to destroy his investigation, and the many charges being leveled at him. Next, he said, he expected them to accuse him of "child molesting." As Patricia Lambert notes, in light of later events, this statement sounds like a preemptive strike.(51)

In 1969, a prominent New Orleans family briefly considered pressing charges against Garrison for the sexual molestation of their thirteen-year-old son. In the end, concerns for privacy and the safety of their son caused the family to drop the matter, but the head of a local citizens' watchdog committee informed the Orleans Parish Grand Jury of the matter, and someone on the Grand Jury leaked word of the story to columnist Jack Anderson. Off the record, Anderson confirmed with Grand Jury foreman William J. Krummel, Sr., that the Grand Jury was looking into the matter. Krummel was afraid to speak for the record, he said, because "I'm afraid that if I say so [in public], they'll [the DA's office will] want to throw me in jail."(52)

Anderson confirmed the story with the boy's family and decided to devote one of his columns to it. Noting that one of the family members "is one of the most respected men in the South," Anderson reported that the Grand Jury was investigating the allegation that Jim Garrison had molested a thirteen-year-old boy in June 1969 at the New Orleans Athletic Club. The Grand Jury ultimately declined to pursue the matter, however, and the story faded away.(53)

In 1993 Patricia Lambert was granted interviews with several family members, including the victim and an older brother who was present when the incident occurred. In exchange for a pledge of anonymity, the brothers agreed to relate what had happened.(54)

The two boys accompanied their father every Sunday to the New Orleans Athletic Club; it was a "family ritual," the older brother explained. The three were alone in the club's swimming pool when Jim Garrison approached them and struck up a conversation. In accordance with the club's rules, all were swimming nude; to reduce contamination, bathing suits were not allowed, as the pool's salt water could not be chlorinated. After chatting briefly, Garrison invited the three to join him in the club's Slumber Room. The brothers would have preferred to decline the offer, as they had no interest in taking a nap in the middle of the day. "No, we ought to go," their father insisted, "he's talking about the Kennedy assassination and we might find out something."(55)

The three accompanied Garrison to the Slumber Room, which resembled a "dormitory bunk room"; it was rectangular with an aisle down the middle and a row of beds on each side. Both brothers recall how dark the room was, as there were no windows. "You shut the door," the older brother recalls, "and it was black." "Everybody get into bed and I'm going to turn off the light," Garrison said, and they all complied. The younger brother took "a cot way to the back," while Garrison took the cot next to him; the father and older brother were on the other side of the room. "I don't know if Garrison set it up that way or not," the younger man says. "Because all he had to do was sit on the edge of his bed, reach across, which he did, you know, and lift the blanket."(56)

"When Garrison first did it," the younger boy recalls, "my eyes were not adjusted to the dark and I . . . could just make out the image of somebody. And . . . when somebody lifts up a blanket and sticks their hand under there -- and he didn't really grab. He just fondled a bit and then he sat back down and I jumped up and I went over to my brother and said, '[name deleted], are you playing a joke on me?' . . . I didn't know what was going on. . . . And [his brother] said, '[name deleted], go back to bed. Daddy's going to be really mad at you if you cause any trouble in here.' So I went back. He thought I was just being a little kid, you know. So then when [Garrison] did it again and I could tell who it was . . . then I went back to my brother and told him . . ."(57)

The older brother went to their father and said they had "to leave right now." Their father, oblivious to what had happened, objected until he realized something was seriously wrong. Outside the Slumber Room, the older brother explained to their father what had happened, "and he was visibly shaken." The father went to retrieve his clothes from another room, and while he was gone Garrison came out of the Slumber Room.(58)

"I walked up to him," the older brother recalls, "and I said, 'You son of a bitch, you pervert, you queer.' I was livid. I couldn't believe this guy tried to molest my little brother. I was really into Garrison's face. I was really threatening him. I was enraged. I may have put my hands on him. I know I scared him because he said, 'You're assaulting me and I'm going to have to defend myself.' And he went back toward his locker and I remember I could see in his locker there was a gun hanging in there -- like a .38 snub-nose revolver -- hanging in a shoulder holster on a hook in his locker. At that point I became very concerned that Garrison was going to shoot me and I remember seeing, to my surprise, that there was another man who witnessed this. A man in his sixties, by the lavatories. I remember thinking, oh, good, there's a witness to this, but he left the area because he didn't want to get involved. By this time my father had gotten dressed and sort of caught me at the tail end of this altercation. He was five-feet-ten-inches and I vividly remember him walking up to [the six-foot-six-inch] Garrison and he took his finger and he started poking him in the stomach and he said, 'You fooled with the wrong people this time. You're not going to get away with this.' Garrison said, 'You're crazy. I don't know what you're talking about.' And he said something to the effect that 'I'm going to have your son arrested for assaulting me.' At that time we left. We went home."(59)

Somehow word had gotten out about the incident, because their phone began "ringing off the hook" with people urging the family to press charges. The father called a relative, an attorney, who advised against taking any action; he thought "terrible harm" would come to the younger son and that they "would never prove anything." In fact, the family became so concerned for the boy's safety that they began picking him up from school everyday. "They thought something was going to happen to me," he recalls. "I went to see the Kevin Costner movie -- which made me sick, to glorify him like that. I saw Stone in the Napoleon House [café] one day -- I wanted to tell him about this. But it's so awkward."(60)

Journalist David Chandler, who had once been quite friendly with Garrison (the DA had been best man at Chandler's 1965 wedding) insisted to Patricia Lambert that the Slumber Room incident was merely the tip of the iceberg. Garrison was "basically a pedophile," Chandler alleged, claiming first-hand knowledge of Garrison's preferences for adolescent girls, "around sixteen and younger."(61)

All the while, of course, the DA could be sure that the power of his office would protect him from suffering any consequences; none of his victims dared to risk a public confrontation with the man. For their part, the two brothers of the Slumber Room incident remain angry to this day about what happened, but all involved feel that they would have fared much worse had they pressed charges. In light of the tactics Garrison used in his assassination probe, it hardly seems far-fetched to expect him to have gone to similar lengths, or worse, should his own life and career become jeopardized by his actions.

From: Jim Garrison's Investigator Bill Gurvich Speaks:

Gurvitch also mentioned that he had been the investigator who had later obtained affidavits indicating that Garrison had sexually molested a 15 year old boy in the New Orleans Athletic club in about 1970. Gurvitch stated that his involvement in this episode came about because he was a member of the club and heard of the story from the father of the boy involved. Gurvitch stated that he secured affidavits from the boy, his father, and the boy's brother, and tried to get the city authorities to press charges against Garrison. He stated that the authorities wouldn't touch the case however, and the boy's father was reluctant to make the alleged incident public.

For additional details, see Patricia Lambert's ground-breaking and highly regarded book analyzing the Garrison investigation which provides compelling evidence that establishes that Jim Garrison was undoubtedly a pedophile: False Witness.

Conclusion: Jim Garrison was indeed a child molester!

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I dont know why you would say that. Pat Lambert makes a pretty compelling case. Have you read he book?

First, why I would say that, you have no purpose here other than to stir the pot. You have NO interest in this at all.

Second, yes, I have read the book. What makes this book more credible than others that have been mentioned in your other xxxxx thread?

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Guest Robert Morrow

For all I know Jim Garrison MIGHT indeed have been a pedophile or a child molester. I can believe just about anything. Many people - prominent people - live double sex lives even double criminal sex lives. For example, how many politicians or people in general see prostitutes? Or how many people or politicians led a secret double life as a homosexual ... I can think of quite a few prominent Republicans who have done this and that is the party of "family values."

And then there are those adult men (usually men, not always) who are pedophiles, i.e. child molestors. There are a much smaller percentage, but they are definitely out there.

So the possibility of Jim Garrison being a pedophile/child molestor is not out of the range of possiblity at all. Maybe he was and maybe he wasn't. If I had to GUESS ... I would say "yes" based on the LITTLE knowledge that I have.

I can name one person involved in the JFK assassination who most definitely is a pedophile/child molester and his name is GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH. The "stories" about him and his lifetime and rampant pedophilia are notorious. GHW Bush was involved in the Franklin pedophile ring of the 1980's - a ring that was running at the highest levels of the Republican and which involved folks like Lawrence E. King, who sang the national anthem at the 1984 Republican convention and Craig Spence the most well-connected GOP lobbyist of the 1980's. Jack Kemp was probably being provided boys by this ring as well.

In fact, I recently intervied a very well known gay activist in Houston, Ray Hill (age 70) who told me all about GHW Bush taking a Hispanic kid to the old Carnival Motel to have sex with the kid, while Bush was a Congressman in the late 1960's. Ray Hill knew the owner of this motel, John Coil, and remembers all the accounts he would tell of Bush sneaking around with this Hispanic kid.

In fact, I recently passed out a flier (in 2011) at the Texas state capital on the topic of GHW Bush's involvement in the JFK assassination and his pedophilia; here it is below:

George Herbert Walker Bush Murdered John F. Kennedy


Google the essay: “LBJ-CIA Assassination of JFK”

George Herbert Walker Bush has NOT lived an honorable life. CIA George H.W. Bush 1) helped to MURDER John F. Kennedy 2) was involved with his son JEB in gargantuan cocaine DRUG SMUGGLING in the 1980’s 3) used Pegasus unit CIA ASSASSINS to criminally intimidate/ TERRORIZE Ross Perot to withdraw from the 1992 campaign. 4) GHW Bush has been an addicted homosexual pedophile for most of his adult life and was involved in the Franklin pedophile ring: www.franklinscandal.com In a nutshell, the Ugly Truth is that George Herbert Walker Bush’s life has been one of a murdering, drug dealing, CIA terrorist. In his spare time, Bush sexually molests boys.

From Defrauding America, Rodney Stich, 3rd edition 1998 p. 638-639]:

“The Role of deep-cover CIA officer, Trenton Parker, has been described in earlier pages, and his function in the CIA's counter-intelligence unit, Pegasus. Parker had stated to me earlier that a CIA faction was responsible for the murder of JFK … During an August 21, 1993, conversation, in response to my questions, Parker said that his Pegasus group had tape recordings of plans to assassinate Kennedy. I asked him, "What group were these tapes identifying?" Parker replied: "Rockefeller, Allen Dulles, JOHNSON of Texas, GEORGE BUSH, and J. Edgar Hoover." I asked, "What was the nature of the conversation on these tapes?"

I don't have the tapes now, because all the tape recordings were turned over to [Congressman] Larry McDonald. But I listened to the tape recordings and there were conversations between Rockefeller, [J. Edgar] Hoover, where [Nelson] Rockefeller asks, "Are we going to have any problems?" And he said, "No, we aren't going to have any problems. I checked with Dulles. If they do their job we'll do our job." There are a whole bunch of tapes, because Hoover didn't realize that his phone has been tapped”

John Kennedy was murderered by LBJ/CIA/Bush for many reasons: 1) Because JFK was going to drop LBJ from the 1964 Demo ticket and LBJ feared going to JAIL over the Bobby Baker scandal 2) Because CIA/military wanted to invade Cuba and have a Vietnam War and JFK did not 3) Because Texas oil barons were in danger of losing gargantuan tax breaks under JFK 4) Because JFK was going to force J. Edgar Hoover (LBJ’s close friend, friend of oil barons) to mandatorily retire at age 70 on 1/1/65.

Most folks don’t know this, but after they murdered Kennedy, Democrat Lyndon Johnson supported Republican GHW Bush for Congress in 1966 just like LBJ secretly supported Republican Nelson Rockefeller for president in spring of 1968. Both actions were all about covering up the LBJ-CIA Assassination of JFK. Google “LBJ-CIA Assassination of JFK.”

In order to understand the JFK assassination, you have to understand the criminality of Lyndon Johnson BEFORE the JFK murder and the criminality of George Herbert Walker Bush AFTER the JFK murder. Bush: 1) JFK murder 2) Bush/Clinton CIA drug smuggling 3) dirty deal with Iranians in 1980 to keep hostages until after election. 4) using CIA Pegasus assassins to terrify Ross Perot (1992) 5) Bush long history of pedophilia. Google “Chip Tatum Pegasus” to about the Bush terror campaign on Perot.

George Herbert Walker Bush:

“A seriously addicted homosexual child molester”

GHW Bush is not just a “closet homosexual,” GHW Bush is a seriously addicted homosexual pedophile who has been sexually molesting young boys his entire adult life. If you don’t believe this …DO YOUR RESEARCH!! In January, 2011, I interviewed Ray Hill (age 70), a long time and well known gay activist in Houston. Hill told me that in the late 1960’s Congressman George H.W. Bush used to take a “Hispanic kid” to have sex with at the old Carnival Motel which was located very close to the Gulfgate Mall in East End, Houston. Ray Hill knew the owner of this motel, John Coil (also a kingpin of porno shops) and Roy Beam. These motel owners used to rent rooms to GHW Bush while he was bringing a “Hispanic boy” to have sex with. I asked Ray Hill, “How old was the boy Bush was having sex with 17-18? or 15-16? Ray Hill answered “Young enough to be called a kid!”

People who investigate elite pedophilia will tell you that George Herbert Walker Bush’s name keeps coming up again and again and again as a homosexual child molester. A prime example of this is the Franklin pedophile ring that was providing young boys to VP GHW Bush in the 1980’s. Lawrence E. King and GOP lobbyist Craig Spence were running a pedophile ring and providing young boys to have sex with mostly Republican power brokers. Basically, they were recruiting boys out of Boys Town orphanage in Omaha and flying them around the country (especially to Washington, DC) to have sex with their clients such as Bush. GHW Bush’s name appears 18 times in the index of the book The Franklin Cover Up by John DeCamp which details this pedophile ring. Additionally Warren Buffet of Omaha was also involved with this pedophile ring! (Now you see the power behind the cover up…)

Bush’s good friend Harold Andersen, then publisher of the Omaha World Herald, used to molest Paul Bonnaci when Paul was age 12 back in 1978. Another key player in covering up the Franklin pedophile ring was RICHARD THORNBURGH who served 3 years as Attorney General (1988-91) for GHW Bush. Richard Thornburgh and GHW Bush were (are) both addicted homosexual child molesters. So the nation’s President Bush and Attorney General Thornburgh in 1989 were compromised child molesters who were covering up/protecting a notorious Franklin pedophile ring. Google “Franklin Case Timeline” and google honest investigator“Gary Caradori” who GHW Bush probably had murdered by blowing up his airplane on July 11, 1990. Google “Johnny Gosch” who was a 12 year old boy kidnapped on 9/5/82. Johnny Gosch was kidnapped by the same folks who were involved with the Franklin pedophile ring. It is a real possibility that GHW Bush has had sex with boys in that ring.

Also, read the book The Franklin Scandal by Nick Bryant which nails down the story of Franklin. Bryant found the flight passenger manifests which detailed a record of all the boys being flown around the country for the Franklin pedophile ring. GO TO WWW.FRANKLINSCANDAL.COM and watch the incredible trailer for the movie about this pedophile ring that GHW Bush was involved in and helped to protect. Google “ George Bush pedophilia” …also Google “George Bush Paul Bonnacci” (a kid)

In 1984, George Herbert Walker Bush had sex with Brandt Thomas, a young gay black prostitute/victim the Franklin ring used to pimp out to perverts nationwide

Nelly Patterson Webb, one of the child abuse victims of the Franklin ring, “first brought up GHW Bush in 1986, when she told Julie Walters about the sex parties she was flown to in Washington and Chicago. She saw GHW Bush at two of those parties, she said, one in each city.” [The Franklin Cover-Up, p.176] Brandt Thomas was a Boys Town orphan.

Edited by Robert Morrow
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This nonsense was covered thoroughly about 10 years ago on the JFKresearch Assassination Forum. Gary Mack stood as the lone "Garrison basher" back then. He actually used to post his

own messages on our forum instead of asking others to post for him. We had several members who had lived in New Orleans as adults during the time that these claims against Jim were

being made and were quite familiar with all of it. Each and every one of them (I believe there were 5 or 6, if memory serves) reported that it was "common knowledge" among those who

lived there that the allegations were completely unfounded. According to them: "No one really took any of it seriously because it was so ludicrous..."

Mack cited a report of Garrison visiting a community pool of some sort and his having been naked in the presence of a young boy. The locals on our forum stated that "nude bathing" and

walking about in that state, was common at this particular public pool (or mineral spring, I don't remember exactly the nature of the facility) where this occurred and that there was nothing

in the least unusual or even suspect about it because it was common practice. The facility was not a "gay bath house" -- it was a public, community facility. The specific "contact" with this

young boy amounted to Garrison asking him: "How's your dad doing?" -because Garrison and the boy's father were friends. The boy never complained about it nor did he ever claim anything

inappropriate occurred. Moreover, the boy's father apparently thought nothing of it either.

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This nonsense was covered thoroughly about 10 years ago on the JFKresearch Assassination Forum. Gary Mack stood as the lone "Garrison basher" back then. He actually used to post his

own messages on our forum instead of asking others to post for him. We had several members who had lived in New Orleans as adults during the time that these claims against Jim were

being made and were quite familiar with all of it. Each and every one of them (I believe there were 5 or 6, if memory serves) reported that it was "common knowledge" among those who

lived there that the allegations were completely unfounded. According to them: "No one really took any of it seriously because it was so ludicrous..."

Mack cited a report of Garrison visiting a community pool of some sort and his having been naked in the presence of a young boy. The locals on our forum stated that "nude bathing" and

walking about in that state, was common at this particular public pool (or mineral spring, I don't remember exactly the nature of the facility) where this occurred and that there was nothing

in the least unusual or even suspect about it because it was common practice. The facility was not a "gay bath house" -- it was a public, community facility. The specific "contact" with this

young boy amounted to Garrison asking him: "How's your dad doing?" -because Garrison and the boy's father were friends. The boy never complained about it nor did he ever claim anything

inappropriate occurred. Moreover, the boy's father apparently thought nothing of it either.


Thank you for posting something worth thinking over, rather than just a hand out of insults. I will certainly give this some thought. That was the purpose of my post.

I have for most of my time looked into the ballistics of the case, and am really looking into other areas. This is new ground for me, and your thoughtful reply was appreciated.


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Thank you for posting something worth thinking over, rather than just a hand out of insults. I will certainly give this some thought. That was the purpose of my post.

I have for most of my time looked into the ballistics of the case, and am really looking into other areas. This is new ground for me, and your thoughtful reply was appreciated.


That was the purpose of your post? Really??? You create a thread Why would anyone believe Jim Garrison, the one calling Jim Garrison a child molester!! Come on Mike....you can do better than this.

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Guest Robert Morrow

"No one really took any of it seriously because it was so ludicrous..."

That is a phrase I have heard a LOT in relation to politicians covering up their sex lives; usually it is flunkies for politicians who say that phrase when their boss is guilty as the Devil.

One good example would be Jack Kennedy talking about the allegations of Florence Kater in the 1960 Democratic compaign. Kater actually photographed Kennedy coming out of Pamela Turnure’s apartment at 3 AM in the morning and then Kater had the photo blown up and put on her picket sign as she dogged Kennedy during the 1960 campaign. See the Dark Side of Camelot, pp. 107-110.

Kennedy’s aides lied and said that Kater had faked the photograph. After the election John Kennedy appointed Pamela Turnure as Jackie Kennedy’s press secretary where he could hide his mistress in plain sight. Bold, clever, risky! But the Kater allegation was 100% correct.

Then there is Bill Clinton and his now documented to the max womanizing. In the 1992 campaign Betsy Wright said that she kept a list of 26 women as she prepared to put the lid on “bimbo eruptions.” Of course, this was an extremely cynical ploy by the Clinton campaign, Bill and Hillary to say that every single woman who came forward was a xxxx or a nut or a fantasist. Just like they were planing do to, actually crucify" Monica Lewinsky, until the stained blue dress showed up. When in fact, 98% - perhaps 100% of Bill's women or sex victims were completely true whether it was Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, or Juanita Broadrick who wild Bill raped in 1978 when he was the Arkansas Attorney General, that state's highest elected official. The Clinton campaign was suborning perjury with false affidavits from some of these women.

The Globe in early 1992 ran completely true allegations about Bill Clinton and his affair and child with black street hooker Bobbie Ann Williams. Later on Bill Clinton’s lawyer Robert Bennett addressed the allegations and said who are you going to believe the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES or a drug addicted prostitute? Of course, the answer to that is laughable when it applies to most presidents: the drug addicted street hooker is usually the *far* more reliable source.

Then there is George Herbert Walker Bush and his pedophilia – his love of sex with young boys – which has been completely confirmed in my mind. Bush was all over the Franklin pedophile ring of the 1980’s, which a ring was being run by 2 high level GOP homosexual pedophiles: Lawrence E. King and Craig Spence. I have spoken to Ray Hill, a longtime Houston gay activist who confirmed GHW Bush's pedophilia. Lots of high level political players caught up in the Franklin pedophile ring. I suggest reading the Franklin Scandal or the book the Franklin Cover Up by John de Camp.

More recently, Sen. Trent Lott resigned in 2007 just before his affair with a gay prostitute named Benjamin Nicholas from San Antonio was exposed and splashed all over the headlines. Lott was told to resign or else. Just google “Trent Lott Benjamin Nicholas.”

Then there was the John Edwards’ love child story that the National Enquirer truthfully and very accurately crucified him with. I remember all those Edwards supporters/aides in denial (with his aides actively lying to cover it up, including one pretending to be the baby’s dad) over the story because the National Enquirer broke the story. The same National Enquirer that iced Gary Hart in 1987 over Donna Rice. Word to politicians – if the National Enquirer says you are having an affair, start sweating bullets or just go ahead an confess up now. The MSM ignored the John Edwards story for months and months while the National Enquirer ran laps around them.

Down here in Texas, Gov. Rick Perry – sill ANOTHER one of those hypocritical family values Republicans – runs around on his wife. I have contacts in the Austin strip club community and several sources have described to me in detail Rick Perry’s adulterous affairs. When I told that to Republicans in the 2010 primary – rather rubbed it in their faces because Perry supports a tax on strip club patrons – the Republican religious right sure did not want to hear the ugly truth about their hero and his fake marriage and adultery. Rick Perry likes to go after the “young hotties” according to my source and his enabling entourage provides them to him.

Let’s see who else? Democrat Elliot Spitzer client #9 who used to PROSECUTE prostitution rings is a good example. Republican Gov. Mark Sanford of South Carolina – a member of the 2009 Family Research Council Values Voters Summit - … the same guy with an Argentine mistress and who he left his wife and 4 kids for. Gov. Nikki Haley the successor to Mark Sanford - had her own affair that she has lied about.

The theme here is LIE, DENY, LIE, DENY, LIE, DENY ... until the stained blue dress shows up. THEN if it does show up, pull a Newt Gingrich say that you love the American people so much that you were over-working on their behalf and that is actually what caused you to cheat on your second wife of 18 years after you left the first wife while she had cancer and was in the hospital. Capiche?

Also the Barrack Obama – the crack smoking state senator with gay prositute Larry Sinclair story. I did NOT believe that story at first. Now … after some stellar reporting and confirmation by Wayne Madsen I believe that story up to a 99% confidence level. Larry Sinclair was telling the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth. And remember Beau Biden, the Atty General of Delaware and son of Joe Biden, arrested Larry Sinclair during the 2008 campaign as retribution/intimidation. Wayne Madsen story:


I have a friend who knows Wayne Madsen and he says that Madsen is the smartest guy he knows.... and my friend knows a lot of smart people.

Actually it is *normal* for humans (men, politicians) to have affairs, secret homosexual lives and for a certain small percent to seek underage sex. All you have to do is watch NBC’s to Catch a Predator to find that out.

So what is the common thread above?: a secret sexual life, perhaps a secret criminal sexual life (or banned drug use), desperate LYING by the individual in question, LIES and DENIALS by his/her aides. The other factor are the groupies who are emotionally invested in a politician and just can’t handle the truth no matter how strong the evidence of the secret sex life or secret pedophile or drug use is. You have come across them before: the Kennedy groupies, the Clinton groupies, the Bush groupies, the Rick Perry groupies, the religious right in-complete-denial about 10 politician groupies, the Garrison groupies who if you showed them a videotape of the act along with a voluntary sworn written confession by the perp … they could never handle it.

So back to Jim Garrison was he a pedophile … did he have some “pedophile incidents” of molestations and attempted molestations?


If I had to *guess* if he was, based on the *little* that I know, I would say I bet he was a pedophile with some incidents of child molestation. Would not surprise me one bit.

And even IF Garrison was a pedophile, that does not mean he was wrong about the CIA murdering John Kennedy or even that he was wrong on CIA asset Clay Shaw who perjured his way through his trial. Like I said, pedophile or not, Garrison was still right on the 1963 Coup d'Etat.

Edited by Robert Morrow
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