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Guest Duncan MacRae

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Oh, good Lord. Utter silliness. The person in the Sniper's Nest window (as seen in Robert Hughes' film) can no more be positively identified than "Badge Man" in Mary Moorman's Polaroid (if Badge Man was really a "person", that is; which it probably isn't).

Edited by David Von Pein
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I agree, but don't think it's silly to go through a learning process.

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I agree, but don't think it's silly to go through a learning process.

DVP Thinks Chicken Nuggets just evolved.

That Tan Jacket man just will not go away, Baker tried too rid us of him so did Truly who also COULD have identified the "employee" who was "walking away " But decided not to volunteer this name and luckily they all forgot to ask him who this was .

Truly the facilitator/enabler.

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I get that, Duncan. I think you are wrong but don't misread my input as an endorsement of using ridicule to hamper a process.

I thin I can show it and it is much like looking at badgeman. Perhaps you can post a unaltered copy of the original image that's the basis of this enhancement?

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Ok, Thanks. I approve. They've obviously done an enhancement that doesn't actually show anything significant on that particular frame.

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I get that, Duncan. I think you are wrong but don't misread my input as an endorsement of using ridicule to hamper a process.

I thin I can show it and it is much like looking at badgeman. Perhaps you can post a unaltered copy of the original image that's the basis of this enhancement?

No offence taken John.

Just to clear things up, I'm not wrong, because I don't beieve that "Tan Man" as he has come to be known is in the window either.

I merely posted the enhancement for the benefit of those who participate and believe the speculation that Tan Man may be the shooter.

This is why I posted "And now, a bit of speculation" and not " I speculate that"

Re: Your question. The original image is a screenshot from a preview of JFK: The Lost Bullet.

The first image in my post is an unaltered crop from the captured screenshot saved in png format.

I have ordered the DVD, but it will not arrive here in Scotland until late December, so I will not therefore be able to work with higher quality images until then.


What is your opinion on Bakers affadavit .It was I who speculated on "Tan Man" being of interest( and of being the man in the Tan or light brown jacket on the 3rd/4th floor as in Bakers affadavit) as he appears in more than 1 film/Photo.I just wonder why a police officer would make a statement of fact and then "Lose" all concern with this important event

When the "Push" came?.


P.S. Is the Surf up ?.

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I don't have an opinion on Bakers affidavit. I'll try to read up on it and post if I've got something to say.

No idea what you mean about the surf? I am trying to revert to a surf based internet experience. Meanwhile the West coast is one long beach from top to bottom and somewhere it's sure to be, tho night surfing's not done I think. Some places are flat as pancakes, others pretty wild. All beautiful.

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And now, a bit of speculation



Though I rarely agree with you, I think you're a genius. But do you also realize that with that gif you proved Lee Harvey Oswald didn't do it? That is not Lee Harvey Oswald. I wonder if anyone knows this guy. Did he work in the TSBD?

Kathy C

Edited by Kathleen Collins
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From a friend. I hope I'm posting this in the right thread.



A hint on where it is going to lead:

While this LHO Note is like LHO's handwriting in most respects, the major screw up is the name Harvy in place of Harvey. In all other respects it is an excellent forgery, or it is a real LHO note that contains a special threat.

No forger in his right mind would misspell LHO's middle name. So, one suspects that its intention is to convey some message. LHO is always playing spy games and even with his alias Alex Hidel.

If one then focuses on what LHO might gain by not spelling his middle name correctly one finds this little gem definitive.



Harvy meaning and name origin

Harvy \


vy\ as a boy's name is a variant of Harvey (Old English, Old French), and the meaning of Harvy is "eager for battle; strong and worthy".


It might suggest that LHO is ready to do battle against the evil Dallas 8F operations and HL Hunt.

If it is, as some few authors suggest, a Russian Forgery, then it becomes a clear threat that the Russians know the real story on HL Hunt. If the Russians composed the note, then it becomes a threat to expose the real deal on LHO and HL Hunt. It would be a real solid warning to get any and all misinformation off the Russians or else."

Edited by Kathleen Collins
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Mr.EUINS. I seen a bald spot on this man's head, trying to look out the window. He had a bald spot on his head. I was looking at the bald spot. I could see his hand, you know the rifle laying across in his hand. And I could see his hand sticking out on the trigger part. And after he got through, he just pulled it back in the window.

Mr. EUINS. No, sir. He was kind of an old policeman. I ran down and got him. And he ran up here.

Mr. SPECTER. You mean--

Mr. EUINS. The Book Depository Building.

Then he called some more cars. They got all the way around the building. And then after that, well, he seen another man. Another man told him he seen a man run out the back.

Mr. SPECTER. Do you know who that man was who said somebody ran out the back?

Mr. EUINS. No, sir. He was a construction man working back there.

Mr. SPECTER. Were you there when the man talked about somebody running out the back?

Mr. EUINS. Yes, sir. He said the man had--he said he had kind of bald spot on his head. And he said the man come back there.

Mr. SPECTER. Do you know what the name of the man was who told the police that someone had run out the back?

Mr. EUINS. No, sir.

Edited by William Kelly
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Oh, good Lord. Utter silliness. The person in the Sniper's Nest window (as seen in Robert Hughes' film) can no more be positively identified than "Badge Man" in Mary Moorman's Polaroid (if Badge Man was really a "person", that is; which it probably isn't).
I merely posted the enhancement for the benefit of those who participate and believe the speculation that Tan Man may be the shooter.

OK. Ten-four. Gotcha. Hope no offense was taken earlier.

But let me get this straight.....

There are actually conspiracy theorists out there who think that "Tan Jacket Man" was the sixth-floor sniper? And then, after the shooting, this assassin in the tan jacket just hung around the Depository area in order to get himself photographed and filmed, instead of doing the wise and logical thing of high-tailing it out of Dodge asap?

Yeah, right. I'm pretty sure that happened.

Plus, Bill Kelly has a point about the "bald spot" that I was also thinking about posting earlier too:

That "bald spot" looks very much like a shaded or highlighted or discolored area of the man's hair, instead of MISSING hair in that area of his head. I've definitely seen other men with a "light patch" of hair in exactly the same place on the head where we see it on "Tan Jacket Man". (Although, I must also add here, that if a man has a "light patch" of hair on his head, such a patch could, indeed, be mistaken for a bald spot by the casual observer.)

But if that is a bald spot, it's a very strange version of "male pattern baldness" that Mr. "Tan Man" has, IMO.

I, too, suffer from Male Pattern Baldness, and it is, indeed, a weird variant of MPB too, but it's nothing like Tan Man's hairline configuration. (Incredibly, my 19-year-old nephew is almost totally bald at the front and sides of his hairline. I've never seen anyone so young go bald so fast.)

Anyway, if someone thinks they can completely ELIMINATE Lee Oswald as being the sixth-floor gunman on the sole basis of Duncan MacRae's photo enhancements that we see in this Education Forum thread, as Kathleen Collins seems to think, then they are so deep in the "Wishful Thinking" well that I doubt they could ever hope to be pulled out of it.

Plus: I think there's a problem with the "sizing" of the so-called "balding head" in Duncan MacRae's enhanced blow-up. I haven't done any measurements on this or anything, but just from eyeballing these pictures side-by-side, it's my opinion that the "person" in Duncan's blow-up can't possibly be a "person", unless this "person" has a very, very large head. When compared with the Dillard blow-up of Bonnie Ray Williams and Harold Norman on the left, it would appear as if this "person's" head in the right photo is taking up more than HALF of the entire window frame. Was a balding King Kong shooting at President Kennedy perhaps?:


2009 Documentary -- "JFK: 3 Shots That Changed America"

Edited by David Von Pein
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Oh, good Lord. Utter silliness. The person in the Sniper's Nest window (as seen in Robert Hughes' film) can no more be positively identified than "Badge Man" in Mary Moorman's Polaroid (if Badge Man was really a "person", that is; which it probably isn't).
I merely posted the enhancement for the benefit of those who participate and believe the speculation that Tan Man may be the shooter.

OK. Ten-four. Gotcha. Hope no offense was taken earlier.

But let me get this straight.....

There are actually conspiracy theorists out there who think that "Tan Jacket Man" was the sixth-floor sniper? And then, after the shooting, this assassin in the tan jacket just hung around the Depository area in order to get himself photographed and filmed, instead of doing the wise and logical thing of high-tailing it out of Dodge asap?

Yeah, right. I'm pretty sure that happened.

BK: Eunis also says that while waiting around by the front door, a hard hat worker (not Brennan) told a policeman he had seen a man with a bald spot leave the side or back door of the TSBD - so it could be the guy - especially if he worked there - and why not just stick around and blend in the crowd - as it would provide an alibi? You think Oswald did it and he didn't high tail it out of there, but stayed around and got a coke.

Plus, Bill Kelly has a point about the "bald spot" that I was also thinking about posting earlier too:

That "bald spot" looks very much like a shaded or highlighted or discolored area of the man's hair, instead of MISSING hair in that area of his head. I've definitely seen other men with a "light patch" of hair in exactly the same place on the head where we see it on "Tan Jacket Man". (Although, I must also add here, that if a man has a "light patch" of hair on his head, such a patch could, indeed, be mistaken for a bald spot by the casual observer.)

But if that is a bald spot, it's a very strange version of "male pattern baldness" that Mr. "Tan Man" has, IMO.

I, too, suffer from Male Pattern Baldness, and it is, indeed, a weird variant of MPB too, but it's nothing like Tan Man's hairline configuration. (Incredibly, my 19-year-old nephew is almost totally bald at the front and sides of his hairline. I've never seen anyone so young go bald so fast.)

Anyway, if someone thinks they can completely ELIMINATE Lee Oswald as being the sixth-floor gunman on the sole basis of Duncan MacRae's photo enhancements that we see in this Education Forum thread, as Kathleen Collins seems to think, then they are so deep in the "Wishful Thinking" well that I doubt they could ever hope to be pulled out of it.

BK: No, we can completely eliminate Oswald as a suspect for other reasons - Truly, who was ahead of Baker, didn't see him enter the second floor lunchroom saw a man in the sniper's window moving boxes around five minutes after the assassination, when Oswald was on the second floor - so we don't have to depend on Duncan's enhancement for anything. If we believe the testimony of the others, then Oswald wasn't on the sixth floor when the assassination happened. So then who was the sniper? Someone in a white shirt (Oswald wore a brown shirt) - a male - 25-30 years old, with a bald spot (Oswald did not have a bald spot).

Plus: I think there's a problem with the "sizing" of the so-called "balding head" in Duncan MacRae's enhanced blow-up. I haven't done any measurements on this or anything, but just from eyeballing these pictures side-by-side, it's my opinion that the "person" in Duncan's blow-up can't possibly be a "person", unless this "person" has a very, very large head. When compared with the Dillard blow-up of Bonnie Ray Williams and Harold Norman on the left, it would appear as if this "person's" head in the right photo is taking up more than HALF of the entire window frame. Was a balding King Kong shooting at President Kennedy perhaps?:

2009 Documentary -- "JFK: 3 Shots That Changed America"

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