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Dallas Uranium and Oil - Triangle of Fire

Mike Rago

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It appears the book Triangle of Fire is the goto book for information on the Daltex building.

Does anyone know which floor of the Daltex building is being referred to in the following ....?

p. 216: Jim Braden may have visited Dallas Uranium and Oil rather than

looking for a pay phone, as he was upstairs. DU&O was located on

the west side of Dal-Tex, behind the fire-escape (the window from

which a rifle allegedly protrudes?)

Apparently, DUO also had an office on the 6th floor of the Daltex building at the same elevation as the 6th floor of the TSBD.

Any shot fired from the sixth floor of the Daltex building would have the correct downward angle to be confused as a shot from the sixth floor of the TSBD.


Edited by Mike Rago
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Thank you for that.

I would not be surprised at all if there was a shooter on the 6th floor of the DalTex Building in the fire escape window. It is a perfect alias for the 6th floor of the TSBD.


Edited by Mike Rago
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It's possible that there was a shooter in the Dal-Tex building, but if so, it wasn't Jim Braden, who wasn't a trained marksman, as was the shooter who killed JFK, and there is nothing in his background to suggest he ever did anything violent in his life. He was a well groomed gentleman and con artist with interests in the oil industry and wealthy widows, as well as golf.

This is not to say that there was no suspicious activities going on at the Dallas Uranium and Oil or Dal-Tex, where there were certainly a number of unattended insecure open windows ripe for a proficient sniper.


JFKcountercoup: Jim Braden 1948 Camden, NJ Mug Shot

JFKcountercoup: Braden's Camden Arrest Report


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While Jim Braden certainly was not a shooter - any more than John Rosselli was crawling through storm drains in Dealey Plaza that day - there was suspicious activity afoot in that building. Larry Hancock, in "Someone Would Have Talked," relates a story told to him by Dallas police officer Roy Vaughn. Vaughn said he was directed by a security guard to a large, well-dressed fellow who had been in the Dal-Tex building soon after the shooting. Vaughn attempted to question the man, and he said...nothing. He produced an expensive wallet replete with a large selection of credit cards, and he simply smiled. Vaughn walked him to the Sherrif's office, where (this will come as a shock to students of the assassination) he simply disappeared from history.

Dallas Uranium and Oil was a company that appeared to do little. It was a product of the efforts of three men, one of whom (Morty Freedman) ran one of the many textile businesses that resided in the Dal-Tex in '63. It is the only non-textile business listed in the directory of the Dal-Tex at the time.

If one wanted to track the motorcade with the thought of getting off shots from the rear, the Dal-Tex would have had a quite direct line to the President, although a proposed shot from the lower floors (as posited by Groden, among others) might not have cleared the SS men to the rear of Kennedy.

It probably means something - though God knows what - that J. Edgar Hoover apparently owned ONE lone share of stock in this dubious company.

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