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Jackie and JFK's lost kids, Arabella and Patrick

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It is generally apparent that most Catholics of JFK's generation wanted a lot of kids, and JFK was trying. But there were problems. The problems caused some distance of JFK with Jackie, but they had become close again after the death of Partick and Dallas was their first outing after the funeral of their Child. And naturally questions as to what was causing the problems arose. And there was an obvious answer that we all well know today with per-natal issues.

But in that period, there was a new target in JFK's hit list.



Patrick Bouvier Kennedy

The child was initially buried at Holyhood Cemetery in Brookline, Massachusetts. His body and that of a stillborn sister, Arabella, were re-interred on December 5, 1963, alongside their father at Arlington National Cemetery, and later again moved to their permanent graves in Section 45, Grid U-35.[2][3]

Right after his birth, he was transferred to Boston Children's Hospital where he died two days later of hyaline membrane disease. His obituary in The New York Times stated that, at that time, all that could be done for a victim of hyaline membrane disease "is to monitor the infant's blood chemistry and to try to keep it near normal levels."

The infant's death from hyaline membrane disease, now more commonly called respiratory distress syndrome, helped spark new public awareness of the disease and further research.







There are various causes for intrauterine hypoxia (IH). The most preventable cause is maternal smoking. Cigarette smoking by expectant mothers has been shown to have a wide variety of deleterious effects on the developing fetus. Among the negative effects are carbon monoxide induced tissue hypoxia and placental insufficiency which causes a reduction in blood flow from the uterus to the placenta thereby reducing the availability of oxygenated blood to the fetus. Placental insufficiency as a result of smoking has been shown to have a causal effect in the development of pre-eclampsia. While some previous studies have suggested that carbon monoxide from cigarette smoke may have a protective effect against preeclampsia, a recent study conducted by the Genetics of Pre-Eclampsia Consortium (GOPEC) in the United Kingdom found that smokers were five times more likely to develop pre-eclampsia.[11]

Nicotine alone has been shown to be a teratogen which affects the autonomic nervous system, leading to increased susceptibility to hypoxia-induced brain damage.



Contrary to the public posturing of the tobacco industry, smoking leads to increased incidences of practically every pulmonary disorder. One of the most common smoking related pulmonary diseases is emphysema, a condition in which pulmonary tissue is lost for good. To understand the process of emphysema you will need to know the difference between obstructive and restrictive conditions affecting of the lung. Practically everyone knows of the association of smoking and lung cancer, but what histological type of cancer is most common among smokers? These and other fascinating issues will be addressed in the pages that follow. Read on.


The sadest issue of them all is the smoking that Jsckie used to keep so thin and good looking was most likely connected with the deaths of her two kids, and this likely took its toll on Jack.

The really sad part was Jackie could not kick the addictive habit and it likely contributed to her own death.

Jack had the best medical advice in the world and he would have been told of the associations of smoking and radiation issues associated with this pathology.

And like JFK did things against Atmospheric Testing, the Tobacco Nicotine Drug addiction issues would some come to bare.

Edited by Jim Phelps
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That little book mentioned elsewhere, describes the kennedys new standards in white house entertainment, much in opulence and scale, one being the always on table ashtrays, good ones, not the put away in cupboards ones of previous admins. At least until (last time I was around there), 2004 france and denmark had an attitude to smoking just like that. It just wasn't an issue and you could be making an issue of that non issue. Of course that doesn't detract from the importance of as Yul Brynner said ''don't smoke ''

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Yes, JFK liked a good Cigar Occassionally. Two Kids deaths could well be having him take notice of bad habbits, and there was a rise in the cigarette issues in this period. The leading edge of smoking epidemiology were reporting problems and even radiation studies similar.

Ever wondered if the X-file writers knew something and were showing off, blending a little truth with a little fiction immagination, yet showing just enough to say they knew.



Edited by Jim Phelps
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How do you know that Jackies smoking was a "huge issue"?

You dont know

This thread is useless, all it is is your opinion about smoking

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Guess you must of never studied epidemiology. Or you smoke.

JFK has an illness that had him learn a lot about human illness factors and those associated with pollutants. Before the AMA, it was totally about pollution factors and cures with clean food and water, at Sanitariums.

Tell us about your best friend Gherhardt Jr.

Edited by Jim Phelps
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It is generally apparent that most Catholics of JFK's generation wanted a lot of kids, and JFK was trying. But there were problems. The problems caused some distance of JFK with Jackie, but they had become close again after the death of Partick and Dallas was their first outing after the funeral of their Child. And naturally questions as to what was causing the problems arose. And there was an obvious answer that we all well know today with per-natal issues.

But in that period, there was a new target in JFK's hit list.



Patrick Bouvier Kennedy

The child was initially buried at Holyhood Cemetery in Brookline, Massachusetts. His body and that of a stillborn sister, Arabella, were re-interred on December 5, 1963, alongside their father at Arlington National Cemetery, and later again moved to their permanent graves in Section 45, Grid U-35.[2][3]

Right after his birth, he was transferred to Boston Children's Hospital where he died two days later of hyaline membrane disease. His obituary in The New York Times stated that, at that time, all that could be done for a victim of hyaline membrane disease "is to monitor the infant's blood chemistry and to try to keep it near normal levels."

The infant's death from hyaline membrane disease, now more commonly called respiratory distress syndrome, helped spark new public awareness of the disease and further research.







There are various causes for intrauterine hypoxia (IH). The most preventable cause is maternal smoking. Cigarette smoking by expectant mothers has been shown to have a wide variety of deleterious effects on the developing fetus. Among the negative effects are carbon monoxide induced tissue hypoxia and placental insufficiency which causes a reduction in blood flow from the uterus to the placenta thereby reducing the availability of oxygenated blood to the fetus. Placental insufficiency as a result of smoking has been shown to have a causal effect in the development of pre-eclampsia. While some previous studies have suggested that carbon monoxide from cigarette smoke may have a protective effect against preeclampsia, a recent study conducted by the Genetics of Pre-Eclampsia Consortium (GOPEC) in the United Kingdom found that smokers were five times more likely to develop pre-eclampsia.[11]

Nicotine alone has been shown to be a teratogen which affects the autonomic nervous system, leading to increased susceptibility to hypoxia-induced brain damage.



Contrary to the public posturing of the tobacco industry, smoking leads to increased incidences of practically every pulmonary disorder. One of the most common smoking related pulmonary diseases is emphysema, a condition in which pulmonary tissue is lost for good. To understand the process of emphysema you will need to know the difference between obstructive and restrictive conditions affecting of the lung. Practically everyone knows of the association of smoking and lung cancer, but what histological type of cancer is most common among smokers? These and other fascinating issues will be addressed in the pages that follow. Read on.


The sadest issue of them all is the smoking that Jsckie used to keep so thin and good looking was most likely connected with the deaths of her two kids, and this likely took its toll on Jack.

The really sad part was Jackie could not kick the addictive habit and it likely contributed to her own death.

Jack had the best medical advice in the world and he would have been told of the associations of smoking and radiation issues associated with this pathology.

And like JFK did things against Atmospheric Testing, the Tobacco Nicotine Drug addiction issues would some come to bare.


Where did you get this name, Arabella?

Joe Backes

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The very first URL listed in the thread:

From here:


Patrick Bouvier Kennedy (August 7, 1963 – August 9, 1963) was the youngest child of United States President John F. Kennedy and First Lady Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy and brother to Arabella, Caroline and John Jr.


And even Jackie was CIA associated--but hopefully not a leaker.


Jackie attended boarding schools and then Vassar. After two years, though, she got tired of schools and spent her junior year studying at the Sorbonne in Paris. When she got back to the US she did not want to go back to Vassar, so she enrolled in George Washington University in Washington, DC, graduating in 1951. She took a job at the CIA and in January of 1952 went to work at a Washington newspaper as a photographer. During an assignment, she met U.S. Senator John F. Kennedy, who was 13 years her senior. They were married on September 12, 1953. After having one stillborn daughter, Arabella Kennedy, along came Caroline Kennedy, on November 27, 1957. Their first son John Kennedy Jr., who was born on November 25, 1960. In 1961 John Kennedy became the 35th President of the US. Jackie spent the White House years doing her best to save the historical landmarks around Washington. In August of 1963 she went into labor with their fourth child, Patrick Bouvier Kennedy, but sadly, he died shortly after birth. Jackie was not scheduled to go to Texas with her husband, but decided to go as a means of perhaps putting the death of Patrick behind them. She was sitting next to him in the open-air limousine on November 22, 1963, when JFK was assassinated.

Edited by Jim Phelps
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The Jackie Smoking issues are one factor, but there are some others.

Then there are lots of JFK exposures to the USAEC toxic emissions areas, that many nuclear activist folks connect to JFK children problems:


Jan. 17, 1961:

"The second Lafayette (SSBN-616) was laid down on 17 January 1961 at Groton, Conn., by the Electric Boat Div. of General Dynamics Corp., with power supplied by nuclear submarine Nautilus (SSN-571), and with French Ambassador to the United States Herve Alphand present; launched on 8 May 1962; sponsored by Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy, the wife of President John F. Kennedy, who said first in English, "I christen thee Lafayette", and then, in French, "Je te baptise Lafayette"; and commissioned at her building yard on 23 April 1963, Comdr. Patrick J. Hannifin (Blue Crew) and Comdr. James T. Strong (Gold Crew) in command.


Sept. 8, 1962

"John F. Kennedy and Glenn T. Seaborg riding in an open touring car during the president's visit to the Nevada Test Site on December 8, 1962. Courtesy of the Office of the Naval Aide to the President, Washington, D.C. Photo by R.L. Knudsen."


March 23, 1963

"President John F. Kennedy (JFK) visiting AEC-supported Lawrence Radiation Laboratory (LRL) on March 23, 1963. Picture taken in front of Building 70A at LRL in Berkeley, California. Left to right: Dr. Norris Bradbury, Dr. John S. Foster, Dr. Edwin M. McMillan, Glenn T. Seaborg, President John F. Kennedy, Dr. Edward Teller, Robert McNamara (Secretary of Defense), and Dr. Harold Brown. Courtesy of the Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico."


Feb. 24, 1959

Senator Kennedy's visit to Oak Ridge on February 24, 1959, was described in great detail by The Oak Ridger, but no details were included on his visit to the ORR. From the available photos and newspaper stories, we know that he visited the reactor in the afternoon with his wife Jacqueline, Tennessee Senator Albert Gore Sr., and ORNL Director Alvin Weinberg.


Edited by Jim Phelps
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  • 2 weeks later...

How do you know that Jackies smoking was a "huge issue"?

You dont know

This thread is useless, all it is is your opinion about smoking

At the time practically everyone smoked. People who knew her were surprised to find that Jackie smoked so much she actually had yellow fingers on the one hand. She loved to smoke but tried not to be in camera view when she did so.

Yes, I think this shortened her own life expectancy.

Kathy C

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Hello Kathy,

I agree on Jackie herself. And I'd also associate her smoking addiction with the deaths of Arabella and Patrick. I'd suggest three more deaths to attribute toward the addiictive substance of Nicotine used to make money via exploitation of human addiction. Just as BAT came to run both the Opium and Tobacco business in China became a huge subsance acciction business to exploit the Chinese.

Jackie's favorites were Salem from RJ Reynolds:


Salem Cigarette used Chinese Menthol and also sponsored many Hong Kong and Chinese events--leading on back to the older issues of Chinese Opium and Nicotine being run by BAT in Hong Kong.

Just think how all of her considerable fortune was used to fuel a cigarette habit:

""Maurice Tempeisman - The international diamond merchant and Mossad operative who became the lover of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and used his connections to double-perhaps triple-her substantial fortune, thereby co-opting the Kennedy family forever. ""



Sounds like Jackie found her price for silence with 5th avenue, lots of cigarettes, and tons of money.

But it appears that "John Jr." perhaps did not share her price for silence and sought some truth for his father's death.

Little "John-John" became "John Jr." and started "George" Magazine, and the Deja Vu there is tremendous as George Mandel was a high command assassination plot supporter for his dad. And it appears that John Jr. had enough information to publish more of the JFK plot connecting George Bush-41, but then a mid air explosion silenced Jackie's child and the truth once again.





ArgentinaAfter hearing from an Argentine film distributor and a senior executive at Paramount in New York reporting the film star Rudolph Valentino saying that everything from the Orient was in evidence at that moment, Onassis had the idea of importing tobacco from Turkey with help from his father Socrates. The tobacco was softer than the Cuban variety, and he was sure it would appeal to women more. After the failure of a contract with Juan Gaona, the director of a huge Argentine company, he turned to making his own cigarettes. After some time managing this business and his job in British United River, he made a considerable amount of money.

His power and influence increased rapidly; he frequently attended important social events, and in 1925 he received both Argentine and Greek citizenship.

According to Peter Evans and Christian Cafarakis (a former employee)[10] a considerable part of the tobacco was smuggled,[11] which would explain the speed with which he made his first million dollars. In 1928, Onassis traded with Greece to the value of US$2,800,000 just four years after his arrival in Argentina. This was due to other illegitimate activities he undertook, like sabotaging his competitor and using the name of a famous cigarette company: Bis. This last was profitable but ended once the real Bis company sued him.[12]

In 1929 the Greek government announced a 1000% increase in tax of imported products from countries with no trade agreement with their country; this could have ruined Onassis' South American business, as Argentina had few commercial relationships with Greece. With the help of his confidante, Costa Gratsos, a former student of the London School of Economics and descendant of a rich family – the Dracoulis – he wrote a letter to the prime minister of Greece Eleutherios Venizelos. The text was a warning about the damage that the increase in tax could cause to the Greek merchant navy, once 80% of it was used in transport between Europe and Argentina.[13]

The letter made a good impression on the prime minister and he sent Onassis to speak with the foreign minister Andreas Michalakopoulos.[13] The meeting, however, did not go well. Michalakopoulos, who purportedly brushed his nails throughout the meeting, simply rejoindered:

Mr. Onassis, I'm listening to what you say, but this type of thing needs time. I will strongly consider what you have said. You can count on that.[13]

During the next few weeks, Onassis and Michalakopoulos met several times more, and Onassis's hospitality, which usually included generous bribes, finally won Michalakopoulos's support. Onassis once said never to trust a person who did not accept a bribe.[13]

Due to this new friendship Onassis returned to Argentina with a new passport and the encouragement to move his business forward. The Greek government promised not to apply heavy taxes to Argentine trades.[13]

In 1931, again with Michalakopoulos's help, Onassis' connections in Argentina were recognized and he was granted, along with the tax exemptions for the freight ships, the title of Vice Consul.[13]

This title greatly increased the status of Onassis as well as his business. Evans also claims that at the same time Onassis got access to large amounts of money that he exchanged in the black market, in spite of Gratsos' disapproval.[13]

According to Peter Evans, Onassis offered Mrs. Kennedy US$3 million for herself and $1m for each son in return for marriage. After Onassis's death she would receive US$150,000 each year for the rest of her life. The whole marital contract was discussed with Ted Kennedy and later reviewed by André Meyer, her financial consultant.

Onassis's daughter Christina made clear that she did not like Jacqueline Kennedy, and after Alexander's death, she convinced Onassis that Jacqueline had some kind of curse due to John and Robert Kennedy's murders. The already strained relationship between Aristotle and Jacqueline soon came to an end.[19]

During their marriage, the couple resided in a home they rented in Bernardsville, New Jersey.[20]

Onassis died at age 69, on March 15, 1975 in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, of respiratory failure, a complication of the myasthenia gravis that he had been suffering from during the last years of his life.[21] According to his will, his daughter Christina was to inherit 55% of the Onassis fortune while the other 45% were used as funds for the Alexander S. Onassis Foundation set up to honor his son Alexander Onassis.[22] This 45% was the share that his son Alexander would have inherited, had he not died in 1973. Jackie Kennedy also received her share of the estate settling for a reported $10,000,000 ($26 million according to other sources) which was negotiated by her brother-in-law Ted Kennedy (this amount would later grow to several hundred million under the financial stewardship of her companion Maurice Tempelsman). Christina's share has since passed to her only child Athina, making her one of the wealthiest women in the world.


Then we come down to these "Gemstone Files" things, which appears to be an information seeding game to get the focus off the Rome group connected with the JFK hit.


Gemstone gets a little right, like the security guard shot RFK, but it is mostly trying to blame the Greeks for what Rome's CIA did to JFK.

Edited by Jim Phelps
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How do you know that Jackies smoking was a "huge issue"?

You dont know

This thread is useless, all it is is your opinion about smoking

At the time practically everyone smoked. People who knew her were surprised to find that Jackie smoked so much she actually had yellow fingers on the one hand. She loved to smoke but tried not to be in camera view when she did so.

Yes, I think this shortened her own life expectancy.

Kathy C

I remember reading a gossip column in the New York Post published shortly after Jackie's death that quoted her as saying sadly to a friend, in essence, "I don't know why I am dying at such an early age. I have consistently eaten the right foods and done push-ups every day."

Edited by Douglas Caddy
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Hello Bill,

I found it rather interesting that Onasis moves down to Argentina and uses tobacco smuggling and dealing to launch his shipping interest back into world prominence.

Sounds like he studied the footsteps of British Tobacco and those of "Tobacco King" Davis and used that same exploitation trick to gain wealth. Even the Greeks figured out the game. Perhaps Jackie was not to happy with the Zionist side of big Tobacco via Mortimer Bloomfield and Mortimer Davis, and she sure was a tobacco fan herself. So, why not get out of the USA and loose the JFK issues and live it up with a Greek Tobacco tycoon that became the biggest oil tanker operator in business running Panamanian registry.

Onassis was a bit of a Crook, smuggling tobacco to get started. Then running fake ship registries. Onassis was just Jackie's protector for a long time. Argentine tobacco king married the JFK smoking queen. Looks like they liked living in Italian Jersey rather than the Koshur New York. But the Jackie "Bad Luck" issue with JFK made for a divorce and she joins up with the Koshur New York crowd where that "Bad Luck" was "Good Fortune".

All the Rome allinces with CIA's James Bond, King Harvey, Mossad agent Rabbi Tibor Rosenbaum, Jesuit good ole boy George Mandello just like to attempt to blame him for the JFK issues. When the leaders of the plotting were these other three.

JKO had a real run of Bad Luck. She dies early, two kids die at birth, and John gets killed because he found the secret of JFK's killers with Bush. imho

I'd think it is very interesting.

Even more interesting is the Crooks are trying to Blame Onassis for Howard Hughes. What Howard found was the Godfather of the Israli air force named "Adolph Schwimmer" and all his cheating on Breaking US Laws, stealing airplane parts and such. Ole Howard decided to break into Hollywood and the old "Hollywood Bias" just didn't like Howard Hughes. They didn't want his kind running around telling the Hollywood Bias secrets. They don't like too much truth surfacing on who runs the show, and ole Howard Hughes knew some stuff. Really, really hot stuff.


I found it highly interesting---both on Onassis and Hughes. imho I think its a really big association.

HH is born in Houston, Tx. and turns into a genius. His parents die and he has this patent on a special oil well drilling head that he uses to start into business in LA, Cal.

Ole Howard stated out in a corner of a Lockheed-Martin hangar making oil well drill cutters, gets into airchaft design, then Hotels, then drugs, the goes crazy, and dies of kidney failure. Along the way, Hughes Aircraft competes with Lockheed-Martin. Huges gets into odd contracts for the "Spruce Goose" and the "Glomar Explorer".

Then he buys up half of Las Vegas Hotels and doesn't like the Mafia boys. He turns Hollywood on its ear with RKO. Captures a few Stars hearts, finally marries one, dies and makes her rich.

But, it is indeed interesting that Lockheed-Martin ends up tossing some millions toward the failing BCI bank in Rome for Tabor Rosenbaum. Rosenbaum's bank sinks as the Italians turn his land into a big park and they get shed of this crooked BCI operation in Italy. Lockheed-Martin runs the Skunk Works in LA and gets the really big speed records that end up making Area 51 carved out of USAEC property and also used to hide the big human experiments fiasco from Roswell.

A bunch of NAZI are at Roswell due to Paperclip and one of the experiments screws up and the very same tactics that covered up their NAZI Neuremburg Problems from German covers up the Roswell problem on USAEC land run by Essentially Leslie Groves and the Paperclip gang.

Edited by Jim Phelps
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  • 1 month later...

Does anyone know other sources for the name Arabella? I was aware of this name from the wikipedia website, but I had never seen it used by the Kennedy's or in another "official" writings.

But it is off course possible that I missed it somewhere.

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