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Watergate and the sixth man

Scott Kaiser

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It appears that my father was the sixth man in Watergate not Lou Russell as many thought him to be. Attached, is one of the many letter's my father left me before his murder explaining to me how he was the sixth man in Watergate when he broke into the Watergate Building with Sturgis, it only seems to be quite fitting sense Sturgis and my father were long time frinds, he confessed this information to my mother shortly after Sturgis' arrest in Washington. My father then went to Hati to lay low. This is somewhat paraphrased:

“Five of the six men involved in Watergate were from the Bay-of-Pigs. 6 out of 6 from Miami. All involved at one time or another with Cuba or her problems. It is my belief that if we had more Americans with the love they have and have shown, and the want to do, not talk about doing something, but doing it for this Country, to work as this 6 men try to work, we Americans would be better off. As I said before, I only knew one of them. I only wish I had the pleasure to know them all. {(crossed out with pen) I have information on a exchange.}

Tuesday 26th July – Ramone Orosco.

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