Douglas Caddy Posted October 27, 2012 Share Posted October 27, 2012 Best Selling Author Tom Woods: Was JFK Assassinated Because He opposed the Fed? Don’t miss the readers’ comments at the end. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Len Colby Posted October 29, 2012 Share Posted October 29, 2012 I was about to post Griffin's analysis of that train fo thought. I do believe that, if Griffin's bio of the FED is correct, JFK indeed and indirectly harmed the FED. Douglass' book points this out well actually. Huhh? Where did Griffin whose head was so far up his posterior that he called Kennedy a "committed socialist", say that "JFK indeed and indirectly harmed the FED"? Since JFK initiated the phasing out of Silver Notes and replacing them with Fed Notes if anything he would have killed by anti-Fed fanatics. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steven Gaal Posted October 29, 2012 Share Posted October 29, 2012 (edited) Since JFK initiated the phasing out of Silver Notes and replacing them with Fed Notes if anything he would have killed by anti-Fed fanatics. // END COLBY WRONG NO NOT FED NOTES but US NOTES ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ John F. Kennedy vs The Federal Reserve Anthony Wayne On June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential decree, Executive Order 11110, was signed with the authority to basically strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest. With the stroke of a pen, President Kennedy declared that the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank would soon be out of business. The Christian Law Fellowship has exhaustively researched this matter through the Federal Register and Library of Congress. We can now safely conclude that this Executive Order has never been repealed, amended, or superceded by any subsequent Executive Order. In simple terms, it is still valid. When President John Fitzgerald Kennedy - the author of Profiles in Courage -signed this Order, it returned to the federal government, specifically the Treasury Department, the Constitutional power to create and issue currency -money - without going through the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank. President Kennedy's Executive Order 11110 [the full text is displayed further below] gave the Treasury Department the explicit authority: "to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury." This means that for every ounce of silver in the U.S. Treasury's vault, the government could introduce new money into circulation based on the silver bullion physically held there. As a result, more than $4 billion in United States Notes were brought into circulation in $2 and $5 denominations. $10 and $20 United States Notes were never circulated but were being printed by the Treasury Department when Kennedy was assassinated. It appears obvious that President Kennedy knew the Federal Reserve Notes being used as the purported legal currency were contrary to the Constitution of the united States of America. FED NOTE US NOTE United States Notes" were issued as an interest-free and debt-free currency backed by silver reserves in the U.S. Treasury. We compared a "Federal Reserve Note" issued from the private central bank of the United States (the Federal Reserve Bank a/k/a Federal Reserve System), with a "United States Note" from the U.S. Treasury issued by President Kennedy's Executive Order. They almost look alike, except one says "Federal Reserve Note" on the top while the other says "United States Note". Also, the Federal Reserve Note has a green seal and serial number while the United States Note has a red seal and serial number. President Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963 and the United States Notes he had issued were immediately taken out of circulation. Federal Reserve Notes continued to serve as the legal currency of the nation. According to the United States Secret Service, 99% of all U.S. paper "currency" circulating in 1999 are Federal Reserve Notes. Kennedy knew that if the silver-backed United States Notes were widely circulated, they would have eliminated the demand for Federal Reserve Notes. This is a very simple matter of economics. The USN was backed by silver and the FRN was not backed by anything of intrinsic value. Executive Order 11110 should have prevented the national debt from reaching its current level (virtually all of the over $9 trillion in federal debt has been created since 1963) if LBJ or any subsequent President were to enforce it. It would have almost immediately given the U.S. Government the ability to repay its debt without going to the private Federal Reserve Banks and being charged interest to create new "money". Executive Order 11110 gave the U.S.A. the ability to, once again, create its own money backed by silver and realm value worth something. Again, according to our own research, just five months after Kennedy was assassinated, no more of the Series 1958 "Silver Certificates" were issued either, and they were subsequently removed from circulation. Perhaps the assassination of JFK was a warning to all future presidents not to interfere with the private Federal Reserve's control over the creation of money. It seems very apparent that President Kennedy challenged the "powers that exist behind U.S. and world finance". With true patriotic courage, JFK boldly faced the two most successful vehicles that have ever been used to drive up debt: 1) war (Viet Nam); and, 2) the creation of money by a privately owned central bank. His efforts to have all U.S. troops out of Vietnam by 1965 combined with Executive Order 11110 would have destroyed the profits and control of the private Federal Reserve Bank. Edited October 29, 2012 by Steven Gaal Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Len Colby Posted October 30, 2012 Share Posted October 30, 2012 (edited) JFK initiated phasing out US (Silver) Notes in favor of Fed Noteshttp://en.wikipedia....ive_Order_11110 Edited October 30, 2012 by Len Colby Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steven Gaal Posted October 30, 2012 Share Posted October 30, 2012 (edited) THE JFK MYTH Was he assassinated because he opposed the Fed This is in reply to an e-mail I received pointing out the views of the Christian Common-Law Institute regarding an alleged conflict between JFK and the Federal Reserve. It also suggested that this could have been the reason he was assassinated. On their website, the CCLI stated: On June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential decree, Executive Order 11110, was signed with the authority to basically strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest. With the stroke of a pen, President Kennedy declared that the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank would soon be out of business. President Kennedy's Executive Order 11110 gave the Treasury Department the explicit authority: "to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the treasury."... Perhaps the assassination of JFK was a warning to all future presidents not to interfere with the private Federal Reserve's control over the creation of money. This is what I refer to on page 569 of my book, The Creature from Jekyll Island, as "The JFK Rumor." I cannot accept this interpretation of history because of the following facts: THE EXECUTIVE ORDERS If you look at a copy of EO 11110 you will find that it does not order the issuance of Silver Certificates. It orders an amendment to EO 10289. If you then look up EO 10289, you will find that it says: The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby designated and empowered to perform the following-described functions of the President without the approval, ratification, or other action of the President. Those functions did not include the power to issue Silver Certificates. The purpose of EO 11110 was to add that power to the list. The exact wording of the Order was: Executive Order No. 10289 of September 19, 1951, as amended, is hereby further amended (a) By adding at the end of paragraph 1 thereof the following subparagraph (j): (1) "The authority to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury." Therefore, my statement in The Creature from Jekyll Island is correct. EO 11110 did not order the printing of Silver Certificates. It ordered the amendment of a previous executive order so that the United States Code would authorize or "empower" the Secretary of the Treasury to issue Silver Certificates if the occasion should arise. The occassion did arise between January 1963 and October 1964 with the issuance of 768 million of the 1957B Series, which carried the signatures of Kathryn O'Hay Granahan and C. Douglas Dillon. This was the smallest issuance since 1935, and it was the last. (See "Silver Certificate" at http://en.wikipedia....ver_Certificate.) Please remember, however; that, EO11110 did not order the issuance of these certificates. It merely authorized the Secretary of the Treasury to do so, which is what happened. The following additional explanation was contained in a 1996 report from the Congressional Research Service at the Library of Congress: What E.O. 11110 did was to modify previous Executive Order 10289, delegating to the Secretary of the Treasury various powers of the President. To these delegated powers, E.O. 11110 added the power to alter the supply of Silver Certificates in circulation. Executive Order 11110, therefore, did not create any new authority for the Treasury to issue notes; it only affected who could give the order, the Secretary or the President. The reason for the move was that the President had just signed legislation repealing the Silver Purchase Act. With this repeal, the Treasury Secretary could no longer control the issue of Silver Certificates on his own authority. However, the issuance of certificates could be controlled under the President's authority. Hence, for administrative convenience, President Kennedy issued Executive Order 11110. Ironically, the purpose of the order and the legislation was to decrease the circulation of Silver Certificates, with Federal Reserve Notes taking their place. As economic activity grew and prices rose in the 1950s and early 1960s, the need for small-denomination currency grew at the same time that the price of silver increased. The Treasury required silver for the increasing number of Silver Certificates and coins needed for transactions. But the price of silver was rapidly approaching the point that the silver in the coins and in reserve for the certificates was worth more than the face value of the money. To conserve on the silver needs of the Treasury, President Kennedy requested legislation needed to bring the issuance of Silver Certificates to an end and to authorize the Fed to issue small denomination notes (which it could not at that time). The Fed began issuing small denomination notes almost immediately after the legislation was passed. And in October 1964, the Treasury ceased issuing Silver Certificates altogether. If anything, E.O. 11110 enhanced Federal Reserve power and did not in any way reduce it." (See "Money and the Federal Reserve System: Myth and Reality," by G. Thomas Woodward, Specialist in Macroeconomics, Economics Division, Congressional Research Services, Library of Congress, CRS Report for Congress, No. 96-672 E, July 31, 1996.) Let's put this issue into perspective. The proponents of the JFK Myth assert that Kennedy was assassinated because he was about to issue Silver Certificates, thereby denying the bankers their customary interest payments on the nation's currency. However, the reality was just the opposite. Previously, the President could have issued Silver Certificates on his own authority; but, with the signing of EO 11110, he delegated that authority to the Secretary of the Treasury. At that time, the Secretary of the Treasury was Douglas Dillon from a well-known and powerful banking family. That means Kennedy surrendered the power to issue Silver Certificates and gave it to a member of the banking fraternity who could do with it as he pleased "without the approval, ratification, or other action of the President." Dillon, of course, would have strong motive to preserve the dominance of Federal Reserve Notes. The theory that Kennedy was getting ready to issue Silver Certificates is without evidence or logic. The CCLI makes this additional claim in its report: The Christian Common Law Institute has exhaustively researched this matter through the Federal Register and Library of Congress. We can now safely conclude that this Executive Order has never been repealed, amended, or superseded by any subsequent Executive Order. In simple terms, it is still valid. This is not supported by the facts. The power granted to the Secretary of Treasury to issue Silver Certificates was rescinded on September 9, 1987, by Executive Order 12608, signed by President Reagan. The official purpose of the Order was stated as "Elimination of unnecessary Executive orders and technical amendments to others." It did not affect EO 11110 directly but did affect the parent EO 10289 - along with 62 other executive orders. That is how paragraph (j) was amended to remove the power in question. This Order can be found in its entirety in the Federal Register 52 FR 34617. The picture is blurred by the fact that the Treasury did issue United States Notes in the same year as EO 11110 (1963) but, as discussed further along, U.S. Notes are not the same as Silver Certificates. Furthermore, their issuance had nothing to do with EO 11110. It was mandated by an 1868 act of Congress, which required the Secretary of the Treasury to maintain the amount of U.S. Notes outstanding at a fixed level. This did not originate with JFK and, in fact, he probably had no deep understanding of it. It was a routine matter initiated by the Treasury merely to replace worn and damaged specimens of older Notes in order to comply with the 1868 law. Apparently some of these new Notes did get into circulation but were quickly snapped up by private collectors. They never became a significant part of the money supply and, in fact, were not intended to. THE SPEECH THAT NEVER WAS The persistent rumor regarding the bankers' role in JFK's death was reinforced by several books circulated in conservative circles. They contained an ominous passage from Kennedy's speech at Columbia University, just ten days before his assassination. He is quoted as saying: "The high office of President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the Americans' freedom, and before I leave office I must inform the citizen of his plight." ( Quoted by M.L. Beckman, Born Again Republic, Billings, Montana, Freedom Church, 1981, p. 23; also by Lindsay Williams, To Seduce A Nation, Kasilof, Arkansas: Worth Publications, 1984, p. 26.)However, when Columbia University was contacted to provide a transcript of the speech, it was learned that Kennedy never spoke there - neither ten days before his assassination nor at any other time! Ronald Whealan, head librarian at the John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library in Boston, provides this additional information: "Ten days prior to the assassination he was at the White House meeting with, among others, the ambassador to the United States from Portugal." (Source: Hollee Haswell, Curator at the Low Memorial Library, Columbia University.) It is possible that the President did make the remarks attributed to him on a different date before a different audience. Even so, it is a cryptic message that could have several meanings. That he intended to expose the Fed is the least likely of them all. Kennedy had been a life-long collectivist and internationalist. He had attended the Fabian London School of Economics; participated in the destruction of the American money supply; and engineered the transfer of American wealth to foreign nations. (See page 109 of The Creature from Jekyll Island.) There is little reason to believe that he had suddenly "seen the light" and was reversing his life-long beliefs and commitments. SILVER CERTIFICATES VS. U.S. NOTES These facts alone should be enough to settle the matter, but there is yet one more point of confusion to be cleared up, and that involves the difference between Silver Certificates and United States Notes. In monetary terms, a Note means a promissory note. A Note is any financial instrument that states in clear and unambiguous terms who is to pay what to whom on what date. All four elements must be included. (See Ewart, James E., Money (Seattle, Principia Publishing, 1998), pp. 27-29.) Therefore, any paper currency that displays a statement such as "The United States Treasury will pay to the bearer on demand twenty dollars in silver coin" is a Note. A Silver Certificate is just one form of a Note. Other forms existed in the past and included Bank Notes, United States Notes, Gold Certificates, and even Federal-Reserve Notes in those by-gone days when they were backed by gold. Earlier issues of U.S. Notes displayed printed statements to the effect that (1) the bearer could redeem them (2) at the Treasury (3) on demand (4) either for dollars or a specified weight of gold or silver. During those years, a dollar was defined by law as 371.25 grains of pure silver, which was the amount contained in a One-Dollar silver coin. The law also provided that the metal could be in the form of coins, dust, nuggets, plate, or bullion. Therefore, whether the phrase printed on the currency promised dollars, silver, or gold, it ultimately meant precious metal in one form or another - usually coin. Since there was nothing ambiguous about that, those U.S. Notes were true Notes in the legal sense because they contained all four elements of a promissory note. This tradition began to change in the late 1960s and, since about 1971, U.S. Notes have become very ambiguous, indeed, about what can be redeemed for them. The former clearly written contracts have now been replaced by random, unconnected phrases such as The United States of America; Twenty Dollars: This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private. These words look official and impressive but, in terms of a contract to redeem the currency for something of intrinsic value, they have no meaning at all. Silver Certificates once were a promise to deliver silver. U.S. Notes now are a promise to deliver taxes and inflation. Even in 1963 when EO 11110 was issued, there were important legal and technical differences in the regulations that governed the issuance of Silver Certificates and U.S. Notes. These words were not used interchangeably. Regulations pertaining to the issuance of Silver Certificates could not be applied to the issuance of U.S. Notes, and vice versa. When EO 11110 authorized the issuance of Silver Certificates, it said nothing about U.S. Notes. The subsequent issuance of U.S. Notes, therefore, had nothing to do with EO 11110. And that is the point of this analysis. Without that understanding, one cannot grasp the significance of the JFK executive orders. I do not claim to have the final answers on these issues, but this is where our research has led so far. I am open to additional information or interpretation. I would especially welcome a response from the Christian Common Law Institute. G. Edward Griffin October 15, 2000 Edited October 30, 2012 by Steven Gaal Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Len Colby Posted October 30, 2012 Share Posted October 30, 2012 Griffin is a idiot, he decried Kennedy as a "Socialist". Do yourself a favor read these Wikipedia entries they are well referenced Kennedy said: I again urge a revision in our silver policy to reflect the status of silver as a metal for which there is an expanding industrial demand. Except for its use in coins, silver serves no useful monetary function. In 1961, at my direction, sales of silver were suspended by the Secretary of the Treasury. As further steps, I recommend repeal of those Acts that oblige the Treasury to support the price of silver; and repeal of the special 50-percent tax on transfers of interest in silver and authorization for the Federal Reserve System to issue notes in denominations of $1, so as to make possible the gradual withdrawal of silver certificates from circulation and the use of the silver thus released for coinage purposes. I urge the Congress to take prompt action on these recommended changes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steven Gaal Posted October 30, 2012 Share Posted October 30, 2012 1961 to 1963 CHANGE OF MIND JFK re Silver/currency Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Len Colby Posted October 31, 2012 Share Posted October 31, 2012 1961 to 1963 CHANGE OF MIND JFK re Silver/currency Nope JFK never changed his mind. The quote above was from Jan. 1963, he introduced a bill to phase out (i.e. ELIMINATE) Silver Notes, shortly thereafter it passed in April and May and JFK signed it into law on June 4, the exact same day as EO 11110. All the latter did was allow the Sec. of the Treasury on his own authority, economists explain this as a stop gap measure. And do you even read stuff before posting here? I doubt it Griffin wrote “The theory that Kennedy was getting ready to issue Silver Certificates is without evidence or logic.” Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Len Colby Posted October 31, 2012 Share Posted October 31, 2012 No need for Ad Hominem's Colby lol. Stick to argumentation. Griffin does point out an interesting fact, that Dillion was JFK's Sec. of Treasury and what a guy to have in such a position. Colby I also do not believe you read my response properly. I said, if Griffin's bio of the Fed is to be correct, then JFK indeed indirectly affect the fed by way of his having a backbone against the 'Military Industrial Complex' (while I did not mention the MIC specifically, i figured it would be obvious given JFK's acts against big business, defense spending, etc) He is a far right (Austrian School) kook, he condemned JFK as a “life-long socialist and internationalist”, he’s a creationist etc. but in this case he was right he wrote “The theory that Kennedy was getting ready to issue Silver Certificates is without evidence or logic.” As for Dillon his appointment was not that surprising, like JFK his brothers and his dad he was a Harvard man, like Joe Sr. he pursued a career in finance. Other than his party affiliation he differed little from many of JFK’s advisors and nominating someone from the other party is an old American tradition. As for your previous post, it was not very coherent. And how exactly did JFK’s acts as POTUS harm the Fed? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steven Gaal Posted October 31, 2012 Share Posted October 31, 2012 (edited) All the latter did was allow the Sec. of the Treasury on his own authority, economists explain this as a stop gap measure. And do you even read stuff before posting here? // END COLBY DO YOU EVEN READ THE STUFF YOU POST HERE ? ,GAAL US NOTES WERE ISSUED ########################## Edited October 31, 2012 by Steven Gaal Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Len Colby Posted October 31, 2012 Share Posted October 31, 2012 (edited) Yes they were issued, but they were phased out due to a law introduced to congress and signed by JFK. And a reply in 4 min. do you live here? Edited October 31, 2012 by Len Colby Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steven Gaal Posted November 1, 2012 Share Posted November 1, 2012 LIve here ? Golly I wouldnt want to move in with you. COMPUTER PROBLEM last post for few days unless I solve in hour. ===================== DEBT FREE MONEY was created . The Reserve Banks are the method to create NWO (Quigley quote I know you know Ive posted ten times on the ED Forum). DEBT is power. DEBT free money decreases power of FED. If its not debating points but you want to understand and not just post .. get PROBE ARTICLES by Donald Gibson on the creation of the WC. Study the Phone conversations between Paul Nitze and LBJ........its like Nitze is more powerful than LBJ. its not , " its like" IS. Nitze more powerful than LBJ. BTW every one of LBJ's pre WC Texas commission people on assassination had a CIA Connection. Dulles visited LBJ at ranch shortly before 11/22. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Len Colby Posted November 2, 2012 Share Posted November 2, 2012 I ‘m not very sure what you were rantabbling about and I’m not really interested in getting into an argument about monetary policy with you. Perhaps you’re right that “The Reserve Banks are the method to create NWO [sic]" and that the use of Federal Reserve Notes instead of Silver Certificates is part of this evil plot. But IF you are right about that JFK was a villain rather than a hero let alone a victim regarding this because he initiated the substitution of the latter with the former. The more probable explanation is that Kennedy understood such matters better than you do and made the right decision As for the Quigley quote humor us and post it in this thread. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steven Gaal Posted November 2, 2012 Share Posted November 2, 2012 (edited) As for the Quigley quote humor us and post it in this thread. // END Colby The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences." -- Quote from Caroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope, Chapter 20 What Caroll Quigley predicted all coming true right before your eyes. http://educationforu...8163&hl=quigley ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revealed – the capitalist network that runs the world http://educationforu...ey The 1318 transnational corporations that form the core of the economy. Superconnected companies are red, very connected companies are yellow. The size of the dot represents revenue. [click on above link] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A new stage in the attacks on the European working class http://educationforu...showtopic=19469 The European working class faces a new round of brutal social attacks. The process that began in Greece, Portugal and Ireland, and has continued in Spain and Italy, is now on the agenda for France. The government led by President François Hollande is due to announce the country’s budget for 2013 this month. The international business press is full of articles arguing for massive cuts. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A conspiracy against the people of the world. http://educationforu...316&hl=trillion A global super-rich elite has exploited gaps in cross-border tax rules to hide an extraordinary £13 trillion ($21tn) of wealth offshore – as much as the American and Japanese GDPs put together – according to research commissioned by the campaign group Tax Justice Network. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole = this is the NWO George Bush Sr. New World Order Live Speech Sept 11 1991 September 11, 1990 -- President Bush [senior] gave speech to a joint session of the U.S. Congress entitled, "Toward A New World Order". On this date, President Bush gave a speech to a Congress and to an American people who were in an uproar over the Iraqi invasion and wanted to learn more of the gathering military response from a tough-talking American President. Once again, Bush presented the rationale for his military response, and held out the hope that the world would be able to use this event as a catalyst to propel us into the global cooperation, peace, and safety that the New World Order promises. Eleven years to the day later , the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon occurred. Exactly 11 years to the day after this speech, a great dual blow was struck that really would propel the world into the final stages of the New World Order. The event we are probably witnessing now is the planned final push into the "wars and rumors of wars" that will finally produce Antichrist. Thus, it is highly significant that analysts and commentators were immediately using the word "war" and "world war" in their talk. Edited November 2, 2012 by Steven Gaal Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Len Colby Posted November 3, 2012 Share Posted November 3, 2012 The notion that the Fed is “in private hands” is a myth, the Board of Governors is a federal agency appointed by the president, the 12 presidents of the reserve banks are also appointed by the POTUS, the Federal Open Market Committee, is made up of the BoG and five of the regional bank presidents. The only members of upper management selected by banks are 6 of the 9 members of the boards of the regional banks. UC-Riverside Political Science professor Dr. Michael D. Reagan wrote: ... the "ownership" of the Reserve Banks by the commercial banks is symbolic; they do not exercise the proprietary control associated with the concept of ownership nor share, beyond the statutory dividend, in Reserve Bank "profits." ... Bank ownership and election at the base are therefore devoid of substantive significance, despite the superficial appearance of private bank control that the formal arrangement creates.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=929be5abe8bfe0bc&bpcl=37189454&biw=1017&bih=479 Nor have you shown that “the central banks of the world [are] acting in concert by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences." But let’s say you’re right about the Fed being an NWO plot. JFK initiated an increase in the Fed’s control over the money supply. So was he part of the conspiracy or an unwitting dupe who knew less about such matters than a semi-literate nurse? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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