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Why Chris Mathews Must always be on Niche-TV

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Having an idiot like Chris Mathews on the what-is-now-falsely-perceived-as-left-liberal part of the political spectrum is even worse than having a blathering idiot like O"Reilly on the Right. The government does not care if only 2% believe its foundation lies like those around JFK. THEY ARE FAR MORE CONCERNED WITH WHAT COULD HAPPEN IF THE OTHER 97% are getting closer to a single coherent counter-narrative. Hence MSNBC: the quicker counter-narative scrambler

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I would like to suggest a simple solution (had to check up on what MSNBC was by reading wiki article) that involves a sledgehammer.

For those more interested in assets, either switch it off or sell it in the next garage sale.

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John, unfortunately that is not a solution. Politics is not about what one person thinks. It is about the common denominator of shared knowledge or beliefs that exist among many people. So for me to just seek the truth about JFK FOR MYSELF ALONE only allows the lies of gatekeepers and disinformationists to triumph to an even greater extent, and soon, the only people who think that JFK was not a rabid Cold Warrior will be 87 or 86d. by the bouncer nicknamed death.

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