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Ex Mossad chief goes insane !

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:blink::o Its all about the land. SEE LINK BELOW ALSO




How does a defensive action result in the total conquest of someone else's lands? The answer is that it does not. Israel is the aggressor. The maps of Israel then and now prove it. (see above link ++ Now who is pushing who into sea ????)

Edited by Steven Gaal
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Now you can see the significance of Pres. Obama's statement requesting that the Israeli borders be returned to pre-1967 status. Of course, such an idea is treated with outrage by the current govt of Israel.

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How does a defensive action result in the total conquest of someone else's lands? The answer is that it does not.

Obviously Gaal and the author he quoted aren't familiar with the details of WWII.


Collective Punishment is illegal ,Collective Punishment is illegal ,Collective Punishment is illegal


Yes, 2D Colby mention WWII .... yes... WWII ..right after WWII its illegal.....have we come full circle ???......

Warsaw Ghetto = Gaza = collective punishment


Relevant Major Principles of International Law - (5) Collective Punishment is illegal because Civilians are Punished who were not Directly Responsible for the Crime.

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STUDY GUIDES: Israeli Law Israeli Military Orders International Law International Court of Justice Advisory Opinion on Wall

STUDY GUIDE : International Law & Israel Relevant International Laws: Full Text Relevant Major Legal Principles of International Law Relevant International Law: Application & Enforcement Israeli Violations

Relevant Major Principles of International Law - (5) Collective Punishment is illegal because Civilians are Punished who were not Directly Responsible for the Crime: RELEVANT PRINCIPLE OF INTERNATIONAL LAW

Even though military action is allowable if it is in self-defense (see point #1), it still must be limited just to targets that are directly involved in the original offensive action. The self-defensive response cannot punish people or property that are not directly involved in the original act of aggression. When innocent people or property are punished by a self-defensive military action - this is called "Collective Punishment", and it is forbidden by international law (see below for quotes) - it is a violation of the basic legal principle of "proportionality"(see point #4). This is why the article in the Geneva Conventions (1949) which forbids collective punishment also forbids pillaging and acting out of revenge. Such actions are considered to be generally beyond what would be necessary just to restore peace and security, which is what a purely self-defensive action would do.


As per International Law -

Geneva Conventions IV (1949), article 33 (full text) (specific articles - see below)

Geneva Conventions (Protocol I) (1977), article 75(2d) (full text) (specific articles - see below)

Israeli Violations -

5. Israel repeatedly practices collective punishment against Palestinian acts of rebellion wherein an entire community is punished for the actions of a few (more details).

International Response -

United Nations -

International Miscellaneous response -

Academic Analysis -


Geneva Conventions IV (1949), article 33: Article 33. No protected person may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited.

Pillage is prohibited.

Reprisals against protected persons and their property are prohibited.

Geneva Conventions (Protocol I) (1977), article 75(2d): Article 75. Fundamental guarantees

1. In so far as they are affected by a situation referred to in Article 1 of this Protocol, persons who are in the power of a Party to the conflict and who do not benefit from more favourable treatment under the Conventions or under this Protocol shall be treated humanely in all circumstances and shall enjoy, as a minimum, the protection provided by this Article without any adverse distinction based upon race, colour, sex, language, religion or belief, political or other opinion, national or social origin, wealth, birth or other status, or on any other similar criteria. Each Party shall respect the person, honour, convictions and religious practices of all such persons.

2. The following acts are and shall remain prohibited at any time and in any place whatsoever, whether committed by civilian or by military agents:

(a) violence to the life, health, or physical or mental well-being of persons, in particular:

(i) murder;

(ii) torture of all kinds, whether physical or mental;

(iii) corporal punishment; and

(iv) mutilation;

(B) outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment, enforced prostitution and any form of indecent assault;

© the taking of hostages;

(d) collective punishments; and

(e) threats to commit any of the foregoing acts.



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MORE insane Jews !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


US Boat to Gaza Is a Quarter Jewish - "Not Too Shabby!"

Tuesday 7 June 2011

by: Robert Naiman, Truthout

Hedy Epstein is an 86-year-old US Boat to Gaza passenger whose parents died in the Holocaust. (Photo: marx21de)

Editor's Note: Robert Naiman will be a passenger aboard the Audacity of Hope boat, which sets sail for Gaza this month. - ms/TO

According to The New York Times, a quarter of the passengers on the upcoming US Boat to Gaza are Jewish.

What does it mean that the US Boat to Gaza is a quarter Jewish? According to the noted American Jewish commentator Adam Sandler, a quarter Jewish is "not too shabby!" Maybe the US Boat to Gaza will be mentioned in Adam's next Hanukkah song.

What does it mean that the US Boat to Gaza is a quarter Jewish? Maybe it means that the Israeli authorities will have some compunction about shooting up our boat. After all, isn't the official story of Zionism all about making a "safe harbor" for Jews in Palestine? We're not trying to make aliyah. We just want to visit. Should we be shot for trying to do so? Wouldn't it be a mitzvah to let us pass unharmed?

What does it mean that the US Boat to Gaza is a quarter Jewish? Maybe it means that we can openly contest a construction of Jewish identity based on supporting the obstruction of Palestinian freedom, with a Jewish counter-narrative of universal human liberation.

US Boat to Gaza passenger Hedy Epstein, an 86-year-old whose parents died in the Holocaust, told The New York Times,

"The American Jewish community and Israel both say that they speak for all Jews. They don't speak for me. They don't speak for the Jews in this country who are going to be on the US boat and the many others standing behind us."

Of course, in referring to "the American Jewish community," Hedy meant organizations commonly presented in the media as representing American Jews on the question of Palestine, even though the leadership of these institutions isn't elected by American Jews as a whole and even though key policies that these institutions support, such as Israeli settlement expansion in the West Bank and opposition to Israel's internationally-recognized 1967 borders being the basis of a peace deal, don't represent the opinions of the majority of American Jews.

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In a March 2009 poll commissioned by J Street, 60 percent of American Jews opposed Israeli settlement expansion in the West Bank, 76 percent supported a peace agreement on the 1967 borders with negotiated land swaps (the position recently articulated by President Obama) and 69 percent supported the US working with a unified Fatah-Hamas Palestinian Authority government to achieve a peace agreement with Israel.

To act as if Bibi Netanyahu has been anointed to speak for all Jews on the question of Palestine is preposterous. Even Meir Dagan, the former head of Mossad, has said that Israel's top leaders lack judgment and has criticized the Israeli government for failing to put forward a peace initiative with the Palestinians and for ignoring the Saudi peace initiative promising full diplomatic relations in exchange for a return to the 1967 border lines, as The New York Times noted last week.

In the 2009 poll, 65 percent of American Jews agreed with the statement,

Israel has the right to defend itself, but it must also take into account humanitarian considerations and avoid collective punishment of the entire Palestinian population by closing the borders and causing major civilian hardship.

I have previously noted that in challenging the blockade of Gaza, we are acting consistently with the policy advocated by President Obama in June 2010 when he said that external restrictions on Gaza's travel and commerce should be "focusing narrowly on arms shipments" rather than a general blockade of goods and persons, to which some exceptions are permitted.

But we are also acting consistently with the policy advocated by 65 percent of American Jews in March 2009: no to "collective punishment of the entire Palestinian population."

It will be a great day when the opinions of the majority of American Jews matter more than the tired right-wing slogans recycled to try to maintain the destructive status quo. Letting our peaceful boat reach Gaza unmolested would be a great place to start. If you agree, tell Secretary of State Clinton, whose job duties include the protection of Americans traveling abroad.

Edited by Steven Gaal
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Play dodge ball much? (Never mind).

I agree collective punishment is unjust and Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians is atrocious. But:

- The question at hand was can “a defensive action result in the total conquest of someone else's lands?” and WWII is a prime example. So is the Yom Kippur war Israel would have marched on Cairo and Damascus if the hadn’t been stopped by the US.

- Bad as the situation in Gaza is the comparison between it and the Warsaw Ghetto is totally off the mark. The former has the 6th fastest population growth rate in the world (1st among Muslim territories) the death and infant mortality rates there and West Bank have continuously declined from the period immediately before 1967.



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Play dodge ball much? (Never mind).

I agree collective punishment is unjust and Israels treatment of the Palestinians is atrocious. But:

- The question at hand was can a defensive action result in the total conquest of someone else's lands? and WWII is a prime example. So is the Yom Kippur war Israel would have marched on Cairo and Damascus if the hadnt been stopped by the US.

- Bad as the situation in Gaza is the comparison between it and the Warsaw Ghetto is totally off the mark. The former has the 6th fastest population growth rate in the world (1st among Muslim territories) the death and infant mortality rates there and West Bank have continuously declined from the period immediately before 1967.




IDF MURDER BREAK BONES FOR FUN >>>>>>>>>>>>>> :huh::blink:

http://wn.com/Breaking_news_Israel_attack_Palistine,jewish_soldiers_murder_and_break_bones_for_fun ++++o video link


New Birth Defects Seen In Gaza Due To Israeli Weapons :devil3

http://www.paltelegraph.com/palestine/gaza-strip/3931-gaza-infants-deformity-increases-due-to-war-effects ++++o link


http://palestinevideo.blogspot.com/2009/09/rise-in-birth-defects-after-israeli-war.html VIDEO :devil3


Israel gives birth to strange cretures in GAZA hospitals see below link :news




http://palestinephoto.blogspot.com/2011/05/israels-weapons-crime-on-humanity.html PLEASE NOTE == this is link to article below ,if you go there many links to more ,if you are interested. :angel

References and more resources and related news covered by media below this article

Effects of use of Illegal White PhosphorusIn an article of March 4, Richard Lightbown argues that Israels use of depleted uranium, white phosphorus and other toxic metals in its war on the people of the Gaza Strip has put the whole of the Strips population and its environment air, soil, groundwater and possibly seawater at risk of serious long-term injury and contamination.

Press TV on 4 March 2011 reported that cancer cases in Gaza had increased by 30 per cent, and that there was a link between the occurrence of the disease and residence in areas that had been badly hit by Israeli bombing. Zekra Ajour from the Al-Dameer Association for Human Rights told the channel that Gaza had been a testing ground for illegal weapons.

Birth defects

On 20 December 2009 Al-Dameer had published another paper in Arabic on the increase in the number of babies born in Gaza with birth defects, thought to be the result of radioactive and toxic materials from Operation Cast Lead.1 The birth defects included incomplete hearts and malformations of the brain. During August, September and October 2008 the number of cases had been 27. In the comparable months in 2009 the numbers had risen to 47. There was a similar rise in aborted foetuses. Al-Dameer had called for scientific monitoring throughout the Gaza Strip to obtain statistics on deformed foetus cases relating to the intentional use of internationally banned weapons.

Similar dramatic increases in birth defects over a longer period have been recorded in Iraq and have been linked to widespread use of depleted uranium (DU) weapons. (It is reported that local midwives no longer look forward to births as they dont know what is going to come out.)

Depleted uranium

Depleted uranium burns at almost 1200 degrees Celsius. (TNT by comparison burns at 576 degrees Celsius.) At this temperature the fire vaporizes any metals in the target which in combination with uranium are released into the air in aerosol form. After deposition the aerosols have the potential to contaminate groundwater.

Although the epidemiologist Professor Alastair Hay told the BBC in March 2010 that it was difficult to suggest any particular cause for the trend,2 scientific data has been published which contradicts his opinion. A review in Environmental Health in 20053 concluded by saying:

Regarding the teratogenicity of parental prenatal exposure to DU aerosols, the evidence, albeit imperfect, indicates a high probability of substantial risk. Good science indicates that depleted uranium weapons should not be manufactured or exploded.

When later asked in the same interview about white phosphorus, Prof. Hay had replied;

…phosphorus is an essential element in our bodies and so you would I think have to ingest a huge amount to cause any particular problem. But there has been no investigation anywhere that I am aware of to link phosphorus with health problems…

Apparently the professor has not read the Goldstone Report of the previous year which states in paragraph 896:

Medical staff reported to the mission how even working in the areas where the phosphorus had been used made them feel sick, their lips would swell and they would become extremely thirsty and nauseous.

The toxicity of phosphorus is also recorded in a report by New York medical staff:4

Oral ingestion of white phosphorus in humans has been demonstrated to result in pathologic changes to the liver and kidneys. The ingestion of a small quantity of white phosphorus can cause gastrointestinal complaints such as nausea, abdominal cramps, and vomiting. Individuals with a history of oral ingestion have been noted to pass phosphorus-laden stool (smoking stool syndrome). The accepted lethal dose is 1 mg/kg, although the ingestion of as little as 15 mg has resulted in death.

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) reported that breathing white phosphorus for long periods causes phossy jaw, a condition in which there is poor wound healing of the mouth and breakdown of the jawbone.5

Depleted uranium in US-supplied bunker-buster bombs

Evidence of the use of depleted uranium against Gaza is tenuous and Goldstone merely recorded in paragraph 907 that it had received allegations which it had not further investigated. Much of this evidence came from Action des citoyens pour le désarmement nucléaire (ACDN: Citizens Action for Nuclear Disarmament). Their report of July 2009 hypothesizes that the GBU-39 bunker-buster bomb is packed with 75 kilogram of depleted uranium. (A UNEP report also ambiguously refers to bunker-buster bombs containing depleted uranium.) The US delivery of 1,000 of these bombs to Israel arrived in early December 2008 shortly before the start of the war. The GBU-39 is considered one of the worlds most precise bombs and Boeing, the manufacturer, claims that the bomb will penetrate three feet of steel-reinforced concrete. (UNEP suggests that it can penetrate reinforced concrete to depths ranging from 1.8 to over 6 metres.) Boeings patent on the weapon mentions depleted uranium.6

It is not known how many bunker-buster bombs were used against Gaza but it seems reasonable to assume that the number could run into hundreds. It is thought that they were used mostly in the Philadelphia corridor against the tunnels. Desmond Travers, the former Irish army officer who was a member of the Goldstone Commission, would only say that depleted uranium may have been used during the war, although he did agree that it would have been well suited for attacking the tunnels where maximum penetration would have been desired.7 He was also in agreement with ACDN that the use of below-ground targets would have considerably reduced the levels of aerosol uranium that was dispersed into the air.

Col Raymond Lane, who is chief instructor of ordnance with the Irish armed forces, gave testimony to the Goldstone Commission on weapons used in the Gaza conflict. He told the commission that he had no expertise of depleted uranium and so had not investigated it. He gave no reason for his failure to bring in specialist expertise to investigate the subject.8

In April 2009 Jean-François Fechino from ACDN was part of a four-person team which went to Gaza for the Arab Commission for Human Rights. Samples that the team brought back were analysed by a specialist laboratory which identified carcinogens: depleted uranium, caesium, asbestos dust, tungsten and aluminium oxide. Thorium oxide was also found, which is radioactive, as are depleted uranium and caesium. The analysis also identified phosphates and copper, along with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which are a health hazard, especially to children, asthmatics and elders.9

Depleted uranium burns at almost 1200 degrees Celsius. (TNT by comparison burns at 576 degrees Celsius.)10 At this temperature the fire vaporizes any metals in the target which in combination with uranium are released into the air in aerosol form. After deposition the aerosols have the potential to contaminate groundwater. (The Gaza aquifer, which is the Strips only water source, is also connected to ground water supplies in Egypt, although water only flows into Gaza from Israel.11)

There is empirical documentation that the aerosols can travel up to 42 Km and theoretical documentation that they can travel further. Sderot is about 43 kilometres from the Philadelphia corridor and less than five kilometres from Beit Hanoun. In consequence, it may be that the activities of Israels air force have created a greater threat to the Israeli city than all of the 8,000 well-publicized rockets from Gaza ever have.

Depleted uranium accumulation has been recorded in the bone, kidney, reproductive system, brain and lung. It is carcinogenic, toxic to the kidneys, damaging to cellular DNA and causes malformations to an embryo or foetus.

White phosphorus

Doctors found that when they removed bandages applied to a wound that still contained fragments of white phosphorous, smoke would come from the wound since the chemical continues to burn as long as it is in contact with oxygen.

Although an Israeli army spokesman told CNN on 7 January 2009, I can tell you with certainty that white phosphorus is absolutely not being used. the chemical had been used by Israeli forces since the beginning of the war.12 The Goldstone Report stated that Israeli sources later claimed their forces had stopped using white phosphorous on 7 January 2009 because of international concerns. This was also untrue as there is evidence that it had been used after that date. Goldstone declared the Israeli armed forces to have been systematically reckless in using white phosphorous in built-up areas (paragraphs 884, 886 and 890).

Difficulty in detecting the extent of damage to tissue and organs gave serious problems to medical staff trying to treat white phosphorus injuries. Several patients died as a result. Doctors found that when they removed bandages applied to a wound that still contained fragments of white phosphorous, smoke would come from the wound since the chemical continues to burn as long as it is in contact with oxygen. White phosphorous sticks to tissue so that all flesh and sometimes muscle around the burn would have to be cut out. The substance is also highly toxic (Goldstone paragraphs 892/4/5/6).

An article published in The Lancet included photographs of a young man who was admitted to hospital in Gaza with white phosphorous burns on 30 per cent of his body. The day after admission smoke was noticed coming from the wounds and the patient was rapidly transferred to the operating room for removal of dead tissue and removal of white phosphorus particles. During the operation a particle of the chemical was dislodged and caused a superficial burn on a nurses neck. The patient survived.13

Col Lane testified that although white phosphorus gave the best quality of smoke for military purposes it was horrible stuff and the Irish army had stopped using it 20 years previously. He recounted how the British army had sea-dumped quantities of the material off the coast of southwest. Scotland in the 1950s, some of which had been washed up on the coast of Ireland by a storm in 2007. It had ignited on drying (the colonel had witnessed this himself) and in one instance a child had suffered burns as a result.

Other toxic materials

Mass spectrometry analysis conducted by the New Weapons Research Group (NWRG) found aluminium, titanium, strontium, barium, cobalt and mercury in biopsies taken from white phosphorus wounds at Shifaa Hospital, Gaza. (Aluminium, barium and mercury have potential for lethal and intoxicating effects; aluminium and mercury can cause chronic pathologies over time; mercury is carcinogenic for humans; cobalt can cause mutations; and aluminium is fetotoxic, i.e. injurious to foetuses.)14

White phosphorus bombs are built with alternating sectors of white phosphorus and aluminium. Analysis by NWRC of the powder from a shell near Al-Wafa Hospital in Gaza also found high levels of molybdenum, tungsten and mercury. Tungsten and mercury are carcinogenic, while molybdenum is toxic to sperms.

In a report appropriately entitled Gaza Strip, soil has been contaminated due to bombings: population in danger, NWRG also conducted analyses of two craters caused by bombs in 2006 and two others by bombs in 2009. In the 2006 craters they identified tungsten, mercury and molybdenum, while in the 2009 craters at Tufah they discovered molybdenum, cadmium, cobalt, nickel, manganese, copper and zinc. Cadmium and some nickel and manganese compounds are carcinogenic.15

NWRG has further conducted research of hair samples from 95 children resident in heavily bombed areas of Gaza. Again using mass spectrometry the study identified the carcinogenic or toxic metals chromium, cadmium, cobalt, tungsten and uranium. One wounded individual also had unusually high levels of lead. The study found the results alarming and considered the levels could be pathogenic in situations of chronic exposure. Thirty-nine of the examinees were recommended for further checks.16

DIME weapons, soil contamination and cancer

DIME bombs cause a high proportion of amputations particularly of legs, while patients often suffered internal burns as well.

It has been reported that soil in the area of a DIME (dense inert metal explosive) bomb blast may remain barren for an indefinite period of time because of contamination from heavy metal tungsten alloy.17 The same material in trial rapidly caused tumours in 100 per cent of rats when used at both low and high doses, with the tumours spreading to the lungs, necessitating euthanasia.18

DIME weapons were first used against Gaza by Israeli drones in the summer of 2006, when Palestinian medical personnel reported that it significantly increased the fatality rate among victims.19 Shortly after the DIME weapons were also trialled during the first week of the war in Lebanon in July 2006.

The Goldstone Commission was unable to confirm that DIME munitions were used by Israeli forces during Operation Cast Lead. Col Lane had told the commission in testimony that there was no actual proof. He then went on to testify that he had been given samples in Gaza which analysis in Dublin had shown to contain DIME materials consisting mostly of tungsten with traces of iron and sulphur. He was of the opinion that ordnance had been used that had some sort of DIME component. He also mentioned that he had read of unusual amputations, and that tungsten and cobalt would have this effect. Weaponry had been found with DIME components which was capable of amputation and there are Palestinian amputees, yet neither Col Lane nor the commission was prepared to say that DIME weapons had been used by Israeli forces.

DIME bombs cause a high proportion of amputations particularly of legs, while patients often suffered internal burns as well. The bombs consist of powdered tungsten alloy mixed with an explosive material inside a casing which disintegrates on explosion. The tungsten powder tears apart anything it hits including soft tissue and bone, causing very severe injuries. Tungsten alloy particles, described as finely powdered micro-shrapnel, are too small to be extracted from the victims body and are highly carcinogenic. (Goldstone, paragraphs 902-4)

No weapons fragments can be found from DIME bombs with standard diagnostic resources, despite the indication of heavy metals from this type of injuries. Mass spectrometry analyses by NWRG of biopsies from amputation injuries revealed aluminium, titanium, copper, strontium, barium, cobalt, mercury, vanadium, caesium, tin, arsenic, manganese, rubidium, cadmium, chromium, zinc and nickel. Doctors reported that it was difficult to determine the extent of dead tissue (which it is vital to remove). This resulted in higher rates of deep infection, subsequent amputation and higher mortality.20

The wide range of heavy metals discovered by analysis in casualties, residents and soil in Gaza suggests that other unidentified weapons may have also been trialled. (The Sensor Fuzed Weapon has been suggested as one such technological perversion that the Israeli forces may have used.21)

The whole Gaza population and their environment, including generations yet to be conceived, have been put at risk of serious long-term injury from heavy metal pollution of the air, soil and groundwater (and possibly the seawater too), while the causal pollution is likely to cross state borders into Egypt and even into Israel. Reassurances of the legitimate and responsible use and the reduced lethality of weapons (an opinion in part shared by Col Lane) are callous and inadequate in the context of the dangerous reality that has resulted. Meanwhile, the impacts of Israels illegal assaults on Gaza remain ignored and its deeds uncensored by the wider international community.



Kawther Salam, 29 December 2009; Abortions, Cancer, Diseases and… in Gaza | Intifada-Palestine.

BBCNews, 4 March 2010; Falluja Doctors Report Rise in Birth Defects.

Rita Hindin, Doug Brugge and Bindu Panikkar; Teratogenicity of depleted uranium aerosols: A review from an epidemiological perspective; Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source 2005, 4:17 doi:10.1186/1476-069X-4-17.

Lisandro Irizarry, Mollie V Williams, Geri M Williams and José Eric Díaz-Alcalá, 21 October 2009; CBRNE Incendiary Agents, White Phosphorus.

UNEP, 2007; Lebanon Post-Conflict Environmental Assessment, p 149.

ACDN, 4 July 2009; Report on the Use of Radioactive Weapons in the Gaza Strip during Operation Cast Lead | PDF

Dr Hana Chehata, 9 March 2010; Disturbing Findings of Toxic Uranium Levels in Gaza | Middle East Monitor.

Video accessed from http://blog.unwatch.org/?p=413

Palestinian Telegraph, 24 May 2009 | Israel Used Depleted Uranium in Offensive on Gaza.

Sister Rosalie Bertell | Depleted Uranium in the Human Body: Sr Rosalie Bertell, PhD | video


Human Rights Watch, 10 January 2009 | Q & A on Israels Use of White Phosphorus in Gaza | PDF


Sobhi Skaik, Nafiz Abu-Shaban, Nasser Abu-Shaban, Mario Barbieri, Maurizio Barbieri, Umberto Giani, Paola Manduca, 31 July 2010| Metals Detected by ICP/MS in Wound Tissue of War Injuries Without Fragments in Gaza | PDF

NWRC, 17 December 2009; Gaza Strip, soil has been contaminated due to bombings: population in danger | PDF

NWRC, 17 March 2010; Metals Detected in Palestinian Childrens Hair Suggest Environmental Contamination

James Brooks, 6 December 2006; US and Israel Targeting DNA in Gaza? The DIME Bomb: Yet Another Genotoxic Weapon, Part II. Al-Jazeerah: Cross-Cultural Understanding.

John F. Kalinich, et al, 15 February 2005; Embedded Weapons-Grade Tungsten Alloy Shrapnel Rapidly Induces Metastatic High-Grade Rhabdomysoarcomas in F344 Rats | PDF | ehponline.org

James Brooks, 5 December 2006; The DIME Bomb: Yet Another Genotoxic weapon | Part 1; Al-Jazeera.

David Halpin, 14 August 2006; Are New weapons Being Used in Gaza and Lebanon | Electronic Intifada.

James Brooks, 5 December 2006; The DIME Bomb: Yet Another Genotoxic weapon | Part III; Al-Jazeera.

More resources

Israels lucrative weapons exports depend on how effectively it kills Palestinians | SajePress

Israels Chemical Weapons by James Brooks | Antiwar.com

Israels Use of Chemical Weapons | VTJP

White Phosphorous: Israel Uses Chemical Weapons | KABOBfest

Israel used chemical weapons in Lebanon and Gaza | Oct 24, 2006

New and unknown deadly weapons used by Israeli forces, Direct energy weapons, chemical and/or biological agents, in a macabre experiment of future warfare | Prof. P. Manduca | Aug 7, 2006

Palestinian injuries suggest Israel is using chemical weapons in Gaza | Electronic Intifada | July 11, 2006

In Media

Israeli Army: We use Gaza military operation to test new weapons | Ahram Online | May 4, 2011

Another price for nonviolent Palestinian resistance: the Skunk -| Joseph Dana | May 1, 2011 - video

The IOF used white phosphorus bombs in its latest aggression | Apr 8, 2011

Israel using expired tear gas on Palestinians of East Jerualem (With Pictures) | Silwanic | Jan 22, 2011

In this ongoing atrocities, funded by US Tax payers:

New database reveals weapons to Israel, impact on Palestinians

How Many Weapons to Israel?

Costs of arming Israel can no longer be ignored

US weapons to Israel deter peace

US weapons give-a-way to Israel used to kill 735 Palestinian children in past decade

US Weapons to Israel Are Disincentives to Peace

Checkpoint Washington | Netanyahu: America is a thing you can move very easily

Consequences of Israeli Chemical Weapons


To learn about the truth behind occupation, the ethnic cleansing and the Nakba watch these videos / pictures

Cast Lead War on Gaza | The Wounded | Photography [ graphic]

Occupation 101 (Full Movie in 11 Parts) | video

Al Nakba | English | The Full Movie | video

About Ethnic Cleansing Policies

Map of Greater Israel Published by Radical Settler Movement

All Israeli Massacres on Palestinians

Map of already ethnically cleansed, destroyed and excisting Arab Villages

Peace Now | Current West Bank and Jerusalem Map 2011

Edited by Steven Gaal
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See if you can come up with any verification of the supposed spike in birth defeacts.

According to the Palestinian Territories have lower infant mortality than Saudi Arabia, Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Jordan, Iran or Turkey. Why is anyone trying to boat-lift medical supplies to those countries?

And yes those stats were from before the Arab Spring uprisings,

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