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University Course on the JFK Assassination

Jim Phelps

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In reading more on the JFK Assassination for the 48th anniversary of this huge crime against the man and America's freedom, I ran across what appears to be a University of Chicago Education Course on the JFK assassination. This on-line pdf format course is packed with content and references, and offers perhaps a unique outlook on all the data.

I've read a good deal of the lengthy content and it looks to be most interesting, so for others that would like to examine more of the details of the JFK hit----this is an interesting read.

Remember JFK tomorrow, on November 22, 2011, and work toward finially breaking up the cover up on the 50th, two years ahead. It is time for America to demand back their Freedoms that were stolen by the corrupted political system of Texas, working with foreign interests to disenfranchise every American from their Freedom and Constitution.


Course on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy

John Goldsmith

1. Introduction

2. Lee Harvey Oswald

3. The Intelligence Community

4. Organized Crime

5. Cuba

6. New Orleans 22, 1963

7. The Event

8. Medical evidence

9. The Warren Commission

10. Garrison

11. The House Select Committee on the Assassinations

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