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Was victor marchetti a disinformation agent?

Edwin Ortiz

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The fact that v marchetti stayed alive despite his book and articles makes me wonder if he is a disinformation agent.... also he points to Howard Hunt as being the key to the assassination Hmm ...any thoughts from fellow forum members would be appreciated...I find it curious that he faded away pretty quickly from the media scene.

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thanks for reply ...i just ordered your reissue ...i have the original but wanted to get the update your articles and books are always excellent ...do you have any opinion why mr marchetti has survived after his cia expose... also mr marchetti has written that he doesnt believe that kennedy's vietnam policy was a reason for his death. see below

There was a fairly widespread belief that one reason Kennedy was assassinated was because he was going to get us out of Vietnam. Don't you believe it He was the CIA's kind of president, rough, tough, and gung-ho. Under Kennedy we became involved in Vietnam in a serious way, not so much militarily as through covert action. It is a fact that the United States engineered the overthrow of Ngo Dinh Diem, South Vietnam's premier, and Ngo Dinh Nhu, his powerful brother. A cable was sent out to the ambassador which said, "If Lou Conein goofs up [Lucien Conein was a key CIA operative in Saigon], it's his responsibility." So when E. Howard Hunt faked these memos and cables when he was working for the "plumbers" on behalf of President Nixon (and against the Democrats), he knew what he was doing. That was his defense, that he wasn't really forging or inventing anything. "Stuff like that really existed, but I couldn't find it," he said. Of course Hunt couldn't find it by that time the original documents were gone. But Hunt knew what he was doing.

Propaganda and Disinformation:

How the CIA Manufactures History

By Victor Marchetti

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In sept of 63 President Kennedy did an interview with Walter Cronkite where he said that South Vietnam must do the fighter it is their war they must win it


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