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Robert Merritt

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I wish to thank the author who wrote the review of my book “Watergate Exposed” even though he or she is a coward, - that is to not even sign their name to the article!

However, I am thanking this person because some of the facts even though 80% or more of the article was totally incorrect and badly written but the only part that is true are the fact that 10% or less deals with Watergate.

The reason being is very simple and that is, - it is true that Douglas Caddy co-authored the book with me via phone and E-mails but it is also true that Douglas Caddy is a CIA operative and that he was assigned to obtain all of my secrets regarding Watergate and then, burn the book before it was ever published!!

I am not stupid, after a few weeks while talking to Douglas Caddy, not only was I profiling him but I even received inside information about him and that was, - to be very cautious and not to give him everything I knew!! And, I did not! At that point in time, I ordered the book to be closed, stopped with interviews and go to publication, - which it did! If I had not taken this action, then, there would not even have been any book called “Watergate Exposed”!! However, even with Douglas Caddy’s serious attempts to even defraud and scam me with his bogus contracts, - I have managed to give 61 news interviews and shows around the world three times, reaching out to 17 nations and 68 million people! And also, there is a second book in the works that will tell all and nothing but the truth and the facts! There will be nothing excluded!!!

So, I have to disregard this piece of garbage written by the unsigned author who apparently has no credibility with the Lobster Magazine from the United Kingdom! How can anyone with any credibility write an article for anyone without a signature?!! It also does not say very much about the credibility of Lobster Magazine!!

Is also very interesting that this ghost writer can praise Douglas Caddy who received only 15 minutes of lime light with Watergate and was even arrested by the Honorable Judge Sirica for refusing to answer simple basic questions!!!

It is even more interesting that Douglas Caddy voluntarily worked in The White House with the sleaze ball John Dean who betrayed the President of the United States just a couple of months before the Watergate Break-in happened!!!

Unless you have talked to me directly, then, please don’t write anymore fairy tales about me because I am a part of history and a figure in history and Watergate! Keep your fairy tales for the likes, - like Douglas Caddy! And perhaps since you have suggested that Douglas Caddy do his own memoirs, then, maybe he can tell us about his escapades in the leather bars on his weekend trips to New York City while he was working for the CIA!

Written by: Robert Merritt August 30, 2011

Attached is a copy of the Lobster Magazine article written by a nobody:

Watergate Exposed

How the President of the United States and the Watergate

Burglars Were Set Up as told to Douglas Caddy, original attorney

for the Watergate Seven

Robert Merrit

Walterville (OR): TrineDay, 2011, 240 pages, index;

p/b, (US) $19.95


This is a very interesting bad book with a misleading title. It’s bad because little thought or work appears to have gone into its construction and there is much repetition. The title is doubly misleading: in the first place, little of it – less than 10% I would guess – deals with Watergate. Secondly, the suggestion that Nixon and ‘the plumbers’ were set-up is false.

The author tells us that a Washington policeman was warned in advance of the Watergate burglary and let it happen, before arresting ‘the plumbers’. Even if, as is speculated here,that policeman was linked to the CIA in some way, this is not setting them up.1 The book is interesting chiefly as a firsthand account of a career agent/agent provocateur for the American local and national state – police, FBI, and God knows who else (half the

time Merritt seemed to neither know nor care for whom he was really working). To my knowledge there has been nothing quite like this before, if the author is to be believed. Maybe Louis Tackwood’s claims2 come closest; but Merritt’s activities are on another planet, if he is to be believed. It’s a big ‘if’. Merrit was a serious druggie, with the moral capacity of a bar of soap, who made a living as a deceiver for almost 20 years. But if only half of it is true, this is an appalling tale from the lower depths of the American dream through which, run by a succession of state agents, Merritt trawled among the American left and Washington politics, seducing, entrapping, planting, disrupting, snitching and, on one occasion, trying to 1 These Watergate dimensions are discussed in a fascinating piece by Jim Hougan, ‘Robert Merritt and the Scandal That Dare Not Speak Its

Name’, at Hougan’s website <http://jimhougan.com/wordpress/>. 2 Citizens Research and Investigation Committee and Louis E.Tackwood, The Glasshouse Tapes (New York: Avon, 1973)poison anti-war protesters. Phrases like ‘the American Gestapo’ were used in the 1970s on the American left to describe the activities of the state against them. Merritt’s confessions here, if only half true, make those claims seem a little less ridiculous.

Readers who have been paying attention to the LB Jdunnit version of the Kennedy assassination in the past few years in these columns will recognise the name of Merritt’s coauthor,Douglas Caddy. For it was Caddy who presented to the US Department of Justice the affidavit of Billy Sol Estes,

which named LBJ and others as being the perpetrators of the Dallas killing. As a young lawyer in Washington at the time of

Watergate, Caddy worked for the Mullen Company, a CIA front, and represented ‘the plumbers’ when they got busted.3 Caddy writes a foreword and an afterword trying to contextualise these rambling memories of Merritt’s. In some ways these are the best bits of the book. Not only has Caddy had a small speaking part in two of the seminal political dramas of post-war America, for many years he was a deeply closeted gay man in Republican circles in Washington. He should write a memoir.

3 A profile of Caddy is at John Simkins’ invaluable site. See <www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKcaddyD.htm>.

Link to article: http://www.lobster-magazine.co.uk/free/lobster62/lob62-watergate.pdf

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I wish to thank the author who wrote the review of my book “Watergate Exposed” even though he or she is a coward, - that is to not even sign their name to the article!

You seem to be unaware that virtually the whole magazine is written by Robin Ramsey. Far from being a coward, he is the bravest journalist in the UK.

"Caddy writes a foreword and an afterword trying to contextualise these rambling memories of Merritt’s. In some ways these are the best bits of the book. Not only has Caddy had a small speaking part in two of the seminal political dramas of post-war America, for many years he was a deeply closeted gay man in Republican circles in Washington. He should write a memoir." (Robin Ramsey)

Any chance of a memoir Doug?

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I am now learning that Robin Ramsay wrote the article regarding my book “Watergate Exposed” and I suppose that it is in order for me to apology for my negligence in not knowing who Robin Ramsay is!

After all, Mr. Ramsay did not sign his name to the article or to the E-mail that was sent to others and me!

After doing some research, I discovered that Robin Ramsay is the editor and owner of the Lobster Magazine, - however, nowhere does it indicate or specify that Mr. Ramsay is also a writer for his magazine. Even though, I made a mistake but it is difficult to apologize for something that was not made known.

After all, Mr. Ramsay may credit himself for being the most famous writer in the United Kingdom but he is not that famous in the United States!

If it sounds like I am being rude, then, so be it because I probably am! I am wondering if Mr. Ramsay and Douglas Caddy are friends or strange bedfellows!

After all, the writings about me were over 90% incorrect! And the facts were totally wrong! And Mr. Ramsay apparently does not know that Douglas Caddy is still today a CIA operative!!!

Douglas Caddy’s mission and assignment was plain and simple, - and that was, to get to know Robert Merritt and exploit from me all the untold secrets that I obtain even to this day! In other words, befriend and betray Robert Merritt and burn the book before publication!!!

“Yes, I totally agree with John Simkin and Robin Ramsay that Douglas Caddy should write his own memoirs! But let’s make sure that Douglas Caddy tells the entire truth along with his disclosure of the 38 questions that was presented to him by Judge Sirica and his full CIA and FBI files from the Freedom of Information Act!!!”

This will never happen, - will it Doug??!!!

And please let’s not talk about an affidavit that was sent to the Department of Justice accusing the late President Lyndon B. Johnson of killing President John F. Kennedy, - only an idiot would even entertain that type of nonsense!!!

Signed by: Robert Merritt on August 31, 2011

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