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Definitive proof Zapruder was altered

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Cue up the Stabilized version of the Zfilm... http://jfkmurdersolved.com/film/Zapruderstable.mov

It BEGINS at frame 133....

The headshot is STILL at 313... or 180 frames later

180 frames / 18.3fps = 9.84 seconds...

Except when you freeze the frame at z313... it is almost 13 seconds later....

If the stabilized version running at 18.3fps then we are missing almost 3 seconds of film between 133 and 313.

I am not at a location where I can use software to get the exact time elapsed of the film from 133-313...

but the zframes would have to be slowed down by almost 25% to get 13 seconds from 9.84...

The stabilized version is not 25% slower is it?



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I was not aware of that.

I thought the FB I tested the camera and it came out at 18.3 FPS.

Was Zapruder running it at a lower rate?

Thanks you Chris... and here I thought something just popped out at me... :tomatoes

Yet I still think the math allows the Zfilm to excise 2-3 seconds, most probably at the corner and having to do with the splice in Z at that corner.

Well Jim... right out of the gate... if the FBI says so.... :blink:

How could the FBI test how much winding Mr Z did before he started filming...?

It would seem to me that the FBI would ultimately use a fps rate that made everything work.... if they had a hand in any alteration...

Bottom line is the info provided for accurate measurements in DP from our government is WRONG... which in turn make it virtually impossible to relate frames, to speed, to time.

If the headshot happens 15 feet from Altgens... how in the world does it look like he's that distance at z342?

btw... where is the Queen Mary in Bronson? was it really that far behind the limo?

The more I keep looking the different angles - the more it looks wrong...


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Thanks B...

and always big thanks Robin.

You think Fetz will tell us the tree was added after the fact to block the GK and Altgens' position...

perfectly? :blink:

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I need some help from you experts about something I've never figured out about the Z film.

For the headshot, while JFK's head goes back from a shot from the front, how come the head explosion looks awkward. Whenever I see this, I expect something from the back of his head being blown out. Now I've read the witness testimony's and of course some of your work showing that 'blob' in the Z film as his back of the head. But what is actually being blown away in the Z film?

When I see it, I see what it seems like his side of the head/right ear gets blown away and the head flaps over it. Almost makes it look like the shot came from his left to right.

Still can't really figure it out.

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I need some help from you experts about something I've never figured out about the Z film.

For the headshot, while JFK's head goes back from a shot from the front, how come the head explosion looks awkward. Whenever I see this, I expect something from the back of his head being blown out. Now I've read the witness testimony's and of course some of your work showing that 'blob' in the Z film as his back of the head. But what is actually being blown away in the Z film?

When I see it, I see what it seems like his side of the head/right ear gets blown away and the head flaps over it. Almost makes it look like the shot came from his left to right.

Still can't really figure it out.

Hey there Rodney... this might help...

A shot from the front still opens up the right side of the head... yet the testimony from Parkland does not corroborate the FLAP we see...

I am of the opinion that this flap may not have been as pronounced as we see in the fox photo...


It is obvious from the photos and xrays, they do not work together... his entire forehead and frontal skull cannot just be gone...


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