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JFK was on the trailing curve to prevent this?

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This thread is the story of how the John Birch Society were the "Ring Leaders" of the hit on JFK. There are some that don't want this much solving for the JFK assassination to be aired, but the "Birchers" were the "Ring Leaders" on the JFK hit.

The information in this thread pretty well puts all those writing poor books on the JFK assassination and misleading the public's information on what plot killed JFK out of business. Those making money from misleading and partial truth story books on the misfortune of a Dead President are just as bad as the plotters themselves.

The Birchers plot Succeeded in killing JFK and getting away with it, but threw the US more deeply into Fascist control that is exploiting the US into near destruction today.

I learned of this association on Nov. 22, 1963 from connections within the Oak Ridge Y-12 Nuclear Weapons Plant that had connections with this group in Dallas. The Oak Ridge hate for JFK was greater than that for Dallas. Oak Ridge was involved with the CIA and the LHO hit on Castro with Cancer method, and the last thing Oak Ridge wanted was Peace with Communist Russia and Cuba.

In the 60s this JBS link to the JFK assassination was highly covered up, but once everyone realizes the culprits were known about the very day it happened, then one can easily find the cover up pattern today and tons of information on the Internet that supports the JBS "Ring Leader" associations and basically solve the JFK assassination in short order. Solving the JFK assassination isn't difficult, if one follows that association.


Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America

Did JFK pay close attention?



In April 1961 Major General Edwin Walker, commander of the 24th Infantry Division in Europe and stationed in Augsburg, Germany was accused of indoctrinating his troops with right-wing literature from the John Birch Society. With the agreement of President John F. Kennedy, Defense Secretary Robert McNarmara relieved Walker of his command an announced an investigation into the affair.


Robert W. Welch died on 6th January, 1965


Edited by Jim Phelps
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Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America.....

Did JFK pay close attention?

If he did, he did so from heaven. Welch gave that speech on March 9, 1974. Although Welch quotes himself from 1958, the speech was given at the JBS Council Dinner in 1974, as the video clearly states.

Phelps got his description word for word from the person that posted it on YouTube. I'm not sure that Phelps even watched the video.

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Digging a little more deeply, we find that Bob Welch supported McCarthy and the "Red Baiting" games of that era, for which RFK also worked.

Certainly, RFK knew about the warnings of Welch, as RFK worked for McCarthy for a time and the JBS was based on the Kennedy home terf of Boston.

It didn't take long to determine that the "Red Baiting" was more the counter propaganda for the Royals and their wealth to ferment hate for Communist ideals. Issues like the English Royals and the Bilderburgs liked oligarchic economic power and most of all that power exercised upon a dumb group of Americans.

So, JFK didn't appreciate the John Burch "Red Baiting" influence in the Military by Walker, as the games were to ramp up the hate toward Russia and start a war supported by JCS like LeMay and Lemnitzer. LeMay and Goldwater were even big buddies.



Robert Welch retired as a very wealthy man in 1956. He used some of this money to fund various extreme right-wing causes. This included supporting the work of Joseph McCarthy and other aspects of McCarthyism. In 1958 he established the John Birch Society (JBS). The organization was named after Captain John Birch, a member of the China Air Task Force murdered by Chinese communists on 25th August, 1945.

The JBS continued to grow and by 1964 it had an income of $3,000,000 and employed a staff of 200. Around 100 people were employed at the JBS headquarters in Belmont, a suburb of Boston. In a survey carried out in 1964, the JBS was supported by 11 per cent of Americans. Despite this,

In 1975 Harry Dean claimed he had been an undercover agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation who in 1962 infiltrated the John Birch Society. He later reported that John Rousselot and General Edwin Walker had hired two gunman, Eladio del Valle and Loran Hall, to kill President John F. Kennedy.

Welch claimed that the Republican Party had been infiltrated by secret supporters of a communist conspiracy. One member of the JBS, Phyllis Schlafly, published a book, A Choice, Not an Echo, where she claimed that the party was being controlled by elitist intellectuals dominated by members of the Bilderberger group, whose policies were "designed to usher in global communist conquest". "A Choice, Not an Echo" became one of Goldwater's campaign slogans.


Unfortunately, it appears the issue was the Communists hated the Royals control over the world's economics, but the larger issue was the British Intelligence arm of the Royals and the Bilderburgs hated anything that would limit their control over the world's economics. The game was a Royalist monopoly to control the world financially. It was more a new game for slavery the Communist feared.

John Burch became the "Echo" of the Royalist's games, as did Walker. These became more the Pawns of the Royalists seeking economic monopoly, and not a balanced freedom. There was a choice to eliminate the extremes of oligarchic power and JFK took the better choice. JFK was to steer a middle of the road course between the ditches of extreme Socialism and extreme Royalist Capitalism.

When JFK came up against this system, he was systematically taking apart their faked up "Red Baiting" games. JFK was pulling the plug on Vietnam. JFK was pulling the plug on the Royals Federal Reserve banking control on the US. It took JFK a couple years to spot these external influences, but he figured out that America was being played from on high. And the driving force on destruction of America is manipulation of Americans via "Red Baiting" and using that fear mongering to spend America into non existance, to the benefit of the Royals bankers and their oligarchic NWO intentions.

At the top of the pyramid of issues is the Royals and their "Red Baiting", and that system was JFK's greatest enemy. Walker, Goldwater, LeMay and those like them had allied themselves with the Royalist's plan to not only control America's military, but to use that to expand the Royalist's banking and corperate games around the world. It worked much like the IG Farben system from Germany.

Amerca has been taken over from within, not by the Communists, but the ploy of Communists being used by the Royals / Bilderburgs to assume total control over the US as a stepping stone to the world. JFK was a roadblock against their plans.

America has been used and abused by this group and as matters worsen, it becomes close to WWIII to correct this overbearing control via this Oligarchic intenting group. JFK was going to restore the balance, and if the dumb American population had completed his greater visions, this war would not become a certainty.

JFK had Peace with Russia at hand, a Peace with Casto, and this totally destoyed the Royalist's plans to use and abuse America.

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Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America.....

Did JFK pay close attention?

If he did, he did so from heaven. Welch gave that speech on March 9, 1974. Although Welch quotes himself from 1958, the speech was given at the JBS Council Dinner in 1974, as the video clearly states.

Phelps got his description word for word from the person that posted it on YouTube. I'm not sure that Phelps even watched the video.




"Robert W. Welch died on 6th January, 1965"


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Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America.....

Did JFK pay close attention?

If he did, he did so from heaven. Welch gave that speech on March 9, 1974. Although Welch quotes himself from 1958, the speech was given at the JBS Council Dinner in 1974, as the video clearly states.

Phelps got his description word for word from the person that posted it on YouTube. I'm not sure that Phelps even watched the video.



Robert W. Welch died on 6th January, 1965


Best find your spectacles, Jim. Welch died on the 6th of January, 1985. I've put this in a larger font in case you can't find your specs.

Michael Hogan is one of the most detail driven members of the board. And very respected. Yawning at his corrections to your blatant errors is not very smart...

I agree, Mike and a few others are the primary reason I still keep up with this forum. Someone's death is so easily verified on so many sites that I wonder about Mr. Phelps.


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Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America

Did JFK pay close attention?



In April 1961 Major General Edwin Walker, commander of the 24th Infantry Division in Europe and stationed in Augsburg, Germany was accused of indoctrinating his troops with right-wing literature from the John Birch Society. With the agreement of President John F. Kennedy, Defense Secretary Robert McNarmara relieved Walker of his command an announced an investigation into the affair.


Robert W. Welch died on 6th January, 1965


He lost me at his predictions of constant peace, at 3.00 min into the speech. It is the total opposite.


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Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America.....

Did JFK pay close attention?

If he did, he did so from heaven. Welch gave that speech on March 9, 1974. Although Welch quotes himself from 1958, the speech was given at the JBS Council Dinner in 1974, as the video clearly states.

Phelps got his description word for word from the person that posted it on YouTube. I'm not sure that Phelps even watched the video.



Robert W. Welch died on 6th January, 1965


Best find your spectacles, Jim. Welch died on the 6th of January, 1985. I've put this in a larger font in case you can't find your specs.

Michael Hogan is one of the most detail driven members of the board. And very respected. Yawning at his corrections to your blatant errors is not very smart...

I agree, Mike and a few others are the primary reason I still keep up with this forum. Someone's death is so easily verified on so many sites that I wonder about Mr. Phelps.



You don't need glasses to do a "copy and paste" from an EF information Bio page to call attention to it.

I was using a citation from the Education Forum's main information page here:


Where it painly tells this:

"Robert W. Welch died on 6th January, 1965"

So, the Education Forum's information is listing bogus information. Should this get fixed or ignored?

And do make sure you jump on this wrong information source much more intensely than myself.

I think it much more appropriate to fix the EF's screwed up information on its Bio inf URL, ask them to correct it, as I am sure not in charge of those listings.

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So, the correct way to have brought up this topic of 65 or 85 was to read the Education Forum's Bio Listing for Bob Welch and simply tell that it was in error and we'll get someone to go fix it.

But, There are these overbearing, disrespectful, rude types that place blame everywhere except on the source for the information which comes from the Education Forum somewhere.

You can literally see the disrespect intention by the total lack of Mr. Phelps being used.

Get someone to fix the bad information on the Education Forum's Bio Listing, then come back and post a revision statement and set up people to review these listings for errors.

Aplogize for your errors. Then, this tread will reflect the same. Until then, the Education Forum is on the record for Welch died in 1965.

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Guess that means the Checking needed to begin on EF's home turf.

I noticed the difference early on, that the dates didn't fit.

I also like to toss out when things are wrong. Let it dawn on folks there is a problem.

But some like to cause a scene, of sorts.

Where did this error begin? Here: http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKwelchR.htm

What was the better way to address it?

I'd say make note of the EF site's error politely, then get whoever to fix it.

And politely post an update.

Did we see that happen? No!

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I don't agree with Mr. Hogan on many things, and his observations here are yet one more example. He is usually not being constructive in his comments, IMHO. He typically has to veer into personal insults, very intentional disrespect by not using Mr. Phelps, else I'd not see my name used disrespectfully and he'd work on the material presented. Which, if he'd done that, would have found the EF Boo-Boo.

I do think the problem is Mr. Hogan has this "axe to grind" since he has the habbit of reading something and trying to make it into something else. Ever time he comes around, he has to insult. I don't run over to his threads and make friction. It was clearly listed where the citation came from, so all those folks recommeding glasses, go put them on and go read the orgin of the wrong information. Deal with only that.

I don't think Welch's central thesis has changed from when he cranked up the JBS in 1958, and the video just captures his long term obsevations. However, I think he places blame onto Communism as a cover or excuse to cover up the Royalist banker's games. Was Welch being used for the ploy or was he a willing helper of the Rich seeking more power and wealth? It is pretty clear for the cases of the Merchinsons or the Rothschilds Fed. Res., those usual suspects.

I was doing a play on words once before and Mr. Hogan blew that up, and he can't let that go. That one ran on for pages and pages and destroyed the entire topic for a long time. he very much intended the same disrespect then, as now. Do return to the central topic and that is the JBS being part and parcel of what grew to kill JFK, not over Comminism but over "Extreme Right" Capitalism games using Communist fear mongering. I don't think this grew simply from the JBS or Welch, but his New York associates rebel rousing likely set the stage for the JBS being used and abused as much as the American people that fell short of the whole picture. JFK captured the whole picture of what was wagging the the dog via the tail.

Nothing new. The problem is the source is wrong on EF. All I did was point that out, quietly. Mr. Hogan's Echo gang wanted to make a scene, it appears. He makes wild claims like I didn't watch the video. I did watched the entire video clip and read even further.

I clearly listed the URL and the source of the citation----it came from EF.

That was wrong information per the date and easily spotted by anyone, as we have well shown--- the correct move then is to address that site's URL as being wrong on the date.

Does that really change anything per Welch's theses, I doubt it. Welch was anti-communist from day one and the response to that fueled the response and opened the door to have the conspiring Royals take control of the US. The Communist didn't take the US from within, the Royalist Banker's did and their Dirty Dealing British consorts. And Kruchev was right that the US would fall from within, but not to Communism directly. Perhaps Kruchev knew the Roman Empire's demise was similar, so history tells us this has indeed happened before. Kruchev gave the US fair warning, and dumb Americans just don't listen nor do they even defend the fallen hero JFK. Just about anyone looking closely at the "movers and shakers" saw Communism as a tool for the global expansion of the Royalists.

If Mr. Hogan's disrespectful Echo gang insists in jumping on me for making an observation of the Forum that was in error to see who was watching and reading, then let the "Witch Hunt" begin right there on EF's Bio.

Anyone that had their glasses on and watched the video and read the EF Bio would see the error glaring on the last line of the EF Bio. I even looked the Welch fella up on Wiki and noted the "Bio boo-boo" existed. I not only watched the video and did several hours worth of reading on Welch and the Burch gang, so then I'd test just who else could read and comprehend. Obviously, about zero read the EF's Bio.

The "Yawn" was a simple response from their typical boring run around that avoided disclosing the obvious. Mr. Hogan's Echos follow him around and always do this sort of attack. You tell em twice and they still doesn't get it. Double Yawn. Their Vapidity is boring.

See who was reading and sharp enough to see the issue. Obviously, for those with a nice decorum that bothered to read and comprehend---they'd say the EF listing was wrong----and say they'd take care of it---and pass around the correction. But the tactics of Mr. Hogan and his Echo group are to cause a scene and twist the issues.

Unfortunately, per usual with Mr. Hogan, he still can't let things go. It is one more blow up. One more example of what appears to be Combative disrepect, else We'd all see my name as Mr. Phelps, if it was really called for. The problem was and still is the EF Bio has bad data, which they try to ignore. If he looks foolish for jumping on me for quietly testing those reading the listing, then let him look rude, disrespectful, and condescending once again and his Echos also shown to be playing his same game to mislead.

I certainly didn't ask for one of his condescending remarks with such a simple test.

Let's drop this nonsense distraction that some seem to want to pull attention off the issue of the Burch gang over a trivial matter that Mr. Hogan can't read what is obvious to the world and get back onto the issue of did Bob Welch's Communism games play a role in JFK's demise. Did the John Burch society play into the games of the Royalist's scheme to get JFK out of the way for the longer term Royalist's planning?

Is Communism just a tool, and the real goal not being Communism, but the Royalist's Oligarchy. Which is what JFK was breaking apart.

Even the Communist have figured out they were being used and started the "Waging Peace" game, which was supposed to and did diffuse the Royalist's banking games. So, now they have to have a new nemisis, and that is terrorists, Islam, and those evil people that don't like usury or the Federal Reserve methods.

They can't even use China in Red Scare tactics because they own more of the US than the Saudis. North Korea is too small, leaving only the fabricated New Pearl Harbor scam on America by the corrupt Bush Neo-Cons of PNAC.

I find it very ineresting that JFK taught the Soviets how to "Wage Peace", which is exactly what he was doing when the Royalists killed him. JFK was succeeding with Peace.

Looks like the JFK proposed joint cooperation of the Russians and US is complete, because the US will use the Soviet Rockets to put Astronaughts in space. One more of JFK's insights taking shape. Just need to complete the rest.

Obama needs to wake up and learn that the low interest consistent with Islamic issues is allowing rampant inflation that only rewards the ultra rich Fed. Res. types. Inflation is a tax on every American and it had halved the dollar's value in the time Obama has been in office.

Generally, there are several around these parts that seem to not like that I cut right to the chase on what and who had JFK killed, complete with all the motives and methods to achieve this greater plan that now threatens the US's National Security as it all comes into full and plain view.


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All my listings need to be read in their entirity, or watched carefully, and then cordial discussion should be the rule. They might even need considerable thought. This one is really simple though. It also tends to take several listing per thread to develop a topic. This one started with a bare minumum listing per JBS's issues in Boston. Some appear to want instant gratification, but a good topic takes time to develop constructively.

So, if you'd like to get constructively into the topic, which is the JBS's being used or being a willing party of the Royalist's game play, which came to run over JFK, then proceed.

Just trying to get the thread focused on the topic of the Communist Evil VS how useful that was toward forcing the Mil / Ind Network's games that came to look more like a global IG Farbin of the Royalist's.

I see you have problems with Byes. Allow me to "Yawn" again.

All these Mr. Hogan's and his minions disrespect is obvious to all and this typical Hogan Echos gang is very obvious.

You might explain to your leader that my name is Mr. Phelps to him and his minions.

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Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America.....

Did JFK pay close attention?

If he did, he did so from heaven.


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Rather interesting on the JBS "Blue Book":


Check out members of the JBS board.


Even more interesting on the FBI files:



And the JBS was trying to seed information in the PTA for young minds.

Into what they call Communists in the Church, which was more than likely someone teaching the Essene History of Jesus, which the Royalist Oligarch want to suppress.

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Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America.....

Did JFK pay close attention?

If he did, he did so from heaven.



Ya Know---as best I can tell JFK was not in heaven in 1958. Thanks for pointing out the logic of that one line.

Guess some people can't read, or they like to twist simple so directly stated.

No Heaven, but Perhaps the Hell of the US, due to the rebel rousing on red baiting issues.


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"Robert Welch died on 6th January, 1965 and Lawrence P. McDonald replaced him as chairman of the John Birch Society."



Robert W. Welch died on 6th January, 1965 and Lawrence P. McDonald replaced him as chairman of the John Birch Society.

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