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How Corrupt Was the Clinton Presidency, Compared to Other Administrations

Guest Robert Morrow

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Guest Robert Morrow

This thread is the new home of all obviously OT posts currently in Glenn Viklund's thread at JFK Debate :


Glenn and Greg Burnham (and Tom Scully) you just don't like my well-researched and well-sourced message, so you would prefer to shoot the messenger.

This is quite similar to a thread I started last year on Lyndon Johnson/Sam Rayburn using sexual blackmail on John Kennedy to force his way onto the 1960 Democratic ticket.

Here is the thread: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=17218

Just check out the hysterical responses of the "JFK groupies" on this thread as the well known and documented to the max sexual promiscuity of John Kennedy was discussed. The last thing on their minds was a search for the truth or academic inquiry.

Recently, the book by Mimi Alford comes out and it pretty much confirmed that rampant sexually promiscous lifestyle on John Kennedy and any thinking person would understand how risky that was. And how one could be subject to blackmail by people (LBJ, Sam Rayburn) who were close friends to J. Edgar Hoover who specialized in these sorts of things. Mimi Alford's book is also important because she confirms the risky and promiscous behavior of JFK as described by the 4 Secret Service agents to Sy Hersh in the "Dark Side of Camelot."

Here is Mimi Alford's book "Once Upon a Secret: My Affair with President Kennedy and It's Aftermath:" http://www.amazon.com/Once-Upon-Secret-President-Aftermath/dp/1400069106/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1332792585&sr=8-1

I make a point to tell the truth to the best of my ability. Oftentimes, if it is a hidden truth, it is also an "ugly truth."

Maybe the truth just isn't comforting to a Glenn, a Greg Burnham, or a Tom Scully. Apparently, they like ignorance bliss and just love to try to silence truthtellers.

Regarding the Clintons, it is my opinion, based on 5 years of intensive study and reading, scanning hundreds of books on them, and talking with other political activists who know former Clinton insiders, that Chelsea Clinton is the daughter of Webb Hubbell - period, end of story. That is 99% sure without a DNA test. Chelsea and Webb Hubbell also have unusually big lips.

Now, if Tom Scully and Glen do not like my well researched and opinion on this ... well tough luck. I've worked a lot more in the Clinton vineyards than they have.

Edited by Tom Scully
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Glenn and Greg Burnham (and Tom Scully) you just don't like my well-researched and well-sourced message, so you would prefer to shoot the messenger.

This is quite similar to a thread I started last year on Lyndon Johnson/Sam Rayburn using sexual blackmail on John Kennedy to force his way onto the 1960 Democratic ticket.

Here is the thread: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=17218

Just check out the hysterical responses of the "JFK groupies" on this thread as the well known and documented to the max sexual promiscuity of John Kennedy was discussed. The last thing on their minds was a search for the truth or academic inquiry.

Recently, the book by Mimi Alford comes out and it pretty much confirmed that rampant sexually promiscous lifestyle on John Kennedy and any thinking person would understand how risky that was. And how one could be subject to blackmail by people (LBJ, Sam Rayburn) who were close friends to J. Edgar Hoover who specialized in these sorts of things. Mimi Alford's book is also important because she confirms the risky and promiscous behavior of JFK as described by the 4 Secret Service agents to Sy Hersh in the "Dark Side of Camelot."

Here is Mimi Alford's book "Once Upon a Secret: My Affair with President Kennedy and It's Aftermath:" http://www.amazon.com/Once-Upon-Secret-President-Aftermath/dp/1400069106/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1332792585&sr=8-1

I make a point to tell the truth to the best of my ability. Oftentimes, if it is a hidden truth, it is also an "ugly truth."

Maybe the truth just isn't comforting to a Glenn, a Greg Burnham, or a Tom Scully. Apparently, they like ignorance bliss and just love to try to silence truthtellers.

Regarding the Clintons, it is my opinion, based on 5 years of intensive study and reading, scanning hundreds of books on them, and talking with other political activists who know former Clinton insiders, that Chelsea Clinton is the daughter of Webb Hubbell - period, end of story. That is 99% sure without a DNA test. Chelsea and Webb Hubbell also have unusually big lips.

Now, if Tom Scully and Glen do not like my well researched and opinion on this ... well tough luck. I've worked a lot more in the Clinton vineyards than they have.this


I raised a simple question. This is not and was not, about you. Your presence immediately changes this. Thread destroyed.

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Guest Robert Morrow

Glen, it was the so-called "moderator" Tom Scully who went off topic on this thread.

He "made invisible" a post I made because he has an agenda and did not like what I said. Then he personally attacked me and advocated that I be put on moderation.

I advocate that Tom Scully be removed as a moderator of Education Forum. Scully has an agenda, he is not seeking truth and continually posts off topic threads to the JFK discussion board.

I happen to know a lot about Bill Clinton - probably more than anyone who posts on Education Forum- so I am well qualified to post what he thinks about the JFK assassination.

Clinton knows the truth, which is the JFK was an elite domestic conspiracy and it was covered up by Lyndon Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover. Clinton lies about it because he is compromised with all his dirty CIA history and connections with GHW Bush and Iran-contra.

Scully had one of his conniption fits because I offhandedly remarked, by the way, Webb Hubbell is biological father of Chelsea Clinton. After 5 years of intensive research on the Clintons, that is my opinion and I am entitled to give it.

I request that my original post be made "visible" so folks can see what we are talking out. You, Glenn, have never read my post for example.

Edited by Robert Morrow
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Guest Robert Morrow

Wow, do you believe this list?

Crazy Larry Nichols

Edward Klein who has been shown to make up stuff

Gennifer Flowers? Whew

Patterson and Brown, two proven liars

David Phillips' favorite writer, Ron Kessler

And then presto: Webb Hubbell was the real father of Chelsea!

Morrow has no credibility in what he thinks is credible. As long as its sex, sleaze and scandal, its credible.

I thought this was about Clinton's beliefs on the JFK case?

I addressed Bill Clinton's JFK Assassination beliefs and Scully made invisible my post because I expressed my well researched (5 years of studying the Clintons) that Chelsea Clinton is the biological daughter of Webb Hubbell.

The odds on this are 99%+, short of a DNA test.

DiEugenio and Scully seem to operate on the belief if they have not heard about something before then it can't be true. And that is a divinity aspiring, arrogant position to take. From what I have seen, the both of you don't really know much ...

Believe Larry Nichols? Yes, sir. He was a Clinton insider for 10 years. The Clintons sent goons to beat up and nearly murder his lawyer Gary Johnson on 6/26/92.

The beating up and near killing of Gary Johnson:


Gary Johnson just happened to be the next door neighbor to Gennifer Flowers and he happened to have a security camera video of Bill Clinton often entering Gennifer's condo. This is at a time the Clintons were doing their usual gargantuan lies about Bill's rampant womanizing. Bill Clinton later admitted to one tryst with Gennifer Flowers (ha ha ha). Probably because she still had records of the $200 abortion that Bill paid for her to have in January, 1978. That was 3 months before Attorney General Bill Clinton, the highest elected law enforcement in Arkansas, raped Juanita Broddrick, twice within 30 minutes on April 25, 1978 at the Camelot Hotel in Little Rock, AR. Clinton bit her lip savagely to disable her, then as he left Clinton said you need to put some ice on that busted lip and, by the way, don't worry about getting pregnant because I had the measles as a kid and I am sterile.

3 months after he paid for Gennifer Flower's abortion in January, 1978.

A lot of our presidents really are psychopaths.

In Edward Klein's book "The Truth about Hillary," he interviewed a Wall Street guy who Clinton met on vacation. The businessman told Klein that Bill Clinton told him that he found out about Hillary's pregnancy in the newspaper!

For close Clinton observers - as opposed to Clinton groupies - that kind of anecdote is par for the course. Hillary and Bill had a phony *marriage* from the go. Bill was literally making out with another woman in the bathroom of his wedding reception. I can source that if you like.

[Here, I will be glad to source that. A longtime friend of the Clintons who went to their “wedding” reception (on 10/11/74) says she was “totally floored” when she pushed open a bathroom door – at the reception - and saw “Bill passionately kissing a young woman. He was fondling her breasts. I was so shocked I just closed the door quickly and quietly. They never knew I saw them.” [Christopher Anderson, "Bill and Hillary," p. 150]

Bill Clinton could not even last an hour past his nuptials to stray... The Clintons were and are that dysfunctional. It was the classic 1970's open marriage.

Gennifer Flowers - she told nothing but the truth about her 16 year affair with Bill Clinton, and her reward was retribution and PI thug/intimidator Jack Palladino asking her neighbors if Gennifer was the kind of person to commit suicide...

Larry Patterson and L.D. Brown. Have you read Brown's book or listened to Larry Patterson's tapes? I doubt you have, DiEugenio. Those guys are truthtellers. Brown also talks about the Barry Seal/Bill Clinton connection. Clinton got L.D. Brown, his favorite state trooper into the CIA. You should read his book; you might learn something. Brown also discovered Barry Seal was running cocaine, which outraged Brown because he was the top drug enforcement officer of the Arkansas state troopers.

Ron Kessler, who seems to be a partisan Republican and conservative, is very good at revealing the dirt on Democrats such as Lyndon Johnson and Bill Clinton. Yes, he covers for the Bushes and Republicans. In his latest book he says the FBI had many reports of Vince Foster being extremely depressed over a dressing down delivered to him by Hillary a week before his suicide. It confirms what I already knew.

If you understand the Clintons - which DiEugenio and Scully obviously do not - you would know that Vince Foster and Hillary were emotionally husband and wife ... and the Arkansas state troopers reported they were lovers.

Edited by Robert Morrow
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Guest Robert Morrow

Here is some more sourcing:

Larry Nichols, a longtime close aide to Bill, swears that Hillary and Webb had an affair. Larry says Hillary interrupted a meeting of Bill and his advisors in 1978. Hillary said “Bill, what are you doing?” Bill replied “Hill, I’m gonna run for governor!” Hillary immediately replied “I gotta get in Rose … I’m gonna ____ Hubbell.” [Why the Clintons Belong in Prison, Melrose Larry Green, p.270] Hillary may have been referring to making partner at Rose where Hubbell was a partner.

Hillary and Bill are fond of saying that sex is mentioned over 500 times in the 473-page Starr Report, while Whitewater is not often mentioned. In Webb Hubbell’s 332-page book Webb uses the word “Hillary” 396 times! Webb says that he and Vince were “mesmerized” by Hillary and that “Bill wasn’t much of a presence in our lives.” [Hubbell, Friends in High Places, p.56]

Hillary says that “a burly ex-football player” gave her advice on how to hold Chelsea as a baby: “Think of a baby like a football and hold it tight.” [it Takes a Village, p. 8] Hillary is probably referring to her very close friend Webb who played as an offensive tackle for the Razorbacks.

On the night Bill lost the 1980 Arkansas’s governor’s race, Webb says he and Vince were watching Hillary on TV and “I think both of us wanted to wrap her in our arms and comfort her.” [Hubbell, p.86] (Hey, isn’t that Bill’s job – in theory?)

When Bill was elected in 1992, Hillary tried to make Bill promise to appoint her very close friend Webb Hubbell to the U.S. Supreme Court if a vacancy occurred. Hillary ordered Bill to give Webb an interim appointment as the chief justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court: “Well goddam it Bill he’s my friend, you can appoint him by law, so do it!” – said Hillary. [Crossfire, p.81] Webb got the Arkansas Supreme Court appointment. After Bill was elected President in 1992, Hillary made sure that her very, very close friend Webb Hubbell was made the #3 man at the Justice Department.

The #3 spot at Justice is not subject to Senate confirmation - the #2 spot has to be confirmed by the Senate; I think the Hubbell was made #3 at Justice and not #2 was because the Clintons feared details of the Hillary/Hubbell relationship might be discovered.

Very embarrassing details.

In his book Webb makes a special point of mentioning Chelsea when he says how successful he felt looking out at her from the living room of his big house in the summer:

“On summer evenings, I could sip a drink in my big living room and look out at children- including the Fosters’ and the Clintons’, when Chelsea got big enough- bouncing happily on a trampoline in the shade of my big oak trees. Such a scene made me feel successful.” [Hubbell, Friends in High Places, p.84]

Check out post #207 on this FreeRepublic web link to see a photo of the strikingly similar Webb Hubbell and Chelsea:


Vince Foster knew a Senate confirmation of Hubbell was dangerous because info about Hubbell probably being the sperm donor of Chelsea might have come out in that process. Carl Bernstein in his book on Hillary gets close to this, “Foster vaguely repeated his fear that the confirmation process would hurt Hillary. He seemed to know something that Nussbaum didn’t.” [bernstein, "A Woman in Charge," p. 253]

Do I have to spell out for you what Foster knew about Hubbell that Nussbaum didn't? My educated opinion is that Vince Foster knew Webb Hubbell is the biological father of Chelsea Clinton. Foster is not going to tell Nussbaum that for obvious reasons.

State troopers Larry Patterson and L.D. Brown have reported that Hillary was having an affair with Vince Foster. Larry Nichols told Melrose Larry Green that Hillary and Webb Hubbell were lovers and that Chelsea was their child.

Mike Galster, who wrote the book Blood Trail under the pseudonym Michael Sullivan, is yet another Arkansas source who says that it was *common knowledge* that Hillary and Vince Foster were having an affair:


L.D. Brown, a close aide to Bill, and many others say Hillary and Vince, married to his wife Lisa Foster and with 3 children, had an affair, dating from the mid-1980’s. Brown says, “Hillary and Vince were deeply in love. I saw them locked in each other’s arms, deep-kissing, nuzzling – you have it.” [Hillary Rodham Clinton, Christian Josi, p.62]

L.D. Brown talks about a small private party at a Chinese restaurant: “ …Vince and Hillary were looking like they were in the back seat of a ’57 Chevy at the drive-in. Hillary was kissing Vince like I’ve never seen her kiss Bill, and the same sort of thing was going on with Bill and Beth [Coulson] …[Hillary] traveled with Vince often, once even to London. They were soul mates …” [L.D. Brown, Crossfire, p. 63-64]

Vince was very unhappy that he was not getting to spend “special time” with his girlfriend and emotional wife Hillary – who, angry at Vince over work issues – had cut Vince off during the last three weeks of his severely depressed life. Vince, upset about Hillary, told Webb Hubbell “It’s just not the same, Hub … She’s so busy, Hub, that we don’t ever have time to talk.” [p.234, Friends in High Places, Hubbell]

Webb Hubbell writes about the time in 1993 that Hillary canceling a planned dinner with the Hubbells and Vince and Lisa Foster (Father's Day, early June, 1993):

“Vince hardly said a word the rest of the evening. Suzy, as much as she loved Vince, thought his behavior was extremely bizarre. “He was sulking,” she said. “It was so uncharacteristic of him.” He pulled his chair back and turned himself away from the rest of the table. He was just like a child who had been promised quality time with a parent, only to have the parent renege when business had called him away.” [p.234, Friends in High Places, Hubbell]

Vince Foster was obsessed with his relationship with Hillary. After years of research I concluded it was a big factor in his suicide on 7/20/93.

On the night (7-20-93) that a desperate Vince Foster committed suicide, Marsha Scott, a long time friend of Bill (and, yes one of his paramours in the White House), told her friend Ilene Watkins, “I spent the night with Bill in his bed … I had my head in his lap and we reminisced all night long. I’m wearing the same clothes as yesterday and I’m going to have to wear them the whole day again.” (Bill and Hillary, p. 281)

Marsha Scott also boasted to her boyfriend Danny Dwyer “I’ve had sex with Bill Clinton every Christmas for 30 years, ever since we were in our early 20’s in Arkansas. It’s my annual Christmas present to him! [National Enquirer, 2-17-98, p.28]

Governor Bill bragged to Arkansas state trooper Larry Patterson about another trooper: “He is my friend. He will lie for me, steal for me, cheat for me, kill for me …You have to do the same to cover for me.” [Cover Up, David Bresnahan, p.56]

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Guest Tom Scully

Wow, do you believe this list?

Crazy Larry Nichols

Edward Klein who has been shown to make up stuff

Gennifer Flowers? Whew

Patterson and Brown, two proven liars

David Phillips' favorite writer, Ron Kessler

And then presto: Webb Hubbell was the real father of Chelsea!

Morrow has no credibility in what he thinks is credible. As long as its sex, sleaze and scandal, its credible.

I thought this was about Clinton's beliefs on the JFK case?

I addressed Bill Clinton's JFK Assassination beliefs and Scully made invisible my post because I expressed my well researched (5 years of studying the Clintons) that Chelsea Clinton is the biological daughter of Webb Hubbell.

The odds on this are 99%+, short of a DNA test.

DiEugenio and Scully seem to operate on the belief if they have not heard about something before then it can't be true. And that is a divinity aspiring, arrogant position to take. From what I have seen, the both of you don't really know much ...

Robert Morrow, despite what has been permitted to remain visible, and you've repeated some of it again (for maybe the 99th time) and I've reluctantly quoted an excerpt of it above, it is OT and quite salacious and repugnant to read, but you seem to forget that moderators can read everything you post that has been made invisible. So every moderator and administrator can know that you have not fully described what I've made invisible during just one day of your "dirtying the bathing beach."

I think we can agree that it is a big, big, internet, and perhaps you are familiar with a creature you remind me of....a Canadian goose. Have you had occasion to notice what Canadian geese do to a bathing beach?

You have the rest of the internet, Robert, but we have to fence this small stretch of internet "beach" off, or you will do to this place what you have been doing in many other places. A sample, just one of your droppings, and I stopped you from dropping it here, too.

Capiche, good buddy?

Edited by Tom Scully
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I know this thread has drifted off topic, but I've researched Bill Clinton quite a bit myself. In my opinion, he may be the single most corrupt politician of all time. Considering how widespread political corruption is, that's really saying something.

The Clinton Body Count was all too real. The Vince Foster case alone should have caused him to be impeached. The number of unnatural deaths around him was frighteningly surreal. I've communicated with Linda Ives, mother of Kevin Ives, one of the two boys who died on the train tracks back when Clinton was Governor of Arkansas. These victims were real, and their families are real, too. The Ives family was apolitical- they weren't "enemies" out to get Clinton. Their son happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and he died. Then the authorities lied about it, including the coroner, whom Clinton defended repeatedly, despite his monumental incompetence.

Trooper Danny Ferguson's wife "killed herself." A month later, her fiance "killed himself" at her grave site. That's like a bad movie script. Jerry Parks? Tells his family he's a "dead man," and then is shot and killed while driving his car? How many people die like this? People who weren't Clinton's "enemies" saw a hole that looked like a gunshot wound in Ron Brown's head. People don't magically turn the massive profit that Hillary Clinton did on cattle shares without some "help." The list of their scandals is endless. The only thing that saved them was the mainstream media, who ignored all the truly terrible stuff.

Clinton was totally corrupt. So were both Bushes. So is Obama. The left/right paradigm is used to divide and conquer the people. Sorry to go off topic, too. But I wanted to add my two cents worth.

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I know this thread has drifted off topic, but I've researched Bill Clinton quite a bit myself. In my opinion, he may be the single most corrupt politician of all time. Considering how widespread political corruption is, that's really saying something.

The Clinton Body Count was all too real. The Vince Foster case alone should have caused him to be impeached. The number of unnatural deaths around him was frighteningly surreal. I've communicated with Linda Ives, mother of Kevin Ives, one of the two boys who died on the train tracks back when Clinton was Governor of Arkansas. These victims were real, and their families are real, too. The Ives family was apolitical- they weren't "enemies" out to get Clinton. Their son happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and he died. Then the authorities lied about it, including the coroner, whom Clinton defended repeatedly, despite his monumental incompetence.

Trooper Danny Ferguson's wife "killed herself." A month later, her fiance "killed himself" at her grave site. That's like a bad movie script. Jerry Parks? Tells his family he's a "dead man," and then is shot and killed while driving his car? How many people die like this? People who weren't Clinton's "enemies" saw a hole that looked like a gunshot wound in Ron Brown's head. People don't magically turn the massive profit that Hillary Clinton did on cattle shares without some "help." The list of their scandals is endless. The only thing that saved them was the mainstream media, who ignored all the truly terrible stuff.

Clinton was totally corrupt. So were both Bushes. So is Obama. The left/right paradigm is used to divide and conquer the people. Sorry to go off topic, too. But I wanted to add my two cents worth.

Right on. You didn't mention Juanita Broaddrick, whose story of being raped by Clinton was credible and, considering everything else about him, almost certainly true.

It's both amusing and sad to see people defending the character of the Clintons.

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I know this thread has drifted off topic, but I've researched Bill Clinton quite a bit myself. In my opinion, he may be the single most corrupt politician of all time. Considering how widespread political corruption is, that's really saying something.

The Clinton Body Count was all too real. The Vince Foster case alone should have caused him to be impeached. The number of unnatural deaths around him was frighteningly surreal. I've communicated with Linda Ives, mother of Kevin Ives, one of the two boys who died on the train tracks back when Clinton was Governor of Arkansas. These victims were real, and their families are real, too. The Ives family was apolitical- they weren't "enemies" out to get Clinton. Their son happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and he died. Then the authorities lied about it, including the coroner, whom Clinton defended repeatedly, despite his monumental incompetence.

Trooper Danny Ferguson's wife "killed herself." A month later, her fiance "killed himself" at her grave site. That's like a bad movie script. Jerry Parks? Tells his family he's a "dead man," and then is shot and killed while driving his car? How many people die like this? People who weren't Clinton's "enemies" saw a hole that looked like a gunshot wound in Ron Brown's head. People don't magically turn the massive profit that Hillary Clinton did on cattle shares without some "help." The list of their scandals is endless. The only thing that saved them was the mainstream media, who ignored all the truly terrible stuff.

Clinton was totally corrupt. So were both Bushes. So is Obama. The left/right paradigm is used to divide and conquer the people. Sorry to go off topic, too. But I wanted to add my two cents worth.

Right on. You didn't mention Juanita Broaddrick, whose story of being raped by Clinton was credible and, considering everything else about him, almost certainly true.

It's both amusing and sad to see people defending the character of the Clintons.

I think the problem here is that supporters of Democrats will not believe anything about their man. And in some cases they don't believe certain things about crime family Bush...


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So she was brutally raped in 1978, and came forward about it, not when Clinton first runs for President, but when an actual conspiracy of billionaires and liars emerges offering payoffs and book deals to anyone who can help them "get Clinton."

I don't believe a word of it, Robert. Nor should you.

As I recall, she came forward only because someone threw her name publicly into the Clinton cesspool. Did she get a book deal? I recall her saying she didn't want one, she wanted to go on with her life.

As for those who would like to "get Clinton," I can think of two people right off the bat. Vince Foster and Ron Brown.

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Wow, do you believe this list?

Crazy Larry Nichols

Edward Klein who has been shown to make up stuff

Gennifer Flowers? Whew

Patterson and Brown, two proven liars

David Phillips' favorite writer, Ron Kessler

And then presto: Webb Hubbell was the real father of Chelsea!

Morrow has no credibility in what he thinks is credible. As long as its sex, sleaze and scandal, its credible.

I thought this was about Clinton's beliefs on the JFK case?

Thanks for bringing it back on topic. The problem- one of many- with this forum is that people get off topic easily and get into pissing contests that the entire thread just turns into.

Robert's obsession with all things sexual is disturbing.


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BTW, let me add, I am a little taken aback by what some people here have written about Clinton being the most corrupt president ever.

Seems like somewhat of a non sequitur there Jim, since I haven't seen anyone calling

Clinton "the most corrupt president ever". Unfortunately, every president has been more

or less corrupt, so it's effectively a useless term for measuring presidential ability.

Comparing relative corruption sounds like such a depressing sport, but it truly does

illustrate how poorly the office is run. BTW, I'm not going to say how far we've fallen,

since I see no evidence of a sustained period that was corruption free.

I agree with Gore Vidal that we have only one political party, with two wings, and that

this party has been in bed with the wealthiest one percent for more than a century.

It's really par for the course with a capitalist system, but so many people are so

adamant about defending and protecting the methods of their own destruction

that I've been relatively selfish in my outlook. As long as my family is okay, I'm okay.

[emphasis added]

Hi Tom.

That was a both disturbing and insightful post. I am uncertain as to which attribute I

should assign more weight.

No offense, but, in my view, the phrase: "capitalist system" is a misnomer and unfairly,

if not inaccurately, creates a prejudice in the reader against Western (particularly US)

ideology. I am not speaking about the "evolved" Western "system" -- and if that is what

you were referencing, then I probably agree with you. But, I do not think that capitalism

necessarily must lead to corruption. The difficulty resides in the common man becoming

actively aware of and monitoring the "danger signs" against liberty.

IOW: Is it really true that citizens need to recognize threats to their liberty ESPECIALLY in

a capitalistic system? I think not.

However, citizens do need to recognize threats to their liberty in ANY system.

Some systems lend themselves to tyranny much more readily than does ours.

But, ours also needs to be scrutinized, daily.

Absolute blindness, blinds absolutely...

in any system.

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Guest Robert Morrow

I am the #1 anti-Hillary and anti-Clinton activist in the USA. I studied them in depth for at least 5 years and bought literally every book ever written on the Clintons (pro and con).

They should have been thrown in jail a long time ago: CIA drug smuggling, Bill's sexual assaults, hiring private detectives like Jack Palladino and Anthony Pellicano (now in jail) to terrorize Bill's girlfriends and sex victims. Not to mention all the cash bribes Clinton was getting from the likes of Dan Lassater and Don Tyson and many others.

One thing the Clintons did do was beat up and nearly murder Gary Johnson, who was the lawyer of Larry Nichols and the next door neighbor of Gennifer Flowers: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1155249/posts

I am 99% sure that those three big, beefy goons that nearly killed Gary Johnson on 6/26/92 were off duty Arkansas state troopers sent by Buddy Young at the behest of the Clintons. They took security camera videotapes of Bill Clinton entering Gennifer Flower's condominium. And *after* these goons got the tapes from Johnson, *then* they beat him to a pulp.

A few years ago in the mid 2000's (perhaps 2006 or 2007) I was sitting in restaurant in Austin reading one of my Clinton books. Sitting next to me at the counter at Kerbey Lane restaurant on South Lamar was an old friend of the Clintons who also knew Gennifer Flowers. She, a local longtime bar owner in Austin, was a supporter of Hillary for president.

I brought up, well, what about what happened to Gary Johnson in the middle of the 1992 campaign? The Clintons nearly beat him to death because he had videotapes of Bill often going into Gennifer Flowers's condominium. (The Clintons were still lying about the Gennifer Flowers' affair in 1992.) This lady knew Gennifer Flowers personally, she remembered the incident (the beating of Johnson) and she said it caused quite a stir even though it was not covered in the media.

The she made the remark we have a great country, that at least not too many people get killed in them, unlike other countries.

What happened to Gary Johnson told me a lot about the Clintons: beating up people is in their playbook to get ahead. It makes me wonder if the same folks who beat up Gary Johnson in June, 1992, were the same ones who murdered Jerry Parks on 9/26/93. As per Chip Tatum's account Jerry Parks was involved in the Bush/Clinton/CIA drug trade that was running in Arkansas in the 1980's.

Having said that ... If you study the Clintons in detail, you will learn a lot about the Bushes.

My conclusion was the Bushes were even worse than the Clintons, especially George Herbert Walker Bush. Read the book "The Immaculate Deception: Bush Crime Family Exposed" by Russell Bowen. Jeb Bush was also heavily involved in Iran-contra.


And beyond that, I think that Lyndon Johnson was a pure a criminal as we have ever had in the White House.

I think that LBJ and GHW Bush both played critical roles in the JFK assassination.

I think that Lyndon Johnson and George Herbert Walker Bush come in at a tie as for the most criminal president we have had in modern American history. They both beat out Nixon and the Clintons hands down.

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Guest Robert Morrow


Tom Scully, where are you?

So, DiEugenio, you think only *your* point of view can be discussed?

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But if one looks at what happened to Clinton, how he was perhaps the most investigated president ever--in the Senate, House, and Special Prosecutor--all the millions spent, all the man hours, and what did they come up with: Clinton lying about consensual sex. Whooppee doo! And that makes him the most corrupt politician ever?

Have you done much research on the deaths of Foster and Brown? Would you call those real investigations? They were no more real than the investigation of the JFK assassination. "Millions spent"? I imagine there were millions spent on the government's "investigation" of the JFK hit. So what? "All the man hours"? Who did most of the "investigating" for Starr and others? The FBI. It did a swell job on JFK, didn't it? And it all of course got rubber-stamped.

All that impeachment business over Clinton's "consensual sex" was a sideshow to distract from the real crimes of the Clinton regime. Were Foster and Brown murdered? That's too "unspeakable."

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