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The Bearding of Barack Obama?

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Weekend Edition May 4-6, 2012



The Bearding of Barack Obama?


‘Beard’ - a man or woman used as a cover for a gay partner.

This month’s edition of ‘Vanity Fair’ features an article entitled “Young Barack Obama in Love: A Girlfriend’s Secret Diary” which features entries from a diary kept by Genevieve Cook, daughter of an Australian diplomat, who was one of the previously unknown ‘girlfriends’ of the 22 year old future President in New York in the early eighties.

Taken from a new book: ‘Barack Obama – The Story’ by David Maraniss, the diary extracts show Genevieve’s perception of the young man’s character as their relationship progresses. On Sundays Obama would lounge around bare-chested, wearing a blue and white sarong, drinking coffee and solving the New York Times crossword puzzle.

“His warmth can be deceptive. Tho he speaks sweet words and can be open and trusting, there is also that coolness—and I begin to have an inkling of some things about him that could get to me.

And as you say, it’s not a question of intent on your part—or deliberate withholding—you feel accessible, and you are, in disarming ways. But I feel that you carefully filter everything in your mind and heart—legitimate, admirable, really—a strength, a necessity in terms of some kind of integrity. But there’s something also there of smoothed veneer, of guardedness … but I’m still left with this feeling of … a bit of a wall—the veil.

Barack—still intrigues me, but so much going on beneath the surface, out of reach. Guarded, controlled.”

(As if he’s withholding something. In a closet, perhaps?)

To another so-called Columbia graduate girlfriend, Alex McNear, intellectualising Obama wrote: “You seem surprised at TS Eliot’s irreconcilable ambivalence; don’t you share this ambivalence yourself, Alex?”

It seems that Obama himself did. For in another book written 5 years ago called ‘Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies, Murder’ the author Larry Sinclair claims to have twice given the budding President a blowjob in Chicago in 1999, once in the back of a hired limousine, the other in his hotel room. On each occasion Obama was reputedly smoking crack cocaine.

Further, Sinclair claims that Obama was involved in an intimate and sexual relationship with Donald Young – the openly gay choirmaster at Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago which Obama attended for 20 years.

The 47 year old deacon was found murdered in his flat execution style with bullets to the back of his head shortly before the Iowa Causcus in 2007 which helped sweep Obama into power. Two other young black male parishioners – Larry Bland and Nate Spencer, both gay, were found dead in similar circumstances within 40 days of each other.

Sinclair believes that the murder of Donald Young was an attempt to protect Barack Obama’s secrets, and the Obama White House is trying to have his book withdrawn from circulation to avoid any further embarrassments about Obama’s homosexual past and the possible involvement of his top lieutenants in Young’s murder, which has yet to be solved by the Chicago police.

Of the two books the national media has shown a lot of attention to David Maraniss’ latest Obama biography but scant if any to Larry Sinclair’s scandalous account.

Opining more on the writer T.S. Eliot to ‘girlfriend’ Alex McNear in one of his literary epistles the young Obama wrote:

“Facing what he perceives as a choice between ecstatic chaos and lifeless mechanistic order, he accedes to maintaining a separation of asexual purity and brutal sexual reality.”

Did Obama make the same choice?

Michael Dickinson lives in Istanbul. He can be contacted via his website http://yabanji.tripod.com

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A month after Obama took office and began to renege on what he had promised the American people that he would do once elected, I concluded that someone or some group had something on him and that in essence he was being blackmailed. Just as J. Edgar Hoover was blackmailed by the mafia that possessed an incriminating photograph of him and Clyde Tolson together, so, too, has a blackmailed Obama ignored whole areas of the financial world that deserved to be prosecuted for massive fraud and other crimes involving trillions of dollars. As a result what passes today as free enterprise in America under Obama is actually organized crime.

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Lordy! A new low for Counterpunch unless I missed them stooping lower on another occasion. An article primarily based on the uncorrobrated claims of Larry Sinclair, who is less credible than someone pedling a "kosher" bacon-cheeseburger

OMG a politician who didn't keep his campaign promises. I can't remember that ever happening before! It must be a conspiracy!

Edited by Len Colby
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The main problem is (again) a matter of social mores and their importance in different societies and how certain matters can be so important that they can become fodder for blackmail and murder, quite apart from the corruption aand compromises persons are forced into as a result.

A symptom with a systemic cause. Therefore (if recognised as a problem) it begs a systemic solution.

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“His warmth can be deceptive. Tho he speaks sweet words and can be open and trusting, there is also that coolness—and I begin to have an inkling of some things about him that could get to me.


Michael Dickinson lives in Istanbul. He can be contacted via his website http://yabanji.tripod.com

"could get to me...?", "coolness?", yeah, damn right, he can give the order to blow away a two-bit, murderering terrorist.... my kind of president.

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you know Douglas, we ALL live under a death sentence, the wise understand and accept this, even Mittless Romney, I suspect. Obama won the who is gonna get Bin Laden chase... Whoever becomes the next president becomes the essence of our collective fears, hope, discontent, wants, leanings and biases. That very discontent exposes our shortcomings, to all... there are no conspiracies, Douglas hence no organized crime!

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Catherine Austin Fitts, former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Housing/Federal Housing Commissioner, has told the story several times on national radio about how Housing Secretary Jack Kemp would say to her, “Catherine, they have something one everyone in this town. What do they have on you?” and she would always reply, “nothing,” which Kemp found hard to believe given what they had on him.

They have something on Obama, which is why Joseph Stiglitz says Obama has merely continued the Bush financial policies using the same people who caused the crisis to begin with. Is this “Change you can believe in?” I have no idea what they have on Obama. It could be sex, it could be a CIA background, it could be something else.

See the Frontline interview with Joseph Stiglitz below.


Also worth viewing is Max Keiser’s interview on April 19 with Matt Tiabbi. It starts at minute 12:45 in the video below. Max and Matt agree that covering financial news today is like covering a crime story – organized crime. Under Obama, there has been no accountability. One wonders why.

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Candidate not fulfilling campaign promises for as long as there have been elections. In some cases they cynically promised to do things they never intended to do in others I imagine they discover that doing what they promised is more dificult than imagined and in others they decide it is unwise. The notion that it indicates blackmail is a stretch especially if it is based on the accusations of a source like Sinclair.

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As far as I can tell, the only accomplishment Obama has done to fulfill what he promised the American people when he was campaigning was to nominate two outstanding persons to the U.S. Supreme Court, who were later confirmed by the Senate. Of course, had he reneged on this crucial issue like he has on all the others, there would have been a real revolt not only from Democratic office holders but from the rank-and-file.

As it is, a lot of voters like myself plan to vote in November for candidates on the ballot for every office except that of U.S. President, since neither major presidential candidate represents what needs to be done for the best interests of the nation and the world. We won't stay home but we will show how we feel by skipping the first line on the ballot.


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As far as I can tell, the only accomplishment Obama has done to fulfill what he promised the American people when he was campaigning was to nominate two outstanding persons to the U.S. Supreme Court, who were later confirmed by the Senate. Of course, had he reneged on this crucial issue like he has on all the others, there would have been a real revolt not only from Democratic office holders but from the rank-and-file.

As it is, a lot of voters like myself plan to vote in November for candidates on the ballot for every office except that of U.S. President, since neither major presidential candidate represents what needs to be done for the best interests of the nation and the world. We won't stay home but we will show how we feel by skipping the first line on the ballot.


Though I'm disapointed by Obama he did pretty much pull the US out of Iraq and Afghanistan and he has beem hamstrung by congress thus was unable do everything he wanted. That said he did improve regulation of the financial industry, instituted a scaled down version of Obamacare, repealed "Don't ask, don't tell".

I don't know how relevant the WV primary was, it sounds like the kind of election that would get very low turnout, only 6% of the population voted. Reports differ as to wether the primary was closed (open only to registered Dems) or semi-open (open to Dems and independents).

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