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Why relative age is important in the JFK assassination

Guest Robert Morrow

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Guest Robert Morrow

Relative age matters. A lot. Take a look below at that ages of the major players/figures in the JFK assassination. People of similar ages are often close friends. Often young age or very old is a a sign of weakness, not having money or power. Sometimes old age means having decades of experience, skills and knowing how to work the system.

A young Robert Kennedy (age 38) and youngish JFK (46) greatly threatened much older, experienced, resentful and extremely dangerous folks such as Lyndon Johnson (55), LBJ's very close friend J. Edgar Hoover (68), Allen Dulles CIA (70), and Texas oil men such as HL Hunt (74) and Clint Murchison, Sr. (68)

Those are some of the folks who murdered JFK and ran the cover up. I am sure there were more. Who are some people and their ages, dates of birth that should be included on this list?

NAME & AGE OF 11/22/63, day of JFK assassination

1 Joseph P. Kennedy 75

2 John Kennedy 46

3 Robert Kennedy 38

4 Jackie Kennedy 34

5 Caroline Kennedy 5

6 John F. Kennedy, Jr. 2

7 Lyndon Johnson 55

8 Allen Dulles 70

9 Ed Lansdale 55

10 J. Edgar Hoover 68

11 Clyde Tolson 63

12 William Sullivan 61

13 Curtis LeMay 57

14 Maxwell Taylor 63

15 Lyman Lemnitzer 64

16 Clint Murchison, Sr. 68

17 John J. McCloy 68

18 H.L. Hunt 74

19 Charles Willoughby 71

20 Nelson Rockefeller 55

21 David Rockefeller 48

22 Prescott Bush 68

23 George Herbert Walker Bush 39

24 Henry Kissinger 40

25 McGeorge Bundy 44

26 Dean Rusk 54

27 Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. 61

28 Cord Meyer 43

29 James Angleton 45

30 David Atlee Phillips 41

31 Richard Helms 50

32 E. Howard Hunt 45

33 Frank Sturgis 38

34 William King Harvey 48

35 Johnny Rosselli 58

36 James Rowley 55

37 Lee Harvey Oswald 24

38 Marina Oswald 22

39 June Lee Oswald 1

40 Audrey Marina Rachel Oswald 0

41 Ruth Paine 31

42 Michael Paine 35

43 Cliff Carter 45

44 Malcolm Wallace 42

45 Bobby Baker 35

46 Billie Sol Estes 39

47 Mac Wallace 42

48 David Sanchez Morales 38

49 Carlos Marcello 53

50 Santos Trafficante 49

51 Sam Giancana 55

52 Jimmy Hoffa 50

53 Gerald Ford 50

54 Edward Aubrey Clark 57

55 George Smathers 50

56 Henry Wade 49

57 John Connally 46

58 Sam Rayburn (died at 79) 81

59 Richard Russell 66

60 Jack Valenti 42

61 Mary Margaret Wiley Valenti 31

62 Courtenay Valenti 0

63 Bill Moyers 30

64 Madeleine Duncan Brown 38

65 Doris Kearns 20

66 Jack Worthington 2

67 James Files 21

68 Judyth Vary Baker 20

69 Alton Ochsner 67

70 Jesse Curry 50

71 Bill Decker 65

72 Earl Cabell 57

73 Charles Cabell 60

74 Richard M. Bissell 63

75 Richard Nixon 60

76 David Harold Byrd 63

77 Henry Luce 65

78 Earl Warren 72

79 Allen Dulles 70

80 Gerald Ford 50

81 John J. McCloy 68

82 Richard Russell 66

83 John Sherman Cooper 62

84 Hale Boggs 49

85 Lee Rankin 56

86 Arlen Specter 33

87 David Belin 35

88 Wesley (Jim) Liebeler 32

89 Albert E. Jenner 57

90 Clyde Tolson 63

Edited by Robert Morrow
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