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Women and JFK Research

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I am a Professor of Film Studies at Millersville University of Pennsylvania. My undergraduate degree in Math/Computer Science and my graduate degree in Comparative Literature both reflect a joy in analyzing complex systems. As this Kennedy assassination certainly qualifies as complex, I have been captured by the addictive qualities of the documents.

My interests in particular run to the women involved in these operations/events and how their stories have been told, discounted, and overlooked.

I think the main reason is that most JFK researchers are men. It is definitely true that most posters on this forum are men. Maybe it is because men tend to be more obsessional than women. I remember trying to persuade Deborah Davis, the first journalist, to identify Operation Mockingbird, to take an interest in the case. She refused, claiming that she got into too much trouble with her work on Watergate. Some women who have contributed a great deal to JFK research include Mary Ferrell, Sylvia Meagher, Joan Mellen, Lisa Pease, Dorothy Kilgallen, Debra Conway and Priscilla Johnson (maybe more disinformation than information).

Women involved in the JFK case that need more research include: Madeleine Brown, Judith Campbell, Rose Cheramie, Acquilla Clemons, Nellie Connally, Jeanne de Mohrenschildt, Silvia Duran, Adele Edisen, Anne Goodpasture, Katharine Graham, Jean Hill, Lisa Howard, Josefa Johnson, Mary Jo Kopechne, Janet Leddy, Evelyn Lincoln, Marita Lorenz, Clare Booth Luce, Helen Markham, Mary Pinchot Meyer, Mary Moorman, Silvia Odio, Beverly Oliver, Delphine Roberts, Ellen Rometsch, Mary Sherman, Florence Smith, Saundra K. Spencer, Nancy Carole Tyler and Carolyn Walther.

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I would add "Judyth Vary Baker".

I'd also put her information as critical toward issues of LHO and the technology of cancer causation of this period as linked to radiation, viral cancer causation, immune resistance, and the impacts such associations would have on tobacco cancer litigation that was heating up in this time frame.

The New Orleans plot against Castro was the inducement of lung cancer using cultured and mutatated cancer virus methods. And that information had the capacity to destroy the tobacco industry.

Linking that rather obvious association makes JVB of prime importance on the JFK issues, per LHO and their lung cancer technique. LHO was on the FBI payrole and part of DISC.

Connecting these associations is critical toward solving the JFK assassination. Judyth Baker had to stand up as a real trooper against vicous attacks on her character and credibilty from McAdams in New Orleans and Lifton in LA. Her veracity always stood fast against multiple and sustained hateful attempts to distroy her and her witness on LHO and their project to kill Castro using a technical fashion that would not upset the Russian protectionism of Castro. When Ed Haslam did his book and found the exact some issues as Judyth Baker, this somewhat lowered the attack levels against her and she completed her excellent and well documented book telling the story in her own voice. Judyth Baker's story is a critical element in the JFK motives and killers.

Likewise, I would put "Dr. Mary S. Sherman" into the list to include on the JFK assassination. She was part of the New Orleans Lung Cancer Project envisioned by Alton Oschner in New Orleans. These were some of the top cancer specialists in the US, not to be omitted in the JFK plot. Oscher killed a child with vaccine viral problems, and this set up the Lung Cancer methodology to kill Castro. Sherman is the Phd level expert on Cancer viral issues linked to Oscher and JVB's research. Sherman dies in a suspicious fashion. The motives to have her killed are two fold: 1. She was involved in the Kill Castro with Lung Cancer Project, 2. She was about to become a witness for JFK assassination testimony.

It would be a crime to omit either "Judyth Vary Baker" or "Dr. Mary S. Sherman" from the "Women and JFK Research" equation. They are critical and pivotal in solving the crime. Interestingly, the hate directed toward JVB still continues to this day, stemming largely from the errant group that attacks the Zapruder Film's visial witness to the crime as being valid.

Judyth Vary Baker and Mary Sherman have earned their place on the list. Judyth Baker needs to be freed from the hate fest that has been directed against her, and she has been fully vendicated in her witness as to what happened per LHO and the secrets of the Lung Cancer industry that has killed millions.

Edited by Jim Phelps
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JIM QUOTE ''stemming largely from the errant group that attacks the Zapruder Film's visial witness to the crime as being valid.'' jIM i WOULD SUGGEST YOU GET OUT MORE ON THE WEB, YOU ARE IN ERROR IN THIS INSINUATION, YOU DO MAKE MANYtoo many perhaps, ,,sorry caps......if and when you get around to and check outside of this particular forum, into others, past and present also including the alts, you will find that imo a large majority do not...believe judyth..see it is entirely up to whomever, as to what they believe or do not, no one can tell anyone what to believe and the more you try,plus throw around your continual insinuations, the less interested they are..in anything you have to say...b

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I can see how much folks dismiss what I say, as this hot topic of "Zapruder Nay Sayers" has become a huge topic. I see lots of people value the Zapruder Film. And they agree with my observation that Zapruder and the related evidence falls into place once the Bob Harris second shot to the head detail is made obvious. So, this little mention here will slowly take off also, as everyone makes the connections that what she had to say is important to consider.

I continue to support JVB's story and the science of lung cancer she was working with. You can have your opionion, and I mine. You seem to not consider that I come at this issue from hearing what killed JFK from inside the Oak Ridge story, so I don't pay much attention to the speculations on the Internet. I go from what I learned from Oak Ridge. While all you have to go in is the Internet speculators, I don't rely on that as my resource.

I also support the Zapruder isn't this faked up film and all the other films and photos and the world altered to support Zapruder was faked. It also correlates that many of this faction are the Nay Sayers against JVB.

I don't see any attacks on Ed Haslam's work, and it is basically the same details. What is this but blatant discrimination. JVB bashing. Same sort of bashing happens from this Zapruder is faked gang against anyone that tells it is real.

JVB story isn't accepted and Haslam's like story is. Male tells the story and its OK, but the female's isn't. JVB bashing is what I see.

Really strange. Inconsistent. Not logical. Looks like an attack on a woman named JVB.

Nothing wrong with JVB, nothing wrong with Haslam's research either. They support each other, and stand stronger.

Most know the issues of Lung Cancer and Tobacco are huge, there is extreme resistance toward having it exposed. Especially as being a part of the JFK isseus that ties back to the interests of big tobacco. Mortimer Davis and Mortimer Bloomfield are related to the issue in more ways than one.

JVB belongs on the list. JVB also deserves to be free of discrimination and bashing, as she tells the truth.

Leaving off Big Tobaccos connections with Mortimer Davis and Mortimer Bloomfield is what keeps folks from solving the JFK assassinations main players at the top.

If JVB is so bad, follow the exact some issues from Ed Haslam. Solve the crime.

Edited by Jim Phelps
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And Dr. Mary S. Sherman too.

And the logical associations of Lung Cancer research links to Tobacco profits.

Anyone that fails to associate Mortimer Davis and Mortimer Bloomfield into the LHO kill Castro plot and the JFK equation will fail to solve the JFK murder.

Those wise enough to connect those dots, suddenly solve the crime.

It is time to solve it.

Edited by Jim Phelps
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Women involved in the JFK case that need more research include: Madeleine Brown, Judith Campbell, Rose Cheramie, Acquilla Clemons, Nellie Connally, Jeanne de Mohrenschildt, Silvia Duran, Adele Edisen, Anne Goodpasture, Katharine Graham, Jean Hill, Lisa Howard, Josefa Johnson, Mary Jo Kopechne, Janet Leddy, Evelyn Lincoln, Marita Lorenz, Clare Booth Luce, Helen Markham, Mary Pinchot Meyer, Mary Moorman, Silvia Odio, Beverly Oliver, Delphine Roberts, Ellen Rometsch, Mary Sherman, Florence Smith, Saundra K. Spencer, Nancy Carole Tyler and Carolyn Walther.

Marina Oswald Porter

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Marilyn Sitzman...?

She is Zarpruder's Secretary----the one that held Abe on the platform. The one that told him to go get his carmera. Their offices were right next door in Dal-Tex building. And I think the one that locked the camera in the safe to keep people from taking it, which resulted in the camera and film being walked through the process of developing it with Zapruder and his partner along to insure his property was not lost.

Her little idea netted the Zapruder family around 6 million dollars. And values up to 16 million dollars for a bit of film.

She is in the frey for various reasons, from owner of Dal-Tex, to the second floor Hunt Uranium company there, and the views that the kill shots came from Dal-Tex. Did she hear of a plot and insist Abe go get his camera. Worth some thoughts perhaps.

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Marina Owald and Ruth Paine defintely belong and the synergism with Bell Aerospace.

Marina's story was altered by Paine and instrumental in framing LHO, as Paine was translater for Marina and she altered the story in the critical moments to frame LHO.

Paine's husband moves out to move Marina in. Paine's husband works for Bell Aerospace in Dallas, which involves Walter Dornberger, one of the German war criminal rocket scientists. Dornberger invents the fluorine rocket systems for NASA and all his other past NAZI rocket scientist buddies over at Huntsville. Fluoride is a big envionmental problem and only used in the lunar lander engine designs. Oak Ridge supplied NASA with the fluorine production methods for the largest flurine production unit in the US at Canaveral.

Edited by Jim Phelps
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How about what the rest of us think?

We don't count?

I'd respectfully request that she be part of the list, and the list be representative of more than just your idea, since you asked in a public fashion.

Edited by Jim Phelps
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