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Connally's flinch

Mike Rago

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John Connally flinches to his left at the exact same time that John Kennedy raises his right arm. Both men are reacting at the same time.

Watch JFK's arms and Connally's turn to the left.

It is pretty obvious that the bullet passes through JFK and on to Connally's left side.

Edited by Mike Rago
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This post is for the serious researcher Lee. The one's who really want to know what happened in Dallas that day. There are a few.

BTW, I am still waiting for you to answer that question.

Edited by Mike Rago
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Lee I am not attacking you. You are attacking me. All I have done is ask you a few very important questions that you do not want to answer.

Lee it does not take someone very sophisticated in image interpretation to see Connally's flinch. It is obvious. It is also obvious that it is perfectly in sync with JFK's reaction. They are both reacting to the same thing. I am bringing attention to this.

Of course I am an advocate for my position. I believe the evidence supports my position. If you advocate something else you need to show your evidence and advocate your position and use your evidence to support your position.

Again, I am not holding a gun to your head, use the ignore button and do us both a favor.

Edited by Mike Rago
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I thought it was your position that CE399 sent through JFK but didn't hit Connally. Now you are suggesting otherwise, and adopting the typical lone nutter stance.

How did that undamaged bullet shatter Connally's wrist? Never mind, this kind of debate was resolved decades ago.

I liked it better when you were in your own world, like Tom Purvis.

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I thought it was your position that CE399 sent through JFK but didn't hit Connally. Now you are suggesting otherwise, and adopting the typical lone nutter stance.

How did that undamaged bullet shatter Connally's wrist? Never mind, this kind of debate was resolved decades ago.

I liked it better when you were in your own world, like Tom Purvis.

Finally you got half of my position right. The bullet did go through JFK.

As the video clearly shows , and as the wound evidence on JFK's back and throat clearly suggested for all these decades, a bullet passed through the presidents body and then went on to pass by Connally's left side. The wound evidence was so strong that I was pretty sure there had to be some video evidence of the bullet passing through the president. Since that bullet ended up in Connally's clothes and ultimately on the hospital stretcher it probably did graze Connally on his left side and made him flinch, but the bullet was traveling to slow to do any damage to Connally. The damage to Connally's wrist, ribs and thigh was done by a second bullet that struck him as he turned back to his right.. There were two , nearly simultaneous, shots.

Edited by Mike Rago
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For any bullet to have gone through the trajectory of the offiicial story in JFK, the cervical vertebrae had to have been shattered.

I have not read Dr. Nichols testimony.

The bullet did not follow the trajectory of the official story in JFK. The bullet struck the president at a much lower angle and it had a more right to left component(relative to the president). That bullet exited JFK's throat moving to his left and passed by(grazed) Connally's left side. That bullet did not strike any bone structures.

Edited by Mike Rago
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Where did you get the information about the left side of JBC? Shaw said it was near the right shoulder blade.

BTW, if you are using a false name is that also a false picture? Or is that Mr. Rago's photo?

So much for the security measures here.

When will you get to the hit at 318?

Well first of all I can see that the bullet passed to the left side of John Connally in this video clip. JBC flinches to the left at the exact time that JFK raises his arms.

Second Cyril Wecht also believes the bullet was on a leftward trajectory as it exited the throat

The bullet which struck JBC in the right shoulder was the second bullet, not the bullet which passed through JFK.

When will I get to the hit at 318? I have already discussed that in this thread


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Your posts belong over on Duncan MacRae's forum where the very best and very worst absolutist "thinkers" reside.

Actually, Lee ( I'm one of the best critical thinkers, because, like Jim DiEugenio, I know that if A knew B and B knew C, then it's a scoop that C must have known A ) Farley, Mike Rago, using a fake name, made his first appearance on the internet posting about the assassination on my forum.

Despite repeated warnings about him mass spamming the same subject in new thread after new thread, he continued to abuse and mass post the same topic..

Because of his abuse, I banned him.

Get up to speed Hammer3.gif

I hear he's a ringer for a guy named Bob. (Sorry couldn't resist.)


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Lee attacking the messenger is one of your favorite ploys when you are put between a rock and a hard place I found that out yesterday.

You can think what ever you want about my name and picture because it will not matter to you what I say. But be careful what you say about my name and picture.

I have a few outstanding questions of you that you have not answered.

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