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Bringing JFK assassination truth to the mainstream/ fingering the "Tools" when you see them

Lee Cahalan

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Kind of a rant. Sorry, not a lot of documentation.

If like myself you've looked into the JFK murder of 11/22/63 you may feel disappointed that so little progress has been made in getting the mainstream media to pick up the ball and start some serious reporting. In fact just the reverse has occurred. Hardly a week goes by that some disinformation hit piece plays out on cable television. A Tee Vee show which in addition to supporting the "Lone assassin" BIG LIE has the audacity to exclaim that the murder of JFK is some kind of mystery. Usually a pseudo "documentary" with Gary Mack's well soiled name attached to it,

Why? In the digital age what is preventing MSNBC, CNN or the BBC etc from taking a stab at this? In fact not even the TYT's own Cenk Uygur will even hint about going that direction. I mean most all of us here (whose names don't end in "Mack", "Bugliosi" or "Posner" that is...) know the truth. Or much of it that is.

The first answer is that the editors and journalists have been threatened and compromised. I can buy that. FEAR the reason Chris Mathews, a supposed "expert' on the Kennedy administration and family won't touch the idea of a "conspiracy theory" with a ten foot pole. It would however be overly simplistic to blame media timidity entirely. They can take some of the blame but perhaps only up to about half of it.

The rest must come from inside the JFK research community itself. Lack of cohesion, petty disputes and even pure subversion and intimidation occur here whether you want to believe it or not. So what do we do when and while examining our references within the community of JFK and assassination science research?

Here's a hint: Don't just look at obvious stooges like Vince Bugliosi or Gary Mack. These tools work mostly at the wholesale sales level. To keep the newbies to JFK murder from taking a further, closer inspection in the first place. "Nothing to see here folks types". Instead make an examination of some of the apparently "well respected analysts". Watch carefully at what these kind say and do. Not so much the veracity of their statements but determine the DIRECTION they and their kind actually go. In short are these big shots helpful or unhelpful in the BIG PICTURE?

Analogy: A truly great athlete can play a marvelous game and yet still shave a few points off the final score. Allowing his mobbed up gambling associates to beat the point spread. Done cleverly no one watching the game would be wise to the scam.

And when we look carefully for this kind of gaming in JFK research community one name (there are probably others too) always turns up. Usually at the top of the page.

That name is spelled "CTKA".

"Citizens for Truth about the Kennedy Assassination" actually has the audacity to expect us to think that George H. W. Bush is not involved significantly with the murder of JFK. All despite

1. Bush's lack of memory regarding 11/22/63. WE born after 1958) ALL REMEMBER WHAT WE ATE FOR LUNCH THAT DAY!

2. Bush's failure of recollection when fingering James Parrot as a possible killer 75 MINUTES AFTER THE ASSASSINATION OF JFK!!! To believe that Bush couldn't remember the murder being only slightly more believable that forgetting his call to FBI. Either memory lapse is absolutely impossible. Doubt this? Ask yourself how many times have you called the FBI and forgotten the matter...

See: http://www.veteranstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/bushwarning1-531x640.jpg

3. Bush's first attempt at making a jive ass alibi by saying he was in Tyler, TX at the Rotary Club meeting when receiving the news of Kennedy's death. In fact he might have even pulled off that cheap lie too except.. Except that his statements are too obtuse. He couldn't have made the statements he claims because at the alleged 1:30 speech he cancelled due to "respect for the murdered president" (loose quote) simply doesn't fit. Couldn't have happened.

4. The TWO PICTURES of Bush which show up in Dallas at the time of the murder. One directly outside the Texas School Book Depository" Here's one:


5. Bush's foolish decision to take up talk of the Kennedy assassination during a speech at President Gerald Ford's funeral. Almost breaks out in a belly laugh after mentioned the term "deluded gunman" at:20 seconds here:

What's so funny about the murder of a president George?

6. Other You can find George H. W. Bush at the heart of the murder of JFK in many more ways. Leaving a trail a mile wide but only five ft. long. From George Demorenshildt to E. Howard Hunt You hardly have to scratch the surface. Bush turns up around the corner time and time again. Like the fictional character Forrest Gump he's EVERYWHERE.

Oh and what does CTKA say of all of this? Their very own Seamus Coogan (whoever he is) being the hired gun/hit man designed to take out John Hankeys' very moving and good research from "JFK II to his site "Thedarklegacy.com.

You know you're getting close to the truth when someone attacks you as viciously as Coogan does. "The empire strikes back". In short CTKA has done little to push the research community in the direction of mainstream success. Yet whenever someone tries bravely to actually DO SOMETHING helpful (as John Hankey does so well)? They are condemned.

OK to be fair there actually is a tiny bit of merit to Coogan's statements but the great majority of them are petty. Example: He takes Hankey to task for saying that Iranian Prime Minister Mossadegh wasn't murdered as Hankey mistakenly says. In fact Mossadegh was only put under house arrest during the CIA coup in the early 1950's. So what? BIG Freaking deal! Well shucks that's just too bad. If you continue to closely examine Coogan he trumps up the minor minor research mistakes in his vitriolic hit piece. Making them stand out like Hankey accused Bush of killing the Pope.

The best rebuttal to Coogan's asinine savagery is at Jim Fetzer's fine report here:


My only complaint about Fetzer's support for Hankey and his subsequent accusation of CTKA is that he stops short of declaring CTKA and it's minions as tools

Fetzer's words:

"In CTKA’s critique, “The Dark Legacy of John Hankey”, however, Seamus Coogan commits so many serious blunders in his discussion of the assassination that anyone less familiar with the eddies and currents of JFK research might suspect it was a work of disinformation"

Well uh no Jim. CTKA IS a major source of disinformation.

Prof. Fetzer continues "But I do believe that the role of George Herbert Walker Bush in the assassination of JFK is a subject that deserves a great deal more attention than it has received in the past and which, I must infer, it most certainly is not going to receive from Jim DiEugenio and Seamus Coogan. And this, in turn, makes me think that, when CTKA was being formed, my decision not to join was wiser than I could have known at the time".

You got that right Jim. Perhaps Prof. Fetzer stops short of declaring CTKA to be the tools that they really are for professional reasons. I respect his decision to do this. Always best to avoid making a "circular firing squad as CTKA seems to prefer to do.

Let us make no mistake here whom we're speaking of here.

CTKA IS JIM DIEUGENIO! In addition to his "work" in assassination research he has up until recently effectively held the very fine JFK community activist and internet "Black Op" radio show host Len Osanic as a virtual hostage to his Bush link to JFK murder denying propaganda. In fact when you write Len Osanic? Jim DiEugenio may be the person who answers your e-mail. He apparently has a veritable choke hold on Len Osanic.

Speaking which here is what you can do to help. My words worthless without your action:

WRITE LEN OSANIC!!! Here: osanic@prouty.org

First of all thank Len for his tireless work and especially for him having Jim Fetzer on his show earlier this year when he defended John Hankey.

Next encourage Mr. Osanic to distance himself from CTKA, it's various minions and especially Jim DiEugenio.

With friends like CTKA? The JFK research community doesn't need enemies. When it comes to Bush apologists CTKA leads the field of JFK assassination researchers. It is people like them that do the greater damage. More so even than Gary Mack's travesty known as "The Sixth Floor Museum". Don't be fooled.

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I was the first guest on Black Op Radio. I met Len through the late Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty.

Len and I have been friends and collaborators for 15 years. Although I have my issues with Jim DiEugenio, I'm certain that Len is not in Jim's "chokehold" at all.

As for Seamus Coogan. Yes, well that is interesting. I am assured that his caustic style is due to his being from New Zealand. However, the jury is still out on that one. I've been to New Zealand several times. I have friends in New Zealand. I have yet to meet any other Kiwi with such a vitriolic tendency.

That said: Welcome to the forum, I guess...

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Guest Robert Morrow

Absolutely, George Herbert Walker Bush is VERY likely to have been personally involved in the JFK assassination.

CIA Pegaus agent Trenton Parker told Rodney Stich in 1993 that FBI Hoover’s office had been taped and identified at least 5 conspirators: Lyndon Johnson, J. Edgar Hoover, Allen Dulles, Nelson Rockefeller, & George Herbert Walker Bush

From Defrauding America, Rodney Stich, 3rd edition 1998 p. 638-639]:

“The Role of deep-cover CIA officer, Trenton Parker, has been described in earlier pages, and his function in the CIA's counter-intelligence unit, Pegasus. Parker had stated to me earlier that a CIA faction was responsible for the murder of JFK … During an August 21, 1993, conversation, in response to my questions, Parker said that his Pegasus group had tape recordings of plans to assassinate Kennedy. I asked him, "What group were these tapes identifying?" Parker replied: "Rockefeller, Allen Dulles, Johnson of Texas, George Bush, and J. Edgar Hoover." I asked, "What was the nature of the conversation on these tapes?"

I don't have the tapes now, because all the tape recordings were turned over to [Congressman] Larry McDonald. But I listened to the tape recordings and there were conversations between Rockefeller, [J. Edgar] Hoover, where [Nelson] Rockefeller asks, "Are we going to have any problems?" And he said, "No, we aren't going to have any problems. I checked with Dulles. If they do their job we'll do our job." There are a whole bunch of tapes, because Hoover didn't realize that his phone has been tapped. Defrauding America, Rodney Stich, 3rd edition p. 638-639]

Additionally, here is Russ Baker asking some questions on this subject:


Unanswered Questions as Obama Anoints HW Bush

Posted By Russ Baker On February 19, 2011 @ 6:31 pm In Featured,Quick Takes | 25 Comments

Pres. Obama gives Medal of Freedom to George H. W. Bush

On February 15, President Obama bestowed the Medal of Freedom, the United States’ highest award, to a group of people which includes former president George H.W. Bush. Having spent five years researching the elder Bush and discovering a staggering array of secrets to the man’s life—none of them favorable, I was curious why Obama gave Bush the medal.

Officially, it goes to individuals “who have made especially meritorious contributions to the security or national interests of the United States, to world peace, or to cultural or other significant public or private endeavors.” In fact, it goes to all kinds of people for all kinds of reasons. In the case of Bush, it was an obligatory Washington ritual for a former President who is in the last chapter of his life.

Notwithstanding the inevitability of the process, President Obama needed to trot out some explanation or other as to why each recipient was deserving. In remarks at the ceremony [1], he said that H.W.’s “His life is a testament that public service is a noble calling….his humility and his decency reflects the very best of the American spirit.” And he referred to Mr. Bush’s “extraordinary life of service and of sacrifice.”

His life has certainly been extraordinary. Though whether “decency” is the right term, or whether his activities “reflect the very best of the American spirit,” or whether his has been a “life…of sacrifice” seem to be debatable.

There’s another side to the elder Bush. It goes to the heart of his purported “humility,” and whether it is truly humility—or his need to hide so many secrets. Especially as it relates, remarkably, to the assassination of another president, John F. Kennedy.

Here are some questions that must be asked of George H.W. Bush, while he is still around to be asked. These questions are based on revelations from my book, Family of Secrets: the Bush Dynasty, America’s Invisible Government, and the Hidden History of the Last Fifty Years [2], copies of which can be found in major American bookstores and libraries, including the Library of Congress. The underlying points are all documented and footnoted—and some of these questions have appeared before in an earlier post on this site and others.

-Former president Bush, we all know that you served for a single year as director of the Central Intelligence Agency. What about the fact trail suggesting that, just like the Russian leader Vladimir Putin, you actually spent your entire adult life prior to becoming vice president working in covert operations—but unlike Putin, have not admitted that? What about documentation showing that, as far back as the early 1950s, your small but hyperactive company, Zapata Offshore, was commercial cover for super-secret ops?

-Some years ago you claimed not to remember where you were on the morning of Nov. 22, 1963? Have you since been able to recall?

-Can you tell us about your decades-long friendship with George de Mohrenschildt, the man who was in and out of Lee Harvey Oswald’s house on almost a daily basis in the year before the Kennedy assassination?

-Did you, as characterized in an FBI memo, work as a CIA officer in tandem with Cuban exiles at the time of the Kennedy assassination?

-Why have you never spoken publicly about the documented call you made to the FBI on Nov 22, 1963, in which you identified yourself fully and claimed to have information on a possible suspect in Kennedy’s death? What was the purpose of that call, in which you mentioned your whereabouts at the time of the call, 1:45pm, as Tyler, Texas, i.e. about 99 miles away but just a short flight on the private plane on which you were traveling? Why did you tell the FBI that you were en route next to Dallas and would stay at the Sheraton there when you had already been at the Sheraton the night before—and right after that call flew to Dallas but only to switch planes and fly back immediately to Houston? Why were you giving the FBI the impression you would be staying in Dallas the night after the assassination instead of letting them know you had stayed there the night before the assassination?

-Why was your own assistant at the home of the man you would finger as a suspect in the shooting, and why did he end up providing the man with an alibi? Was the ultimate purpose of that call not to cause the alleged suspect any permanent harm, but merely to use the call as an excuse to state in government files that you were in a place other than Dallas?

-Since you claimed not to remember where you were when Kennedy was killed, how is it that after these FBI memos surfaced, your wife Barbara suddenly found and published an old letter placing you and her in Tyler, Texas shortly after the shooting?

-On the day of the assassination, were you in touch with your friend and Republican running mate Jack Crichton, a military intelligence figure who was connected to figures forcing their way into the pilot car of Kennedy’s motorcade? The same Crichton who controlled the man who served as the interpreter between Oswald’s wife and police and reframed her words so as to implicate Oswald in Kennedy’s shooting? The same Crichton who was working out of a secret underground communications bunker below the streets of Dallas? The same Crichton whose secret military intelligence unit counted dozens of men who simultaneously held jobs as Dallas police officers? The same Crichton who did secret oil industry intelligence work in the Middle East while you did intelligence related oil industry work via your company, Zapata Offshore?

-Finally, do you know people who consider the events of November 22, 1963 to, in their minds, “reflect the very best of the American spirit?” You say almost nothing, ever, about the Kennedy assassination, even skipping over it in your own memoir, which details much more trivial events of the same year. Why is that? And why then, in your eulogy for former President Ford, a member of the increasingly-discredited Warren Commission, did you go out of your way to oddly praise him for promoting the increasingly-discredited “single bullet theory?” You said:

“After a deluded gunman assassinated President Kennedy, our nation turned to Gerald Ford and a select handful of others to make sense of that madness. And the conspiracy theorists can say what they will, but the Warren Commission report will always have the final definitive say on this tragic matter. Why? Because Jerry Ford put his name on it and Jerry Ford’s word was always good.”

Why did you, so bizarrely, smile when you uttered those words?

Now, with your Medal of Freedom, given you by a Democratic president who ran as an agent of change, you truly seem to be enjoying the last laugh.


"Did the Bushes help to kill JFK?"


If nothing else, these pages will show the reader the following:

- Although he does not recall when asked, George (Herbert Walker) Bush was in Dallas the day JFK was assassinated.

- Bush lies about the fact that he was a high-ranking CIA official at the time of JFK's death.

- Bush allowed the escape of a convicted terrorist from prison to go to work for him as an undercover CIA asset in Iran-Contra.

- Bush has released another convicted terrorist.

- Both these terrorists were present on Dealey Plaza on 11/22/1963.

- Both these terrorists were convicted for killing 73 people by blowing up an airliner.

- Bush is personal friends with a close associate of these convicted terrorists, who was also a participant in Iran Contra.

- Bush has taken a leading role as CIA official in structuring/organizing these terrorists in effective organizations.

Edited by Robert Morrow
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Guest Robert Morrow

Another point John Hankey is often wrong on many minor points. But he has the big picture right on the participation of George Herbert Walker Bush. GHW Bush was likely a key planner of the JFK assassination; at the very least he knows exactly who did it.

For crying out loud: Bush was 1) high ranking Texas CIA 2) oil man 3) family friends with Allen Dulles family 4) allied with Lyndon Johnson; I think even LBJ let Bush use a helicoptor for one of his campaigns for Congress. 5) Bush also made a point to see LBJ goodbye as he left office, in a show of respect.

As for Seamus Coogan - he is an ignorant jackass of the first degree. I have absolutely no respect for that guy, both personally and professionally. Anything Seamus Coogan says or does is SUSPECT.

Having said that CTKA does put out a lot of valuable articles and I personally learn a lot from DiEugenio. However, CTKA does "drop the ball" not only with respect to GHW Bush but also to the critical role of Lyndon Johnson in the JFK assassination.

I'm sorry, but anyone who has not figured out the critical role of Lyndon Johnson in the JFK assassination, does not know a lot about the 1963 Coup d'Etat. That is like saying the Chicago Bulls were a pretty good basketball team in the 1990's, but who is that Michael Jordan guy?

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Guest Robert Morrow

Then there is GHW Bush's hysterical response to reading the transcripts of Nixon's smoking gun tape in Watergate.

Smoking Gun tape: 6/23/72 - http://www.watergate.info/tapes/72-06-23_smoking-gun.shtml

That is where Nixon is saying stuff like:

Nixon: "Of course, this is a, this is a Hunt, you will-that will uncover a lot of things. You open that scab there's a hell of a lot of things and that we just feel that it would be very detrimental to have this thing go any further. This involves these Cubans, Hunt, and a lot of hanky-panky that we have nothing to do with ourselves. Well what the hell, did Mitchell."

Nixon: "When you get in these people when you...get these people in, say: "Look, the problem is that this will open the whole, the whole Bay of Pigs thing, and the President just feels that" ah, without going into the details... don't, don't lie to them to the extent to say there is no involvement, but just say this is sort of a comedy of errors, bizarre, without getting into it, "the President believes that it is going to open the whole Bay of Pigs thing up again. And, ah because these people are plugging for, for keeps and that they should call the FBI in and say that we wish for the country, don't go any further into this case", period!"

George Herbert Walker Bush’s reaction to reading the transcript to Richard Nixon’s smoking gun tape: he broke out in assholes and xxxxted himself to death according to Dean Burch [Final Days, p. 369]. Bush’s reaction:

Burch replied, “Yes.” “Well, what did he do?”, Timmons asked. “He broke out in a**holes and sh*t himself to death,” was Burch's answer, confirming that anytime Nixon referred to “the Texans,” he meant George Bush Sr.

(Note I may have broken Ed Forum rules on profanity. I have no idea how I print this critical, and hysterical description of Bush by Dean Burch.)

It is obvious that George Herbert Walker Bush is PANICKING over the possibility (threat) that Richard Nixon might spill the whole can of beans over the CIA's role (and perhaps HIS) role in the JFK assassination.

Edited by Robert Morrow
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Guest Robert Morrow

Prescott Bush letter to Clover Dulles in 1969: http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/prescott.htm

Prescott Bush wrote Clover Dulles, the widow of Allen Dulles, in 1969 after the death of Allen Dulles and while the assassination of Robert Kennedy was still fresh. Note how BITTER Prescott Bush is toward the Kennedys over the Bay of Pigs ... do not underestimate the CIA's anger at John Kennedy over the Bay of Pigs - it is a big reason they assassinated him (and LBJ's desperate fears of exposure ...)

"He [Allen] tried to make a pleasant evening of it, but I was rather sick of heart, and angry too, for it was the Kennedy's that brought about the fiasco. And here they were making Allen to be the goat, which he wasn't and did not deserve. I have never forgiven them."

Prescott Bush was the father of George Herbert Walker Bush.

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Prescott Bush letter to Clover Dulles in 1969: http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/prescott.htm

Prescott Bush wrote Clover Dulles, the widow of Allen Dulles, in 1969 after the death of Allen Dulles and while the assassination of Robert Kennedy was still fresh. Note how BITTER Prescott Bush is toward the Kennedys over the Bay of Pigs ... do not underestimate the CIA's anger at John Kennedy over the Bay of Pigs - it is a big reason they assassinated him (and LBJ's desperate fears of exposure ...)

"He [Allen] tried to make a pleasant evening of it, but I was rather sick of heart, and angry too, for it was the Kennedy's that brought about the fiasco. And here they were making Allen to be the goat, which he wasn't and did not deserve. I have never forgiven them."

Prescott Bush was the father of George Herbert Walker Bush.

Interesting responses all of them. Not what i expected at all.

I had come back here today fully prepared to watch Jim D and others try and "cut me a new one". Telling myself "just read, digest and respond later". Figuring I would just let the dogs sleep and not respond with excessive argumentation. Or at all.

Instead what I see if not agreement on most issues is much common ground. The opinions presented being that the Coogan/CTKA diatribes were if anything were off base and way out of the mainstream of JFK research thought.


Edited by Lee Cahalan
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Guest Robert Morrow

Prescott Bush letter to Clover Dulles in 1969: http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/prescott.htm

Prescott Bush wrote Clover Dulles, the widow of Allen Dulles, in 1969 after the death of Allen Dulles and while the assassination of Robert Kennedy was still fresh. Note how BITTER Prescott Bush is toward the Kennedys over the Bay of Pigs ... do not underestimate the CIA's anger at John Kennedy over the Bay of Pigs - it is a big reason they assassinated him (and LBJ's desperate fears of exposure ...)

"He [Allen] tried to make a pleasant evening of it, but I was rather sick of heart, and angry too, for it was the Kennedy's that brought about the fiasco. And here they were making Allen to be the goat, which he wasn't and did not deserve. I have never forgiven them."

Prescott Bush was the father of George Herbert Walker Bush.

Interesting responses all of them. Not what i expected at all.

I had come back here today fully prepared to watch Jim D and others try and "cut me a new one". Telling myself "just read, digest and respond later". Figuring I would just let the dogs sleep and not respond with excessive argumentation. Or at all.

Instead what I see if not agreement on most issues is much common ground. The opinions presented being that the Coogan/CTKA diatribes were if anything were off base and way out of the mainstream of JFK research thought.


John Hankey makes a tremendous amount of simple mistakes in his presentation. That is just not excusable. US Senate candidate GHW Bush was not arrested or detained on site at Dealey Plaza. Good God, that is awful. Having said that, I think Hankey is bullseye on the participation of George Herbert Walker Bush in the JFK assassination.

Russ Baker and Wim Dankbaar are much more reliable sources on GHW Bush than Hankey is. So read those fellows in depth.

You also need to get up to speed on the Lyndon Johnson aspect of the JFK assassination.


Russ Baker drew a lot of his material from ace JFK researcher Bruce Campbell Adamson. Here is his excellent web site: http://ciajfk.com/jfkbooks.html

Adamson was the one who discovered De Mohrenschildt, CIA asset, friend of GHW Bush and Oswald's closest friend in Dallas.

As for Mr. DiEugenio, he is very useful on New Orleans, Jim Garrison, the media cover up of the JFK assassination and the reality that JFK's foreign policy was far more dovish and Third World friendly than has been told in MSM or academia. You need to read DiEugenio on that.

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I was the first guest on Black Op Radio. I met Len through the late Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty.

Len and I have been friends and collaborators for 15 years. Although I have my issues with Jim DiEugenio, I'm certain that Len is not in Jim's "chokehold" at all.

As for Seamus Coogan. Yes, well that is interesting. I am assured that his caustic style is due to his being from New Zealand. However, the jury is still out on that one. I've been to New Zealand several times. I have friends in New Zealand. I have yet to meet any other Kiwi with such a vitriolic tendency.

That said: Welcome to the forum, I guess...

Sorry Greg, the 'Its because he is a Kiwi' came from me. I was half joking. I think because Seamus is a New Zealander and as a typical N Zeder he swears a lot. Its what we do. I've spent a bit of time with Seamus though and his 'caustic' style is really inbuilt into his personality. It grows on you.

I hope you enjoyed your time here in NZ :)

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Prescott Bush letter to Clover Dulles in 1969: http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/prescott.htmPrescott Bush wrote Clover Dulles, the widow of Allen Dulles, in 1969 after the death of Allen Dulles and while the assassination of Robert Kennedy was still fresh. Note how BITTER Prescott Bush is toward the Kennedys over the Bay of Pigs ... do not underestimate the CIA's anger at John Kennedy over the Bay of Pigs - it is a big reason they assassinated him (and LBJ's desperate fears of exposure ...) "He [Allen] tried to make a pleasant evening of it, but I was rather sick of heart, and angry too, for it was the Kennedy's that brought about the fiasco. And here they were making Allen to be the goat, which he wasn't and did not deserve. I have never forgiven them."Prescott Bush was the father of George Herbert Walker Bush.
Interesting responses all of them. Not what i expected at all. I had come back here today fully prepared to watch Jim D and others try and "cut me a new one". Telling myself "just read, digest and respond later". Figuring I would just let the dogs sleep and not respond with excessive argumentation. Or at all.Instead what I see if not agreement on most issues is much common ground. The opinions presented being that the Coogan/CTKA diatribes were if anything were off base and way out of the mainstream of JFK research thought.Good!
John Hankey makes a tremendous amount of simple mistakes in his presentation. That is just not excusable. US Senate candidate GHW Bush was not arrested or detained on site at Dealey Plaza. Good God, that is awful. Having said that, I think Hankey is bullseye on the participation of George Herbert Walker Bush in the JFK assassination.Russ Baker and Wim Dankbaar are much more reliable sources on GHW Bush than Hankey is. So read those fellows in depth.You also need to get up to speed on the Lyndon Johnson aspect of the JFK assassination.http://lyndonjohnsonmurderedjfk.blogspot.com/2011/12/lbj-cia-assassination-of-jfk-updated.htmlRuss Baker drew a lot of his material from ace JFK researcher Bruce Campbell Adamson. Here is his excellent web site: http://ciajfk.com/jfkbooks.htmlAdamson was the one who discovered De Mohrenschildt, CIA asset, friend of GHW Bush and Oswald's closest friend in Dallas.As for Mr. DiEugenio, he is very useful on New Orleans, Jim Garrison, the media cover up of the JFK assassination and the reality that JFK's foreign policy was far more dovish and Third World friendly than has been told in MSM or academia. You need to read DiEugenio on that.

What first annoyed me about CTKA was its emphasis on the petty, trivial and a downright anal retentive attitude about researchers who fail to dot a few i's and cross some t's. The group missing the entire BIG PICTURE. A mistake that in this field with well known government tools and subterfuge simply must make me suspicious.

I'm at the point now where I don't even criticize Alex Jones so much. He did after all publish Dylan Avery. Besides about half the time I pooh pooh something Jones may say I see it eventually play out as fairly close to the truth later on down the line. He and John Hankey have brought a HELL of LOT of new folks into the field of assassination research. Ditto Jim Fetzer whose is very accurate and well researched.

CTKA to my knowledge has not brought much to the table besides criticism. In the words of Pete Seeger, another famous dissident: "It is easier to be critical than correct"

In watching and listening to John Hankey I infer a strong devotion and courage. And after all the work he single handed put into his films I find it sad to see him be the target of those less creative types who, like I said don't really bring much to the table at all. Hankeys' worst mistake probably is the suggestion that Bush brought a flechette gun into J. Edgar's FBI office headquarters. Never-the-less I believe that the Hoover/Bush memo does show a hidden message. That in all likelihood it has a hidden meaning. It does suggest coercion and intimidation.

And while I once disagreed with the theory that Bush was detained outside the Dal Tex building I now find it entirely plausible. Especially in light of the exposure of Bush's false alibi of being in attendance at the Tyler, TX Rotary Club.

Time and time again we see Bush digging a bigger and bigger hole for himself on JFK. If he merely stated that he remembered SOMETHING about the day in question. Had come up with a better piece of B/S than "I don't remember". Then his denial of knowledge of the Parrot and Hoover memos. Or his disaster of a speech at Gerry Ford's funeral. His words essentially being an extension of the Bush middle finger to the whole world.

And yet CTKA ignores all of this. A forest with no trees they would have us believe. Thus my conclusion is that they are disinformation specialists. Better tools than Gary Mack, Vincent Bugliosi and Gerald Posner perhaps but clearly full of bull crap. The only question I have remaining is whether they have been coerced through threats of violence or (presumably like Gary Mack) are sold out, greedy well paid lackeys.

Either way CTKA has, to my mind lost all dignity. It is just with the possible theory of coercion I can feel some sympathy for them.

Edited by Lee Cahalan
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Kind of a rant. Sorry, not a lot of documentation.

If like myself you've looked into the JFK murder of 11/22/63 you may feel disappointed that so little progress has been made in getting the mainstream media to pick up the ball and start some serious reporting. In fact just the reverse has occurred. Hardly a week goes by that some disinformation hit piece plays out on cable television. A Tee Vee show which in addition to supporting the "Lone assassin" BIG LIE has the audacity to exclaim that the murder of JFK is some kind of mystery. Usually a pseudo "documentary" with Gary Mack's well soiled name attached to it,

Why? In the digital age what is preventing MSNBC, CNN or the BBC etc from taking a stab at this? In fact not even the TYT's own Cenk Uygur will even hint about going that direction. I mean most all of us here (whose names don't end in "Mack", "Bugliosi" or "Posner" that is...) know the truth. Or much of it that is.

The first answer is that the editors and journalists have been threatened and compromised. I can buy that. FEAR the reason Chris Mathews, a supposed "expert' on the Kennedy administration and family won't touch the idea of a "conspiracy theory" with a ten foot pole. It would however be overly simplistic to blame media timidity entirely. They can take some of the blame but perhaps only up to about half of it.

The rest must come from inside the JFK research community itself. Lack of cohesion, petty disputes and even pure subversion and intimidation occur here whether you want to believe it or not. So what do we do when and while examining our references within the community of JFK and assassination science research?

Here's a hint: Don't just look at obvious stooges like Vince Bugliosi or Gary Mack. These tools work mostly at the wholesale sales level. To keep the newbies to JFK murder from taking a further, closer inspection in the first place. "Nothing to see here folks types". Instead make an examination of some of the apparently "well respected analysts". Watch carefully at what these kind say and do. Not so much the veracity of their statements but determine the DIRECTION they and their kind actually go. In short are these big shots helpful or unhelpful in the BIG PICTURE?

Analogy: A truly great athlete can play a marvelous game and yet still shave a few points off the final score. Allowing his mobbed up gambling associates to beat the point spread. Done cleverly no one watching the game would be wise to the scam.

And when we look carefully for this kind of gaming in JFK research community one name (there are probably others too) always turns up. Usually at the top of the page.

That name is spelled "CTKA".

"Citizens for Truth about the Kennedy Assassination" actually has the audacity to expect us to think that George H. W. Bush is not involved significantly with the murder of JFK. All despite

1. Bush's lack of memory regarding 11/22/63. WE born after 1958) ALL REMEMBER WHAT WE ATE FOR LUNCH THAT DAY!

2. Bush's failure of recollection when fingering James Parrot as a possible killer 75 MINUTES AFTER THE ASSASSINATION OF JFK!!! To believe that Bush couldn't remember the murder being only slightly more believable that forgetting his call to FBI. Either memory lapse is absolutely impossible. Doubt this? Ask yourself how many times have you called the FBI and forgotten the matter...

See: http://www.veteranstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/bushwarning1-531x640.jpg

3. Bush's first attempt at making a jive ass alibi by saying he was in Tyler, TX at the Rotary Club meeting when receiving the news of Kennedy's death. In fact he might have even pulled off that cheap lie too except.. Except that his statements are too obtuse. He couldn't have made the statements he claims because at the alleged 1:30 speech he cancelled due to "respect for the murdered president" (loose quote) simply doesn't fit. Couldn't have happened.

4. The TWO PICTURES of Bush which show up in Dallas at the time of the murder. One directly outside the Texas School Book Depository" Here's one:


5. Bush's foolish decision to take up talk of the Kennedy assassination during a speech at President Gerald Ford's funeral. Almost breaks out in a belly laugh after mentioned the term "deluded gunman" at:20 seconds here:

What's so funny about the murder of a president George?

6. Other You can find George H. W. Bush at the heart of the murder of JFK in many more ways. Leaving a trail a mile wide but only five ft. long. From George Demorenshildt to E. Howard Hunt You hardly have to scratch the surface. Bush turns up around the corner time and time again. Like the fictional character Forrest Gump he's EVERYWHERE.

Oh and what does CTKA say of all of this? Their very own Seamus Coogan (whoever he is) being the hired gun/hit man designed to take out John Hankeys' very moving and good research from "JFK II to his site "Thedarklegacy.com.

You know you're getting close to the truth when someone attacks you as viciously as Coogan does. "The empire strikes back". In short CTKA has done little to push the research community in the direction of mainstream success. Yet whenever someone tries bravely to actually DO SOMETHING helpful (as John Hankey does so well)? They are condemned.

OK to be fair there actually is a tiny bit of merit to Coogan's statements but the great majority of them are petty. Example: He takes Hankey to task for saying that Iranian Prime Minister Mossadegh wasn't murdered as Hankey mistakenly says. In fact Mossadegh was only put under house arrest during the CIA coup in the early 1950's. So what? BIG Freaking deal! Well shucks that's just too bad. If you continue to closely examine Coogan he trumps up the minor minor research mistakes in his vitriolic hit piece. Making them stand out like Hankey accused Bush of killing the Pope.

The best rebuttal to Coogan's asinine savagery is at Jim Fetzer's fine report here:


My only complaint about Fetzer's support for Hankey and his subsequent accusation of CTKA is that he stops short of declaring CTKA and it's minions as tools

Fetzer's words:

"In CTKA’s critique, “The Dark Legacy of John Hankey”, however, Seamus Coogan commits so many serious blunders in his discussion of the assassination that anyone less familiar with the eddies and currents of JFK research might suspect it was a work of disinformation"

Well uh no Jim. CTKA IS a major source of disinformation.

Prof. Fetzer continues "But I do believe that the role of George Herbert Walker Bush in the assassination of JFK is a subject that deserves a great deal more attention than it has received in the past and which, I must infer, it most certainly is not going to receive from Jim DiEugenio and Seamus Coogan. And this, in turn, makes me think that, when CTKA was being formed, my decision not to join was wiser than I could have known at the time".

You got that right Jim. Perhaps Prof. Fetzer stops short of declaring CTKA to be the tools that they really are for professional reasons. I respect his decision to do this. Always best to avoid making a "circular firing squad as CTKA seems to prefer to do.

Let us make no mistake here whom we're speaking of here.

CTKA IS JIM DIEUGENIO! In addition to his "work" in assassination research he has up until recently effectively held the very fine JFK community activist and internet "Black Op" radio show host Len Osanic as a virtual hostage to his Bush link to JFK murder denying propaganda. In fact when you write Len Osanic? Jim DiEugenio may be the person who answers your e-mail. He apparently has a veritable choke hold on Len Osanic.

Speaking which here is what you can do to help. My words worthless without your action:

WRITE LEN OSANIC!!! Here: osanic@prouty.org

First of all thank Len for his tireless work and especially for him having Jim Fetzer on his show earlier this year when he defended John Hankey.

Next encourage Mr. Osanic to distance himself from CTKA, it's various minions and especially Jim DiEugenio.

With friends like CTKA? The JFK research community doesn't need enemies. When it comes to Bush apologists CTKA leads the field of JFK assassination researchers. It is people like them that do the greater damage. More so even than Gary Mack's travesty known as "The Sixth Floor Museum". Don't be fooled.

In fact when you write Len Osanic? Jim DiEugenio may be the person who answers your e-mail. He apparently has a veritable choke hold on Len Osanic.

You mean to tell me that there is some short of a "love connection" going on there?

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Prescott Bush letter to Clover Dulles in 1969: http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/prescott.htm

Prescott Bush wrote Clover Dulles, the widow of Allen Dulles, in 1969 after the death of Allen Dulles and while the assassination of Robert Kennedy was still fresh. Note how BITTER Prescott Bush is toward the Kennedys over the Bay of Pigs ... do not underestimate the CIA's anger at John Kennedy over the Bay of Pigs - it is a big reason they assassinated him (and LBJ's desperate fears of exposure ...)

"He [Allen] tried to make a pleasant evening of it, but I was rather sick of heart, and angry too, for it was the Kennedy's that brought about the fiasco. And here they were making Allen to be the goat, which he wasn't and did not deserve. I have never forgiven them."

Prescott Bush was the father of George Herbert Walker Bush.

do not underestimate the CIA's anger at John Kennedy over the Bay of Pigs - it is a big reason they assassinated him

BINGO! You hit the nail right on the head with that statement!

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Absolutely, George Herbert Walker Bush is VERY likely to have been personally involved in the JFK assassination.

CIA Pegaus agent Trenton Parker told Rodney Stich in 1993 that FBI Hoover’s office had been taped and identified at least 5 conspirators: Lyndon Johnson, J. Edgar Hoover, Allen Dulles, Nelson Rockefeller, & George Herbert Walker Bush

From Defrauding America, Rodney Stich, 3rd edition 1998 p. 638-639]:

“The Role of deep-cover CIA officer, Trenton Parker, has been described in earlier pages, and his function in the CIA's counter-intelligence unit, Pegasus. Parker had stated to me earlier that a CIA faction was responsible for the murder of JFK … During an August 21, 1993, conversation, in response to my questions, Parker said that his Pegasus group had tape recordings of plans to assassinate Kennedy. I asked him, "What group were these tapes identifying?" Parker replied: "Rockefeller, Allen Dulles, Johnson of Texas, George Bush, and J. Edgar Hoover." I asked, "What was the nature of the conversation on these tapes?"

I don't have the tapes now, because all the tape recordings were turned over to [Congressman] Larry McDonald. But I listened to the tape recordings and there were conversations between Rockefeller, [J. Edgar] Hoover, where [Nelson] Rockefeller asks, "Are we going to have any problems?" And he said, "No, we aren't going to have any problems. I checked with Dulles. If they do their job we'll do our job." There are a whole bunch of tapes, because Hoover didn't realize that his phone has been tapped. Defrauding America, Rodney Stich, 3rd edition p. 638-639]

Additionally, here is Russ Baker asking some questions on this subject:


Unanswered Questions as Obama Anoints HW Bush

Posted By Russ Baker On February 19, 2011 @ 6:31 pm In Featured,Quick Takes | 25 Comments

Pres. Obama gives Medal of Freedom to George H. W. Bush

On February 15, President Obama bestowed the Medal of Freedom, the United States’ highest award, to a group of people which includes former president George H.W. Bush. Having spent five years researching the elder Bush and discovering a staggering array of secrets to the man’s life—none of them favorable, I was curious why Obama gave Bush the medal.

Officially, it goes to individuals “who have made especially meritorious contributions to the security or national interests of the United States, to world peace, or to cultural or other significant public or private endeavors.” In fact, it goes to all kinds of people for all kinds of reasons. In the case of Bush, it was an obligatory Washington ritual for a former President who is in the last chapter of his life.

Notwithstanding the inevitability of the process, President Obama needed to trot out some explanation or other as to why each recipient was deserving. In remarks at the ceremony [1], he said that H.W.’s “His life is a testament that public service is a noble calling….his humility and his decency reflects the very best of the American spirit.” And he referred to Mr. Bush’s “extraordinary life of service and of sacrifice.”

His life has certainly been extraordinary. Though whether “decency” is the right term, or whether his activities “reflect the very best of the American spirit,” or whether his has been a “life…of sacrifice” seem to be debatable.

There’s another side to the elder Bush. It goes to the heart of his purported “humility,” and whether it is truly humility—or his need to hide so many secrets. Especially as it relates, remarkably, to the assassination of another president, John F. Kennedy.

Here are some questions that must be asked of George H.W. Bush, while he is still around to be asked. These questions are based on revelations from my book, Family of Secrets: the Bush Dynasty, America’s Invisible Government, and the Hidden History of the Last Fifty Years [2], copies of which can be found in major American bookstores and libraries, including the Library of Congress. The underlying points are all documented and footnoted—and some of these questions have appeared before in an earlier post on this site and others.

-Former president Bush, we all know that you served for a single year as director of the Central Intelligence Agency. What about the fact trail suggesting that, just like the Russian leader Vladimir Putin, you actually spent your entire adult life prior to becoming vice president working in covert operations—but unlike Putin, have not admitted that? What about documentation showing that, as far back as the early 1950s, your small but hyperactive company, Zapata Offshore, was commercial cover for super-secret ops?

-Some years ago you claimed not to remember where you were on the morning of Nov. 22, 1963? Have you since been able to recall?

-Can you tell us about your decades-long friendship with George de Mohrenschildt, the man who was in and out of Lee Harvey Oswald’s house on almost a daily basis in the year before the Kennedy assassination?

-Did you, as characterized in an FBI memo, work as a CIA officer in tandem with Cuban exiles at the time of the Kennedy assassination?

-Why have you never spoken publicly about the documented call you made to the FBI on Nov 22, 1963, in which you identified yourself fully and claimed to have information on a possible suspect in Kennedy’s death? What was the purpose of that call, in which you mentioned your whereabouts at the time of the call, 1:45pm, as Tyler, Texas, i.e. about 99 miles away but just a short flight on the private plane on which you were traveling? Why did you tell the FBI that you were en route next to Dallas and would stay at the Sheraton there when you had already been at the Sheraton the night before—and right after that call flew to Dallas but only to switch planes and fly back immediately to Houston? Why were you giving the FBI the impression you would be staying in Dallas the night after the assassination instead of letting them know you had stayed there the night before the assassination?

-Why was your own assistant at the home of the man you would finger as a suspect in the shooting, and why did he end up providing the man with an alibi? Was the ultimate purpose of that call not to cause the alleged suspect any permanent harm, but merely to use the call as an excuse to state in government files that you were in a place other than Dallas?

-Since you claimed not to remember where you were when Kennedy was killed, how is it that after these FBI memos surfaced, your wife Barbara suddenly found and published an old letter placing you and her in Tyler, Texas shortly after the shooting?

-On the day of the assassination, were you in touch with your friend and Republican running mate Jack Crichton, a military intelligence figure who was connected to figures forcing their way into the pilot car of Kennedy’s motorcade? The same Crichton who controlled the man who served as the interpreter between Oswald’s wife and police and reframed her words so as to implicate Oswald in Kennedy’s shooting? The same Crichton who was working out of a secret underground communications bunker below the streets of Dallas? The same Crichton whose secret military intelligence unit counted dozens of men who simultaneously held jobs as Dallas police officers? The same Crichton who did secret oil industry intelligence work in the Middle East while you did intelligence related oil industry work via your company, Zapata Offshore?

-Finally, do you know people who consider the events of November 22, 1963 to, in their minds, “reflect the very best of the American spirit?” You say almost nothing, ever, about the Kennedy assassination, even skipping over it in your own memoir, which details much more trivial events of the same year. Why is that? And why then, in your eulogy for former President Ford, a member of the increasingly-discredited Warren Commission, did you go out of your way to oddly praise him for promoting the increasingly-discredited “single bullet theory?” You said:

“After a deluded gunman assassinated President Kennedy, our nation turned to Gerald Ford and a select handful of others to make sense of that madness. And the conspiracy theorists can say what they will, but the Warren Commission report will always have the final definitive say on this tragic matter. Why? Because Jerry Ford put his name on it and Jerry Ford’s word was always good.”

Why did you, so bizarrely, smile when you uttered those words?

Now, with your Medal of Freedom, given you by a Democratic president who ran as an agent of change, you truly seem to be enjoying the last laugh.


"Did the Bushes help to kill JFK?"


If nothing else, these pages will show the reader the following:

- Although he does not recall when asked, George (Herbert Walker) Bush was in Dallas the day JFK was assassinated.

- Bush lies about the fact that he was a high-ranking CIA official at the time of JFK's death.

- Bush allowed the escape of a convicted terrorist from prison to go to work for him as an undercover CIA asset in Iran-Contra.

- Bush has released another convicted terrorist.

- Both these terrorists were present on Dealey Plaza on 11/22/1963.

- Both these terrorists were convicted for killing 73 people by blowing up an airliner.

- Bush is personal friends with a close associate of these convicted terrorists, who was also a participant in Iran Contra.

- Bush has taken a leading role as CIA official in structuring/organizing these terrorists in effective organizations.

Absolutely, George Herbert Walker Bush is VERY likely to have been personally involved in the JFK assassination.

Two words: Operation Zapata!

Edited by Scott Kaiser
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Guest Robert Morrow

Prescott Bush letter to Clover Dulles in 1969: http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/prescott.htm

Prescott Bush wrote Clover Dulles, the widow of Allen Dulles, in 1969 after the death of Allen Dulles and while the assassination of Robert Kennedy was still fresh. Note how BITTER Prescott Bush is toward the Kennedys over the Bay of Pigs ... do not underestimate the CIA's anger at John Kennedy over the Bay of Pigs - it is a big reason they assassinated him (and LBJ's desperate fears of exposure ...)

"He [Allen] tried to make a pleasant evening of it, but I was rather sick of heart, and angry too, for it was the Kennedy's that brought about the fiasco. And here they were making Allen to be the goat, which he wasn't and did not deserve. I have never forgiven them."

Prescott Bush was the father of George Herbert Walker Bush.

do not underestimate the CIA's anger at John Kennedy over the Bay of Pigs - it is a big reason they assassinated him

BINGO! You hit the nail right on the head with that statement!

The CIA also considered JFK a traitor for not bombing and invading Cuba during the Cuban Missile crisis. In their minds, if JFK had "done the right thing" at the Bay of Pigs (a fullscale military invasion which Richard Nixon supported) then there never would have been a Cuban Missile Crisis which allowed the Russians to plant nuclear weapons 90 miles off of Florida.

In their minds, JFK was a traitor and a national security threat. They literally thought this and were very enraged and self righteous about this.

Wasn't Gen. Ed Lansdale photographed at TSBD? And identified by both Col. Fletcher Prouty and Gen Krulak who worked closely with him? Lansdale ran Operation Mongoose and said it was one of the most frustrating things he ever did. And no doubt he would blame his frustrations on the Kennedys.

I am sure Lansdale and Gen. Curtis LeMay - the over the top JFK hater - were well acquainted. And of course Ed Lansdale was very close to Allen Dulles. Folks like me think Lansdale and Dulles were deeply involved in the JFK assassination.

Curtis LeMay was contacted by LBJ while he was on Air Force One and heading from Dallas to Wash DC on 11/22/63. I think LBJ wanted to have a confirmed Kennedy hater at JFK's autopsy at Bethesda to control the proceedings.

Here is Gen. Curtis LeMay as described by Wikipedia:


"During the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, LeMay clashed again with U.S. President John F. Kennedy and Defense Secretary McNamara, arguing that he should be allowed to bomb nuclear missile sites in Cuba. He opposed the naval blockade and, after the end of the crisis, suggested that Cuba be invaded anyway, even after the Russians agreed to withdraw. LeMay called the peaceful resolution of the crisis "the greatest defeat in our history".[31] Unknown to the US, the Soviet field commanders in Cuba had been given authority to launch—the only time such authority was delegated by higher command.[32] They had twenty nuclear warheads for medium-range R-12 ballistic missiles capable of reaching US cities (including Washington) and nine tactical nuclear missiles. If Soviet officers had launched them, many millions of US citizens would have been killed. The ensuing SAC retaliatory thermonuclear strike would have killed roughly one hundred million Soviet citizens, and brought nuclear winter to much of the Northern Hemisphere. Kennedy refused LeMay's requests, however, and the naval blockade was successful.[32]"

Edited by Robert Morrow
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If you think you'll someday see new documents from the CIA on Kennedy, you can forget about it. Just ask yourself this, if the CIA is blockade the release of volume V of the Bay of Pigs what makes you think they are going to turn over any relevant information on Kennedy? You can forget about it!

Edited by Scott Kaiser
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