Jim Phelps Posted August 9, 2012 Share Posted August 9, 2012 (edited) JFK Assassination: Over the top Conspiracy and Attempts to keep the matter embellished another 50 years Almost everyone in the JFK assassination research community is tense for the 50th anniversary nearing for the JFK assassination and too many issues remain concealed and some issues over dramatized into the over the top conspiracy themes. One of these issues is the reports that appeared to have started off with Jack White and Jim Fetzer, as some of the most vocal of the JFK Conspiracy Community. In my opinion, It presents with too much over the top embellishments of the JFK witnesses and autopsy data that has made matters worse rather than helped to expose the best analysis insights. imho Some make big money out of these over the top conspiracy games with book writing about the misfortunes of a dead man, and it appears the bigger the embellishment of the simple issues the greater the book sales. Many are not interested in polishing up the next big embellishment for the JFK assassination for book sales, we just look at the simple issues that are reasonably evident from the available knowledge. One of the most important visual accounts for the JFK assassination is the Zapruder Film. It contains visual and timing data critical to solving the JFK assassination's gunfire damage and source directions. Some want to dismiss this important Icon that shows Americans the real horror of that day in Dallas, but this film is too important to discredit. Many, for various reasons, insist on saying the Zapruder Film is all faked want this horrible image out of the public's minds. Dallas really wants this image to be discredited, so the public doesn't think they are the "City of Hate" that killed a Genuinely Good US President. Yet, captured in the Zapruder Film is the fine details for the head shots coming from two directions, one from Dal-Tex and one off Grassy Knoll area, and each causing separate damage to JFK skull that is detectable in fine analysis of the film. Below is a link to a recent example for the words of Jim Fetzer in his attempts to tell of an extreme conspiracy, where the claims go so far as to tell the Zapruder Film was never made that day, and that all the other films that support the Zapruder Film's camera's eye are also faked. Not only that, but the very still photos that also support the Zapruder Camera's eye have also been faked. This is the prime example of the over the top style conspiracy theory that attracts much attention and sells books, but does it help the findings of what actually occured? To further demonstrate, Take of look at this Editorial on the "Veterans Today" pages that present some of these claims of Jim Fetzer on the issue that the Zapruder Film was faked. http://www.veteranst...-zapruder-film/ One thing to keep in mind is that the Zapruder Film was of interest to the FBI for the first day and the FBI had a number of copies made and returned the original to Zapruder. Subsequently, Zapruder sold the film to Life Magazine the next day, and the Life Magazine removed a number of frames of the film to publish the photos of JFK's brains being blow out by shooters in Dallas. So, there never was a chain of custody on the Zapruder Film other than for the first day to gain some copies. Another thing to keep in mind is that LIFE Mag was set to ruin LBJ with a huge expose of his criminal doings, and the Zapruder Film was used to pre-empt that report that would have ruined LBJ for life. With Life Mag publishing the worst images of the JFK assassination, it would do little good for the FBI or anyone to attempt to fake the film. Plus, that film was needed for a higher purpose and that was to save LBJ's rear end from being exposed as a crook. The FBI also went after at least two other films made of the JFK assassination that day and these tell more of the tale for the FBI not acting in the best interest of crime solving. The FBI kept the orginals of these two other films and one film was projector burned around the time the camera caught the Dal-Tex Building and the time for the first shot at JFK that caused some sparks and visual effects. The second film the FBI had has frames removed and the film spliced back together at this same critical time when the first shot appears and has the Dal-Tex building well in view. Unfortunately, the angle Zapruder had did not include a view of the Dal-Tex building and the FBI didn't have need to cut or destroy that critical time on Zapruder's Film. It is important to note the FBI could have kept the Zapruder Film and order it into the evidence chain, but they didn't because of a more pressing need for the film to save LBJ's rear end. Some witnesses claim the JFK Limo stopped, but three films show there was no stop of JFK's limo. The motorcade likely did come to a halt several cars behind the JFK Limo due to the Secret Service Agent needing to jump onto the JFK Limo via running, and a chain reaction pile up and the more rear cars being close to the shot did stop. Certainly, photos show Secret Service Car doors opening behing the LBJ Limo and that car would stop to let agents hit the ground. There is no good evidence to support the JFK Limo Stopped, it slowed seriously below the required speeds and slow enough to allow an SS agent to run to the moving rear step on the bumper of the JFK limo. Yet, the over the top conspiracy theory games contend from the words of one witness that the JFK Limo fully stopped. It gets worse with running off into more wrong areas and conspiracy embellishments. When the JFK Limo gets to the Parkland Hospital, one of the Hospital's Orderly folks helped lift JFK out of the Limo and he reported that the rear of JFK was soft and mushy, but he didn't ever say that the rear of JFK's head was blasted away. Yet, the over the top conspiracy games maintain that a drawing done by a hospital doctor shows the rear of JFK head and scalp were blasted out, and the Zapruder Film has to be faked because it does not show this huge blast out scalp on the rear of JFK's head. A careful analysis of the Zapruder Film shows what really happens. One can apply some simple physics to the film, as Dr. Richard Feinman did, in his study of the film and find there are two bullets that hit JFK's head in close succession. The film shows the movement of JFK head to the front and then to the rear from these two separate impacts on his head. The first JFK head shot comes in low from a Dal-Tex building window and hit his head near the cow-lick area of his scalp and pops off the temple bone flap. The second shot happens very close behind this, coming from JFK's right and hits him in the temple area and blows open the top of his skull and causes the 7 inch skull defect. This causes Jackie to jump up and move to the trunk of the Limo. The first bullet rips open the bone and skin of JFK's right temple area, and the second comes along and rips the top of the scalp even more and exposes the top of his skull. This 2nd bullet effect expelled lots of material toward the motor cycle cop riding to the rear of the driver's side of the Limo. As far as the Zapruder Camera, these cameras have around a 1/60 second shutter speed and run at 24 frames per second. So, each second the camera sees only 24/60's of a second of vision. This means that high speed ejected materials won't show up if it happened when the camera's shutter was closed. The only reason the camera caught the first shot was a lot of blood spray was aerosoled and lingered and few frames on the film. Zapruder's camera is not like the human eye that might well see these particles in flight, due to the shutter keeping the film blind much of the time. The Zapruder Film did catch something extremely important and that was a large bulge at the rear of JFK's head that pooched out his scalp at the rear of his head. The energy of the second shot forced blood, brain mush, and some bone under the scalp of JFK head at the rear. This happened totally separate of the temple flap being blown out. This was the mushy soft area that the Parkland Orderly felt when he lifted JFK out of the car and didn't report any huge blasted out hole that he poked his hand into while lifting JFK. Then we can get into the Parkland Doctor's drawings. When JFK was brought into the Emergency Room, this bulge area would be there and suggest there was massive damage to the rear of JFK's skull. The massive bleeding and brain material from the huge defect on the top of JFK's head and the right temple would make a massive external mess at the rear of JFK's head, in his hair. The Brain and Blood mush under the scalp would lead a doctor to assume that there was a blasted out area of the skull under the mush, but the scalp only captured the mush from the high massive defect wound at the top of the skull. This would explain what the doctor drew and why there is a claim to a blasted out area at the lower rear of JFK's skull. Thus, it appears this lack of detail is exploited by folks like Jim Fetzer to overly complicate and confuse the issues of the JFK head damage. imho JFK's head damage was so bloody that his head was wrapped in a sheet to put in the casket for AF-1 flight to Maryland. There, the autopsy sought much more detail than was visible to the doctors in Dallas. Here the blood was washed from JFK's scalp area, the 7 inch long defect at the top of the skull explored, and the right side flap explored. One can see the autopsy doctor having to pull the scalp back into place at the top of JFK's head from the massive rip from the right temple across the top of JFK's head. This makes the rear of the skull bullet hole visible near JFK's cow-lick. If one looks really closely at the X-rays there is a half moon bullet entrance wound seen in the bone at the right temple area of JFK's head that was the one coming off the grassy knoll that splattered the motot cycle cop. The autopsys X-ray photos are genuine and show the bone damage well and the right temple damage and the 7 inch top of the skull defects. They don't show any damage to the skull bone where the mush filled under the scalp of JFK's head from the material forced to the rear from the right front shot. Neither does the Hospital Orderly tell of a massive blasted out hole there, only reporting a soft mushy area that is consistent with the material being seen blasted under the scalp of JFK's head shown in the Zapruder Film. So, this makes the Zapruder Film essential toward gaining the fine details and exposes the real story was not one of a lone gunman in the Texas School Book Depository. The real story is one of a Dal-Tex shooter from the rear, and of a Grassy Knoll area shooter from JFK's right front that produced this mush of brain and blood under the rear scalp area and which is being exploited by over the top conspiracy theorists that cause more problems than serious contributions toward what happened and what the photo forensics show in the Zapruder Film. At this point it becomes most important to correctly value the Zapruder Film's fine details and toss these over the top conspiracy issues into the trash bin of those that exploit outlandish theory, which does more harm to the public's rights to know than good. In my humble opinion, these attempts to dismiss this important film need to be dismissed as extreme non-sense to keep the public mind confused and continue the JFK conspiracy exploitation another 50 years. Help make this 50th anniversary one that sets the record straight. Providing a contextually accurate analysis for the JFK assassination and the Zapruder Film's Contribution, one begins to read between the lines. When it gets down to basics, isn't Jim Fetzer's deal all about trying to remove the black cloud over the FBI for engaging in evidence destruction on these two other films? Isn't Jim Fetzer trying to get the dark shadow off the City of Hate, Dallas, via discrediting the Zapruder Film? imho The scalp bulge on the back of JFK's scalp is visible on the Zapruder Film and appears the issue for the misleading drawings about a large hole JFK's scalp at the rear of his head. There was a lot of soft material forced under the scalp of the rear of JFK's head. Basically, the Zapruder Film contains everything needed to prove conspiracy beyond a single shooter, and it matches lots of the other films and stills, along with the Autopsy photos. The real story for Zapruder and the Dal-Tex Building is one of a Triad that needed JFK dead. With all that has been written about the JFK assassination, the things most central to the plot usually are not placed close together in the development of the theme. One of these is the factors traced to the Dal-Tex Building, which was the home to the Dallas Police Department and the building in which LHO gets gunned down. The Dal-Tex Building (Dallas-Textiles Building) was owned by Morris Jaffee, who was the big LBJ bank roller for his election with JFK. Morris Jaffee was made rich by collusion with LBJ and the USAEC on uranium deals, and took over the Bobby Baker and Cotton Allotment rip off deals. In the Dal-Tex Building was one of those faked fronts for uranium deals that appears to have him partnered with HL Hunt. It appears this area is where the rear shots at JFK were taken, straight down the road to the Limo to have zero lateral motion problems to track the guns. So, the stack of Dal-Tex issues even includes that the building appears to be where three shots were fired and two of them hit JFK. The first one appears to have hit the metal rail on the fire escape and tossed out a bunch of little sparks on the road and this is the root of the FBI screwing up two films they took away that day. It didn't stop there with the FBI as Hoover has the Agent that LHO was telling of the plots to burn all his notes. The two other shots hit JFK and one was in the back and bullet exit the neck. The third was into the back of the head and blew out the right temple area of JFK's head. Another JFK head shot at nearly the same time hits JFK in the temple area and blows off a good part of the top of his head, and blows material under his scalp to the rear of the head. Now, add onto this and we find Ab Zapruder's Dress business is in the Dal-Tex Building and he just happens to be standing in the exact perfect spot to take the dramatic movie for JFK getting his brains blow out on the streets of Dallas. The FBI doesn't just take that film, they make a copy and Zapruder sells the film to Life Magazine the next day for $40,000 and that film's bloody photos push another story that Bobby Kennedy fed Life that would ruin LBH and put him in jail. The FBI's cooperation in getting the Zapruder Film to Life Mag was absolutely essential for the success of the operation, and Hoover was LBJ's good pal and neighbor. Author Mike Piper gets into a few of the Jewish associations, and persons like Morris Jaffee, Ab Zapruder, and Jack Ruby are all Jewish. Now you get the picture for why Jack Ruby has to return to the scene of the crime and gun down LHO in the basement of the Dal-Tex Building. LHO had penetrated PERMINDEX, Gen. Walker and John Birch, and he knew way too much, enough to get the upper elements in Dallas and Washington into the electric chair, and Zionist tossed into the wind. Now, some of the other issues they forget to show everyone is the USAEC basically bought LBJ the election with JFK, since the USAEC paid LBJ crony Morris Jaffee millions of dollars on the uranium deal scheme. LBJ is infamous for rigging Govt. Pay-off and he was already in deep trouble for that with Bobby Baker's Ag Dept Cotton deals and others, and even tied to a murder there. One also needs to keep in mind that Hoover's strong arm got LBJ on the JFK ticket. So, the USAEC owned LBJ and the USAEC in Oak Ridge hated JFK with a passion for ending atmospheric tests, resisting taking on the Soviets with Nukes, then making peace efforts with Cuba and Russia that would put the USAEC out of the weapons business. The USAEC was loaded with Jewish scientists and managers and they hated JFK too. They call Dallas the City of hate, but Oak Ridge was far worse on hating JFK. What does one find but LBJ is kissing up to the Jewish folks in various high places, including Zionism, so we see Louis Bloomfield being a highly placed USAEC associated security person that is tied in with the "Defense Intelligence Security Command", DISC, which Hoover set up to look for espionage elements in the USAEC and the Huntsville, Ala., Redstone Arsenal Rocket National Defense areas. Louis Bloomfield is a raging Zionist and would do anything to support Israel and suddenly LBJ starts to walk that walk and talk that talk of Zionism. Louis Bloomfield also leads the PERMINDEX foreign intelligence unit tied to trying to kill General DeGaulle because he won't back Israel's nuclear weapons project at Dimona, Isreal. A good many of the PERMINDEX foreign ties are in the US, from Jean DeMenill in Houston (he started the Castro take over of Cuba), to Ferenc Nagy in Dallas, to Clay Shaw in New Orleans. It is really difficult to miss all these Jewish benefactor for Israel types hooked right in the middle for the JFK hit issues, and LBJ's working them for support. So, other things, like large amounts of uranium go missing from NUMEC in Apollo, Pa. and the person that runs that is Jewish. It so happens that a bunch of Mossad types are seen being close with NUMEC's operations and the uranium signature in Israel that US Intelligence finds matches that of uranium from NUMEC and the USAEC's Portsmouth Gas Diffusion Enrichment methods. Then, if that isn't a red flag, we find out that LLNL's Edward Teller is Jewish and is a frequent guest in Israel and LBJ inquires with him if the Zionists have their bomb now and he tells LBJ that he thinks they have. So, after JFK gets offed all this uranium goes missing, Ed Teller ends up running to Israel a huge number of times, and you get the picture for another one of the LBJ pay offs going to the Zionist elements associated with the USAEC. What started the JFK hit came from all this basic racketeering operations using the USAEC to buy their own politician, just as the corrupt Texas 8F Group had been doing for decades before the USAEC decided to buy their own Texas Politician. The Texas 8F group even installed various persons from Sec. of Treasury to the Sec. of Defense, and they bought high offices all the time. LBJ was for sale to the USAEC. Mike Collins tells you part of the story, but the Dal-Tex associations tell you the right place to look is all these Jewish benefactor games to get JFK out of the way and install LBJ. Look at Hoovers and LBJ as good buddies and connect up Louis Bloomfield and PERMINEX and you get the right idea that the JFK hit was both domestic, as well as European Foreign Elements , and Middle Eastern Zionist----so it was triad effort to get rid of the JFK that Oak Ridge called a Communist. So, the Zapruder Film is pretty infamous for its essential role in saving LBJ from prison, keep the crooked politician the USAEC bought out of Jail and it would come out on the Morris Jaffee USAEC games being just as corrupt as the Bobby Baker Dep. of Ag deal. It got down to make LHO the Patsy, since he failed to do his TSBD deal, that they needed another fall guy and the Jewish Zionist Ruby took the fall, but he eventually wanted out as the deal to get him off didn't mature. They convinced him that he would be a Hero for killing the traitor LHO and they would get him off of the murder charge, like LBJ's dirty court rigging deals got LBJ's hit man, Mac Wallace, sprung earlier. Mac Wallace fingerprint was in the DSBD shooter's nest, where he was supposed to kill LHO, but LHO failed to make his appearance. Since, that like deal that Mac Wallace got didn't happen, Ruby was willing to talk to get out of jail. He did talk to persons like Dorthy Killgalen and she suddenly dies and all her notes disappeared. These things happened a lot with JFK involved persons. This was the major corruption in high places that still ruins American's Freedoms today. Keep the Zapruder Film in the limelight and Have a nice day. Edited August 19, 2012 by Jim Phelps Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steve Kober Posted August 10, 2012 Share Posted August 10, 2012 Sorry Jim, but having read through the evidence presented by Jim Fitzer, I conclude that Jim is right on the money about the alterations and chain of custody issue with the Z-Film. I think that Jim Fitzer gets a bad rap on this forum, not sure why. He is really one of the few who seemed to have picked up the battle flag and moved forward with meaningful JFK research, not to mention a forward thinking investigation into 9/11. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daniel Gallup Posted August 10, 2012 Share Posted August 10, 2012 "The scalp bulge on the back of JFK's scalp is visible on the Zapruder Film and appears the issue for the misleading drawings about a large hole JFK's scalp at the rear of his head. There was a lot of soft material forced under the scalp of the rear of JFK's head." Jim, this is complete nonsense. Misleading drawings? I presume you refer to McClelland's which more or less follows his WC testimony. All wrong? I'll trust the Dallas doctors' observations over you photographic interpretation any day. Where is the limo stop? Where is the ejecta out of the avulsive wound in the back of the head? Gone. I rather think the acceptance of this fraud, the extant Z-film, is the reason more progress has not been made on this case. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jim Phelps Posted August 10, 2012 Author Share Posted August 10, 2012 The real question may well be what chain of custody for the original Zapruder Film. One existed for perhaps the first day, when the FBI only managed a few copies of the original film and then it was returned to Zapruder. There was never any intention to keep the original Zapruder Film in a chain of Custody. So, banging that drum is nonsense. The returned original film was then sold to Life Magazine, which sliced out various frames and printed the horrific photos of JFK's brain being blow out in Dallas. What was there to hide after the worst of the worst photos went around the world in print media. It is obvious where the Life frame edits were taken out. One can find problems in the other film, but not in the area of the Life Magazine's interest in the JFK head shots. Two other films had problems, one with extensive cellulose burns and the other with frames being removed and spliced back. This occured at the point of the first shot being fired and the frames including the low Dal-Tex window where some sparks were of interest. Interesting that the FBI took those original fames and burned another film in the same area of interest. Neither one of those areas of interest included a view of the 6th floor TSBD windows. So, Zapruder didn't have that field of view that showed the Dal-Tex window area of interest, so why would the FBI even be interested in changing the Zapruder Film. They certainly did mess with these two other films and it appears to be about helping hide the evidence that shots happened from Dal-Tex. There are other films that match Zapruder field of view from the other side of the road, which don't show any big hole in the back of JFK's head. When the Limo got to Parkland, the Hospital person that removed JFK from the Limo that had to lift his body with a grip to the back of his head and neck reported only lots of mushy and bone stuff under his scalp. This is the scalp bulge that shows up on Zapruder's Film. There were even a few You Tube published views of this area. The hospital person that lifed JFK out would surely have been horrified to have put his hand in JFK's skull, if there were really a hole there. There was only a mushy area under the scalp. JFK was hit by three shots (back, head rear, head rt side), the last one expanded the scalp tear in the side of his head where the bone flap is obvious. The second shot opened up the ridge of JFK skull and ripped open the scalp at the crest of his head, which has material blowing toward the left rear of the limo hitting the motor cop. The top of skull damage is called the 7 inch defect. Films only capture so much and they have problems with fast moving particles. The film is exposed for 1/60 of a second for 24 fps, which means the lense can only see about 24/60 of the time in one second. So, by definition it is highly possible for the lense and the film not to catch a fast moving particle as the lense is closed more than open. The movie camera is not the same as the human eye, due to fixed sample times that miss more than the capture. The Parkland Doctor's diagram appears to capture the mass of material under the scalp that the body was brought into the emergy room with. Laying on the emergency room table it appears all the blood from the opening at the top of the skull drained down to make an external bloody brain mass in the hair at the rear of JFK's head. This was washed away at autopsy in Maryland, and the mush on the insided and the mush on the outside removed for the autopsy photos. Such then revealed the bullet hole in the rear of the head. The scalp had to be pulled up again due to a large tear at the crest of JFK's skull due to the second shot. This matches up to the dynamics, as the shot entered the right front from GN area, then the ejection left the opposite side and toward the left rear of the limo to splatter the motor cycle cop. JFK's head at Parkland was such a bloody mess that they wrapped it in a sheet to send to Maryland. What the Parkland doctor pictured was a conjecture for an alledged hole due to the bloody mess on the outside of JFK's head pooled up at the rear, and the mushy mess under the scalp at the rear of the head that the hospital attendant felt as he lifted JFK from the Limo. The drawing leads to many misconceptions on the damate to JFK skull. Of course, playing up these little issues sells books and is the heart of discrediting most working on the JFK details. The meat of the issues on these films is the shots that came from Dal-Tex, and the two shots that hit JFK's head making the mushy mess under the scalp at the rear of the head that may lead to a wrong assumption that the skull was blown away there under the scalp. In my humble personal opinion, I think Jim Fetzer causes much more damage to presenting the better understood issues than being of help to fact finding. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Peter McGuire Posted August 12, 2012 Share Posted August 12, 2012 (edited) Sorry Jim, but having read through the evidence presented by Jim Fitzer, I conclude that Jim is right on the money about the alterations and chain of custody issue with the Z-Film. I think that Jim Fitzer gets a bad rap on this forum, not sure why. He is really one of the few who seemed to have picked up the battle flag and moved forward with meaningful JFK research, not to mention a forward thinking investigation into 9/11. 2nd that - Dr. Fetzer may get a little too enthusiastic at times but that does not make him wrong - nor does his work on 9-11.. The Zapruder film has obviously been doctored. It only takes eyes to see that. What I cannot figure out is why they released it in the first place since they apparently couldn't get the motion of the frontal had shot removed. The blood spraying upward towards a helicopter is mind boggling. The limousine going up hill with Secret Service Agent Hill chasing it is laughable. ( the Queen Mary was bumper to bumper with the Presidential Limousine( which came to a complete stop ) at the time of the shots ) It looks like a poor quality film yet it should not be. Granted, the Dave Powers film which supposedly ran out of film just before the assassination was professional quality, yet no film since the 1920's was this bad. I believe whether or not the Zapruder Film was fake is a prime example of the silly arguments that have gone on for nearly 50 years. Edited August 12, 2012 by Peter McGuire Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest James H. Fetzer Posted February 19, 2013 Share Posted February 19, 2013 I have just returned from the 3rd International Hollywoodism Conference held in Tehran. My plan was to explain how Hollywood-style techniques have been used to alter history using the assassination of JFK and the atrocities of 9/11 as my illustrations: Regarding JFK: (1) the backyard photographs: There are multiple indications of fakery, including the wrong chin, an insert line between the chin and his lower lip, and the missing tips of his right hand. When Lee was shown one of the four photos, he stated that it was his face pasted on someone else’s body, which has been shown to be correct by multiple lines of proof. (See, for example, “Framing the Patsy: The Case of Lee Harvey Oswald” with Jim Marrs.) (2) the Zapruder film: The driver pulled the presidential limousine to the left and to a halt after bullets had begun to be fired for an interval of several seconds, but it was removed from the film. More than 60 witnesses--and other research--has confirmed it. We have established what happened to the film, where and how it was altered and by what agency. (See “JFK: Who’s telling the truth: Clint Hill or the Zapruder film?”) (3) the Altgens6: AP photographer James „Ike” Altgens took a famous photograph looking toward the presidential limousine as JFK is clutching his throat from the second hit. In the background in the doorway, a figure can be seen whom the government claims was Billy Lovelady. But recent research substantiates that it was actually Lee Harvey Oswald. (See “JFK believe it or not: Oswald wasn’t even a shooter” with Richard Hooke.) Regarding 9/11: (4) the Pentagon case: The official account of the hit on the Pentagon by a Boeing 757 is not even aerodynamically or physically possible. There is a virtual absence of the kind and quantity of debris that would be expected from a 100-ton airliner: no wings, no tail, no bodies, seats or luggage. Not even the engines, which are virtually indestructible, were recovered. The lawn was clear, clean and green until long-after the alleged crash, when debris began showing up, including fuselage traced to a crash in Cali, Columbia, in 1995. (See “The ‘official account’ of the 9/11 Pentagon attack is a fantasy” with Dennis Cimino.) (5) all four sites: Flights 11 and 77 were not even scheduled that day. The planes associated with Flights 93 and 175 were not even de-registered by the FAA until 28 September 2005. How can planes that weren’t in the air have crashed on 9/11? And how can planes that crashed on 9/11 have still been in the air four years later? New research by Pilots for 9/11 Truth and others have established that none of the four crash sites was authentic, which means some kind of video fakery was taking place in New York that we are now able to explain. (See “Fraud and Fakery in the ‘official account’ of 9/11”.) (6) the media cover-up: While some, such as Jamie McIntyre, reported to the public that no large plane appeared to have hit anywhere near the Pentagon, other news sources, such as the BBC, concealed evidence that the crash was a fabrication, even changing the photos I was citing as proof of absence of debris when it interviewed me (the second time) when it broadcast its second 9/11 „Conspiracy Files” documentary. I was in a unique position to expose how BBC perfected a slight-of-hand to misrepresent the evidence I had discussed. (See “The BBC’s instrument of 9/11 misinformation” with Joshua Blakeney.) Because of time constraints, I was only able to present parts (2), (3), and (5), where my presentation will be archived at http://hollywoodism.org. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest James H. Fetzer Posted February 19, 2013 Share Posted February 19, 2013 For some of the visual proof, here are some samples: "JFK Part 1: A National Security Event - Oswald didn't do it" “JFK Part 2: A National Security Event – How it was done” Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Len Colby Posted February 19, 2013 Share Posted February 19, 2013 Regarding 9/11: (4) the Pentagon case: The official account of the hit on the Pentagon by a Boeing 757 is not even aerodynamically or physically possible. There is a virtual absence of the kind and quantity of debris that would be expected from a 100-ton airliner: no wings, no tail, no bodies, seats or luggage. Not even the engines, which are virtually indestructible, were recovered. The lawn was clear, clean and green until long-after the alleged crash, when debris began showing up, including fuselage traced to a crash in Cali, Columbia, in 1995. (See “The ‘official account’ of the 9/11 Pentagon attack is a fantasy” with Dennis Cimino.) (5) all four sites: Flights 11 and 77 were not even scheduled that day. The planes associated with Flights 93 and 175 were not even de-registered by the FAA until 28 September 2005. How can planes that weren’t in the air have crashed on 9/11? And how can planes that crashed on 9/11 have still been in the air four years later? New research by Pilots for 9/11 Truth and others have established that none of the four crash sites was authentic, which means some kind of video fakery was taking place in New York that we are now able to explain. (See “Fraud and Fakery in the ‘official account’ of 9/11”.) (6) the media cover-up: While some, such as Jamie McIntyre, reported to the public that no large plane appeared to have hit anywhere near the Pentagon, other news sources, such as the BBC, concealed evidence that the crash was a fabrication, even changing the photos I was citing as proof of absence of debris when it interviewed me (the second time) when it broadcast its second 9/11 „Conspiracy Files” documentary. I was in a unique position to expose how BBC perfected a slight-of-hand to misrepresent the evidence I had discussed. (See “The BBC’s instrument of 9/11 misinformation” with Joshua Blakeney.) What exactly does this lunacy have to do with the JFK assassination? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ian Kingsbury Posted February 19, 2013 Share Posted February 19, 2013 Press reportage I guess?. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest James H. Fetzer Posted February 19, 2013 Share Posted February 19, 2013 Peter McGuire referred to my 9/11 work, which neither of you address. "Were the 9/11 crash sites faked?" (Seattle, WA, 13 June 2012): Part 1 http://archive.org/details/scm-75926-drjamesfetzerinseattlejune1320 Part 2 http://archive.org/details/scm-75938-drjamesfetzerinseattlejune1320 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pamela Brown Posted February 19, 2013 Share Posted February 19, 2013 Here we go, yet again. Anyone who wishes can examine the timeline of the Z-film(s) and decide for themselves if they have any provenance. In addition, everyone acknowledges that there are at least two splices in the "camera original". So the question then becomes not whether it was altered, but how malevolently it was altered. Putting our focus on these two points alone helps to reorient any discussion of the Z-film(s) and put it on a level ground. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest James H. Fetzer Posted February 19, 2013 Share Posted February 19, 2013 This is a joke, right? No one is talking about the two splices. We know there are 60 or more witnesses who observed the limo slow dramatically or come to a complete halt, including all four of the motorcycle escort officers. See John Costella's study, "What happened on Elm Street? The Eyewitnesses Speak" http://www.assassinationresearch.com/v5n1/v5n1costella.pdf We also know that Officer James Chaney motored forward to inform Chief Curry the president had been shot, which was confirmed by Jesse Curry, Winston Lawson, Forrest Sorrels, and Motorcycle Escort Officer Bobby Hargis as well as Chaney: "New Proof of JFK Film Fakery" http://www.opednews.com/articles/opedne_jim_fetz_080205_new_proof_of_jfk_fil.htm We know that, for nearly 50 years, Clint Hill has described climbing on the trunk, pushing Jackie down, lying across their bodies, peering into the wound, observing a fist-sized blow- out and giving a "thumbs down", all before the limo had reached the Triple Underpass: "Who's telling the truth: Clint Hill or the Zapruder film?" http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2011/01/whos-telling-truth-clint-hill-or.html We know that the original 8mm, already split film developed in Dallas, was taken to the NPIC on Saturday, the 23rd, and that a substitute 16mm, unsplit film, developed in Rochester, was taken there on Sunday, the 24th, where two different teams worked on the different versions: "US Government Official: JFK Cover-Up, Film Fabrication" http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/10/03/us-government-official-jfk-cover-up-film-fabrication/ These NPIC events have been documented in spades by Doug Horne, INSIDE THE ARRB, Vol. IV: “The Two NPIC Zapruder Film Events: Signposts Pointing to the Film’s Alteration” (with Douglas P. Horne) http://www.veteranstoday.com/2012/05/24/the-two-npic-zapruder-film-events-signposts-pointing-to-the-films-alteration/ “The Two NPCI Zapruder Film Events: Analysis and Implications” (with Douglas P. Horne) http://www.veteranstoday.com/2012/05/29/the-two-npic-zapruder-film-events-analysis-and-implications/ We also know that a half-dozen or more have reported viewing another film, which appears to have been the original, including William Reymond, Rich DellaRosa, Gregory Burnham and several others, where Rich DellaRosa's description of its content appears as an Appendix to THE GREAT ZAPRUDER FILM HOAX: “Did Zapruder film ‘the Zapruder film’?” http://www.veteranstoday.com/2012/08/08/did-zapruder-film-the-zapruder-film/ And we have John Costella's precise visual tutorial about evidence internal to the film that explains how we can know that the film is a fabrication, where all of its frames had to be reshot to create the right sequence of "ghost panels", without having done such would have revealed the fabrication even to casual inspection. "The JFK Assassination Film Hoax: An Introduction" by John P. Costella http://assassinationscience.com/johncostella/jfk/intro/ We know that they not only removed the limo stop but painted over the blow-out in early frames and that the "blob" and the blood spray were painted in, but that they overlooked that in later frames, especially in Frame 374, the blow-out can be seen, as I have explained in many places, including in this lecture: "What happened to JFK--and why it matters today" (UW-Madison, 22 November 2011) So why would anyone in the world want to create "a level ground" in discussing the authenticity of the Zapruder film by talking about two trivial splices, which are well-known and have nothing to do with the massive alteration of the content of the film to conceal the true causes of the death of our 35th president? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Patrick Block Posted February 19, 2013 Share Posted February 19, 2013 In my opinion, Mr. Fetzer is brave in his willingness to put life and reputation on the line to protect the American Constitution and the Liberties then-in offered to it's citizens. I agree with some of what he says about basic, simple alteration of the Z film, but am not convinced one way or the other about the complex parts of his theory. I would offer the observation that now is not the time to try and squeeze questionable answers out of the evidence. The "center" of the plot was long ago revealed. Why do we insist on trying to prove details that are not needed to convict those who planned and put the operation into motion? The truth is that it is much, much easier to keep on looking and never arrive at the logical conclusion of acting to do something about it. Mr. Fetzer is ill advised in his approach. I am sure he is well meaning in his actions, but I think all of these seperate factions- each with a "stand" that share much in common with everyone else, but always falls apart in insisting on describing details no one can ascertain for certain, need to realize that the vast majority of researchers are in complete agreement on the culprits at the center of the case. Most also realize that there were two conspiracies- one before the assassination involving active particpants, and one after formed around the nucleus of preventing a new world war because of the planners bogus "Soviet Assassin" investigation-stopper. We mostly all agree on the big picture. Think for a moment of the list of researchers who agree with the above general description. Every major person would be on the list, as long as one kept the less easily discernable top and bottom, and particulars of the altered evidence to a minimum. There is enough evidence to present this to the American people. The American Government, especially the intelligence agency involved in the assassination want us to keep focusing on impossible to answer questions. The media is in the pockets of those with the money and power in charge. The American people need to hear a compact, digestible telling of the facts in the case. Forget car stops, it is not relevant to the big picture. Keep it simple. Everyone, and I mean everyone, needs to stop worrying about their place in the drama of speaking the truth, and concentrate on what is important- presenting a united front, stepping forward, and offering up the bare and simple truth. Getting attention from a media circus by making wild assertions will get you on television, but such things are unproductive in getting to the Truth. It's ridiculously easy to prove that after the assassination, much evidence was altered, was purposely lost, that evidence was carefully selected to only show Oswald's "guilt" and that evidence to the contrary was simply ignored. There is no need to use "newly discovered" altered evidence when so much is available that cannot be contested by the other side. What logic exists to argue the above point? It's only when people start putting on blinders and concentrating on things impossible to prove or disprove, for the sake of the pride of discovery, that arguments insue. The evidence for conspiracy is already well established. There is agreement already on enough important points to act on those in the middle of the plot, and proving the Warren Commission was a complete scam. Is that not enough for everyone?? It's time to grow up, people. Being a patriot isn't about getting laurels, attention, glory for yourself. Real patriots sacrifice and often don't live to be called patriots in their lifetime. And, that's the real problem, isn't it? The time to bicker about what evidence to show is long, long past. The time to present the case, to put the guilty on trial is slipping away. It's time to work together- and the sad thing is- you all know this is true- even as you continue to bicker and duel in the same old manner. This is the fifteth anniversery of the assassination. At 75 years, everyone who remembers it as an actual event will be gone, or so advanced in age that they won't make any difference. It's time to throw away your carefully fortified positions, defending this or that, this constant, endless debating and fighting about unprovable theories is being actively supported and propped up by the very organizations involved in the assassination. It's high time to realize you guys are on the same team and have exactly the same goal and the means to achieve it are in hand. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest James H. Fetzer Posted February 19, 2013 Share Posted February 19, 2013 Patrick Block declares that the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about JFK simply does not matter. He is willing to settle for some atrophied version, no matter how strong the evidence that the case is actually more complex. Every claim that I have made about the film has been substantiated IN SPADES. Every claim I have made about the film HAS BEEN PROVEN. I continue to be in disbelief about those who claim they are dedicated to the study of the assassination, yet when there is PROOF OF THE FABRICATION OF THE ZAPRUDER FILM, they hedge their bets, pull their punches, and offer nonsense like this. If Block or anyone else can show that I, David Mantik, Jack White, John Costella, David Lifton, and others are wrong, THE SHOW THAT WE ARE WRONG. But to respond to an extended explanation of HOW WE KNOW THE FILM IS A FRAUD like this is a FARCE. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jonathan Cohen Posted February 20, 2013 Share Posted February 20, 2013 >New research by Pilots for 9/11 Truth and others have established that none of the four crash sites was authentic, which means some kind of video fakery was taking place in New York >that we are now able to explain. (See “Fraud and Fakery in the ‘official account’ of 9/11”.) Why anyone continues to take absolute, utter nonsense of this ilk seriously is beyond me. It is an insult to the thousands of people who died that day. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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