Guest Tom Scully Posted April 13, 2013 Share Posted April 13, 2013 (edited) Tom, I don't deny those you mentioned are persons of interest to say the least. I just don't agree with your conclusion regarding Ginzburg's role. Well Greg.... I suppose all of these connections could simply be coincidental, but could this many really add up to nothing? The CIA financed Paris Review "crew" and their Rockefeller / Bush connected "pals" seem to be surrounding Jackie. Tom Guinzberg was a close friend of John D. Macomber.: .................... ............................. ............................... George Ohrstrom was an usher in Peter Matthiessen's (of the Paris Review and the CIA) wedding, as was the sister-in-law of Richard Ober of CIA. Usher Thomas Guinzburg would later hire Jackie Onassis. He was Matthiessen's Yale roommate and presented as not being witty to Matthiessen's CIA affiliation, but Guinzburg's father was OSS minister of propaganda (OWI) and immediately after WWII led a US intelligence program intended to influence what would and would not be suitable subject matter for publication... ........ Something in this thread is making the views count spike, compared to external views of any other thread on this forum with so few replies..... : ............. JFk & Jackie : Were They Who Their Friends Were? Which Friends Expressed Dissatisfaction over Lone Nut Assassin? Started by Tom Scully, 26 Aug 2012 6 replies 135,864 views = 22,644 views per reply ...... Jackie getting hired as an editor by Guinzberg was not an isolated or an unusual development in her circa 1975 circle(s) of influence, or even earlier.: http://www.telegraph...-treachery.html The cost of treachery Madelin Low, London W6 12:01AM BST 16 May 2003 Comment Sir - In 1949 a paramilitary operation took place to overthrow the communist dictatorship of Enver Hoxha and destabilise the encroaching Soviet empire. This Anglo-American operation was totally sabotaged by Kim Philby. My father, Robert Low, who was field officer, said "it was like playing poker with a mirror behind my head". The landings were intercepted - they realised there was a leak, but no one guessed at the time that it was Philby. What became of the Albanians who were caught does not bear thinking about. Truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. The story of this Albanian tragedy, which included King Zog and a cast of well-known people in this country and America, some of whom are alive today, was screened nearly 20 years ago. It is an incredible tale, and perhaps the BBC might consider screening The Cost of Treachery again. This is a true story. The characters are real. People out there might like to know what happened to those who were betrayed by Cambridge spies, and what it felt like to be on the receiving end of treachery.,799896,00.html A Letter From The Publisher, Mar. 28, 1949 Monday, Mar. 28, 1949 Dear Time-Reader For Robert Low, TIME Inc.'s Eastern European Correspondent, the last three and a half years of reporting the news from both sides of the Balkans' gradually lowering Iron Curtain has been an excursion in incongruity. The Curtain is securely fastened now—except for Communist and fellow-traveling foreign journalists and Low has returned to the U.S. for a breather. Low's first-rate reporting job during his tour of duty is perhaps best exemplified by the now historic documents on the Tito-Stalin conflict, which ended in Moscow's excommunication of Marshal Tito. Low managed to get them in advance of general publication and, as printed in TIME'S August 23, 1948 issue, they were the first complete summary of this revealing correspondence. Other Low stories that you may recall include his account of the Communist guerrilla raid on the Greek town of Naousa (TIME, Jan. 31), and Patriot George Magalios and the American aid program for Greece (Jan. 3). family"&btnG= Search Results Proceedings of the annual get-together meeting - Volume 29 - Page 181 Export Managers Club of New York - 1949 - Snippet view - More editions Born in Seattle, Washington; attended school in San Francisco ; went to Europe with his family and attended the University of Heidelberg. He was a newspaper reporter in San Francisco and in Washington. Served as Foreign Correspondent in Europe for eight years before the last war. During the war he became a Lt. Colonel in the First Army's Armored Force. Came to TIME three and a half years ago. (Incidentally, he speaks German and French.) He was in Iran, Iraq, Greece, Turkey, etc. For the past three years, Mr. Low's beat as a roving correspondent has been the Balkan and Near East countries which he has seen, one by one, fall behind the Iron Curtain and blacked out as news sources to the outside world. Sometimes I wonder how these correspondents save their heads. Mr. Low might tell us. He has watched the Communists take over power in five European countries and has been an eye witness of civil war in Greece. Has also covered the Russian penetration into Iran and the Middle East. In covering the Balkans and Middle East Mr. Low has become well acquainted with most of the government leaders. American correspondents have the faculty of sometimes giving us news before it actually happens. And you know I am not kidding about that. Ladies and gentlemen, it is a distinct pleasure and privilege indeed to introduce to you Mr. Robert Low, TIME, Inc., Eastern European Correspondent, who will give you some words on AN AMERICAN CORRESPONDENT REPORTS ON THE BALKANS AND THE NEAR EAST. Mr. Low. (Applause) Mr. Robert Low : Mr. Hoffmann, Ladies and gentlemen,..... Safe for Democracy: The Secret Wars of the CIA - Page 59 55] John Prados - 2006 - Preview - More editions... Balkan expert at the embassy. Americans included Robert Joyce, ... The first OPC field officer assigned would be Robert Low, a veteran of OSS/Cairo, who as a journalist had recently reported from the Balkans. The British initially provided ... Cloak and Gown: Scholars in the Secret War, 1939-1961 - Page 396 Robin W Winks - 1996 - Preview - More editions Robert Joyce, liaison at the Department of State, shared Angleton's view. On the other hand Frank Wisner strongly favored ... s colleagues in OPC were gung-ho on the operation. Wisner chose first Robert Low, and soon after Michael Burke, Mi6: Inside the Covert World of Her Majesty's Secret Intelligence ... - Page 382 525] Stephen Dorril - 2002 - Preview - More editionsA visa had been obtained by Robert Joyce for Frasheri and his colleagues, and in early September, Frasheri flew with ... They were looked after by Robert Low and the OPC- backed Committee for a Free Europe, with the State Department ... Personnel New York Times - Jan 23, 1952 Robert M. Low has resigned as assistant to Andrew Heiskell, publisher of Life Magazine, to form the international public relations concern of Low, Shaw Co., Inc., Undermining the Kremlin: America's Strategy to Subvert the Soviet ... - Page 181 - Google Books Result Gregory Mitrovich - 2000 - Political Science It was a war fought, however, by non-military methods — psychological warfare and ... C. D. Jackson, Robert Joyce, Allen Dulles, Frank Wisner, C. Tracy Barnes, . New York Magazine - Oct 23, 1972 - Page 88 Vol. 5, No. 43 - Magazine - Full view Hedley Donovan, 58, has the title of editor-in- chief; Heiskell, 57, is chief executive officer as well as chairman of the ... By common agreement, Heiskell is very decent, very social — he is married to Marian Sulzberger Dryfoos, widow of the . http://www.nytimes.c...nted=all&src=pm C. L. Sulzberger, Columnist, Dies at 80 By ROBERT D. McFADDEN Published: September 21, 1993 ....The son of Leo Sulzberger, he was a nephew of Arthur Hays Sulzberger, publisher of The Times from 1935 to 1961. He was also a first cousin of Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, publisher of the paper from 1963 to 1992 and still chairman of the Times Company. ..... In 1977, Mr. Sulzberger was accused in an article in Rolling Stone magazine of having had a secret relationship for years with the Central Intelligence Agency. And a C.I.A. official charged that Mr. Sulzberger's Sept. 13, 1967, column on the Soviet K.G.B. had been lifted almost verbatim from an agency briefing paper. There was no question that Mr. Sulzberger had extensive contacts with C.I.A. station chiefs and agents in many countries. And, it was pointed out, he would have been extremely useful to the agency with his access to foreign leaders and his influential voice in the pages of The Times. The Times, after an extensive investigation, reported that the C.I.A. had counted a number of American journalists among its paid agents, but denied that Mr. Sulzberger had been among them. Mr. Sulzberger also denied that he ever worked for the C.I.A. or that he had used an agency briefing paper as a column. A Good Listener... .....Close acquaintances, too, remembered him as a man who led a double life. There was a darker side to his personality, one that brooded in diaries about not having done more in life and that longed for the privacy of a fishing stream in the Colorado Rockies, where he went each summer, or his villa on the Greek island of SpetsaiClose acquaintances, too, remembered him as a man who led a double life. There was a darker side to his personality, one that brooded in diaries about not having done more in life and that longed for the privacy of a fishing stream in the Colorado Rockies, where he went each summer, or his villa on the Greek island of Spetsai..... The Atlantic Century: Four Generations of Extraordinary Diplomats ... Kenneth Weisbrode - 2009 - Preview - More editions Georgetown died “dramatically with the suicides of Phil Graham [1963] and Frank Wisner [1965]. ... and even Jane and Bob Joyce's in Spetsai, featured many of the same people.61 The consensus forged in such places, as in Washington's . Imperial Brotherhood: Gender and the Making of Cold War Foreign Policy - Page 105 Robert D. Dean - 2003 - Preview - More editions He then became an "operator" in Frank Wisner's covert action Office of Policy Coordination, helping to organize and run clandestine covert action networks of East European ex-Nazi ... firmly attached himself to that Georgetown subset of the larger circle of Washington's imperial patricians that included Wisner, Joseph Alsop, George F. Kennan, Charles Bohlen, Charles Thayer, and Robert Joyce. 15 After . (quote) .....The author of the 1975 article ....... should have done more research. She seems to have missed the real reason Jackie Onassis was spending so much time socializing with Paris Review's Clem Wood. .....(endquote) ................ Recently I came upon Hugo G. Koehler, Jr.. His father was quite a character, and was the step-father of Claiborne Pell. This wedding party provided my access.: SALLY WOODBURY BRIDE IN SUBURBS; Sister Honor Maid at ... New York Times - Dec 9, 1951 The ushers were James G. Woodbury, brother of the bride; Lieut. ... R. L; Hugo G.' Koehler of New York, James K.- Donaldson of Washington, Shepard Sykes ... Mr. Handy attended the Berkshire School in Sheffield, Mass., and was graduated I am interested because James K. Donaldson was also listed as an usher in this 1955 wedding.: Diplomats' Kin Usher at Barbara Pullman's Wedding Today Chicago Tribune - Oct 1, 1955 ... and Lt. James-K. Don. aldson of the marines, who is the stepson of James H. ... broth- ers of the bride; Thomas Devine of Midland, Tex., Andre Rhe- ault and ... ........... Did the C.I.A. "Sheep Dip" and Orchestrate the Tale of the Patsy ... › ... › JFK Assassination DebateMay 17, 2012 – James K. Donaldson's mother, Elinor Thompson Donaldson Douglas, (stepmother of ... Pakistan, July 31, (UPI! .... building ventures conducted by Rodman Rockefeller and his IBEC Housing Corporation and Willard Garvey .. An Uncommon Man: The Life & Times of Senator Claiborne Pell - Page 214 6] G. Wayne Miller - 2011 - Preview - More editionsCapelotti wrote of Koehler's own search “after this supposed extraordinary revelation” for proof of his origins, an exercise in ... The senator approached Jackie Kennedy Onassis, who had established herself as a leading editor at Doubleday. Onassis provided encouragement to Pell, but no offer of a contract for an autobiography or biography by another writer. Pell turned to his cousin John Pell Train, author and co-founder of The Paris Review..... Now Greg, and anyone else who has not had their eyes glaze over reaching this point in this complicated presentation, please recall John D. Macomber from early in this post. Truman Handy was the father of the groom who chose Hugo Koehler and James K. Donaldson as ushers in his wedding.: URIAL IN ARLINGTON 1 FOR LARKIN AND SONI New York Times - Nov 28, 1948 A joint burial service will be held Wedne- at 3 PM in the National Cemetery at Arlington, Va., for John A. Larkin, vice chairman of the board of the Celanese ... Richard E. Dwight, Gordon R. Fauntleroy, Truman P. Handy, Eugene V. Hol-i man, . Truman Handy was a Celanese V.P. John A. Larkin, oddly not mentioned in Joan Mellen's new book emphasizing Bob Kleberg, was Kleberg's brother-in-law at the time of his death. Dim) .Of .Stroke . The Day - Nov 16, 1959 Medical Examiner Tells Cause of Mr. Handy's Death Medical Examiner Harold vonGlahn has attributed the death of Truman Handy of Lyme St. to a stroke... chief executive of ficer of the Celluloid Corp., manufacturers of plastics and a subsidiary of the Celanese Corpora tion of America until it merged with Celanese ... ................... Radio daily-television daily: Volume 86 No cover image 1959 - Snippet view ELLINGTON & COMPANY has named three new vice presidents. Named were Ernest Byfield, Henry Covington and Franklyn Dyson, all account executives. Byfield has been with the agency three years. Covington eight years and Dyson two... Advertising News New York Times - Apr 1, 1944 Accounts The plastic division of Celanese Corporation of America to Ivey Ellington, Inc. The National Paper Products Division of Crown-Zellerbach to Wortman, ... Advertising: Donahue and Ellington Merge; Billings Top 100... New York Times - Nov 12, 1963 Donahue Coe handles the American Enka Corporation, a maker of yarns and fibers, while Ellington's biggest account is the Celanese Corpoi ation of America .. http://educationforu...ndpost&p=169286 John D. Macomber was with McKinsey for 19 years before becoming president of Celanese. His protege, Michael Ainslie, married Ed Hooker's daughter, Susan, after she divorced Rionda Braga's son, Ames. Soon after his appointment as Celanese Corp. president, Macomber hired Thomas Devine as Celanese comptroller and V.P., in the same year as Devine married, with Macomber's brother, William, as his best man. William was also the best man in the wedding of Bush's sister, Nancy. I discovered Nancy Bush Ellis's son's email address, and I wrote to him asking for his comments. I'll post an excerpt from my email to John Ellis. ...... MISS AR PETSGHEK WED IN CATHEDRal; Bride of Lieut. Commdr... New York Times - Jul 3, 1943 Wm. G. FitzGerald of Navy in the Lady Chapel of St. Patrick's WEARS WHITE LACE GOWN ... of British General in India, as Flower Girl Miss Annelise Rosemarie Petschek, ... Lieut Ernest L. Byfield Jr., iUSA, of Chicago, was best man for! the ... http://select.nytime...4DA415B848BF1D3 New York Times - Dec 15, 1974 Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Stone Jr. of Greenwich, Conn., have announced the engagement of their daughter, Helen R. Stone, to Desmond G. FitzGerald of New York, son of Mr. and Mrs. William HG FitzGerald of.... 5] Shrub: The Short But Happy Political Life of George W. Bush - Page 23 Molly Ivins, Lou Dubose - 2002 - Preview - More editions... Securities and Exchange Commission documents to piece together the story of Arbusto Energy, Bush Exploration, Spectrum 7, ... Celanese CEO john D. Macomber and venture-capital investor William H. Draper III put together $172,550. Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, America’s Invisible ... - Page 341 - Google Books Result Russ Baker - 2010 - Biography & Autobiography Sly and the Family Stone In 2002, the Boston Globe, seeking to understand the local ... spoke with Robert G. Stone Jr., the longtime chairman of the seven-member ... out to have been in business with the “former” CIA officer Thomas J. Devine. ... Dallas intelligence complex was coming together, Stone started Stonetex Oil .. Two of the most prominent officers and directors of the Atlantic Council were Macomber and Fitzgerald: Zbigniew Brzezinski Gives First Annual Christopher J. Makins ... May 31, 2006 – The Hon. William H.G. FitzGerald. The Hon. Jan M. Lodal The Hon. John D. Macomber ... Susan Hooker Braga married Macomber's protege and fellow Lehman Bros. director, Michael Ainslie. Dame Marjorie Scardino, wife of Ainslie's former brother-in-law Albert Scardino, joined Fitzgerald and Macomber at the Atlantic Council.: Ms. Marjorie Scardino | Atlantic Council And then there are Jackie's back to back "choices" for assistant to the First Lady, or her COS, or whatever the position was described as back then.... CB Luce's former assistant and intensely partisan republican, Letitia Baldridge, replaced by Nancy Tuckerman. Here is Nancy's sister-in-law who happened to be the daughter of Clendenin Ryan.: Sister-in-Law in White House But She's Goldwater Booster Boston Globe - Jul 14, 1963 John Tower of Texas at big draft Goldwater rally in Washington. wheels of- the ... Mrs. Kennedy's close friend and new social secretary, Nancy Tuckerman, Roger Tuckerman Weds Caryn Ryan; ; _______u o uuuu - 4 i 28... New York Times - May 8, 1960 The bride is a daughter of o Mrs. Clendenin J. Ryan of 32 East Seventieth Street and ... The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Tuckerman of 215 East If you consider the narrative of Charles Bartlett introducing Jackie to JFK at his brother David's wedding, along with the rest of the leads in this post, either JFK or Jackie was clueless, and Jackie seemed consistant in her choices of who to become close to. They seemed to mostly be cut from the same cloth. I can predict the reaction to this: David Bartlett and Priscilla McMillan's patient Harpers editor Wyeth are both ushers in Cord Meyer's brother William's wedding with Jock Whitney's niece. SO WHAT ! ANDRA H. P New York Times - Dec 19, 1948 18-The marriage of Miss Sandra Helen Payson, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ... Me., to William Blair 2eyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cord Meyer of New York and Little ... another brother; Willetts Meyer. cousin of the bridegroom; David F. Bartlett of ... and Watson K. Blair, Alexander K. McLanahan, Marion S. Wyeth and Lewis T . Consider also that Charles Bartlett won his Pulitzer on the strength of derogatory info leaked to him in 1955 by Prescott Bush in an effort to remove Air Force Secretary Harold E. Talbott. There was widespread belief that the purpose of this was to replace Talbott with James Douglas, the step-father of Willard Garvey employee mentioned above, James K. Donovan. James H. Douglas › Information › Heritage James Henderson Douglas was the fifth Secretary of the Air Force in the Air ... When asked by Talbott to serve as undersecretary of the Air Force, Douglas . Edited April 13, 2013 by Tom Scully Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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