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Per the Dorothy Kilgallen story:

Jack Ruby likely gave Dorothy the keys to the City of Hate, Dallas, on the JFK hit.

Jailed Jewish Ruby wanted to get moved out of Dallas because he was afraid of the power of the Birchers there, and in particular the Pro-Hitler Pro-NAZI type named HL Hunt, the Mega-Bircher Texas Oil billionaire. One in the same with who LBJ named to Madeline Brown for New Years 1964.

Everyone knows Ruby, aka Rubenstein, was pleading to be moved to DC so he could tell his story without being "Offed" in jail, but little did he know that Earl Warren was bought and paid for by LBJ. Hunt's good ole boy General Walker consistently called Ruby as "Rubeinstein" to the Warren Commission to play into the Hunt theme to get the Jewish involvement into the news and the Warren Report's record, if needed to protect the Birchers. Dorothy was Ruby's leverage and insurance policy to force the door open, but even she and her friend were silenced.

JFK was a Bircher Hit, and likewise LHO was also a Bircher Hit. The "Brains" of the leverage for the Bircher Hits was JFK hating HL Hunt, and it was Bircher Hunt that wanted the JFK is a Communist ad placed by Jewish named person, Weissman. It was Hunt that wanted Jewish Ruby to off LHO to keep the Bircher's big secret. It was Hunt that was in partnership with Jewish Morris Jaffee and the LBJ and USAEC Uranium deals that Jaffee used to underwrite LBJ's run for VP with JFK. It was Hunt that wanted a shooter in the Dal-Tex Building to be associted with Jaffee and the USAEC Uranium deals with LBJ. It was the Pro-Hitler Pro-NAZI connected Hunt that was going to use the Jewish leverage to insure the Birchers and he got away with Murder, else they'd dump the news that shots came from Jaffee's business, Jewish Ruby was covering up for Jaffee, and Jewish Mortimer Bloomfield controlled PERMINDEX was the root of the shooters, and the Birchers would become the Heros. Dallas based Nagy's PERMINDEX hit team was for sale to the Rockefeller CIAA types and the Hunt Intelligence types. As we know from Joseph Milteer, the JFK hitters well planned to get the "Big Jew" as the killer of JFK.

Dorothy had the associations from Ruby on the Birchers game to off JFK and she had in her hands not only the power to expose LBJ in the hit planning and cover up and get out of jail free benefits to slide into the White House, but also the power to take down the richest Texas Oil man in the country and he was not about to let that happen. So, Dorothy dies like Marilyn, drugged. All the critical information taken away to cover up for the guilty parties.

Ruby is standing around worried the Birchers will dump the Jewish involvement in the JFK hit game, designed in by Hunt, and the leverage on Ruby is huge Pograms against the Jewish types that Hunt designed into the JFK hit.

That is what Dorothy discovered. "Yellow Roses" Author David Reitzes speaks to some of these issues.

Hunt then became more powerful than any president, and all the more rich to force the US into fascist control of the mega-capitalists. Hunt then ruled LBJ, Hoover, and dictated the directions of US Foreign policy and the hate toward Civil Rights.

Hunt and the Birchers successfully forced the FBI and the Warren Commission to follow the faked up script that LHO was a lone nut Communist sole killer of JFK, else the next move was expose the Communistic Jewish involvements in the JFK hit, and make the Birchers the Heros in exposing the killers of JFK. LHO was "sheep dipped" as the Pro-Castro Communist by Bircher and Minuteman Guy Bannister in New Orleans. LHO seriously screwed up in visiting Bircher loyal Oak Ridge and leaving a huge FBI hint on his visit there at the Atomic Museum. That guaranteed he'd die.

In the End, the NAZIs from Ft. Bliss got their NASA space program. The Ballistic Missle defense games would go wild, along with nuclear weapons work. Bell Helicopters made a fortune selling tons of helicopters for the Vietnam War. The Drug lords got their money and Corsican dealers were happy, and Black Communities were flooded with Drugs to counter Communism guised as Civil Rights. The US would come to be ripped apart and exploited more than ever by those that sought more power and money, using the US as their pawns. The legacy upon America left by LBJ needs to be recounted as the awful Chaos that stemmed from a full blown criminal sociopath's works on America.

Dorothy's Ruby information would not just blow the lid off the JFK assassination, it would nuke the richest man in the US and get him executed for Treason, or short of that, cause a huge war against the Jewish types as the Birchers cut loose option II.

If LHO was allowed to testify, perhaps even give his Police Statements, Bircher Option II would go into effect, and Ruby had to kill LHO on National TV to avoid that at any cost.


A very informative thread on Dorothy being killed:



Edited by Jim Phelps
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Just in case folks forgot, the US never considered the UK's Royals to be trustworthy. So, when Bloomfield in Montreal was running British Intelligence factors and also DISC these same issues arise.

The UK's Atlantic Triangle Trade Route brought the US Slavery. Montreal Canada was associated with the death of Abe Lincoln.

Montreal was also associted with JFK's and MLK's deaths.

The US highly distrusted the UK in the 1930s. The UK were exploiters.


Classified TOP SECRET----now public domain:

The US has not always been very pleased with the Evil British Empire and the US planned to attack the UK's resources:


War on the 'Red Empire': How America planned for an attack on BRITAIN in 1930 with bombing raids and chemical weapons

Emerging world power feared British reaction to its ambitions

Plan Red was code for massive war with British Empire

Top-secret document once regarded as 'most sensitive on Earth'

$57m allocated for building secret airfields on Canadian border - to launch attack on British land forces based there


It was in 1930, that America first wrote a plan for war with 'The Red Empire' - its most dangerous empire.

But America's foe in this war was not Russia or Japan or even the burgeoning Nazi Germany.

Plan Red was code for an apocalyptic war with Britain and all her dominions.

After the 1918 Armistice and throughout the 1920s, America's historic anti-British feelings handed down from the 19th century were running dangerously high due to our owing the U.S. £9billion for their intervention in The Great War.

British feeling against America was known to be reciprocal.

By the 1930s, America saw the disturbing sight of homegrown Nazi sympathisers marching down New York's Park Avenue to converge on a pro-Hitler rally in Madison Square Garden.

Across the Atlantic, Britain had the largest empire in the world, not to mention the most powerful navy.

Against this backdrop, some Americans saw their nation emerging as a potential world leader and knew only too well how Britain had dealt with such upstarts in the past - it went to war and quashed them.

Now, America saw itself as the underdog in a similar scenario.

In 1935, America staged its largest-ever military manoeuvres, moving troops to and installing munitions dumps at Fort Drum, half an hour away from the eastern Canadian border.


'America felt Britain had thrown it under the bus in order to stay top dog,' says Professor Mike Vlahos, of the U.S. Naval War College.

'The U.S. was forced to contemplate any measure to keep Britain at bay.'

Even Hitler thought such a war was inevitable, but astonishingly wanted Britain to win, believing that to be the best outcome for Germany, since the UK could then join his forces to attack the U.S.

'You have to remember the U.S. was born out of a revolutionary struggle against Britain in 1776,' says Dr. John H. Maurer, of the U.S. Naval War College.

Using available blueprints for this war, modern-day military and naval experts now believe the most likely outcome of such a conflict would have been a massive naval battle in the North Atlantic with very few actual deaths, but ending with Britain handing Canada over to the U.S. in order to preserve our vital trade routes.


Edited by Jim Phelps

Just in case folks forgot, the US never considered the UK's Royals to be trustworthy. So, when Bloomfield in Montreal was running British Intelligence factors and also DISC these same issues arise.

The UK's Atlantic Triangle Trade Route brought the US Slavery. Montreal Canada was associated with the death of Abe Lincoln.

Montreal was also associted with JFK's and MLK's deaths.

The US highly distrusted the UK in the 1930s. The UK were exploiters.


Classified TOP SECRET----now public domain:

The US has not always been very pleased with the Evil British Empire and the US planned to attack the UK's resources:


War on the 'Red Empire': How America planned for an attack on BRITAIN in 1930 with bombing raids and chemical weapons

Emerging world power feared British reaction to its ambitions

Plan Red was code for massive war with British Empire

Top-secret document once regarded as 'most sensitive on Earth'

$57m allocated for building secret airfields on Canadian border - to launch attack on British land forces based there


It was in 1930, that America first wrote a plan for war with 'The Red Empire' - its most dangerous empire.

But America's foe in this war was not Russia or Japan or even the burgeoning Nazi Germany.

Plan Red was code for an apocalyptic war with Britain and all her dominions.

After the 1918 Armistice and throughout the 1920s, America's historic anti-British feelings handed down from the 19th century were running dangerously high due to our owing the U.S. £9billion for their intervention in The Great War.

British feeling against America was known to be reciprocal.

By the 1930s, America saw the disturbing sight of homegrown Nazi sympathisers marching down New York's Park Avenue to converge on a pro-Hitler rally in Madison Square Garden.

Across the Atlantic, Britain had the largest empire in the world, not to mention the most powerful navy.

Against this backdrop, some Americans saw their nation emerging as a potential world leader and knew only too well how Britain had dealt with such upstarts in the past - it went to war and quashed them.

Now, America saw itself as the underdog in a similar scenario.

In 1935, America staged its largest-ever military manoeuvres, moving troops to and installing munitions dumps at Fort Drum, half an hour away from the eastern Canadian border.


'America felt Britain had thrown it under the bus in order to stay top dog,' says Professor Mike Vlahos, of the U.S. Naval War College.

'The U.S. was forced to contemplate any measure to keep Britain at bay.'

Even Hitler thought such a war was inevitable, but astonishingly wanted Britain to win, believing that to be the best outcome for Germany, since the UK could then join his forces to attack the U.S.

'You have to remember the U.S. was born out of a revolutionary struggle against Britain in 1776,' says Dr. John H. Maurer, of the U.S. Naval War College.

Using available blueprints for this war, modern-day military and naval experts now believe the most likely outcome of such a conflict would have been a massive naval battle in the North Atlantic with very few actual deaths, but ending with Britain handing Canada over to the U.S. in order to preserve our vital trade routes.



I briefly exposed this in MS/book CROSSTRAILS pages 13 & 14 but your

in depth expose' fills out the much appreciated details.

Posted (edited)

Hello Harry Dean,

Yes, your book / manuscript does get very perceptively into the British Empirism. Very perceptive.

Thank You for the comment.


That silent war between Canada and the US still existed with Montreal's UK Intelligence operations long after WWII.

It was extremely obvious that having a British Intelligence type that is UK good ole boy Zionist as DISC and FBI Div 5 would be asking for trouble from the US NAZI component that was screwed by the UK Royals double dealing with the German Jewish controlled big banking. Hoover was an idiot for putting that in place. The US was screwed over twice by the British Jewish schemes, and the last thing anyone would do is keep the door open to have it happen again. Hoover's early loyalty was only to the big Royalist bankers, a UK Masonic style loyalty to UK, and not really to "We The People". Later, Hoover became owned by Merchinson and Hunt and their Mafia helpers. They needed to own The UK Jewish Factions that pulled Hoover's chain.

When I look at the Dallas form of the Birchers they appear to have instigated the Stalinist approach to Capitalism. Stalin had the Great Purges, as he cleaned out the military of Trotski's Jewish components, and was going to get to the rest of the Jewish domination in Russia when he died, or was knocked off like JFK. Trotsky gets run off in place of getting shot, ends up in Mexico. A new book speaks to this, that Henry Makow provides some commentary:


What the Burchers were after was a Stalin type purge of anything that offered the slightest bit of interference with extreme right capitalism's intentions to build a mega-corporation that had the like power of IG Farben in Germany. They wanted to dominate the US, as well as foreign policy to purge any and all Communists in the US and in other countries.

As part of the Stalin Purge mentality we see the JCS Curtis LeMay type in constant battles with JFK for his mad bomber approach to Khruchev and Russia. LeMay became the character model for Dr. Strangelove. The Birchers Stalinist mode liked the idea of gunning down JFK in public and documenting the shooting on film, as they sought to tell the future US Presidents that they ran the show. They liked killing MLK similarly, as for them and Hoover these were Communist interests. Same with RFK for even thinking he could win office and go after the Big Oil Bircher types of the Communist Purge minded Birchers and their helpful conspiring CIA buddies.

This whole mess stems from the Capitalist money powers becoming concerned that Govt, would limit their powers to control the country and do this by limiting their wealth, controlling how must progressive a tax they would have to pay to become neutered, as well as getting Hunt getting shut down with the JFK elimination of the Oil Depletion Allowance that was going to really take on the big oil cartel with Hunt, Rockefeller and lots more of them. JFK not only locked horns with LeMay, he was after the head of the Birchers money power too.

The Dallas Birchers were complicated, but the big money of HL Hunt controlled the show, and Hunt was Pro-Hitler, Pro-NAZI, Pro-extreme right capitalism. Hunt and his loyal followers hated JFK and actively planned to have him killed.

What we got from the deal was Communist Purges of Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and half the Americas. Operations "White Star" and "Phoenix" in Vietnam was a Stalin Purge Operation against Communists in the entire region there. Hunt also didn't like the US Jewish controlled factions that were too Communistic for him in the Northern Democratic States.

The Hunt form of Birchers was Stalinism in reverse killing Communists and not being trusting of Jewish types in Govt., but using them effectively to get away with Murder and getting what they wanted.

Edited by Jim Phelps

Hello Harry Dean,

Yes, your book / manuscript does get very perceptively into the British Empirism. Very perceptive.

Thank You for the comment.


That silent war between Canada and the US still existed with Montreal's UK Intelligence operations long after WWII.

It was extremely obvious that having a British Intelligence type that is UK good ole boy Zionist as DISC and FBI Div 5 would be asking for trouble from the US NAZI component that was screwed by the UK Royals double dealing with the German Jewish controlled big banking. Hoover was an idiot for putting that in place. The US was screwed over twice by the British Jewish schemes, and the last thing anyone would do is keep the door open to have it happen again. Hoover's early loyalty was only to the big Royalist bankers, a UK Masonic style loyalty to UK, and not really to "We The People". Later, Hoover became owned by Merchinson and Hunt and their Mafia helpers. They needed to own The UK Jewish Factions that pulled Hoover's chain.

When I look at the Dallas form of the Birchers they appear to have instigated the Stalinist approach to Capitalism. Stalin had the Great Purges, as he cleaned out the military of Trotski's Jewish components, and was going to get to the rest of the Jewish domination in Russia when he died, or was knocked off like JFK. Trotsky gets run off in place of getting shot, ends up in Mexico. A new book speaks to this, that Henry Makow provides some commentary:


What the Burchers were after was a Stalin type purge of anything that offered the slightest bit of interference with extreme right capitalism's intentions to build a mega-corporation that had the like power of IG Farben in Germany. They wanted to dominate the US, as well as foreign policy to purge any and all Communists in the US and in other countries.

As part of the Stalin Purge mentality we see the JCS Curtis LeMay type in constant battles with JFK for his mad bomber approach to Khruchev and Russia. LeMay became the character model for Dr. Strangelove. The Birchers Stalinist mode liked the idea of gunning down JFK in public and documenting the shooting on film, as they sought to tell the future US Presidents that they ran the show. They liked killing MLK similarly, as for them and Hoover these were Communist interests. Same with RFK for even thinking he could win office and go after the Big Oil Bircher types of the Communist Purge minded Birchers and their helpful conspiring CIA buddies.

This whole mess stems from the Capitalist money powers becoming concerned that Govt, would limit their powers to control the country and do this by limiting their wealth, controlling how must progressive a tax they would have to pay to become neutered, as well as getting Hunt getting shut down with the JFK elimination of the Oil Depletion Allowance that was going to really take on the big oil cartel with Hunt, Rockefeller and lots more of them. JFK not only locked horns with LeMay, he was after the head of the Birchers money power too.

The Dallas Birchers were complicated, but the big money of HL Hunt controlled the show, and Hunt was Pro-Hitler, Pro-NAZI, Pro-extreme right capitalism. Hunt and his loyal followers hated JFK and actively planned to have him killed.

What we got from the deal was Communist Purges of Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and half the Americas. Operations "White Star" and "Phoenix" in Vietnam was a Stalin Purge Operation against Communists in the entire region there. Hunt also didn't like the US Jewish controlled factions that were too Communistic for him in the Northern Democratic States.

The Hunt form of Birchers was Stalinism in reverse killing Communists and not being trusting of Jewish types in Govt., but using them effectively to get away with Murder and getting what they wanted.

I do not doubt that Masonic's held sway over Birch Society. At the risk of saying anything favorable re; Birch leader Welch,

he excommunicated any and all JBS members having even ant-Jewish thoughts, or statements. An example being the fallout

between he and Revilo Oliver.

It is also extremely important to understand, that from the top down every Church member of LDS {latter-day-saint} Mormon,

very faithfully believe themselves to be the only true Jews, also that the Israeli and all others of that following, along

with everyone else in existence are Gentiles. Leaders and many members of LDS were in direct connection with JBS to remove

a Gentile, JFK.

Posted (edited)

Looks like things are zooming past 5,500 views of late...

Hello Harry Dean,

You are totally correct on the Bircher fallout with Revilo Oliver is because Welch would not let the Birchers get into the "Jewish problems". Oliver, a Texan by Birth (Later moved Ca and Ill.), was never short on words for the Jewish issues, as they are a huge issue in Russia and the Jewish there, a huge issue in dragging the US into the middle of WWI, and likewise for the scheming on WWII. I do think Hunt and his Texas Pro-Hitler buddies understood the same issues about the wars manipulations as Ingrid Rimland spoke to in her four missives in the "Veterans Today" editorials. These VT articles are mentioned in this thread for background continuity.

I do think it was Revilo that became so disgusted with Welch that he resigned from the Birchers in huge protest and started calling Welch the "Welcher" and worse. There came some real drama in the Oliver leaving the Birchers. Revilo was not happy with Welch and joined the Welcher Hate club and distanced himself, like Goldwater and Buckley. It would have been good to dig out those double dealing crooked deals the UK and the Jewish pulled off on the US, and perhaps this was Hunt's ultimate threat----to get all that out in public and tell the world what a bunch of dirty dealers the UK German Royal types were and their Jewish German Banksters, in collusion.

It is interesting that Revilo was so insensed he went on to help found the IHR, or Institute of Historical Review, which continually digs up issues on the Holocaust. So, he definitly looking at truth in the history of events. I think he started seeing he and others were had, but never got too close. Otherwise, they'd have killed him too.

Yet we do know that the Big Money Bircher in Dallas was very Pro-NAZI, Pro-Hitler, and his pals were up to putting in Jewish people in visible places for the JFK hit. So, perhaps Welch didn't have much control over the Dallas Burchers or he was looking the other way for all the big money advantages, or just didn't want to take on Hunt's Empire Building. But, the Texas Bircher Gang were all a lot like Revilo in thinking. And they had an active cover plan to drag in the Jews, just like the games they played against the US in WWI and WWII and give them a dose of their own corrupt manipulative medicine.

Texas inherited a lot of Germans in the 1800's and they moved to the West Texas Hill Country region and most likely they all kept up with the History of Germany and Hitler and well recognized all the scheming between the UK Royals and the German Jewish Banking interests. These factors were common knowledge with Hunt and his German pals.

Hunt just saw a good time to put it too the UK Intelligence and their Jewish good ole boys and dragged them into something that would well end their existance, if told. So, then Hunt not only pulled off owning Hoover, he pulled off owning Bloomfield and half of British Intelligence.

As for Masons, there is little difference in Masons and the Zionist Jewish folks and the Masons are typically loaded with Jewish brothers. The key to the upper eschelon on the Masons is they are all loyal to the Mother Lodge in London. The Jewish elite types are similar and they deal all the major cards to London's banking because they backed Israel. So, invariabley UK and Israel are political cronies, where the Jewish trickery in Wars set up the UK's very existance. The UK would not be in existance but for this Jewish trickery.

The UK Islanders were nearly scrubbed off their Islands several times, but for Jewish tricks to drag the US into their wars. So the corrupt UK is beholding to the Zionists to not be driven into the Mediterranean. Stupid Americans kept falling for that, and the US should really consider the UK and the Israelis as enemies due to this trickery, and I'd think this was Hunt's thinking, as well.

So, what goes around comes around and it was well time for someone to screw the UK Intelligence and put them on notice that the whole world can learn what kind of dirt bags they became in their desires to exploit others.

The JFK hit was as much to get rid of JFK as to set up British Intelligence and their corrupt Zionist factions.

So, even today the world is still battling with this effect of who has the money and how much they get to have. The issue of too much money leads to Fascism and Royalist control and NWO games, and the more socialist approach says dump the Fed. Res., limit the power of corporations and their owner's collective wealth to control the Govt., and put the power back into the hands of We The People.

One side wants to kill all the other side and nobody has enough sense to steer down the middle of the road. And it is mostly due to keeping all the secrets. The JFK assassination has a lot more secret issues besides the major faction that set up his killing, as the plot to leverage the cover up and win the game is where all the major dirt really lies. And that Major Dirt will set you free, as the CIA Motto likes to profess. So, we all seek the truth and Freedom.

The biggest secrets on the JFK hit are how the plotters put the system into Check-mate and won. The Biggest secrets are who they set up and why, and what the knowledge of those factors would do to the Public's impression of the UK and of Jewish Zionists. Exposing the full can of worms on the JFK plotters is a Huge Foreign Policy issue, but ones of major deceit and treachery the public needs to become aware about. Perhaps the Birchers knew this would become a time bomb of sorts, and it is time for its final delivery.


Edited by Jim Phelps
Posted (edited)

One of the most interesting insights as to the NAZI issues stems from John Judge and his associations with Mae Brussell. John Judge grew up near Washington, DC and sounds like Falls Church, Va. suburbs. There he got to listen to the various persons employed in interesting positions as well as poke around the Pentagon's library.

I think everyone will spot some real eye opening associations. Like Zapruder was a White Russian Jewish type. Clay Shaw was part of the Paperclip games that brought the NAZIs into the US.



Assassination as a Tool of Fascism


JOHN JUDGE: Thank you. I started this work, really, in a sense, when I started to visit the Pentagon library. My parents, my mother and father, and my aunt who I lived with, worked as civilian employees in the Pentagon, and they used to take me in when I was a kid. And by the 6th grade, I had a 12th grade reading level, because I went to this private school, where they kind of pushed us. So they would drop me off in the library for the day, and I used to go through the stuff in there, because I was, you know, 10-11 years old, nobody seemed to care much what I was looking at. And I found it pretty interesting.

And one of the things I figured out back then, because I was interested in UFOs, was that they were really government spy craft, and not extraterrestrial craft from some other place. And for those of you who wanted them to be extraterrestrial, maybe a few of them were. But most of them were a Nazi secret weapon that was developed in the aerospace caves outside of Berlin, and seen by GIs when they came in, along with the jet engines. And it was a technology that was kept secret. Like William S Burroughs says, `If this was the Middle Ages, and Magellen was an American, and we sailed around the planet and found out it was round instead of flat, we wouldn't tell anybody so we could attack from the rear.'


So, I really began the research and the work there. And I like to research, I like to read. And I would go to these cocktail parties in my neighborhood around Christmas time, and the guy across the street sold all the weapons to Howard Hughes, and the next door neighbor was CIA, and two doors down was NASA, and those were my neighbors in Falls Church, VA when I grew up, and they would get a little stewed, and they'd talk about business.

And I thought it was all pretty strange, but I didn't have any reason to question that there was a secret government, because I lived with that secret government. And you get Bill Moyers now, and he tells you, `Well, there's a legitimate government, but from time to time, to do a certain job, they hire a rather unseemly crew, and sometimes they get a little out of control and make trouble.'

I'd suggest it's the other way around: that the real government are the people that are doing the killing, and that they hire the people in the three piece suits to stand up and make you think you've got a democracy in front of you. Don't you think that's what it is?

See, because the real government kills people, and that's part of how it stays in power. Now, if you go back to the period at the end of the Weimar Republic, in the late `20s and the early `30s, before Hitler rose to power, you'll find a pattern of political assassinations.

It's depicted, interestingly, in Ingmar Bergman's probably least distributed film, The Serpent's Egg. And, the people that begin to die are the labor leaders, the political activists, the musicians. The people who might have an effective public voice, and might stand against the Fascism, begin to die in large numbers. And the German police admitted that these were political assassinations. But they said they couldn't solve them. They couldn't make the historical link to what was happening, or they could but were paid not to, like many of the investigations that we have now in this country: They couldn't solve those murders.

They couldn't hook them to the most obvious suspects, which were the members of the Freikorps from World War I: the trained and paid assassins from that period, who were helping to pave the way for Hitler, and for the end of the political opposition there. And there was plenty of it. I mean there was quite a bit of socialist/communist organizing in that period. Marx's vision of the world was that the first countries to make the change would be these industrialized countries, like Germany, and so most of the people that were continuing the Bolshevik revolution in those years move foreward with that.

The idea of the political assassinations and their origins really go back to 1918. Not that no one was killed earlier; I certainly don't suggest that. But in terms of what we're dealing with in the current period, most of this is a reaction to that revolution, to that change of power there in Russia, and in some of the other countries, in that period of time, in the early 1900s.


And Dorhnberger was actually scheduled for indictment. The British prosecutor, Shawcross, said that he ought to hang. He was suspected of having worked, not only at Dora, but with the `Butcher' at Auschwitz, at the Auschwitz concentration camp. And instead, when Werhner von Braun got here to the United States, he said that he wouldn't do any work on our rockets unless we saved his mentor, his old friend, Walter Dorhnberger. So McCloy and Lucius Clay intervened on his behalf and he was brought directly to the United States. And first, he got a job in Huntsville, I think at Mussel Shoals, with NASA for a little bit. And then he got into a position that he kept for many, many years, where he headed up the helicopter systems division at Bell Aircraft in the Dallas/Houston area.

And it was in that position that he hired, during the 1950s and `60s, a top-ranking military intelligence agent by the name of Michael Paine. Michael Paine had a wife, Ruth Paine, and the two of them were very tight with the White Russian Solidarist community that lived in Dallas, many of these White Russians. And I say the history of these Nazis dates back to the time of the [bolshevik] revolution. They're disaffected. Many of them worked with the CIA and other spy agencies, and Paine's family had connections with them. They went to a White Russian Orthodox church there, in Dallas, that was built with monies from the Cummins Catherwood Fund from Philadelphia. One of the blue-line families out in Philadelphia, Cummins Catherwood also funded the Cuban Aid Relief for the Bay of Pigs survivors, who were intimately involved in the assassination.


Werhner von Braun, knowing that the Russians, the Soviet troops, were going to come into Berlin, packed up shop at Dora, where he was building the rockets. He moved into Switzerland, leaving a trail for US Intelligence, that had contacted him and other scientists months before in something called Operation Overcast. When he got up into that area, General Thurston, who was in charge of the military takeover for that sector, followed through with the arrangements to have him and several other scientists arrested and brought to the United States.

The person who actually effected the arrests, the physical arrests, of Werhner von Braun and the rocket scientists, the Paper Clip boys (they called it Project Paper Clip, to bring these people in) was the aide-de-camp to Thurston, a fellow named Clay Shaw. Years later, Jim Garrison attempted to indict Clay Shaw for his involvement in the assassination of John F Kennedy. And Clay Shaw, among other things, was on the board of directors of a firm called Permindex, which had offices at that time out of Canada. Where they were doing training, along with British Intelligence, of assassins all during World War II. It was work that involved, among other people, Ian Fleming. And in fact, Ian Fleming's character, James Bond, is a real person that lives in Philadelphia and is very close to the Cummins Catherwood family.


The reason I'm making all these secondary comments is that we found out when Abraham Zapruder died that he's a White Russian. That he was from that same section there in Minsk, where George DeMohrenschildt and Marina's family came from. Marina's uncle was a high-ranking military officer in the NKVD, but her family was White Russian and anti-communist. And Gehlen infiltrated a lot of the KGB and Soviet military and intelligence structures during the war, and left agents in place. There's reason to believe that a number of people that were involved with Oswald, even in the Soviet Union, also tie to this International Fascism; and not to the idea that Oswald was some kind of a KGB agent. He was a Naval Intelligence operative. He had crypto clearance. He travelled around with the U-2. And he was a U.S. spy. He was sent to defect falsely to the Soviet Union.


Just to take one more example: When Reinhard Gehlen came here, many of his 300 operatives were funnelled through a section of the Defense Department known as the Army Historical Division. Because they, especially George Patton, were busy hiring Nazis to help them write the official history of World War II. So both Nazi war criminals and Nazi historians were channeled in through this, and then fed into the beginnings of the CIA, which was formed by Gehlen and his organization. And into Radio Free America and Radio Free Europe. The engines of the National Security State and the Cold War logic were a lie.


And just recently, when I was reading Tennessee Waltz by James Earl Ray, where he names the person in Canada that introduced him to the mysterious character Raoul, who set him up as the patsy. He says that that's a person named David Gravier. Well David Gravier is an international financier, connected to American Banking and Trust, which itself is a major subsidiary of guess who? Credit Suisse. Where did he [Ray] meet him [Raoul]? In Canada, where Permindex was located. See, so you'll find the connections going back to certain firms, certain cover.


John J McCloy, among other things during the period when he was Under-Secretary of War, was responsible, along with Earl Warren and a fellow named S Dillon Reed, for the set-up of the Japanese concentration camps in the United States and the internment of Japanese, not German or white peoples, but Japanese people here. A lot of them lived out here in California, and you may know some of the history of the different concentration camps that were out here. People lost their property and their money. McCloy still speaks openly against any reparations for those people, and believes it was proper that he had them locked up and treated the way that they were during the war.


And Dorhnberger was actually scheduled for indictment. The British prosecutor, Shawcross, said that he ought to hang. He was suspected of having worked, not only at Dora, but with the `Butcher' at Auschwitz, at the Auschwitz concentration camp. And instead, when Werhner von Braun got here to the United States, he said that he wouldn't do any work on our rockets unless we saved his mentor, his old friend, Walter Dorhnberger. So McCloy and Lucius Clay intervened on his behalf and he was brought directly to the United States. And first, he got a job in Huntsville, I think at Mussel Shoals, with NASA for a little bit. And then he got into a position that he kept for many, many years, where he headed up the helicopter systems division at Bell Aircraft in the Dallas/Houston area.

And it was in that position that he hired, during the 1950s and `60s, a top-ranking military intelligence agent by the name of Michael Paine. Michael Paine had a wife, Ruth Paine, and the two of them were very tight with the White Russian Solidarist community that lived in Dallas, many of these White Russians. And I say the history of these Nazis dates back to the time of the [bolshevik] revolution. They're disaffected. Many of them worked with the CIA and other spy agencies, and Paine's family had connections with them. They went to a White Russian Orthodox church there, in Dallas, that was built with monies from the Cummins Catherwood Fund from Philadelphia. One of the blue-line families out in Philadelphia, Cummins Catherwood also funded the Cuban Aid Relief for the Bay of Pigs survivors, who were intimately involved in the assassination.


Another person with connections to the Nazis, who was very instrumental in the assassination, is George DeMohrenschildt. He came from a reactionary family in Russia. His father was a top level employee of the Nobel oil family, which was like the Rockefellers here, prior to the [bolshevik] revolution. They lost their fortune there. His brother, Von DeMohrenschildt, was jailed by the revolution for a period. When they got loose, they went to Germany. They helped the Fascists set up. Von went into the CIA-funded Tolstoy Foundation, which was a center for the White Russians during the whole period. And George DeMohrenschildt was an oil engineer. Among other places that he worked, and was close to, was Kerr-McGee (he was tight with Mr. Kerr), where Karen Silkwood was later killed by the Industrial Security Command guards. That Defense Industrial Security Command was running Mussel Shoals and Huntsville, Alabama, when the Nazis arrived.




Edited by Jim Phelps
Posted (edited)

John Judge offered some most interesting insights into the issues of the NAZIs in the US and even as a kid running around the Pentagon's library he noticed the Pentagon knew about the fancy new lenticular aircraft designs of the NAZIs the US captured from around underground sites of Berlin. The UFO mess was these advanced soucer looking German flying machines and some of the mess at White Sands testing range was not UFO's from Space, but one from nuclear experiments on these old NAZI flying machines and human experimenatation. Right there at Ft. Bliss, Texas was the roots of the rockets and the advanced aircraft of the NAZI war machine.

The US not only inherited all this, they get almost the entire German Intelligence Networks from IG Farben on up to Ghelen's Russian Spy machine. This NAZI like kill the opposition to corporatism method operated under CIA until JFK upset their Apple Cart.

What few people forget is the CIA became the NAZI SS West and Dulles was their Hero. Hitler came to power via the methods of politcal assassinations and this was the methods the CIA chose to use and it went to extremes in White Star and Phoenix in Vietnam with the DOD rubber stamping CIA kill plans, and with killing JFK. It was not unusual at all, that this group would chose to set up JFK for being shot.

The main players were Hunt's buddies with the NAZI gang that wanted to not only get JFK for shutting down the CIA NAZI kill methods and putting them under the DOD, but they wanted the Jewish factions controlling the Defense Industrial Security---that was Hoover and Bloomfield and the UK Intelligence. The NAZI elements hated this side of the Intelligence. PERMINDEX didn't operate under CIA mandated restrictions.

Like it or not---Canada has been the enemy of the US, from burning down the White House in the War of 1812, to the Code Red plans against Canada that were highly classified. The British ran kill squads out of Montreal. Canada did a little make over, like a name change to make them look a bit more friendly to the US. But the UK Intelligence allied with the Zionists wasn't accepted as friendly in Intelligence Circles.

It was a pretty simple game to draw in the Bloomfield gang by NAZI escallation with Egypt, and causing a heated battle with JFK and Ben Gurion. This drew in the UK and Jewish controller killers network, which got even for JFK shutting down the NAZI elements with the CIA. So, the desire for the displaced Germans NAZIs was to take down Bloomfield, UK, and using PERMINDEX to do they job they wanted done.

Things stopped short of giving up the real issues driving the hit on JFK, and the simple plan of framing LHO became the solution for all the plotters to get away with murder.

The Ring Leaders for this ugly Check-Mated operation was still the highly NAZI intelligence connected Dallas Birchers, and they were the root of the plot's invention.



Dulles immediately began recruiting Nazi terrorists and SS torturers to fill the ranks, and to teach SS methods to new CIA recruits (6,10,12). Almost overnight, the CIA became a criminal enterprise, devoted to protecting the business interests of the Wall Street elite, including those directed or controlled by Bush, Harriman, Rockefeller, and the Dulles brothers. Anyone and everyone challenging or threatening the ability of these men and their associates to make money and to rape and exploit third world countries, became dangers to “national security.” Opponents would be eliminated, their governments or organizations toppled, and indigenous populations, including workers, murdered or terrorized into submission—tactics identical to those employed by Hitler’s SS—the Brotherhood of Death (7).



Like Hitler’s Gestapo (7,8), the mission of the CIA had a definite political purpose which was to put into power those sympathetic to the interests of the Wall Street elite and who supported the fascist ideology of the Brotherhood. However, it was not just third world countries which would be subverted, but the government of the United States.

As explained by Loftus and Aarons (1) “Dulles had been recruiting Nazis under the cover of the State Department’s Office of Policy Coordination. Eastern European émigré networks that had worked first for the SS, then the British, and finally Dulles” were also recruited and put on the payroll of the State Dept., even though they were Nazis working for the CIA.

“The CIA did not know it, but Dulles was bringing them to the United States less for intelligence purposes than for political advantage. The Nazis’ job quickly became to get out the vote for the Republicans.”


While George Bush did his duty bringing Nazis into positions of power in the republican party, Nixon, after he became President, was surrounding “himself with what was known as the Berlin Wall, a long succession of advisors with Germanic names: We recall at the top of his ‘German General Staff’ as it was also known, there was Haldeman, Erlichman, Krogh, Kliendienst, Kissinger (the Rockefellers’ emissary) and many others” (19).

As described by Groden and Livingstone (19), “Some of these men would watch the great Nazi propaganda films in the basement of the White House until all hours of the night, and drink, in fact, get drunk with their power, with blind ambition, as one of them wrote.”

As detailed by Loftus and Aarons (1), “According to several of our sources in the intelligence community who were in a position to know, the secret rosters of the Republican party’s Nationalities Council read like a Who’s Who of Fascist fugitives. The Republican’s Nazi connection is the darkest secret of the Republican leadership.”


When John F. Kennedy came to office, the CIA was so powerful, that it was almost a state within a state, a power answerable only to itself. It could do whatever it wanted, and it did, and was able to resist even minimal supervision from the two previous administrations. Murder, terrorist attacks, the rigging of elections, the incitement of rebellions, the instigation of coups, and plots to kill foreign leaders, were all planned and carried out with little input from outsiders, including two previous presidents of the United States.

The CIA and the Wall Street Brotherhood assumed Kennedy would also take a hands off approach, and would do what he was told, that he would bend to their wishes.

They were wrong.

Kennedy was concerned about international repercussions if Cuba were attacked. Attacking another sovereign state without provocation would be a violation of international law.


On June 28, 1961 Kennedy signed National Security Action Memoranda 57, which (along with Memoranda 55,56) effectively stripped responsibility for covert “paramilitary” operations from the CIA, and put them under the control of the Defense Department and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. These memoranda sent shockwaves and stirred up outrage throughout the CIA—feelings which reached the boiling point when rumors began to circulate that if Kennedy won a second term, he would appoint his brother, Bobby Kennedy to be head of the CIA.

Dulles had been deposed and now his private police force, his creation, his personal instrument of terror, had been stripped from his hands. Not only was Kennedy going to destroy it but he he was going to hand the remains over to his brother.

It was Kennedy who would have to be destroyed.


The leader of the pack was Allen Dulles, former director of the CIA. A curious choice. Dulles had been fired by Kennedy because Kennedy believed Dulles was untrustworthy and a xxxx. What kind of man was Allen Dulles? He was a man who had been in business with Nazis, who sought to have SS chief and mass murderer Heinrich Himmler take the place of Hitler, and who had recruited Nazi mass murderers for his CIA and into the Republican party (1,2,5,6,10,11,12,18). Whereas his Nazi partners tortured and killed millions, Dulles and his CIA were directly responsible for the mass murder and torture of 100s of thousands of men, women, and children (13,35). Dulles was a killer. He had a Nazi-mentality.

Second in command: John McCloy, chairman of Chase Manhattan bank (59)—a bank owned by the Rockefellers, and a bank that was used as a Nazi front and which laundered Nazi funds, and which stole tens of millions of dollars from Jews who were being murdered and worked to death in the concentration camps being run by Rockefeller business partner, IG Farben (1,2,60,61,62). Indeed, Rockefeller’s Chase Manhattan bank (like the Bush-Harriman gang) continued its relationship with the Nazis even after Pearl Harbor, and after the Nazis declared war on the U.S. It was because of Chase/Rockefeller collusion with the Nazis that law suits were filed by victims of its business practices (60,61). Chase and other Nazi-banks were forced to pay millions of dollars in compensation to those it stole from and who were murdered and whose property was seized by its Nazi business partners.


Since 1956, Eisenhower had authorized the U2, an ultra-light, high-flying spy plane, to conduct secret reconnaissance missions over the Soviet Union (70). The reason he approved these missions was that he did not believe the reports he was getting from Dulles and the CIA, which claimed a Soviet military superiority. Eisenhower hoped that the information obtained from these flights would silence the warmongers in his administration and on Wall Street. The Soviets lacked the interceptor aircraft and missiles to shoot down the U2, so Eisenhower was confident that he could always deny their existence.

At the insistence of Allen Dulles and gang, Eisenhower reluctantly agreed to one last flight, just as the Paris summit approached. On May 1, 1960, U2 pilot Frances Gary Powers was detected and then shot down as he crossed the Soviet Union (70).

A belligerent Khrushchev was enraged and canceled the summit.

There was jubilation on Wall Street and in the Dulles’ households.

Shortly thereafter, less than 18 months after his defection, and 6 months after Gary Powers had been shot down, Oswald —who had been stationed at Atsugi Air Base in Japan, the home of the largest CIA station in the Pacific and the super-secret U2 spyplane— opened negotiations with the U.S. Embassy in Moscow (52). Amazingly, Oswald was not only granted permission to immediately return to the United States but he was allowed to bring his new Russian wife, with the U.S. picking up the tab!



Was Oswald a CIA agent? An “undercover agent?” Some think so (71), including his mother (52).

It would be a neat trick, indeed, to train Oswald as a CIA agent, use him to provide info resulting in the downing of Gary Power’s U2 spy plane, and then bring him back, set him up for a mission which he knows little about, put him in that book depository, have 3 expert CIA marksmen kill Kennedy, and then, have Oswald, the communist defector and friend of Cuba, take the blame.


However, Cuba was not attacked. Instead, Lyndon Johnson, upon becoming president, escalated the war in Vietnam.

The Wall Street elite, the war mongers, were delirious with joy. Billions of dollars would be spent and were spent fighting the Vietnam war. The war was a cash cow.

War has always been good for business.

The death of Kennedy had resulted in war.

Dulles and the Bush-Harriman-Rockefeller gang, had won again.



Edited by Jim Phelps
Posted (edited)

It also helps to take a close look at what Harry J. Dean tells us in "Crosstrails" on pages 13 and 14 under the subtopic of "Hounds and Mice." After the JFK assassination England and Canada moved toward making Canada look less threating to the US. Harry Dean was born in Canada and really didn't care much for them and struck out for the US. He'd soon encounter lots of new things in the US from watching secret aircraft to seeing the hate of the John Birch Society toward JFK. Harry Dean offers some insights on the changing Nationalistic UK Appearance issues of Canada subsequent to the JFK assassination.


Citation from:


Between 1967 and 1982 Canada, replaced the British (Union Jack) flag with their present maple leaf flag. They set aside the British national anthem of (God save the King/Queen) substituting it with their own anthem of 'O Canada'. In that era those same 'formerly British Subjects' became for the first time 'Canadian Citizens'. But that national is still subject to a King or Queen of England as head of the Canadian state. The Queen appoints her 'Governor General' {agent} to preside as supreme official over Primier {chief political leader} of Canada. It has a parlimentary 'British style government' and remains part of the Royal Monarchy System. Much of the mineral wealth of Canada is still owned by England's Royal family. The Royal facial image remains imprinted on the money of Canada. {I continued to observe the ongoing generations of Canda. Like their ancestors they yet for the most part maintain a pro-British aloof attitude, and many, its corrupting English morals, with a favorable view of similar, modern U.S. mores}. In the 1990's the United Staes, with England, and Canada in lock-step, along with other lesser nations, {Canada total population, little more than 30 million} became fearsome partners in the new world order economic brute force war making. Shall the visious hounds, and rabid mice contineu to plague the world with the 'created chaos, and devious solutions'?

Is it possible that we are mere slavish pawns in this game, unaware, and living in a fools paradise --- exposed to 'certain' deadly reactions -- and severe economic reversals that could bring a regrettable new dark age of sorrows with 'controlled' physical hardships in a total materialistic, and 'spirit-crushed' world.? {I regret finding is necessary to quote the disgusting old communist Nikolai Lenin}.... But before his death in 1924 he said; "Germany will arm itself out of existence -- England/Great Britain, will expand herself out of existance -- United States will loan/spend itself out of existence" ... The first two predictions came true...


Edited by Jim Phelps

It also helps to take a close look at what Harry J. Dean tells us in "Crosstrails" on pages 13 and 14 under the subtopic of "Hounds and Mice." After the JFK assassination England and Canada moved toward making Canada look less threating to the US. Harry Dean was born in Canada and really didn't care much for them and struck out for the US. He'd soon encounter lots of new things in the US from watching secret aircraft to seeing the hate of the John Birch Society toward JFK. Harry Dean offers some insights on the changing Nationalistic UK Appearance issues of Canada subsequent to the JFK assassination.


Citation from:

"Hounds and Mice"

Between 1967 and 1982 Canada, replaced the British (Union Jack) flag with their present maple leaf flag. They set aside the British national anthem of (God save the King/Queen) substituting it with their own anthem of 'O Canada'. In that era those same 'formerly British Subjects' became for the first time 'Canadian Citizens'. But that national is still subject to a King or Queen of England as head of the Canadian state. The Queen appoints her 'Governor General' {agent} to preside as supreme official over Primier {chief political leader} of Canada. It has a parlimentary 'British style government' and remains part of the Royal Monarchy System. Much of the mineral wealth of Canada is still owned by England's Royal family. The Royal facial image remains imprinted on the money of Canada. {I continued to observe the ongoing generations of Canda. Like their ancestors they yet for the most part maintain a pro-British aloof attitude, and many, its corrupting English morals, with a favorable view of similar, modern U.S. mores}. In the 1990's the United Staes, with England, and Canada in lock-step, along with other lesser nations, {Canada total population, little more than 30 million} became fearsome partners in the new world order economic brute force war making. Shall the visious hounds, and rabid mice contineu to plague the world with the 'created chaos, and devious solutions'?

Is it possible that we are mere slavish pawns in this game, unaware, and living in a fools paradise --- exposed to 'certain' deadly reactions -- and severe economic reversals that could bring a regrettable new dark age of sorrows with 'controlled' physical hardships in a total materialistic, and 'spirit-crushed' world.? {I regret finding is necessary to quote the disgusting old communist Nikolai Lenin}.... But before his death in 1924 he said; "Germany will arm itself out of existence -- England/Great Britain, will expand herself out of existance -- United States will loan/spend itself out of existence" ... The first two predictions came true...



Yes, this was in the year 2000 from CROSSTRAILS manuscript/book,

as follows;


A certain piece of history not yet known to them and which they

must have later learned. An American plan being considered in

the 1930s to declare war on the British empire followed by the

annexing and occupation Canada and other English subject

countries .

British/English iron-grip control of world trade drove the

entire European and American continence keeping them at a

brink-of-war depression level. England's merchant fleets and

navies ruled the waves. The sun never set on her world wide


This strangulation, created a United States plan and a similar

plan being formulated in Germany for unnatural expansion,

simply for survival and economic recovery! Germany's dire problems

made them first to execute their plan bringing England and

British Canada into the European war in September 1939.

The United States held back for the next two years as an alleged

neutral nation until December 7 1941. Diplomatic and trade relations

were continued by the U.S. during those two years with all

belligerent nations,surreptitiously,and openly.

With England pounded almost into submission and her global empire

melting away, the U.S. began to aid that British wreckage. The

greatest enemy {extensive British economic tyranny} had been


The elimination of eroding German European military/economic

control was all but assured. Having accumulated much of the wealth

of warring nations, and with her greater industrial production in

hand, the United States entered and directed the war, and the

world, on her own terms.

The successful invasion from England upon German-held Europe was

to the U.S. with her trailing allies the beginning of a-like-or-not

new world order?

Posted (edited)

Hello Harry,

Thank You for adding your "PLANS and PLANNERS" from pages 12 and 13 of your book / manuscript, called "CROSSTRAILS", to help folks understand the issues better.

I see, from page 23, that you had a "Close Encounter" in 1946 down at Sheppard Field in Texas with an old German artifact, the US is still trying to hide. Guess that would tell the US adopted way too much German items as the spoils of war.


Yes, this was in the year 2000 from CROSSTRAILS manuscript/book,

as follows;


A certain piece of history not yet known to them and which they

must have later learned. An American plan being considered in

the 1930s to declare war on the British empire followed by the

annexing and occupation Canada and other English subject

countries .

British/English iron-grip control of world trade drove the

entire European and American continence keeping them at a

brink-of-war depression level. England's merchant fleets and

navies ruled the waves. The sun never set on her world wide


This strangulation, created a United States plan and a similar

plan being formulated in Germany for unnatural expansion,

simply for survival and economic recovery! Germany's dire problems

made them first to execute their plan bringing England and

British Canada into the European war in September 1939.

The United States held back for the next two years as an alleged

neutral nation until December 7 1941. Diplomatic and trade relations

were continued by the U.S. during those two years with all

belligerent nations,surreptitiously,and openly.

With England pounded almost into submission and her global empire

melting away, the U.S. began to aid that British wreckage. The

greatest enemy {extensive British economic tyranny} had been


The elimination of eroding German European military/economic

control was all but assured. Having accumulated much of the wealth

of warring nations, and with her greater industrial production in

hand, the United States entered and directed the war, and the

world, on her own terms.

The successful invasion from England upon German-held Europe was

to the U.S. with her trailing allies the beginning of a-like-or-not

new world order?

Edited by Jim Phelps
Posted (edited)

We have been looking at lots of the old history leading up to the mess that caused the JFK assassination.

We have explored that the US took up the spoils of war from Germany, and this included lots of the German Intelligence sections linked to Gehlen and others. The CIA was running heavy with the ideas or spoils gained from Hitler's Germany. The CIA turned into a political killing unit like that of Pre-NAZI Germany for Hitler gaining power. The CIA turned into a "state within a state" type power by the time JFK came along, the same term was applied to IG Farben in Germany. Hitler just had the opposition killed and they used special caliber guns and once that was seen the investigations never progressed.

Now, we can take a look at Lee Harvey Oswald's mission to Russia and giving up all the secrets to Russia's German Rocket Scientists to be able to shoot down a US U-2 spy plane. LHO gave them the altitudes, base locations, range, speeds, and target interests for the U-2 and with that the keys to Russia making a rocket that was able to down a U-2. While much of the data was obvious, it was rebel rousing attention that a U-2 US Defector came to Russia.

The exiting Russian S-75 missle was not good enough to get a U-2, nither was the existing Russian aircraft high flying and fast enough, so the data accumulated and rebel rousing allowed for the design of the much larger V-750 VN rocket that downed Powers and also got a U-2 over Cuba on Oct. 27, 1962. By 1962, all the LHO U-2 rebel rousing in Russia turned into a real monster. The V-750's ringed Cuba as surface to air defense, and other V-750's could carry 15 KT weapons.

U-2s were basically getting to be old technology and it was time to dump any more spending on the U-2 and jump start the move into using space for spy satellites. Thus, when Gary Powers went down, Khruchev went ballistic (seems like another shoe banging episode, nice U-2 parts show, and trial for FGP for Spying), and the US Rocket Spy Satellite Programs went into hyperdrive. It seems FGP forgot to hit the U-2 destruct switch, so the Soviets got a pretty much intact U-2 complete with all the cameras and technology. Thus, the rockets and satellites became the new standard for photo recon driven by the successes of the V-750 VN rockets against U-2s.




By 1945, the Nazi leadership was reported to be developing several SAM systems to defend against Allied bombers. These were never put into operation because Germany was defeated. However, the Germans' Wasserfall missile was a precursor of the Nike-Ajax, the first SAM developed by the U.S., and the V-750 SAM, the first developed by the Soviet Union.



The Corona project was pushed forward especially following the shooting down of a U-2 spy plane over the Soviet Union in May 1960.

The first Corona launch containing a camera was carried out in June 1959 with the cover name Discoverer 4. This was a 750 kilogram satellite launched by a Thor-Agena rocket.

The return capsule of the Discoverer 13 mission, which launched August 10, 1960, was successfully recovered the next day.[6] This was the first time that any object had been recovered successfully from orbit. After the mission of Discoverer 14, launch on August 18, 1960, its film bucket was successfully retrieved two days later by a C-119 Flying Boxcar transport plane. This was the first successful return of photographic film from orbit. In comparison, Sputnik 5 was launched into orbit on August 19, 1960, one day after the launch of Discoverer 14. Sputnik 5 was a biosatellite that took into orbit the two Soviet space dogs, Belka and Strelka, and then safely returned them to the Earth .[7]


LHO bails out of the Soviet Union in June 1962, his little mixed Intelligence mission completed. By this time it is evident the rocket shift has become a new monster. Between the Jupiter Missles in Turkey and the U-2s, the Rocket Wars were on with Russia and the US. JFK apparently diffused this issue with Jupiters and was on the road to peace with Khruchev, but that was too socilist an agenda for these Mil/Ind types. LHO plugs right into a nice little game with Guy Bannister in NO. He has a new game now, Cuba.

So, that should tell anyone what LHO was really working on and who he was working for, as well as to why he could so easily come back to the US and plug almost right into the kill Castro plan in NO. LHO's Russia mission was Dulles and the NAZI rocket interests fueled.

From this little issue, one can see why Hoover had Bloomfield, of UK Intelligence and Zionist fame, having oversight, via DISC, of the Huntsville NAZI weapons business and why they really didn't like that idea, nor did Texas that also got a lot of benefits.

Technically, Lee Harven Oswald started the race for space for the German rocket scientists and killed the U-2 program. LHO also didn't kill JFK, whom he was trying to protect from the Dallas NAZI's.

Lee Oswald made the Texas weapons and planes businesses lots of money, along with lots of work for Huntsvilles NAZI rocket boys, and even more work for Oak Ridge to make nuclear weapons to go on those. It progressed to nuclear madness with ICBMs and the power to almost obliterate the life on planet Earth. LHO was an Oak Ridge hero for Jobs.


Some of the other discussion boards are coming along rapidly:




Edited by Jim Phelps

We have been looking at lots of the old history leading up to the mess that caused the JFK assassination.

Thus, we have explored that the US took up the spoils of war from Germany, and this included lots of the German Intelligence sections linked to Gehlen and others. The CIA was running heavy with the ideas or spoils gained from Hitler's Germany. The CIA turned into a political killing unit like that of Pre-NAZI Germany for Hitler gaining power. Hitler just had the opposition killed and they used special caliber guns and once that was seen the investigations never progressed.

Now, we can take a look at Lee Harvey Oswald's mission to Russia and giving up all the secrets to Russia's German Rocket Scientists to be able to shoot down a US U-2 spy plane. LHO gave them the altitudes and speeds for the U-2 and with that the keys to Russia making a rocket that was able to down a U-2.

U-2 were basically old technology and some factions on each side wanted to dump any more spending on the U-2 and jump start the move into using space for spy satellites. Thus, when Gary Powers went down, Khruchev went ballistic, and the US Rocket Spy Satellite Programs went into hyperdrive. They became the new standard for photo recon.



The Corona project was pushed forward especially following the shooting down of a U-2 spy plane over the Soviet Union in May 1960.

The first Corona launch containing a camera was carried out in June 1959 with the cover name Discoverer 4. This was a 750 kilogram satellite launched by a Thor-Agena rocket.

The return capsule of the Discoverer 13 mission, which launched August 10, 1960, was successfully recovered the next day.[6] This was the first time that any object had been recovered successfully from orbit. After the mission of Discoverer 14, launch on August 18, 1960, its film bucket was successfully retrieved two days later by a C-119 Flying Boxcar transport plane. This was the first successful return of photographic film from orbit. In comparison, Sputnik 5 was launched into orbit on August 19, 1960, one day after the launch of Discoverer 14. Sputnik 5 was a biosatellite that took into orbit the two Soviet space dogs, Belka and Strelka, and then safely returned them to the Earth .[7]


LHO bails out of the Soviet Union in 1962, his little mixed Intelligence mission completed, and plugs right into a nice little game with Guy Bannister in NO. He has a new game now, Cuba.

So, that should tell anyone what LHO was really working on and who he was working for, as well as to why he could so easily come back to the US and plug almost right into the kill Castro plan in NO.

From this little issue, one can see why Hoover had Bloomfield, of UK Intelligence and Zionist fame, having oversight, via DISC, of the Huntsville NAZI weapons business and why they really didn't like that idea, nor did Texas that also got a lot of benefits.

Technically, Lee Harven Oswald started the race for space for the German rocket scientists and killed the U-2 program. LHO also didn't kill JFK, whom he was trying to protect from the Dallas NAZI's.

U.S. Intelligence orders to me/we, who were infiltration operatives/informants

were to never carry weapons even for personal survival, as in doing so, we

could not/would not,be acknowledged by the federal agency with whom we were involved

under such circumstance should we do so.

Under certain such dangerous often deadly situation to be armed for defense naturally

seemed urgent. I never disobeyed this warning. Though faced with death threats by

the spied upon. Oswald did not!

Posted (edited)

The discussion thread is zooming past 6,000 views...

U.S. Intelligence orders to me/we, who were infiltration operatives/informants

were to never carry weapons even for personal survival, as in doing so, we

could not/would not,be acknowledged by the federal agency with whom we were involved

under such circumstance should we do so.

Under certain such dangerous often deadly situation to be armed for defense naturally

seemed urgent. I never disobeyed this warning. Though faced with death threats by

the spied upon. Oswald did not!


LHO was in deep with the Dulles games with the Rocketboys and they were extremely crafty in Dallas. While LHO knew the game to get funding, when JFK turned on Dulles, they wanted to take LHO into the plan, but he blabbed the plan. That Dead Drop LHO message at the Oak Ridge Atomic Museum went right to the FBI. So, he became the Patsy to blame. He also saw it coming and I guess he got a lot defensive.

It certainly didn't help that he owned a couple guns to help crooked Dulles bury LHO along with their mutual CIA secrets. LHO was then being set up in New Orleans with Banister and his Dallas connections.

It sure doesn't look like the LDS types in the FBI, nor their Constitution Defending Danists did a good job of protecting the US from corperate fascism, NAZI styled and Royal Oligarchy produced.

Edited by Jim Phelps
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