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Altgens re-enactment moves him 30-40ft EAST

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When the attempt was made to reconstruct the Altgens photo, the final product moves Altgens to the EAST a considerable distance...

The small letters are the recreation... the two images were stablized around the main pillar above the limo....

To get the small letters to align with the capital letters the camera MUST move to the EAST while rotating around that column...

The REAL problem with Altgens was that it was taken 30-40 feet further WEST... where we ultimately see Altgens standing in Zflim...

Altgens tell us the limo moved from 40 feet away in his photo to 15 feet at z313... both measurements do not work with what is seen on the Zflim.

Add to this the incorrect survey data and the final shot at station 4+95 (15 feet in front of Altgens) and

we all can see the real problems in using any of the photos/films in relation to one another...

They do NOT work together... even though they appear to.

The distance from Z255 to where Altgens is 15 feet from JFK (Z342) is much farther than what the z film allows...

Now, why would "they" want to move Altgens 30-40 feet EAST for his photograph?


Mr. ALTGENS - You will see by then referring to picture No. 354, that the Presidential car was well down Elm Street in front of a tree that is located in a grassy area which is just off of Elm Street and just off of the street that runs down in front of the Book Depository Building, which would indicate that the point at which he was struck, the location of the car, would be approximately 30 feet in front of the position from which I made this picture. Does that make sense?

Mr. LIEBELER - Yes; what you are saying is that picture 203 was taken at a time when the President's car had actually gone down Elm Street to a point past this tree that stands at the corner here, in the grassy area, outlined by Elm Street and a little street that runs down by the Texas School Book Depository Building?

Mr. ALTGENS - Yes, sir.

Mr. LIEBELER - Now, the thing that is troubling me, though, Mr. Altgens, is that you say the car was 30 feet away at the time you took Commission Exhibit No. 203 and that is the time at which the first shot was fired?

Mr. ALTGENS - Yes, sir.

Mr. LIEBELER - And that it was 15 feet away at the time the third shot was fired.Mr. ALTGENS - Yes, sir.

Mr. LIEBELER - But during that period of time the car moved much more than 15 feet down Elm Street going down toward the triple underpass?

Mr. ALTGENS - Yes, sir.

Mr. LIEBELER - I don't know how many feet it moved, but it moved quite a ways from the time the first shot was fired until the time the third shot was fired. I'm having trouble on this Exhibit No. 203 understanding how you could have been within 30 feet of the President's car when you took Commission Exhibit No. 203 and within 15 feet of the car when he was hit with the last shot in the head without having moved yourself. Now, you have previously indicated that you were right beside the President's car when he was hit in the head.

Mr. ALTGENS - Well, I was about 15 feet from it.


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Hi David,

Thank you but,

All credit goes to Tom, I was just the delivery boy on this one.

Your following quote is very applicable to the entire scenario:

Add to this the incorrect survey data and the final shot at station 4+95 (15 feet in front of Altgens) and

we all can see the real problems in using any of the photos/films in relation to one another...

I will try enlightening you with some more math in a little bit.

Hang in there,



If you or someone else remembers testimony about "frame100" and Tom Purvis commenting about the cat almost being let out of the bag, I'd appreciate it being posted.

I thought it was Shaneyfelt's testimony but I can't find it.

Edited by Chris Davidson
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No worries... you did quite a lot to establish the distance and time problems so I believe you deserve some of the kudos regardless...

Your comment about z100 got me looking... I did not find anything in the testimony but I did go look at the frame....

as well as from 94-101... Tom is very cryptic but usually has a point...

What struck me was the reflection of what looks like the letter "F" and how in all the frames before it moves in both the intersprocket area and above the top sprocket hole in sync....

Except for z100. Is it possible to have a section of the film moving while the reflection of that image doesn't?


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Thanks David,

My frame100 reference has nothing to do with the pre-limo footage, at least in relation to what I am looking for.


That's fine... yet does this movement look correct to you?

How does the entire shape of the "F" change yet not appear to move at all at the top of the frame?

Shouldn't this be mirror there?


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