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VT publication puts EF member into the News

Jim Phelps

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There appears to be a new Internet Published called "Veterans Today" that is putting up a lot of good articles.



"In retaliation for this confrontation, Abe Foxman of the AntiDefamation League issued a press release yesterday condemning Veterans Today, Gordon Duff, James Fetzer, Alan Sabrosky and Kevin Barrett as “vicious antisemites."








Edited by Jim Phelps
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Some other interesting Veterans Today articles, these from East Tennessee.


JFK basically started the Israel-Palestine conflict by pandering to the NY Zionists to get their votes.


For Germans, it was a double cross by the Rich Jewish Europeans that went running to the Windsor German Royalty of England.


And today, the issue is still lots about "Chosen People"-----which the Zionists really are not. All the mega-church ministries like Hagee down in Texas promoting the lie for Zionists. And the US now suffers from much the same plight as Germany.



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