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Alonzo (Lonnie) Hudkins in The Houston Post (1st January, 1964)

John Simkin

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On 1st January, 1964, Alonzo (Lonnie) Hudkins in The Houston Post, speculated that Osward was closely connected to the FBI. As Harold Feldman later pointed out: "Hudkins found that Oswald did know agent Hosty. He had Hosty’s home phone, office phone and car license number - this on the authority of William Alexander, assistant to Henry Wade, Dallas District Attorney. Alexander had attended the grilling of Oswald on November 22 and 23. Hudkins notes that if the FBI had Oswald under surveillance, the watch could not have been too close or they would have known about the rifle and other matters."

This created a stir at the Warren Commission and Leon Jaworski was sent to interview Hudkins. Jaworski reported back to the commission that Hudkins had invented the story. However, when Hudkins was interviewed by the Secret Service several months later, he said his source was Allan Sweatt, the head of the criminal division of the Dallas Sheriff's Office. Sweatt told him that Oswald was an FBI employee with a known number getting $200.00 a month. Sweatt and Hudkins were both not called to appear before the Warren Commission.

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Leon Jaworski came from Texas and was a close friend of Lyndon Baines Johnson (he represented him in a lawsuit in 1960). Jaworski was also the Special Prosecutor during the Watergate Scandal. He died in 1982 and in 2006 his prosecution of 43 soldiers, all of them African-American, in the 1944 Fort Lawton Riot was questioned by Jack Hamann's book, On American Soil: How Justice Became a Casualty of World War II. Sentences ranged from six months to 25 years. All but one defendant were issued dishonorable discharges at the completion of their prison sentences. As a result of Hamann’s book, it was eventually decided by the U.S. Army Board for Correction of Military Records that Jaworski had committed "egregious error," and that all convictions should be reversed.

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