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Bob Harris and the Battle of The Bulge

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"Bob Harris and the Battle of The Bulge"

In reviewing the video works of Bob Harris. An interesting video on YouTube that is most valuable, as it shows a bulge (some call it a blob or hair mass) on the back of JFK's head from what appears to be a second head shot, quickly following the first gunshot to the head or the highly explosive first one. This is the theme of James Files alleged shot order, first coming from the rear and the second from the Grassy Knoll. Has anyone reviewed this and what was the general opinion? See:

In my looking at the Zapruder Film and trying to do a little science on the ballistics effects and the study of the few Bathesda Autopsy photos to see if things fit, this view appears to add value to the knowledge and interpretation. It appears the pressure of a head shot causes impulse pressures of around 200 psi inside the skull, and this high pressure effect blew the first hole out the right side of JFK's head. The head dynamics from this first head shot suggests a hit from the back, stemming from around Dal-Tex. Then JFK appears to be hit quickly after that with a second shot from the front that causes additional high pressure impulse damage that appears to be the "Defect" along the top of his skull, ranging some 7 inches in length from the forehead area to the cow-lick area at the back of JFK's head. When looking at the Bethesda autopsy photos this 7 inch long defect shows up with several large pieces blown loose along the top of his head that would allow material to be ejected out the top and toward the rear. This second impulse pressure would further tear JFK's scalp across the peak of the skull, and the impulse pressure could full this scalp blob area at the back of his head with brain matter, blood, and bone, as the skull cracked but that area of the skin remained largely intact. The net result is the scalp at the back of his head was stuffed like a hot dog skin to make this blob. When JFK came to Parkland, perhaps this blob area filled with blood, brain, and bone pulled the scalp to the table top exposing this 7 inch long defect that included this D-shaped bone piece pulling loose beneath the area of his cow-lick. Certainly the Parkland doctors would be exploring all this area, and it would literally extend to the table top his head was laid upon. Anyone care to venture thoughts on this scinerio.


The 7 inch gash or what they call the "defect" on the autopsy files is the 17cm length of the defect at the peak of JFK's head that runs from just short of the hair line up forward to under the cow lick area at the rear. So, doing the math 17 cm / 2.54 cm per inch = 6.7 inches. I just round it to 7 inches. There is what appears to be a D-shaped piece of bone at the very rear of the head, under the cow lick zone that fractured.

I found an interesting photo out of Time, per the JFK 2 nd head shot, that appears to show the height of the head is off above the ear, the forehead hair seems missing, and you can just see the bulge at the rear. I am still learning to use this system, so will try to add the image here:



In looking at Zapruder Film dark areas, these ususally are not black and appear more a dark grey in dark gradient, and at high magnification the edges are never sharply defined. But in this Time / Life image there appears to have been some tinkering done on the image as the dark patch is too dark and the edges are too sharp. It appears Time / Life may have done some photo magic on this one. I can't seem to find it looking the same on the other Zapruder frames of this area. It is interesting that the Time JFK photo spread may have captured a good portion of what Bob Harris' 2nd head shot themed YouTube video is about.


Edited by Jim Phelps
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Per the James Files story that his 2nd shot came after a 1st head shot from Dal-Tex, this order of firing and obvious damage matches and adds a great deal to the credibilty of his story of what happened at the assassination. In looking at the frame sequence of 312-313, JFK's head moves forward with the energy of the 1st head shot's impact:


Then if we apply a little ballistic's science to the issue, we can see what would be expected: high skull pressures bursting out skin and filling other areas with brain material, and the forward head movement from the 1 st shot's energy effects over just 312-313.


We know the relative energy of the bullets, as the 6.5 mm Italian is around 2,000 joules and the 222 caliber of Files is in the 1,500 Joule range and these energy levels are around the same as a boxer's punch, so one would expect some reaction in the direction of the bullet's fire directions. When one considers the direction of the Files 2nd shot, then this adds to why JFK's head moved toward the rear even more due to that 2nd bullet's energy in the opposite direction of the first pushing the head to the rear and left side. So, the ballistics adds up to support James Files story.


Per the "Defect" at Autopsy, this photo is looking down into the hole of JFK skull looking forward from the cow lick area. There appears to be a D-shaped broken shull piece under the cow lick area, shown at the lower left in the photo. With the high impulse pressure, 200psi, of the 2nd shot off the Grassy Knoll this would have torn the scalp at the top of the head similar to the rip at the rt temple "blow-out". Along the top of the head's scalp rip, brain could be ejected to the rear at high velocity, and the untorn scalp area at the rear filled with brain material and bone to be like stuffing a sausage skin and this making the bulge in the scalp at the rear.




Edited by Jim Phelps
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The dark area is defintely down inside JFK's brain. It takes a little study of the skull X-ray to come to terms with what you are seeing. Off to the right of the dark area one can see the bare skull bone. Off to the left and lower a cracked piece of skull bone showing that appears to correspond to the D-shaped large fragment under the cow-lick. It appears they released the bare minimum of photos of the autopsy so things don't have enough views to see clearly what all the details were.

However, someone did find another autopsy photo that shows the damage along the top of the skull, or the long defect area, after they put all the fragments back onto place on the skull and pulled the skin back over them to look at the 1st bullet's entrance hole location in the scalp at the back of JFK's head. Doing some frame switching one can see the top of the skull is very loose under the skin.

I'll toss out some of the skull X-rays seen on the JFK Lancer site and comment on those to maybe enhance what your are seeing on the Defect Photo next.


A little more on the detail on the JFK autopsy X-rays that tends to show a track of bullet fragments coming along from the forehead to the mid point of the top of the skull, and the energy dissipation from this blew off many skull plate areas along the top of the skull from the 2nd shot. This particular photo has lots of the darker lead bits circled, and appears to be a track of them coming from the front. See:



Then on the JFK Lancer site we appear to get a real prize, with what appears to be a brain only x-ray photo of damage to JFK's brain. Some of the autopsy people speak to seeing the brain free of the skull, and perhaps someone mislabeled this photo to get it into the public's view. But this is clearly a brain only X-ray with no bone detail visible, but lots of missing material missing See:



What is interesting to take note of is what appears to be a long twisted fragment from a copper jacket of one of the bullets lodged down in the lower area of JFK's brain that appears in both of these x-ray photos. The first X-ray shows all the broken up bone mass, both at the temple area from the 1st bullet, and then more along the top of the skull as the 2nd shot travesed from the forehead toward the rear cow-lick area and the pressure wave blowing up several large area fragments. What I call the D-shaped large fragment is at the back of the skull under what would be the cow lick area. The defect photo was taken by removing the two larger skull area pieces from the cow lick forward to the forehead area, and if taken from the other direction would likely show just a big void at the back of the head.

What is the most interesting is this JFK Lancer X-ray shows clear damage at the rear of the head and at the front of the head as dark areas or areas of low material density, as if these are the areas blasted out by the bullet as it entered the skull. One must suspect they involve the same brain as what appears to be part of the twisted shred of copper jacket from the bullet shows in the two different X-ray photographs attritubed to be JFK autopsy related.


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The Internet Age has become a real boon to the research on the JFK assassination and it is working so well that perhaps 70% of America knows JFK wasn't killed by one lone fella named Lee Oswald. Today, we can compare the various films on the JFK assassination and get a sort of mental 3-D image of what was happening from the various angles of those there that day with cameras. I think the Zapruder Film is the most relevant testimony to what actually happened that day, and when one adds the sound track it becomes all the more clear how the shots all lined up to kill JFK. Bob Harris YouTube videos do a fine job of getting down to the Dal-Tex building being the real shooting position. Here some tell it was 2nd floor window, but Harris likes a 3rd floor window area associated with a warehouse area like the 6th floor of the TSBD. I think Bob Harris is on target for many ways that validate Zapruder and these other films that then go on to show what happed in the autopsy photos, which I think once that second head shot is exposed and recognized, everything begins to fall into place. Check this interesting tile format production of three films from different angles that go on to say each supports the other.

I think the defining moment for the Zapruder Film happened when we got to see these higher resolution versions that go beyond the "Visual Mud" versions that the public was first shown. The high resolution version release has allowed us to get to see the missing piece on the damage from the 2nd head shot, that then goes on to correlated with the damages seen in the various X-rays and the whole matter of the validity of each falls into place. The key has been to see the "Blob" or "Bulge" at the back of JFK's head from the two head shots being so close in time together as to almost mask the 2nd one's effects. Today, thanks to the good sluth work of Bob Harris, we can see this effect. It matches the James Files story.

Bob Harris has a number of YouTube videos well worth watching on supporting the Dal-Tex as a firing position. What is interesting is this apppears to also explain the firecracker sounds heard that day, as high velocity bullets make a crack type sound as they pass and the supersonic effects make the noise all the down the line of the fireing path. This really speaks to the SS agents in the follow car not doing their job to protect the president until his head was blown apart. At the first sign of these firecracker sounds the LBJ dove to the floorboard and had his SS agents on top of his limo. So, we have enough to say these SS agents appear to have waited to the moment the president died to even attempt to do something.

The Zapruder Film is even more compelling when we find that even the Dallas Dictabelt recording when synchronized to the Zapruder video matches well what we know to date. The 1st head shot is sync'd to the third shot sound.



one of the citations from a book by "Bill Sloan with Jean Hill" that speaks to JFK ducking down as the shots started coming as JFK's car took the corner. Jean Hill saw it happen. I guess LBJ knew what the crack sound of a high velocity bullet sounds like. And yes, there is car door opening about then. The rear bunch was doing something, and it was likely because LBJ knew from the Ranch House meeting that JFK was going to be offed that day.


3. Her boyfriend was J.B. Marshall, the Dallas police officer who was on a motorcycle to the left rear of the president's car and who's helmet and bike got splattered with JFK's blood and brains. He told her that LBJ's Secret Service people instructed the motorcycle cops at the Dallas airport that these changes were being made: (a) the parade route was being changed to cut through Dealey Plaza on Elm Street; (B) the motorcycle cops would not be at the front of the presidential limousine as they normally would have been, but would only be at the rear of the presidential limousine; © the order of the cars in the motorcade was changed so that Johnson's car would not be immediately behind the presidential car, but that a carload of Secret Service would be in between the President's car and LBJ's car. Most shocking of all, was his report to Jean Hill that another motorcycle cop witnessed that LBJ started ducking down in his car at least 30 to 40 seconds before the first shots were fired.



* That the famous Altgens photo shows, before anyone else reacts to shots --except Kennedy--LBJ is nowhere to be seen in his car--having ducked below the level of the seats in his car in the motorcade--while his wife and Senator Yarborough remain upright and smiling next to him



LBJ: architect of American ambition

By Randall Bennett Woods see Page 2


This is one of the Altgen Photos that has the white follow car doors to LBJ's limo opening as they hear shots. You may have to look at it on the main URL, as this listing engine clips the image, see:




Bob Harris appears very solidly grounded in spotting the Bulge at the cow-lick on JFK scalp from the second head shot, and pinning the first shot's location as being from the Dal-Tex building. Bob Harris makes total sense. I'd say he gets the credit for making the final bit of evidence very well exposed that was needed to get down to explaining the two head shots. He isn't barking at some ghost in the dark shadows, but zero'd in on the visual evidence quite well.

So, giving credit where credit is due, making positive progress, and saying good job Bob Harris!!

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Yes, I can well see that it may be possible to miss the forest because of the trees.

The thesis was the bulge shown in the Zapruder Film, and how the head moving first forward due to a shot from Dal-Tex and then backwards and to the side from the impact of another bullet coming just right after the first one from the Grassy Knoll.

Most people suggest the 2nd floor window of Dal-Tex as the source, partly because there is some Uranium offices there and the connections to USAEC issues. And something deflected the first shot fired as the Limo made the turn into the line of fire from Dal-Tex windown. Also, all the fire escape things might be the cause of the first shots breaking up and missing.

I am fine with the Dal-Tex being the source of the rear head shot, and fine with Grassy Knoll being the next, and almost simultaneously, which is why everyone missed it. It all becomes more obvious when one looks at the hair blob and height changes in JFK's head and what appears to be missing scalp areas due to the second bullet making larger rips in the scalp.


This is a short little calculation that shows how the JFK head movement in frams 312 and 313. One can see the instantaneous velocity effect and that it is damped out quickly to provide about a 3 inch head jump. It also explains a similar rearward movement from the 2nd shot.

The method to calculate speed of bullet to head transition is really easy. It is a Kinetic Energy Balance equation.

1/2 (Mass1) (Velocity1)*2 = 1/2 (Mass2) (Velocity2)*2

So, do some varible moving around:

Velocity1 = sq rt (M2/M1) * Velocity2

2,000 fps = sq rt (20 lbs / 1/100 lb) * Velocity2

2,000 = sq rt (2000) * Velocity 2

2,000 / sq rt (2000) = Velocity 2

2,000 / 12.6 = Velocity 2 = 158 fps

So, the initial conditions were Mass of bullet 1/100 lbs with 2,000 fps and mass of head is 20 lbs.

Now, that was the lossless number, so have to toss in some loss for thermalization effects, so reducing the energy transfer by 1/2. That gives about 80 fps, so the head can easily jump forward very quickly, in one frame. The distance of the jump forward is determined by resistance. For JFK's head the jump forward is about 3 inches, or the amount from a good solid boxer punch. The jump rearward has less resistance and the velocity component never goes to zero until he falls all the way over.


Bullet weight considerations:


1/100 lb = 70 grains = 0.01 lbs

A 70 Gr bullet is standard for 222/223 XP-100 pistol.


Range of motion criteria:

The head is attached to the torso, so the range of motion of the head is retrained by a much larger torso mass that is connected with strong cord like effect of the spine, and damping effects of the neck muscles. What that means is the rather large transfer velocity's energy is quickly absorbed over the short range of head motion for the first shot. The second shot appears to have coupled to the torso mass somewhat, with gravity aiding, and results in a longer period of motion to the rear.


All this has been the most basic algebra that most can work in their heads without need to even write it down. Certainly persons like Dr. Feynman also quickly made these same associations in his assessments for two shots to the head.


Edited by Jim Phelps
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I studied all the JFK photos and movies for thirty years very intensively, before realizing that ALL images

are suspect, likely tampered with, faked or altered...and cannot be relied on forensically as proof of anything.

Phelps is about where I was 25 years ago...basically trusting that all photos and films are genuine.


PS...the H7 group and the painted in black patch on the back of the head has been discussed extensively.

Phelps needs to get up to speed on this observation, even though his observation matches the H7 group's.

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Greetings Jack White,

Nice YouTube special effects video production with various Green Screen video switching effects combined with various scenes using pan and zoom. Makes for excellent artificial realities. It is a very impressive little video, but not much beyond what we see on the Evening Weather on the local TV channels. Digital Video is so much fun, and much better than the old A-B role editing we used to have to do these things with. Yeah, I've done those things with digital videos.

I have had a desktop computer for the last ten years that can do all those things very easily. I've got more recent computers that blow the old one away on effects and speed of processing and renderings. These come in handy for looking at the various films and blowing things up (zoom), slowing them down, speeding things up, tacking on sound tracks. It makes looking for when the Gov was hit rather easy.

I think it would be fun to do a real super high quality video Hollywood grade remake of the Zapruder Film and add all the special effects to produce the best yet recreation of what happened that day.

Just think, we could add in those missing frames on one of the films that had 8 frames spliced out and never returned, and that other one that the FBI manages to intentionally burn the same frame areas as the one with the missing frames spliced out. Just think, we could add back in those frames in the motion sequence and put in the sparkler effects of that first bullet hitting a bit of steel and making sparks that would easily reveal where that first shot came from and it was not from the TSBD. Would not these super remakes of the Zapruder Film be so useful. Makes one wonder why Oliver Stone didn't just do that. I mean he did have the processing and special effects power of Hollywood. After all, he did have you as an advisor and you know all about these missing and tampered areas.

I have noticed there are a number of the assassination folks that want to suggest that all the films, photos, x-ray, and such have been altered. And I have seen some of that, but not to the extremes that many seem to want to sell. We have some even suggesting the Lunar Landings were all faked with the same Hollywood Magic that you suggested above. Then they get into 911, The Mossad Art Students, moving companies, etc. Some, per JFK, I tend to think that they live in a little too large a fantasy.

All those that stand on the platform that all has been altered, all is faked, have little to talk about. There is no real visual evidence in the various photos, movies, x-rays, and copies of records. Thus, if that is those folks basis, when they are asked to show their poker hand---you don't even have the cards to show as they were all created by artifical reality. In computer lingo, we call it vapor ware, none existant media. They don't even hold cards with which to play.

I liked your video, but I don't think much of what I think are a little too far fetched opinions on the degrees of fakery held by many. Just my opinion. I am reviewing lots of those fakery issues of late and I keep finding some problems. Still processing and considering.

I still consider the Zapruder Film as extremely pertinent and exceptionally so that issue of the hair bulge at the back of JFK's head and the shot energy dynamics matching that energy dissipation from two bullets closely spaced in time. Just remember that you have suggested it is all faked, thus you have no interest in that sort of analysis, but some of us do.


Edited by Jim Phelps
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I studied all the JFK photos and movies for thirty years very intensively, before realizing that ALL images are suspect, likely tampered with, faked or altered...

I find this claim astonishing, Jack, given that you have yet to prove that even one single image has been tampered with.


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Sorry to digress, but Jack's video made me miss pre-1980 filmmaking, where shooting actors on location was part of the achievement.

Let's remember, though, that by 1963 rotoscopy had been used to create composite footage superior to the extant Z-Film (the chariot-race Roman hippodrome in 1959's Ben-Hur) and only about as convincing as the Z-film (Hitchcock, The Birds, 1963).

Edited by David Andrews
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Greetings Jack White,

Nice YouTube special effects video production with various Green Screen video switching effects combined with various scenes using pan and zoom. Makes for excellent artificial realities. It is a very impressive little video, but not much beyond what we see on the Evening Weather on the local TV channels. Digital Video is so much fun, and much better than the old A-B role editing we used to have to do these things with. Yeah, I've done those things with digital videos.

I have had a desktop computer for the last ten years that can do all those things very easily. I've got more recent computers that blow the old one away on effects and speed of processing and renderings. These come in handy for looking at the various films and blowing things up (zoom), slowing them down, speeding things up, tacking on sound tracks. It makes looking for when the Gov was hit rather easy.

I think it would be fun to do a real super high quality video Hollywood grade remake of the Zapruder Film and add all the special effects to produce the best yet recreation of what happened that day.

Just think, we could add in those missing frames on one of the films that had 8 frames spliced out and never returned, and that other one that the FBI manages to intentionally burn the same frame areas as the one with the missing frames spliced out. Just think, we could add back in those frames in the motion sequence and put in the sparkler effects of that first bullet hitting a bit of steel and making sparks that would easily reveal where that first shot came from and it was not from the TSBD. Would not these super remakes of the Zapruder Film be so useful. Makes one wonder why Oliver Stone didn't just do that. I mean he did have the processing and special effects power of Hollywood. After all, he did have you as an advisor and you know all about these missing and tampered areas.

I have noticed there are a number of the assassination folks that want to suggest that all the films, photos, x-ray, and such have been altered. And I have seen some of that, but not to the extremes that many seem to want to sell. We have some even suggesting the Lunar Landings were all faked with the same Hollywood Magic that you suggested above. Then they get into 911, The Mossad Art Students, moving companies, etc. Some, per JFK, I tend to think that they live in a little too large a fantasy.

All those that stand on the platform that all has been altered, all is faked, have little to talk about. There is no real visual evidence in the various photos, movies, x-rays, and copies of records. Thus, if that is those folks basis, when they are asked to show their poker hand---you don't even have the cards to show as they were all created by artifical reality. In computer lingo, we call it vapor ware, none existant media. They don't even hold cards with which to play.

I liked your video, but I don't think much of what I think are a little too far fetched opinions on the degrees of fakery held by many. Just my opinion. I am reviewing lots of those fakery issues of late and I keep finding some problems. Still processing and considering.

I still consider the Zapruder Film as extremely pertinent and exceptionally so that issue of the hair bulge at the back of JFK's head and the shot energy dynamics matching that energy dissipation from two bullets closely spaced in time. Just remember that you have suggested it is all faked, thus you have no interest in that sort of analysis, but some of us do.


Your studies are good but about where some of us were 30 years ago. ALL IMAGES AND FILMS are suspect in some manner and cannot

be relied on as proof of anything. You need to get up to speed on the latest research. You must FIRST establish the authenticity of

images before they can be used in court. Those of us who have studied the images can DEMOLISH any acceptance by any court of law.


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Your studies are good but about where some of us were 30 years ago. ALL IMAGES AND FILMS are suspect in some manner and cannot

be relied on as proof of anything. You need to get up to speed on the latest research. You must FIRST establish the authenticity of

images before they can be used in court. Those of us who have studied the images can DEMOLISH any acceptance by any court of law.


I'll take the Pepsi Challenge on that one, Jack.

Please point out the proven fakery in the following (and by proven I mean that which you could establish in a court of law.)

1) Betzner 3

2) Willis 5

3) Altgens 6

4) Zapruder film frames 186 thru 255. Limo stops and head wound dots don't count.

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Well Jack,

I do think we might have captured why you are on the JFK issue:

Citation from Jack White:

"Those of us who have studied the images can DEMOLISH any acceptance by any court of law."

So, everyone go home---Jack is going to destroy anything and everthing you have to say from any bit of information on the JFK assassination.

But, we are still going to talk about the issues and discuss them. I hope you won't mind.

I do think it is that free speech that Mr Simpkin promissed and JW seconded. Let people state their take on things, and cut out jumping on them.

Edited by Jim Phelps
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If you doubt image fakery, look at this.

Yes, that is today...but the Pentagon is years ahead in technology...today AND 50 years ago.


Obviously the medium is drastically different... could an EXPERT tell if these shots were composite CGI or actually filmed at these locations? Would there be something on the film if converted to film... or the digital files that would give away the compositing?

IE the Z film, if reproduced and altered, would have to have been done with artificial light instead of the natural light per the film type... we SHOULD be able to tell if we could test it, whether the extant film is indoor or outdoor film...

Anything like this now Jack... for if not... doesn't this mean ANYTHING could be faked and there'd be no way to tell... ?


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